Minutes of the Planning Meeting Held On s1

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Minutes of the Planning Meeting Held On s1

Page 48


Present: Cllrs C Turner (Acting Chairman), Gill, Jones, Mrs McCormack-Hole, Piper, Graham Turner and Wood

Clerk Mrs Jane Mills Services Officer Mrs Eileen Badcock

In attendance: Members of the public

0808/06 Chairman’s Announcements  It was agreed to include a Part B on the Agenda  Councillors agreed to invite a member of the Licensing team from North Devon Council to attend a meeting and advise on the regulations for charity collections  It was agreed to take forward the proposals on the change of name on the basis put forward from the Finance Committee

0808/07 Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Cllrs Jury, Brailey and Silver.

0808/08 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest.

Part A

0808/09 Presentation on Renewable Energy at Bickleton – Mr M Stanford, SRL Mr M Stanford gave a presentation on renewable energy proposals for Bickleton and answered questions.

0808/10 To discuss correspondence from North Devon College regarding the relocation of the College and to consider response to consultation Three District Councillors declared a personal interest in this item rendering the meeting inquorate.

0808/11 To consider attendance at Long Life Learning Network Conference to be held on Thursday 11 September 2008 Cllr Jury and the Clerk had intended to attend this meeting, which was postponed. Councillors were invited to attend and it was agreed to ask Cllr Jury and the Clerk to attend the re-arranged meeting.

0808/12 To consider taking forward Councillor Achievement Award Scheme It was resolved that Councillor Piper would canvass opinion amongst Councillors and report back so that an application could be submitted. Page 49

0808/13 Matters to Note - Letter from Landmarc re fencing works at Fremington Camp (6 August 2008) - E mail from Mr A Jones, NDDC re Tree Preservation Order Exemption – Lagoon View, Yelland - Letter from Colin Coleman & Co re BT Removal of Public Telephone Boxes (23 July 2008) - E mail from Taw Taw Torridge Estuary Forum re Waste from Bideford College to Yelland - E mail from Cllr Cann re Yelland ashbed site – stop notice (6 August 2008) - Copy of letter to Devon County Council re Yelland ashbed site (6 August 2008) - RD&Express Newsletter – August 2008 (held in office) - Letters of thanks for Grant - Fremington Parish Hall Management Committee & Barnstaple Disabled Fellowship (held in office) - North Devon Catchment Flood Management Plan – summary of draft plan – May 2008 (held in office) - Devon Playing Fields Association Newsletter – Summer 2008 (held in office)

It was resolved to note the above matters.

0808/14 North Devon District Council - Planning Applications North Devon District Council, the determining Authority, has asked for comments from this Parish Council on the following planning applications: It was formally noted that participation of the Councillors who are also members of NDDC in both the debate and subsequent vote (in respect of any of the above, were preliminary taking account of the information matters) was on the basis that the views expressed made available at the time to the Parish Council. The District Councillors were reserving their final views on the applications until they were in full possession of all the relevant arguments for and against.

45609 Proposal: Erection & operation of concrete batching plant together with associated structures (amended drawings) (further amended drawings) Location: Former hide factory, Roundswell Hill, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Hanson Aggregates Standing Orders were suspended to allow a member of the public to speak, and then re-instated It was resolved to return this application to the North Devon Council as it does not conform with previous presentations which the Parish Council had recommended should be accepted. The Parish Council has serious concerns that the roadways and entrances are not now as previously agreed and would like an urgent response to its concerns. Cllr Gill gave his apologies and left the meeting

46883 Proposal: Demolition of existing single storey industrial buildings to be replaced with 8 two storey light industrial buildings Location: Freebird, Estuary Business Park, Yelland Quay, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr J Hooper It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.

46903 Proposal: Demolition of garage & extension to dwelling to provide additional living accommodation together with widening of access Location: 6 Allenstyle Road, Yelland, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs Fretton It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED subject to no adverse impact on neighbours. Page 50

46909 Proposal: Alterations & extension with conversion of loft to provide additional living accommodation (amendment to planning permission 41590) Location: 51 Ballards Crescent, West Yelland, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs Kavanagh It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.

46926 Proposal: Erection of 1.8m high boundary fence Location: 12 Wester-Moor Drive, Roundswell, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr J Sheldon It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED subject to no adverse comments from neighbours and no impact on the local street scene.

47052 Proposal: Erection of garage & erection of boundary fence Location: New House, Brynsworthy Bottom, Old Bideford Road, Bickington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Capner Property Developments Ltd It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED subject Highways approval.

47072 Proposal: Erection of 1 dwelling Location: Garden of 25 Yelland Road, Fremington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs Sparrow It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED subject to no adverse comments from neighbours and Highways approval.

47085 Proposal: Application for consent for works to trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order in respect of felling of 1 Cherry tree & section felling of 1 Ash tree to 18” above ground level (coppice level) Location: 80 Lagoon View, West Yelland, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr A Lamb It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED providing suitable replacements are planted.

47087 Proposal: Extension to dwelling Location: 71 Lagoon View, West Yelland, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr Fisher It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED subject to no adverse comments from neighbours.

47096 Proposal: Extension to dwelling Location: 40 Lyddicleave, Bickington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr P Tweedie It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED subject to no adverse comments from neighbours. Page 51

47114 Proposal: Application for consent for works to trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order in respect of removal of 1 Poplar tree Location: 14 Lagoon View, West Yelland, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mrs M A Banner It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED subject to no adverse comments from neighbours.

47134 Proposal: Conversion of garage to form additional living accommodation Location: 2 Middle Combe Drive, Roundswell, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: P Wheeler It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be REFUSED on the grounds of highways problems and parking facilities.

47138 Proposal: Extension to dwelling Location: 14 Ballards Crescent, West Yelland, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs J Collins It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED subject to no adverse comments from neighbours.

0808/15 North Devon District Council - Planning Decisions It was resolved to note that North Devon District Council, the determining Authority, has APPROVED the following applications with conditions as filed:

46211 Proposal: Erection of 1 dwelling Location: Garden of 27 Chilpark, Fremington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: John Stromski & Associates

46610 Proposal: Erection of conservatory Location: 48 Lyddicleave, Bickington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr K Brayley

46720 Proposal: Extension to dwelling & conversion of garage to form disabled living accommodation Location: 18 Byeways Close, Fremington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: North Devon Care & Repair Agency

46787 Proposal: Retrospective application for siting of 1 free standing non-illuminated sign Location: Unit 3 (formerly EDL John Quin Packaging Ltd), Brannam Crescent, Roundswell Business Park, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr J Jasper

46812 Proposal: Extension to dwelling Location: 80 Lower Cross Road, Bickington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: RGP Architects Page 52

46826 Proposal: Alterations to car park Location: Sainsbury’s Store, Gratton Way, Roundswell Business Park, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: White Young Green Planning

46874 Proposal: Extension to dwelling Location: Mill Stream Cottage, Muddlebridge, Fremington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: John Stromski & Associates

46917 Proposal: Conversion of loft space to form additional living accommodation together with installation of dormer windows (amendment to planning application 45905) Location: 12 Ballards Crescent, West Yelland, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr N Denton There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm

Signed ……………………………Dated……………………………

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