Title: Geography Subject: Social Studies
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CCSS Creel, 2005
Title: Geography Subject: Social Studies Topic: Continents, Oceans, Hemispheres Grade: 3rd Designers: Robin Travis Leanne Newton, Jodi Brinkley, Sonya Gilliam, Paige Marlow
Stage 1: Desired Results Science/Social Studies 3.18- Name the Earth’s seven continents, four hemispheres, and QCC four oceans. 3.53- Uses cardinal and intermediate directions on a map or globe, ELA Standard(s) such as N and S, NE and SE. (underline big ideas and ELA3LSVI- oral and visual strategies to communicate key words) ELA3R2- acquires and uses grade level words to communicate effectively ELA3R3- uses a variety of strategies to gain meaning from grade level text (h. interprets information from illustrations, diagrams, charts, graphs, and graphic organizers) QCC and ELA The student will know the 7 seven continents, the 4 oceans, and Enduring Understandings the 4 hemispheres. (Teacher tool) The student will understand and apply cardinal and intermediate directions on a map. The student uses maps to acquire and interpret information. QCC and ELA What are the Earth’s 7 continents, 4 oceans, and 4 hemispheres? Essential questions What are the cardinal and intermediate directions on a map? (2-5 questions) How would understanding the compass rose help me to locate (Student tool) information on a map? How can map skills help me communicate effectively? Elements Utilize the standard elements to identify knowledge and skills QCC and ELA Knowledge (noun) Skills (verbs) Knowledge & Skills continents identify and list continents, (Comes from the elements) oceans oceans, hemispheres, hemispheres cardinal and intermediate compass rose directions oral locate continents, oceans, communication hemispheres maps analyze maps communicates directions orally interpret information from maps WHERETO: Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence: What evidence will show that students met the learning goal? Traditional Assessment Portfolio Assessment Authentic Assessment Self-assessment Unit test, benchmarks, Writing Journal, Directional Scavenger Student survey, KWL quizzes Student created maps Hunt, graphic chart,Ticket Out the organizer, student Door created maps CCSS Creel, 2005
Stage 3 – Designing an Instructional Plan Hook and Hold interest: pointing toward Big Ideas, Essential Questions, and Performance Tasks
Word Splash- Brainstorm key vocabulary and concepts, then write on the board
Balloon Globe Activity- (Blow up blue balloon, color and cut out continents, oceans, then glue onto blue balloon)
Map Trivia Anchor Activities:
Make a compass rose with popsicle sticks
Compass Rose game-students locate and move to a specific direction in the room and give a partner oral directions
Neighborhood Map Machine (software), Trudy’s Time and Place House (software)
Enchanted Learning.com
Candy Map game –(ex. “ Put your red Skittle on the continent north of ….)
Directional Scavenger Hunt Explore the Big Ideas, Essential Questions, and Equip for final performance Direct Instruction Experiential Independent Indirect Interactive Learning Learning Instruction Instruction Explicit Teaching Games Computer Graphic Brainstorming Graphic Organizer Simulations Assisted Organizers Structured Overview Modeling Instruction Cooperative Learning Drill and Practice Surveys Reflective Demonstrations Graphic Discussion Peer Practice Organizers Reciprocal Problem Solving Homework Teaching And Practice Inquiry Assigned Questions Rethink, Revise, Refine, Reflect, Resubmit Cardinal and Intermediate Directions ( work with peers, revert back to a key) Use different methods to reinforce the location of continents, oceans, and hemispheres ( overhead, floor map, revise and resubmit if necessary, balloon map with teacher assistance), Continent song Reflective Journal CCSS Creel, 2005
Encourage ongoing evaluation and student self-evaluation Self-reflection Reflective Journal Survey Tailoring the Design for Diverse Learners Differentiated Suggested Suggested Extensions Activities Accommodations Publish textbook Student created continents Dictated responses textbook –GA Learning on textbook Students make a paper- Connections mache globe Work in groups Organizing the Learning
The student will: The teacher will: Brainstorm and create a word Hook the students with the splash of key concepts word splash activity Create a balloon globe Present information Participate in map trivia Ensure that there are ongoing Design a compass rose using cycles of model, practice, popsicle sticks feedback, and adjustment built Participate in a compass rose into the unit. directional game Facilitate the activities Play a Candy Map game Use a variety of resources to identifying hemispheres, oceans, present the concepts (globe, and continents map, atlas) Use and utilize available software Assess student progress and in computer lab as indicated understanding above Provide a variety of Culminate the unit by assessments completing a directional scavenger hunt