Questions for Macbeth

Act I, Scene ii 1. What news does the Captain bring about the battle between Macdonwald and Macbeth? 2. According to the Captain, what did Macbeth and Banquo do when the Norwegian troops began a new attack? 3. What is a thane? 4. When King Duncan hears the battle report, he gives Ross two important commands. What are they? 5. You have not yet met Macbeth, but you’ve heard about him. Predict what kind of man you think he will be. Explain why.

Act I, Scene iii Once again the Weird Sisters (3 witches) appear in a deserted field. Macbeth and Banquo will also shortly appear. Apparently the witches have been waiting for them.

1. What are the first words Macbeth speaks? 2. When Macbeth orders the witches to speak, they address him by three different titles. What are they? Which title did he receive when his father died? 3. Describe Macbeth’s reaction when he first hears the witches’ predictions for his future. 4. What message that matches the witches’ prediction does Ross bring Macbeth. 5. Why is Banquo suddenly fearful? 6. Now Macbeth is both frightened and confused because he faces a hard choice. He can either let chance make him king or … 7. If you had the chance to discover your future, would you? What would be the advantages or disadvantages? What question would you most like answered?

Act I, Scene iv To the sound of trumpets, the Kind, his sons, and his nobles enter the castle at Forres.

1. Did the Thane of Cawdor die cowardly or bravely? Explain. 2. King Duncan announces that he has given his son, Malcolm, a new title. What is it? What role will Malcolm play in the future of Scotland? 3. Macbeth seems upset by the new honors given to Malcolm. Explain what Macbeth means when he says he must “leap over” this new step. Act I, Scene v Scene v takes place at Macbeth’s castle. Lady Macbeth comes on stage. She is reading a letter from her husband who has not yet returned from battle.

1. Why does Lady Macbeth fear that Macbeth cannot do what must be done to win the crown? 2. What surprising news does the messenger bring her? 3. Shakespeare often uses images of birds to create a special mood. What bird does he use in this scene? How might the mention of this bird make the audience feel? 4. What does Lady Macbeth ask the spirits to do for her and why? 5. Explain what Lady Macbeth means when she tells Macbeth to “deceive the word” and “behave as other people do.” 6. What does Lady Macbeth tell her husband to do to prepare for the important business ahead of them?

Act I, scene vi-vii 1. Lady Macbeth is warm and polite to the King and his companions. Write three of her kind remarks to the King. Be sure to list the page and line numbers for each quote. Scene vii begins outside the banquet hall of Macbeth’s castle. Macbeth has left the dinner that he is giving in honor of King Duncan. He recites a soliloquy about his fears of murdering King Duncan. 2. Macbeth gives several reasons why he shouldn’t kill the King. Name three. 3. What does Macbeth credit with giving him the courage to do the deed? 4. Lady Macbeth enters and scolds Macbeth for leaving the party. Why does she call him “fickle” and “undependable?” 5. Explain the steps in Macbeth’s plan to for killing the King: First, Duncan will…. Then, his two servants will… Finally, she and Macbeth will… They will then blame the …… for Duncan’s murder.