Rathsallagh, Shankill, Dublin 18. Tel: 01-282 3507 Fax: 01-272 0489

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Rathsallagh, Shankill, Dublin 18. Tel: 01-282 3507 Fax: 01-272 0489

Scoil Mhuire Rathsallagh, Shankill, Dublin 18. Tel: 01-282 3507 Fax: 01-272 0489

Enrolment Policy

Introduction The enrolment of pupils in Scoil Mhuire N.S. is at the discretion of the Board of Management (BOM) and operates in accordance with Rules for National Schools and other relevant circulars, amendments and regulations as decreed by the Department of Education & Skills.

This policy explains the admission procedures prepared by the BOM, as stated in the Education Act 1998.

General Information about the School Scoil Mhuire N.S. Rathsallagh Shankill Dublin 18. Tel/Fax: 01-2823507.

Scoil Mhuire is a Roman Catholic school under the patronage of the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin. It is a mixed (boys and girls) school with the full stream of classes (Junior Infants to 6th Class) being taught.

Patron: Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.

Principal: Ms. Patricia Slavin.

School opens at 8.50am and closes at 2.30pm, except for Junior and Senior Infants for whom school closes at 1.30pm.

The school is funded by the grants which are paid to the Board of Management by the Department of Education & Science (DES) and by other agencies and the school operates within the rules and regulations set by the DES. Scoil Mhuire N.S. follows the curricular programmes prescribed by the DES which may be amended from time to time in accordance with Sections 9 and 30 of the Education Act 1998.

Half an hour per day is allocated to the teaching of the Catholic religion programmes including the preparation of the children for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Alive O is the religion programme used in Scoil Mhuire.

Enrolment/Admission Policy

1 Section A The enrolment policy is set out:

(a) in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act 1998

(b) taking into account the rights of the Patron as set out in the above Act

(c) within the context and parameters of the DES regulations and programmes and

(d) bearing in mind the funding, facilities and resources available.

Under this policy no child is refused enrolment/admission to the school on the grounds of disability, special educational needs, gender, ethnicity, family or social circumstances, traveler status, religious/political beliefs, language, asylum seeker/refugee status.

The school supports the principles of:

 inclusiveness, particularly with reference to the enrolment of children with a disability or special educational need;  equality of access and participation in the school;  parental choice in relation to enrolment; and  respect for the diversity of values, beliefs, traditions, language and ways of life in society.

While recognizing the rights of parents to enroll their child in the school of their choice, (Educational Act 1998 Section 15.2), the Board of Management equally strives to respect the rights of Management making balanced judgements guided by the principles of natural justice and the best interests of all children being taken into account.

Section B In the light of these factors, the Board of Management reserves the right to determine the maximum number of children ordinarily accommodated in each classroom bearing in mind:

(a) the size of available space in the classroom;

(b) the educational needs of a particular child;

(c) presence of children with special educational/behavioural needs;

(d) DES guidelines and directives on class size;

(e) Multi-grade classes.

Section C In the event that the number of children seeking enrolment exceeds the number of places available in any class the following principles shall apply to all new entrants:

2 (a) At present we work within the parameters of the “giving children an even break” scheme.

(b) Brothers and sisters of children already enrolled in the school who reside within the catchment area of the parish of Shankill.

(c) Catholic children who reside within the catchment area of the parish of Shankill.

(d) Brothers and sisters of children already enrolled in the school who reside outside the catchment area of the parish of Shankill.

(e) Brothers and sisters of presently enrolled pupils who now reside outside the catchment area of the parish of Shankill.

(f) Catholic children who reside outside the catchment area of the parish of Shankill.

(g) Catholic children from other areas not covered in categories (a) to (f) above.

Cut-off Date for Receipt of Applications The cut-off date for the processing of applications for September enrolment each year shall be the 31st May of the year in question. It shall be at the discretion of the Board, all other things being equal, to consider, process and/or accept further applications. Decisions of this nature must be endorsed by the Board and their decision acted on by the Principal of Scoil Mhuire or in his/her necessary unavoidable absence, “the acting Principal” for the duration of his/her absence.

Section D For the purposes of considering the enrolment of children from categories (a) to (g) above, the following priorities shall apply:

 All children being enrolled in Junior Infants shall have reached their 4th birthday by the last day of September of the calendar year in which they are enrolled, but may not begin school until they reach 4 years of age.

 On application to the school, applications will be categorized in accordance with the principles (a) to (d) listed in Section C above.

 Should there be vacancies to be filled in Junior Infant classes when category (b) applicants have been granted, they shall be offered in turn to category (c), category (d), category (e), category (f) and category (g).

Within the parameters outlined above, the school’s enrolment policy will be administered and implemented by the Principal.

Section E

3 Certain information will be required when an application for enrolment is made. This will include pupil’s name, age, address*, names and addresses of child’s parents/guardians, details of medical needs**, contact numbers and contact numbers in cases of emergency.A * Baptismal Certificate, where applicable, will be required to be submitted with the enrolment application.

** Parent/guardians enrolling a child in Scoil Mhuire N.S. will be asked for proof of address at which the child is ordinarily resident before an application may be considered.

*** Details of any medical/behavioural conditions (medical reports/psychological reports) of which the school should be aware must be declared upon application.

**** P.P.S. number will be sought and used for capitation purposes.

Section F - Children with Special Educational Needs The BOM of Scoil Mhuire N.S. supports the principle of inclusion of children with special needs.

Each case will be examined carefully, as every child with special needs has a specific educational and/or physical requirement(s).

However, the teaching and the resources of the school may not be sufficient to respond adequately to the needs of some pupils. Parents/guardians of children with educational needs should advise the Principal of the school of their child’s particular needs so that the most appropriate learning environment for their child is established.

Section H – Students Transferring from Other Schools Students may transfer to the school from other schools at the beginning of each quarter, i.e. 1st July, 1st October, 1st January or 1st April, or as soon as the school is open after that date, subject to the school’s Enrolment Policy, the availability of places and in some cases, the approval of the Department of Education & Science. This area is covered by statute which will and must be adhered to and followed. In considering student transfers, the Principal, (on behalf of the BOM), will ask for a reference from the student’s current teacher, copies of the last three school reports and Standardised Test Results, where available. The Principal will also contact the Principal of the other school for a report, as required by the Educational (Welfare) Act 2000 and the parents/guardians will be notified of the BOM’s decision in writing within 21 days. This is in accordance with Rules for National Schools, where there is no change of address.

Notification to Parents/Guardians All parents/guardians who have submitted an application, will be contacted by post prior to the September entry. When a place is offered, they will be asked to confirm acceptance of the place offered in Scoil Mhuire N.S. in writing by a specified date. Failure to accept the place within the allocated time span will result in the place being offered to another child.

4 Introductory Meeting Parents and pupils who will enroll in September of any year will be invited to visit the school and attend a meeting with the Principal and nominated teachers prior to their arrival and enrolment. Checklists and information about uniform etc. will be issued. The parents/guardians will be invited to “tour” the school with the Home School Community Liaison Teacher and acclimatize themselves with the geography, atmosphere and facilities of the school.

If there are difficulties with the policy it can be referred for examination, suggested amendments and re-drafting if necessary to the legal agents, which can be appointed. The Board at all times has endeavoured to act in accordance with the relevant statutes, rules and regulations and will take immediate action to make any necessary amendments which are necessitated by the Statues, Official Rules and Regulations and relevant official public policy to protect:

(a) the rights of all in the Scoil Mhuire School Community; and

(b) the rights of others which may not be being upheld. Any omissions, words or acts which the Board unwillingly and without any intent (malicious or other) which has led to this situation will be corrected.

The Board in good faith has agreed and endorsed this enrolment policy as an official document for Scoil Mhuire and it has been written to ensure that the rights of all citizens are upheld.

The Board of Management of Scoil Mhuire reserves the right to review, amend and append this policy to maintain and sustain the Catholic ethos of Scoil Mhuire. The decisions of the Board shall be final and binding.

Reviewed by the Board of Management on ______

Signed: ______(Chairperson)

Date: ______

Signed: ______(Principal)

Date: ______


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