1) Here is the website for information about the program. http://outdooreducation.sjcoe.org/home1.aspx

2) Camp dates--January 27-January 31, 2014 Cost of camp $310--We go as an entire group.

3) We have already handed out "Yes my kid is going/No they are not" forms to hold their spots. That deadline has already passed. If a student is new as of this point, we do give them a chance to attend, but we can't guarantee there will be room. (Most likely, it works out, though.)

4) Fundraisers -Bowl-a-thon---done. -Mixed Bag sales-- deadline for orders is Sept 25th. (50% profit) -Candy Sales start right after-deadline is until we finish selling the candy, usually a month. (50% profit-Boxes will now have 60 bars in the box instead of the usual 50) We are currently working on getting fundraisers at Carl's Jr and Chili's. To be continued..... *If kids are paying payments---CASH or MONEY ORDER ONLY. No checks. Give to their teacher. Teacher will write up a receipt for it. Payments should've started already if they are doing small payments a little at a time.

5) We usually return before the bell rings on that Friday, unless there is traffic.

6) Money will be due in December (We have not discussed when, but it usually early in the week before we get out for Winter Break.)

7) Paperwork for parents with packing lists, mailing address etc....will be handed out most likely in December or right when we get back in January. We do not even discuss going/packing/anything until we get $ $$$ in. They can refer to the website if they have general questions. Once the paperwork is handed out, they must turn it all in or they are not allowed to go. Not our rules, the rules of the county.

8) No, they are not allowed to call "Little Billy" at camp. If every kid at camp was to have a 5 minute call from their parent, that would end up being 750 minutes (12.5 hours ) on a phone and not out on trail or at the ocean or kissing a banana slug or running from scary raccoons. (Nevermind. I run from them. ) ;-) Cell phones don't work at camp. They have land phones and if anything goes wrong, we will call them. If they don't hear from us, everything is FANTASTIC! =-D

9) Yes, their child is safe and they will live. Unless they do something stupid like....fight a raccoon or something like that.

10) We will go over info with them as it gets closer to camp. Hope that helps a bit.