Twentieth Century US History

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Twentieth Century US History

US GOVERNMENT Ms. Burke Room #111 Voicemail: 537-5910 x3111

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course will explore the three branches of the United States government, as determined by the Constitution. We will learn about Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Presidency. We will also discuss the Bill of Rights and the political spectrum. The course will educate students about the function and importance of government in our society today, as students will soon be able to participate in it through voting, a basic right of citizenship The nature of the subject matter covered in this course is conducive to the use of materials to supplement the textbook. Throughout the course, students will use magazine articles, video segments, newspapers and other media to further their learning. Some of the material will cover controversial topics that are directly related to the state and district standards for the course. For example, a video produced by a non-partisan group which discusses the issue of gun control/gun rights will be used to stimulate a discussion of the Second Amendment. If you or your parent/guardian object to the use of these materials, please initial in the margin to the right of this paragraph so that alternative materials can be provided for the student during those particular lessons.

CLASS ETHICS& EXPECTATIONS Class Ethics We are here to grow intellectually, develop as readers, writer & thinkers, share ideas and hopefully have fun in the process. Doing this requires our commitment to the following ethics: 1) We will speak and act respectfully. You will respect me by listening attentively, participating when appropriate, completing your work and taking care of the classroom. You will respect that everyone has a right to their own opinions, beliefs and values. 2) We will be prompt, prepared and ready to participate fully. Lateness will not be tolerated! 3) We will be responsible for our own learning. 4) We will be honest. All work, except groups projects, will be 100% our own.

Operating Procedures 1) Help me keep the room clean by refraining from eating, drinking (except water) and chewing gum in class. 2) Use the blue recycling bin to dispose of paper, bottles and cans. 3) No primping or pruning during class time. 4) Leave all electronic equipment either out of site, or out of the classroom. This INCLUDES cell phones. If I see or hear your phone I will confiscate it and give it to your AP. 5) Students will be permitted one bathroom pass per month.

Supplies- One three ring binder (minimum 1" wide), college ruled paper and three dividers. One textbook, American Government, to be kept in excellent condition.

Consequences  Each unexcused absence or tardy will lead to a 5-point reduction in the attendance portion of your grade. On the positive side, any student with 0 tardies and 0 absences over the course of the quarter will receive 25 extra credit points on the attendance portion of their grade.  If you arrive to class, without a pass, after I have stamped homework, you will not receive credit for your work.  Students with excused absences are responsible for finding out about missed work and making it up within three days. Assignments given prior to your absence are due on the day of your return. Students with unexcused absences will not be allowed to make up missed work. **NOTE** No late assignments will be accepted without prior approval of Ms. Burke.  All forms of cheating will result in a score of "0" for all people involved. In addition, cheating will result in a feeling of distrust between the student and the teacher.  Make-up tests, for those students with an excused absence for the entire day, must be made up within one week of the day of the test. The make-up will be different from the original test. You will not be allowed to retake any test.  The State of California requires that you pass US Government in order to graduate from High School. My goal is to have every student in my class pass the class and graduate. But in the unlikely event that you do not have a 60% average by the end of the semester, I will not cut any deals/make any exceptions/allow you to make up missed work/change your grade arbitrarily so that you may pass.

GRADING Grading will be on a points system, with assignments weighed to reflect their importance. 100-98=A+ 79-77=C+ 97-93=A 76-73=C 92-90=A 72-70=C- 89-87=B+ 69-67=D+ 86-83=B 66-63=D 82-80=B- 62-60=D- Below 60%=F Current Events Presentations (5%) Twice during the semester each student will be required to present and explain relevant current events to the rest of the class. Each presentation will be worth 50 points. Students may be able to earn extra credit (up to 20 points) by doing additional presentations.

Binder (35%) Each student will be required to keep a three ring binder throughout the course of the semester. All daily homework, handouts and notes will be recorded in the binder. Homework will be stamped when due, then graded when I collect the binder. If you arrive after I stamp the homework, without a tardy pass, I will not stamp your homework. The binder will be graded 4 times throughout the course of the semester. Your binder will be graded on form, as well as content. Specific directions for organizing your binder will be given out during class.

Participation and Attitude (10%) Class is a much better learning environment when you maintain an active role in the learning process. The best way to do this is to participate in the discussions, listen carefully to me and your peers and to ask good questions. Students will start the semester with 75 out of a possible 100 points. Points will be added for thoughtful and appropriate participation and a positive, helpful attitude. Points will be deducted for a negative attitude and/or lack of participation.

Attendance (5%) Attendance is essential to your success in this class. If you are not here, how can you learn effectively? Students will start the semester off with 100 points. 5 points will be taken off for each tardy or unexcused absence.

Test & Projects (45%) Generally you will have one test (worth 100 points) per unit. In addition, several projects will be completed over the course of the grading period.

Final Exam - The final exam will cover material from the entire semester, will be counted as your last test grade and will probably be worth 200 points.

Student/Parent Acknowledgement: I have read the course description and expectations and understand them. If I have any concerns regarding the class, I will contact Ms. Burke so that solutions to the concerns can be pursued.

Parent/Guardian Signature______

Student Signature______

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