City of Centerton

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City of Centerton


The city council was called to order by Mayor, Bill Edwards. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the prayer was offered by Todd Wright. Those Present and answering roll call were Mayor Bill Edwards, Robin Reed, Josie Reed, Keith Higginbotham, Tyler Steele, Skye Petty and Tommy Laird. Those present and not answering role call were Jennifer Robinson, Todd Wright, Brian Rabal, Street Superintendant Rick Hudson, Police Chief Lance Johnson, Howard Slinkard, Jeff Coffelt and Terry Sanchez. Lorene Burns and Robert Coffelt were not present for the meeting due to medical reasons.

(1) Council Minutes- Robin Reed made a motion to adopt the minutes from the October, 2011 council meeting with a 2nd from Josie Reed. All council members voted in favor and the motion carried.

(2) Planning, Water & Sewer, Parks and A&P Minutes- Tommy Laird made a motion to acknowledge receipt of the September, 2011 Planning and Water & Sewer minutes, the October, 2011 Parks & Recreation minutes and the September 2011 A&P Commission minutes with a 2nd from Tyler Steele. All council members voted in favor and the motion carried.

(3) City and Court Financials- Mayor Edwards stated that with 83% of the year gone, our expenses were at 79%. He also told the council that we transferred another $130,000.00 into the Investor’s Fund and that we have $2 million in reserve in the Investor Account. Tyler Steele made a motion to accept the October, 2011 City and Court financials with a 2nd from Skye Petty. All council members voted in favor and the motion carried.

(4) Appointment of Sonya Dean to the Planning Commission- Mayor Edwards addressed the council and stated that the Planning Commission is recommending that we appoint Sonya Dean to the open seat on the Planning Commission. Sonya addressed the council, introduced herself and answered their questions. Keith Higginbotham made a motion to accept the appointment of Sonya Dean to the Planning Commission with a 2nd from Tommy Laird. All council members voted in favor and the motion carried.

(5) Appointment of Nick Jewett and Brett Huddleston to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board- Brad Carpenter addressed the council and stated that Levy Williams tendered his resignation from the P&R Advisory Board. Keith Higginbotham made a motion to accept the resignation of Levy Williams from the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board with a 2nd from Robin Reed. All council members voted in favor and the motion carried. Brad stated that Levy’s resignation leaves 2 open spots on the Advisory Board and recommended the appointment of Nick Jewett and Brett Huddleston to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board. He gave details of each candidate to the council. Brad stated that the 2 additions will put us to the full 9 members. He also stated that Tara Jensen has accepted the assignment as the Advisory Board’s Secretary. Keith Higginbotham made a motion to accept the appointment of Nick Jewett and Brett Huddleston to the Parks & recreation Advisory Board with a 2nd from Josie Reed. All council members voted in favor and the motion carried. Brad detailed the current P&R projects.

(6) Attorney Presentation- Mayor Edwards addressed the council and stated that every year we renew our contract with our Contract Attorney. He stated that currently our contract was with Howard Slinkard. He stated that over the last couple of months, 2 other attorneys, Brian Rabal and Acacia Wright Stinnett have stated their interest in the position. Mayor Edwards stated at the last city council meeting that he would allow time in this council meeting for each of the attorneys to make a presentation. Each attorney presented the council with a written overview of their qualifications and made their verbal presentation to the council. Mayor Edwards thanked each of the candidates and stated that it will be up to the council to decide who will provide those services for the next year.

(7) Resolution 2011-27- A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE GRANT OF A RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT TO SOURCEGAS ARKANSAS, INC., ON A PARCEL OF LAND OWNED BY THE CITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF RELOCATING EXISTING NATURAL GAS LINES REQUIRED FOR WIDENING OF HIGHWAY 102. Mayor Edwards addressed the council and detailed this resolution. Keith Higginbotham made a motion to read the resolution by title only with a 2nd from Robin Reed. All council members voted in favor and the motion carried. Howard read the resolution by title only. Keith Higginbotham made a motion to adopt the resolution with a 2nd from Skye Petty. All council members voted in favor and the motion carried.

(8) Ordinance 2011-15- AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE FINAL PLAT OF EDEN’S COURT, CENTERTON, BENTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Mayor Edwards addressed the council and detailed this ordinance. Keith Higginbotham made a motion to read the ordinance by title only with a 2nd from Josie Reed. All council members voted in favor, except for Tyler Steele, who abstained and the motion carried. Howard Slinkard read the ordinance by title only. Keith Higginbotham made a motion to suspend the rule requiring the reading of the ordinance on 3 separate occasions with a 2nd from Tommy Laird. All council members voted in favor, except for Tyler Steele, who abstained and the motion carried. Robin Reed made a motion to adopt the ordinance with a 2nd from Keith Higginbotham. All council members voted in favor, except for Tyler Steele, who abstained and the motion carried. Howard Slinkard read the emergency clause. Tommy Laid made a motion to adopt the emergency clause with a 2nd from Keith Higginbotham. All council members, except for Tyler Steele, who abstained, voted in favor and the motion carried.

(9) Ordinance 2011-16- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CENTERTON MUNICIPAL CODE, CHAPTER 14, SECTION 4.14, TITLED “SCHEDULE OF USES”; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Mayor Edwards addressed the council and detailed this ordinance. He stated that the Schedule of Uses is attached to the council’s copy of the ordinance with the changes being highlighted. Robin Reed made a motion to read the ordinance by title only with a 2nd from Josie Reed. All council members voted in favor and the motion carried. Howard Slinkard read the ordinance by title only. Josie Reed made a motion to suspend the rule requiring the reading of the ordinance on 3 separate occasions with a 2nd from Keith Higginbotham. All council members voted in favor and the motion carried. Keith Higginbotham made a motion to adopt the ordinance with a 2nd from Skye Petty. All council members voted in favor and the motion carried. Howard Slinkard read the emergency clause. Tommy Laid made a motion to adopt the emergency clause with a 2nd from Tyler Steele. All council members voted in favor and the motion carried.

Department Reports- Police- Police Chief Lance Johnson pointed out the stats for the previous month found in the council’s packets. He stated that the detective’s stats did not make the report, but will be in there next month. He stated that the 2o11 Dodge Chargers had a design change that leaves no foot room when the cages are installed. He detailed the issues and the partial solution that should cost $235.00 plus tax. He said they will be receiving 10 turkeys and 10 hams to be distributed to needy families at Centerton Gamble Elementary and reminded the council that we will have a family to sponsor for Christmas again as a city. He stated that Shop-with-a-Cop will be December 5th. He said that there was a good turnout for the chili supper and that it brought in $3909.00. Lance gave details of training for his officers. He detailed the current state and steps of research into a new Police Station. Street- Rick Hudson stated that they were busy patching, mowing and maintaining. He stated that their main goal is still drainage and that they are working on installing cross drains and opening up channels that were filled with debris. He said the 46 stolen manhole covers have been replaced in Morningside and Versailles. Rick discussed his search for a dump truck and what his needs are. He said it will probably run about $50,000.00. Mayor Edwards recommended to the council that we let Rick put the need for a dump truck out to bid. Mayor Edwards stated that he would like to put it out to bid and then have a Special Council Meeting to select the bid on the night of the Committee Meeting of the Whole. Robin Reed made a motion to allow rick to put the need for a dump truck out to bid with a 2nd from Tommy Laird. All council members voted in favor and the motion carried. Planning- Mayor Edwards stated that Lorene had surgery and is out until Monday, November, 13th. Building Inspections- Mayor Edwards stated that Robert also had surgery. He stated that Robert included the Building Permit Report in the council’s packets. Fire- Fire Chief Jeff Coffelt stated that they had 1000 kids come to the station for Halloween candy, which was about the same as last year. He said that they are just fewer than 600 fire runs for the year. He stated that they have had some agency assists on structure fire since the last meeting. He stated that both Fire Substations are waiting for heat and that he is waiting for some dry days to pour the pads for the generators. He said they have equipment in them and are operational. He said the bids are out for the signs for the stations and that the Firettes have offered to put some money toward the cost of those signs. He said they will have to come before the Planning Commission due to the size of the signs, but that they should be up in 3-4 weeks. Water & Sewer- Jeff stated that they have completed the portions of the Bella Vista Bypass that they were contracted to do. He said the next section could start in 11/2 to 2 months. He said that we are still waiting on a couple of easements on Hwy 102 to be able to put it out to bid. He gave details of the current issues and the process. He said that he is in hopes to hear something back this week, to be able to approve request for bid at the next CWSD Commission meeting next week. He said if that happens, we would be able to put it out for bid in December and possibly allow us to select a contractor in January. Animal Control- Terry Sanchez stated that they were back to full staff and that they got a couple of computers donated to them by Wal-Mart. He stated that things were a little slow and that they have 5 animals right now. He stated that he got a pallet of food from Wal-Mart and that the food levels were good. Administration- Jennifer Robinson stated that everything is going good on her end. She stated that all of the departments have their budgets and to ask her if they have any questions. She gave details of the upcoming Fall Festival on November 11th and 12th. She thanked everyone for their help. Mayor- Mayor Edwards mentioned the new message board out in front of City Hall. He thanked Jennifer and Cherie for their efforts regarding the Fall Festival. He pointed out new pictures of the city that are up on the walls of the Community Room. He gave details of his trip to Jacksonville for the Park Grant. He said that he feels good about it and that we should hear something this winter. He gave new details about the Bentonville Ambulance request. Robin Reed pointed out that they were requesting money for last year without any notice. Mayor Edwards pointed out that we have no agreement in place with Bentonville for ambulance services. He invited the council to come to the Interlocal Government meeting on Tuesday November, 15th, where the ambulance service issue will be on the agenda. Mayor Edwards stated that he will attend and keep everyone informed. He stated that Mayor McCaslin has offered to come before the council to discuss the matter. There was discussion. Mayor Edwards stated that the County is going to do a county-wide EMS study and that we have volunteered to pay a portion of that study. Mayor Edwards pointed out that there is a new sign at the Animal Shelter. He stated that he is looking into the request for a Tahoe for the Police Department.

Other Business- Levelization Pay- Mayor Edwards explained what Levelization pay is and detailed how it has been handled in the past. He made a recommendation of one set fee for all employees hired on or before January 1st of 2011 to get $500.00, which would include 22 employees, and the 4 employees hired after that date would get $250.00. Jennifer explained where the funds come from. Tommy Laird made a motion to approve the Levelization pay as presented by Mayor Edwards with a 2nd from Skye Petty. Keith Higginbotham and Robin Reed Abstained. All other Council members voted in favor and the motion carried. Committee of the Whole Meeting- Mayor Edwards explained what the meeting was and asked for anyone with questions to come to him before the meeting. He offered dates of the 14th, 16th or 21st of November. The meeting was tentatively set for November 21st, 2011.

Announcements- Michael Finke, of the Centerton Area Chamber of Commerce, addressed the council and gave details of membership and events involving the Chamber.

There was no more business or announcements and Robin Reed made a motion to adjourn with a 2nd from Josie Reed. All council members voted in favor and the motion carried.

______Bill Edwards, Mayor

______Todd Wright, City Clerk/ Recorder

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