New Milford Zoning Commission

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New Milford Zoning Commission


Members Mayor Patricia Murphy Present: Peter Bass Walter Bayer Cecilia Buck-Taylor Thomas Esposito Robert Guendelsberger Mary Jane Lundgren Peter Mullen Raymond O’Brien Roger Szendy

Others Tammy Reardon, Mayoral Aide Present: D. Randall DiBella, Town Attorney Raymond Jankowski, Director of Finance

Members Absent:


Mr. O'Brien led the room in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence.


Mayor Murphy presented the New Milford Thunder with Certificate of Recognition as youth baseball champions in the 2010 District Tournament, 2010 State Tournament, and Regional Tournament. They are the #1 nine year old baseball team in New England.

Recognized were: Jordan Beshore, Tyler Bowe, Tim Cianciolo, Max Cotier, Connor Gannon, Chris Gesualdi, Kendall Greene, Curtis Krizan, Joey Shine, Hunter Skelly, Austin Swanson, Coach Paul Gesualdi, Coach Joe Shine, Coach Doug Skelly, and Coach Dave Cianciolo.

Coach Gesualdi stated the boys carried themselves very well wherever they went and carried the New Milford name first. He noted that people commented on how well the boys behaved. He stated that representing their town came first, but winning was good too.

NEW MILFORD TOWN COUNCIL – REGULAR MEETING –MINUTES – SEPTEMBER 27, 2010 Page 1 of 15 Mayor Murphy congratulated the team on behalf of the Town Council and the Town of New Milford for doing a great job.


Mr. Charles Hutchins of 141 Grove Street spoke about several different brief topics including religion, believing in government, and noted that the Mayor inspired him to speak as she had complimented him for picking up trash in the downtown area. He now also picks up the cigarette butts as well.


Special Town Council Meeting September 13, 2010

Mr. O'Brien moved the Town Council approve the minutes of the Special Town Council meeting of September 13, 2010 as submitted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Szendy and carried unanimously.

Regular Town Council Meeting September 13, 2010

Mr. O'Brien moved the Town Council approve the minutes of the Regular Town Council meeting of September 13, 2010 as submitted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Szendy and carried unanimously.


Mayor Murphy noted that the 11 year old baseball team also won the New England Championships and there will be a ceremony for them as well.

Mr. Szendy moved to suspend the rules and add to the agenda the topic of a letter from John NeJaime. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Lundgren and carried unanimously.

Mayor Murphy stated an area has been carved out for this particular business at the end of Grove Street. This was figured into the Grove Street plans in 2008. Mr. Nejaime was asking for a 10 x 10 area, but the State carved out a 17 x 30 area and left his parking spaces intact. The Route 67 side of the road is owned by the Town. There is a 30 ft. wide driveway and trucks can do a K turn to turn around. There will be pavers and paving in this area. Grove Street itself is being dead ended.

NEW MILFORD TOWN COUNCIL – REGULAR MEETING –MINUTES – SEPTEMBER 27, 2010 Page 2 of 15 Attorney DiBella stated he has met with Mr. Nejaime and Director Zarba and discussed this issue at length and believes the issue to be resolved. They will meet with him again to finalize everything.


Northville One Room Schoolhouse Committee Eric Lundgren (D) 09/27/2010 – 9/11/2011

Mr. O'Brien moved the Town Council approve the appointment by the Mayor of Eric Lundgren to the Northville One Room Schoolhouse Committee for the term September 27, 2010 through September 11, 2011. The motion was seconded by Ms. Buck- Taylor and carried unanimously.

Re-Appointments for the following: Housing Partnership (Town Council) Mary Jane Lundgren 12/01/2009 – 11/30/2011

Mr. O'Brien moved the Town Council approve the re-appointment by the Mayor of Mary Jane Lundgren to the Housing Partnership for the term December 1, 2009 through November 30, 2011. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bass and carried unanimously.


Discussion and possible action on request to close the southern cross-over of the green on Saturday October 16, 2010 [rain date for Sunday October 17] for the set-up, duration and break-down of the 27th Annual Pumpkin Festival.

Mr. O'Brien moved the Town Council approve the request to close the southern cross-over of the green on Saturday October 16, 2010 [rain date for Sunday October 17] for the set-up, duration and break-down of the 27th Annual Pumpkin Festival subject to all necessary documentation being presented to the satisfaction of the Traffic Authority and the New Milford Police Department and subject to all indemnifications satisfactory to the Town Attorney. The motion was seconded by Ms. Buck-Taylor and carried unanimously.


A. Discussion and possible action on the request to accept the following donations:

 $50.00 from the Greater New Milford Women’s Club, P.O. Box 225, New Milford, CT 06776. The money will be placed into Account #5100-505-5926 for further appropriation into Account #6077-270-0004 (Program Specific) and used for prizes for children’s events.

Mr. O'Brien moved the Town Council approve the donation of $50.00 from the Greater New Milford Women’s Club, P.O. Box 225, New Milford, CT 06776. The money will be placed into Account #5100-505-5926 for further appropriation into Account #6077-270-0004 (Program Specific) and used for prizes for children’s events. The motion was seconded by Dr. Mullen and carried unanimously.

 $100.00 from the Mountain Laurel Quilters, Post Office Box 1376, New Milford, CT 06776. The money will be placed in Revenue Account #5100-505-5926 for further appropriation into Account #6077-270-0004 (Program Specific) and used for children’s sewing projects in 2010-2011.

Mr. O'Brien moved the Town Council approve the donation of $100.00 from the Mountain Laurel Quilters, Post Office Box 1376, New Milford, CT 06776. The money will be placed in Revenue Account #5100-505-5926 for further appropriation into Account #6077-270-0004 (Program Specific) and used for children’s sewing projects in 2010-2011. The motion was seconded by Ms. Buck-Taylor and carried unanimously.

 Grant donation of $500.00 from the United Way/Youth Leadership Program, 85 West Street, Danbury, CT 06811 for a Teen Open Dodgeball Program. The money will be placed into Account #5100-505-5926 for further appropriation into Account #6077-270-0004 (Program Specific) and used for supplies and staff for Fall 2010.

Mr. O'Brien moved the Town Council approve the donation of $500.00 from the United Way/Youth Leadership Program, 85 West Street, Danbury, CT 06811 for a Teen Open Dodgeball Program. The money will be placed into Account #5100-505-

NEW MILFORD TOWN COUNCIL – REGULAR MEETING –MINUTES – SEPTEMBER 27, 2010 Page 4 of 15 5926 for further appropriation into Account #6077-270-0004 (Program Specific) and used for supplies and staff for Fall 2010. The motion was seconded by Ms. Buck-Taylor and carried unanimously.

 500 sports calendars for distribution to our patrons and Rec-On campers. The donation is made possible through the generosity of Mr. Kevin McDougall, Bill Goff, Inc., 931 Bantam Road, Bantam, CT 06750.

Mr. O'Brien moved the Town Council approve the donation of 500 sports calendars for distribution to our patrons and Rec-On campers. The donation is made possible through the generosity of Mr. Kevin McDougall, Bill Goff, Inc., 931 Bantam Road, Bantam, CT 06750. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bayer and carried unanimously.


Mayor Murphy noted that this grant was previously known as the G.E. Grant. The town applied three years ago and the grant was awarded just recently.

Dr. Mullen asked if the word passive could be taken out of the agreement. Attorney DiBella stated it could not be as the use of the property can only be a passive use such as bike trails, hiking trails and uses such as that because of where the property is located.

Dr. Mullen felt this was too bad because the wording limits what can be done with the property.

Mr. Szendy stated the money must be used to promote passive recreation, but the park can be anything.

Dr. Mullen stated that in the past there has been a problem with wording such as this and he felt it should be cleared up.

It was again noted that the money is restricted, but the property is not. Attorney DiBella stated the property has wetlands restrictions.

The town will receive $75,217.00 for items such as trails, educational signage, nesting boxes, parking construction, etc.

NEW MILFORD TOWN COUNCIL – REGULAR MEETING –MINUTES – SEPTEMBER 27, 2010 Page 5 of 15 Mayor Murphy noted that the monies received for this project will have no adverse affect on the Riverwalk project.

When asked again if there would be any problems in the future, Attorney DiBella again stated that there is no encumbrance on the property, only the funds. This is based on the resolution of the PCB case in regards to this property.

Mr. O'Brien moved the Town Council authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the town an agreement entitled “THE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE AND THE TOWN OF NEW MILFORD, CONNECTICUT TITLE: SEGA MEADOWS PARK RIVER ENHANCEMENT”. The motion was seconded by Ms. Buck-Taylor and carried unanimously.


Discussion and possible action on proposed revision to the Lock Box Ordinance.

Mr. O'Brien moved the Town Council approve the changes to the Lock Box Ordinance as presented during the public hearing. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Lundgren and carried unanimously.


Discussion and possible action authorizing the creation of an Economic Development Corporation and further authorizing Mayor Murphy to execute and file with the Secretary of the State of Connecticut all corporate documents necessary to do so.

Mr. Bass moved the Town Council authorize the creation of an Economic Development Corporation and further authorizing Mayor Murphy to execute and file with the Secretary of the State of Connecticut all corporate documents necessary to do so. The motion was seconded by Ms. Buck-Taylor.

Economic Development Supervisor Vincent Nolan was present for the discussion. He put up a PowerPoint presentation to explain the concept.

Economic Development Commission Chairman Frank Wargo thanked the Town Council for his appointment at the last meeting even though he missed the

NEW MILFORD TOWN COUNCIL – REGULAR MEETING –MINUTES – SEPTEMBER 27, 2010 Page 6 of 15 meeting. He noted the Economic Development Corporation has been a concept that the Economic Development Commission members have been working on for the past five years. It will allow the town to do more than a commission could do. He referred to the other towns in the presentation.

The structure of an Economic Development Organization (or Corporation and further to be known as EDO in these Minutes) includes community volunteers (commissions), professional municipal staff, non-profit corporations, and blended private-public entities.

There are over 20 EDOs in Connecticut at this time. All but one are non-profit, federal, tax-exempt organizations. Most are organized as charitable organizations under 501(c)(3). Some are organized as civic organizations (501(c)(4)) or professional and trade associations (501(c)(6)). Successful non-profit EDOs include Meridan Economic Development Corporation, Naugatuck Economic Development Corporation, Shelton Economic Development Corporation, and Norwich Economic Development Corporation. He gave some examples of what each corporation has accomplished. All four corporations have created and manage revolving loan funds of various types to serve local business growth and development.

EDOs serve similar purposes, but different areas. Some operate regionally, others serve municipalities and others serve statewide. Three serve specific neighborhoods. State statute recognizes them as tools for addressing public economic development needs.

EDOs are organized and authorized by State statute to help municipalities and are eligible for State economic development funding and other programs including Financial and Technical Assistance to Municipal and Regional Economic Development Agencies, Loans to Non-Profit State and Local Development Corporations, Connecticut Growth Fund, Comprehensive Business Assistance Fund, Manufacturing Assistance Act, Grants to Regional Corporations for Regional Revolving Loan Funds, Economic Adjustment Assistance, Rural Business Enterprise Grant, and Rural Business Opportunity Grant.

The New Milford Economic Development Corporation would be a public-private entity, would get operational funding from public (town) and private sectors, would obtain its organizational leadership from public (town) and private sectors, and would obtain its capital for loan funds from State programs, Federal programs, Foundations, and private lenders.

At this time, Mr. Nolan passed out copies of the proposed bylaws for the EDO.

Its Board of Directors would consist of 15 to 30 members. Its first year staff would include part time staff supervised by the Economic Development Supervisor. Its first year activity would be to organize its development, write

NEW MILFORD TOWN COUNCIL – REGULAR MEETING –MINUTES – SEPTEMBER 27, 2010 Page 7 of 15 grants, and management of the façade improvement loan fund for the Village Center. Subsequent year activities including obtaining revolving loan funds for local businesses, project management for Town of New Milford on development projects, collaboration with Economic Development Commission, Economic Development Office and Chamber of Commerce on business recruitment efforts.

Mr. Esposito read a statement in support of the EDO. It read:

“ First I would like to thank the members of the Economic Development Commission and other members of the community who are here tonight to support the new Economic development corporation.

I would like to give you the history timeline of what we are presenting you this evening. In the fall of 2007 after the EDC adopted its strategic plan, the EDC began to discuss the establishment of an economic development corporation during our monthly meeting. Mr. Bass brought the motion forward and I seconded the motion to create a Working group to evaluate research and formulate the corporation.

That working group consisting of EDC Supervisor Vin Nolan, the Chair and Vice Chair of EDC, Mr. Bass, and myself, we had our first meeting December 20th of 2007. At that meeting we started to outline the steps to initially pursue this endeavor. It was the start of 1000’s hours of meetings, visits to other towns and established Economic development corporations such as a visit to the Shelton Economic development corp., going to seminars, researching and discussions by the working group and the commission.

That was 1011 days ago, or 2 years 9 months and 6 days. This is to give a perspective of the dedication of those involved with this process. I think most of our spouses will attest to the time spent pursuing this.

We have individually and collectively spoken to hundreds of people involved in the Economic development community from around the country, from Oregon to Massachusetts. It didn’t take long to see the benefits to our community. It was very clear to the working group, the Economic Development commission, and the Mayor, that the establishment of the corporation was an essential component and tool for our town’s success, as it has been for countless communities around the country.

The economic growth of our community will be a community effort. We need the help of the entire community, all boards and commissions, town employees and our town’s people to think outside the box to help us grow. We strive to bring job opportunities, job training and educational opportunities, tourism and agro- tourism opportunities to our community. Economic development will help everyone in our community, by lessening the tax burden on its homeowners and provide the revenues we need to provide services, fund education and improve

NEW MILFORD TOWN COUNCIL – REGULAR MEETING –MINUTES – SEPTEMBER 27, 2010 Page 8 of 15 our quality of life. We have put in allot of time and effort and this is just the beginning, but we are committed to its success.

Lastly, I want to thank the Mayor for all of the support she gave to our working group and the commission in this endeavor. Thank you for encouraging us to keep going.”

Mr. O'Brien thanked everyone involved for taking part in this process. He agreed with the importance of the EDO, but, in reference to other towns, asked how much of the public money was expended or how many jobs were created. He also asked how much the tax base was expanded. He felt the town needs these numbers before asking for money from the taxpayers. He wondered what the impact on the New Milford tax base would be. He felt the Economic Development Commission presented a great document, but would like more quantitative information.

Mr. Szendy thanked those involved as well and noted he would support an EDO. However, he did have some concerns with the bylaws in regards to the directors. He felt it should be set up like a regular corporation where the Directors report back to someone. He felt there should be checks and balances.

Mr. Bass thanked the Mayor and all those involved. He noted that a lot of hours were put into this project. He stated there has already been a $30,000 appropriation for this project which is a bold step by the town. This EDO will be a powerful tool to bring new businesses and job training to the town. He stated that there are many other towns that have this tool already. It will aide in job growth and business retention. It is necessary to maintain and build the town’s business base. It will help both small and medium businesses. He noted there are already grants for small businesses in town. It would not be an end all be all for the town, but a strategy to be used.

Mr. Bass stated he appreciated the support but it is now time to take the next step to form the EDO and fill the positions associated with it. He hopes the Town Council will allow the Mayor, Mr. Nolan, and Attorney DiBella to bring this to the State to file and then they can hash out the particulars.

Mr. Guendelsberger confirmed with Mr. Nolan that this EDO would have 501(c) (3) tax status. Attorney DiBella stated this must be to obtain donor funds. It would be so as filed with the IRS. The by-laws would contain the non-stock statement, but the IRS needs the Certificate of Corporation.

Mr. Guendelsberger questioned the process of filing for 501(c)(3) status if they need the bylaws language first. Dr. Mullen asked why this was not given to the members earlier so that they could digest the information and then make a decision this evening. Mayor Murphy stated that Mr. Nolan wanted to make a presentation before the Council first. Dr.

NEW MILFORD TOWN COUNCIL – REGULAR MEETING –MINUTES – SEPTEMBER 27, 2010 Page 9 of 15 Mullen stated that he would like to read through the bylaws before taking the next legal step.

Mr. O'Brien agreed with Mayor Murphy, but stated he would support a motion to allow the Mayor and Attorney DiBella to file with the State. He also would like the answers to his questions and felt it was essential to do this to get answers for the public.

Mr. Nolan stated he would get those answers to the best of his ability.

Mr. Szendy asked if the paperwork could be filed and then the rest would be fleshed out later on.

Attorney DiBella stated it should be done simultaneously. The bylaws should be done when the Certificate of Corporation is done. Mr. Nolan stated as public- private entity, if the Town Council annually appoints the Board of Directors, the arms-length relationship disappears.

Attorney DiBella noted there is no liability of the Town of New Milford when the entity is differentiated from the town. Mr. Szendy again asked where the checks and balances are and who they answer to. Attorney DiBella stated they answer to the Economic Development Commission.

Mr. Wargo noted the Board of Directors would report to the Town Council. As well, there would be three Town Council members on the Board. Mr. Szendy stated he would like to read the bylaws first.

Mr. Nolan noted that six of the Board seats would be taken by the Town Council, the Mayor, the Economic Development Commission, and the Economic Development Supervisor. There are people that would automatically convey the public interest. The others would bring strong business sense to the Board. The Town Council would always have seats on the Board. The community will always have the right to say whether they want something or not.

Mr. Bayer expressed his concern for who would be “at the top of the pyramid”. He also expressed concern for how much public money would be used. He also would like to read the documents.

Ms. Buck-Taylor commended all involved as it required a lot of hard work. She noted that the Town Council has already agreed to support the concept with its previous monetary allocation. When that money is gone, the Economic Development Commission must come back to request more. She trusts that they will continue to do a great job for New Milford. An EDO would allow the town to get the money it might not otherwise be able to get to support business. She would support a motion to send this to the State.

NEW MILFORD TOWN COUNCIL – REGULAR MEETING –MINUTES – SEPTEMBER 27, 2010 Page 10 of 15 Mr. Guendelsberger noted that the purpose of the non-profit corporation is to get grant money and donations, etc. to foster economic development. There are still the land use boards to deal with any applications for businesses or development. The Corporation is just a conduit to get business and funding. He would support sending it to the State.

Mrs. Lundgren asked if Connecticut Conference of Municipalities (CCM) was utilized. Mr. Nolan stated it was. He used reference documents and legislative research that was available through CCM.

Mrs. Lundgren agreed with Dr. Mullen that she would like time to read and digest the bylaws. She would also like to see a chart of what the Commission/Corporation can and cannot do. She would like to see a mission statement.

Mr. Nolan noted there are many things the EDO can do that the Economic Development Commission cannot such as loan money and make deals with lenders and businesses. He gave several examples. An EDO can help companies grow their operations, and can bring new business and help in the finance aspects of these. An Economic Development Commission cannot do that.

Mrs. Lundgren stated she supports the concept, but wants to read the information thoroughly.

Mr. Szendy stated the Board of Directors would determine everything. He felt there was no control in this and that the public must be protected. There must be checks and balances. He noted the Board of Directors is there for life and can make its own raises etc. He has concerns.

Mr. O'Brien noted that this is not rocket science nor is the concept a new one. There are others towns that do this and he has read that several of those towns are getting economic development that is beneficial to them. It will be a deliberately autonomous organization. He too would like more time to read the bylaws, but he would not hold up the process. He felt it was important to keep things moving and he trusts Mr. Wargo, the Economic Development Commission, Attorney DiBella, Mayor Murphy, and Mr. Nolan. He encouraged all to read the through the bylaws and suggest tweaks if necessary.

He also noted that the motion is just to allow the creation of the EDO. He would like more information, but would like to keep the concept moving forward. He would vote in favor of the motion. Mr. Bayer agreed.

Mr. Szendy asked Attorney DiBella if the bylaws could be tweaked. Attorney DiBella stated they could, but there must be a Board of Directors ready to sign the bylaws when the Certificate of Incorporation is ready. The bylaws aren’t filed with the Secretary of State. They can be tweaked all one wants.

NEW MILFORD TOWN COUNCIL – REGULAR MEETING –MINUTES – SEPTEMBER 27, 2010 Page 11 of 15 Mrs. Lundgren asked to see copies of bylaws from the other towns as well. She did not think waiting two weeks would cause any harm.

The motion carried with a 7-0-2 vote. Mr. Bass, Mr. Guendelsberger, Mr. Esposito, Mr. Szendy, Ms. Buck-Taylor, Mr. O'Brien, and Mr. Bayer voted in favor of the motion. Mrs. Lundgren and Dr. Mullen abstained from voting.


Discussion and possible action on United Water’s proposal to close Culvert City Road, in accordance with DPW’s recommendations, between the hours of 9am to 3pm daily until such time as a water main is installed and operational.

It was noted that the Department of Public Works has reviewed the request to close the road and concurs that there is a need to do this. Director Mike Zarba stated that the road is only 11 feet wide. A letter would be sent to the residents explaining the road closure.

There will be onsite storage of material during the construction and metal plates will be placed over the work during the hours the road is open. The Department of Public Works will be working with the contractors to ensure the public’s safety.

Members asked that it be added to the contract that United Water is responsible for regrading the road in the Spring. Mr. Zarba agreed and noted that this is always done. He also stated the work would take approximately 5-7 days to replace the main, one day to test the main, and three days to transfer the service over to the new water main pipe for a total of approximately two weeks.

Mr. O'Brien stated he would like to see a list of what the contractor plans to accomplish each day.

Mr. Zarba reiterated that steel plates would cover excavation being done in case emergency access is necessary and during the hours the road is open. Fill will also be put in place as needed. There will also be a police officer or other such person on site. The road would be open before nine a.m. each day and after three p.m.

When asked, Mr. Zarba stated that United Water is contracting the work out. Parking will be at Helen Marx park and the old ambulance barn location. He also noted that if there are any changes, the residents would again be notified.

NEW MILFORD TOWN COUNCIL – REGULAR MEETING –MINUTES – SEPTEMBER 27, 2010 Page 12 of 15 A representative from United Water explained that workers would dig a trench for the temporary water main and post closure signs. Several members asked that the Department of Public Works telephone number be put on the letter as a backup contact.

Mr. Szendy suggested that the town be sure of any rights of way, etc. There should also be a police presence on site. Mr. Zarba agreed and it will be done. Mr. O'Brien stated the survey should be verified so there are not any problems.

Mr. Zarba stated United Water would contract the surveyor.

Mayor Murphy summed up the conversation by stating the letter would be tweaked to add the Department of Public Works phone number, the survey drawings would be checked, and that United Water would come back to finish the road.

Mr. Szendy moved the Town Council approve United Water’s proposal to close Culvert City Road, in accordance with DPW’s recommendations, between the hours of 9am to 3pm daily until such time as a water main is installed and operational. The motion was seconded by Ms. Buck-Taylor and carried unanimously.


Discussion and possible action authorizing Raymond J. Jankowski, Director of Finance, to sign the contract entitled “AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FOR THE EARLY RETIREMENT REINSURANCE PROGRAM WITH INTECH HEALTH VENTURES.”

Director of Finance Raymond Jankowski was present for the discussion. He stated that this program would help retirement benefits for those less than 64 years old. This is a $5 billion dollar program by the Federal Government for early retirees to offset their healthcare costs.

Medical information would go to HHS in the normal fashion. The company would aggregate the information in the proper way as the town does not have the expertise to do so. There is a $1,500 one-time fee for set up and $3 per month per participant that is accepted into the program.

Mr. O'Brien commented that the contract is to be signed by the Director of Finance not the Mayor. He was told the Federal Governments has directed that the Chief Financial Officer would sign the contract. Mr. Jankowski would also be the administrator.

NEW MILFORD TOWN COUNCIL – REGULAR MEETING –MINUTES – SEPTEMBER 27, 2010 Page 13 of 15 It was noted that page 2, Item ii states either side can get out of the contract at any time for any reason.

Item vi is a default that provides that the company is obligated to provide services.

Mr. Bass moved the Town Council approve authorizing Raymond J. Jankowski, Director of Finance, to sign the contract entitled “AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FOR THE EARLY RETIREMENT REINSURANCE PROGRAM WITH INTECH HEALTH VENTURES.” The motion was seconded by Ms. Buck-Taylor and carried unanimously.


Discussion and possible action on proposed revision to the Municipal Purchases (Bid) Ordinance; Chapter 2, Article III (Section 2-92) of the New Milford Code.

Dr. Mullen asked about the Board of Education. He was told they have their own purchasing agent. This issue was discussed at a past Town Council meeting and members agreed to it. The wording is there for reference. The Bid Ordinance must state that the Board of Education has its own purchasing agent so the Town Council does not appoint someone.

Mr. Szendy moved the Town Council adopt the proposed revision to the Municipal Purchases (Bid) Ordinance; Chapter 2, Article III (Section 2- 92) of the New Milford Code as presented at the public hearing this evening. The motion was seconded by Ms. Buck-Taylor and carried unanimously.

Mrs. Lundgren moved to adjourn at 9:15 p.m. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bayer and carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

NEW MILFORD TOWN COUNCIL – REGULAR MEETING –MINUTES – SEPTEMBER 27, 2010 Page 14 of 15 Judilynn Ferlow Recording Secretary /jlf


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