1St Global Educational Forum Russian Cardiovascular Days
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Russian Society of Cardiology
1st Global Educational Forum "Russian Cardiovascular Days"
4-6 April, 2013
World Trade Center, Krasnopresnenskaya emb. 12,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Thursday, April 4th 2013
Время Press-Hall Congress-Hall Congress-Hall Congress-Hall Congress-Hall Conference- №1 №2 “Seliger” “Valday” Hall А
10.00- 13.00 Delegates’ Registration
13.00- Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Scientific Scientific 14.30 Symposium Symposium Symposium Symposium session session «Out- supported by supported by supported by supported by patient Pfizer Boehringer- AstraZeneca Stada “Problems of cardiology care Ingelheim cardiovascular – real cases “Difficulties in “Advances in health in from real life” “Prospects of managing AH effective young people the 21st and coronary prevention of and ways of century: heart disease cardiovascular their solution” prevention of patients” diseases” cardioembolic stroke”
14.30- Break 15.00
15.00- Satellite Symposium Satellite Satellite Satellite 16.30 Symposium Symposium Symposium Symposium supported by “Modern supported by supported by supported by Sanofi problems of Rusfic Berlin-Chemie Bayer complex «Anticoagula therapy in "From saving “Coronary risk nt and anti- high-risk life to active in patients patelet cardiovascular longevity” with atrial therapy in patients with fibrillation” everyday comorbidities” practice”
17.00- Congress-Hall №1-2 18.00 Opening ceremony
18.00 Welcome reception Friday, April 5th 2013
Time Congress-Hall №1-2
08.30-10.00 Plenary session №1 Devices and Procedures – New developments
10.00-10.30 Coffee-break and visit of the exhibition
10.30-12.00 Plenary session №2 Cardiovascular Prevention: where do we stand?
12.00-13.30 Lunch and visit of the exhibition
13.30-15.00 Plenary session №3 Atrial fibrillation
15.00-15.30 Coffee-break and visit of the exhibition
Время Press-Hall Congress-Hall Congress-Hall Congress-Hall Congress-Hall №1 №2 “Seliger” “Valday”
15.30-17.00 Satellite Satellite Satellite Symposium Symposium Symposium Symposium “Integration of supported by supported by supported by educational Bayer Astra-Zeneca КRKA platforms of European and Atrial fibrillation Key issues in 4-D “ “ “ Russian in cardiovascular acute coronary cardiology: Societies of patients with syndrome what is visible Cardiology” comorbidity” treatment” and what is obscure in our prescriptions”
17.00-17.15 Break
17.15-18.45 Satellite Symposium “A Satellite Satellite Symposium diabetic patient Symposium Symposium supported by in coronary care supported by supported by Takeda «Acute unit” Doctor Reddy’s Doctor Reddy’s conditions in cardiology: what should a general practitioner know?
Saturday, April 6th 2013 Time Congress-Hall №1-2
08.30-10.00 Plenary session №4 Interactive cases
10.00-10.30 Coffee-break and visit of the exhibition
10.30-12.00 Plenary session №5 Diabetes and the Heart
12.00-13.30 Lunch and visit of the exhibition
13.30-15.30 Plenary session №6 Multimodality imaging
Thursday, April 4th 2013
Delegates’ Registration 13.00-14.30
Satellite Symposium supported by Pfeizer Congress-Hall №1
Satellite Symposium supported by Boehringer-Ingelheim “Prospects of the 21st century: prevention of cardioembolic stroke”
Chairman: Evgeny Shlyakhto (Saint-Petersburg).
13.00 – 13.30 E. Shlyakhto (Saint-Petersburg). Changing paradigm: from vitamin K antagonists to new oral anticoagulants. 13.30 - 14.00 V. Sulimov (Moscow). Experience of long-term dabigatran therapy for stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation: RE-LY and RELY-ABLE clinical trials. 14.00 – 14.30 J. Camm (Great Britain). European Guidelines for Atrial Fibrillation. What is new? Discussion.
Congress-Hall №2
Satellite Symposium supported by Astra-Zeneca “Difficulties in managing AH and coronary heart disease patients”
Interactive communication and clinical case discussion
Chairman and moderator: Y. Karpov (Moscow).
Faculty: А.Galyavich, Y.Karpov, Zh. Kobalava, S. Gilyarevsky.
Congress-Hall “Seliger” Satellite Symposium supported by Stada “Advances in effective prevention of cardiovascular diseases”
Chairman: D. Nebieridze (Moscow).
D. Nebieridze (Moscow). Beta-blockers in clinical practice: are they all the same? О. Ostroumova (Moscow). I. Komissarenko (Moscow).
Congress-Hall “Valday”
Scientific Session “Problems of cardiovascular health in young people and ways of their solution”
О. Kislyak (Moscow). Principles of cardiovascular prevention in teenagers and young people. М. Yevseyeva (Stavropol). Prevention in student groups: aspects of cardiovascular and connective tis- sue dysplasia risk factors correction. Е. Yesina (Voronezh). Increasing compliance with cardiovascular risk factors correction among stu- dents – possible solutions. V. Serebryakova, I. Trubacheva, V. Kaveshnikov (Tomsk). Behavioral and psycho-social coronary artery disease risk factors in students.
Conference-Hall А
Scientific session “Out-patient cardiology care – real cases from real life” Moderator: А. Vertkin (Moscow).
15.00-15.20 A “new” cardiovascular patient. General practitioners: Е.Tikhonovskaya, N. Sharina. Experts: А. Naumov, А. Skotnikov (Moscow).
15.20-15.50 A cardiovascular patient immobilized for a long period. Who is that? How many of them? General practitioners: A. Sokol, V. Shevtsova. Experts: А. Vertkin, E. Prokhorovich (Moscow).
15.50-16-10 A day-patient cardiovascular department. General practitioners: S. Tselik, М. Alekseeva. Experts: А. Naumov, А. Skotnikov (Moscow).
16.10-16.30 Emergency aid in an out-patient department. General practitioners: E. Usueva, M. Khamurzaeva. Experts: А. Vertkin, E. Prokhorovich (Moscow).
15.00 – 16.30
Satellite Symposium supported by Sanofi «Anticoagulant and anti-patelet therapy in everyday practice” Chaiman: Y. Karpov (Moscow)
А. Yakovlev (Saint-Petersburg). Organizational aspects of acute coronary syndrome management. Experience of federal and city centres in Saint-Petersburg. Yu. Lopatin (Volgograd). Continuity of anti-platelet therapy: from an in-patient to an out-patient. V. Sulimov (Moscow). Acute coronary syndrome management - guidelines review. S. Zyryanov (Moscow). Biological drugs and their analogues in modern medicine.
Congress-Hall №1
Symposium “Modern problems of complex therapy in high-risk cardiovascular patients with comorbidities”
Congress-Hall №2
Satellite Symposium supported by Rusfic
Congress-Hall “Seliger”
Satellite Symposium supported by Berlin-Chemie "From saving life to active longevity”
Chairman: D. Nebieridze (Moscow).
D. Nebieridze (Moscow) Organ protection in patients with arterial hypertension: any way to improve the forecast? G. Baryshnikova (Moscow). Role of organ protection in arterial hypertension: focus on calcium antagonists. M. Bubnova (Moscow). Zofenopril in clinical practice.
Congress-Hall «Valday”
Satellite Symposium supported by Bayer “Coronary risk in patients with atrial fibrillation”
S. Tereschenko (Moscow). Cardiovascular continuum. Complex prevention of cardiovascular events. G. Gendlin (Moscow). Atrial fibrillation as an independent additional risk factor of coronary events. D. Zateischikov (Moscow). Drug choice for anticoagulant prevention in patients with atrial fibrilla- tion and coronary risks.
Conference-Hall A
17.00 – 18.00 Congress-Hall №1-2
17.00 Welcome address (E. Shlyakhto, Russia). 17.15 Heart Failure in 2013: Challenges and perspectives (M. Komajda, France).
Friday, April 5th 2013
8.00-10.00 Congress-Hall №1-2
PLENARY SESSION I Devices and Procedures – New developments Moderators: TBD
Trans Arterial Valve implantation (TAVI) in Aortic stenosis. 8.30 Case presentation. (M.Gilard, France). 8.40 Discussion. (R. Akchurin, Russia). 8.50 Current indication. (M.Gilard, France). 9.05 Q/A. 9.10 Take home messages. (R. Akchurin, Russia).
Cardiac resynchronisation therapy in heart failure. 9.15 Case presentation. (A.Revishvili, Russia). 9.25 Discussion. (C.Leclercq, France). TBC. 9.35 What do guidelines say? (C.Leclercq, France). TBC. 9.50 Q/A. 9.55 Take home messages. (A. Revishvili, Russia).
10.00 -10.30 Coffee-break and visit of the exhibition.
10.30 – 12.00 Congress-Hall №1-2
PLENARY SESSION II Cardiovascular Prevention: where do we stand? Moderators: TBD
10.30 A European perspective. (D. Grobbee, The Netherlands). TBC. 10.50 A Russian perspective. (E. Shlyakhto, Russia). 11.10 Case presentation. (E. Shlyakhto, Russia). 11.20 Discussion. (D. Grobbee, The Netherlands). TBC. 11.30 What doguidelines say? (D. Grobbee, The Netherlands). TBC. 11.50 Q/A. 11.55 Take home messages. (E. Shlyakhto, Russia).
12.00 – 13.30 Lunch and visit of the exhibition
13.30 – 15.00 Congress-Hall №1-2
PLENARY SESSION III Atrial fibrillation
Moderators : TBD
13.30 Case 1: Rhythm control vs rate control. ( J.Camm, UK). TBC. 13.40 Discussion (V.Sulimov, Russia). 13.50 Q/A. 13.55 Case 2: Antithrombotic strategy. (V.Sulimov, Russia). 14.05 Discussion. (J.Camm, UK). TBC. 14.15 Q/A. 14.20 What do guidelines say? (J.Camm, UK). TBC. 14.45 Take home messages. (V. Sulimov, Russia).
15.00 – 15.30 Break and visit of the exhibition
Press-Hall Satellite Symposium supported by Bayer «Atrial fibrillation in cardiovascular patients with comorbidity»
V. Sulimov (Moscow). A cardiovascular patient with decreased kidney function and atrial fibrillation. S. Kakorin (Moscow). A patient with atrial fibrillation and diabetes mellitus. I. Chukaeva (Moscow). A difficult patient with atrial fibrillation – easy stroke prevention.
Congress-Hall №1
Satellite Symposium supported by Astra-Zeneca «Key issues in acute coronary syndrome treatment» Chairman: M.Ruda (Moscow)
О. Averkov (Moscow). Ticagrelor: invasive and conservative therapy. I. Yavelov (Moscow). Some aspects of medical treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome. Е.Panchenko (Moscow). Why is ticagrelor good? Clinical case.
Congress-Hall №2 Satellite Symposium supported by КRKA «4-D cardiology: what is visible and what is obscure in our prescriptions»
А. Konrady (Saint-Petersburg). Visible results in treating a patient with arterial hypertension and coronary artery disease: achieve BP and LDL target levels, get symptoms under control.
Zh. Kobalava (Moscow). Invisible but important results: decrease of complications and prolongation of life.
Congress-Hall “Seliger”
Symposium Integration of educational programs of European and Russian societies of cardiology 15.30 ESCeL project and ESCeL platform - the future of e-education and e-training in European Cardiology. (L. Gonçalves, Portugal). 16.15 Educational project of Russian Society of Cardiology. (O.Shevchenko, Russia).
Congress-Hall “Valday”
17.00-17.15 Break
17.15 – 18.45
Satellite Symposium supported by Takeda «Acute conditions in cardiology: what should a general practitioner know?”
G. Gendlin (Moscow). News in heart failure management. А. Melikhov (Moscow). Prevention of thromboembolic complications. D. Duplyakov (Samara). Decreasing perioperative mortality in patients with high cardiovascular risk.
Congress-Hall №1
Symposium “A diabetic patient in coronary care unit”
Chairmen: S. Kakorin, V. Kalashnikov (Moscow)
S. Kakorin, D. Karamyshev, А. Mkrtumyan (Moscow). Acute coronary syndrome outcomes in patients with diabetes mellitus II without invasive therapy. V. Kalashnikov (Moscow). Indications for and results of PCI in patients with diabetes mellitus II and acute coronary syndrome without ST segment elevation. Е. Yarnykh, S. Kakorin, D. Ioseliany (Moscow). Long-term (10 years) survival rate for patients with diabetes mellitus II after myocardial revascularization. I. Bondarenko (Moscow). Mechanisms of thrombogenesis associated with diabetes mellitus: what influences the effectiveness of interventional therapy? E. Tulyakova, S. Kakorin, К. Voronkova (Moscow). Pulmonary artery thromboembolia and pulmanary edema in patients with diabetes mellitus II and stroke. Congress-Hall №2
Congress-Hall “Seliger” Satellite Symposium supported by Doctor Reddy’s
Congress-Hall “Valday” Satellite Symposium supported by Doctor Reddy’s
Saturday, April 6th 2013
8.30 – 10.00
Congress-Hall №1-2
PLENARY SESSION IV Interactive cases
Moderators : TBD
8.30 The patient with ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and non STEMI. (G.Steg, France). 8.40 Discussion. (M. Ruda, Russia). 8.50 What do guidelines say? (G. Steg, France). 9.00 Q/A. 9.05 Take home messages. (M.Ruda, Russia). 9.10 A patient with acute heart failure. (P.Ponikowski, Poland). TBC. 9.20 Discussion. (Y.Lopatin, Russia). 9.30 What do guidelines say? (P.Ponikowski, Poland). TBC. 9.45 Q/A. 9.50 Take home messages. (Y. Lopatin, Russia).
10.00 -10.30 Coffee-break and visit of the exhibition
10.30 – 12.00 Congress-Hall №1-2
PLENARY SESSION V Diabetes and the Heart
Moderators : TBD
10.30 Introduction: size of the problem. (M.Shestakova, Russia). 10.40 Case 1: A diabetic patient with STEMI. (P. Henry, France). 10.50 Discussion. (M.Shestakova, Russia). 11.00 Q/A. 11.05 Case 2: A diabetic patient with chronic coronary heart disease. (M.Shestakova, Russia). 11:15 Discussion. (P. Henry, France). 11:25 Q/A. 11.30 Management of STEMI in diabetes: are there specificities? (P. Henry, France). 11.45 Management of chronic forms of coronary heart disease in diabetes: are there specificities? (M.Shestakova, Russia). 12.00 Take home messages. (P. Henry, France).
12.05 – 13.30 Lunch and visit of the exhibition
13.30 - 15.00 Congress-Hall №1-2 PLENARY SESSION VI Multimodality imaging
Moderators : TBD
13.30 Echocardiography, CT scan, or MRI: when and to whom? (J.Bax, The Netherlands). 14.00 Clinical case 1: CT scan. (V.Sinitsyn, Russia). 14.10 Discussion. 14.15 Clinical case 2: Echocardiography. (J.Bax, The Netherlands). 14.25 Discussion. 14.30 Clinical case: MRI. (S.Ternovoy, Russia). 14.40 Discussion. 14.45 Take home messages. (S.Ternovoy, Russia). 15.00-15.30 CLOSING LECTURE - Resistant hypertension. (A.Konrady, Russia).