Click on 2: Unit 1 Vocabulary Revision P.2

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Click on 2: Unit 1 Vocabulary Revision P.2


Click On 2

Additional vocabulary revision

Table of Contents:

Unit 1 – p. 2 Unit 2 – pp. 3-4 Unit 3 – pp. 5-6 Unit 4 – p. 7-8 Unit 5 – p. 9-10 Unit 6 – p. 11-12 Unit 7 – p. 13-14 Unit 8 – p. 15-16 Unit 9 – p. 17-18 Unit 10 – p. 19-20

Michał Kluz©06

1 2 mql©2006 Click On 2: Unit 1 – Vocabulary revision [p.2] Put the words from the box in the right spaces. Sometimes you will need to alter them to match the context. Michał Kluz©06 midday Greece lorry ordinary gardening design catch journalist spare time look after nurse grow answer perform introduce French part-time keep equipment English

I study at university but in the evenings I have a ……………………… job as a waiter to earn my living.

Let me ………………………… myself. I’m Jack.

A babysitter ………………………… babies.

“The phone’s ringing”. “OK. I’ll ………………………… it”.

I ………………………… my spare key in the cupboard.

Susie’s a(n) …………………… . She works for a fashion magazine and writes articles on latest trends.

My mum works as a(n) ………………………… . She works in St James Hospital.

An architect ………………………… buildings and structures.

“What ………………………… do you need in your work?” “Well, I need a brush, paints and a ladder”.

In my ………………………… I usually go to the gym or play volleyball with friends.

It’s a(n) ………………………… restaurant. Nothing special. It looks like many others.

People from England are called the ………………………… and people from ………………………… are called the Greek.

I love doing the ………………………… . Plants are my passion.

Pierre is ………………………… . He lives in Paris.

12 p.m. is called midnight and 12 a.m. is called ………………………… .

We have a big garden and we ………………………… our own fruits and vegetables.

A ………………………… is a big car for transporting things.

An actor ………………………… on stage.

2 3 In the summer I get to school on foot but in winter I usually ………………………… a bus. mql©2006 Click On 2: Unit 2 – Vocabulary revision [pp.3-4] Put the words from the box in the right spaces. Sometimes you will need to alter them to match the context. Michał Kluz©06 tidy kettle lie interview iron maybe grandchildren chase pure nephew go out polluted bet move property hunt glad guess car park joke rent stream story island seaside block of flats niece childhood miss on foot neighbour five-star alarm clock mobile village believe inherit frightening daughter take

You’ve been driving for six hours. I think you should stop at this ………………………… and have a rest.

In the past people ………………………… for animals to eat. Nowadays we can buy food at shops.

“Do you live in a detached house?” “No, I live in a …………………………”.

I’m very ………………………… that you visited me. I’m so bored.

I lived in London but I ………………………… to Glasgow two years ago.

I had a very happy ………………………… but there are people who were less lucky.

I ………………………… 10 dollars she won’t come. She never goes to discos.

In the past water in rivers and lakes was ………………………… . Nowadays it’s very ………………………… .

“Do you think we will win the match?” “I don’t know. …………………………”.

My brother’s son is my ………………………… and his daughter is my ………………………… .

I really like my ………………………… . We often have barbecues together and have fun.

I usually go to the ………………………… for holidays but this year I’m going to the mountains,

Sometimes I wish I had my own ………………………… somewhere in the Pacific.

I overslept this morning and I was late at school because my ………………………… didn’t go off.

I have to go but if you have any questions give me a ring on my ………………………… .

At weekends I always ………………………… and meet my friends.

You can’t play the computer until you ………………………… your room.

3 4 “I’m so bored. What shall we do?” “Why don’t we ………………………… a video or two?” mql©2006 When I won the trip to the Canary Islands I stayed in a(n) ………………………… hotel.

“Do you live in a town?” “No, in a(n) …………………………”.

Grandma and grandpa are very happy when their ………………………… visit them.

I ………………………… my bus so I had to go ………………………… to school.

Even when it’s hot water in mountain ………………………… is very cold.

I don’t ………………………… in UFO. I think it’s just people’s imagination.

“………………………… what I bought mum for birthday” “Flowers?”

Robert de Niro is very famous. He gives lots of ………………………… .

No, I didn’t win the lottery. It was just a(n) ………………………… .

Don’t ………………………… to me! I want to hear the truth!

They were ………………………… that robber for 10 hours but finally they caught him.

When his grandfather died, John ………………………… a huge fortune.

While we were hiking in the mountains John slipped on a wet stone and almost fell down the precipice. It was very ………………………… .

Everything you have is your ………………………… .

This is my son Luke and this is my ………………………… Susie.

I love listening to grandpa’s ………………………… . They are so interesting.

Your shirt is so creased. Take if off I’ll ………………………… it for you.

“I’d like a cup of tea”. “No problem. I’ll put the ………………………… on”.

I forgot my camera so I didn’t ………………………… any pictures. It’s a shame because the views were wonderful.

4 5

mql©2006 Click On 2: Unit 3 – Vocabulary revision [pp.5-6] Put the words from the box in the right spaces. Sometimes you will need to alter them to match the context. Michał Kluz©06 powerful key briefcase mirror necklace diary allow based pretend rectangular bruise recommend frame old-fashioned kingdom chance rucksack dream marvellous ticket handbag knock touch check brooch outdoors suit crayon china take one’s breath away careful

Someone has stolen my …………………… . I put it on the floor next to my table and soon it was gone.

If you want to visit the museum you have to buy a(n) …………………… . It costs $3.

In a museum you usually can’t …………………… the exhibits.

“How did you like the show?” “Oh, I absolutely loved it. It was ……………………”.

“What time is the film?” “I don’t know. I must …………………… in the newspaper”.

I know I’ve failed. But will you give me one more ……………………?

I made some great photos on holiday. I’ll choose the best three and …………………… them.

I put some warm clothes and some food into my …………………… and set off to the mountains.

“I’d like to buy a present for my wife but not a ring”. “Well, sir we have a big collection of silver and golden …………………… and ……………………”.

“What shape is the board?” “It’s ……………………”.

Johnny fell off his bike and …………………… his knees.

“Somebody’s …………………… at the door”. “OK, I’ll answer it”.

This is the best birthday present I’ve ever …………………… of!

This film is not fiction. It is …………………… on facts.

This dress really …………………… you. You look great in it.

I only …………………… myself one cup of coffee a day.

Countries ruled by kings or queens are called …………………… .

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mql©2006 The view from the top of the skyscraper was so beautiful that it ……………………………… .

I don’t like modern houses. I prefer …………………… wooden ones.

Be …………………… with this dog! It might bite you!

“How do I look in this suit?” “Great. Just look at yourself in the ……………………”.

Hard work is the …………………… to success.

I’m sorry but I broke your favourite …………………… vase.

I’ve kept a(n) …………………… since I was 9. Every evening I write in it what happened during the day.

Have you seen my ……………………? It’s brown with a black handle.

Whirlwinds are so …………………… that they can destroy whole houses.

He hasn’t got a headache. He’s just …………………… because he wants to avoid the test.

She’s very artistic. She especially likes drawing with …………………… .

(at a restaurant) “What would you like to drink?” “Well, I don’t know. What do you …………………?”

I’m a gardener because I love working …………………… .

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mql©2006 Click On 2: Unit 4 – Vocabulary revision [pp.7-8] Put the words from the box in the right spaces. Sometimes you will need to alter them to match the context. Michał Kluz©06 stay away pleased warn life jacket boiling hot ache realize slip burn fine mud change burn down footprints soaking wet plug in run a bath lonely blow fasten cut bath yell flood follow set off hoover flame improper annoying creak cab gently miserable turn around crack rumble receive wave follow

She was …………………… but she forgot about it and …………………… her bathroom.

“What have you been doing? You’re ……………………!” “I was walking along the lake. Suddenly I …………………… on a wet stone and fell into the lake”.

I’ve already washed up. Now I only have to …………………… the carpets and I can play the computer.

Three fire brigades tried to save the old church but it …………………… completely.

“The TV is broken. It doesn’t work”. “It’s OK but you have to …………… it ………… first”.

I’ve been riding my motorbike in the woods and now I’m all covered in disgusting …………………… .

Jamie’s so unlucky. Yesterday he …………………… his finger with a knife and today he …………………… his hand with hot water.

You have to …………………… your seatbelt before you drive.

The police …………………… him $50 for disturbing during the quiet hours.

“Warning! …………………… use of this device may result in electric shock”.

Excuse me, do you have …………………… for $10 note? I need some for the vending machine.

On a boat you should wear a(n) …………………… . It may save your life if you fall into the water,

Her children moved out and her husband died. Now she lives alone and feels very …………………… .

He’s always coming when I don’t have time and disturbs me in my work. It’s so …………………… .

“What’s wrong? You look ……………………”. “I feel so bad today and the weather’s horrible”.

The wind is …………………… very strongly today so it’s the perfect weather for flying kites.

7 8 The door …………………… open and a tall man entered the room.

mql©2006 As I was walking home I realized somebody was …………………… me. But when I …………………… I could see nobody.

First I saw lightning in the sky and a few seconds later I heard loud …………………… . The storm was coming,

Go to sleep early because we’re …………………… for the mountains at 6 a.m.

It’s …………………… today. You had better take a lot of drinks and avoid the sunlight.

Stop …………………… at me! I didn’t do it!

When the train was leaving the station I …………………… Maggie goodbye.

They caught the thief easily because he left his …………………… in the snow.

My head …………………… so bad that I feel sick.

She dropped her glasses and they …………………… . Now she has to buy a new pair.

When I came home I …………………… that I had left my umbrella on the train.

The car exploded and huge orange …………………… appeared.

Thanks for your letter. I …………………… it this morning.

The teacher …………………… me that if I don’t start learning, she will fail me.

It’s raining outside so I’m not going to walk home. I think I’ll call a(n) …………………… .

You should …………………… from this man. He’s very dangerous.

Mum felt …………………… with John because he cleaned his room.

Rock the cradle …………………… and the baby will fall asleep.

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mql©2006 Click On 2: Unit 5 – Vocabulary revision [pp.9-10] Put the words from the box in the right spaces. Sometimes you will need to alter them to match the context. Michał Kluz©06 slip couple be away gloves fence chilly slippers expect fit suppose binoculars rich grow up pick lift ladder spotted match forecast mind pocket money hole outfit collect menswear feed throw away attic earring suit change rescue shelter queue find out raincoat perhaps

If you want to observe birds, you should buy …………………… and watch them from afar.

It’s freezing today so you’d better put on …………………… to keep your hands warm.

I was going to buy a new computer but I changed my …………………… .

Now I live in London but I …………………… in Bournemouth.

He used to be very …………………… but he went bankrupt and now he’s broke.

I’m sorry I can’t talk now. I’m …………………… an important phonecall.

John …………………… for a week so I look after his dog.

I’m going away for two days so don’t forget to …………………… the cat.

Don’t forget to …………………… Jake from school after work.

“Will Jenny come to the party?” “I …………………… so”.

Jake and Rose spend lots of time together. Are they a(n) ……………………?

The weather …………………… says it’ll be …………………… tomorrow so don’t forget a jumper.

Dinner jackets, ties, suits are examples of …………………… .

It was raining heavily on my way home but fortunately I was wearing a(n) …………………… so I didn’t get wet.

Would you like a …………………… or a checked tie?

They got lost in the mountains and almost froze to death but fortunately they were ………………… .

9 10 It was getting dark so we decided to spend the night in the …………………… .

mql©2006 This jacket looks great on you. It really …………………… you.

I …………………… on a banana skin and sprained my ankle.

The only way to get to the roof is to climb up the …………………… .

Can you give me a(n) …………………… to the station? It’s raining and I don’t have an umbrella.

The dog jumped over the …………………… and ran away.

I can’t wear this sock – there’s a(n) …………………… in it.

“Where are the sports magazines?” “Oh sorry, I thought you don’t need them any more so I ……………… them ……………… .

I hate standing in …………………… when I do shopping in supermarkets.

My son takes exams next week so I’m looking for a smart …………………… for him.

All my clothes are wet so I have to change.

Choose another tie because this one doesn’t …………………… the shirt.

They were my favourite …………………… but I lost one of them.

I trained my dog to fetch me …………………… .

I have to …………………… who scratched my car.

Sarah’s late - …………………… she’s missed the bus.

We don’t have a cellar so we keep all our provisions in the …………………… .

I do not earn my money but my parents give $10 …………………… every week.

I love going to the woods and …………………… mushrooms. It’s so relaxing.

I love these jeans but they don’t …………………… me. They’re way too small.

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mql©2006 Click On 2: Unit 6 – Vocabulary revision [pp.11-12] Put the words from the box in the right spaces. Sometimes you will need to alter them to match the context. Michał Kluz©06 tin course celebrate alone kilo slice order starving butter bread roll lump capture recipe servant piece jar boiled reason sour amazing far from can’t wait

For breakfast I usually have a(n) …………………… with …………………… and a(n) …………………… egg.

“Let’s have something to eat” “Great idea. I’m ……………………”.

I’ll take grilled fish for starters and chicken curry for the main …………………… .

“What do we need from the shop?” “Well, we need a(n) …………………… of bread, two …………………… of sardines, a(n) …………………… of sugar and a(n) …………………… of jam.

Grandma and grandpa are …………………… their gold wedding anniversary next week.

The main …………………… why I moved to New York is that I wanted to fins a better job.

The firework display was …………………… . I was absolutely delighted.

“Excuse me, where’s the theatre?” “In the city center, not …………………… the museum”.

(Waiter:) “Can I take your ……………………?” “Yes, please. I’ll take steak and cabbage salad”.

Can I have two …………………… of sugar in my tea?

In the past rich people had …………………… who cleaned the house and cooked for them.

The police have …………………… the prisoner who escaped from jail last week.

Generally I’m a sociable type of man but sometimes I need to be …………………… for a while.

“Can I have a(n) …………………… of cake, please?” “Help yourself”.

I don’t like vinegar. It’s too …………………… .

We really enjoyed your birthday party. We …………………… for the next one.

I really liked your cheesecake. Can I have the ……………………? I’ll try to make it myself.

11 12 If you don’t like plain coffee …………………… some milk in it. It’ll taste better. mql©2006

Mark the odd-one-out. Then explain the words. 1) frying pan – knife – stuffed – cooker 2) fry – clean – chop – bake 3) sour – bitter – sweet – order 4) plain - starter – main course – second course 5) mice – loaves – women – tooth 6) bowl - jug - plate – dish 7) lemons – pickles – vinegar – crisps 8) steak - onion soup – vegetable salad – soy cutlet 9) blancmange – jelly – ice cream – sauce 10) sandwich – beef cutlet – chips – chocolate bar


broccoli …, pear …, peach …, cucumber …, parsley …, tomato …, carrot …, watermelon …, cabbage …, lettuce …, pepper …, orange …, tangerine …, cherry …, blueberry …, raspberry …, garlic …, celery …, cauliflower …, plum …, nut …, peas …, gooseberry …, orange …, onion …, kiwi fruit …

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mql©2006 Click On 2: Unit 7 – Vocabulary revision [p.13-14] Put the words from the box in the right spaces. Sometimes you will need to alter them to match the context. Michał Kluz©06 obedient varied memorial sample (v) feather claws harbour freeze beak soft guinea pig accommodation plenty leaflet peak afford clever crowded busy piece of furniture departure settle community wardrobe mammal fly (n) tame order form opportunity reptile deer lizard

She has little money and she can’t …………………… to go on holiday.

Before Christmas all supermarkets and shopping malls are extremely …………………… .

My ancestors settled in America in the 19th century.

Some wild animals can be …………………… so that they are not afraid of people.

People are …………………… and lizards are …………………… .

Eagles have very sharp …………………… and hooked …………………… .

Duvets and pillows are soft because they have …………………… in them.

Susie is a very …………………… girl. She does everything her mum says.

A(n) …………………… is an animal with antlers, typical of Polish woods and meadows.

Susie is a very …………………… girl. She can handle difficult situations.

Just touch this fabric. It’s so …………………… and smooth.

The age of my cousins is very ……………………. Jack’s 10, Susie’s 20 and Ted’s 35.

The train leaves in 4 hours so we have …………………… of time.

In the centre of the market square in Krakow there’s a(n) …………………… of Adam Mickiewicz.

At the Food Festival you can …………………… various dishes from around the world.

Two biggest …………………… in Poland are in Gdynia and Gdańsk.

13 14

Let’s go to the peak of this hill. The view from there is breathtaking.

This murder shocked the whole local …………………… .

…………………… times for the flights to Bangkok are: 10a.m., 1p.m. and 7p.m.

To get more information about the trips we offer, read our …………………… .

I just hate when at 5a.m. some annoying …………………… keeps buzzing in the room.

To make ice cream mix this powder with milk and …………………… it in the freezer.

It’s a very …………………… city with crowds of people in the streets, pubs and cafes.

Chairs, tables, shelves are all …………………… .

My …………………… is too small. It doesn’t hold all my clothes.

To buy our products online visit to out website and fill in the …………………… .

What pet would you prefer: a(n) …………………… or a(n) ……………………?

If you take the job of a flight attenadant, you’ll have the …………………… to see the world.

The trip was fine but the …………………… was below our expectations. The room was cramped.

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Click On 2: Unit 8 – Vocabulary revision [p.15-16] Put the words from the box in the right spaces. Sometimes you will need to alter them to match the context. Michał Kluz©06 unattended solution reduce keep off silence oversleep route shame look forward to set (n) appointment property exhibit naughty endangered species feed extinct be away unleaded disappear follow cut down on cure (n) beyond put one’s hand up affect pollute rare chance switch off

Don’t be so ……………………! Behave or you’re grounded!

If you want to say something, …………………………… first.

This factory has been …………………… the river for a long time. Now all the fish are dead.

Nowadays cars run mostly on …………………… petrol.

In this nature reserve you can see …………………… species of plants and animals.

Lions, tigers or panda bear are all …………………… . We should do something to help them survive.

We have to …………………… expenses. We spend too much money.

It’s a very difficult problem and there’s no easy …………………… to it.

What a(n) …………………… that you couldn’t come to my party. We had great fun.

I …………………… to summer because it’s my favourite season.

You can buy these items separately or you can buy a whole …………………… .

You can’t play with us if you don’t …………………… the rules of the game.

Rex is barking. Surely he’s hungry. Go and …………………… him.

In some parks there are sings saying: “…………………… the grass”.

……………………, please! You’re in the library and you mustn’t disturb others!

“Where’s John? I haven’t seen him for a while”. “He …………………… for a few weeks”.

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In the mountains you should never turn aside from the marked …………………… .

I’m sorry I’m late but my alarm clock didn’t go off and I …………………… .

Don’t forget Mat! You have a(n) …………………… with the doctor at 3p.m.

Tiredness and stress can …………………… your performance at work.

I’m too fat. I must …………………… sweets.

Scientists over the world have been working for years but still there’s no …………………… for AIDS.

I can’t find my book anywhere. It’s just ……………………!

I’m sorry I’ve let you down. Please give me one more …………………… .

Because of hunting lots of animal species have become …………………… .

Before we start the meeting I’d like to ask you to …………………… your mobiles.

In that tragic earthquake thousands of people lost their relatives and …………………… .

What the world is going to look like in 2100 is …………………… my imagination.

At the airport one sign said: “Do not leave your bags ……………………”.

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Click On 2: Unit 9 – Vocabulary revision [p.17-18] Put the words from the box in the right spaces. Sometimes you will need to alter them to match the context. Michał Kluz©06 basement tower brick fountain concrete chest of drawers staircase located magnificent fireplace remind weigh suppose accuracy lift block disabled mayor hold candlestick clay royal worth imprison remind landmark storey corridor feature

I keep forgeting to lock the door. You should …………………… me about it.

I went to Mat’s but he wasn’t at home. He went to work, I …………………… .

Our shop is …………………… in London in Oxford Street.

It’s not so easy to demolish this wall. It’s made of …………………… .

This …………………… is very tall. You have to go up 768 stairs to get to the top.

The man who robbed the bank last week has been caught and …………………… .

When I was in the USA I went to see the Nigara Falls. I’m telling you the view was …………………… .

Elephants …………………… around 5 tonnes.

I’m a drawer. Precision and …………………… is very important in my work.

Houses in the past were woodden. Nowadays they’re mostly built from …………………… .

The Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal and the Leaning Tower of Pisa are famous …………………… .

In winter I love sitting in front of the …………………… and looking at the flames. It’s soothing.

…………………… in most blocks of flats are dirty and smelly.

The …………………… is out of order so we have to take the stairs up to 4th floor.

Di Trevi …………………… in Rome is very beautiful.

“Where do you keep your preserves?” “I keep them mostly in the ……………………”.

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I like period furniture especially old-fashioned …………………… .

Jack is a(n) …………………… person and lives in a wheelchair.

A(n) …………………… is a person who is the head of the entire town.

There’s been a pile-up on A2 motorway and it’s been …………………… for two hours.

I bought this gold …………………… at an auction. It’s got place for 3 candles.

Bricks and china are made of …………………… which is then baked in huge furnaces.

Every year our town …………………… a prestigious jazz festival.

The …………………… Family is very popular and respected in Great Britain.

Empire State Building is a huge 103-…………………… building located in New York.

This gadget has a lot of interesting …………………… .

During breaks school …………………… are very crowded with students changing classrooms.

The walk up the hill was exhausting but it was ………………… it because the view was breathtaking.

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mql©2006 Click On 2: Unit 10 – Vocabulary revision [pp. 19-20] Put the words from the box in the right spaces. Sometimes you will need to alter them to match the context. Michał Kluz©06 house (v) stranger moustache stay in middle-aged appetite chin shall sail bushy average straight stunning found plump wrinkle overtime outfit

He’s ageing. His whole face is covered with …………………… .

Hi! I didn’t recognise you at first because you’ve shaven off your …………………… .

“Hi kid. Do you want a sweet?” “No. My mum told me not to talk with ……………………”.

You look great in this …………………… . Where did you buy it?

I need more money so I think I’ll take some …………………… this month.

“Are you going out with us?” “No, I’d rather …………………… and watch a film”.

Cyclists during Tour de Pologne rode with an …………………… speed of 40 km/h.

They are twins but are very different. Susie is tall and thin and Jackie is …………………… and short.

Jack’s about 40 so we could say that he’s …………………… .

Old people often have double …………………… .

He’s got a great …………………… for sports. He does about six of them.

What …………………… we do now? Any suggestions?

I love to get into my yacht and …………………… to distant places.

At the festival we saw some …………………… displays of martial arts.

She used to have …………………… blonde hair. Now it’s red and curly.

He’s quite bold but at least he’g got very …………………… eyebrows. 19 20

Our fundation was …………………… in 1994.

The national library …………………… over five million books.


Positive or negative? Mark ‘P’ for positive and ‘N’ for negative.

……creative ……sensitive ……generous ……honest ……aggressive ……daring ……sociable ……gentle ……active ……vain ……calm ……greedy ……shy ……bald ……stubborn ……athletic ……romantic ……adventurous ……kind ……forgetful ……reliable ……hardworking ……patient ……open-hearted

Now use these adjectives to complete the sentences below.

Jack is so …………………… . He never remembers where he put his keys. Ann spends most of her time looking at herself in the mirror. She’s so …………………… . I’m very …………………… . I’m afraid to talk with people. That was very …………………… of you to go that street at night. You might have been robbed. Oh, don’t be so ……………………! Don’t you ever change your mind? Mat is so …………………… . He’s only interested in having more money. Don’t talk about her ex-boyfriend. She’s very …………………… and you might hurt her. She’s very …………………… . She gives a lot of money to charities. Be …………………… with me. Did you break the window or not? I’m not a(n) …………………… person and I wouldn’t go bungee jumping. Mike has lots of ideas. He’s very …………………… . He’s a …………………… employee and he deserves a payrise. They are very …………………… . They just can’t sit for a minute. If only Sue was here! She’s …………………… and never loses her head so she’d know what to do. Betty is such a(n) …………………… and …………………… woman. I love her company. I’m definitely not …………………… and I hate standing in queues or waiting for meals in a restaurant. Jack brings me flowers every day. He’s so ……………………! Mimi loves travelling and always seeks new thrills. She’s …………………… . My friend is very …………………… . She’s never let me down. Pam’s …………………… so she loves being with people. Peter has been working out for a year now and he really looks …………………… . I’m afraid of neighbour’s dog. It’s very …………………… . Little Susie is very well-behaved and …………………… to other people.

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