Weeks 3-5 September 1-September 16: Chapter 12 Empires in East Asia 600-1350

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Weeks 3-5 September 1-September 16: Chapter 12 Empires in East Asia 600-1350

Syllabus 2 Weeks 3-5 September 1-September 16: Chapter 12 Empires in East Asia 600-1350 Need to Know: 1. What were the distinguishing characteristics of Chinese, Mongol, Japanese, Southeast Asian and Korean geography/government/culture? 2. What did the Chinese, Mongols, Japanese, Southeast Asians and Koreans in this time period believe in/value/hold important? 3. What was the nature of their encounter with others? What did they exchange?

Specific questions to think about for China 1. How did the Sui, Tang and Song rule China? What were their respective policies/what were the benefits/what were the costs of these ruling techniques? 2. Why did the respective dynasties fall? 3. What were some of the achievements of Chinese civilization in this period?

Specific questions to think about for the Mongols 1. How did geography help shape Mongol culture? 2. Compare techniques of rule implemented by Mongols with those of other peoples studied thus far. 3. What were the consequences of Mongol rule for the areas they conquered? 4. Why did the Khanates fall apart after the death of Genghis Khan?

Specific questions to think about for Mongol (Kublai Khan’s) China 1. What policies did Kublai Khan implement in order to unite China under the Yuan dynasty? 2. Evaluate the success of his rule. 3. What problems brought the end to Mongol rule in China?

Specific questions to think about for Japan 1. What impact did geography have upon Japanese culture? 2. How was Japanese culture influenced by Korean/Chinese culture? 3. What characteristics were unique to Japanese culture/government?

Specific questions to think about for Southeast Asia and Korea 1. How did location influence the history/economy/culture of these regions? 2. How do artistic achievements of these cultures reflect the civilization’s values?

Essential Question: How has geography affected human and cultural development and interaction? Specific Assignments September 1, 2006 Read and Study pp. 284-286 Chapter 12 Empires in East Asia 600-1350; preview the themes we will study in this chapter. How does what we will study this chapter differ from what we studied in the last chapter? How does where we are in Chapter 12 with regard to time and place compare? (Refer back to page 266). Answer the question posed on p. 286; be prepared to defend your answer.

September 4, 2006 Labor Day –no school. Make sure you have done your homework!!!!

September 5, 2006 Read and study Section 1 Two Great Dynasties in China pp. 287-291;write identification and significance for bold face terms; take notes answering Section 1 Assessment #4 identifying the specific Sui, Tang and Song emperors’ policies whenever possible.

September 6, 2006 Read and study Section 2 The Mongol Conquests pp. 294-298; identify and write significance of bold face and following terms: Mongol Peace, the khanates; answer question #3 of section assessment p. 298.

September 7, 2006 Read and study Section 3 Empire of the Great Khan pp. 299-302; Answer questions 3 and 4 of the section assessment p. 302. By Monday September 18 you will be required to produce a travel brochure on one of the five sections of this chapter. You may want to use the upcoming weekend to plan which section you will do and how you will lay out your information.

September 8, 2006 Read and Study Section 4 Feudal Powers in Japan pp. 303-307; write definitions for bold face terms and names.

September 11, 2006 Read and study Section 5 Kingdoms of Southeast Asia and Korea, pp. 308-311. Take notes in chart form noting the achievements of the Khmer, Sailendra, Srivijaya and Vietnamese peoples of Southeast Asia as well as the Silla and Koryu of Korea. Students who are at Kamp Kanata should stop by the classroom to check their charts against the one we will generate in class. September 12, 2006 Work on travel brochures (due Monday September 18); make sure that you refer to the rubric requirements. Chapter test Friday

September 13, 2006 Review material from chapter as you finish travel brochures due Monday. Chapter test Friday.

September14, 2006 Travel brochures due Monday. Study for chapter test

September 15, 2006 Chapter 12 Test

Warm – up Worksheet August 23, 2005

Answer the following questions briefly in writing: 1) What themes are addressed in Chapter 11?

2) What is the Hagia Sophia and why is it significant?

3) What are the four parts of Justinian’s Code and what makes the code noteworthy? 4) Create a diary entry of a shopkeeper on the Mese that comments on the everyday sights and sounds of “The Middle Way”

5) What were some of the responses of the Byzantine Empire to threats from invaders?

6) What are iconoclasts? What is there significance in the Byzantine Empire? Name at least one person or group that would be considered iconoclastic today.

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