Life Science 3Rd Ed. Lesson Plan Overview

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Life Science 3Rd Ed. Lesson Plan Overview

Life Science, 3rd Edition Lesson Plan Overview Support Day(s) Topic Pages Bible Integration** Materials* Chapter 1: Studying Life Science 1A What Is 1–7 Limitations of science Science? Thinking Christianly about science Christian vs. non-Christian worldviews 1–2 Loving God by studying His creation Searching Scripture to see if things are true 1B Why Study 7–13 Class Investigation The glory of God seen in His creation Life Science? 1C or 1D The goodness of God seen in His creation Dominion Mandate Glorifying God through good stewardship God’s creation of the world 3–4 The physical and mental effects of the Fall Man’s need for a Savior God’s provision of redemption Loving your neighbor Suffering as a means for seeing God’s glory 1C What Do 14–18 5 Scientist Do? Chapter 1 Review 6 Chapter 1 Test Chapter 2: Classifying Living Things 2A Why 21–24 Ideas 2A Adam’s naming the animals 7 Classify? Man created in God’s image Man as different from the animals 2B Scientific 25–26 Ideas 2B Names in the Bible Names Field Investigation 2F 8 or 2G or Personal Investigation 2I 2C Problems of 26–30 Appendix C Man as separate from the rest of God’s Classification creation 9 God’s command for living things to reproduce after their own kind Chapter 2 Ideas 2C and 2D 10 Review 11 Chapter 2 Test 12 Use as a catch-up period if needed. Chapter 3: Life and Cells Support Day(s) Topic Pages Bible Integration** Materials* 3A Living 33–38 Ideas 3A God’s command for living things to Organisms reproduce after their own kind Exercising wise dominion over the earth Scriptural response to the Gaia theory The Bible and idolatry Physical life vs. spiritual life 13 Future judgment of man Eternal life for those who believe in Christ Need for time in God’s Word for spiritual growth Importance of witnessing to the lost 3B The Basic 39–41 Ideas 3B Scripture and the origin of life 14 Unit Class Investigation 3E 3C Molecules 42–46 Class Investigation Use of cloth in Bible times 15 and Life 3F or 3G Science as a means to show God’s love and goodness to others Chapter 3 Ideas 3D 16 Review 17 Chapter 3 Test Chapter 4: Cell Structure 4A Membranes 49–54 Class Investigations God’s intelligence and power 18 4E and 4F God’s design of cell structure 4B Typical 54–62 Class Investigations Understanding of creation increased by Parts of Cells 4G and 4H faith in Christ Serving God as a pathologist 19–20

21 Chapter 4 Review 22 Chapter 4 Test Chapter 5: Activities of Cells 5A Order 65–68 Ideas 5A God’s creation of the energy in the Among Cells Class Investigation universe 5E Theism and atheism as matters of faith 23 The church of Christ compared to the human body 5B Cellular 68–71 Class Investigation Leaven as an example of the spread of 24 Respiration 5F or 5G or both sin 5C 71–73 25 Photosynthesis 26 27 Chapter 5 Review 28 Chapter 5 Test Chapter 6: Cell Division 6A Genes and 79–84 Class Investigation Man formed by God (Psalm 139) 29–30 Cell Division 6E Ideas 6B and 6C Support Day(s) Topic Pages Bible Integration** Materials* 6B How Genes 84–90 Ideas 6D Disease as a means of drawing people Function to Christ 21–32 The complexity of DNA as evidence for the existence of God 33 Chapter 6 Review 34 Chapter 6 Test Chapter 7: Genetics of Organisms 7A The Origin 93–97 Man’s creation in the image of God 35 of Modern Genetics 7B Genes, 98–102 Personal The Bible and abortion 36 Chromosomes, Investigation 7D and Heredity 102–4 God’s purpose in allowing diseases and disorders Class Investigation God’s sovereignty 37 7E The story of the man that was born Ideas 7B blind Doing good to others The Bible and discrimination 38 Chapter 7 Review 39 Chapter 7 Test 40 Use as a catch-up period if needed. Chapter 8: Genetic Changes 8A Mutations 107–13 Class Investigation The effect of the Curse on the physical 8D creation The Flood Changes after the Flood The world’s degeneration, not evolution 41 Mutations as a result of the Curse Effect of presuppositions on interpretation of evidence Evolution as faith-based, not science- based Abuse of Dominion Mandate 8B Applied 113–20 Jacob’s use of selective breeding Genetics Breeding and evolution Serving God as a livestock breeder Ethical issues involved in cloning The Bible and human cloning Twins in the Bible Man’s dominion over other organisms Man’s God-given ability to learn Responsibility of using knowledge 42 wisely Christian response to the Human Genome Project Suffering as the result of the Curse Continuation of the Curse until Christ’s return Inability of science to solve all of man’s problems Salvation through Christ alone 43 Ideas 8B Support Day(s) Topic Pages Bible Integration** Materials* 44 Chapter 8 Review 45 Chapter 8 Test Chapter 9: Biblical Creationism 9A What the 123–26 Ideas 9A Importance of a Christian worldview Bible Teaches Biblical creationism vs. evolutionism About Creation Creation or evolution accepted by faith The Bible as the infallible Word of God Fulfilled prophecy, science, and the Holy Spirit as testimonies to the Bible’s truth God’s creation of the world 46 Importance of the doctrine of creation God’s creation by direct acts God’s sustaining of His creation God’s power seen through His creation The biblical account of creation God’s special creation of man Man’s accountability to God The degeneration of God’s creation 9B Creationist 126–29 Personal Creation and intelligent design Views Investigation 9E Importance of the doctrine of creation Research A literal interpretation of the biblical Investigation 9F account of creation (as homework) The length of a day in Genesis 1 A biblical response to nonliteral views of creation 47 The Bible, science, and the age of the earth Biblical genealogies The Flood and Noah’s ark God’s grace for difficult tasks The Bible and fossil evidence Dinosaurs in the Bible 48 129–34 Ideas 9B Chapter 9 Research 49 Review Investigation 9F oral reports 50 Chapter 9 Test Chapter 10: Biological Evolution 10A How 137–41 Biblical evidence sufficient for rejection Biological of evolution Evolution Scriptural and scientific evidence 51 Supposedly against evolution Took Place God’s plan for creatures to reproduce after their own kind 142–44 Ideas 10A and 10B 52 Class Investigation 10D Support Day(s) Topic Pages Bible Integration** Materials* 10B A Record 144–50 Ideas 10C God’s design in creation of Evolution? Research Creationist view of homology Investigations 10E Flood theory of fossil formation 53 and 10F Origin of life Evolution and creation as matters of faith 54 Chapter 10 Review 55 Chapter 10 Test 56 Use as a catch-up period if needed. Chapter 11: Little-Seen Kingdoms 11A Kingdoms 155–59 Ideas 11A Purpose in God’s design of creation 57 Archaebacteria Class Investigation Wise stewardship and Eubacteria 11G Bacteria before and after the Fall 11B Kingdom 160–63 Creation of protozoans 58 Protista Ideas 11B God’s design of protozoans 11C Kingdom 163–66 Class Investigation God’s provision for His creatures’ needs 59 Fungi 11H Famines in the Bible Ideas 11C and11D Chapter 11 Class Investigation 60 Review 11F 61 Chapter 11 Test Chapter 12: Plant Kingdom: Structure 12A Form and 169–72 Ideas 12A and 12B Effect of the Curse on plant life 62 Structure Begin Field Investigation 12F 12B Anatomy 172–75 Ideas 12C The olive tree in Gethsemane Comparison between a plant’s need for 63 water a Christian’s need for God’s Word 12C Major 175–78 Ideas 12D The greatness and glory of God seen in Plant Groups Observe Field His design of plant life 64 Investigations 12F Evolutionist vs. creationist interpretation of the origin of plants Changes in the post-Flood environment Chapter 12 Field Investigation 65 Review 12G Ideas 12E 66 Chapter 12 Test 67 Use as a catch-up period if needed. Chapter 13: Plant Kingdom: Processes 13A Functions 181–83 Class Investigations God’s special design of plants of Plants 13E, 13I, and 14E 68 (will continue on day 71) 183–88 Class Investigation A Christian’s hope and trust found in 13G or 13H Christ Set up Class God’s wisdom seen in creation 69 Investigation 13F Using science to help others (will be observed throughout the day) Support Day(s) Topic Pages Bible Integration** Materials* 13B The 188–90 Ideas 13C Design in nature as evidence of a Environment Designer 70 and Plant Responses Review and Finish Investigations 71 catch-up 13E, 13I, and 14E 72 Chapter 13 Review 73 Chapter 13 Test Chapter 14: Plant Kingdom: Reproduction 14A Sexual 193–98 Ideas 14A Creation of plants Reproduction Christ’s use of lilies and sparrows to 74 illustrate His care for humans Growth of a seed as an example of the growth of a Christian Class Investigation 14D 75 Begin Class Investigation 14E 14B Asexual 198–200 Seeds as an example of God’s wisdom 76 Reproduction and love Serving God as a horticulturist 77 Chapter 14 Review 78 Chapter 14 Test 79 Use as a catch-up period if needed. Chapter 15: Invertebrates I: Sponges, Jellyfish, and Worms 15A What Is an 267–68 Differences between animals and plants 80 Invertebrate? seen in Genesis 1

15B Sponges 268–69 15C The 269–72 Ideas 15A Loving your neighbor 81 Jellyfish: A God’s amazing design of jellyfish Cnidarian God’s creation in the depth of the sea as another example of His greatness 15D The 272–75 Ideas 15B and 15C The Creator’s provision for each of His Planarian: A creatures’ needs Flatworm Parasites as a result of the Fall 82 Christ’s victory over death and sin and His promise of a new heaven and a new earth 15E 275–76 Ideas 15D King Herod and worms Roundworms Set up Class Parasites and loving your neighbor 83 15F 276–78 Investigation 16F Dominion Mandate Segmented Worms Class Investigation 84 15F 85 Chapter 15 Review 86 Chapter 15 Test Chapter 16: Invertebrates II: Mollusks, Arthropods, and Echinoderms 16A Mollusks 283–86 Ideas 16A God’s design of the earth 87 Controlling the tongue Support Day(s) Topic Pages Bible Integration** Materials* Selection of activities from TE 88 Selection of Investigations from Student Activities 89 16B Arthropods 286–93 Class Investigation God’s creativity and design in creation 16F God’s infinite wisdom and creativity compared to humans’ limited wisdom and creativity God’s creative design of the bee colony 90 The ant as an illustration of the importance of being prudent and industrious 16C 294 Ideas 16B and 16C Echinoderms 91 Chapter 16 Review 92 Chapter 16 Test 93 Use as a catch-up period if needed. Chapter 17: Vertebrates I: Fish, Amphibians, and Reptiles 17A Body 297–302 Ideas 17A God’s greatness seen throughout Systems in creation 94 Vertebrate The theme of blood in the Bible Animals Christ’s provision of salvation The Lord’s Supper 95 302–5 Ideas 17B God’s greatness seen in His design 17B Fish 306–8 Class Investigation 96 17F 17C 308–12 Class Investigation God’s care for His creatures 97 Amphibians 17G 98 17D Reptiles 312–16 Frog Dissection 99 (optional) 100 Chapter 17 Review 101 Chapter 17 Test Chapter 18: Vertebrates II: Birds and Mammals 18A 319–21 Ideas 18A 102 Endotherms and Ectotherms 18B Birds 321–24 Class Investigations God’s design of birds that allows for 103 18E and 18F flight Ideas 18B 18C Mammals 325–30 Ideas 18C How creation shows God’s intelligent design 104 Man as a special creation of God Biblical examples of the difference between humans and animals Chapter 18 Research 105 Review Investigation 18G 106 Chapter 18 Test 107 Use as a catch-up period if needed. Chapter 19: Animal Behavior Support Day(s) Topic Pages Bible Integration** Materials* 19A Innate 333–36 Class Investigation God’s control of the earth seen in His Behaviors 19D creation of the animals God’s provision for His creatures’ 108 survival Dominion Mandate How God regards the prayers of believers 19B Learned 337 How God sometimes provides for our 109 Behaviors Ideas 19A needs through our own labor 19C Intelligent 338–40 Ideas 19B Man’s accountability to God Behaviors Man as distinct from the animals 110 Man’s responsibility to care for God’s creation 111 Chapter 19 Review 112 Chapter 19 Test 113 Use as a catch-up period if needed. Chapter 20: Animal Sexual Reproduction 20A Meiosis, 343–44 Ideas 20A The effect of the Fall on animal life 114 Gametes, and Fertilization 20B External 344–47 Class Investigation Honoring God-given authority 115 Fertilization 20D 20C Internal 347–51 Ideas 20B and 20C God’s marvelous work seen throughout 116 Fertilization Research creation Investigation 20E Serving God as a marine biologist 117 Chapter 20 Review 118 Chapter 20 Test 119 Use as a catch-up period if needed. Chapter 21: The Ecosystem 21A 357–59 Research Studying ecology to help in practicing 120 Ecosystems Investigation 21F wise stewardship 21B The 359–64 Class Investigation Parts of the ecosystem seen in the Abiotic 21G Psalms 121 Environment of Ecosystems Facet: 362–63 122 Succession in Ideas 21B and 21C Ecosystems 21C The Biotic 364–68 Field Investigation Organization seen in God’s creation Community 21H Man’s relationship to animals before 123 and after the Fall Physical processes designed by God 21D Rhythms 368–72 Finish and discuss God’s design of different biological 124 in the Investigations rhythms Ecosystem God’s promise after the Flood 125 Ideas 21D 126 Chapter 21 Review 127 Chapter 21 Test 128 Use as a catch-up period if needed. Chapter 22: Organism Relationships Support Day(s) Topic Pages Bible Integration** Materials* 22A Energy 375–80 Begin Research The future of the earth Exchange Investigation 22E The origin, purpose, and future of 129 Between Begin Class destructive factors in the world Organisms Investigation 22G Satan as a predator 377 (food- Ideas 22A or 22B 130 web activity) 22B 380–85 Ideas 22C God’s design for communication Relationships between ants Between The ant as an example of diligence 131 Organisms of the Same Species 22C 385–88 Class Investigation God’s provision of protection for Relationships 22H animals 132 Between Different Species Appendix D 513–25 133 Major Biomes of the World 134 Chapter 22 Review 135 Chapter 22 Test Chapter 23: Natural Resources 23A Living 391–95 Ideas 23A God’s promise to supply our needs Things as God’s provision through natural Natural resources 136 Resources Christians’ responsibility to be good stewards of God’s creation Principles for Christian living from James 3 395–99 Work on Research The Flood and extinction of species Investigation 23E Stewardship Ideas 23B Agriculture in the Bible 137 God’s command to Israel to let the soil rest every seventh year The Bible and genetically modified crops 23B Man’s 399–403 Ideas 23C Christ’s imminent return Role in the Begin Personal God’s provision for our needs 138 Ecosystem Investigation 23G Stewardship of natural resources Care and concern for our neighbor 23C Pollution 403–7 Finish Personal Loving your neighbor 139 Investigation 23G 407–9 Ideas 23D Serving God as an environmental Class Investigation engineer 23H Using wisdom from God to solve 140 Personal ecological problems Investigation 23F (student reports) 141 Chapter 23 Review 142 Chapter 23 Test 143 Use as a catch-up period if needed. Support Day(s) Topic Pages Bible Integration** Materials* Chapter 24: Support and Movement 24A Human 415–21 Class Investigation The complexity of God’s design 144 Skin (except 24G Jesus’s humanity facets) The Bible and racism 415–21 145 (facets) 24B The 422–26 Class Investigations 146 Skeletal 24H and 24I System Ideas 24B and 24C 24C The 426–28 Class Investigations 147 Muscular 24I and 24J System Chapter 24 Ideas 24E and 24F 148 Review 149 Chapter 24 Test Chapter 25: Internal Balance 150 25A The Heart 431–34 and Blood 434–37 Class Investigation Jesus’s prayer in Gethsemane 151 Vessels 25G Class Investigation 152 25H and 25I 25B The Blood 437–40 Class Investigation 153 25J 440–45 Ideas 25D Serving God as a phlebotomist The crucifixion Christ’s death and resurrection to 154 provide salvation for man Trusting the Lord to provide for every need 25C The 446–51 Ideas 25E Life after the Fall 155 Body’s Defense Restoration of creation System The Christian and AIDS 25D The 452–54 Ideas 25F 156 Excretory System 157 Chapter 25 Review 158 Chapter 25 Test 159 Use as a catch-up period if needed. Chapter 26: Energy 26A The 457–61 Ideas 26A Christians and smoking 160 Respiratory System 161 461–64 Ideas 26B and 26C 26B The 464–69 Ideas 26D Using biblical principles for healthy Digestive Christian living 162 System Trusting God through stressful situations 469–74 Ideas 26E 163 Class Investigation 26F 164 Chapter 26 Review 165 Chapter 26 Test Support Day(s) Topic Pages Bible Integration** Materials* 166 Use as a catch-up period if needed. Chapter 27: Control 167 27A The 477–80 Ideas 27A God’s design of internal coordination Nervous 480–84 Class Investigation A pure thought life System 27H The Christian and psychoactive drugs 168 Relying on God for comfort and strength True happiness found in Christ Class Investigation 169 27I 27B The Sense 484–90 Class Investigation The work of the Holy Spirit in a 170 Organs 27J believer’s life Ideas 27C and 27D 27C The 490–93 Biblical maturity 171 Endocrine Living for God System Claiming God’s promises 172 493–96 Ideas 27E Putting complete faith and trust in Christ 173 Chapter 27 Review 174 Chapter 27 Test 175 Use as a catch-up period if needed. Chapter 28: Human Reproduction*** 28A The Male 1–2 The institution of marriage given in the Reproductive Bible System Satan’s perversion of human sexuality 28B The 2 Female Reproductive System 28C From 3 Fertilization to 176–177 Birth 28D Moral 3–6 Man’s creation in the image of God Issues Death as a result of sin Other results of sin The Bible and abortion God’s provision of salvation for those who accept Christ Sexual purity Christ’s comfort and strength during temptation 178 Chapter 28 Test

*Not all of the Ideas and Investigations activities are listed in the Support Materials column. Others may be completed in class or assigned as homework as time allows. **Some of the Bible Integration topics are covered in the teacher’s edition margin notes and are not directly covered in the student text. ***This chapter is included on the Support Materials CD.

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