1. Bai F, Sang WG, Axmacher JC, 2011. Forest Vegetation Responses to Climate and Environmental
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2011 年发表 论 文
1. Bai F, Sang WG, Axmacher JC, 2011. Forest vegetation responses to climate and environmental change: A case study from Changbai Mountain, NE China. Forest Ecology and Management, 262(11): 2052-2060 2. Beaudrot L, Du YJ, Kassim AR, Rejmanek M, Harrison RD, 2011. Do epigeal termite mounds increase the diversity of plant habitats in a tropical rain forest in Peninsular Malaysia? PLoS One, 6(5): e19777 3. Biswas DK, Jiang GM, 2011. Differential drought-induced modulation of ozone tolerance in winter wheat species. Journal of Experimental Botany, 62(12): 4153-4162 4. Bruelheide H, Bohnke M, Both S, Fang T, Assmann T, Baruffol M, Bauhus J, Buscot F, Chen XY, Ding BY, Durka W, Erfmeier A, et al., 2011. Community assembly during secondary forest succession in a Chinese subtropical forest. Ecological Monographs, 81(1): 25-41 5. Butterbach-Bahl K, Koegel-Knabner I, Han XG, 2011. Steppe ecosystems and climate and land-use changes- vulnerability, feedbacks and possibilities for adaptation. 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