Eng. 1 Reading Counts 2013-2014

Requirements: A book will be assigned as outside reading each six weeks. The books are marked in the library with a red or green sticker. A test over the book will be taken in the library. Book titles must be turned in to me three to four weeks before the test due date. You may not change books without my permission. Failure to submit a title or changing books without approval will result in a zero.

Grading: You will have three chances to pass the test over your Reading Counts book each six weeks. The grade will count as a major test grade. Grades are assigned as follows: Pass on first try - 100 Pass on second try - 85 Pass on third try - 70 Three attempts without passing - 50 Not taking a test at least three times – the grade you make

Extra Credit: You may earn extra credit by reading extra books.

Taking the Test: I will not be planning class time for the taking of tests. It is your responsibility to make time for the test. Only one test may be taken in a twenty-four hour period, so allow enough time before the due date in case you do not pass the test on the first try. You may not talk to others while you are taking a test and you may not have your book with you at the computer. Your printout must be signed by Mrs. Carmack, or Mrs. Swart, or you will have to retake the test.

Due Dates: The due dates for required book tests are as follows, but tests may be taken and turned in before the due date. Completed tests are due when class begins on the test date below.

1st Six Weeks Title: Sept. 5 Test: Sept. 26 2nd Six Weeks Title: Oct. 10 Test: Oct. 31 3rd Six Weeks Title: Nov. 14 Test: Dec. 12 4th Six Weeks Title: Jan. 16 Test: Feb. 13 5th Six Weeks Title: Mar. 6 Test: Apr. 10 6th Six Weeks Title: April 24 Test: May 22 SYLLABUS:

1st Six Weeks Writing, Editing, Grammar 2nd Six Weeks To Kill a Mockingbird 3rd Six Weeks Research Paper 4th Six Weeks Short stories 5th Six Weeks Romeo and Juliet 6th Six Weeks The Odyssey, Poetry

SUPPLIES: A one subject spiral notebook A one subject binder with dividers Notebook paper Blue or Black pens and a different color pen Pencils

GRADING: 50% Daily grades – work sheets, journals, participation, etc. 50% Test grades – objective tests, projects, RC tests, etc.

LATE WORK: Unexcused late work is discouraged and will be accepted at the teacher’s discretion. Refer to the handbook for the policy on excused absences and late work. ----If you are gone due to extracurricular activities, you must get your work before your absence. It is due upon your return to class. You do not get extra time for those absences.

EXPECTATIONS: 1. Arrive on time with necessary supplies. 2. Be respectful of people and properties. 3. Contribute positively and respectfully.

CONFERENCE: Monday-Friday 1:19-2:09pm

TUTORIALS: Monday-Thursday 7:55-8:15am

++++++ HAVE A GREAT YEAR! Mrs. Hart