Comparison of Structures

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Comparison of Structures

"Mountains to the Sea” A proposed implementation plan for the Convention on Biological Diversity

A tool for assisting the Parties in ecosystem- based, integrated implementation of the thematic programmes and cross-cutting issues of the Convention on Biological Diversity

November 2005

WWF Global Freshwater Programme

For more information contact: Christopher E. Williams, Manager, River Basin Conservation, WWF +1 202 778 9792 [email protected] Executive summary

With this draft report, WWF is proposing that the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) develop and adopt a ‘mountains to the sea’ implementation tool for the Convention (M2C), and is providing a draft of that tool for consideration. This tool draws together all thematic programmes, programmes of work and guidance developed under the 17 cross-cutting issues into one delivery platform. At present, Parties must examine documents describing the requirements of a growing list (23 at this point) of thematic programmes and cross-cutting issues. Initial feedback indicates that implementation of CBD is hampered in some countries, especially developing countries, by the complex environment of thematic and cross-cutting programmes of work and associated guidance.

The proliferation of programmes of work and guidance under the CBD creates enormous institutional challenges for Parties. Directed to apply an ecosystem approach to biodiversity conservation, it is left to the Parties to determine how to bring the growing numbers of thematic programmes of work together into one cohesive and integrated national effort that integrates rather than segregates biomes. The consideration of cross-cutting issues provides yet another, separate set of programmes that are rarely set within or designed to work in partnership with the thematic programmes.

In addition to the complexities brought about by the number of thematic programmes and cross-cutting issues, each differs considerably in their approach, level of detail and structure. This is due largely to the evolving and thus far ad hoc way that programmes and guidance documents for the Parties are developed. Each thematic programme of work is drafted and negotiated individually, with scant reference to one another and virtually no standard substantive requirements, structure, or even terminology. Similarly, the range of approaches and guidance for addressing cross-cutting issues varies tremendously, from detailed programmes of work to simple guidance that Parties are asked to consider. Thus, as they currently stand, the thematic programmes and cross-cutting issues are not compatible or directly comparable, making it very difficult for those trying to use them for implementation at a landscape, river basin or seascape scale. Different biomes or cross-cutting issues may require highly specialised approaches, but they ultimately must be linked together and mutually supportive in order to be effective. As they exist today, the thematic and cross-cutting programmes are not facilitating the application of the ecosystem approach.

This draft ‘mountains to the sea’ implementation plan was developed by WWF to encourage the CBD to recognise this fundamental issue facing the convention and those implementing it at global, regional, national or local levels. The principles and operational guidelines of the ecosystem approach are promoting cross-biome, integrated, scale-relevant management approaches, yet the CBD’s thematic and cross-cutting programmes are inadvertently working against that aspiration.

In the draft ‘mountains to the sea’ implementation plan proposed here (section 3) the six CBD thematic programmes have been integrated and condensed. The guidance and programmes developed under the 17 cross-cutting issues have been integrated into the same structure, resulting in one, comprehensive implementation plan for the convention; an 80-page guidance document that condenses hundreds of pages of CBD programmes and guidance. The plan is not final or complete as presented here, as some specialized or more complex areas (such as trade) have not been considered in this report. In some cases, the fine detail of how to implement a certain aspect of a programme of work has also been omitted and simply cross-referenced. However, despite these omissions, the report demonstrates the potential of this approach for simplifying implementation,

2 reducing the potential for multiple and duplicative reporting requirements, and assisting Parties to apply the ecosystem approach of the Convention.

In developing the draft M2C, great care was taken to retain the fundamentals of each programme (goals, objectives, activities) and guidance document so that the integrated, cross-biome plan did not lose any of the ideas and activities that each contained. In addition, M2C implicitly incorporates the provisional framework of goals and targets agreed to at COP7 (Decision VII/30). M2C does not aim to replace or make redundant the thematic and cross-cutting issues programmes and guidance; rather it takes their contents and re-presents them in a standardized framework. M2C is designed to be a tool to help Parties with the complex task of implementing CBD’s expansive agenda.

Apart from helping to promote a more integrated, ecosystem based approach, M2C also serves the secondary purpose of illustrating the key management challenges and issues of CBD implementation, irrespective of biome. It also provides a useful structure around which to develop of goals and targets applicable individually and collectively across the programmes of work.

WWF encourages Parties of CBD to discuss this proposal at CoP8 in 2006 and prepare an M2C implementation plan for consideration and adoption by CoP9 in 2008.

3 Table of Contents:


1. Introduction 5 CBD and the ecosystem approach – Is practice matching theory? 6

2. Approach taken and key findings 7 2.1 Phase 1: Integrating the thematic programmes 7 2.1.1 Approach 7 2.1.2 Key findings 7 2.2 Phase 2: Integrating the cross-cutting programmes 11 2.2.1 Approach 11 2.2.2 Key findings 11

3. Draft ‘mountains to the sea’ implementation plan 18 Overarching programme - Integrated, ecosystem approach 18 Programme element 1 – Conservation, sustainable use and benefit- 20 sharing 1.1 Protect, recover, restore biological diversity 20 1.2 Preventing, reducing, mitigating threats to biological diversity 22 1.2.1 Invasive alien species 22 1.2.2 Climate change 27 1.2.3 Land use practices 28 1.2.4 Pollution 29 1.2.5 Fires 30 1.2.6 Threats specific to a particular biome thematic programme 31 1.3 Protected area systems 33 1.4 Sustainable use 43 1.5 Access and benefit sharing 48 1.6 Participation by local and indigenous communities and application 50 of traditional knowledge Programme element 2 - Institutional and socio-economic 54 enabling environment 2.1 Institutions, plans, policies, programmes and laws 54 2.2 Incentives, economic instruments and issues 65 2.3 Impact assessment 69 2.4 Communication, education and public awareness 71 2.5 Innovative and appropriate technologies 78 2.6 Transboundary, regional and international cooperation 81 Programme element 3 - Knowledge, assessment and monitoring 85 3.1 Status and trends – assessments, indicators and monitoring 85 3.2 Research efforts 92 3.3 Data management and infrastructure 96 4. Final remarks 101

Appendix A: The ecosystem approach – principles and rationale 102 Appendix B: Provisional framework of goals and targets (Decision VII/30) 104 Appendix C: Issues and challenges to creating M2C 106

4 Mountains to the sea

1. Introduction

Since its inception in 1992, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has approached its mandated task by two primary routes; development of six (and soon to be seven) thematic programmes of work for the major biomes, and guidance in relation to 17 cross-cutting issues that in most cases are common across biomes. Table 1 below shows the current situation.

Table 1: CBD’s current range of biome-specific thematic programmes of work and the cross-cutting issues and programmes

Thematic 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. program- Mountain Forests Inland Dry & Agricu Marine Islands mes waters sub- ltural and (coming C humid lands coastal soon) r lands o 1. 2010 targets s 2. Access to genetic resources and benefits sharing s 3. Invasive alien species - 4. Article 8(j), Traditional knowledge, innovations and practices c 5. Biodiversity and tourism u 6. Climate change t 7. Economics, trade and incentive measures t 8. Ecosystem approach i 9. Global strategy for plant conservation n g 10. Global Taxonomy Initiative 11. Impact assessment I 12. Indicators s 13. Liability and redress s 14. Protected areas s 15. Education and public education e 16. Sustainable use of biodiversity s 17. Technology transfer and cooperation

The Parties moved to articulate and develop the ecosystem approach as the fundamental framework for implementation (see cross-cutting theme 8 above) at COP5 when the approach and operational guidelines were adopted (decision V/6). COP7 endorsed additional guidelines (Decision VII/11) and reaffirmed the ecosystem approach as the overarching blueprint for CBD implementation. COP7 also began to focus on the issue of how to operationalise the biome-specific thematic programmes under the ecosystem approach (Decision VII/11). However, while the ecosystem approach itself stresses the importance of integrated planning and implementation (see Appendix A), the proliferation of programmes of work under CBD has created a different institutional challenge for Parties: how to draw together these thematic programmes of work into one cohesive and integrated effort that crosses, and does not segregate, biomes.

1.1 CBD and the ecosystem approach – Is practice matching theory?

5 The Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity recognize the ecosystem approach as the “…strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living resources that promotes conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way. Application of the ecosystem approach will help to reach a balance of the three objectives of the Convention. It is based on the application of appropriate scientific methodologies focused on levels of biological organization which encompass the essential processes, functions and interactions among organisms and their environment. It recognizes that humans, with their cultural diversity, are an integral component of ecosystems.”

As articulated by the Convention and agreed by its Parties, the ecosystem approach is intended to be applied using 12 principles (see Appendix A), which are described as being complementary and interlinked. CBD’s 7th Conference provided further guidance in relation to these (decision VII/11). These guidelines state; “There is…a need to integrate the ecosystem approach into agriculture, fisheries, forestry and other production systems that have an effect on biodiversity. Management of natural resources, according to the ecosystem approach, calls for increased intersectoral communication and cooperation at a range of levels (government ministries, management agencies, etc.).” However, while encouraging management integration across production sectors, the CBD, through creation of the thematic programmes of work, has inadvertently segregated ecosystems into a different set of “sectors” based on biomes.

Initial feedback indicates that the challenge of implementing CBD is being hampered in some countries, especially developing countries, by the complex environment of thematic programmes of work, cross-cutting issues, and (in many cases) associated guidance which CBD has generated (see Table 1). At present there are 6 thematic programmes of work (soon to be 7) plus 16 cross-cutting issues on the CBD agenda (the ecosystem approach is the 17th but has been omitted here due to its overarching role). This creates a complex matrix of expectations and guidance for a Party to digest and then implement at the landscape/seascape level. One of the very tangible management difficulties this causes is in the preparation of National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) where Parties are expected to consider all these various thematic programmes and cross- cutting issues.

In addition, thematic programmes differ considerably in their organization, detail, and terminology, while seemingly covering a similar range of management issues. There are dramatic differences in the way these programmes are organized internally. The same can be said of the guidance and programmes of work that have developed in relation to cross-cutting issues. This is due in large part to the evolving and sequential way these programmes are developed. As they currently stand, the thematic programmes are not compatible or directly comparable. This is a difficult obstacle for those trying to use them for implementation at a landscape, river basin or seascape scale. As the number of thematic programmes and cross-cutting issues increases, and guidance becomes more detailed and complex, the situation is becoming more and more problematic for Parties struggling to come to grips with CBD’s wide-ranging agenda.

This report was developed by WWF’s Global Freshwater Programme to encourage the Parties to the CBD to recognise this fundamental issue that now faces the Convention and those implementing it; whether at the global, regional, national or local levels. As shown in the following section, the principles and operational guidelines of the ecosystem approach are on one hand promoting cross-biome, integrated, scale-relevant management approaches, yet the CBD thematic (and to a lesser extent the cross- cutting) programmes are working against that aspiration.

6 The goal of this project was to examine the potential for developing an implementation plan that could simplify for Parties the task of applying the thematic programmes and cross-cutting issues. An implementation plan that would preserve the key elements of these programmes, but integrate and harmonize them into one document, which WWF has chosen to call the ‘mountains to the sea’ implementation plan (M2C).

2. Approach and key findings

The first draft M2C was completed in December 2004, and WWF circulated the resulting discussion paper and presented it at several CBD meetings. Reviewers urged WWF to further develop the concept, and specifically to draw CBD’s cross-cutting programmes into the analysis and draft plan. WWF was also encouraged to demonstrate how the M2C related to CBD’s provisional framework for goals and targets, as adopted through Decision VII/30 of the 7th COP. The steps taken in preparing the first discussion draft and this follow-up report are set out below.

In undertaking the development of M2C, great care was taken to retain the fundamentals of each thematic and cross-cutting programme (goals, objectives, activities) so that the integrated plan did not lose any of the ideas and activities that each contain. The aim of M2C is not to replace or make the thematic or cross-cutting programmes redundant; rather it is to take their contents and re-present them in one integrated and standard framework of sub-programmes. M2C is designed to be a tool to help Parties with the complex task of implementing CBD’s expansive agenda.

2.1 Phase 1: Integrating the thematic programmes

2.1.1 Analysis

Step 1. Review all six thematic programmes (mountains, forests, inland waters, agricultural lands, dry and sub-humid lands and marine and coastal) and compare their structure, organization and content.

Step 2. Design a standard structure to accommodate the content of all six programmes (see Table 4 below).

Step 3. Identify common themes and issues and areas of difference between the six thematic programmes.

Step 4. ‘Cut and paste’ text from the six thematic programmes into the relevant part of the new standard structure.

Step 5. Edit the ‘cut and paste’ text to remove duplications and repetitious language, and, where appropriate, convert biome-specific language into cross-biome text.

2.1.2 Key findings

Structures and organisation of thematic programmes

There are significant differences in structure, organization and level of complexity of the six thematic programmes. This reflects their one-by-one development over several years. Table 2 below summarises the structural differences in terms of programme elements under which the objectivities and activities are present in the various programmes.

7 Table 2: Comparison of the programme elements and structures of the thematic programmes

Thematic programme Programme elements Mountains 1: Direct actions for Conservation, Sustainable Use and Benefit Sharing 2: Means of implementation for Conservation, Sustainable Use and Benefit Sharing 3: Supporting action for Conservation, Sustainable Use and Benefit Sharing Forests 1: Conservation, Sustainable use and benefit-sharing 2. Institutional and socio-economic enabling environment 3. Knowledge, assessment and monitoring Inland waters 1: Conservation, Sustainable use and benefit-sharing 2: Institutional and socio-economic enabling environment 3: Knowledge, assessment and monitoring Dry and sub-humid lands Part A: Assessments Operational Objective Part B: Targeted actions in response to identified needs Agricultural biodiversity 1: Assessment 2: Adaptive management 3: Capacity building 2: Mainstreaming Marine and coastal 1: Implementation of integrated marine and coastal area management (IMCAM) 2: Marine and coastal living resources 3: Marine and coastal protected areas 4: Mariculture 5: Invasive alien species 6: General Islands To be determined

Although there are quite fundamental differences in structure, each thematic programme contains similar information organised in a different ways.

These differing fundamental structures add an unnecessary level of complexity to implementation of thematic programme in concert with one another, which will certainly be required in order to effectively implement an ecosystem approach. For example, a Party planning the management of an alpine region would need to consider at the very least the thematic programmes on mountains, forests and inland waters. The aim of the M2C is to simplify that task. Significantly, the forests and inland waters programmes adopted the same basic structure, which provided a familiar and accepted basis for M2C.

It is also notable (as shown by Table 3 below) that each programme element has different internal organisation in terms of goals, objectives, activities etc. While there are some common themes, the differing approaches to presenting and mandating activities by the Parties through goal and objective statements is not uniform, and thus are not helpful for the people trying to apply these programmes.

Table 3: Comparison of the internal structures of the thematic programmes

Thematic programme Internal structural features Mountains Under each programme element there are: Goals (several) Under each goal there are:

8 Actions Supporting activities of the Executive secretary Forests Under each programme element there are: Goals (several) Under each goal there are: Objectives (several) and under each of these are: Activities Inland waters Under each programme element there are: Goals (several) Under each goal there are details on the context and linkages as follows: Strategic plan objectives Related elements of first programme of work Intra and inter-programmatic linkages Plan of implementation of the WSSD And also objectives (several) and under each of these there are: Activities of the Parties Supporting activities Main partners Other collaborators Dry and sub-humid lands Under each programme element there are: Activities Ways and means Agricultural biodiversity Under each programme element there are: Operational objective (one) Rationale Activities Ways and means Timing of expected outputs Marine and coastal Under each programme element there is the following: Goal (only one) Operational objective Activities Ways and means Islands To be determined

The inland waters programme has the most detailed structure and is the only programme that sets the activities within the context of the CBD’s Strategic Plan and the WSSD’s Plan of Implementation. It creates a structure that is comprehensive and places inland waters biodiversity conservation activities in the broader context of CBD implementation. COP7 endorsed the inland waters programme of work in early 2004. For these reasons, the structure of the inland waters programme of work was used as the basic template for the draft M2C plan.

Designing the structure of the ‘mountains to the sea’ implementation plan

As indicated above (Section 2.1.1) step 2 of the project involved comparing the content of the thematic programmes, ‘mapping’ the issues they cover, and then using this to design a structure for the M2C that could accommodate all of them. Table 4 shows the results of this mapping exercise, which provided the structure – the “table of contents” - for M2C. Table 4 also provides a ‘gap analysis’ by showing those issues that certain thematic programmes have not considered. This is not to say they necessarily should have, but it may be useful if thematic programmes come up for revision. Importantly,

9 Table 4 may assist those undertaking the current drafting of the new thematic programme of work on ‘islands biodiversity’.

Table 4: Structure of the draft M2C implementation plan and comparison of contents of the six thematic programmes.

Shaded cells indicate the thematic programme contains elements related to that issue s s s s e e t r r d n n s i i e u n t r e a t a l t r a a l

u n o w m c d F u

i i

Structure of the draft ‘mountains to the sea’ r o d d m g n n implementation plan M u a A a l

h s n - t I b s u a s o d C n a

y r D Over-arching Programme: Integrated, ecosystem-based approach Applying the ecosystem approach Programme element 1. Conservation, Sustainable use and Benefit-sharing 1.1 Protect, recover, restore biological diversity 1.2 Preventing, reducing, mitigating threats to biological diversity 1.2.1 Invasive alien species 1.2.2 Climate change 1.2.3 Land use practices 1.2.4 Pollution 1.2.5 Fires 1.2.6 Threats specific to a particular biome thematic programme 1.3 Protected area systems 1.4 Sustainable use 1.5 Access to genetic resources and benefit sharing 1.6 Participation by local and indigenous communities and application of traditional knowledge Programme element 2. Institutional and socio-economic enabling environment 2.1 Institutions, plans, policies, programmes and laws and capacity building 2.2 Incentives, economic instruments and issues 2.3 Impact assessment 2.4 Communication, education and public awareness 2.5 Innovative and appropriate technologies 2.6 Transboundary, regional and international collaboration Programme element 3. Knowledge, assessment and monitoring 3.1 Status and trends – assessments, indicators and monitoring 3.2 Research efforts 3.3 Data management and infrastructure

Overview of content similarities and difference

10 Despite the considerable differences in basic structure and organisation of the six thematic programmes, the goals, operational objectives and activities/actions are very similar in terms of issues addressed and suggested responses by the Parties. There are some notable exceptions, such as the specialised elements of the marine and coastal programme relating to mariculture, coral bleaching and the physical degradation and destruction of coral reefs.

Most thematic programmes also tend to have some unique research priorities and a ‘sprinkling’ of unique management issues. Overall, however, approximately 80-90% of each programme of work’s content is not unique, and can be found repeated in most of the other programmes. These common elements are often expressed differently, probably because each programme has been developed by a different group of specialists for each biome.

The CBD’s biome-specific approach to developing the thematic programmes of work has resulted in significant ‘reinvention of the wheel’ as each programme provided different ways to say much the same things about what is needed for management and conservation within each biome. In some respects, this is a positive and not a negative for the convention, as it indicates that irrespective of the biome, there are clearly identified fundamentals that Parties need to consider. The downside is that the six thematic programmes, due to fundamental structural differences, are not readily integrated and this promotes biome-specific management rather than holistic, ecosystem-level implementation.

The draft M2C condenses the six thematic programmes from close to 100 pages (as downloaded from the CBD web site) to less than 50 pages without significant loss of content. This illustrates that a tool that integrates all programmes of work and cross- cutting issues could be much easier to access and use. Moreover, combined programmes of work and combined goals and targets could significantly streamline reporting requirements of implementing Parties by eliminating duplication and multiple reports.

2.2 Phase 2: Integrating the cross-cutting programmes

2.2.1 Approach

The steps taken here continued on from steps 1-5 of Phase 1 (see Section 2.1.1) and followed a similar process except that the focus of attention here was the 17 cross- cutting issues of the convention.

Step 6. Review all 17 cross-cutting issues to establish whether they provide guidance in any form or have a programme of work associated with them.

Step7. Review guidance or dedicated programme of work for structure and range of content.

Step 8. ‘Map’ the issues covered by the guidance or dedicated programme of work against the structure developed for the M2C implementation plan.

Step 9. ‘Cut and paste’ text from the guidance or dedicated programme of work (where these exist) into the relevant part of the new standard structure.

2.2.2 Key findings

11 This review highlights the marked differences in the way that the CBD is progressing against this suite of 17 cross-cutting issues. For some (such as protected areas, Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, Global Taxonomy Initiative and communication, education and public awareness) there are detailed programmes of work. For others (sustainable use, tourism, Article 8(j) implementation, incentives and impact assessment) guidance has been developed to assist Parties, and this is made available for voluntary application. Given these differences in approach, it is not surprising that the way that each guidance or programme of work is presented differs significantly. In fact, there is little or no consistency in the way these are presented for application by the Parties; even less than was evident with the six thematic programmes. This presents a significant challenge to integration of work under the cross-cutting issues. The Parties should consider standardising the format of guidance and programmes of work for the cross-cutting issues.

As was done for the thematic programmes, Step 8 above generated a ‘map’ showing how the guidance or programmes of work developed under the various cross-cutting issues relates to the structure of the draft ‘mountains to the sea’ implementation plan, and this is presented in Table 5 below.

Table 6 puts it all together, thematic programmes and cross-cutting themes in the framework of M2C.

12 Table 5: Comparison of the contents of the cross-cutting issues (guidance and programmes of work) against the structure of the draft M2C implementation plan. The shaded cells indicate that the cross-cutting issues guidance and programme of work contains elements related to that issue

Cross-cutting issues and programmes

t r I ) s s s s s e e h A t t m r J i n e s T e a s e c g P n f f i s ( o e e v e a u Structure of the i G n a c E s t e i

r 8 r r l o t a e m n a C n e d a r draft ‘mountains u P l e n

h c s p a

e l e i p o b c r e s r n d s r c b to the sea’

t d p T i

c a e o e o

e t i n f a n d t s d n n t y

r implementation t i I c e I s n n a i g y a A a e l a m a a

plan t o g v t

a m l e t r s

e i y o s t l o c t t e r u e s s i C n a a s l v P S e y i r i p h n c s t s b c o c o S m a a e

C i c A I l v T L E g a n n I b i o r l a G h s Over-arching Programme: Integrated, ecosystem-based approach Applying the ecosystem approach Programme element 1. Conservation, Sustainable use and Benefit-sharing 1.1 Protect, recover, restore biological diversity 1.2 Preventing, reducing, mitigating threats to biological diversity 1.2.1 Invasive alien species 1.2.2 Climate change 1.2.3 Land use practices 1.2.4 Pollution 1.2.5 Fires 1.2.6 Threats specific to a particular biome thematic programme 1.3 Protected area systems 1.4 Sustainable use 1.5 Access to genetic resources and benefit sharing 1.6 Participation by local and indigenous communities and application of traditional knowledge Programme element 2. Institutional and socio-economic enabling environment 2.1 Institutions, plans, policies, programmes and laws and capacity building 2.2 Incentives, economic instruments and issues 2.3 Impact assessment 2.4 Communication, education and public awareness 2.5 Innovative and appropriate technologies 2.6 Transboundary, regional and international collaboration Programme element 3. Knowledge, assessment and monitoring 3.1 Status and trends – assessments, indicators and monitoring 3.2 Research efforts 3.3 Data management and infrastructure

14 Table 6 (drawn from Tables 4 and 5): Comparison of the contents of the thematic programmes and the cross-cutting issues (guidance and programmes of work) against the structure of the draft M2C implementation plan. The shaded cells indicate that the cross-cutting issues guidance and programme of work contains elements related to that issue l t r ) I s s s s s s s s e e e h n A t s a t m r J r i n e s T a s e c n d g n o r P f f e i ( s s i i e o e e v e i a u i n G n s t E t u r e t i a e r 8 r r c o a t

t a t r a a a m n a C n e l l d a r e u l

e n h n s c o v a

Structure of the e l e u i w p p o m b r c d r s e d F

u r

c b c

i s t d p T i

i c a e e e draft ‘mountains to

o d d e t r a d n t s s d n n m t y n

r n n i I M c g I s n n

the sea’ n a u e g a a A a e i a l m A a o

a t h l o


m implementation l e s n - t C s a i y o s t t I

l o c b t r u t s s s plan i e C n a l u P S n e y a i v p h s c i s a o

b l c c s o d m C a e P a i c A I n T L v E g a

n n i I y r r a D h s Thematic programmes of work Cross-cutting issues (guidance and programmes of work) Over-arching Programme: Integrated, ecosystem-based approach Applying the ecosystem approach Programme element 1. Conservation, Sustainable use and Benefit-sharing 1.1 Protect, recover, restore biological diversity 1.2 Preventing, reducing, mitigating threats to biological diversity 1.2.1 Invasive alien species 1.2.2 Climate change 1.2.3 Land use practices 1.2.4 Pollution 1.2.5 Fires 1.2.6 Threats specific to a particular biome thematic programme 1.3 Protected area systems 1.4 Sustainable use 1.5 Access to genetic resources and benefit sharing 1.6 Participation by local and indigenous communities and application of traditional knowledge Programme element 2. Institutional and socio-economic enabling environment 2.1 Institutions, plans, policies, programmes and laws and capacity building 2.2 Incentives, economic instruments and issues 2.3 Impact assessment 2.4 Communication, education and public awareness 2.5 Innovative and appropriate technologies 2.6 Transboundary, regional and international collaboration Programme element 3. Knowledge, assessment and monitoring 3.1 Status and trends – assessments, indicators and monitoring 3.2 Research efforts 3.3 Data management and infrastructure

16 At present there is no way to directly cross-reference activities under the guidance and programmes of work for cross-cutting issues with activities under the thematic programmes of work. There is significant overlap and duplication among them. Table 6, which draws together tables 4 and 5, illustrates this point very clearly. For example, for a Party to fully understand the CBD’s guidance on issues of transboundary, regional or international cooperation, a review of four thematic programmes and seven cross-cutting issues would be required. Likewise, if the theme of interest is institutions, plans, policies and laws, one needs to consult all six thematic programmes and nine of the 17 cross-cutting issues.

Absent a mechanism for coordinating efforts, the current disconnect between the thematic programmes and the guidance and programmes of work under the cross- cutting issues is likely to foster piece-meal implementation rather than ecosystem approaches. M2C is an attempt to bridge the gaps and establish the necessary coordination. 3. Draft ‘Mountains to the sea’ implementation plan

Over-arching Programme: Integrated, ecosystem-based approach

Applying the ecosystem approach Goal : To apply the ecosystem approach to the integrated management of all biomes from the mountains to the sea.

Context and linkages: Article(s) of the Convention on 8 (f), 9 (c) and 10 (d) Biological Diversity: Strategic Plan objective(s): 1.5, 3.1, 3.3 and 3.4 Related (provisional) goals and All targets from Decision VII/30 – pursuit of the 2010 Biodiversity targets Source elements from thematic Mountains: Goal 1.2 programmes: Forests: Goal 1, Objectives 1 Inland waters: Goal 1.1 Dry and sub-humid lands: Activity 7 (f & l) Coasts and marine: Operational objectives 1.1 and 6.1 Source elements from cross-cutting The ‘Mountains to the Sea’ programme issue guidance and programmes following integrates all 17 cross-cutting programmes, including that for the ‘Ecosystem approach” (which is this sub- element) and that for the ‘2010 biodiversity targets’, which are considered in each sub- element.

The programme of work on protected areas includes as Goal 1.2 to integrate protected areas into broader land and seascape planning and this is accommodated below as operational objective (d).

Also, Guiding Principle 3 from the programme on invasive alien species, as adopted by Decision VI/23, promotes adoption of the ecosystem approach. Operational objectives: (a) Adopt integrated management approaches for the land (mountains, forests, dry and sub-humid lands and agricultural lands), inland water, coastal and marine biomes that incorporate the ecosystem approach, and the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

(b) Apply integrated, ecosystem-based management approaches, where appropriate, for transboundary land, inland water, coastal and marine systems.

18 (c) Integrate into landscape/seascape management approaches appropriate adaptive management and mitigation responses to combat, and prevent where possible, the negative impacts of climate change, El Niño, unsustainable land use, desertification and other threatening processes (see Sub-program 1.2).

(d) Integrate protected areas into broader land- and seascapes and sectors so as to maintain ecological structure and function. (Goal 1.2 from protected areas programme – see 1.3 below) Activities of the Parties: (i) Implement the integrated cross-biome programme of work set out below in Programme elements 1,2 and 3 following.

(ii) Develop and implement legal and policy strategies, and institutional arrangements for land and water-use planning at the landscape* level, taking into account issues of ecological integrity and connectivity, while emphasizing upstream- downstream relations, the prevention of losses of mountain and forest biological diversity due to fragmentation and land-use conversion, and linkages with the coastal and marine biomes.

(iii) Develop practical methods, guidelines, indicators and strategies to apply the ecosystem approach across the biome transition from the mountains to the sea.

(vi) As part of integrated, ecosystem-based management approaches establish ecological corridors on a national and regional basis.

(v) Promote effective collaboration among scientists, local stakeholders, planners, engineers, and economists, and including indigenous and local communities with their prior informed consent (both within and among countries) in the planning and implementation of development projects to better integrate the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity into integrated, ecosystem-based management approaches.

(vi) Encourage the development of new methodologies and new mechanisms, such as the upland-lowland contract that sustain biological diversity and the provision of goods and services.

(vii) Hold workshops to train and familiarize decision makers and managers with the foundations, principles and modalities of the integrated, ecosystem-based planning and management approach.

(viii) Identify obstacles to the implementation of integrated, ecosystem-based planning and management nationally and regionally, and develop and implement strategies, such as partnerships, tools and other means, to overcome those obstacles, including provision of guidance on the application of such tools.

(ix) Establish, within the integrated, ecosystem-based planning and management framework, effectively managed networks of protected areas comprising the appropriate blend of management regimes across the IUCN categories (see Sub- programme element 1.3 below). Supporting activities of the Executive Secretary (x) Support efforts to clarify the conceptual basis of the ecosystem approach in relation to sustainable use of the biodiversity-derived resources within each biome,

19 and develop guidance for applying the ecosystem approach in these ecosystems, and within the framework of integrated, ecosystem-based management.

(xi) In collaboration with relevant partners as appropriate, compile and disseminate, including through the clearing-house mechanism of the Convention on Biological Diversity case-studies, lessons learned and best-practice guidance on ways and means to promote integrated, ecosystem-based planning and management approach.

(xii) See others under Sub-programme element 1.3 below Main partners: Ramsar Secretariat and STRP, River Basin Initiative, UNEP, UNESCO, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), subsidiary scientific bodies of UNFCCC, CCD and the Ramsar Convention, IPCC, WMO. [it is acknowledged that this is an incomplete list] Other collaborators: Relevant international, regional and national organizations such as UNEP, International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), DIVERSITAS, IUCN, FAO.

*= for many Parties river basins may provide a useful scale in order to achieve integrated, ‘mountains to the sea’ planning and management.

Programme element 1. Conservation, Sustainable use and Benefit-sharing

1.1 Protect, recover, restore biological diversity Goal: To protect, recover and restore biological diversity across all biomes.

Context and linkages: Article(s) of the Convention on 8(d, (f) & (k), 9 Biological Diversity: Strategic Plan objective(s): 3.1, 3.3, 3.4 Directly related (provisional) goals Goals 1, 2, 3 and their associated targets and targets from Decision VII/30 – pursuit of the 2010 Biodiversity targets Source elements from thematic Mountains: Goal 1.2 programmes: Forests: Goal 3, Objectives 1; 2 & 3 Inland waters: Goal 1.3 Dry and sub-humid lands: Activity 7 (b)

Source elements from cross-cutting Global Strategy for Plant Conservation – issue guidance and programmes Targets 5, 7 (see sub-element 1.3 also) and 8 (see below) Operational objectives: (a) Degraded ecosystems are rehabilitated or restored, where appropriate and possible.

(b) The conservation status of threatened species is improved.

(c) Promote land, water and sea management practices that further the conservation of endemic and threatened species.

20 Activities of the Parties: Cross-biome 1.1.1 Identify national priority candidate ecosystems and/or sites for rehabilitation or restoration and proceed to undertake such works, as resources allow. In identifying potential candidate sites, consider the relative conservation status of the threatened species involved, and the potential gains for the overall ecosystem functioning, productivity and "health" within each biomes.

1.1.2 Identify and protect unique, fragile ecosystems, other biological diversity hotspots and their associated species, especially threatened species, giving priority consideration to measures aimed at strict in situ protection and/or developing ex situ mechanisms whenever feasible.

1.1.3 Establish and strengthen adequate, effective national, regional and international networks of protected areas, in accordance with decisions of the Conference of the Parties on protected areas, while respecting the rights and full participation of indigenous and local communities (see Sub-programme 1.6 also).

1.1.4 Identify nationally and then act, as appropriate, to improve the conservation status of threatened species, including migratory species, taking into account the programme of work on restoration and rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems being developed by the Conference of the Parties as part of its multi-year programme of work up to 2010.

1.1.5 Develop and implement conservation strategies for endemic, threatened and narrowly-distributed taxa for global or regional application, and practical systems of adaptive management at national level.

1.1.6 Develop and implement programmes to restore degraded ecosystems and protect natural dynamic processes and maintain biological diversity in order to enhance the capacity of ecosystems to resist and adapt to climate change, or recover from its negative impacts including, inter alia, by establishing corridors and taking appropriate measures to maintain ecological functions of natural corridors, where appropriate, to enable vertical migration of species, ensuring minimal viable population sizes to enable genetic adaptation to changing environmental conditions. These programmes should include socio-economic considerations, especially in relation to indigenous and local communities.

1.1.7 Provide, as appropriate, to the Executive Secretary case-studies, national experiences and any relevant local, national or regional guidance relating to the successful rehabilitation or restoration of degraded ecosystems, and the recovery of threatened species.

Cross-cutting guidance and programmes Relevant targets from the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation: Target 5: Protection of 50 per cent of the most important areas for plant diversity assured. Target 7: 60 per cent of the world's threatened species conserved in situ. Target 8: 60 per cent of threatened plant species in accessible ex situ collections, preferably in the country of origin, and 10 per cent of them included in recovery and restoration programmes Supporting action(s) of the Executive Secretary: 1.1.8 Collaborate with relevant organizations and bodies to compile and disseminate

21 information on: (a) Components of biodiversity important for conservation, in particular, on endemic species, hotspots and their associated species and threatened species; (b) Best practices for their conservation, sustainable use and benefit-sharing.

1.1.9 Compile and disseminate case-studies on methods and economic aspects of restoration of degraded ecosystems and recovery of endangered species. Main partners: Ramsar Secretariat and STRP, Wetlands International, CMS Secretariat and Scientific Council, CMS related agreements, IUCN, DIVERSITAS [it is acknowledged that this is an incomplete list] Other collaborators Relevant international, regional and national organizations, and stakeholders. [it is acknowledged that this could be better articulated]

1.2 Preventing, reducing, mitigating threats to biological diversity Goal: To reduce the threats and mitigate the impacts of threatening processes on biological diversity.

Context and linkages: Note, the cross-cutting programmes and guidance on Protected areas, Sustainable use and Biodiversity and Tourism contain elements in relation to addressing threats or mitigating their impacts. These aspects are considered in the respective sub-elements of the Mountains to the Sea programme below, namely, 1.3 and 1.4, respectively.

1.2.1 Invasive alien species Context and linkages: Article(s) of the Convention on 7(c), 8(h), (l), 10 (b), 14(a), (b), (c), (d) & Biological Diversity: (e) Strategic Plan objective(s): 1.5, 1.6, 4.4 Directly related (provisional) goals Goal 6, both targets and targets from Decision VII/30 – pursuit of the 2010 Biodiversity targets Source elements from thematic Mountains: Goal 1.1 programmes: Forests: Goal 2, Objective 1 Inland waters: Goal 1.4 Dry and sub-humid lands: Activity 7 (c) Coasts and marine: Programme element 5 - Operational objectives 5.1, 5.2 & 5.3 Source elements from cross-cutting Guiding principles on invasive alien species issue guidance and programmes as adopted by Decision VI/23. Note, some of these relate to other sub-elements of the Mountains to the Sea programme and have been presented there.

Global Strategy for Plant Conservation – Target 10 (see below)

22 Global taxonomy initiative – Planned activity 15 Operational objective: Prevent the introduction of invasive alien species, including exotic stocks that potentially threaten biological diversity, and to control and, where possible, eradicate established invasive species. Activities of the Parties: Cross-biome (i) Reinforce, develop and implement strategies at regional and national level to prevent and mitigate the impacts of invasive alien species that threaten biodiversity and ecosystems, including risk assessment, strengthening of quarantine regulations, and containment or eradication programmes taking into account the guiding principles on invasive alien species as adopted at the sixth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (Decision VI/23).

(ii) As recommended by the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (Target 10 – see above) develop management plans for at least 100 major alien species that threaten plants, plant communities and associated habitats and ecosystems.

(iii) Promote and implement relevant guidelines and/or guiding principles in relation to invasive alien species making use of the expert guidance available such as through the "toolkit" of the Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP), the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), and other relevant sources.

(iv) Provide the Executive Secretary, as appropriate, with examples of the impacts of invasive alien species and of programmes used to control their introduction and mitigate negative consequences on biodiversity within each biome.

(v) Raise awareness, as part of communication, education and public awareness- raising activities (see Sub-programme 2.4) of the possible problems and costs associated with the deliberate or accidental introduction of alien species, including exotic stocks and alien genotypes and genetically modified organisms that potentially threaten biological diversity, taking into consideration the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity.

(vi) Within the context of transboundary catchments, watershed and river-basin management, and especially in relation to inter-basin water transfers, provide appropriate mechanisms to prevent the spread of invasive alien species (see Sub- programme 2.6).

(vii) Develop close collaboration between national agencies responsible for development of controls on pathways for entry of alien species and national input into the work of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), the Organization internationale des epizooties (OIE), IMO and other relevant international agreements.

(viii) Identify means to support capacity-building in developing countries to strengthen their ability to conduct work related to alien species.

Specific to a particular biome thematic programme Marine and coastal (ix) Prevent the introduction of invasive alien species and restore, where

23 appropriate, indigenous wild-capture fisheries stocks in preference to other aquaculture developments [could also apply to inland waters].

(x) Implement measures to address invasive alien species in ballast water, including through the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments.

Cross-cutting programmes Global taxonomy initiative 5.2 Invasive alien species (Planned activity 15) Development of this activity will be undertaken based on priorities identified through GISP phase I, the review of the status of invasive alien species and of ongoing measures addressing invasive alien species under way within the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the contents of the decisions taken by the sixth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity regarding invasive alien species.

Global Strategy for Plant Conservation Target 10: Management plans in place for at least 100 major alien species that threaten plants, plant communities and associated habitats and ecosystems.

Invasive alien species programme Guiding principles from Decision VI/23: (note – several of these guiding principles relate to other sub-elements of the Mountains to the Sea plan and have been presented there)

Guiding principle 1: Precautionary approach Given the unpredictability of the pathways and impacts on biological diversity of invasive alien species, efforts to identify and prevent unintentional introductions as well as decisions concerning intentional introductions should be based on the precautionary approach, in particular with reference to risk analysis, in accordance with the guiding principles below. The precautionary approach is that set forth in principle 15 of the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and in the preamble of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

The precautionary approach should also be applied when considering eradication, containment and control measures in relation to alien species that have become established. Lack of scientific certainty about the various implications of an invasion should not be used as a reason for postponing or failing to take appropriate eradication, containment and control measures.

Guiding principle 2: Three-stage hierarchical approach 1. Prevention is generally far more cost-effective and environmentally desirable than measures taken following introduction and establishment of an invasive alien species. 2. Priority should be given to preventing the introduction of invasive alien species, between and within States. If an invasive alien species has been introduced, early detection and rapid action are crucial to prevent its establishment. The preferred response is often to eradicate the organisms as soon as possible (principle 13). In the event that eradication is not feasible or resources are not available for its eradication, containment (principle 14) and long-term control measures (principle 15) should be implemented. Any examination of benefits and costs (environmental, economic and social)

24 should be done on a long-term basis.

Guiding principle 3: Ecosystem approach (see Overarching programme element) Guiding principle 4: The role of States (see sub-programme 2.6) Guiding principle 5: Research and monitoring (see sub-programme 3.1) Guiding principle 6: Education and public awareness (see sub-programme 2.4)

B. Prevention Guiding principle 7: Border control and quarantine measures (see sub-programme 2.1) Guiding principle 8: Exchange of information (see sub-programme 2.1) Guiding principle 9: Cooperation, including capacity-building (see sub-programme 2.6)

C. Introduction of species Guiding principle 10: Intentional introduction 1. No first-time intentional introduction or subsequent introductions of an alien species already invasive or potentially invasive within a country should take place without prior authorization from a competent authority of the recipient State(s). An appropriate risk analysis, which may include an environmental impact assessment, should be carried out as part of the evaluation process before coming to a decision on whether or not to authorize a proposed introduction to the country or to new ecological regions within a country. States should make all efforts to permit only those species that are unlikely to threaten biological diversity. The burden of proof that a proposed introduction is unlikely to threaten biological diversity should be with the proposer of the introduction or be assigned as appropriate by the recipient State. Authorization of an introduction may, where appropriate, be accompanied by conditions (e.g., preparation of a mitigation plan, monitoring procedures, payment for assessment and management, or containment requirements). 2. Decisions concerning intentional introductions should be based on the precautionary approach, including within a risk analysis framework, set forth in principle 15 of the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the preamble of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Where there is a threat of reduction or loss of biological diversity, lack of sufficient scientific certainty and knowledge regarding an alien species should not prevent a competent authority from taking a decision with regard to the intentional introduction of such alien species to prevent the spread and adverse impact of invasive alien species.

Guiding principle 11: Unintentional introductions 1. All States should have in place provisions to address unintentional introductions (or intentional introductions that have become established and invasive). These could include statutory and regulatory measures and establishment or strengthening of institutions and agencies with appropriate responsibilities. Operational resources should be sufficient to allow for rapid and effective action. 2. Common pathways leading to unintentional introductions need to be identified and appropriate provisions to minimize such introductions should be in place. Sectoral activities, such as fisheries, agriculture, forestry, horticulture, shipping (including the discharge of ballast waters), ground and air transportation, construction projects, landscaping, aquaculture including ornamental aquaculture, tourism, the pet industry and game-farming, are

25 often pathways for unintentional introductions. Environmental impact assessment of such activities should address the risk of unintentional introduction of invasive alien species. Wherever appropriate, a risk analysis of the unintentional introduction of invasive alien species should be conducted for these pathways.

D. Mitigation of impacts Guiding principle 12: Mitigation of impacts Once the establishment of an invasive alien species has been detected, States, individually and cooperatively, should take appropriate steps such as eradication, containment and control, to mitigate adverse effects. Techniques used for eradication, containment or control should be safe to humans, the environment and agriculture as well as ethically acceptable to stakeholders in the areas affected by the invasive alien species. Mitigation measures should take place in the earliest possible stage of invasion, on the basis of the precautionary approach. Consistent with national policy or legislation, an individual or entity responsible for the introduction of invasive alien species should bear the costs of control measures and biological diversity restoration where it is established that they failed to comply with the national laws and regulations. Hence, early detection of new introductions of potentially or known invasive alien species is important, and needs to be combined with the capacity to take rapid follow-up action.

Guiding principle 13: Eradication Where it is feasible, eradication is often the best course of action to deal with the introduction and establishment of invasive alien species. The best opportunity for eradicating invasive alien species is in the early stages of invasion, when populations are small and localized; hence, early detection systems focused on high-risk entry points can be critically useful while post-eradication monitoring may be necessary. Community support is often essential to achieve success in eradication work, and is particularly effective when developed through consultation. Consideration should also be given to secondary effects on biological diversity.

Guiding principle 14: Containment When eradication is not appropriate, limiting the spread (containment) of invasive alien species is often an appropriate strategy in cases where the range of the organisms or of a population is small enough to make such efforts feasible. Regular monitoring is essential and needs to be linked with quick action to eradicate any new outbreaks.

Guiding principle 15: Control Control measures should focus on reducing the damage caused as well as reducing the number of the invasive alien species. Effective control will often rely on a range of integrated management techniques, including mechanical control, chemical control, biological control and habitat management, implemented according to existing national regulations and international codes.

Supporting activities of the Executive Secretary: (xi) Maintain an incident list on introductions of alien species and continue making updated information on introductions of alien species available through the clearing- house mechanism or other appropriate mechanisms.

Inland waters (xii) In collaboration with the Global Invasive Species programme (GISP), implement

26 the project on assessment of impacts of invasive alien species in inland waters and make proposals on future assessments for consideration by SBSTTA.

(xiii) CITES, the Ramsar STRP, TRAFFIC and other appropriate collaborators should be invited to advise Parties on the impact of the aquarium trade and the use of exotic pasture grasses on the conservation of biodiversity in inland water ecosystems and make the results of this study available to Parties.

Marine and coastal (xiv) Invite relevant organizations such the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands to work together to develop an international cooperative initiative to address impediments to the management of marine alien species, particularly to address technical problems related to the identification and control of marine invasions. Partners: GISP, ICSU-SCOPE. Other collaborators: Secretariat and STRP of the Ramsar Convention and its STRP, CITES, TRAFFIC, Commonwealth Secretariat, FAO, IUCN, UNEP-WCMC, IWMI, WorldFish, Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities, International Coral Reef Initiative and its partners, the regional seas programmes of the United Nations Environment Programme, the InterGovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, and other relevant organizations.

1.2.2 Climate change Context and linkages: Article(s) of the Convention on 5, 7(c), 8(l), 10 (b) Biological Diversity: Strategic Plan objective(s): 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 4.4 Directly related (provisional) goals Goal 7, Target 7.1 and targets from Decision VII/30 – pursuit of the 2010 Biodiversity targets Source elements from thematic Mountains: Goal 1.1 programmes: Forests: Goal 2, Objective 3 Inland waters: Goal 3.2 Agricultural: Programme element 2 Coasts and marine: Operational objective 2.3 & Appendix 1. Specific work programme on coral bleaching Source elements from cross-cutting There is no written programme as such. issue guidance and programmes Decision VII/15 on Biodiversity and Climate Change noted the report of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Biological Diversity and Climate Change (UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/9/11 and UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/9/INF/12) and urged Parties (and others) to make appropriate use of it in the planning and activities.

27 Operational objective: Mitigate the negative impacts of climate change on biodiversity. Activities of the Parties: Cross-biome (i) Monitor and exchange information on the impacts of global climate change on biological diversity across all biomes, and identify and implement ways and means to reduce the negative impacts.

(ii) Taking into account the work of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Climate Change and Biodiversity: a. Promote monitoring and research on the impacts of climate change on biological diversity; b. Develop coordinated response strategies and action plans at global, regional and national levels; c. Promote the maintenance and restoration of biodiversity across all biomes in order to enhance their capacity to resist to, and recover from and adapt to climate change; d. Promote biodiversity conservation and restoration in climate change mitigation and adaptation measures; e. Assess how the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity can contribute to the international work relating to climate change.

Specific to a particular biome thematic programme Marine and coastal See Appendix 1 – specific work plan on coral bleaching under the Marine and Coastal programme of work. Supporting activities of the Executive Secretary: advice needed Partners: advice needed Other collaborators: advice needed

1.2.3 Land use practices Context and linkages: Article(s) of the Convention on 6 (a) & (b), 7(c), 8(l), 10 (a) & (b) Biological Diversity: Strategic Plan objective(s): 1.5, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 4.4 Directly related (provisional) goals Goal 4, Targets 4.1 & 4.2; Goal 5, Target 5.1 and targets from Decision VII/30 – pursuit of the 2010 Biodiversity targets Source elements from thematic Mountains: Goals 1.1 & 1.3 programmes: Forests: Goal 6, Objective 1 Dry and sub-humid lands: Activities 2 &7(d) Agricultural: Programme element 2

Source elements from cross-cutting None issue guidance and programmes: Operational objective: Prevent and mitigate biodiversity losses due to fragmentation and conversion to other land uses. Activities of the Parties: Cross-biome (i) Implement measures to reduce and prevent key pressures such as deforestation,

28 fragmentation, unsustainable harvesting, inappropriate reforestation or afforestation, human-induced forest fires, overgrazing, inappropriate mining practices and urban expansion resulting in land degradation, degradation of inland water ecosystems, disruption of water flow, and consequent losses of biological diversity.

(ii) Prevent or mitigate the negative impacts of economic development, infrastructure projects and other human-induced disturbances on biological diversity at all levels, where applicable, taking into consideration the results of environmental and social impact assessment, paying particular attention to cumulative impacts.

Specific to a particular biome thematic programme Mountains (iii) Develop mechanisms and implement measures to reduce human-induced slope instability, adverse effects of natural geological hazards, and to maintain and/or enhance soil stability and ecosystem integrity by way of a diverse and natural vegetation cover that will also promote soil `biodiversity function. Supporting activities of the Executive Secretary: Mountains (vi) Compile, in collaboration with relevant bodies and organizations, and disseminate through the clearing-house mechanism and other means: (a) Information on degraded mountain ecosystems as well as key threats to mountain biodiversity and their ecological and socio-economic impacts; (b) Case-studies, lessons learned and best-practice guidance on ways to prevent and mitigate the negative impacts of key threats to mountain biodiversity.

Partners: advice needed Other collaborators: advice needed

1.2.4 Pollution Context and linkages: Article(s) of the Convention on 5, 7(c), 8(l), 14(a), (b), (c), (d) & (e) Biological Diversity: Strategic Plan objective(s): 1.5, 1.6, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 4.4 Directly related (provisional) goals Goal 1, Target 1.2; Goal 7, Target 7.2 and targets from Decision VII/30 – pursuit of the 2010 Biodiversity targets Source elements from thematic Mountains: Goal 1.1 programmes: Forests: Goal 2, Objective 2 Inland waters: Goals 1.1, 3.2 & 3.3 Dry and sub-humid lands: Activity 2 Coasts and marine: Programme element 1, Operational objectives 1.2(b) & (c) Source elements from cross-cutting None. issue guidance and programmes: Operational objectives: Prevent and mitigate the impacts of pollution in its many forms on biodiversity across all biomes. Activities of the Parties: Cross-biome (i) Identify local and long-range pollution (air, water and soil), which threaten

29 biodiversity at all levels and across all biomes take appropriate measures to prevent and mitigate the impacts.

(ii) Support monitoring programmes that help evaluate the impacts of air, soil and water pollution on ecosystems, and address the impacts of changing environmental conditions on ecosystems.

Specific to a particular biome thematic programme Marine and coastal (iii) Promote action to reduce and control sea-based sources of pollution, seek to protect the marine environment from land-based activities through effective application of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities and other appropriate instruments, including proper coastal land use, watershed planning, and integration of integrated marine and coastal area management into key sectors. Supporting activities of the Executive Secretary: advice needed Partners: advice needed Other collaborators: advice needed

1.2.5 Fires Context and linkages: Article(s) of the Convention on 5, 7(c), 8(l), 14(d) & (e) Biological Diversity: Strategic Plan objective(s): 1.5, 1.6, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 4.4 Directly related (provisional) goals Goal 1, Target 1.2; Goal 8, Targets 8.1 & 8.2 and targets from Decision VII/30 – pursuit of the 2010 Biodiversity targets Source elements from thematic Mountains: Goal 1.1 programmes: Forests: Goal 2, Objectives 4 & 5

Source elements from cross-cutting None issue guidance and programmes: Operational objectives: Prevent and mitigate the adverse effects of fires and fire suppression. Activities of the Parties: Cross-biome (i) Identify policies, practices and measures aimed at addressing the causes and reducing impacts on biological diversity resulting from human-induced uncontrolled/unwanted fires, often associated with land clearing and other land use activities.

(ii) Promote understanding of the role of human-induced fires on ecosystems and on species, and develop prevention plans against devastating fires and integrate them into national plans targeting biological diversity conservation and sustainable use.

(iii) Develop and promote the use of fire management tools for maintaining and enhancing biological diversity, especially when there has been a shift in fire regimes.

(iv) Promote development of systems for risk assessment and early warning, monitoring and control, and enhance capacity for prevention and post-fire biodiversity restoration at the community, national and regional levels.

30 Supporting activities of the Executive Secretary: advice needed Partners: advice needed Other collaborators: advice needed

1.2.6 Threats specific to a particular biome thematic programme Context and linkages: Article(s) of the Convention on 7(c), 8(h), (l), 10 (b) Biological Diversity: Strategic Plan objective(s): 1.5, 1.6, 4.4 Directly related (provisional) goals Goal 6, both targets and targets from Decision VII/30 – pursuit of the 2010 Biodiversity targets Source elements from thematic Mountains: Goal 1.1 programmes: Forests: Goal 2, Objective 5 Inland waters: Goal 1.1 Coasts and marine: Programme element 5 - Operational objectives 5.1, 5.2 & 5.3 Source elements from cross-cutting None issue guidance and programmes: Activities of the Parties: Mountains (i) “Identify factors responsible for and possible measures to prevent the retreat of glaciers in some mountain systems and implement measures to minimize the impact of this process on biodiversity.” (Action 1.1.7 from programme of work).

Forests (ii) “Develop and promote management methods that restore or mimic natural disturbances such as fire, wind-throw and floods.” (Action a. under Objective 5 from programme of work).

Inland waters (iii) “ Develop effective management strategies to maintain or improve the sustainability of water-dependent ecosystems, including those identified as most stressed and facilitate a minimum water allocations to the environment to maintain ecosystem functioning and integrity. In so doing, consideration should also be given to the likely impacts of climate change and desertification, and factor in suitable mitigation and adaptive management approaches.” (Action 1.1.2 from the programme of work);

(iv) “Use, where appropriate, all available information on dams in order to ensure that biodiversity considerations are fully taken into account in decision-making on large dams.” (Action 1.1.8 from the programme of work);

Marine and coastal Mariculture (v) Adopt the use of relevant methods, techniques and practices for avoiding the adverse effects of mariculture on marine and coastal biological diversity, and to incorporate them into national biodiversity strategies and action plans as appropriate, including:

(a) The application of environmental impact assessments, or similar

31 assessment and monitoring procedures, for mariculture developments, with due consideration paid to the scale and nature of the operation, as well as carrying capacities of the ecosystem, taking into account the guidelines on the integration of biodiversity considerations in environmental impact assessment legislation and/or processes and in strategic impact assessment, endorsed by the Conference of the Parties in its decision VI/7 A, as well as the recommendations endorsed in decision VI/10, annex II, on the conduct of cultural, environmental and social impact assessments regarding developments proposed to take place on, or which are likely to impact on, sacred sites and on lands and waters traditionally occupied or used by indigenous and local communities. There is a need to address the likely immediate, intermediate and long-term impacts on all levels of biodiversity;

(b) Development of effective site-selection methods, in the framework of integrated marine and coastal area management, taking into account the special needs and difficulties encountered by stakeholders in developing countries;

(c) Development of effective methods for effluent and waste control;

(d) Development of appropriate genetic resource management plans at the hatchery level and in the breeding areas, including cryo- preservation techniques, aimed at biodiversity conservation;

(e) Development of controlled low-cost hatchery and genetically sound reproduction methods, made available for widespread use, in order to avoid seed collection from nature, where appropriate. In cases where seed collection from nature cannot be avoided, environmentally sound practices for spat collecting operations should be employed;

(f) Use of selective fishing gear in order to avoid or minimize by-catch in cases where seed are collected from nature;

(g) Use of native species and subspecies in mariculture;

(h)Implementation of effective measures to prevent the inadvertent release of mariculture species and fertile polyploids, including, in the framework of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, living modified organisms (LMOs);

(i) Use of proper methods of breeding and proper places of releasing in order to protect genetic diversity;

(j) Minimizing the use of antibiotics through better husbandry techniques;

(k) Ensure that fish stocks used for fish meal and fish oil are managed in such a way as to be sustainable and to maintain the trophic web;

(l) Use selective methods in industrial fisheries to avoid or minimize by-catch;

32 (m) Considering traditional knowledge, where applicable as a source to develop sustainable mariculture techniques.

(vi) Adopt best-management practices and legal and institutional arrangements for sustainable mariculture, taking into account the special needs and difficulties encountered by stakeholders in developing countries, in particular through implementing Article 9 of Code of Conduct on Responsible Fisheries, as well as other provisions in the Code dealing with aquaculture, recognizing that it provides necessary guidance to develop legislative and policy frameworks at the national, regional and international levels.

(vii) Undertake a comprehensive review of relevant documents on best practices relevant to mariculture, and to disseminate the results, as well as relevant case- studies, through the clearing-house mechanism prior to the tenth meeting of SBSTTA.

(viii) Facilitate the implementation of the research and monitoring priorities outlined in appendix 5 (of the Marine and coasts thematic programme – see Appendix 1 of that programme) in collaboration with FAO and other relevant organizations.

(ix) Undertake regional and international collaboration to address transboundary impacts of mariculture on biodiversity, such as the spread of disease and invasive alien species. (see Sub-programme 2.6 also) (From programme element 4 of the programme of work).

(x) Promote adequate protection of areas important for reproduction such as spawning and nursery areas and restoration of such areas and other important habitats for marine and freshwater living resources.

(xi) Promote urgent and special attention and measures in respect to closed and semi-closed seas.

(xii) Take measures to reduce by-catch in fisheries.

(xiii) Identify activities and processes under national jurisdiction or control which may have significant adverse impact on deep seabed ecosystems and species beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, in order to address Article 3 of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

(xiv) Pursue the activities relating to coral bleaching and physical degradation and destruction of coral reefs as adopted in decision VI/3 and as amended in decision VII/5 are contained in appendices 1 and 2 of the Coasts and Marine thematic programme. Supporting activities of the Executive Secretary: (vii), (viii) & (ix) above were intended to have a role played by the Executive Secretary – see programme of work. Partners: advice needed Other collaborators: advice needed

1.3 Protected area systems

Overarching goal (see below for subsidiary goals from the protected areas

33 programme of work): To establish and maintain effectively managed systems of protected areas within the framework of landscape*/seascape management at both the national and, where appropriate, regional levels.

Context and linkages: Article(s) of the Convention on 8 (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) Biological Diversity: Strategic Plan objective(s): 3.1, 3.3, 3.4 Directly related (provisional) goals Goal 1, Targets 1.1 & 1.2 and targets from Decision VII/30 – pursuit of the 2010 Biodiversity targets Source elements from thematic Mountains: Goal 1.2 programmes: Forests: Goal 3, Objective 3 Inland waters: Goal 1.2 Dry and sub-humid lands: Activity 7 (a) Coasts and marine: Programme element 3, Operational objectives 3.1, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 Source elements from cross-cutting Protected areas programme of work as issue guidance and programmes: adopted by Decision VII/28. Note, some elements of this cross-cutting programme relate to other sub-programmes of the Mountains to the Sea program and have been presented there.

Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, Targets 4 and 7 (see below and sub- programme 1.1 above also) Operational objectives: (a) Comprehensive, adequate and representative systems of protected areas across all biomes (including all IUCN protected area categories, as appropriate) are developed and maintained within the framework of landscape*/seascape management.

(b) Where appropriate, transboundary and regional collaborative approaches to identifying, recognizing and managing protected areas are undertaken between neighbouring Parties (see sub-programme 2.6 also).

(c) Effective management of existing and future protected areas occurs through good governance, clear legal or customary frameworks to prevent damaging activities, effective compliance and enforcement, ability to control external activities that affect the protected area, strategic planning, capacity building and sustainable financing.

(d) Relevant stakeholder and indigenous and local community participation is recognized as an essential component of establishing and managing protected areas (see sub-programme 1.6 also). Purpose (from protected areas programme of work): The overall purpose of the programme of work on protected areas is to support the establishment and maintenance by 2010 for terrestrial and by 2012 for marine areas of comprehensive, effectively managed, and ecologically

34 representative national and regional systems of protected areas that collectively, inter alia through a global network1/ contribute to achieving the three objectives of the Convention and the 2010 target to significantly reduce the current rate of biodiversity loss at the global, regional, national and sub-national levels and contribute to poverty reduction and the pursuit of sustainable development, thereby supporting the objectives of the Strategic Plan of the Convention, the World Summit on Sustainable Development Plan of Implementation and the Millennium Development Goals.

Goals and their associated targets contained in the protected areas programme of work. A number of these relate directly to other sub-programmes i(as shown below) in the Mountains to the Sea programme and so have been considered there.

PROGRAMME ELEMENT 1: Direct actions for planning, selecting, establishing, strengthening, and managing, protected area systems and sites

Goal 1.1 – To establish and strengthen national and regional systems of protected areas integrated into a global network as a contribution to globally agreed goals

Target: By 2010, terrestrially 2/ and 2012 in the marine area, a global network of comprehensive, representative and effectively managed national and regional protected area system is established as a contribution to (i) the goal of the Strategic Plan of the Convention and the World Summit on Sustainable Development of achieving a significant reduction in the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010; (ii) the Millennium Development Goals – particularly goal 7 on ensuring environmental sustainability; and (iii) the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation.

Goal 1.2 – To integrate protected areas into broader land- and seascapes and sectors so as to maintain ecological structure and function (see Overarching programme on the Ecosystem Approach)

Target: By 2015, all protected areas and protected area systems are integrated into the wider land- and seascape, and relevant sectors, by applying the ecosystem approach and taking into account ecological connectivity3/ and the concept, where appropriate, of ecological networks.

Goal 1.3 – To establish and strengthen regional networks, transboundary protected areas (TBPAs) and collaboration between neighbouring protected areas across national boundaries (see sub-programme 2.6)

Target: Establish and strengthen by 2010/2012 4/ transboundary protected areas, other forms of collaboration between neighbouring protected areas across national boundaries and regional networks, to enhance the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, implementing the ecosystem approach, and improving

1/ A global network provides for the connections between Parties, with the collaboration of others, for the exchange of ideas and experiences, scientific and technical cooperation, capacity building and cooperative action that mutually support national and regional systems of protected areas which collectively contribute to the achievement of the programme of work. This network has no authority or mandate over national or regional systems. 2/ Terrestrial includes inland water ecosystems. 3/ The concept of connectivity may not be applicable to all Parties 4/ References to marine protected area networks to be consistent with the target in the WSSD plan of implementation.

35 international cooperation.

Goal 1.4 – To substantially improve site-based protected area planning and management

Target: All protected areas to have effective management in existence by 2012, using participatory and science-based site planning processes that incorporate clear biodiversity objectives, targets, management strategies and monitoring programmes, drawing upon existing methodologies and a long-term management plan with active stakeholder involvement.

Goal 1.5 – To prevent and mitigate the negative impacts of key threats to protected areas Target: By 2008, effective mechanisms for identifying and preventing, and/or mitigating the negative impacts of key threats to protected areas are in place.


Target: Establish by 2008 mechanisms for the equitable sharing of both costs and benefits arising from the establishment and management of protected areas.

Goal 2.2 – To enhance and secure involvement of indigenous and local communities and relevant stakeholders (see sub-programme 1.6)

Target: Full and effective participation by 2008, of indigenous and local communities, in full respect of their rights and recognition of their responsibilities, consistent with national law and applicable international obligations, and the participation of relevant stakeholders, in the management of existing, and the establishment and management of new, protected areas

PROGRAMME ELEMENT 3: ENABLING ACTIVITIES Goal 3.1 – To provide an enabling policy, institutional and socio-economic environment for protected areas (see sub-programme 2.1)

Target: By 2008 review and revise policies as appropriate, including use of social and economic valuation and incentives, to provide a supportive enabling environment for more effective establishment and management of protected areas and protected areas systems.

Goal 3.2 – To build capacity for the planning, establishment and management of protected areas (see sub-programme 2.1)

Target: By 2010, comprehensive capacity building programmes and initiatives are implemented to develop knowledge and skills at individual, community and institutional levels, and raise professional standards.

Goal 3.3 - To develop, apply and transfer appropriate technologies for protected areas (see sub-programme 2.5)

Target: By 2010 the development, validation, and transfer of appropriate technologies and innovative approaches for the effective management of protected

36 areas is substantially improved, taking into account decisions of the Conference of the Parties on technology transfer and cooperation.

Goal 3.4 – To ensure financial sustainability of protected areas and national and regional systems of protected areas (see sub-programme 2.1)

Target: By 2008, sufficient financial, technical and other resources to meet the costs to effectively implement and manage national and regional systems of protected areas are secured, including both from national and international sources, particularly to support the needs of developing countries and countries with economies in transition and small island developing States.

Goal 3.5 – To strengthen communication, education and public awareness (see sub- programme 2.4) Target: By 2008 public awareness, understanding and appreciation of the importance and benefits of protected areas is significantly increased.

PROGRAMME ELEMENT 4: Standards, assessment, and monitoring Goal 4.1 – To develop and adopt minimum standards and best practices for national and regional protected area systems (see sub-programme 3.1)

Target: By 2008, standards, criteria, and best practices for planning, selecting, establishing, managing and governance of national and regional systems of protected areas are developed and adopted.

Goal 4.2 – To evaluate and improve the effectiveness of protected areas management (see sub-programme 3.1)

Target: By 2010, frameworks for monitoring, evaluating and reporting protected areas management effectiveness at sites, national and regional systems, and transboundary protected area levels adopted and implemented by Parties.

Goal 4.3 – To assess and monitor protected area status and trends (see sub- programme 3.1)

Target: By 2010, national and regional systems are established to enable effective monitoring of protected-area coverage, status and trends at national, regional and global scales, and to assist in evaluating progress in meeting global biodiversity targets.

Goal 4.4 – To ensure that scientific knowledge contributes to the establishment and effectiveness of protected areas and protected area systems (see sub-programme 3.2)

Target: Scientific knowledge relevant to protected areas is further developed as a contribution to their establishment, effectiveness, and management. Activities of the Parties: Cross-biome (a) Apply across all biomes, and through an integrated cross-biome approach, the programme of work on Protected Areas as endorsed by the Conference of the Parties in decision VII/28 (see below).

(b) Identify, and seek to protect sites important for migratory species, working

37 collaboratively with neighbouring or species’ range states and, where appropriate, work collaboratively with neighbouring Parties to identify, have formally recognized and managed, transboundary protected areas (see Sub-programme 2.6 also).

(c) Use the clearing-house mechanism to assist the exchange of information on research, management issues and problems (including incentive measures) between protected area managers, to facilitate continuous improvement in management effectiveness across the global network of protected areas.

(d) Provide, as appropriate, to the Executive Secretary, examples of protected-area establishment and management strategies that are supporting the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

Specific to a particular biome thematic programme Inland waters: (e) Undertake the necessary assessments to identify priority sites for inclusion into a system of protected areas, in particular for inland water ecosystems, apply the guidance on operationalizing annex I of the Convention on Biological Diversity and its harmonized application with the criteria for identifying Wetlands of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention.

(f) In undertaking activity 1.1.5 above, those Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity that are also Parties to the Ramsar Convention should harmonize this work with the development of national networks of wetlands of international importance, which are comprehensive and coherent in line with the Ramsar strategic framework for the future development of the List of Wetlands of International Importance and taking into account ecological connectivity/ and the concept, where appropriate, of ecological networks, in line with the programme of work on protected areas (DecisionVII/28).

Cross-cutting issues Global Strategy for Plant Conservation Target 4: At least 10% of each of the world’s ecological regions effectively conserved. Target 7: 60% of the world’s threatened species conserved in situ

Protected areas programme of work (numbering used below follows that of the protected areas programme of work)

PROGRAMME ELEMENT 1: Direct actions for planning, selecting, establishing, strengthening, and managing, protected area systems and sites

1.1.1. By 2006, establish suitable time-bound and measurable national and regional level protected area targets and indicators.

1.1.2. As a matter of urgency, by 2006, take action to establish or expand protected areas in any large, intact or relatively unfragmented or highly irreplaceable natural areas, or areas under high threat, as well as areas securing the most threatened species in the context of national priorities, 5/ and taking into consideration the conservation needs of migratory species.

5/ Parties may wish to use IUCN Red List of Threatened Species criteria, version 3.1.

38 1.1.3. As a matter of urgency, by 2006 terrestrially and by 2008 in the marine environment, take action to address the under-representation of marine and inland water ecosystems in existing national and regional systems of protected areas, taking into account marine ecosystems beyond areas of national jurisdiction in accordance with applicable international law, and transboundary inland water ecosystems.

1.1.4. By 2006, conduct, with the full and effective participation of indigenous and local communities and relevant stakeholders, national-level reviews of existing and potential forms of conservation, and their suitability for achieving biodiversity conservation goals, including innovative types of governance for protected areas that need to be recognized and promoted through legal, policy, financial institutional and community mechanisms, such as protected areas run by government agencies at various levels, co-managed protected areas, private protected areas, indigenous and local community conserved areas.

1.1.5. By 2006 complete protected area system gap analyses at national and regional levels based on the requirements for representative systems of protected areas that adequately conserve terrestrial, marine and inland water biodiversity and ecosystems. National plans should also be developed to provide interim measures to protect highly threatened or highly valued areas wherever this is necessary. Gap analyses should take into account Annex I of the Convention on Biological Diversity and other relevant criteria such as irreplaceability of target biodiversity components, minimum effective size and viability requirements, species migration requirements, integrity, ecological processes and ecosystem services.

1.1.6. By 2009, designate the protected areas as identified through the national or regional gap analysis (including precise maps) and complete by 2010 terrestrially and 2012 in the marine environments the establishment of comprehensive and ecologically representative national and regional systems of protected areas.

1.1.7. Encourage the establishment of protected areas that benefit indigenous and local communities, including by respecting, preserving, and maintaining their traditional knowledge in accordance with article 8(j) and related provisions.

Goal 1.2 – To integrate protected areas into broader land- and seascapes and sectors so as to maintain ecological structure and function (see Overarching programme on the Ecosystem Approach)

Goal 1.3 – To establish and strengthen regional networks, transboundary protected areas (TBPAs) and collaboration between neighbouring protected areas across national boundaries (see sub-programme 2.6)

Goal 1.4 – To substantially improve site-based protected area planning and management

1.4.1. Create a highly participatory process, involving indigenous and local communities and relevant stakeholders, as part of site-based planning in

39 accordance with the ecosystem approach, and use relevant ecological and socio-economic data required to develop effective planning processes.

1.4.2. Identify appropriate measurable biodiversity conservation targets for sites, drawing on criteria laid out in Annex I to the Convention on Biological Diversity and other relevant criteria.

1.4.3. Include in the site-planning process an analysis of opportunities for the protected area to contribute to conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity at local and regional scales as well as an analysis of threats and means of addressing them.

1.4.4. As appropriate, but no later than 2010, develop or update management plans for protected areas, built on the above process, to better achieve the three objectives of the Convention.

1.4.5. Integrate climate change adaptation measures in protected area planning, management strategies, and in the design of protected area systems.

1.4.6. Ensure that protected areas are effectively managed or supervised through staffs that are well-trained and skilled, properly and appropriately equipped, and supported, to carry out their fundamental role in the management and conservation of protected areas.

Goal 1.5 – To prevent and mitigate the negative impacts of key threats to protected areas (while this component relates directly to sub-programme 1.2 on preventing, reducing or mitigating threats, it has been retained here since it deals with the issue specifically from a protected areas perspective)

1.5.1. Apply, as appropriate, timely environmental impact assessments to any plan or project with the potential to have effects on protected areas, and ensure timely information flow among all concerned parties to that end, taking into account decision VI/7 A of the Conference of the Parties on guidelines for incorporating biodiversity-related issues into environmental impact assessment legislation and/or processes and in strategic environmental assessments.

1.5.2. Develop by 2010 national approaches to liability and redress measures, incorporating the polluter pays principle or other appropriate mechanisms in relation to damages to protected areas.

1.5.3. Establish and implement measures for the rehabilitation and restoration of the ecological integrity of protected areas.

1.5.4. Take measures to control risks associated with invasive alien species in protected areas.

1.5.5. Assess key threats to protected areas and develop and implement strategies to prevent and/or mitigate such threats.

1.5.6. Develop policies, improve governance, and ensure enforcement of urgent measures that can halt the illegal exploitation of resources from protected

40 areas, and strengthen international and regional cooperation to eliminate illegal trade in such resources taking into account sustainable customary resource use of indigenous and local communities in accordance with article 10(c) of the Convention.


2.1.1. Assess the economic and socio-cultural costs, benefits and impacts arising from the establishment and maintenance of protected areas, particularly for indigenous and local communities, and adjust policies to avoid and mitigate negative impacts, and where appropriate compensate costs and equitably share benefits in accordance with the national legislation.

2.1.2. Recognize and promote a broad set of protected area governance types related to their potential for achieving biodiversity conservation goals in accordance with the Convention, which may include areas conserved by indigenous and local communities and private nature reserves. The promotion of these areas should be by legal and/or policy, financial and community mechanisms.

2.1.3. Establish policies and institutional mechanisms with full participation of indigenous and local communities, to facilitate the legal recognition and effective management of indigenous and local community conserved areas in a manner consistent with the goals of conserving both biodiversity and the knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities.

2.1.4. Use social and economic benefits generated by protected areas for poverty reduction, consistent with protected-area management objectives.

2.1.5. Engage indigenous and local communities and relevant stakeholders in participatory planning and governance, recalling the principles of the ecosystem approach.

2.1.6. Establish or strengthen national policies to deal with access to genetic resources within protected areas and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their utilization, drawing upon the Bonn Guidelines on Access to Genetic Resources and Fair and Equitable Sharing of the Benefits Arising out of their Utilization as appropriate,.

Goal 2.2 – To enhance and secure involvement of indigenous and local communities and relevant stakeholders (see sub-programme 1.6)

PROGRAMME ELEMENT 3: ENABLING ACTIVITIES Goal 3.1 – To provide an enabling policy, institutional and socio-economic environment for protected areas (see sub-programme 2.1) Goal 3.2 – To build capacity for the planning, establishment and management of protected areas (see sub-programme 2.1) Goal 3.3 - To develop, apply and transfer appropriate technologies for protected areas (see sub-programme 2.5) Goal 3.4 – To ensure financial sustainability of protected areas and national and regional systems of protected areas (see sub-programme 2.1)

41 Goal 3.5 – To strengthen communication, education and public awareness (see sub- programme 2.4)

PROGRAMME ELEMENT 4: Standards, assessment, and monitoring Goal 4.1 – To develop and adopt minimum standards and best practices for national and regional protected area systems (see sub-programme 3.1) Goal 4.2 – To evaluate and improve the effectiveness of protected areas management (see sub-programme 3.1) Goal 4.3 – To assess and monitor protected area status and trends (see sub- programme 3.1) Goal 4.4 – To ensure that scientific knowledge contributes to the establishment and effectiveness of protected areas and protected area systems (see sub- programme 3.2) Supporting activities of the Executive Secretary: (g) Review and disseminate relevant information and guidance, including through the clearing-house mechanism, on national and transboundary experiences and case- studies to assist efforts in establishing and maintaining protected areas considering, inter alia: (i) The range of resource materials and guidance available through the IUCN Commission on Protected Areas; (ii) The Ramsar Convention strategic framework for the future development of the List of Wetlands of International Importance, and its specific guidance in relation to the identification and designation of certain inland water ecosystem types such as karsts and subterranean hydrological systems, peatland, wet grasslands, etc; (iii) The new Ramsar guidelines on management planning for Ramsar sites and other wetlands, adopted by the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention at its eighth meeting; and (iv) Advice and guidance available from the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere programme, International Hydrological Programme (IHP) and World Heritage Centre.

(h) In collaboration with the secretariats of the Convention on Migratory Species and the Ramsar Convention identify opportunities for collaborative work on protected area networks for migratory species dependent on inland water ecosystems, through the respective bilateral joint work plans.

From the protected areas programme of work – numbering follows that programme 1.1.8. Identify options for quantitative and qualitative protected areas targets and indicators that should be used at the global level that could contribute to the 2010 target and the Millennium Development Goals.

1.1.9. Invite relevant international and regional organizations to offer their assistance to the Parties in conducting national-level gap analyses.

1.1.10. Compile and disseminate through the clearing-house mechanism and other relevant media relevant approaches, frameworks and tools for system planning and promote and facilitate the exchange of experiences and lessons learned in applying and adapting them to different ecological and social settings.

1.4.7. Compile and disseminate through the clearing-house mechanism current relevant approaches, frameworks and tools for site planning and promote and

42 facilitate the exchange of experiences and lessons learned in applying and adapting them in different ecological and social settings.

1.4.8. Disseminate information on successful management models of protected areas which serve to further the three objective of the Convention and may also contribute to poverty reduction and the pursuit of sustainable development.

1.5.7. Address issues specific to protected areas, in the guidelines for incorporating biodiversity considerations in environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment, procedures and regulations.

1.5.8. Collaborate with the International Association for Impact Assessment and other relevant organizations on further development and refinement of the impact assessment guidelines particularly to incorporate all stages of environmental impact assessment processes in protected areas taking into account the ecosystem approach.

1.5.9. Compile and disseminate through the clearing-house mechanism and other means case studies, best practices and lessons learned in mitigating the negative impacts of key threats and facilitate the exchange of experiences.

Main partners Convention on Conservation of Migratory Species, Food and Agriculture Organization, Global Environment Facility, Intergovernmental Oceanic Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, International Coral Reef Initiative, International Maritime Organization , International Association for Impact Assessment, IUCN – The World Conservation Union and its World Commission on Protected Areas, Commission on Ecosystem Management, and Species Survival Commission, International Whaling Commission, Man and Biosphere Programme of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Ramsar Convention, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, United Nations Development Programme, UNEP - World Conservation Monitoring Centre, United Nations Forum on Forests, World Heritage Centre of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ,World Bank Other collaborators BirdLife International, Conservation International, Fauna and Flora International, The Nature Conservancy, Wildlife Conservation Society, World Resources Institute, WWF, Indigenous and local communities, Private sector, other relevant national, regional and international non-governmental organizations and other organizations Footnotes: * = for many Parties river basins may provide a useful scale in order to achieve integrated, ‘mountains to the sea’ planning and management.

1.4 Sustainable use

Goal: To promote sustainable use of biological diversity.

43 Context and linkages: Article(s) of the Convention on 8 (c), (e), (i), 10 (a), (b) & (e) Biological Diversity: Strategic Plan objective(s): 1.1, 1.5, , 2.1, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 4.4 Directly related (provisional) goals Goal 4, Targets 4.1 and 4.2; Goal 8, Targets and targets from Decision VII/30 – 8.1 and 8.2 pursuit of the 2010 Biodiversity targets Source elements from thematic Mountains: Goals 1.3 and 1.5 programmes: Forests: Goal 1, Objective 4, Goal 4, Objectives 1, 2, 3 & 4 Dry and sub-humid lands: Activity 7 (d, e & h), Activity 9 (b & c) Agricultural: Programme element 2 Coasts and marine: Operational objectives 2.1, 2.4 & 3.2 Source elements from cross-cutting Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines for issue guidance and programmes: Sustainable use of Biodiversity: Practical principles 4, 5, 7,and 11 (other principles are presented under the relevant sub- programmes)

Global Strategy for Plant Conservation: Targets 6, 11 and 12

Biodiversity and tourism: Guidelines adopted by Decision VII/14 Operational objectives: (a) Promote sustainable land-use and water resource management practices in relation to human livelihood needs (agriculture, pastoralism, animal husbandry, forestry, aquaculture, inland water fisheries, etc.), taking into account the Convention principles for sustainable use and the ecosystem approach.

(b) Prevent the loss of biodiversity caused by unsustainable harvesting of biological diversity.

(c) Enable indigenous and local communities to develop and implement adaptive community-management systems to conserve and sustainably use biological diversity (see sub-programme 1.6 also)

(d) Promote sustainable tourism. Activities of the Parties: Cross-biome 1.4.1 Develop, validate and implement sustainable use practices for plants, animals and microorganisms at the genetic, species, population, community and ecosystem levels.

1.4.2 Support the development of sustainable livelihoods through, inter alia: (a) Promoting sustainable harvesting including of wildlife, as well as ranching, including game-ranching; (b) Exploring innovative sustainable uses of the biological diversity for local income

44 generation, and promoting their wider application (c) Promoting the sustainable use of economically valuable wild plants and animals, as an income-generating activity for the local inhabitants.

1.4.3 Support activities of indigenous and local communities involved in the use of traditional knowledge, in particular concerning sustainable management of biodiversity, soil, water resources etc (see sub-programme 1.6 also).

1.4.4 Apply the Convention Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development and strengthen local capacity for sustainable tourism management, in order to ensure that benefits derived from tourism activities are shared by indigenous and local communities, while preserving natural and cultural heritage values.

1.4.5 Encourage implementation of voluntary third-party credible certification schemes that take into consideration relevant biodiversity criteria and that would be audited, taking into consideration indigenous and local community rights and interests.

1.4.6 Set up demonstration sites that illustrate biodiversity conservation and on- ground delivery of goods and services through sustainable management, which are also representative of various types of biomes, themes and regional needs.

1.4.7 Facilitate and support a responsible private sector committed to sustainable harvesting practices and compliance with domestic laws through effective development and enforcement of laws on sustainable harvesting of biodiversity- derived resources (see sub-programme 2.1 also).

1.4.8 Invite Governments and relevant organizations to develop and forward to the Secretariat case-studies and research on the impacts of unsustainable harvesting and related trade.

Specific to a particular biome thematic programme Forests 1.4.9 Establish a liaison group with an associated workshop to facilitate development of a joint work plan with relevant members of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests to bring harvesting of non-timber forest products (NTFP)s, with a particular focus on bush meat, to sustainable levels. This group should have a proportionate regional representation, giving special consideration to subregions where bush meat is a major issue and representation of relevant organizations such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. The mandate of this group is to: i. Consult in a participatory manner with key stakeholders to identify and prioritize major issues pertaining the unsustainable harvesting of non- timber forest products, particularly of bushmeat and related products; ii. Provide advice on the development of policies, enabling legislation and strategies that promote sustainable use of, and trade in, non-timber forest products, particularly bushmeat and related products; iii. Provide advice on appropriate alternative sustainable livelihood technologies and practices for the affected communities; iv. Provide advice on appropriate monitoring tools.

1.4.10 Promote projects and activities that encourage the use and supply of alternative sources of energy to prevent forest degradation due to the use of

45 firewood by local communities.

1.4.11 Develop any necessary legislation for the sustainable management and harvesting of non-timber forest resources.

1.4.12 Solicit input from Parties, other countries and relevant organizations on ways and means to encourage and assist importing countries to prevent the entry of unsustainably harvested forest resources, which are not covered by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, and consider this information as a basis for further steps on this issue.

1.4.13 Develop codes of conduct for sustainable forest practices in logging companies and the wood-processing sector to improve biodiversity conservation.

1.4.14 Encourage and support the development and implementation of tracking and chain-of-custody systems for forest products to seek to ensure that these products are legally harvested.

Marine and coastal 1.4.15 Implement the 1995 Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries taking note of the relevant FAO international plans of action and technical guidelines.

1.4.16 Eliminate destructive fishing practices, and restore and maintain fisheries stocks to sustainable levels by the year 2015, including through financial assistance to developing countries, in particular small island developing States, for improved enforcement, surveillance and patrolling and recognizing the importance of use of sustainable fishing practices, including traditional fishing practices.

1.4.17 Maintain the productivity and biodiversity of important and vulnerable areas, including areas within and beyond national jurisdiction.

1.4.18 Identify threats to the biological diversity in areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, in particular areas with seamounts, hydrothermal vents, and cold-water corals, and certain other underwater features.

1.4.19 Urgently take the necessary short-term, medium-term and long-term measures to eliminate/avoid destructive practices, consistent with international law, on scientific basis, including the application of precaution, for example, consideration, on a case by case basis, of interim prohibition of destructive practices adversely impacting the marine biological diversity associated with marine areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, in particular areas with seamounts, hydrothermal vents, and cold-water corals, other vulnerable ecosystems and certain other underwater features.

Cross-cutting programmes Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines: Practical principles 4, 5, 7,and 11

Practical principle 4: Adaptive management should be practiced, based on: a. Science and traditional and local knowledge; b. Iterative, timely and transparent feedback derived from monitoring the use, environmental, socio-economic impacts, and the status of the resource being used; and c. Adjusting management based on timely feedback from the monitoring

46 procedures. (5)

Operational guidelines ← Ensure that for particular uses adaptive management schemes are in place; ← Require adaptive management plans to incorporate systems to generate sustainable revenue, where the benefits go to indigenous and local communities and local stakeholders to support successful implementation; ← Provide extension assistance in setting up and maintaining monitoring and feedback systems; ← Include clear descriptions of their adaptive management system, which includes means to assess uncertainties; ← Respond quickly to unsustainable practices; ← Design monitoring system on a temporal scale sufficient to ensure that information about the status of the resource and ecosystem is available to inform management decisions to ensure that the resource is conserved; ← When using traditional and local knowledge, ensure that approval of the holder of that knowledge has been obtained.

Practical principle 5: Sustainable use management goals and practices should avoid or minimize adverse impacts on ecosystem services, structure and functions as well as other components of ecosystems. (6)

Operational guidelines ← Ensure management practices do not impair the capacity of ecosystems to deliver goods and services that may be needed some distance from the site of use. For example, selective cutting of timber in a watershed would help maintain the ecosystem’s capacity to prevent soil erosion and provide clean water; ← Ensure that consumptive and non-consumptive use does not impair the long- term sustainability of that use by negatively impacting the ecosystem and species on which the use depends, paying special attention to the needs of threatened components of biological diversity; ← Apply a precautionary approach in management decisions in accordance with principle 15 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development; ← Identify successful experiences of management of biodiversity components in other countries in order to adapt and incorporate this knowledge in their efforts to resolve their own difficulties; ← Where possible consider the aggregate and cumulative impact of activities on the target species or ecosystem in management decisions related to that species or ecosystem; ← Where previous impacts have degraded and reduced biodiversity, support formulation and implementation of remedial action plans (Article 10(d)).

Practical principle 7: The spatial and temporal scale of management should be compatible with the ecological and socio-economic scales of the use and its impact. (7)

Operational guidelines ← Link responsibility and accountability to the spatial and temporal scale of use; ← Define the management objectives for the resource being used; ← Enable full public participation in preparation of management plans to best ensure ecological and socio-economic sustainability. ← In case of transboundary resources, it is advisable that appropriate

47 representation from those states participate in the management and decisions about the resources.

Practical principle 11: Users of biodiversity components should seek to minimize waste and adverse environmental impact and optimize benefits from uses.

Operational guidelines: ← Eliminate perverse incentives and provide economic incentives for resource managers to invest in development and/or use of more environmentally friendly techniques, e.g., tax exemptions, funds available for productive practices, lower loan interest rates, certification for accessing new markets; ← Establish technical cooperation mechanisms in order to guarantee the transfer of improved technologies to communities; ← Endeavour to have an independent review of harvests to ensure that greater efficiencies in harvest or other extractive uses do not have a deleterious impact on the status of the resource being used or its ecosystem; ← Identify inefficiencies and costs in current methods; ← Conduct research and development into improved methods; ← Promote or encourage establishment of agreed industry and third party quality standards of biodiversity component processing and management at the international and national levels; ← Promote more efficient, ethical and humane use of components of biodiversity, within local and national contexts, and reduce collateral damage to biodiversity.

Global Strategy for Plant Conservation Target 6: At least 30% of production lands managed consistent with the conservation of plant biodiversity Target 11: No species of wild flora endangered by international trade Target 12: 30% of plant-based products derived from sources that are sustainably managed.

Biodiversity and tourism: Guidelines adopted by Decision VII/14 These comprehensive guidelines cut across several sub-programmes of the Mountains to the Sea programme (see 2.1, 2.3, 2.4 and 3.1 in particular). They have not been reproduced here because of their very specialized nature, although at some future time it should be possible to integrate them fully. Supporting activities of the Executive Secretary: Specifically for the marine and coastal biome 1.4.20 Support any work of the United Nations General Assembly in identifying appropriate mechanisms for the future establishment and effective management of marine protected areas beyond national jurisdiction.

1.4.21 Carry out a study on the effects of fish and invertebrate stock enhancement on marine and coastal biological diversity at the species and genetic levels. Main partners: Collaborative Partnership on Forests advice needed Other collaborators: advice needed

1.5 Access to genetic resources and benefit sharing

48 Goal: To promote access to, and sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources related to biological diversity.

Context and linkages: Article(s) of the Convention on 8(j) & 15 Biological Diversity: Strategic Plan objective(s): 2.2, 3.1, 4.4 Directly related (provisional) goals Goal 3, Target 3.1; Goal 10, Targets 10.1 and targets from Decision VII/30 – and 10.2. pursuit of the 2010 Biodiversity targets Source elements from thematic Mountains: Goals 1.4 and 1.5 programmes: Forests: Goal 5, Objective 1 Dry and sub-humid lands, Activities 9 (e) Agricultural: Programme 15 Source elements from cross-cutting Access to genetic resources and benefit issue guidance and programmes: sharing

Global Taxonomy Initiative Operational objectives: (a) Promote the fair and equitable sharing of benefits resulting from the utilization of genetic resources.

(b) Maintain genetic diversity in particular through the preservation and maintenance of traditional knowledge and practices (see Sub-programme 1.6 also). Activities of the Parties: Cross-biome 1.5.1 Based on the Bonn Guidelines on Access to Genetic Resources and Fair and Equitable Sharing of the Benefits Arising out of their Utilization, as adopted by the Conference of the Parties at its sixth meeting: a. Establish mechanisms to facilitate the sharing of benefits at local, national, regional and global levels. b. Strengthen capacity of indigenous and local communities to negotiate benefit- sharing arrangements. c. Promote dissemination of information about benefit-sharing experiences through the clearing-house mechanism and appropriate means at the local level.

1.5.2 Develop methods to assess and conserve genetic resources of high economic value for promoting fair and equitable sharing of benefits, respecting national legislation on access to genetic resources.

Specific to a particular biome programme of work Agricultural biodiversity 1.5.3 Assess and develop strategies aimed at minimizing the threat of genetic erosion on domesticated biodiversity (crops, animals) and wild relatives, paying particular attention to the centres of origin of the genetic resources.

Marine and coastal 1.5.4 See sub-programme 3.3, activity 3.3.5

49 Forests 1.5.5 Develop, harmonize and assess the diversity of forest genetic resources, taking into consideration the identification of key functional/keystone species populations, model species and genetic variability at the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) level.

1.5.6 Select, at a national level, the most threatened forest ecosystems based on the genetic diversity of their priority species and populations and develop an appropriate action plan in order to protect the genetic resources of the most threatened forest ecosystems.

1.5.7 Improve understanding of patterns of genetic diversity and its conservation in situ, in relation to forest management, landscape-scale forest change and climate variations.

1.5.8 Develop national legislative, administrative policy measures on access and benefit-sharing on forest genetic resources, taking into account the provisions under Articles 8(j), 10(c), 15, 16 and 19 of the Convention on Biological Diversity and in conformity with future decisions of the Conference of the Parties, as appropriate.

1.5.9 Monitor developments in new biotechnologies and ensure their applications are compatible with the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity with respect to forest biological diversity, and develop and enforce regulations for controlling the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) when appropriate.

1.5.10 Develop a holistic framework for the conservation and management of forest genetic resources at national, subregional and global levels.

1.5.11 Implement activities to ensure adequate and representative in situ conservation of the genetic diversity of endangered, overexploited and narrow endemic forest species and complement the in situ conservation with adequate ex situ conservation of the genetic diversity of endangered, overexploited and narrow endemic species and species of economic potential.

From cross-cutting programmes Global taxonomy initiative (5.1 Access and benefit sharing (Planned activity 14))

1.5.12 Interactive catalogues of material available, linked to taxonomic collections in herbaria and museums. Taxonomic support, including at the molecular level, to provide clear identification of specimens in the ex situ collections, especially in developing countries, is needed.

1.5.13 A series of country-driven projects could be carried out, combining the development of basic taxonomic capacity and an improved information base on biological resources. These would assist in developing better linkages between existing initiatives that provide information electronically on genetic resources, as well as new projects to improve the access to, and range of, publicly available taxonomic information. In turn, a basis for the commercialization of components of that biological diversity would be provided. Supporting activities of the Executive Secretary 1.5.14 Compile, with the assistance of SBSTTA and the Expert Panel, and disseminate, studies on sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources.

50 Main partners: Advice needed Other collaborators: Relevant international, regional and national organizations and interested Parties.

1.6 Participation by local and indigenous communities and application of traditional knowledge

Goal: To respect, understand and support the traditions and sustainable practices of the indigenous and local communities in ways which accommodate their needs, participation, knowledge and practices for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

Context and linkages: Article(s) of the Convention on 8(j), 10 (c) and (d) Biological Diversity: Strategic Plan objective(s): 4.1, 4.4 Directly related (provisional) goals Goal 9, Targets 9.1 and 9.2, Goal 10, and targets from Decision VII/30 – Targets 10.1 and 10.2 pursuit of the 2010 Biodiversity targets Source elements from thematic Mountains: Goals 1.5 and 2.2 programmes: Inland waters: Goal 2.5 Agricultural: Programme element 3 Source elements from cross-cutting Akwé: Kon guidelines (Decision VII/16 F) issue guidance and programmes: Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines on Sustainable Use of Biodiversity: Practical principles 2 and 12

Global Strategy for Plant Conservation: Targets 9 and 13

Global Taxonomy Initiative: 5.3. Support in implementation of Article 8(j)

Protected areas programme of work Operational objectives: (a) Taking into account Article 8(j) of the Convention and related decisions from the Conference of the Parties and programmes of work, respect, preserve and maintain indigenous knowledge, practices, processes and technologies to ensure conservation, sustainable use of biodiversity and sharing of benefits.

(b) Encourage participation by relevant stakeholders, including representatives of indigenous and local communities, in the policy-making and in the planning, implementation and monitoring of the implementation of this cross-biome programme of work, and related thematic and cross-cutting programmes.

(c) Strengthen the capacities of stakeholder, communities and civil society organizations to manage biodiversity so as to increase the benefits they derive from its conservation and sustainable use, and to promote increased awareness and responsible action.

51 Activities of the Parties: Cross-biome 1.6.1 Implement provisions contained in Article 8(j) on traditional knowledge and related provisions and guidance of the Convention on Biological Diversity, taking into consideration the needs of developing countries. In particular give consideration to applying the Akwé: Kon 6/ Voluntary Guidelines for the Conduct of Cultural, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment regarding Developments Proposed to Take Place on, or which are Likely to Impact on, Sacred Sites and on Lands and Waters Traditionally Occupied or Used by Indigenous and Local Communities, as endorsed by COP7 through Decision VII/16 F.

1.6.2 Promote networking, collaborative action and participation of indigenous and local communities in decision-making processes, paying particular attention to the empowerment of women, in order to maintain biodiversity and its sustainable use.

1.6.3 Implement capacity-building measures to facilitate the participation of indigenous and local communities and the application of traditional knowledge favourable to the conservation of biodiversity, with their prior informed consent in accordance with national laws, in the management, conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.

1.6.4 Encourage decentralization and enhance access to information for the full participation and involvement of indigenous and local communities in decisions that affect them in relation to biodiversity conservation and sustainable use across all biomes.

1.6.5 Promote the implementation of activities aimed at the improvement of livelihoods, poverty reduction and the maintenance of cultural identity, in order to achieve sustainable use of biological diversity.

1.6.6 – see activity 3.1.5(a), sub-programme 3.1 – Status and trends

Cross-cutting programmes Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines on Sustainable Use of Biodiversity

Practical principle 2: Recognizing the need for a governing framework consistent with international/national(2) laws, local users of biodiversity components should be sufficiently empowered and supported by rights to be responsible and accountable for use of the resources concerned. (3)

Operational guidelines ← Where possible adopt means that aim toward delegating rights, responsibility, and accountability to those who use and/or manage biological resources; ← Review existing regulations to see if they can be used for delegating rights; amend regulations where needed and possible; and/or draft new regulations where needed. Throughout local customs and traditions (including customary law where recognized) should be considered; ← Refer to the programme of work related to the implementation of Article 8(j) with regard to indigenous and local community issues (decision V/16), implement and integrate tasks relevant for the sustainable use of biodiversity

6/ Pronounced {agway-goo}. A holistic Mohawk term meaning “everything in creation” provided by the Kahnawake community located near Montreal, where the guidelines were negotiated.

52 components, in particular element 3, tasks 6, 13 and 14; ← Provide training and extension services to enhance the capacity of people to enter into effective decision-making arrangements as well as in implementation of sustainable use methods; ← Protect and encourage customary use of biological resources that is sustainable, in accordance with traditional and cultural practices (Article 10(c)).

Practical principle 12: The needs of indigenous and local communities who live with and are affected by the use and conservation of biological diversity, along with their contributions to its conservation and sustainable use, should be reflected in the equitable distribution of the benefits from the use of those resources.

Operational guidelines: ← Promote economic incentives that will guarantee additional benefits to indigenous and local communities and stakeholders who are involved in the management of any biodiversity components, e.g., job opportunities for local peoples, equal distribution of returns amongst locals and outside investors/co- management; ← Adopt policies and regulations that ensure that indigenous and local communities and local stakeholders who are engaged in the management of a resource for sustainable use receive an equitable share of any benefits derived from that use; ← Ensure that national policies and regulation for sustainable use recognize and account for non-monetary values of natural resources; ← Consider ways to bring uncontrolled use of biological resources into a legal and sustainable use framework, including promoting alternative non- consumptive uses of these resources; ← Ensure that an equitable share of the benefits remain with the local people in those cases where foreign investment is involved; ← Involve local stakeholders, including indigenous and local communities, in the management of any natural resource and provide those involved with equitable compensation for their efforts, taking into account monetary and non-monetary benefits; ← In the event that management dictates a reduction in harvest levels, to the extent practicable assistance should be provided for local stakeholders, including indigenous and local communities, who are directly dependent on the resource to have access to alternatives.

Global Strategy for Plant Conservation Target 9: 70% of the genetic diversity of crops and other major socio-economically valuable plant species conserved, and associated indigenous knowledge maintained.

Target 13: The decline of plant resources, and associated indigenous and local knowledge innovations and practices, that support livelihoods, local food security and health care, halted

Global Taxonomy Initiative Support in implementation of Article 8(j) (Planned activity 16)

53 Regional and subregional guides based on ethical research practices and developed with full and effective participation of indigenous and local communities. These guides could highlight the similarities and differences between the two taxonomies and may be in the form of catalogues and species lists, or be more targeted resource material that provides interpretation information for a wide variety of environmental managers, in particular protected area and conservation managers.

Protected areas programme of work Goal 2.2 – To enhance and secure involvement of indigenous and local communities and relevant stakeholders (see sub-programme 1.3)

Target: Full and effective participation by 2008, of indigenous and local communities, in full respect of their rights and recognition of their responsibilities, consistent with national law and applicable international obligations, and the participation of relevant stakeholders, in the management of existing, and the establishment and management of new, protected areas

1.6.7 Carry out participatory national reviews of the status, needs and context- specific mechanisms for involving stakeholders, ensuring gender and social equity, in protected areas policy and management, at the level of national policy, protected area systems and individual sites.

1.6.8 Implement specific plans and initiatives to effectively involve indigenous and local communities, with respect for their rights consistent with national legislation and applicable international obligations, and stakeholders at all levels of protected areas planning, establishment, governance and management, with particular emphasis on identifying and removing barriers preventing adequate participation.

1.6.9 Support participatory assessment exercises among stakeholders to identify and harness the wealth of knowledge, skills, resources and institutions of importance for conservation that are available in society.

1.6.10 Promote an enabling environment (legislation, policies, capacities, and resources) for the involvement of indigenous and local communities and relevant stakeholders 7/ in decision making, and the development of their capacities and opportunities to establish and manage protected areas, including community- conserved and private protected areas.

1.6.11 Ensure that any resettlement of indigenous communities as a consequence of the establishment or management of protected areas will only take place with their prior informed consent that may be given according to national legislation and applicable international obligations. Supporting activities of the Executive Secretary: 1.6.12 Promote the implementation of the cross-biome programme of work and decisions of the Conference of the Parties on Article 8 (j) and related provisions.

Protected areas programme of work 1.6.13 Make available to Parties case-studies, advice on best practices and other sources of information on stakeholder participation in protected areas.

7/ In this context nomadic communities and pastoralists are given special reference

54 1.6.14 Promote, through the CHM, technical publications and other means, the international sharing of experience on effective mechanisms for stakeholder involvement and governance types in conservation in particular with regard to co-managed protected areas, indigenous and local community conserved areas and private protected areas. Main partners: FAO and other relevant organizations. [It is acknowledged that this is an incomplete list] Other collaborators: Advice needed

Programme element 2. Institutional and socio-economic enabling environment

2.1 Institutions, plans, policies, programmes and laws

Goal: To enhance the institutional enabling environment through promoting the integration of conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity into relevant sectoral and cross- sectoral plans, programmes, policies and legislation.

Context and linkages: Article(s) of the Convention on 6(a) & (b), 14.1 (b) Biological Diversity: Strategic Plan objective(s): 1.5, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4 Directly related (provisional) goals and Goal 11, Target 11.1 targets from Decision VII/30 – pursuit of the 2010 Biodiversity targets Source elements from thematic Mountains: Goal 2.1 programmes: Forests: Goal 1, Objectives 2, 3 & 4 Inland waters: Goal 2.1 Dry and sub-humid lands: Activity 7 (m), Activity 8 (a, b, c & e) Agricultural: Programme element 4 Coasts and marine: Operational objectives 6.2 Source elements from cross-cutting Alien invasive species programme issue guidance and programmes: Protected areas programme

Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines for Sustainable Use of Biodiversity:: Practical principle 1 and 9

Biodiversity and tourism: Guidelines adopted by Decision VII/14. These guidelines include under Part B, Sections 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 10 activities relevant under this sub-programme.

Incentive measures: Decisions V/15, VI/15 and VII/18 – See sub-programme 2.2 following.

55 Impact assessment programme of work: Note also that much of what of the guidelines endorsed through Decision VII/7 (see below) recommend have elements that need to be considered under sub-programme 2.1 relating to institutions, policies, programmes and laws.

Communication, education and public awareness programme: As adopted by Decision VI/19. Note this programme also includes elements of direct relevance to sub- programmes 2.4 and 2.6 of the Mountains to the Sea programme.

Technology transfer and scientific cooperation programme

Global Strategy for Plant Conservation: Target 15 Operational objectives: (a) All relevant sectoral plans, programmes, policies and legislation are compatible with, and where appropriate, supportive of, plans, policies, programmes and laws for the conservation and sustainable use of the biological diversity.

(b) Strategic environmental assessments are operating to ensure national institutional arrangements (plans, programmes, policies and legislations) are supporting the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (see sub-programme 2.3 also).

(c) National implementation of relevant global and regional multilateral environment agreements related to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity ecosystems is taking place in an integrated, efficient and effective way.

(d) Capacity building is taking place aimed at seeing implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity mainstreamed across the government and business sectors and within civil society. Activities of the Parties: Cross-biome 2.1.1 Undertake reviews and introduce reforms to policies, legal and administrative frameworks as necessary, in order to integrate the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity across all biomes into the mainstream of Government, business, and societal decision-making.

2.1.2 Evaluate and reform, as required, legislation to include clear definition of illegal harvesting activities, establish effective deterrents and build capacity for effective law enforcement.

2.1.3 Apply (as urged by decision VI/7) the guidelines for incorporating biodiversity related issues into environmental impact assessment legislation and/or processes and in strategic environmental assessment (see sub-programme 2.3 also).

2.1.4 Promote responsible resource management through an enabling policy environment, including, inter alia:

56 (a) Strengthening of appropriate national and local institutional structures for resource management, supporting indigenous and local techniques of resource use that enable conservation and sustainable use in the long term, and/or combining appropriate existing institutions and techniques with innovative approaches to enable synergies;

(b) Decentralization of management to the lowest level, as appropriate, keeping in mind the need for common resource management and with due consideration to, inter alia, involving indigenous and local communities in planning and managing projects;

(c) Creating or strengthening appropriate institutions for land tenure and conflict resolution.

d) Proactive planning and adaptive measures to reduce the vulnerability to both natural and human-induced hazards adversely impacting on biological diversity, cultural landscapes and local communities.

(e) Resolving land tenure and resource rights and responsibility, in consultation with all relevant stakeholders including for indigenous and local communities, in order to promote the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

2.1.5 Develop performance indicators and report on the integration of conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity into institutional programmes, including sectoral policies, legal and economic frameworks.

2.1.6 Review institutional arrangements (policies, strategies, focal points and national reporting approaches) for national implementation of relevant global and regional multilateral environment agreements and introduce reforms to streamline and, where appropriate, integrate implementation.

2.1.7 Provide the Executive Secretary with case-studies and information on lessons learned from policy, legal and institutional review and reform processes relating to inland water biodiversity and ecosystems, including measures taken to harmonize national implementation of the relevant multilateral environment agreements.

Cross-cutting programmes Alien invasive species programme Guiding principles from Decision VI/23: [note – several of these guiding principles relate to other sub-elements of the Mountains to the Sea programme and have been presented there]

Guiding principle 7: Border control and quarantine measures (see sub- programme 2.1) 1. States should implement border controls and quarantine measures for alien species that are or could become invasive to ensure that: a. Intentional introductions of alien species are subject to appropriate authorization (principle 10); b. Unintentional or unauthorized introductions of alien species are minimized. 2. States should consider putting in place appropriate measures to control introductions of invasive alien species within the State according to national legislation and policies where they exist. 3. These measures should be based on a risk analysis of the threats posed by alien species and their potential pathways of entry. Existing appropriate governmental agencies or authorities should be strengthened and broadened as necessary, and

57 staff should be properly trained to implement these measures. Early detection systems and regional and international coordination are essential to prevention.

Protected areas programme Goal 3.1 – To provide an enabling policy, institutional and socio-economic environment for protected areas (see sub-programme 1.3)

Target: By 2008 review and revise policies as appropriate, including use of social and economic valuation and incentives, to provide a supportive enabling environment for more effective establishment and management of protected areas and protected areas systems.

3.1.1. By 2006, identify legislative and institutional gaps and barriers that impede the effective establishment and management of protected areas, and by 2009, effectively address these gaps and barriers. 3.1.2. Conduct national-level assessments of the contributions of protected areas¸ considering as appropriate environmental services, to the country’s economy and culture, and to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals at the national level; and integrate the use of economic valuation and natural resource accounting tools into national planning processes in order to identify the hidden and non-hidden economic benefits provided by protected areas and who appropriates these benefits. 3.1.3. Harmonize sectoral policies and laws to ensure that they support the conservation and effective management of the protected area system. 3.1.4. Consider governance principles, such as the rule of law, decentralization, participatory decision-making mechanisms for accountability and equitable dispute resolution institutions and procedures. 3.1.5. Identify and remove perverse incentives and inconsistencies in sectoral policies that increase pressure on protected areas, or take action to mitigate their perverse effects. Whenever feasible, redirect these to positive incentives for conservation. 3.1.6. Identify and establish positive incentives that support the integrity and maintenance of protected areas and the involvement of indigenous and local communities and stakeholders in conservation. 3.1.7. Adopt legal frameworks to national, regional and sub-national protected areas systems of countries where appropriate. 3.1.8. Develop national incentive mechanisms and institutions and legislative frameworks to support the establishment of the full range of protected areas that achieve biodiversity conservation objectives including on private lands and private reserves where appropriate. 3.1.9. Identify and foster economic opportunities and markets at local, national and international levels for goods and services produced by protected areas and/or reliant on the ecosystem services that protected areas provide, consistent with protected area objectives and promote the equitable sharing of the benefits. 3.1.10. Develop necessary mechanisms for institutions with responsibilities for conservation of biological diversity at the regional, national and local level to achieve institutional and financial sustainability. 3.1.11. Cooperate with neighbouring countries to establish an enabling environment for transboundary protected areas and for neighbouring protected areas across national boundaries and other similar approaches including regional networks.

Goal 3.2 – To build capacity for the planning, establishment and management of protected areas (see sub-programme 1.3)

58 Target: By 2010, comprehensive capacity building programmes and initiatives are implemented to develop knowledge and skills at individual, community and institutional levels, and raise professional standards.

3.2.1. By 2006 complete national protected-area capacity needs assessments, and establish capacity-building programmes on the basis of these assessments including the creation of curricula, resources and programs for the sustained delivery of protected areas management training. 3.2.2. Establish effective mechanisms to document existing knowledge and experiences on protected area management, including traditional knowledge in accordance with Article 8(j) and Related Provisions, and identify knowledge and skills gaps. 3.2.3. Exchange lessons learnt, information and capacity-building experiences among countries and relevant organizations, through the Clearing-house Mechanisms and other means. 3.2.4. Strengthen the capacities of institutions to establish cross-sectoral collaboration for protected area management at the regional, national and local levels. 3.2.5. Improve the capacity of protected areas institutions to develop sustainable financing through fiscal incentives, environmental services, and other instruments.

Goal 3.4 – To ensure financial sustainability of protected areas and national and regional systems of protected areas (see sub-programme 1.3)

Target: By 2008, sufficient financial, technical and other resources to meet the costs to effectively implement and manage national and regional systems of protected areas are secured, including both from national and international sources, particularly to support the needs of developing countries and countries with economies in transition and small island developing States.

3.4.1. Conduct a national-level study by 2005 of the effectiveness in using existing financial resources and of financial needs related to the national system of protected areas and identify options for meeting these needs through a mixture of national and international resources and taking into account the whole range of possible funding instruments, such as public funding, debt for nature swaps, elimination of perverse incentives and subsidies, private funding, taxes and fees for ecological services . 3.4.2. By 2008, establish and begin to implement country-level sustainable financing plans that support national systems of protected areas, including necessary regulatory, legislative, policy, institutional and other measures. 3.4.3. Support and further develop international funding programmes to support implementation of national and regional systems of protected areas in developing countries and countries with economies in transition and small island developing States. 3.4.4. Collaborate with other countries to develop and implement sustainable financing programmes for national and regional systems of protected areas. 3.4.5. Provide regular information on protected areas financing to relevant institutions and mechanisms, including through future national reports under the Convention on Biological Diversity, and to the World Database on Protected Areas. 3.4.6. Encourage integration of protected areas needs into national and, where applicable, regional development and financing strategies and development cooperation programmes.

59 Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines for Sustainable Use of Biodiversity (see sub-programme 1.4 also) Practical principle 1: Supportive policies, laws, and institutions are in place at all levels of governance and there are effective linkages between these levels.

Operational guidelines ← Consider local customs and traditions (and customary law where recognized) when drafting new legislation and regulations; ← Identify existing and develop new supportive incentives measures, policies, laws and institutions, as required, within the jurisdiction in which a use will take place, also taking into account Articles 8(j) and 10(c), as appropriate; ← Identify any overlaps, omissions and contradictions in existing laws and policies and initiate concrete actions to resolve them; ← Strengthen and/or create cooperative and supportive linkages between all levels of governance in order to avoid duplication of efforts or inconsistencies.

Practical principle 9: An interdisciplinary, participatory approach should be applied at the appropriate levels of management and governance related to the use.

Operational guidelines ← Consider providing mechanisms that encourage interdisciplinary cooperation in management of biodiversity components; ← Set standards for resource management activities that promote interdisciplinary consultations; ← Facilitate communication and exchange of information between all levels of decision-making; ← Identify all relevant stakeholders and seek their participation in planning and executing of management activities; ← Take account of socio-economic, political, biological, ecological, institutional, religious and cultural factors that could influence the sustainability of the management; ← Seek guidance from local, traditional and technical specialists in designing the management plan; ← Provide adequate channels of negotiations so that potential conflicts arising from the participatory involvement of all people can be quickly and satisfactorily resolved.

Biodiversity and tourism Guidelines adopted by Decision VII/14. These guidelines include under Part B, Sections 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 10 activities relevant under this sub-programme.

Incentive measures: Decisions V/15, VI/15 and VII/18 – See sub-programme 2.2 following.

Impact assessment programme of work (see sub-programme 2.3) Note that much of what the guidelines endorsed through Decision VII/7 (see sub- programme 2.3) recommend have elements that need to be considered under this sub- programme relating to institutions, policies, programmes and laws.

Communication, education and public awareness programme (see sub-programme 2.4) As adopted by Decision VI/19. Note this programme includes elements of direct

60 relevance to this sub-programme also.

Technology transfer and scientific cooperation programme PROGRAMME ELEMENT 3: CREATING ENABLING ENVIRONMENTS

Objective: To identify and put in place institutional, administrative, legislative and policy frameworks conducive to private and public sector technology transfer and cooperation, taking also into account existing work of relevant international organizations and initiatives.

Operational target 3.1: Development of guidance and advice for the application of options on measures and mechanisms to facilitate access to and transfer of technologies in the public domain and to proprietary technologies of relevance for the Convention on Biological Diversity, and to foster technology cooperation.

3.1.1. Preparation of technical studies that further explore and analyse the role of intellectual property rights in technology transfer in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity and identify potential options to increase synergy and overcome barriers to technology transfer and cooperation, consistent with paragraph 44 of the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation. The benefits as well as the costs of intellectual property rights should be fully taken into account.

3.1.2. Compilation and synthesis of information, including case studies, and preparation of guidance on institutional, administrative, legislative and policy frameworks that facilitate access to, adaptation and adaptation of technologies in the public domain and to proprietary technologies, especially by developing countries and countries with economies in transition, and, in particular, on measures and mechanisms that: (a) Foster an enabling environment in developing and developed countries for cooperation as well as the transfer, adaptation and diffusion of relevant technologies in accordance with the needs and priorities identified by countries; (b) present obstacles that impede transfers of relevant technologies from developed countries; (c) Provide, in accordance with existing international obligations, incentives to private-sector actors as well as public research institutions in developed country Parties, to encourage cooperation and transfer of technologies to developing countries, through, e.g., technology transfer programmes or joint-ventures; (d) Promote and advance priority access for Parties to the results and benefits arising from technologies based upon genetic resources provided by those Parties, in accordance with Article 19, paragraph 2 of the Convention, and to promote the effective participation in related technological research by those Parties; (e) Promote innovative approaches and means of technology transfer and cooperation such as Type 2 partnerships, in accordance with the outcome of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, or transfers among actors, involving in particular the private sector and civil society organizations.

Operational target 3.2: Development and implementation of national institutional, administrative, legislative and policy frameworks to facilitate cooperation, as well as access to and adaptation of technologies in the public domain and to proprietary

61 technologies of relevance for the Convention on Biological Diversity, and to foster technical and scientific cooperation, consistent with national priorities and existing international obligations.

Phase I (preparatory phase): 3.2.1. Identification of relevant stakeholders and sources on information;

3.2.2. Design and implement mechanisms for effective involvement and participation of indigenous and local communities and all relevant stakeholders;

3.2.3. As appropriate, review, in collaboration with indigenous and local communities and all relevant stakeholders, existing policies and programmes and identify possible impediments to the transfer of technology of relevance for the Convention on Biological Diversity, capacity-building needs and priority areas for policy action. The study should also identify the necessary steps, if any, to improve accordingly national biodiversity strategy and action plans, national research and technology strategies and other policy planning tools;

3.2.4. Identify and support community-based opportunities and initiatives for the development of sustainable livelihood technologies for local application and facilitate the pursuit of those opportunities at the local community level.

Phase II Consistent with relevant international obligations and national priorities, and in synergy with activities foreseen under the programme areas and cross-cutting issues of the Convention:

3.2.5. Implementation of institutional, administrative, legislative and policy measures and mechanisms to foster an enabling environment in developing countries and countries with economies in transition that would facilitate access to and adaptation of relevant technologies, and that would provide cooperation among developed and developing countries and countries with economies in transition;

3.2.6. Adoption of legal and regulatory frameworks where appropriate and provision of incentives to private-sector actors as well as public research institutions in developed country Parties, with a view to encourage the transfer of technologies to developing countries and countries with economies in transition;

3.2.7. Encourage and facilitate community-to-community sharing and transferring of knowledge and technologies through such means as community personnel exchanges, workshops and publications;

3.2.8. Promotion and advancement of priority access for Parties to the results and benefits arising from technologies based upon genetic resources provided by those Parties, in accordance with Article 19, paragraph 2, of the Convention, and to promote the effective participation in related technological research by those Parties;

3.2.9. Encouragement of scientific and technical research, including joint research programmes with associated jointly held patents or other protection of intellectual property rights as well as other mechanisms to facilitate transfer of technologies that make use of genetic resources and do not cause significant damage to the

62 environment;

3.2.10.Promotion of cooperation and technology transfer through innovative approaches such as Type-2 partnerships or transfers among actors, involving in particular the private sector and civil-society organizations;

3.2.11.Strengthening of national research institutions for the adaptation and further development of imported technologies, including through academic training, consistent with their transfer agreement and international law, as well as the development and use of environmentally sound technologies;

3.2.12.Dissemination of related experiences at national and international levels.


Objective: Technical, scientific, institutional and administrative capacity is adequate for the effective cooperation, transfer, diffusion and adaptation of technology as well as technical and scientific cooperation.

Operational target 4.1: Technical, scientific, institutional and administrative capacity is adequate for the effective and timely conduct of national technology assessments Activities

4.1.1. Financial and technical support and training is provided by relevant international, regional and national organizations and initiatives as appropriate for the building or enhancement of capacity for the effective and timely conduct of national technology assessments;

Operational target 4.2: Technical, scientific, institutional and administrative capacity is adequate for the development or strengthening and effective operation of national, regional and international information systems for technology transfer and technology cooperation of relevance for the Convention on Biological Diversity. Activities

4.2.1. Assessment of capacity-building needs and opportunities for the development or strengthening and effective operation of national information systems for technology transfer and technology cooperation, including risk analysis and impact assessment.

4.2.2. Financial and technical support as well as training is provided to improve the capacity of national systems of information gathering and dissemination with regard to needs and opportunities for technology transfer, in particular with regard to capacity for the effective application and use of electronic information technologies, in full synergy with existing initiatives and programmes.

Operational target 4.3: Technical, scientific, institutional and administrative capacity is adequate for the review of national policies and programmes and the identification of barriers for the transfer of technology of relevance for the Convention on Biological Diversity, capacity-building needs and priority areas for policy action. Activities

4.3.1. Financial and technical support and training is provided by relevant international, regional and national organizations and initiatives as appropriate for

63 the building or enhancement of capacity for the review of existing policies and programmes and the identification of possible impediments to cooperation and the transfer of technology of relevance for the Convention on Biological Diversity, of capacity-building needs and priority areas for policy action.

Operational target 4.4: Technical, scientific, institutional and administrative capacity is adequate for the implementation of measures and mechanisms that create an environment conducive to private and public sector technology transfer and cooperation, and to the adaptation of transferred technology.

4.4.1. Based on needs and priorities identified by countries, financial and technical support and training is provided by relevant international, regional and national organizations and initiatives as appropriate to foster enabling environments for technology transfer and cooperation, and in particular with regard to: (a) Building policy, legal, judicial and administrative capacity; (b) Facilitating access to relevant proprietary technologies, consistent with Article 16.2; (c) Providing other financial and non-financial incentives for the diffusion of relevant technologies; (d) Building capacities of, and empowering indigenous and local communities and all relevant stakeholders with respect to access to and use of relevant technologies, including strengthening of decision-making skills; (e) Providing financial and technical support and training to improve the capacity of developing countries and countries with economies in transition national research institutions for the development of technologies as well as for adaptation, diffusion and the further development of imported technologies consistent with their transfer agreement and international law including through fellowships and international exchange programmes; (f) Supporting the development and operation of regional or international initiatives to assist technology transfer and cooperation as well as scientific and technical cooperation, particularly those initiatives designed to facilitate South-South cooperation and South-South joint development of new technologies, as well as such cooperation among countries with economies in transition, and cooperation between the South and countries with economies in transition.

Global Strategy for Plant Conservation Target 15: The number of trained people working with appropriate facilities in plant conservation increased, according to national needs, to achieve the targets of this Strategy. Supporting activities of the Executive Secretary: 2.1.8 Identify and make available to Parties, guidance, case-studies and lessons learned, including those relating to the practical application of strategic environmental assessment, to assist in reviewing and fine-tuning institutional frameworks (plans, programmes, policies and legislations) for the conservation and sustainable use of the biological diversity of inland waters.

2.1.9 Continue to support and participate in the WCMC-led project on harmonizing information management between the five biodiversity related Conventions (Convention on Biological Diversity, Ramsar Convention, CITES, CMS and the World Heritage

64 Convention).

2.1.10 Strengthen collaboration and synergies between the work programmes of the Convention on Biological Diversity and other global conventions and agreements on climate change, desertification, transboundary pollution, invasive alien species, wetlands, migratory and endangered species, including through joint programmes of work.

2.1.11 Together with other relevant multilateral environmental agreements and interested Parties, seek the resources to establish working models (demonstration sites) show-casing the collaborative implementation of activities to achieve the complementary objectives of several multilateral environmental agreements.

Protected areas programme 3.1.12. In collaboration with key partners such as OECD, IUCN, WWF and the secretariats of other conventions compile information on relevant guidance, resource kits and other information on incentive measures including those relating to the development of incentive options. 3.1.13. Compile and disseminate, through the CHM and other media, case-studies on best practices on the use of incentive measures for the management of protected areas. 3.1.14. Compile and disseminate through the CHM and other media best practices on ways and means to integrate the use of incentive measures into protected area management plans, programmes and policies including opportunities for the removal or mitigation of perverse incentives.

3.2.6. Cooperate with IUCN and other relevant organizations to compile and disseminate available information. 3.2.7. Cooperate with initiatives such as the Protected Areas Learning Network (PALNet- IUCN) and explore lessons learned from those experiences, in collaboration with relevant organizations.

3.4.7. Convene as soon as possible, but not later than 2005, a meeting of the donor agencies and other relevant organizations to discuss options for mobilizing new and additional funding to developing countries and countries with economies in transition and small island developing States for implementation of the programme of work. 3.4.8. Compile and disseminate case-studies and best practices concerning protected area financing through the clearing-house mechanism and other media. Review and disseminate by 2006 studies on the value of ecosystem services provided by protected areas. Main partners: International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA), Ramsar Secretariat and STRP, UNFCCC, UNCCD, CITES, CMS, World Heritage, UNESCO MAB, WCMC. [It is acknowledged that this is not a complete list] Other collaborators: International Water Management Institute (IWMI), other relevant international, regional and national organizations, interested Parties and other stakeholders. [It is acknowledged that this is not a complete list]

2.2 Incentives, economic instruments and issues


65 To provide the appropriate incentives and valuation measures to support the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity across all biomes, and to remove, or reform appropriately, any perverse incentives or socio-economic distortions and failures opposing such conservation and sustainable use.

Context and linkages: Article(s) of the Convention on 11 Biological Diversity: Strategic Plan objective(s): 1.5, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4 Directly related (provisional) goals and Goal 4, Targets 4.1 and 4.2 targets from Decision VII/30 – pursuit of the 2010 Biodiversity targets Source elements from thematic Forests: Goal 2, Objective 1 programmes: Inland waters: Goal 2.3 Dry and sub-humid lands: Activities 7 & 9 Source elements from cross-cutting Incentive measures: Decisions V/15, VI/15 and issue guidance and programmes: VII/18. These issues have very strong overlap with sub-programme 2.1 relating to institutions, policies, programmes and laws.

Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines for Sustainable Use of Biodiversity: Practical principle 3, 10 and 13 (see sub-programme 1.4)

Note: in this framework, matters of trade would also be considered since they are so integrated with the issue of incentives. Given the complexity of these issues they have not been incorporated into this sub-programme in this draft. Operational objectives: (a) Apply the proposals for the design and implementation of incentive measures (as endorsed through decision VI/15 of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity and contained in annex I of that decision).

(b) Encourage valuation of the full range of goods and services provided by biological diversity across all biomes in development proposals and with respect to applying incentive measures, and the identification and removal or modification of perverse incentives.

(c) Across all biomes, mitigate the economic failures and distortions that lead to decisions that result in loss of biological diversity.

(d) Establish alternative sustainable income generation programmes. Activities of the Parties: Cross-biome 2.2.1 Apply across all biomes the proposals for the design and implementation of incentive measures, including identification and removal or mitigation of perverse incentives, as endorsed by the Conference of the Parties in decision VI/15 and taking into account land-tenure systems. In particular: (a) Review the range and effectiveness of national incentives, subsidies,

66 regulations, and other relevant financial mechanisms, which can affect biodiversity, whether adversely or beneficially; (b) Redirect, as appropriate, financial support measures that run counter to the objectives of the Convention regarding the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity; (c) Implement targeted incentive and regulatory measures that have positive impacts on biological diversity; (d) Develop the policy research capacity needed to inform the decision-making process in a multidisciplinary and sectorally integrated manner; (e) Encourage the identification of the interdependence between conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and sustainable development;

2.2.2 In accordance with decision VI/15, submit case-studies, lessons learned and other information on positive or perverse incentives, land-use practices and tenure relating to biodiversity conservation and sustainable use to the Executive Secretary. Include within this submission national experiences and guidance in relation to property and water rights, markets and pricing policies.

2.2.3 Develop mechanisms to ensure that monetary and non-monetary costs and benefits of biodiversity management are equitably shared between stakeholders at all levels.

2.2.4 Undertake comprehensive valuations of the goods and services of biodiversity and ecosystems across all biomes, including their intrinsic, aesthetic, cultural, socio-economic and other values, in all relevant decision-making across the appropriate sectors. Test and disseminate these methods with the assistance of the Executive Secretary.

2.2.5 Develop methodologies for assigning value to the ecological services provided by land management systems in order to develop economic-incentive mechanisms for compensating poor and vulnerable communities.

2.2.6 Incorporate biological diversity and other ecosystem values into national accounting systems and seek to estimate such figures for subsistence economies.

2.2.7 Develop alternative sustainable income generation programmes and facilitate self- sufficiency programmes of indigenous and local communities.

Cross-cutting programmes Incentive measures (These issues have very strong overlap with sub-programme 2.1 relating to institutions, policies, programmes and laws).

Decision V/15 on Incentive measures 2. Decides that the activities of the programme of work should result in the following: (a) The assessment of representative existing incentive measures, review of case- studies, identification of new opportunities for incentive measures, and dissemination of information, through the clearing-house mechanism and other means, as appropriate; (b) The development of methods to promote information on biodiversity in consumer decisions, for example through ecolabelling, if appropriate; (c) The assessment, as appropriate and applicable to the circumstances of Parties, of the values of biodiversity, in order to internalize better these values in public policy initiatives and private-sector decisions; (d) A consideration of biodiversity concerns in liability schemes;

67 (e) The creation of incentives for integration of biodiversity concerns in all sectors;

Decision VI/15 Annex I: Proposals for the design and implementation of incentive measures

Decision VII/18 Annex: Proposals for the application of ways and means to remove or mitigate perverse incentives

Proposals for the application of methodologies for valuation of biodiversity and biodiversity resources and functions as well as other tools for prioritization in decision-making In Decision VII/18, the Conference of the Parties also requested the Executive Secretary to explore, in cooperation with the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and relevant international organizations, existing methodologies for valuation of biodiversity and biodiversity resources and functions, as well as other tools for prioritization in decision-making, by preparing a compilation of existing valuation tools that provides an overview of the discussion on their methodological status, if appropriate, as well as an assessment of their applicability in terms of effectiveness and capacity preconditions, and to prepare proposals for the application of such tools.

Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines Practical principles 3, 10 and 13

Practical principle 3: International, national policies, laws and regulations that distort markets which contribute to habitat degradation or otherwise generate perverse incentives that undermine conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, should be identified and removed or mitigated. (4)

Operational guidelines ← Identify economic mechanisms, including incentive systems and subsidies at international, national levels that are having a negative impact on the potential sustainability of uses of biological diversity; ← Remove those systems leading to market distortions that result in unsustainable uses of biodiversity components; ← Avoid unnecessary and inadequate regulations of uses of biological diversity because they can increase costs, foreclose opportunities, and encourage unregulated uses thus decreasing the sustainability of the use.

Practical principle 10: International, national policies should take into account: a. Current and potential values derived from the use of biological diversity; b. Intrinsic and other non-economic values of biological diversity and c. Market forces affecting values and use.

Operational guidelines ← Promote economic valuation studies of the environmental services of natural ecosystems; ← Incorporate this information in policy and decision making processes, as well as educational applications; ← Consider this principle in relation to land use/habitat conversion tradeoffs. Recognize that market forces are not always sufficient to improve living conditions or increase sustainability in the use of components of biological diversity;

68 ← Encourage governments to take into account biodiversity values in their national accounts; ← Encourage and facilitate capacity building for decision makers about concepts related to economic valuation of biodiversity.

Practical principle 13: The costs of management and conservation of biological diversity should be internalized within the area of management and reflected in the distribution of the benefits from the use. (8)

Operational guidelines ← Ensure that national policies do not provide subsidies that mask true costs of management; ← Ensure that harvest levels and quotas are set according to information provided by the monitoring system, not the economic needs of the management system; ← Provide guidelines for resource managers to calculate and report the real cost of management in their business plans; ← Create other alternative mechanisms to invest revenues from biodiversity management; ← Provide economic incentives for managers who have already internalized environmental costs, e.g., certification to access new markets, waiver or deferral of taxes in lieu of environmental investment, promotion of “green-labelling” for marketing.

Supporting activities of the Executive Secretary: 2.2.8 Compile and disseminate studies on valuation of ecosystem goods and services; and identify ways and means to further integrate the use of economic valuation into national plans, programmes and policies as a core component of policy reform.

2.2.9 In collaboration with key partners such as OECD, International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA), IUCN, WWF, the Ramsar STRP and Secretariat and relevant stakeholders, the Executive Secretary should compile information on relevant guidance, resource kits and other information on incentive measures, including that relating to the development of incentives options through property and water rights, markets, pricing policies and land use and tenure. More specifically, he may wish to: (a) Compile and disseminate case-studies and best practices on the use of incentive measures for the management of ecosystem goods and services across all biomes;

(b) Further explore the respective advantages and disadvantages of tax/charge approaches as well as their interaction, including the identification of institutional requirements, possible shortcomings and limitations;

(c) Identify ways and means to further integrate the use of incentive measures into landscape/seascape and rive r basin scale plans, programmes and policies, including opportunities for the removal or mitigation of perverse incentives;

(d) Further monitor recent discussions on incentive measures with a view to identifying other measures of specific use for the sustainable management of ecosystems.

Main partners: Secretariat and STRP of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, IUCN, WWF, IWMI. [It is acknowledged that this is an incomplete list.]

69 Other collaborators: Relevant international, regional and national organizations and interested Parties. [it is acknowledged that this is an incomplete list]

2.3 Impact assessment

Goal: To ensure projects and actions with the potential to impact negatively on biological diversity are subjected to suitably rigorous impact assessments, including consideration of their potential impact on sacred sites and on lands and waters traditionally occupied or used by indigenous and local communities.

Context and linkages: Article(s) of the Convention on 14 (a), (b) and (e) Biological Diversity: Strategic Plan objective(s): 1.1, 1.5, 3.1, 3.4 Directly related (provisional) goals and Goal 4, Target 4.2; Goal 5, target 5.1 targets from Decision VII/30 – pursuit of the 2010 Biodiversity targets Source elements from thematic Inland waters: Goal 3.3 programmes: Source elements from cross-cutting Impact assessment programme of work: Note issue guidance and programmes: also that much of what of the guidelines endorsed through Decision VII/7 (see below) recommend have elements that need to be considered under sub-programme 2.1 relating to institutions, policies, programmes and laws. See also sub-programme 3.1 on status and trends.

Akwé: Kon guidelines (Decision VII/16 F) – see sub-programme 1.6

Biodiversity and tourism: Guidelines adopted by Decision VII/14: These guidelines include under Part B, Section 6 activities relevant under this sub- programme. Operational objectives: (a) Undertake environmental impact assessments, in accordance with national legislation and where appropriate, for all projects with the potential to impact on biological diversity, ensuring that these take into account the "inter-related socio-economic, cultural and human-health impacts, both beneficial and adverse" (see sub-programme 2.1 also)..

(b) Conduct cultural, environmental, and socio-economic impact assessments, in accordance with national legislation and where appropriate, regarding developments proposed to take place on, or which are likely to impact on, sacred sites and on lands and waters traditionally occupied or used by indigenous and local communities, in accordance with section VII/16 (Akwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines for the Conduct of Cultural, environmental and Social Impact Assessment Regarding Developments Proposed to Take place on, or which are Likely to Impact on, Sacred Sites and on Lands and Waters

70 Traditionally Occupied or Used by Indigenous and Local Communities). Activities of the Parties: Cross-biome 2.3.1 Adopt, adapt to national circumstances as necessary and apply the guidelines for incorporating biodiversity related issues into environmental impact assessment legislation and/or processes and in strategic environmental assessment (decision VI/7). (see sub- programme 2.3 also).

2.3.2 Apply, where appropriate, the Akwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines for the Conduct of Cultural, Environmental, and Social Impact Assessment Regarding Developments Proposed to Take Place on, or which are Likely to Impact on, Sacred Sites and on Lands and Waters Traditionally Occupied or used by Indigenous and Local Communities

2.3.3 See relevant activities under sub-programme 2.6 - Transboundary and regional cooperation

Specific to a particular biome thematic programme Inland waters 2.3.4 Incorporate, where appropriate, environmental flow assessments into impact assessment processes for any projects with the potential to have negative effects, and also undertake baseline ecosystem assessments in the planning phase to ensure that the necessary basic data will be available to support the environmental impact assessment process and the development of effective mitigation measures if necessary.

Cross-cutting programmes Impact assessments programme: Guidelines for incorporating biodiversity-related issues into environmental impact assessment legislation and/or processes and in strategic environmental assessment (Decision VI/7, Annex) Note: these are comprehensive guidelines and not reproduced here. Note also that much of what of the guidelines recommend has elements that need to be considered under sub-programme 2.1 relating to institutions, policies, programmes and laws.

Article 8(J) programme: Akwé: Kon guidelines (Decision VII/16 F) – see sub- programme 1.6 1.6.1 Implement provisions contained in Article 8(j) on traditional knowledge and related provisions and guidance of the Convention on Biological Diversity, taking into consideration the needs of developing countries. In particular give consideration to applying the Akwé: Kon 8/ Voluntary Guidelines for the Conduct of Cultural, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment regarding Developments Proposed to Take Place on, or which are Likely to Impact on, Sacred Sites and on Lands and Waters Traditionally Occupied or Used by Indigenous and Local Communities, as endorsed by COP7 through Decision VII/16 F.

Biodiversity and tourism: Guidelines adopted (Decision VII/14) These comprehensive guidelines cut across several sub-programmes of the Mountains to the Sea programme (see 1.4, 2.1, 2.4 and 3.1 in particular). They have not been reproduced here because of their very specialized nature. These guidelines include under Part B, Section 6 activities relevant under this sub-programme. Supporting activities of the Executive Secretary: 2.3.5 Collaborate with the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) and other relevant organizations to contribute to the implementation of decision VI/7 A on

8/ Pronounced {agway-goo}. A holistic Mohawk term meaning “everything in creation” provided by the Kahnawake community located near Montreal, where the guidelines were negotiated.

71 further development and refinement of the guidelines, particularly to incorporate all stages of the environmental impact assessment processes taking into account the ecosystem approach.

2.3.6 Compile and make available information on impact assessment and other methodologies that address biological diversity (across all biomes) issues in an adaptive management framework. Main partners: IAIA, Ramsar Convention Secretariat and STRP, IUCN, Conservation International. [it is acknowledged that this is an incomplete list] Other collaborators: Other relevant international, regional and national organizations, interested Parties and stakeholders [it is acknowledged that this is an incomplete list]

2.4 Communication, education and public awareness

Goal: To increase public understanding and awareness of the importance of the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.

Context and linkages: Article(s) of the Convention on 13 (a) & (b) Biological Diversity: Strategic Plan objective(s): 4.1 Directly related (provisional) goals and - targets from Decision VII/30 – pursuit of the 2010 Biodiversity targets Source elements from thematic Mountains: Goal 3.5 programmes: Forests: Goal 3, Objective 1 Inland waters: Goal 2.4 Dry and sub-humid lands: Activities 6 & 7 Source elements from cross-cutting Communication, education and public issue guidance and programmes: awareness programme: As adopted by Decision VI/19. Note this programme also includes elements of direct relevance to sub- programmes 2.1 and 2.6 of the Mountains to the Sea programme.

Alien invasive species guiding principle 6 (Decision VI/23) – see sub-programme 1.2.1 also.

Global taxonomy initiative - Planned activity 4

Protected areas programme of work – Programme element 4: Standards, assessment, and monitoring

Global Strategy for Plant Conservation: Targets 14 and 16

72 Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines: Practical principle 14

Biodiversity and tourism: Guidelines adopted by Decision VII/14. These guidelines include under Part D activities relevant under this sub-programme. Operational objectives: (a) Increase public support and understanding of the value of biological diversity and its goods and services.

(b) Comprehensive and well-targeted national programmes for communication, education and public awareness for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity are put in place and operate effectively.

(c) Key national landscape*/seascape scale and local-level decision makers and stakeholders are identified and appropriate communication mechanisms are established between them.

From the CEPA programme As adopted by Decision VI/19

PROGRAMME ELEMENT 1: Towards a global communication, education and public awareness network 1. To establish and manage a global communication, education and public awareness network composed of new information technologies and traditional communication mechanisms; 2. To stimulate the creation of national, subregional and regional communication, education and public awareness networks; 3. To create synergy between existing networks relevant to communication, education and public awareness.

PROGRAMME ELEMENT 2: Exchange of knowledge and expertise 1. To enhance exchange of knowledge and expertise among professionals, enhancing development and innovation on communication, education and public awareness; 2. To meet knowledge needs of Parties and other stakeholders for Article 13.

PROGRAMME ELEMENT 3: Capacity-building for communication, education and public awareness 1. Develop capacity of the Parties to market biodiversity to other sectors, and mainstream biodiversity into the work of other sectors; 2. Develop professional capacity of educators and communicators; 3. Enhance stakeholder participation and community development though communication, education and public awareness. Activities of the Parties: Cross-biome 2.4.1 Implement, within an integrated landscape*/seascape management framework, the Global Initiative on Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) contained in decision VI/19.

2.4.2. Further to activity 2.4.1, increase the dissemination of knowledge on upland- lowland interactions and on components of interdependence, and the importance of ecological corridors, hydrological connectedness etc.

73 2.4.3 Consistent with the programme of work on Article 8(j) and related provisions, undertake suitable initiatives to enhance awareness of the knowledge held by indigenous and local communities and the appropriate procedures, such as prior informed consent, for accessing such knowledge in accordance with national legislation on access to traditional knowledge.

2.4.4 Further promote the education of women and their role in the conservation and dissemination of traditional knowledge.

2.4.5 Review, and as necessary reform, formal educational curricula to ensure they are operating to inform and educate about the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.

2.4.6 Encourage the implementation of sustainable tourism activities aimed at increasing awareness, respect and knowledge for biological diversity, including knowledge of the local, natural and cultural landscapes.

2.4.7 Enhance awareness among policy makers and planners on the importance and contribution of ecosystems in poverty eradication programmes;

2.4.8 Promote consumer awareness about sustainably produced biodiversity products.

2.4.9 In undertaking the above activities identify case-studies and best practices and provide these to the Executive Secretary to be made available to other Parties.

2.4.10 Provide mechanisms for disseminating research findings to all relevant stakeholders, in a form which will be most useful to them. Make this same information available to the Executive Secretary for sharing with other Parties (see also sub- programme 3.2).

2.4.11 – see activity 3.1.10, sub-programme 3.1 – Status and trends

Specific to a particular biome thematic programme Inland waters 2.4.12 Ensure effective working linkages between the focal points for the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the Ramsar (Government and non-Government) focal points for wetlands communication, education and public awareness, including the amalgamation, at a national level, of communication, education and public awareness (CEPA) programmes under both conventions.

Cross-cutting programmes CEPA programme As adopted by Decision VI/19

PROGRAMME ELEMENT 1: Towards a global communication, education and public awareness network 1. Develop an electronic portal and an alternative information dissemination mechanism towards the establishment of a global network on communication, education and public awareness, building on, where possible, existing initiatives. 38/ The portal will be composed of new communication tools and resources including Internet-based technologies, CDROMs, DVDs, etc. The alternative information dissemination mechanism will use traditional media such as brochures and pamphlets and other communication

74 modes such as theatre, music and dance. Using Internet-based and traditional information resources, this global network will: (a) Make visible the expertise in biodiversity communication and education including communication, education and public awareness training databases;

(b) Stimulate moderated electronic discussions on issues of interest to communication, education and public awareness professionals;

(c) Link the portal to other networks and websites on communication and education, for example, those of the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, etc.; (d) Provide access to relevant projects and publications;

(e) Link with established learning institutions and centres of excellence to ensure the quality of products and materials;

(f) Stimulate and provide means for people to find those working on similar projects, problems or issues;

(g) Create access to standards of best practices;

(h) Ensure that the global network is service- and demand oriented;

(i) Promote communication and public awareness at the community level.

2. Identify potential partners and stakeholders:

· Create a registry of education and communications experts, organizations and networks (governmental; non-governmental; indigenous; religious; sectoral – business and industry, agriculture, fisheries, forests, tourism; media).

PROGRAMME ELEMENT 2: Exchange of knowledge and expertise 1. Document and analyse national reports from the Parties on communication, education and public awareness to develop needs for communication, education and public awareness support;

2. Identify links and provide searchable means to access biodiversity knowledge through the clearing-house mechanism;

3. Research, collect and exchange communication, education and public awareness projects and case-studies through the world Wide Web, workshops, CD-ROMs, and publications;

4. Sharing knowledge about tools and criteria for best practices;

5. Provide copyright free graphics and materials, subject to available funding, for adaptation;

6. Develop the global network in programme element 1 to facilitate actions in programme element 2.

PROGRAMME ELEMENT 3: Capacity-building for communication, education and public awareness

75 1. Create and deliver training programmes including: courses help desks, coaching, manuals, check lists, exchange on application of methods to work with stakeholders; 2. Establish system for professional exchanges; 3. Promote twinning programmes; 4. Establish a distance-learning programme on communication, education and public awareness; 5. Improve synergies between communication, education and public awareness research and practice; 6. Build capacity to evaluate and define principles for the evaluation of good communication, education and public awareness practice; 7. Develop appropriate sets of tools for communicators on biodiversity; 8. Establish partnerships with journalists and broadcasters engaged in communicating biodiversity related issues through the mass media; 9. Build capacity for fund-raising.

Alien invasive species programme (see sub-programme 1.2.1 also) Guiding principles from Decision VI/23: [note – several of these guiding principles relate to other sub-elements of the Mountains to the Sea programme and have been presented there]

Guiding principle 6: Education and public awareness Raising the public's awareness of the invasive alien species is crucial to the successful management of invasive alien species. Therefore, it is important that States should promote education and public awareness of the causes of invasion and the risks associated with the introduction of alien species. When mitigation measures are required, education and public-awareness-oriented programmes should be set in motion so as to engage local communities and appropriate sector groups in support of such measures.

Global taxonomy initiative 2.4 Public awareness and education (Planned activity 4) A package of materials and activities aimed at broadening public understanding of the importance of taxonomy in achieving the objectives of the Convention. Examples could include a brochure on the GTI, enhancement of Web pages, tutorials for education managers, popular scientific films, etc. A special focus on using the public awareness activity to acquire new levels of taxonomic information, through, inter alia, public involvement in parataxonomic activity, should form part of these initiatives.

Protected areas programme (see sub-programme 1.3)

Goal 3.5 – To strengthen communication, education and public awareness) Target: By 2008 public awareness, understanding and appreciation of the importance and benefits of protected areas is significantly increased.

3.5.1. Establish or strengthen strategies and programmes of education and public awareness on the importance of protected areas in terms of their role in biodiversity conservation and sustainable socio-economic development, in close collaboration with the Communication, Education and Public Awareness Initiative (CEPA) under the Convention on Biological Diversity and targeted towards all stakeholders. 3.5.2. Identify core themes for education, awareness and communication programmes relevant to protected areas, including inter alia their contribution to economy and culture to achieve specific end results such as compliance by resource users and other stakeholders or an increased understanding of science-based knowledge by

76 indigenous and local communities and policy makers and an increased understanding of the needs, priorities and value of indigenous and local communities’ knowledge, innovations and practices by Governments, non- governmental organizations and other relevant stakeholders. 3.5.3. Strengthen, and where necessary, establish information mechanisms directed at target groups such as the private sector, policy makers, development institutions, community-based organizations, the youth, the media, and the general public. 3.5.4. Develop mechanisms for constructive dialogue and exchange of information and experiences among protected-area managers, and between protected area managers and indigenous and local communities and their organizations and other environment educators and actors. 3.5.5. Incorporate the subject of protected areas as an integral component of the school curricula as well as in informal education. 3.5.6. Establish mechanism and evaluate the impacts of communication, education and public awareness programmes on biodiversity conservation to ensure that they improve public awareness, change behaviour and support the achievement of protected area objectives.

Global Strategy for Plant Conservation Target 14: The importance of plant diversity and the need for its conservation incorporated into communication, education and public awareness programmes.

Target 16: Networks for plant conservation activities established or strengthened at national, regional and international levels.

Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines on Sustainable use of Biodiversity: Practical principle 14 (see sub-programme 1.4 also) Practical principle 14: Education and public awareness programmes on conservation and sustainable use should be implemented and more effective methods of communications should be developed between and among stakeholders and managers.

Operational guidelines ← Plan education and public-awareness activities concerning: management, values of sustainable use, changing consumptive patterns and the value of biodiversity in the lives of people; ← Ensure that public-awareness programmes also inform and guide decision makers; ← Target all levels of the chain of production and consumption with such communications; ← Report lessons learned about sustainable use activities to the clearing-house mechanism of the Convention on Biological Diversity; ← Encourage and facilitate communication of lessons learned and best practices to other nations; ← Ensure that resource users report to government on their activities in a manner that facilitates broader communications; ← Increase awareness of the contributions of knowledge, practices and innovations of indigenous and local communities for the sustainable use of biological diversity.

Biodiversity and tourism: Guidelines adopted by Decision VII/ 14 (see sub- programme 1.4 also) These comprehensive guidelines cut across several sub-programmes of the Mountains to the Sea programme (see 1.4, 2.1, 2.3 and 3.1 in particular). They have not been reproduced here because of their very specialized nature. These guidelines include under

77 Part D activities relevant under this sub-programme. Supporting activities of the Executive Secretary: 2.4.12 In collaboration with key partners and collaborators, review the global initiative on communication, education and public awareness and develop and make available guidance for Parties on how best to promote its application for supporting this cross- biome programme of work.

2.4.13 Pursuant to activity 2.4.9, make available to Parties case-studies, advice on best practice approaches, plus other sources of information and expertise in the field of communication, education and public awareness.

Protected areas programme Suggested supporting activities of the Executive Secretary 3.5.7. Collaborate with IUCN and other relevant organizations to collect and disseminate educational tools and materials for adaptation and use in the promotion of protected areas as an important means of achieving the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. 3.5.8. Establish, in collaboration with the IUCN and other relevant partners, an initiative to engage the global news and entertainment industry (television, film, popular music, internet, etc.) in a global campaign to raise awareness of the consequences of biological diversity loss and the important role of protected areas in biodiversity conservation.

Main partners: Parties, UNESCO, UNEP, the IUCN Commission for Education and Communication, the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS), the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971), the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). Other collaborators: Ramsar national focal points for communication, education and public awareness, other multilateral environmental agreements, relevant international, regional and national organizations and donor agencies. [It is acknowledged that this is an incomplete list.]

2.5 Innovative and appropriate technologies

Goal: To encourage the development, validation, application and transfer of appropriate technologies, including indigenous technologies in accordance with Article 8(j) of the Convention on Biological Diversity and related provisions.

Context and linkages: Article(s) of the Convention on 5, 8(m), 14 (c), (d), 16, 17, 18 & 19 Biological Diversity: Strategic Plan objective(s): 2.3, 2.5, Directly related (provisional) goals and Goal 11, Target 11.2 targets from Decision VII/30 – pursuit of the 2010 Biodiversity targets Source elements from thematic Mountains: Goal 3.6 programmes: Forests: Goal 4 Inland waters: Goal 2.2

78 Dry and sub-humid lands: Activity 7 Coasts and marine: Operational Objective 3.4 Action (c) Source elements from cross-cutting Programme of work on technology transfer and issue guidance and programmes: technological and scientific cooperation, (Decision VII/29), Programme element 1

Protected areas programme of work – Programme element 3.3 Operational objectives: (a) Promote the development, validation, documentation and transfer of appropriate technologies and approaches to the conservation and sustainable use of the biological diversity across all biomes.

(b) Apply, as appropriate, the technologies and approaches identified and made available in response to the above objective, and in relation to indigenous technologies ensure this is done in accordance with Article 8(j) of the Convention on Biological Diversity and related provisions. Activities of the Parties: Cross-biome 2.5.1 Implement the programme of work on technology transfer and cooperation (as established by Decision VII.29).

2.5.2 Encourage the development of preventative strategies such as cleaner production, continual environmental improvement, corporate environmental reporting, product stewardship and environmentally sound technologies to avoid degradation and promote maintenance, and, where applicable, restoration of biological diversity and ecosystems.

2.5.3 Make available to the Executive Secretary information on appropriate technologies and effective approaches for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity for transfer to other Parties.

Specific to a particular biome thematic programme Inland waters 2.5.4 In relation to inland water ecosystem specifically, encourage the use of low-cost (appropriate) technology, non-structural and innovative approaches, and, where appropriate and through prior informed consent in accordance with national laws traditional or indigenous practices for inland water biodiversity assessment and to meet watershed management goals, such as using wetlands to improve water quality, using forests and wetlands to recharge groundwater and maintain the hydrological cycle, to protect water supplies and using natural floodplains to prevent flood damage, and to use, whenever possible, indigenous species for aquaculture.

Cross-cutting programmes Programme of work on technology transfer and technological and scientific cooperation, (Decision VII/29), Programme element 1: Technology assessments

Objective: Technology needs, the potential benefits costs and risks of such technologies, and the related capacity-building needs of Parties are identified in response to national priorities and policies

Operational target 1.1: Technology needs assessments are conducted as appropriate, with the participation of stakeholders, in accordance with the activities foreseen in the

79 thematic and cross-cutting work programmes under the Convention and in line with national priorities as set out, inter alia, in the national biodiversity strategy and action plan.

Activities 1.1.1. Preparation, in accordance with the activities foreseen in the thematic and cross-cutting work programmes under the Convention and in line with national priorities, of technology assessments addressing: (a) Technology needs, opportunities and barriers in relevant sectors; (b) Related needs in the building of capacity.

Operational target 1.2: Impact and risk assessments are conducted, as appropriate, with the participation of stakeholders and, if needed and requested, with international cooperation.

Activities 1.2.1. Preparation, as appropriate, of transparent impact assessments and risk analysis of the potential benefits, risks and associated costs with the introduction of technologies, including new technologies, whose risks and benefits are not yet determined. 1.2.2. Dissemination of assessments and related experiences at national and international levels.

Operational target 1.3: Information on methodologies for the assessment of technology needs are widely available to Parties through the clearing house mechanism and other means as appropriate.

Activities: 1.3.1. Collect information on technology needs assessment methodologies, analyse their applicability and adaptation needs for technologies that are relevant to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity or make use of genetic resources and do not cause significant damage to the environment, and disseminate this information through the clearing-house mechanism or other means, as appropriate. Main actor: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, in collaboration with relevant organizations and with input by Parties and Governments. Timeline for implementation: the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties.

Protected areas programme of work Goal 3.3 To develop, apply and transfer appropriate technologies for protected areas (see sub-programme 1.3)

Target: By 2010 the development, validation, and transfer of appropriate technologies and innovative approaches for the effective management of protected areas is substantially improved, taking into account decisions of the Conference of the Parties on technology transfer and cooperation.

3.3.1 Document and make available to the Executive Secretary appropriate technologies for conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity of protected areas and management of protected areas.

3.3.2 Assess needs for relevant technologies for protected area management involving indigenous and local communities and stakeholders such as the, research institutions,

80 non-governmental organizations and the private sector.

3.3.3 Encourage development and use of appropriate technology, including technologies of indigenous and local communities with their participation, approval and involvement in accordance with Article 8(j) and Related Provisions, for habitat rehabilitation and restoration, resource mapping, biological inventory, and rapid assessment of biodiversity, monitoring, in situ and ex situ conservation, sustainable use, etc.

3.3.4 Promote an enabling environment for the transfer of technology in accordance with decision VII/29 of the Conference of Parties on technology transfer and cooperation to improve protected area management.

3.3.5 Increase technology transfer and cooperation to improve protected area management. Supporting activities of the Executive Secretary: 2.5.5 Through the clearing-house mechanism, make available to Parties information on appropriate technologies and approaches to the conservation and sustainable use of the biological diversity.

2.5.6 Through partnerships with relevant organizations, seek to provide Parties with access to the latest technologies and innovative management approaches developed by the private sector and others, especially in relation to landscape/seascape and river basin level planning and management approaches.

Protected areas programme of work 3.3.7 Compile and disseminate information provided by Parties and relevant international organizations on appropriate technologies and approaches for efficient management of protected areas and conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity of protected areas.

Main partners: Advice needed Other collaborators: Relevant international, regional and national organizations, interested Parties and stakeholders. Footnotes:

2.6 Transboundary and regional collaboration

Goal: To establish regional and transboundary collaborative arrangements and agreements for the conservation and sustainable use of shared biological diversity, biomes and ecosystems.

Context and linkages: Article(s) of the Convention on 5, 12(a), (c), 14.1(c), (d), (e) & 14.2, 17, 18 Biological Diversity: Strategic Plan objective(s): 1.2, 1.3, 1.6,, 2.5 Directly related (provisional) goals and - targets from Decision VII/30 – pursuit of the 2010 Biodiversity targets Source elements from thematic Mountains: Goal 2.3

81 programmes: Inland waters: Activity 3.3.3 Dry and sub-humid lands: Activities 7(l & m), 8(d) Coasts and marine: Operational Objectives 6.2 Source elements from cross-cutting Alien invasive species guiding principles 4 and 9 issue guidance and programmes: (Decision VI/23) – see sub-programme 1.2.1 also.

Protected areas programme

Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines for Sustainable use of Biodiversity: Practical principle 8

Impact assessment programme of work: See sub-programme 2.3. The guidelines on impact assessment endorsed through Decision VII/7 include consideration of transboundary impact and cooperation.

Communication, education and public awareness programme: As adopted by Decision VI/19. Note this programme also includes elements of direct relevance to sub- programmes 2.1 of the Mountains to the Sea programme.

Liability and redress programme

Global taxonomy initiative: Planned activities 2, 3 and 6. Operational objectives: (a) Promote integrated, transboundary cooperation and strategies for conservation and sustainable use activities on shared biological diversity, biomes and ecosystems through mutually agreed-upon arrangements by the countries concerned. Activities of the Parties: Cross-biome 3.6.1 Pursue cooperative planning and management arrangements between Parties which cover, appropriate and agreed priorities, such as in relation to the following thematic issues: landscape, soil, wetland, watershed, rangelands, mining, protected areas and wildlife management, agriculture, pastoralism, forestry, transportation, energy and tourism.

3.6.2 – see activity 1.1.2 in relation to protected areas.

3.6.3 – see activity 3.2.3, sub-programme 3.2 – Research efforts.

3.6.4 – see activity 3.1.2, sub-programme 3.1 – Status and trends

Specific to a particular biome thematic programme Inland waters 3.6.5 Promote and strengthen regional and transboundary cooperation for research, adaptive management, fair and appropriate allocation of shared water resources to

82 ecosystems, and exchange of expertise to improve the conservation and management of biodiversity.

3.6.6 For transboundary inland water ecosystems, undertake, where feasible and appropriate and by agreement between the Parties concerned, collaborative impact and environmental flow assessments when applying the Convention's guidelines for incorporating biodiversity related issues into environmental impact assessment legislation and/or processes and in strategic environmental assessment.

Cross-cutting programmes Invasive alien species programme Guiding principles from Decision VI/23: [note – several of these guiding principles relate to other sub-elements of the Mountains to the Sea programme and have been presented there]

Guiding principle 4: The role of States (see sub-programme 1.2.1) 1. In the context of invasive alien species, States should recognize the risk that activities within their jurisdiction or control may pose to other States as a potential source of invasive alien species, and should take appropriate individual and cooperative actions to minimize that risk, including the provision of any available information on invasive behaviour or invasive potential of a species. 2. Examples of such activities include: a. The intentional transfer of an invasive alien species to another State (even if it is harmless in the State of origin); and b. The intentional introduction of an alien species into their own State if there is a risk of that species subsequently spreading (with or without a human vector) into another State and becoming invasive; c. Activities that may lead to unintentional introductions, even where the introduced species is harmless in the state of origin. To help States minimize the spread and impact of invasive alien species, States should identify, as far as possible, species that could become invasive and make such information available to other States.

Guiding principle 9: Cooperation, including capacity-building (see sub- programme 1.2.1) Depending on the situation, a State's response might be purely internal (within the country), or may require a cooperative effort between two or more countries. Such efforts may include: a. Programmes developed to share information on invasive alien species, their potential uneasiness and invasion pathways, with a particular emphasis on cooperation among neighbouring countries, between trading partners, and among countries with similar ecosystems and histories of invasion. Particular attention should be paid where trading partners have similar environments; b. Agreements between countries, on a bilateral or multilateral basis, should be developed and used to regulate trade in certain alien species, with a focus on particularly damaging invasive species; c. Support for capacity-building programmes for States that lack the expertise and resources, including financial, to assess and reduce the risks and to mitigate the effects when introduction and establishment of alien species has taken place. Such capacity-building may involve technology transfer and the development of training programmes; d. Cooperative research efforts and funding efforts toward the identification, prevention, early detection, monitoring and control of invasive alien species.

83 Protected areas programme Goal 1.3 – To establish and strengthen regional networks, transboundary protected areas (TBPAs) and collaboration between neighbouring protected areas across national boundaries (see sub-programme 1.3)

Target: Establish and strengthen by 2010/2012 9/ transboundary protected areas, other forms of collaboration between neighbouring protected areas across national boundaries and regional networks, to enhance the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, implementing the ecosystem approach, and improving international cooperation.

1.3.1. Collaborate with other parties and relevant partners to establish effective regional networks of protected areas, particularly in areas identified as common conservation priorities (e.g. barrier reef systems, large scale river basins, mountain systems, large remaining forest areas and critical habitat for endangered species), and establish multi-country coordination mechanisms as appropriate to support the establishment and effective long term management of such networks. 1.3.2. Collaborate with other Parties and relevant partners through the United Nations Informal Consultative Process on the Law of the Sea (UNICPOLOS) to establish and manage protected areas in marine areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, in accordance with international law, including the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, and based on scientific information. 1.3.3. Establish, where appropriate, new TBPAs with adjacent Parties and countries and strengthen effective collaborative management of existing TBPAs. 1.3.4. Promote collaboration between protected areas across national boundaries.

Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines for Sustainable use of Biodiversity (See sub-programme 1.4) Practical principle 8: There should be arrangements for international cooperation where multinational decision-making and coordination are needed.

Operational guidelines ← Make arrangements for international cooperation when the distribution of populations or communities/habitats being used span two or more nations; ← Promote multinational technical committees to prepare recommendations for the sustainable use of transboundary resources; ← Have bilateral or multilateral agreements between or among the States for the sustainable use of transboundary resources; ← Establish mechanisms involving the collaborating states to ensure that sustainable use of transboundary resources does not negatively impact the ecosystem capacity and resilience.

Impact assessment programme (See sub-programme 2.3) The guidelines on impact assessment endorsed through Decision VII/7 include consideration of transboundary impact and cooperation.

Communication, education and public awareness programme (See sub- programme 2.4) As adopted by Decision VI/19. Note this programme also includes elements of direct

9/ References to marine protected area networks to be consistent with the target in the WSSD plan of implementation.

84 relevance to sub-programmes 2.1 of the Mountains to the Sea programme.

Liability and redress programme Relatively little concrete progress has been made on this problematic issue to now. As further is done, and agreements reached by the COP, these will need to be reflected here.

Global taxonomy initiative 1.2 Regional taxonomic needs assessment (Planned activity 2) Combined with best available information on national taxonomic needs (if possible national taxonomic needs assessments), regionally agreed plans of action that provide identified priorities will provide a clear focus for activities under the GTI. To develop such plans of action regional workshops will be held, under the general guidance of the Executive Secretary and the GTI coordination mechanism. The challenge of the workshops will be to blend academic advice and perspective with country needs to fulfill its obligations under the Convention.

1.3 Global taxonomic needs assessment (Planned activity 3) A concise global plan of action using the outputs from the regional workshops, with the advice and support of international organizations and the GTI Coordination Mechanism.

2.2 Strengthening of existing networks for regional cooperation in taxonomy (planned activity 6) A global network, ideally comprised of increasingly self-sufficient subregional networks, that covers all taxa. While the actual capacity-building initiatives should have a finite project-based life, ideally the networks themselves would remain in perpetuity once established and underpinned by member country Governments. Supporting activities of the Executive Secretary:

Protected areas programme 1.3.5. Collaborate and consult with relevant organizations and bodies for developing guidelines for establishing transboundary protected areas and collaborative management approaches, as appropriate, for dissemination to Parties. 1.3.6. Compile and disseminate information on regional networks of protected areas and transboundary protected areas, including, as far as possible, their geographical distribution, their historical background, their role and the partners involved. 1.3.7. Review the potential for regional cooperation under the Convention on Migratory Species with a view to linking of protected area networks across international boundaries and potentially beyond national jurisdiction through the establishment of migratory corridors for key species.

Main partners: Advice needed Other collaborators: Advice needed

Programme element 3. Knowledge, assessment and monitoring

3.1 Status and trends – assessments, indicators and monitoring

Goal: To develop an improved understanding of the status and trends of biological diversity across all biomes, including the threats having a negative impact on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.

85 Context and linkages: Article(s) of the Convention on 7(a), (b), (c), 12, 17 Biological Diversity: Strategic Plan objective(s): 2.5 Directly related (provisional) goals and - targets from Decision VII/30 – pursuit of the 2010 Biodiversity targets Source elements from thematic Forests: Goal 2, Objective 1 programmes: Inland waters: Goal 2.3 Dry and sub-humid lands: Activities 7 & 9

Source elements from cross-cutting Alien invasive species guiding principle 5 issue guidance and programmes: (Decision VI/23) – see sub-programme 1.2.1 also.

Protected areas programme of work – Programme element 4: Standards, assessment, and monitoring

Global taxonomy initiative, 5.4 Support for ecosystem approach and work under the CBD on assessment including impact assessments, monitoring and indicators (Planned activity 17)

Global Strategy for Plant Conservation: Targets 1 and 2

Biodiversity and tourism: Guidelines adopted by Decision VII/14: These guidelines include under Part B, Sections 1 and 9, and Part C, activities relevant under this sub-programme.

Indicators and 2010 targets: Ongoing work under these two cross-cutting programmes will need to be informed by activities undertaken herein. Operational objectives: (a) An improved understanding of the status and trends of the biological diversity across all biomes, its uses, taxonomy and threats, based on inventories, rapid and other assessments, and monitoring, applied at the regional, national and local levels.

(b) To achieve a harmonized global to regional, biome by biome, classification system, based on agreed and accepted definitions and addressing key biological diversity elements.

(c) Rapid assessments using suitable indicators, being undertaken for biodiversity, in particular in small island developing States and States where ecosystems suffer from ecological disasters and urgent provision of support to develop and implement national strategies for the prevention and mitigation of ecological disasters.

86 (d) Monitoring programmes established and maintained to detect changes in the status and trends of biodiversity across all biomes, paying particular attention to those requiring urgent conservation measures and those which offer the greatest potential for sustainable use.

(e) National capacity building underway for undertaking the above-mentioned assessments. Activities of the Parties: Cross-biome 3.1.1 Applying the priorities set down in national biodiversity strategies and action plans, undertake comprehensive national inventories and assessments of biological diversity, which may be regarded as important in accordance with the terms of Annex I of the Convention. In

3.1.2 In conjunction with 3.1.1 above, undertake assessments of threatened habitats and species. The transboundary nature of many biomes should be fully taken into account in assessments, and it may be appropriate for relevant regional and international bodies to contribute to such assessments. (see Sub-programme 2.6 also)

3.1.3 Identify the most cost-effective approaches and methods to describe the status, trends and threats of all biomes and indicate their condition in functional as well as species terms.

3.1.4 Promote and develop specific assessments of additional components of biodiversity that provide ecological services. This might include targeted assessments on priority areas (for example, loss of pollinators, pest management and nutrient cycling).

3.1.5 Adopt an integrated approach in the assessment, management and, where possible, remedial actions of linked biomes, notably, inland waters, associated terrestrial and in-shore marine ecosystems. It should be noted that:

(a) Assessments should involve all stakeholders, including indigenous and local communities, should be cross-sectoral and should make full use of indigenous knowledge based on prior informed consent (see Sub-programme 1.6 also);

(b) Suitable organisms should be identified as being particularly important in the assessment of biodiversity. Ideally, such groups (taxa) should meet the following criteria: (i) The group should contain a reasonable number of species with varied ecological requirements; (ii) The taxonomy of the group should be reasonably well understood; (iii) The species should be easy to identify; (iv) The group should be easy to sample or observe so that density - absolute or as indices - can be assessed, used objectively and treated statistically; (v) The group should serve as indicators of overall ecosystem health or indicators of the development of a key threat to ecosystem health;

(c) In view of the great economic importance of some groups (e.g. inland water fish species and aquatic macro-invertebrates), and of the large gaps in taxonomic knowledge for many species, capacity-building in taxonomy should focus on biodiversity of economic as well as ecological importance.

87 3.1.6 Apply the rapid assessment guidelines for national circumstances and adapt these as necessary to suit current and emerging priorities. In accordance with SBSTTA recommendation II/1, endorsed by the Conference of the Parties in decision III/10, assessments should be simple, inexpensive, rapid and easy to use. Such rapid assessment programmes will never replace thorough inventories.

3.1.7 Introduce appropriate monitoring regimes based on the Convention on Biological Diversity and other guidance for priority taxa and ecosystems in the first instance, taking into account the implementation of decisions VI/7 A-C on identification, monitoring, indicators and assessments and possible adoption by the Conference of the Parties at its seventh meeting of principles for developing and implementing national-level monitoring and indicators.

3.1.8 Support efforts to achieve international consistency and interoperability of taxonomic nomenclature, classification systems, databases and metadata standards, as well as data-sharing policies (see Sub-programme 3.3 also)

3.1.9 Seek the resources, opportunities and mechanisms to build national capacity for undertaking assessments and inventories.

3.1.10 As part of national communication, education and public awareness activities/programme (see Sub-programme 2.4), provide mechanisms for disseminating status and trends research findings to all relevant stakeholders, in a form which will be most useful to them. Make this same information available to the Executive Secretary for sharing with other Parties.

Specific to a particular biome thematic programme Inland waters 3.1.11 For inland waters specifically, develop means of identifying and protecting groundwater recharge areas, groundwater aquifers, and surface waters fed by groundwater discharges.

Mountains 3.1.12 For the mountain biome support the work of the Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment.

Marine and coastal 3.1.13 Compile and synthesize information on the methods for the identification, assessment and monitoring of genetic resources of the seabed and ocean floor and subsoil thereof, beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, and information on their status and trends including identification of threats to such genetic resources and the technical options for their protection and report on the progress made to SBSTTA.

Cross-cutting programmes Invasive alien species programme Guiding principle 5: Research and monitoring (see sub-programme 1.2.1) 3.1.14 In order to develop an adequate knowledge base to address the problem, it is important that States undertake research on and monitoring of invasive alien species, as appropriate. These efforts should attempt to include a baseline taxonomic study of biodiversity. In addition to these data, monitoring is the key to early detection of new invasive alien species. Monitoring should include both targeted and general surveys, and benefit from the involvement of other sectors, including local communities. Research on

88 an invasive alien species should include a thorough identification of the invasive species and should document: (a) the history and ecology of invasion (origin, pathways and time-period); (b) the biological characteristics of the invasive alien species; and (c) the associated impacts at the ecosystem, species and genetic level and also social and economic impacts, and how they change over time.

Protected areas programme of work – Programme element 4: Standards, assessment, and monitoring

Goal 4.1 – To develop and adopt minimum standards and best practices for national and regional protected area systems (see sub-programme 3.1) Target: By 2008, standards, criteria, and best practices for planning, selecting, establishing, managing and governance of national and regional systems of protected areas are developed and adopted.

Suggested activities of the Parties 4.1.1. Collaborate with other Parties and relevant organizations, particularly IUCN, on the development, testing, review and promotion of voluntary protected areas standards and best practices on planning and management, governance and participation. 4.1.2. Develop and implement an efficient, long-term monitoring system of the outcomes being achieved through protected area systems in relation to the goals and targets of this work programme. 4.1.3. Draw upon monitoring results to adapt and improve protected area management based on the ecosystem approach. Suggested supporting activities of the Executive Secretary 4.1.4 In collaboration with the key partners and based upon the best practices promote available guidance for parties minimum standards for planning, selecting, establishing, managing and governance of protected area sites and systems. 4.1.5 Compile information on best practices and case-studies on effective management of protected areas and disseminate it through clearing-house mechanism and facilitate exchange of information.

Goal 4.2 – To evaluate and improve the effectiveness of protected areas management Target: By 2010, frameworks for monitoring, evaluating and reporting protected areas management effectiveness at sites, national and regional systems, and transboundary protected area levels adopted and implemented by Parties.

4.2.1. Develop and adopt, by 2006, appropriate methods, standards, criteria and indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of protected area management and governance, and set up a related database, taking into account the IUCN-WCPA framework for evaluating management effectiveness, and other relevant methodologies, which should be adapted to local conditions. 4.2.2. Implement management effectiveness evaluations of at least 30 percent of each Party’s protected areas by 2010 and of national protected area systems and, as appropriate, ecological networks. 4.2.3. Include information resulting from evaluation of protected areas management effectiveness in national reports under the Convention on Biological Diversity. 4.2.4. Implement key recommendations arising from site- and system-level management effectiveness evaluations, as an integral part of adaptive management strategies.

89 Goal 4.3 – To assess and monitor protected area status and trends Target: By 2010, national and regional systems are established to enable effective monitoring of protected-area coverage, status and trends at national, regional and global scales, and to assist in evaluating progress in meeting global biodiversity targets.

4.3.1. Implement national and regional programmes to monitor and assess the status and trends of biodiversity within protected area systems and sites. 4.3.2. Measure progress towards achieving protected area targets based on periodic monitoring and report on progress towards these targets in future national reports under the Convention on Biological Diversity as well as in a thematic report at COP-9. 4.3.3. Improve and update national and regional databases on protected areas and consolidate the World Database on Protected Areas as key support mechanisms in the assessment and monitoring of protected area status and trends. 4.3.4. Participate in the World Database on Protected Areas maintained by UNEP-WCMC, and the United Nations List of Protected Areas and the State of the World’s Protected Areas assessment process. 4.3.5. Encourage the establishment and establishment use of new technologies including geographic information system and remote sensing tools for monitoring protected areas.

Global taxonomy initiative 5.4 Support for ecosystem approach and work under the CBD on assessment including impact assessments, monitoring and indicators (Planned activity 17)

Global Strategy for Plant Conservation Target 1: A widely accessible working list of known plant species, a step towards a complete world flora Target 2: A preliminary assessment of the conservation status of all known plant species, at national, regional and international levels.

Biodiversity and tourism: Guidelines adopted by Decision VII/14 These comprehensive guidelines cut across several sub-programmes of the Mountains to the Sea programme (see 1.4, 2.1, 2.3 and 2.4 in particular). They have not been reproduced here because of their very specialized nature. These guidelines include under Part B, Sections 1 and 9, and Part C, activities relevant under this sub-programme.

Indicators and 2010 targets See above Supporting activities of the Executive Secretary: 3.1.14 Make available to Parties guidelines for rapid, simple, inexpensive, and easy-to- use assessments of biological diversity, taking into account the different types ecosystems and regional considerations, and giving special consideration to the priority needs of small island developing States, and States in which are suffering from ecological disasters.

3.1.15 Through continued collaboration with global and regional assessments including, but not restricted to, the Global International Waters Assessment (GIWA), the World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP), the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, the FAO Fisheries Assessment, the Global Environmental Outlook (GEO), the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), the report on State of the World's Plant and Animal Resources and the IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Assessment and Red List of Threatened Species, seek to advance the generation of information on status and trends that can

90 assist and support global, transboundary and national priority setting processes for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

Specific to inland waters 3.1.16 In collaboration with the Ramsar Convention and other partners, make available to Parties guidance for: (a) Undertaking national inventories and assessments of inland water and coastal biological diversity; (b) The identification of stressed inland water and coastal ecosystems; (c) The national elaboration of Annex I of the Convention on Biological Diversity in relation to biological diversity of inland waters and coastal ecosystems; (d) A list of indicators grouped as driver, state, impact, and response to pressures on biological diversity of inland water and coastal ecosystems (taking into account the implementation of decision VI/7 B of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, on monitoring and indicators).

Protected areas programme of work – Programme element 4: Standards, assessment, and monitoring

4.1.4 In collaboration with the key partners and based upon the best practices promote available guidance for parties minimum standards for planning, selecting, establishing, managing and governance of protected area sites and systems. 4.1.5 Compile information on best practices and case-studies on effective management of protected areas and disseminate it through clearing-house mechanism and facilitate exchange of information.

4.2.5. Compile and disseminate information on management effectiveness through the clearing-house mechanism and develop a database of experts in evaluation of protected area management effectiveness and consider the possibility of organizing an international workshop on appropriate methods, criteria and indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of protected area management. 4.2.6. In cooperation with IUCN-WCPA and other relevant organizations, compile and disseminate information on best practices in protected area design, establishment and management.

4.3.6. Develop and consolidate working partnerships with appropriate organizations and institutions that have developed and maintained monitoring systems and databases on protected areas, in particular with the UNEP-WCMC and the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas. 4.3.7. Explore establishment of a harmonized system and time schedule for reporting on sites designated under the Convention on Wetlands, the World Heritage Convention, and UNESCO MAB programme, and other regional systems, as appropriate, taking into account the ongoing work of UNEP-WCMC on harmonization of reporting and the IUCN protected area management category system for reporting purpose. 4.3.8. Prepare an updated format for the thematic report on protected areas covering, inter alia, integration of protected areas and national systems of protected areas into relevant sectors and spatial planning taking into account decision VII/25 on national reporting.

Global taxonomy initiative 1.1 Country-based taxonomic needs assessment (Planned activity 1) 3.3.8 Develop a coordinated global taxonomy information system (Planned activity 7)

91 Main partners IUCN, UNEP, WCMC, WRI, FAO, World Fisheries Trust, Ramsar Secretariat and STRP of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, Conservation International, United Nations Forum on Forests and the Collaborative Partnership on Forests, FAO, World Conservation Monitoring Centre of the United Nations Environment Programme Other collaborators UNESCO (SIDS programme), Global International Waters Assessment (GIWA), World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP), the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Global Environmental Outlook, Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), WRI, Conservation International, (Japan) BioNET International, and other relevant international, regional and national organizations and stakeholders.

92 3.2 Research efforts

Goal: To develop an improved understanding of the biodiversity found in all biomes, how these systems function, their ecosystem goods and services and the values they can provide.

Context and linkages: Article(s) of the Convention on 7(a) & (c), 12 Biological Diversity: Strategic Plan objective(s): 2.5, 3.3 Directly related (provisional) goals and - targets from Decision VII/30 – pursuit of the 2010 Biodiversity targets Source elements from thematic Mountains: Goal 3.4 programmes: Forests: Goals 1 & 3, Objective 1 for both Inland waters: Goal 3.1 Dry and sub-humid lands: Activities 4,5 & 7(k) Agricultural: Programme element 2, Activities 2.1 and 2.2 Coasts and marine: Operational objective 3.5 Source elements from cross-cutting Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines on issue guidance and programmes: Sustainable Use of Biodiversity: Practical principle 6

Global Strategy for Plant Conservation: Target 3:

Global taxonomy initiative: Planned activities 5 and 7

Invasive alien species programme: Guiding principle 5: Research and monitoring (see sub- programme 1.2.1)

Protected areas programme Operational objectives: (a) Improve understanding of the roles of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning within and between each biome.

(b) Improve the understanding of the causes and impacts of losing biological diversity in each biome and at a landscape/seascape scale.

(c) Facilitate research and monitoring activities that reflect identified global knowledge gaps and priority information needs for management.

(d) Improve research, technical and scientific cooperation, and other forms of capacity- building related to biological diversity. Activities of the Parties: Cross-biome 3.2.1 Conduct long-term research on species adaptability to changing environmental conditions under climatic or human-induced global change, in relation to biological

93 diversity.

3.2.2 Conduct key research: (a) on the roles and importance of biological diversity and ecosystem functioning, considering ecosystem components, structure, function, processes and services.

(b) to improve the understanding of the social, economic, political and cultural drivers within civil society that are directly impacting on the conservation and sustainable use of the biological diversity. A distinction should be made between broad socio-economic causes such as demographic growth and more specific causes such as institutional weaknesses and market or policy failures.

(c) on the roles and importance of transitional zones linking upland-lowland ecosystems such as ecotones, hotspots, buffer areas and corridors.

3.2.3 In line with the Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI) encourage studies aimed at improving the understanding of the taxonomy of the biological diversity, including efforts to achieve international consistency and interoperability of taxonomic nomenclature, databases and metadata standards, as well as data-sharing policies.

3.2.4 Initiate mechanisms and develop collaborative research/scientific programmes of mutual interest among countries with shared biodiversity, biomes and ecosystems, especially those having common problems and comparable socio-cultural conditions (see also sub-programme 2.6).

3.2.5 Develop capacity and enhance opportunities for community-based research and monitoring to conserve biodiversity and provide greater benefits to communities.

3.2.6 Develop scientific and technical coordination mechanisms at national level for identification of research priorities and for optimising the efficient utilization of research results (see activity 2.4.10 also).

3.2.7 Report through the clearing-house mechanism on successful experiences involving control and mitigation of the underlying causes of biodiversity loss, which would make it possible to understand lessons learned.

3.2.8 See sub-programme 2.4 (CEPA), activity 2.4.10.

Specific to a particular biome thematic programme of work Mountains 3.2.9 Develop and support research to assess the role of soil biological diversity and the diversity of protective vegetation cover for the stability and safety of mountain areas and watershed protection, e.g., avoidance of human-induced erosion, landslides and avalanches.

Forests 3.2.10 Seek to understand critical thresholds of forest biological diversity loss and change, paying particular attention to endemic and threatened species and habitats including forest canopies.

3.2.11 Increase the understanding of the impact of pollution, e.g., acidification and eutrophication, and other pollutants (such as mercury and cyanide) on forest biodiversity; at genetic, species, ecosystem and landscape levels.

94 Agricultural biodiversity 3.2.12 Carry out a series of case-studies, in a range of environments and production systems, and in each region: (a) To identify key goods and services provided by agricultural biodiversity, needs for the conservation and sustainable use of components of this biological diversity in agricultural ecosystems, and threats to such diversity; (b) To identify best management practices; and (c) To monitor and assess the actual and potential impacts of existing and new agricultural technologies.

This activity would address the functions of agricultural biodiversity and the interaction between the various components, as set out in the appendix hereto with a focus on certain specific and cross-cutting issues, such as: (a) The role and potential of wild, under-utilized and neglected species and products; (b) The role of genetic diversity in providing resilience, reducing vulnerability, and enhancing adaptability of production systems to changing environments and needs; (c) The synergies and interactions between different components of agricultural biodiversity; (d) The role of pollinators, with particular reference to their economic benefits, and the effects of introduced species on indigenous pollinators and other aspects of biological diversity; (e) The role of soil and other below-ground biodiversity in supporting agricultural production systems, especially in nutrient cycling; (f) Pest and disease control mechanisms, including the role of natural enemies and other organisms at field and landscape levels, host plant resistance, and implications for agro- ecosystem management; (g) The wider ecosystem services provided by agricultural biodiversity; (h) The role of different temporal and spatial patterns in mosaics of land use, including complexes of different habitats; (i) Possibilities of integrated landscape management as a means for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

3.2.13 Identify and promote the dissemination of information on cost-effective practices and technologies, and related policy and incentive measures that enhance the positive and mitigate the negative impacts of agriculture on biological diversity, productivity and capacity to sustain livelihoods, through: (a) Comprehensive analyses in selected production systems of the costs and benefits of alternative management practice as identified from activity 2.1, and the valuation of the goods and services provided by agricultural biodiversity; (b) Comprehensive analyses of the impacts of agricultural production, including their intensification and extensification, on the environment and identification of ways to mitigate negative and promote positive impacts; (c) Identification, at international and national levels, in close collaboration with relevant international organizations, of appropriate marketing and trade policies, legal and economic measures which may support beneficial practices: (i) Promotion of neglected and under-utilized crops; (ii) Promotion of local and indigenous knowledge; (iii) Measures to add value to products of production systems that sustain biodiversity, and to diversify market opportunities; (iv) Access and benefit-sharing measures and intellectual property issues; (v) Economically and socially sound measures that act as incentives, in accordance with Article 11 and consistent with Article 22; and

95 (vi) Training and capacity-building in support of the above.

Cross-cutting programmes Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines on Sustainable Use of Biodiversity

Practical principle 6: Interdisciplinary research into all aspects of the use and conservation of biological diversity should be promoted and supported.

Operational guidelines ← Ensure that the results of research inform and guide international, national policies and decisions; ← Invest in research into techniques and technologies of management of biodiversity components that promote sustainability in both consumptive and non- consumptive uses of biodiversity; ← Encourage active collaboration between scientific researchers and people with local and traditional knowledge; ← Encourage international support and technology transfer, relating to both consumptive and non-consumptive uses of biodiversity; ← Develop cooperation between researchers and biodiversity users (private or local communities), in particular, involve indigenous and local communities as research partners and use their expertise to assess management methods and technologies; ← Investigate and develop effective ways to improve environmental education and awareness, to encourage public participation and to stimulate the involvement of stakeholders in biodiversity management and sustainable use of resources; ← Investigate and develop means of ensuring rights of access and methods for helping to ensure that the benefits derived from using components of biodiversity are equitably shared; ← Make research results available in a form which decision makers, users, and other stakeholders can apply; ← Promote exchange programmes in scientific and technical areas.

Global Strategy for Plant Conservation Target 3: Development of models with protocols for plant conservation and sustainable use, based on research and practical experience.

Global taxonomy initiative 3.3.7 Global and regional capacity-building to support access to and generation of taxonomic information (Planned activity 5)

3.3.8 Develop a coordinated global taxonomy information system (Planned activity 7)

Invasive alien species programme Guiding principle 5: Research and monitoring (see sub-programme 1.2.1) In order to develop an adequate knowledge base to address the problem, it is important that States undertake research on and monitoring of invasive alien species, as appropriate. These efforts should attempt to include a baseline taxonomic study of biodiversity. In addition to these data, monitoring is the key to early detection of new invasive alien species. Monitoring should include both targeted and general surveys, and benefit from the involvement of other sectors, including local communities. Research on an invasive alien species should include a thorough identification of the invasive species and should document: (a) the history and ecology of invasion (origin, pathways and time-period);

96 (b) the biological characteristics of the invasive alien species; and (c) the associated impacts at the ecosystem, species and genetic level and also social and economic impacts, and how they change over time.

Protected areas programme Goal 4.4 – To ensure that scientific knowledge contributes to the establishment and effectiveness of protected areas and protected area systems (see sub- programme 1.3)

Target: Scientific knowledge relevant to protected areas is further developed as a contribution to their establishment, effectiveness, and management. 4.4.1. Improve research, scientific and technical cooperation related to protected areas at national, regional and international levels. 4.4.2. Promote interdisciplinary research, to improve understanding of the ecological social and economic aspects of protected areas, including methods and techniques for valuation of goods and services from protected areas 4.4.3. Encourage studies to improve the knowledge of the distribution, status and trends of biological diversity. 4.4.4. Encourage collaborative research between scientists and indigenous and local communities in accordance with Article 8(j) in connection with the establishment and the effective management of protected areas 4.4.5. Promote the dissemination of scientific information from and on protected areas including through the clearing-house mechanism. 4.4.6. Promote the dissemination of, and facilitate access to, scientific and technical information, in particular publications on protected areas, with special attention to the needs of developing countries and countries with economies in transition, in particular least developed countries and small island developing States. 4.4.7. Develop and strengthen working partnerships with appropriate organizations and institutions which undertake research studies leading to an improved understanding of biodiversity in protected areas. Supporting activities of the Executive Secretary: 3.2.14 Strengthen working partnerships with appropriate organizations and institutions which undertake, or can assist in mobilizing, research efforts leading to an improved understanding of the biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, and the practical application of the ecosystem approach.

3.2.15 As part of the agreed programme of work for the GTI, support and assist, in collaboration with suitable partners, the development of the series of regional guides to the taxonomy of key taxa (such as freshwater fish and invertebrates). Main partners IUCN, UNEP, WCMC, WRI, FAO, World Fisheries Trust. [It is acknowledged that this is an incomplete list] Collaborators Global International Waters Assessment (GIWA), World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP), Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, FAO, Global Environmental Outlook, Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), WRI, Conservation International, (Japan) BioNET International, and other relevant international, regional and national organizations and stakeholders. [It is acknowledged that this is an incomplete list]

3.3 Data management and infrastructure Goal: To improve, at the international, regional and national levels, the infrastructure

97 and capacity for data and information management for accurate assessment and monitoring of biological diversity.

Context and linkages: Article(s) of the Convention on 7(d) Biological Diversity: Strategic Plan objective(s): - Directly related (provisional) goals and - targets from Decision VII/30 – pursuit of the 2010 Biodiversity targets Source elements from thematic Mountains: Goal 3.3 programmes: Forests: Goal 4 Dry and sub-humid lands: Activity 7 (j) Coasts and marine: Operational objective 2.2 Source elements from cross-cutting Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI), Operational issue guidance and programmes: objective 2 - Planned activity 5 and Operational objective 3 – Planned activity 7.

Programme of work on technology transfer and technological and scientific cooperation, (Decision VII/29), Programme element 2: Information Systems

Alien invasive species guiding principles (Decision VI/23) – see sub-programme 1.2.1 also. Operational objectives: (a) Promote improvements to the systems and infrastructure for data collection and information management at the international, regional and national levels.

(b) Enhance the technical capacity at the national level to monitor biological diversity (across all biomes), benefiting from the opportunities offered through the clearing-house mechanism, and to develop associated databases as required on global, regional (where appropriate) and local levels.

(c) Facilitate an improved and effective infrastructure/system for access to taxonomic information; with priority on ensuring that countries of origin gain access to information concerning elements of their biodiversity (From the GTI programme of work)

(d) Foster technology transfer and technology cooperation through national, regional and international information systems (Based on Objective under Programme element 2 of technology transfer programme of work – see sub-programme 2.5)

Activities of the Parties: Cross-biome 3.3.1 Support and seek additional resources to see necessary improvements to the infrastructure for data and information management at the national and, where appropriate, regional levels.

3.3.2 Enhance the technical capacity at a national level to monitor biological diversity across all biomes, benefiting from the opportunities offered by the clearing-house mechanism of the Convention on Biological Diversity, including the development of associated databases as required at the global scale to facilitate exchange.

98 3.3.3 Promote open access, as Parties consider appropriate, to existing information on biodiversity and related databases and sharing through the clearing-house mechanism of the Convention on Biological Diversity and other appropriate means.

3.3.4 Encourage mapping and inventory of biodiversity and of land-use changes, using analogue and digital databases (remote-sensing, geographic information system) for scientific purposes and for supporting decision-making.

3.3.5 – see activity 3.1.8, sub-programme 3.1 – Status and trends

Specific to a particular biome thematic programme Marine and coastal 3.3.6 For the marine biome specifically, make available to the Parties information on genetic resources in marine areas beyond national jurisdiction and, as appropriate, on coastal and marine genetic resources under national jurisdiction from publicly available information sources.

Cross-cutting programmes Global taxonomy initiative 3.3.7 Global and regional capacity-building to support access to and generation of taxonomic information (Planned activity 5)

3.3.8 Develop a coordinated global taxonomy information system (Planned activity 7)

Invasive alien species - Guiding principles from Decision VI/23: [note – several of these guiding principles relate to other sub-elements of the Mountains to the Sea programme and have been presented elsewhere]

Guiding principle 8: Exchange of information (see sub-programme 1.2.1 also) 3.3.9 States should assist in the development of an inventory and synthesis of relevant databases, including taxonomic and specimen databases, and the development of information systems and an interoperable distributed network of databases for compilation and dissemination of information on alien species for use in the context of any prevention, introduction, monitoring and mitigation activities. This information should include incident lists, potential threats to neighbouring countries, information on taxonomy, ecology and genetics of invasive alien species and on control methods, whenever available. The wide dissemination of this information, as well as national, regional and international guidelines, procedures and recommendations such as those being compiled by the Global Invasive Species Programme should also be facilitated through, inter alia, the clearing-house mechanism of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

3.3.10 The States should provide all relevant information on their specific import requirements for alien species, in particular those that have already been identified as invasive, and make this information available to other States.

Technology transfer and technological and scientific cooperation programme of work (numbering retained from cross-cutting programme for ease of cross-reference)

Programme element 2: Information systems Operational target 2.1: The clearing-house mechanism is a central mechanism for the

99 exchange of information on and facilitation of technology transfer and technical and scientific cooperation relevant for the Convention on Biological Diversity, providing access to information on national technology needs, available relevant proprietary technologies and technologies in the public domain, including access to databases of existing technologies, and information on best-practices to create enabling environments for technology transfer and technology cooperation.

Activities: 2.1.1. Develop provisional web pages and print media that provide access to information on relevant initiatives and databases for the transfer of technology and for technology cooperation.

2.1.2. Development of proposals to enhance the clearing-house mechanism, including its national nodes, particularly those in developing countries, as a key mechanism for exchange of information on technologies and as a core element in its role to promote and facilitate scientific and technical cooperation, for facilitating and promoting technology transfer and cooperation and for the promotion of technical and scientific cooperation relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity or make use of genetic resources and do not cause significant damage to the environment.

2.1.3. Development of advice and guidance on the use of new information exchange formats, protocols and standards to enable interoperability among relevant existing systems of national and international information exchange, including technology and patent databases.

2.1.4. Implementation of proposals for enhancing the clearing-house mechanism as a central mechanism for exchange of information on technologies, as a core element in its role to promote and facilitate scientific and technical cooperation, for facilitating and promoting technology transfer and for the promotion of technical and scientific cooperation as adopted by the Conference of the Parties, in full synergy with similar initiatives and mechanisms of other Conventions and international organizations.

Operational target 2.2: Opportunities to establish or strengthen national information systems for technology transfer and technology cooperation are identified, with consultation of and input from indigenous and local communities and all relevant stakeholders.

Activities: 2.2.1. Compilation and synthesis of information on national and regional information systems for technology transfer and cooperation, including the identification of best-practices and of needs for further improvements, in particular in regard to the accessibility of such systems for indigenous and local communities and all relevant stakeholders as well as information on capacity and human resources available and needed.

2.2.2. Develop or strengthen national information systems of technology transfer and technology cooperation.

Operational target 2.3: National information systems for technology transfer and technology cooperation, especially those functioning through national clearing-house mechanisms, are established or strengthened, are effectively linked to international

100 information systems and contribute effectively to technology transfer, diffusion and adaptation and to the exchange of technologies, including south-south technology transfer. Activities:

2.3.1. Development or improvement of national systems of information exchange on technology transfer and technology cooperation, in consultation with indigenous and local communities and all relevant stakeholders, with a view to fostering dialogue between technology holders and prospective users through, inter alia, the application of ways and means to ensure: (a) Effective linkages with existing national, regional and international information systems; (b) Accessibility and adaptability of such systems by indigenous and local communities and all relevant stakeholders; (c) Information on local needs for adaptation, and related capacity, to be effectively channelled into national systems.

Operational target 2.4: Promote the development of regional and international information systems to facilitate technology transfer and technological cooperation.

Activities: 2.4.1. Initiate and conduct consultations among relevant organizations, indigenous and local communities and all relevant stakeholders with a view to identifying options to further regional and international cooperation in the development or improvement of information systems on technology transfer and technology cooperation.

2.4.2. Compilation and synthesis of information on regional and international information systems, including best-practices and opportunities for further development and make this information available through the clearing-house mechanism and other means, as appropriate.

2.4.3. Identify and implement measures to develop or strengthen appropriate information systems of technology transfer and technology cooperation, including at the local level.

Supporting activities of the Executive Secretary: 3.3.11 Enhance the capacity of the clearing-house mechanism to facilitate the implementation of the above goal. Main partners: In relation to activity 3.3.5 - International organizations, such as the United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, the United Nations Environment Programme, and the InterGovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization, as appropriate with the support of the Executive Secretary. Other collaborators: Advice needed

101 4. Final remarks

This project set out to establish if it was possible to integrate and condense CBD’s six thematic programmes of work, and the guidance and programmes of work developed under the 17 cross-cutting issues, so that they together could provide a more robust and readily usable platform for the Parties of the CBD to implement the ecosystem approach. While it is acknowledged that further work is required to address some aspects, the draft ‘mountains to the sea’ implementation plan presented here suggests that this approach is worthy of further examination by the Parties of the CBD.

The review of the thematic programmes and cross-cutting issues has revealed striking differences in the way activities are presented for attention by the Parties, yet remarkably high levels of similarity and overlap of content. The draft ‘mountains to the sea’ implementation plan has been able to more than halve, to this stage of its development, the text that Parties have to consult in the development of their own national approaches to implementing the CBD’s thematic programmes. A key advantage, from an administrative perspective, is that Parties can now consult one cross-biome implementation plan for landscape/seascape scale planning, and, if required also consult the existing thematic programmes and cross-cutting issues, using the ‘mountains to the sea’ implementation plan as a common entry point, or one-stop-shop.

The integration of these thematic and cross-cutting programmes has also served to standardise and draw together into one standard format, these currently quite disparate programmes. The advantages of this should be immediately apparent as it allows CBD’s broader agendas to be presented in one comprehensive document, rather than 23 programmes that are not readily harmonised.

More fundamental however is the message that this draft cross-biome implementation plan sends out to governments and all other stakeholders involved with the implementation of the CBD about the need for more integrated, landscape/seascape level planning, decision making and actions. Principles 3 and 7 of CBD’s ecosystem approach (see Appendix A) are especially relevant, as follows:

 Principle 3: Ecosystem managers should consider the effects (actual or potential) of their activities on adjacent and other ecosystems.

 Principle 7: The ecosystem approach should be undertaken at the appropriate spatial and temporal scales.

It is hoped that through this worked example, the CBD will recognise that the time has arrived to now take the next major step in its evolution, and move to develop and adopt a cross-biome, ‘mountains to the sea’ style implementation plan. Nature designed ecosystems with connectivity to one another and the cross-biome plan is designed to assist that as a fundamental implementation approach of the CBD.


102 Appendix A: The ecosystem approach - principles and rationale

Principles Rationale Principle 1: The objectives of Different sectors of society view ecosystems in terms management of land, water and of their own economic, cultural and societal needs. living resources are a matter of Indigenous peoples and other local communities living societal choice. on the land are important stakeholders and their rights and interests should be recognized. Both cultural and biological diversity are central components of the ecosystem approach, and management should take this into account. Societal choices should be expressed as clearly as possible. Ecosystems should be managed for their intrinsic values and for the tangible or intangible benefits for humans, in a fair and equitable way. Principle 2: Management should Decentralized systems may lead to greater efficiency, be decentralized to the lowest effectiveness and equity. Management should involve appropriate level. all stakeholders and balance local interests with the wider public interest. The closer management is to the ecosystem, the greater the responsibility, ownership, accountability, participation, and use of local knowledge. Principle 3: Ecosystem Management interventions in ecosystems often have managers should consider the unknown or unpredictable effects on other effects (actual or potential) of ecosystems; therefore, possible impacts need careful their activities on adjacent and consideration and analysis. This may require new other ecosystems. arrangements or ways of organization for institutions involved in decision-making to make, if necessary, appropriate compromises. Principle 4: Recognizing The greatest threat to biological diversity lies in its potential gains from replacement by alternative systems of land use. This management, there is usually a often arises through market distortions, which need to understand and manage undervalue natural systems and populations and the ecosystem in an economic provide perverse incentives and subsidies to favour context. Any such ecosystem- the conversion of land to less diverse systems. management programme should: Often those who benefit from conservation do not pay (a) Reduce those market the costs associated with conservation and, similarly, distortions that adversely affect those who generate environmental costs (e.g. biological diversity; pollution) escape responsibility. Alignment of (b) Align incentives to promote incentives allows those who control the resource to biodiversity conservation and benefit and ensures that those who generate sustainable use; environmental costs will pay (c) Internalize costs and benefits in the given ecosystem to the extent feasible. Principle 5: Conservation of Ecosystem functioning and resilience depends on a ecosystem structure and dynamic relationship within species, among species functioning, in order to maintain and between species and their abiotic environment, as ecosystem services, should be a well as the physical and chemical interactions within priority target of the ecosystem the environment. The conservation and, where approach. appropriate, restoration of these interactions and processes is of greater significance for the long-term

103 maintenance of biological diversity than simply protection of species. Principle 6: Ecosystems must be In considering the likelihood or ease of attaining the managed within the limits of management objectives, attention should be given to their functioning. the environmental conditions that limit natural productivity, ecosystem structure, functioning and diversity. The limits to ecosystem functioning may be affected to different degrees by temporary, unpredictable or artificially maintained conditions and, accordingly, management should be appropriately cautious. Principle 7: The ecosystem The approach should be bounded by spatial and approach should be undertaken temporal scales that are appropriate to the objectives. at the appropriate spatial and Boundaries for management will be defined temporal scales. operationally by users, managers, scientists and indigenous and local peoples. Connectivity between areas should be promoted where necessary. The ecosystem approach is based upon the hierarchical nature of biological diversity characterized by the interaction and integration of genes, species and ecosystems. Principle 8: Recognizing the Ecosystem processes are characterized by varying varying temporal scales and lag- temporal scales and lag-effects. This inherently effects that characterize conflicts with the tendency of humans to favour short- ecosystem processes, objectives term gains and immediate benefits over future ones. for ecosystem management should be set for the long term. Principle 9: Management must Ecosystems change, including species composition and recognize that change is population abundance. Hence, management should inevitable. adapt to the changes. Apart from their inherent dynamics of change, ecosystems are beset by a complex of uncertainties and potential "surprises" in the human, biological and environmental realms. Traditional disturbance regimes may be important for ecosystem structure and functioning, and may need to be maintained or restored. The ecosystem approach must utilize adaptive management in order to anticipate and cater for such changes and events and should be cautious in making any decision that may foreclose options, but, at the same time, consider mitigating actions to cope with long-term changes such as climate change Principle 10: The ecosystem Biological diversity is critical both for its intrinsic value approach should seek the and because of the key role it plays in providing the appropriate balance between, ecosystem and other services upon which we all and integration of, conservation ultimately depend. There has been a tendency in the and use of biological diversity. past to manage components of biological diversity either as protected or non-protected. There is a need for a shift to more flexible situations, where conservation and use are seen in context and the full range of measures is applied in a continuum from strictly protected to human-made ecosystems. Principle 11: The ecosystem Information from all sources is critical to arriving at

104 approach should consider all effective ecosystem management strategies. A much forms of relevant information, better knowledge of ecosystem functions and the including scientific and impact of human use is desirable. All relevant indigenous and local knowledge, information from any concerned area should be shared innovations and practices. with all stakeholders and actors, taking into account, inter alia, any decision to be taken under Article 8(j) of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Assumptions behind proposed management decisions should be made explicit and checked against available knowledge and views of stakeholders. Principle 12: The ecosystem Most problems of biological-diversity management are approach should involve all complex, with many interactions, side-effects and relevant sectors of society and implications, and therefore should involve the scientific disciplines. necessary expertise and stakeholders at the local, national, regional and international level, as appropriate.


Appendix B: Provisional framework of goals and targets (Decision VII/30)

Protect the components of biodiversity Goal 1. Promote the conservation of the biological diversity of ecosystems, habitats and biomes Target 1.1: At least 10% of each of the world’s ecological regions effectively conserved. Target 1.2: Areas of particular importance to biodiversity protected

Goal 2. Promote the conservation of species diversity Target 2.1: Restore, maintain, or reduce the decline of populations of species of selected taxonomic groups Target 2.2: Status of threatened species improved.

Goal 3. Promote the conservation of genetic diversity Target 3.1: Genetic diversity of crops, livestock, and of harvested species of trees, fish and wildlife and Other valuable species conserved, and associated indigenous and local knowledge maintained.

Promote sustainable use Goal 4. Promote sustainable use and consumption. Target 4.1: Biodiversity-based products derived from sources that are sustainably managed, and production areas managed consistent with the conservation of biodiversity. Target 4.2: Unsustainable consumption of biological resources, or that impacts upon biodiversity, reduced. Target 4.3: No species of wild flora or fauna endangered by international trade

Address threats to biodiversity

105 Goal 5. Pressures from habitat loss, land use change and degradation, and unsustainable water use, reduced. Target 5.1: Rate of loss and degradation of natural habitats decreased

Goal 6. Control threats from invasive alien species Target 6.1: Pathways for major potential alien invasive species controlled. Target 6. 2: Management plans in place for major alien species that threaten ecosystems, habitats or species.

Goal 7. Address challenges to biodiversity from climate change and pollution Target 7.1: Maintain and enhance resilience of the components of biodiversity to adapt to climate change Target 7.2: Reduce pollution and its impacts on biodiversity

Maintain goods and services from biodiversity to support human well-being Goal 8. Maintain capacity of ecosystems to deliver goods and services and support livelihoods Target 8.1: Capacity of ecosystems to deliver goods and services maintained. Target 8.2: biological resources that support sustainable livelihoods, local food security and health care, especially of poor people maintained

Protect traditional knowledge, innovations and practices Goal 9 Maintain socio-cultural diversity of indigenous and local communities Target 9s.1 Protect traditional knowledge, innovations and practices Target 9.2: Protect the rights of indigenous and local communities over their traditional knowledge, innovations and practices, including their rights to benefit sharing

Ensure the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the use of genetic resources Goal 10. Ensure the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the use of genetic resources Target 10.1: All transfers of genetic resources are in line with the Convention on Biological Diversity, the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and other applicable agreements. Target 10.2: Benefits arising from the commercial and other utilization of genetic resources shared with the countries providing such resources

Ensure provision of adequate resources Goal 11: Parties have improved financial, human, scientific, technical and technological capacity to implement the Convention 76/ Target 11.1: New and additional financial resources are transferred to developing country Parties, to allow for the effective implementation of their commitments under the Convention, in accordance with Article 20. Target 11.2: Technology is transferred to developing country Parties, to allow for the effective implementation of their commitments under the Convention, in accordance with its Article 20, paragraph 4.


Appendix C: Issues and challenges to creating M2C

106 Section 2 outlined the process that was used to design the structure and ‘populate’ the draft ‘mountains to the sea’ implementation plan. Some of the notable issues that were confronted during the process are as follows:

1. As indicated in section 2.1.2, it is estimated that for each of six thematic programmes approximately 80-90% of their content was adjudged as not being unique. During the ‘cut and paste’ phase of this project (see section 2.1.1) ‘like’ text from each thematic programme were grouped together under the appropriate section in the adopted structure. The process was then to either adopt one form of the language (from one of the thematic programmes) or to edit (as little as possible) the presented text relating to each issue so as to capture the essence of what was intended. Care was taken to try and retain as much of the original language and to also ensure that it had applicability across biomes. The author does not pretend that this exercise was without flaws and so, the ‘mountains to the sea’ plan is presented here very much as a draft requiring careful review and further refinement. To assist this (hoped for) future process by the CBD, under each goal the origin of the source material has been indicated so that it is possible to check back against the relevant thematic programme to ensure the way the issue has been re-presented has remained faithful to the original intent.

In relation to the ‘cutting and pasting’ of relevant text from the guidance or programmes of work for cross-cutting issues, the process was more difficult, largely due to the highly variable nature of this information. Accordingly, in the draft ‘mountains to the sea’ implementation plan in section 3, no attempt has been made (at this time) to condense this text for fear of losing significant points or information. There is no doubt that careful review of this material would allow further abbreviation and some harmonisation of this text.

2. In preparing the draft ‘mountains to the sea’ implementation plan, a section on ‘Context and linkages’ was included. It indicates as follows:  those articles of the CBD that relate to the specific theme;  the related (provisional) goals and targets as adopted by the Convention through Decision VII/30;  the source elements from the relevant thematic programme, and,  the source elements from the relevant cross-cutting issue guidance or programme.

In the draft implementation plan the section for ‘Activities of the Parties’ is divided as follows:  those that are considered “cross-biome”;  those that are considered “specific to a particular biome thematic programme”; and,  those that are derived from a “cross-cutting issue”, with the sources for each shown.

The distinction should be obvious from these headings. In many, but not all sub-programmes, there are some activities that (for this exercise) were considered unique. Closer review by persons more familiar with these biomes may either confirm this or indicate that they are more generalized activities applicable across several biomes. Consideration was given to placing these

107 so-called biome-specific or unique activities into thematic programme annexes of the ‘mountains to the sea’ plan, however, this was not done as it isolates them from the context (goal, operational objectives) within which they should sit.

3. Examination of the draft ‘mountains to the sea’ plan will also show some information gaps. The first of these is in relation to the “Supporting activities of the Executive Secretary”, “Main partners” and “Other collaborators”. Not all thematic programmes or cross-cutting issues have these headings and so it was not possible to provide a comprehensive list of activities, partners or collaborators. If the CBD were to pursue the further refinement of the draft ‘mountains to the sea’ plan, these are areas that require attention.

4. Tables 5 and 6 do not show the ‘2010 targets’ cross-cutting issue. It was considered more appropriate for the draft ‘mountains to the sea’ implementation plan to integrate this issue into the actual structure and each sub-programme within it (see 2 above). It is hoped that this implementation plan may assist CBD with developing a comprehensive set of goals and targets, based around this integrated approach that draws together in one format the sic thematic programmes and 16 (other) cross-cutting issues.

108 About WWF’s Global Freshwater Programme:

Established in 1961, WWF operates in more than 100 countries. WWF’s mission is to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by:

- conserving the world's biological diversity; - ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable; - promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.

Freshwater is one of six priority issues for WWF’s work globally (see: The WWF Global Freshwater Programme promotes conservation and sustainable management of freshwater habitats around the world to benefit people and nature.

WWF is championing the conservation and restoration of at least 50 river basins (ecoregions) crucial to wildlife and people by 2010. To secure their conservation, WWF is working to influence the key drivers of unsustainable use of freshwater resources and habitats, including agriculture, hydroelectricity generation, flood management and river transport, and water consumption – particularly for irrigation. Further we are using economic and policy tools and protected areas as instruments to accelerate the freshwater conservation outcomes that everyone depends upon.

For FY05-07 WWF’s freshwater conservation work focuses on:

 Undertaking large-scale river basin - freshwater ecoregion conservation – programmes to conserve the most biologically significant freshwater habitats globally.  Reducing two of the biggest threats to the freshwater biome world wide, namely: changes in hydrology due to dams and other water infrastructure, and water consumption from agriculture.  A series of government commitments to national strategies for management of water and to reduce poverty and conserve freshwater habitats.  Establishing and managing freshwater protected areas to accelerate conservation of freshwater habitats by securing key sites.

About the author:

Dr Bill Phillips worked for nearly 13 years in the Australian Federal Environment Ministry involved with policy development and implementation issues for various biodiversity and natural resource management programmes. He was head of the Australian delegation to CBD 5th COP in Nairobi in 2000.

In 1997, Dr Phillips was appointed Deputy Secretary General of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, a post he occupied until early 2000. During his time at the Ramsar secretariat, Dr Phillips attended the 4th CBD COP in Bratislava and a number of SBSTTA meetings. He was a prime architect (and chief author) of the Memorandum of Understanding and Joint Work Plans (1 and 2) between CBD and the Ramsar Convention. He also has extensive first hand knowledge of the related biodiversity conventions, plus the desertification and climate change conventions.

109 In late 2000, Dr Phillips established his own consulting company, MainStream Environmental Consulting Pty Ltd ( Since then he has undertaken a range of projects that make him eminently qualified to prepare this discussion paper, as follows:

 Revision of the global Programme of Work on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Biological Diversity of Inland Waters for the Convention on Biological Diversity (2002)

 Streamlined national reporting under biodiversity-related conventions, Indonesian pilot study of the modular approach, project facilitator and primary author (2002)

 Conserving Rivers, Lessons from WWF’s work for integrated river basin management, Jones, T, Davis, T & and Phillips,B., 2003. Presented to the World Parks Congress, Durban, (2003)

 Working with several Pacific Island countries to introduce streamlining and more harmonized implementation of biodiversity conventions (2001-2004)

 Promoting Integrated River Basin Management and Restoring China’s Living Rivers IRBM Task Force of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development, primary writer, (2004)


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