National Theme: Respect Yourself. Be Drug Free
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Meeting Agenda – 10/19/15 2:20 - 3:30
Red Ribbon Week: - Dates: Monday 10/26 – Friday 10/30
- National Theme: Respect Yourself. Be Drug Free
- Spirit Week Theme Ideas:
o “You won’t see me using drugs!” – Wear Camo
o “Don’t get tied into drugs!” – Wear Neck Ties
o “Don’t let drugs turn you inside out!” – Wear your clothes inside out
o “Shade out drugs” – Wear shades (sunglasses)
o “Boot out drugs” – Wear boots
o “Sock it to drugs” – Wear crazy socks
o “Put a cap on drugs”/”Keep a cap on drugs”/”Hats off to drugs” – Hat day
o “I’m a JEAN-ius because I’m drug free” – Wear jeans
o “Put a lasso on drugs” – Western day
o “Team up against drugs” – Wear your favorite sports team apparel
o “Stay clean to remain clean and drug free” – Dress up day
o “Peace Out to Drugs” – Dress from the ‘60’s
o Other ideas that we would have to connect to being drug free:
. Disney Day
. Color Day – Grade level competition
. ‘Merica Monday
. “-Er” Day
. Throwback Thursday . PJ Day
o Other ideas from you?
- Ice-Scream Social
o Date: Thursday, 10/29/15
o Time: 2:20 – 3:30
o Ice-Scream Out Against Drugs
o Please plan on staying after to work it til 3:30
o Need a movie to show
- Other things we could do to promote Red Ribbon Week and being drug free:
o Morning announcements
. “Better things to do than drugs, for example ….”
. Read a drug-related fact each day over the announcements
o Poster Contest
. We would need a prize
. Could put winning poster in Bulldog Buzz or on Middle School website
o Poem Contest
. We would need a prize
. Could read winner’s poem on announcement
. Could put winning poem in Bulldog Buzz or on Middle School website
o Red Cups in Fence . Would have to stay after school Friday to do this
- Red Ribbons on Cars
o We could tie red ribbons to parents’ cars as they drop off their kids in the morning
o We would have to come in early to school one day next week to do this
Red Ribbon Week Ideas (cont’d) - “Putting a Bite on Drugs”
o Have HMS bring in pet food for a local shelter
- “Born to be Drug Free” o Have teachers bring in their baby pictures
o Kids have to guess what picture is what teacher
- Treats for Troops
o This would be done week after Halloween
o Mr. Miodonski gave us this idea
o Kids donate excess Halloween candy
o Donated candy will be used to create care packages that will be delivered to military men and woman undergoing rehabilitation around western New York
People First Recap: - Gift Cards – How did it go?
Recycling: - Mr. Steinagle’s student teacher is leaving, so we will no longer be able to recycle 8th period. o Thank you to all of our 6th grade helpers!
- We will now be recycling 6E on Days 2/4
o Any 8th graders interested in helping?
o Please see Mrs. Durni at end of period
Upcoming Events: - Thanksgiving Food Drive
o Middle School is asked to raise:
. Gravy
. Cranberry
. Stuffing
. Veggies
o Last year we made it a competition between homerooms . Do we want to do that this year?
Upcoming Events (cont’d) - Polar Plunge o Date: Saturday, 12/5
o Raises $$ for Special Olympics
o Hamburg Central Schools won 1st place for being the school in Western NY to raise the most money, so the font on this year’s hoodie will be PURPLE! Go Dawgs!
o Teacher Challenge – Coin Collection
. Dates: 11/16 – 11/20
What we need from you: - Red Ribbon Week help: o Do you want to be on Announcement Committee or Advertising Committee?
. Announcement Committee: (*If we voted yes to do this*)
Write announcements
Research facts
Read announcements
. Advertising Committee:
Make posters to promote spirit week
Hang up posters to promote spirit week
o Stay after Tuesday 10/20 and/or Thursday 10/22 to complete committee work
. Sign-Up today before you leave o If we vote yes to do any of the other activities, other committees will need to be formed to get those tasks planned and prepped
- Please remove any People First Spirit Week posters you see
o Recycle them
o Leave up the Kid President Quotes
Next meeting: o After school tomorrow 10/20 and/or Thursday 10/22