Contract Awarder by (NCB) No: # WORK_LEONIS_2017

PROJECT: “FILIERE DU VIN UPGRADING” (Finance Contract no (Serapis) 2010-0484)

Purchaser: Consolidated Unit for Implementing and Monitoring the Wine Sector Restructuring Program (UCIMPRSVV). Final Beneficiaries: Vocational School from Leova and Vocational School from Nisporeni, Republic of Moldova

Description: Procurement of Construction/reconstruction works at two wine production laboratories in two separate locations: VET Leova and VET Nisporeni, procured within the Education and Research Institutions component of the “Filiere du Vin upgrading” project.

a. Name of each bidder who submitted a bid / nationality of bidder:

Tandarel Grup SRL Moldova Sarco Service SRL Moldova

b. Bid prices as read out at bid opening (bid opening took place on September 14, 2017):

Bidder Identification Read-out Bid Price(s) Modifications or Name Country Lot identification Currenc Amount(s) or Comments2 City/State y(ies) % or Province (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Tandarel Moldova Construction/recon MDL 9,086,539. The Bid Security in the amount of Grup SRL struction works at 86 200,000 MDL was present. Signed two wine Letter of Bid was missing. During bid production opening meeting, BEC members had to laboratories in two add up all submitted Bills of Quantities separate locations: (filled in with quantities and prices and VET Leova and VET signed by Bidder). While summing the Nisporeni submitted BoQs, several BoQs (works components) where identified as missing. BEC members have summarized the provided BoQs and respectively obtained the read-out total price. Sarco Moldova Construction/recon MDL 11,879,141 The Bid Security in the amount of Service struction works at .41 200,000 MDL was present. SRL two wine production laboratories in two separate locations: VET Leova and VET Nisporeni

c. Name and evaluated price of each bid that was evaluated:

Bidder’s name /address Final bid price / currency Sarco Service SRL 11,879,141.41

1 d. Name of the bidders whose bid were rejected and the reasons of rejection:

Rejected Bidders Name of Bid price at bid Reason for rejection rejected Bidder opening Tandarel Grup 9,086,539.86 Pls see below: SRL

(1) Bid submitted by Tandarel Grup SRL did not contain the completed and signed Letter of Bid. This was noted during bid opening session. During bid opening meeting, BEC members had to add up/sum all submitted Bills of Quantities (filled in with quantities and prices and signed by Bidder) in order to identify the total Bid Price. While summing the submitted Bills of Quantities (BoQs), several BoQs (works components) where identified as missing for both locations – Leova and Nisporeni. BEC members have summarized the existing BoQs and respectively obtained the read-out total bid price: 9,086,539.86 MDL (composed of 3,350,264.13 MDL for SP Leova and 5,736,275.73 MDL for SP Nisporeni).

(2) Bid Security submitted by Tandarel Grup SRL, in amount of 200,000 MDL has a shorter than requested validity period (60 days instead of requested 90 days);

(3) The Bid of Tandarel Grup SRL, did not submitted several priced and filled in Bills of Quantities, that make the respective bid incomplete. The following BoQs have not been completed with prices:

For SP LEOVA: Nr Formular Denumire lucrari solicitate Tandarel Grup SRL, MDL 1 Deviz local 2-1-1 Rezistenta *Oferta pret lipseste (deviz de cheltuieli), deviere majora 4 Deviz local 2-1-4 Porti *Oferta pret lipseste (deviz de cheltuieli), deviere majora 5 Deviz local 2-1-5 Instalatii interioare cu apa si canalizare *Oferta pret lipseste (deviz de cheltuieli), deviere majora Rețele exterioare de alimentare cu apa *Oferta pret lipseste (deviz de cheltuieli), deviere majora 15 Deviz local 6-1 și canalizare 16 Deviz local 7-1-1 Plan General, Amenajare *Oferta pret lipseste (deviz de cheltuieli), deviere majora

For SP NISPORENI: Nr Formular Denumire lucrari solicitate Tandarel Grup SRL, MDL 4 Deviz local 2-1-4 Porți *Oferta pret lipseste (deviz de cheltuieli), deviere majora 5 Deviz local 2-1-5 Instalații interioare cu apă și canalizare *Oferta pret lipseste (deviz de cheltuieli), deviere majora 9 Deviz local 2-1-9 Utilaj *Oferta pret lipseste (deviz de cheltuieli), deviere majora 10 Deviz local 2-1-10 Lucrări electrotehnice *Oferta pret lipseste (deviz de cheltuieli), deviere majora 15 Deviz local 6-1-2 Hazna *Oferta pret lipseste (deviz de cheltuieli), deviere majora

(4)Thus, in line with Tender document, (ITB 28, c) “Omission” is the failure to submit part or all of the information or documentation required in the Bidding Document” as well as in line with ITB 29.4 “29.4 If a bid is not substantially responsive to the requirements of the Bidding Document, it shall be rejected by the Employer and may not subsequently be made responsive by correction of the material deviation, reservation, or omission” – the offer of company Tandarel Grup SRL is deemed as unresponsive and is not accepted for detailed evaluation by the Bids Evaluation Committee.

e. Name of the winning bidder and contract award price: Name of goods Bidder name Evaluated price Proposed contract 2 of the bid / price / currency currency/ Procurement of Sarco Service SRL, 9,627,320.16 MDL 9,627,320.16 MDL reconstruction Moldova works