Student Name: ______

Instructor: ______

Date: ______

Aircraft Type; make and model: ______

[NOTE: Answer all questions and cite AUTHORITAVE REFERENCES. EX: Pilot Operation Handbook, FAR / AIM, etc.]

1. – What is the type of fuel required and usable fuel capacity for your aircraft? What is the oil capacity? What is the gross weight?

2. – Describe the engine in your airplane? How is the engine cooled?

3. – How does fuel get from the tank(s) to the engine?

4. – Define and list the following speeds for your aircraft:

Vr: Vy:

Vx: Vso:

Vs: Va:

Vfe: Vno:


5. – What does the white arc on the airspeed indicator show?

The green arc?

The yellow arc?

6. – What is the result of alternator failure? What are the early indications in your airplane?

2000 Airport Road #125 Atlanta GA 30341 678-691-3283 7. – What documents must be in the airplane to be legal for flight?

8. – What documents must every student pilot carry when flying solo?

9. – How long is a solo endorsement good for?

10. – What distance from your “home” airport can you fly without a cross-country endorsement?

11. – Where is the altitude of Charlotte Class B airspace in relation to your “home” airport?

12. – What are the requirements for a student pilot to fly solo in Class B airspace?

13. – What maintenance inspections must an airplane have to be legally airworthy?

14. – Who is primarily responsible for determining that an airplane is airworthy for a particular flight?

15. – What is the procedure for landing behind a larger and / or heavier aircraft?

16. – What is the general procedure for in – flight engine failure?

17. – What is the lowest altitude you may fly over a congested area?

18. – When two aircraft are approaching head – on, each pilot should ______.

19. – List the frequencies for: Statesville Traffic / Unicom: Charlotte Approach control: Emergency: Emergency transponder code” Normal VFR transponder code (when VFR below 10,000 ft.)?

2000 Airport Road #125 Atlanta GA 30341 678-691-3283 20. – What is the traffic pattern altitude at our home airport? Where is this information found?

21. – What are the basic VFR weather minimums?

22. – Define careless or reckless operation of an aircraft.

23. – What is the minimum time for a pilot to wait between consumption of alcohol and operating an aircraft?

24. – What do the fuel tank capacity indicators show when the aircraft electrical system is not operating?

25. – Why is it necessary to drain the fuel sumps after refueling and before the first flight of the day?

26. – List and describe the light gun signals available from an ATC tower. Why would they be used?

27. – What is the maximum allowable RPM drop during run – up when testing the magnetos?

28. – When are you permitted to deviate from an ATC instruction or an operating rule of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR Part 91)?

29. – Draw and name the pavement marking that requires you to stop before entering a runway.

30. – The ______of the two aircraft approaching an airport for the purpose of landing has the right of way.

31. – What are the airplane’s navigation lights, and when must they be operating?

32. – What is the minimum fuel reserves required for day VFR operations?

33. – What is the correct procedure for obtaining the altimeter setting for your location. What should you do if none is available?

2000 Airport Road #125 Atlanta GA 30341 678-691-3283 34. – What is the minimum recommended altitude above ground level (AGL) that maneuvering should be done?

35. – What I s the maximum demonstrated crosswind component for your aircraft? Can you legally exceed it in an attempt to land?

36. – What are the early indications of carburetor ice? What action should you take?

37. What are the general dimensions of Class D airspace? What airspace is Statesville in?

2000 Airport Road #125 Atlanta GA 30341 678-691-3283