Table of Contents in Progress (Subject to Change)
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Gargoyle 59 Table of contents in progress (subject to change) Cover
“Not Your Bitch” Photo by Ren Garczynski a.k.a Random.Eye.Candy Photography. Model: Roxana Hire Frontispiece Photo of K. Lorraine Graham (?) Art—Nin Andrews Nonfiction Mary Carpenter—Transformations Deborah Gold—Cody, age 14 (or 15, if you ask him) Mark Spitzer—Polemic: The History of Pirated English-Language Translations of Jean Genet’s Poetry (with Chronology) Mark Terrill—Here to Learn: Remembering Paul Bowles Poetry Kelli Allen—Beginning with a Wager R. A. Allen—Not So Easy Elaine Bander—Angouleme Kacee Belcher—No Ass Licking Jocko Benoit—Freud’s Lesser-Known Cousin Why Atlas Shrugs The Nagging of the Surreal Jill Bergkamp—Conjuring Angels in Davao City Vanessa Blakeslee—Swamp-Goddess Chris Bullard—The Boy Stood on the Burning Babe Mary Lou Buschi—Maybe I Wanted to Give You More Than Ruin Cloud I. Katie Cappello—Scorpion Hunting Emily Carr—Queen for a Day Lateral Gene Exchange Christopher Citro—A Marriage Made on the Dining Room Floor Robert Cole--Saffron Brandon Courtney—The Startle of the Sleeping World James Davis—Charity Nicelle Davis—A Girl named June Says about the Desert Mark DeCarteret—Another Beatrice Chesterton Diary Entry A Being Seen as a Decoy Brian Komei Dempster—The Mother Dreams Her Daughter Away from Benjamin Matt Dennison—El Sabor Michelle Disler--Solutions Aschala Edwards—Black Widows Lori Ellison—In the Mouth of the Evening Piotr Florczyk—Fairway Falls Stuart Friebert—Stotting Theophile Gautier—Song (tr. Len Krisak) Corey Ginsberg—The Illusion of Sturdy Maryanne Hannan—Desiderium: Ardent Longing, as for Something Lost M. Michael Hanner—Almost Extinction Toni Hanner—the dim radiance of HE 1523 Daniel A. Harris—To a Friend at 65, Getting a Divorce and a New Hip Gayle Elen Harvey—Flagellation Chris Haven—The Cake Girl Stephen Haynie—Thirty Bodies in Houston Jasper Haze—A Jar of Baby Teeth Nancy Hechinger—Never was the Heart Star Wars Allison Hedge Coke—Breathing The Last House Creeley Left Travis Hedge Coke—God and Pony Show Robert Herschbach—Scottish Play Elizabyth A. Hiscox—Vanguard Aria for Minor Organs Gretchen Hodgin—Acme Co. To You: (On Behalf of My Words …)” David Hubbard—The Last Swimming Pool in Managua (1979) Amorak Huey—Love Letter During the Opening Scenes of Law & Order Bethany Schultz Hurst—The Unlikely Event of a Water Landing Rich Ives—Scottish Ancestors Ted Jean—Flower Child Douglas A. Jones—[Already day three …] Rob Kenagy—Air No. 7 Air No. 16 Sandra Kolankiewicz—Claudia, 19 East, Bed A Tipping the Ferryman Gerry LaFemina—Clown Baby, the Yogini and Me The Cruelty of the Third Hand Story Problem Role Players Deanna Larson—The Flexibility of X Nikia Leopold—The Constant Fragile Joe Lerner—Sci-Fi Lyn Lifshin—For the Roses Out of the City and Down to the Sea Side Michael from [the?] Mountains Hitchcock and the Hunks The More I Think of Janet Leigh Hitchcock’s Circles James Magorian—Salamanca at Sunset Mary Claire Mahaney—Knitting Richard Martin—Stoic Surrender Susan Maurer—Rain Taxi Jennifer A. McGowan—Commute to Kutna Hora Dora E. McQuaid—Alchemy Avatar Dan Memmolo—Bombardment Leslie F. Miller—the brouhaha after the traveling carnival pulled out of town psalm of the shoe requiem for a vacation Dawn Montefusco—A Good Bluff A Private Conversation Keith Montesano—Blood Adam Moorad—this handicapped stall is paducah Christina Olson—On Turning Thirty Joanna Pearson—The Ice Sculptor Mermaids Kate Pendlebury—from “Baby Poems” XI XIII C.M. Physioc—Learning Things with My Mother Elephant and Castle, North Line Jean Prokott—The High School Teacher’s Old Spring Fling Dean Rader—Five Rooms Jade Ramsey—She Lives in a Pat of Butter Billy Reynolds—Dusk at Rocket Park Susie Reynolds—My Neighbour the Revolutionary Rainer Maria Rilke—The Rose Interior (tr. by Len Krisak) Liz Robbins—Before the Cut Stephen R. Roberts—Roy and Dale Memorabilia David Romanda—drought Daniel Romo—Pancho as Protagonist in the 9th Grade Grammar Book Eric W. Schramm—Five Landscapes with Shopping Cart Emily Severance—Espousal Gregory Sherl—Once Upon a Time Gary Shipley--Waiting on Ectoplasm Brian Simoneau—I Hold a Grudge Against a Well-Known Poet Noel Sloboda—Trim Fit Erin Elizabeth Smith—The Plastic Triceratops Questions Behavioral Integrity Jay Snodgrass—My Ghost Made an Art Movie: 27.2 Kurt Steinwand—Gettysburg Dariel Suarez—Signs KMA Sullivan—River’s Bend Terese Svoboda—Bring Home the Groceries Banduri or Mandari or Merle The Disappearing Hippo Adam Tavel—Letter to Hathaway Writ in Water Eleanor Ross Taylor Parker Tettleton—Mad Snickerlish Meg Thompson—13 Affordable Ways to Become a Famous Poet … Padma Thornlyre—Mavka #35 Michelle Tooker—Motorcyclist on 206 Sandee Gertz Umbach—Cures for Epilepsy James Valvis—For the Headless Mannequins Thomas Vaultonburg—A Poem I also title “The Donner Party” after a Night of Reading Richard Brautigan’s Poetry Beaten mmmmmm Jamie Warburton—From a Young Girl Theresa Williams—Reading Winesburg Mark Wisniewski—Maturity Nicholas YB Wong—Thoughts on Teachers in Hong Kong: An Alien Encounter Stefanie Wortman—Careless Simile Kirby Wright—Kowloon Tong at 3 O’clock in the Morning Theodroa Ziolkowski—Shakespeare’s Children Fiction Bonnie Arning—Bodies of Water A.A. Balaskovits—The Ibex Girl of Qumran Ned Balbo—Rollo and Apollo Jill Birdsall—Loafers Rachel Brill— John L. Campbell--Courageous Little Philomena’s Wondrous Bait Julie Corwin—My First Husband Barbara Westwood Diehl—Mermaids Chris Dungey—The Enforcer on the Road Jaclyn Dwyer—Lost in the Red City Gloria Dyc—The New Age Ian Golding—Electric Light Orchestra single “Mr. Blue Sky” as heard in a White Castle dining area Matthew Harrison—The Making of Creatures Allison Hedge Coke—Flutter (from Veldt) Charles Holdefer—The Plans Nik Houser—Under Hindsight’s Knife Trevor J. Houser--Malta Robert Kloss—Our Calm was Born from Your Burning Franz Knupfer—The Informants of Kengtung Beth Konkoski—Desert Horse Len Kruger—Marianas Trench Kimberly Lojewski—Swamp Food at the Rapture Café Deepak Maini—The Brother Mark McBride--Lacy Delaney Nolan—Shotgun Style Yarrow Paisley—The Revised Minutes Pete Pazmino—Lyle-O Lorine Kritzer Pergament—Lost Bridget Plekavic (?) Marie Potoczny—If Not Now, When? Sean Quinn—Asuncion Karin Rosman—Blue Dress Day yes/Andrew Shelden—SeaTac Rain yes/Michael Spann—Maroc Con Jenniey Tallman—Gertrude is Gay Rene Georg Vasicek—The City of Machines Ann Wahlman—Six-Shooter Tim Wendel—Gallows Pole (?) Paul West (?)