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Fr. Tom Crean, P.P., 087-2482090 PARISH of KENMARE Fr. Liam Lovell, C.C., 087- 1640967 TODAY’S FEAST: Everyone thirsts for SPIRITUAL GIFTS: God has abundantly (Kenmare Pastoral Area includes the Parishes of Kenmare, Kilgarvan, Glengarriff (Bonane), Sneem & Tuosist) the divine life. No one is content without it, blessed us with gifts e.g., life itself, a wonderful 064-6641352 / Fax 064-6641925 / email: [email protected] / even non-believers. Christ has come to give world, family and friends, work and enjoyment. 12th June 2011 ~ Pentecost Sunday us that life and He calls us to seek it in Him. But he has blessed us also with many spiritual Recent Deaths: We pray for the repose of the soul of Pauline Anderson, Kill, Co. Kildare Although no one will be fully satisfied in this gifts; these come to us through the Holy Spirit. life, the more we connect with and share in These gifts, St. Paul says, are give not especially (sister of Mary O’Leary, Cladanure). May she Rest in Peace. the person of Christ, the more we will be for ourselves, but for the Church. They are to be Mass Intentions this Week fulfilled. used to build up the Church (1Cor.12. 4-6) for the The wind and fire are Pentecost symbols building of the faith-community that will make Holy Cross Sat 8.00pm Lily O’Grady, Killowen. Anniversary and evoke ideas of re-creation, at a personal the message believable. Sun 9.30am Michael Palmer, Goulane. ” level and signal a rebirth on a global scale Notice how the gifts of Windom, Sun 12noon Packie Bob and Margaret Hanley, 17 Henry St. ” that will result from the Mission of Christ’s Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Mon 10.00am John Fitzgerald, late of Bell Height. ” followers to ‘ignite’ Christ’s love everywhere. Piety and Fear of the Lord are community virtues Tues 10.00am Annie Richardson, Norfolk, England. R.I.P. Paul uses the image of birthing to speak that support living life together. They are the about the unleashing the power of the Spirit opposite of Rivalry, Jealousy and Greed that Wed 10.00am in the world. Pentecost is a releasing of the make you an individual and make it impossible to Thur 10.00am Helena & Michael Lovett Anniversary power that is already within us. live in community. Fri 10.00am According to the Gospel, it is particularly Spiritual gifts enable us to participate in the Sat 10.00am Con Twomey, Muxnaw Anniversary through acts of forgiveness that we can life of this parish in such a way that will reflect harness for God and energies of love, the presence and action of the Holy Spirit here Direendaragh Sat 6.30am sparking off a contagious fire that is groaning among us. to emerge. Templenoe Sun 10.45am William Downing Anniversary To the Holy Spirit We thank you for your continued Financial Support to the Parish. Come, O Holy Spirit, 5 t h June Offertory Collection Parish Development Fund - Weekly Envelopes Total fill the hearts of your faithful, Direendaragh € 59.15 € 59.85 € 119.00 and kindle in them the fire of your love. Templenoe € 127.00 € 151.00 € 278.00 Send forth your Spirit, and they shall Kenmare € 1,261.00 € 1,304.00 € 2,565.00 be created, and you shall renew the face Church Notices: of the earth. Let us pray. th th . DIOCESAN COLLECTION ‘Education of Priests’ – taken up this weekend 11 /12 June. O God who taught the hearts of the . COLLECTORS FOR JUNE: There is a slight change – see below. faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, Collectors - June 8pm Vigil Mass 9.30am Mass 12 noon Mass grant that by the gifts of the same Spirit, Michael Murphy Timmy Madden John Foley we may be always truly wise, and ever Centre Danny Long Edward O’Sullivan Ursula MacGearailt rejoice in his consolation. Right J. J. O’Neill Jerry Hanley Martin O’Grady Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Left Finbarr O’Sullivan Michael Hanley Paul O’Sullivan Back Ann Murphy John Palmer Tom Murphy Sisters of St. Clare celebrate, this year, 150 years of presence, witness, worship and service among the people of Kenmare. Mother O’Hagan and six sisters arrived here from Newry on the 24th October 1861. The Diocesan Pastoral Council and the Council of Priests of the Diocese of Kerry They also celebrate this year the 800th Anniversary of the Foundation of Poor Clare Worldwide. extend an open invitation to parishioners to attend the Golden Jubilee celebration of [look up] Bishop Bill Murphy’s Ordination to the Priesthood. This will take place on Sunday, 19th June at 6.15pm in St. Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney. All are welcome. . Muintir na Tire/Community Alert: A seminar entitled ‘Alerting Communities to Elder Abuse’ PENTECOST 2011 will take place in the Carnegie Arts Centre on Tuesday, 14th June, at 7pm. Admission is free. We, the Church of Kenmare, a community of Jesus’ disciples, are called upon to rebuild our . Adult Ed. Centre: Full FETAC Level 5 Course in Business Studies starting in Sept 2011. Church. The Holy Spirit is leading us into a new way of being Church. We are invited to Details – 064-6641157, [email protected] or call to the centre in Bell Height, recognise the variety of gifts among us, to nourish and support them - - - to work out a new Kenmare. arrangement for an ancient, yet ever new, Body. Come Holy Spirit; open our minds and . Carnegie Arts Centre: Film. Arise, You Gallant Sweeneys, on Thursday (16th June) at 8pm. hearts as we journey on. It will make all the difference. Let’s continue our best efforts to Music: Martin Hayes and Dennis Cahill – Friday (17th June) at 8pm. worship well together, keep the spirit of service flowing. . St. Patrick’s Church of Ireland, Kenmare. Concert: Sun (12th June) at 8pm. Performing James Nelson of Celtic Tenors, Emma Plain of the Welsh National opera, Bogumila Sokirko on piano, and the Kenmare Community Games choir. Tickets €20. Proceeds to Kenya Build and St Patrick’s restoration fund.