Frameworks: New Castle County & Stevenson House Detention Centers

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Frameworks: New Castle County & Stevenson House Detention Centers

Frameworks: New Castle County & Stevenson House Detention Centers

The ED is responsible for managing the overall educational process for students at the Detention Centers with responsibilities shared with the TA and teachers.

During Intake, the TA, under the direction of the ED, will administer the BASI, contact student’s School of Origin and other agencies for student records, and record BASI test results in the FACTS system –see In-Take/Transfer Checklist. The ED will utilize the Credit Recovery Worksheet –attached- in discussions with the School of Origin to identify any partial and full credit units completed by the student and to target possible future Credit Recovery efforts.

Student Placement in Class is immediate. Classroom teachers will administer curriculum based measures to validate BASI test results (ELA: SRI; Math: Saxon Math diagnostic test). At the next EPT meeting, within 5 days of admission, the ED (or Principal) will review all educational information, identify student weaknesses, prioritize student’s instructional needs, identify areas for possible Credit Recovery, and identify instructional goals to address BASI and other identified needs. Resulting recommendations and educational plans will be recorded by the ED on the EPT Meeting Form -attached. On-going Instruction targeted at identified student needs will be provided by teachers, and student performance data will be tracked and reported to the ED. The ED (or Principal) will convene EPT meetings to discuss student On-going RTI. Thus student educational programs will be actively monitored and adjusted at least every 4 weeks, and reflected on the updated EPT Meeting Form.

November 23, 2009 Page 1 Upon notification of potential student discharge, the ED at the next EPT meeting will compile information to assist with the smooth Transition of the student including possible completion of an Official High School Transcript form to document credits earned while in DSCYF. The TA will administer and record the BASI post-test results—minimum time-lapse of 6 months. For students returning to School, the ED will be the primary contact person between the Detention

Center and the school.

Upon notification of student transfer to Ferris School or the Cleveland White School programs, the ED will immediately fax the Transfer Packet information identified on the In-Take/Transfer Checklist to the receiving school with additional records forwarded by mail.



Intake Placement in Instruction On-Going RTI* Employability Skills Transition To Transfer Class Monitoring School

1. Outcome: Student 1. Outcome: BASI 1. Outcome: Provide 1. Outcome: Student 1.Outcome: All students 1. Outcome: Student is 1. Outcome: Students receives verified via on-going student response to not returning to school will successfully transitioned will Transfer smoothly to diagnostic curriculum centered instruction. instruction (RTI) receive exposure to back to school. other DSCYF educational screening on measures. ELA and monitored by Ed employability skills training. Programs. BASI, and survey math priorities Planning Team, After 6 months student results available and initial modification made to completes BASI post test. for preliminary objectives student program, EPT class placement. identified by Ed Meeting Form Prior school of Planning Team updated.. origin contacted (EPT). Class for records, etc. placement made.

2.Roles 2. Roles 2. Roles 2. Roles 2. Roles 2. Roles 2. Roles

 ED – Oversees the  Ed Planning Team  ED- Chairs bi-  ED: Chairs bi-weekly  Teachers: Embed careers  ED: Major role in  Ed: faxes Transfer intake and initial (EPT) - Meets weekly EPT to EPT meetings to and transition info into coordinating transition Packet info to placement biweekly to review discuss discuss current curriculum of student back to receiving school. process. data, prioritizes performance of performance of using Career Compass school. Credit Recovery  TA- Administer student students students. Every materials. .  TA: After 6 months, Worksheet updated BASI, contact instructional needs (Principal is back- student’s ed After 4 months administers and and forwarded to school for records, and identify goals. up chair). performance administer CareerScope records BASI results. receiving school. EPT Meeting Form compiles info for  Teachers –Provide reviewed at least and counsel student on  EPT: Provides ED and  TA: After 6 months initiated/updated. ED to present to on-going effective every 4 weeks. results. receiving school administers and  Ed Planning Team ED – Chairs bi- instructional  Teachers- Provide needed info for record BASI results. (EPT). ED discusses weekly EPT interventions instruction, and successful transition to potential for Credit meeting. (Principal within content conduct curriculum school. Recovery with is back-up chair for areas with based on-going  Ed updates Credit School of Origin ED.) specific attention student Recovery Worksheet, and student.  TA: Prepares to BASI items. performance and if appropriate,  Teachers – packets for ED to monitoring. Provide principal signs & issues administer present at EPT ED/TA with student Official HS Transcript curriculum based meeting. progress data. for credit work measures. Results  Teachers –  TA: Under direction completed. given to TA & ED. ELA/Math: of ED, collects data Actively participate from teachers on on EPT. student performance per BASI items.

3.Timeframe – 3. Timeframe – 3. Timeframe – 3. Timeframe – 3. Timeframe – 3. Timeframe – 3.Timeframe-

BASI completed Within 5 days of On-going within On-going monitoring Ongoing in general Pre-transition meeting Transfer Packet info within 72 hours of admission, ELA and curriculum areas. of student education classes. Possible triggers Post Test for faxed immediately upon admission and survey Math curriculum performance with referral to DVR considered students enrolled over 6 Transfer, and additional results provided to based diagnostic discussion at least for students not returning months. records mailed. teacher(s). BASI measures completed. once every 4 weeks at to school or Transferring to “pretest” scores EPT meets within 1 EPT meetings. another DSCYF program.26- recorded by TA. week. Student placed. Apr-1826-Apr-18 Transcripts & school info obtained within 5 days. ED: Educational Diagnostician, EPT: Ed Planning Team, TA: Teacher Aide. *RTI: Response to Instruction.

November 23, 2009 Page 3 November 23, 2009 Page 4

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