Dear Parents/Guardians s22

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Dear Parents/Guardians s22

Mrs. A. Allen Pre-Algebra

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to a new and exciting school year. I am delighted to have your child in my 8th grade Pre-Algebra class this year. I am eager to get to know your child and I look forward to meeting you at our annual Open House to be held August 18, 2015 from 6:00 – 7:30. In the meantime, I would like to take this opportunity to share with you some very important information.

I treat all my students with dignity and respect, and I expect the same in return. In order to maintain an environment that is conducive to success and learning, it is imperative that students follow all classroom rules and procedures. Attached you will find the classroom rules, consequences, and procedures.

I feel it is important that you and I work together as a team with a common goal. That goal is to educate and nurture your child so that he/she may have a successful, exciting, and challenging year. I believe all children can be successful in math, and I have high expectations for each student. Please understand that I am only a facilitator and I expect your child to take responsibility for his/her own learning. I will provide guidance, instruction, and opportunities for practice and assessment. However, it is, ultimately, your child’s responsibility to achieve the highest possible level of growth by paying attention in class, taking and reviewing notes, asking questions, completing assignments in and out of class, using online resources, forming study groups, attending tutoring, and/ or contacting a friend. Learning does not stop when the class bell rings. Please encourage your child to use every possible avenue to reach his/her full potential. Parental involvement has a great influence on a student’s achievement in the classroom. Please remember that weekly lesson plans and grades may be accessed on the LBSD website,

Also, I encourage you to contact me about any concerns you may have. I teach at both the middle school and high school. The best method of communication with me is by email -- [email protected]. If you are unable to email, please leave a message at the office (228) 864-3370 or 864-3376, and I will return your call as soon as possible. If you would ever like to schedule conference, please contact the guidance office at (228)864-9737.

Thank you,

Mrs. A. Allen 8th Grade Pre-Algebra

Pre-Algebra Mrs. A. Allen

In order to maintain a positive learning environment, the following expectations, rules, consequences, and procedures will be strictly enforced.

Schoolwide PRIDE Expectations Prepared: Bring all required supplies and assignments to class each day. Respectful: Work quietly; Avoid being a distraction or disruption to others. Listen when others speak; Use positive language; Take care of school property. Integrity: Show what YOU can do! Be honest (no cheating or stealing). Do the right thing! Dependable: Be on time, turn in assignments on time, and do your part! Effort: Stay awake and alert! Be an active listener! Complete all assignments to the BEST of your ability. Give 100% Class Rules 1. Follow directions QUICKLY! 2. Raise your hand for permission to SPEAK or leave your SEAT! 3. Be KIND! 4. Make SMART choices! 5. Finish all food and drinks before entering class (you may have bottled water only)!

Consequences  First Offense – Warning and 1st notation on Minor Behavior Tracking Form  Second Offense – Behavior Intervention (Seat Changed, Teacher-Student Conference, Break Detention, Lunch Detention, etc.) and 2nd notation on Tracking Form  Third Offense – Parent Contact AND Behavior Intervention and 3rd notation on Tracking Form  Fourth Offense – Office Referral for further disciplinary action **Major Behaviors will result in an immediate Office Referral**

Classroom Procedures Beginning of period: The beginning of class is NOT social time! When you enter the room, be ready to work! You are expected to: 1. Enter quickly and quietly. 2. Pick up handouts/materials from the counter as you enter the classroom. 3. Have necessary supplies (sharpened pencil, red pen, binder, etc). 4. Take out completed homework. 5. Begin Bell Ringer Assignment!

Tardies: Please be on time!! However, if you are ever late for class -- enter quietly, pick up handouts, go directly to your seat, and begin working or wait for instructions if you aren’t sure what to do. Unexcused tardies will be recorded and strictly enforced, according to the handbook policy. A pass does not always excuse a tardy. If your pass is from anyone other than your previous teacher, your tardy may be considered unexcused.

Leaving during class: You are expected to use the restroom and get water between classes, during break, or at lunch. You may request permission to leave the classroom at an appropriate time when absolutely necessary. Only go directly to your approved destination, and return promptly. Do not dawdle. DO YOUR BUSINESS TO GET BACK TO BUSINESS!!

Homework: A short practice or review assignment will be given for homework Monday through Thursday. It will be checked for effort/completion, and then reviewed in class for correctness. Some assignments may be collected and graded.

Absence: In the event that you are absent, it is your responsibility to check the daily folder for your missing notes and/or assignments. If you miss a graded assignment for any reason (excused or unexcused) you will automatically receive a “0”. If your absence is excused, you will be allowed to make-up those missed assignments. You are responsible for scheduling a day/time to make up any missed test or quiz. You will have 1 week from the date you return to complete all makeup work. Grades: Most daily assignments are practice assignments that will be checked for effort and completion. Your grades will come from: Bellringer/Homework Check – (1 weekly grade) Quizzes – (1-2 daily grades) Tests – (counts as 1 test grade) Projects – may be counted as single or multiple daily or test grades, depending on the complexity and time required Binder checks – graded at the end of each 9 wks (1 test grade)

Binder: Binders will be checked every nine weeks. You are expected to keep your binder organized in chronological order. Binders should contain the following four sections separated by dividers or tabs: BellRingers, BinderNotes, Practice, Assessments

Supplies: 1 to 1½ “ binder Dividers Pencils Scientific Calculator (for home use)

Textbooks: Lessons will be taught through Notes, Handouts, Group Activities and Powerpoints. Textbooks will not be issued or used in class. However, students may checkout a textbook at any time.

Online Resources: The following websites are very useful for additional assistance: Homework Help: Khan Academy (Video Lessons on ANY topic):

Tutoring: Math tutoring will be available before school every Thursday 7:25 – 7:55. I encourage you to contact me about any concerns you may have. The best method of communication with me is by email -- [email protected]. If you are unable to email, please leave a message at the office (228) 864-3370 or 864-3376, and I will return your call as soon as possible. If you would ever like to schedule conference, please contact the guidance office at (228)864-9737.

Thank you,

Mrs. A. Allen 8th Grade Pre-Algebra

Please sign below that you have read and understand the above expectations, rules, procedures, and consequences.

______Parent Signature Date

______Student Signature Date

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