Cyril Druwe, Jeff Sigurdson

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Cyril Druwe, Jeff Sigurdson

April 20, 2017

The regular meeting of the Council of the Rural Municipality of Sifton was held in the council chambers in Oak Lake at 9:00 a.m., Thursday, April 20, 2017.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Cyril Druwe, Jeff Sigurdson Larry Wallace, Scott Phillips, Stan Cochrane, Clement Gervais, Dave Roulette, Rick Gabrielle Administrator: Mary Smith

Deputy Reeve Cyril Druwe called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

MOTION: S. Phillips – S. Cochrane 2017-067 BE IT RESOLVED that the agenda for the regular meeting of April 20, 2017 be adopted as presented.


9:00 a.m. Cody Denbow, Shop Foreman entered the meeting to update Council on operator’s schedules and machine maintenance and Roger Main, Public Works Foreman entered the meeting to update Council on the operations for the Sewer Utility and the Oak Lake LUD.

MOTION: C. Gervais – J. Sigurdson 2017-068 RESOLVED that the minutes of the regular meeting of March 23, 2017 and special meeting of March 24, 2017 and April 6, 2017 as circulated, be taken as read and approved, all statutory requirements having been fulfilled.


MOTION: S. Phillips – L. Wallace 2017-069 RESOLVED that the payment of general account cheque numbers 3389 to 3485 and Direct deposit payroll, inclusive, in the amount of $538,335.95 be approved.


9:55 a.m. Councillor Dave Roulette left the meeting due to a prior commitment.

MOTION: J. Sigurdson – C. Gervais 2017-070 BE IT RESOLVED that we do now move into a Committee of the Whole, with Deputy Reeve Cyril Druwe in the chair to sit as a Conditional Use Board.


MOTION: S. Cochrane – S. Phillips 2017-071 BE IT RESOLVED that the Committee of the Whole be adjourned and that we resume the former order of business.

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MOTION: S. Phillips – R. Gabrielle 2017-072 BE IT RESOLVED that we do now move into a Committee of the Whole, with Deputy Reeve Cyril Druwe in the chair to sit as a Variation Board.


10:10 a.m. Councillor Dave Roulette re-entered the meeting.

MOTION: S. Cochrane – R. Gabrielle 2017-073 BE IT RESOLVED that the Committee of the Whole be adjourned and that we resume the former order of business.


MOTION: C. Gervais – J. Sigurdson 2017-074 BE IT RESOLVED that we do now move into a Committee of the Whole, with Deputy Reeve Cyril Druwe in the chair to sit as a Conditional Use Board.


MOTION: S. Cochrane – R. Gabrielle 2017-075 BE IT RESOLVED that the Committee of the Whole be adjourned and that we resume the former order of business.


11:00 a.m. Tanis Podobni and Nora Gompf entered the meeting to update council on programs and services delivered by S.A.I.L.

MOTION: R. Gabrielle – S. Cochrane 2017-076 RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton donate $1000.00 to S.A.I.L. for their Kitchen renovation in the Princess Lodge.


MOTION: S. Phillips – L. Wallace 2017-077 BE IT RESOLVED that By-Law No. 27-2017 being a by-law to set the mill rate for the year 2017 pass first reading.

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MOTION: S. Phillips – S. Cochrane 2017-078 WHEREAS Oak Lake Four Seasons Island Resort has submitted Conditional Use Application No. 17-01 as required to comply with Zoning By-Law No. 1325;

AND WHEREAS this application requests approval to allow the development of a non-farm dwelling in the Agricultural General Zone on a proposed subdivided parcel located in the SW quarter of Section 5, Township 9, Range 24 WPM;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Conditional Use Application No. 17-01 be approved.


MOTION: J. Sigurdson – C. Gervais 2017-079 WHEREAS Oak Lake Four Seasons Island Resort has submitted Variation Application No. 17-01 as required to comply with Zoning By-Law No. 1325;

AND WHEREAS this application requests approval to vary the maximum site area from 10 acres to 10.37 acres and to vary the minimum site width from 200 feet to 150 feet to allow the development of a non-farm dwelling in the SW quarter of Section 5, Township 9, Range 24 WPM and to comply with the RM of Sifton Zoning By-Law;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Variation Application No. 17-01 be approved.


MOTION: L. Wallace – S. Phillips 2017-080 WHEREAS Kevin and Hilary Griffith have submitted Variation Application No. 17-02 as required to comply with Zoning By-Law No. 1325;

AND WHEREAS this application requests approval to vary the minimum west side yard from 25 feet to 11 feet to allow the construction of an attached garage and have the property comply with the RM of Sifton Zoning By-Law;

THEREEFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Variation Application No. 17-02 be approved.


MOTION: C. Gervais – J. Sigurdson 2017-081 WHEREAS Casey and Roberta Jones have submitted Variation Application No. 17-03 as required to comply with Zoning By-Law No. 1325;

AND WHEREAS this application requests approval to vary the minimum rear yard from 5 feet to 2 feet to allow the construction of a 10 X 14 garden shed and have the property comply with the RM of Sifton Zoning By-Law;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Variation Application No. 17-03 be approved.

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MOTION: S. Cochrane – R. Gabrielle 2017-082 WHEREAS Tim Sopuck on behalf of Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation has submitted Conditional Use Application No. 17-02 as required to comply with Zoning By-Law No. 1325;

AND WHEREAS this application requests approval to place a conservation agreement on the SE, SW, NE and NW quarters of Section 29, Township 8, Range 25 WPM; the SW quarter of Section 20, Township 8, Range 25 WPM, NW quarter of Section 20, Township 8, Range 25 WPM and the NE quarter of Section 20, Township 8, Range 25 WPM involving 1022 acres;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Conditional Use Application No. 17-02 be approved with the following conditions:

1. The agreement will allow enhancement for agricultural use (cross fencing, regular fence maintenance, livestock watering system improvements) and that provision for these enhancements will be the life time of the conservation agreement.

2. The Grantor and Holder agree to comply with regulations of the Noxious Weed Act.

3. The agreement will allow parcels of land under the conservation agreement to be burned or herbicide may be applied for management purposes.

4. This agreement will allow brushing and/or mowing of woody vegetation within any applicable natural stream channel(s).

5. A portion of the property (2-5 acres) can be set aside for residential development in future unless the property has no potential for development.


MOTION: D. Roulette – C. Gervais 2017-083 BE IT RESOLVED that the Oak Lake Community Hall be provided free of charge for Recreation Programs, Activities and meetings being organized by our Rec-Director Carleigh Babiak.


MOTION: R. Gabrielle – S. Cochrane 2017-084 RESOLVED that we approve the A/P Preliminary Cheque Run as presented April 20, 2017.


MOTION: J. Sigurdson – C. Gervais 2017-085 WHEREAS the Oak Lake LUD Committee recommends the purchase of a 2017 New Holland 84” snow blower backhoe attachments at a cost of $9500 plus taxes;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton purchase this equipment from Mazer Group with the cost to be incurred by the Oak Lake LUD. CARRIED.

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MOTION: D. Roulette – J. Sigurdson 2017-086 WHEREAS the Oak Lake LUD Committee recommends that the RM of Sifton hire a tree service company to trim the ornamental trees on the south side of North Railway Street;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton hire a tree service company to trim trees with the cost to be incurred by the Oak Lake LUD.


MOTION: S. Phillips – S. Cochrane 2017-087 WHEREAS Manitoba Conservation, Boissevain District has prepared a Mutual Aid Memorandum of Understanding as a part of their 2017 Emergency Preparedness Plan for the Oak Lake Provincial Park;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Deputy Reeve and CAO are hereby authorized to sign the Memorandum of Understanding between the RM of Sifton and Manitoba Conservation.


MOTION: R. Gabrielle – S. Phillips 2017-088 BE IT RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton advertise for two full time Green Team summer students to work with our Public Works Employee:

Position #1 – starts June 29 to August 18, 2017 (40 hours per week for 7 weeks) Position #2 – starts July 4 to August 25, 2017 (40 hours per week for 7 weeks);

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that all resumes be received not later than May 26, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.


4:55 p.m. Councillor Larry Wallace left the meeting due to a prior commitment.

MOTION: S. Cochrane – S. Phillips 2017-089 WHEREAS PTH # 21 at Sioux Valley Dakota Nation and adjacent Provincial Roads PR #250, PR # 254, and PR # 259 have been closed too frequently due to yearly spring flooding events;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton requests that the Association of Manitoba Municipalities lobby the Province of Manitoba to repair/upgrade PTH #21 to a flood proof status for the safety of those persons who are not able to receive ambulance service in a timely matter and to also protect/keep the agriculture and economic activity for this region.

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MOTION: S. Cochrane – S. Phillips 2017-090 RESOLVED that we set the Oak Lake Resort Waste Transfer Site hours as follows:

Wednesday 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sunday 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Holidays 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that these hours are effective April 22, 2017 to October 28, 2017.


5:00 p.m. Councillor Stan Cochrane left the meeting do to a prior commitment.

MOTION: S. Phillips – R. Gabrielle 2017-091 BE IT RESOLVED that Mary Smith and Julie Gibson are hereby authorized to attend the Manitoba Municipal Administrator’s Association conference being held in Brandon April 24-26, 2017 with expenses paid.


MOTION: C. Gervais – J. Sigurdson 2017-092 BE IT RESOLVED that Carleigh Babiak be hereby authorized to attend the 2017 EDAM Spring Forum being held in Melita May 31 to June 2, 2017 with expenses paid;

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that Carleigh is authorized to attend the Physical Literacy Workshop being held in Hartney June 7, 2017 with expenses paid.


MOTION: R. Gabrielle – S. Phillips 2017-093 BE IT RESOLVED that we approve the 2017 budget for Westman Emergency Group as presented.


MOTION: J. Sigurdson – C. Gervais 2017-094 WHEREAS the Sifton Recreation Advisory Board has recommended that a credit card be issued to Carleigh Babiak to cover recreation expenses as authorized by the Recreation Board;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton applies to Vanguard Credit Union for a credit card under the name of Carleigh Babiak with a credit limit of $1000.00 to cover recreation expenses as authorized by the Recreation Board. CARRIED.

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MOTION: S. Phillips – R. Gabrielle 2017-095 RESOLVED that the Council of the RM of Sifton authorizes the cancellation of charges owing to the Municipality as listed in Schedule “A”.


Councillor Cyril Druwe gave the CAO written notice of his recognition on Council.

MOTION: S. Phillips – R. Gabrielle 2017-096 RESOLVED that Jeff Sigurdson be appointed as Chairman.


MOTION: S. Phillips – R. Gabrielle 2017-097 WHEREAS the CAO received the letter of resignation from Councillor Cyril Druwe on April 20, 2017;

AND WHEREAS there is now a vacant position on the Council of the RM of Sifton;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council instructs the Senior Election Official to hold a bi-election for Ward 4 as soon as reasonably practical to fill this position.


MOTION: S. Phillips – R. Gabrielle 2017-098 BE IT RESOLVED that we do now adjourn at 5:45 p.m. to meet again May 11, 2017 at 9:00 a.m..


______Deputy Reeve, Cyril Druwe

______Chief Administrative Officer, Mary Smith

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