William Sensham 1541
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In the name of god Amen the xiiii day of October in the yere of the Ryng of or soverayng kyng henry the viii the xxxiii (1541) I Wyllyam Sensham of Hamsey in the county of Sussex beyng sick of body but of good hole & pfyte remembrance thanks be to god do make ordyne & dispose my testymt & last wyll in maner & forme followyng First I bequeth my sowle to allmyghty god my body to be buryed in the Churche yerde of Hamsey Itm I bequeth to the mother churche iiiid Itm will have at my buryall iiii masses & at my monythes mynde other iii masses Itm I bequeth to Elsabet my wyffe one quarter of whete & ii quarters of berly malte ii blanketts one pece of new canvas clothe one platter & one pewter dysshe one ... Colke one Fetherbed ii payre of cheytts & one coverlett sedd & yellow ii blanketts one pece new canvas cloth one platter & one pewthe dysshe all the brasse which she browyht with her Itm I wyll her sayd cowe to have pasture wt wyllyam my sonn Itm I wyll that Wyllyam my son shall pay to the sayd Elsabet my wyffe iiis iiiid & iiiis more whiche my sayd wyffe lent to Thomas my son I wyll that Thomas shall paye it unto her Itm I wyll the sayd Elsabet to have house rome wt Fyre & Flet wythyn my house in the whiche she now in habyth in during her naturall lyffe Itm I bequeth to Johane ?Evepe one lambe the residue of all my goods & cattalls I geve & bequeth unto Wyllyam my son Whome I make my my full & hole Executor of thys my Testament & wyll Further my wyll ys clerelys by thise persents I geve & grant unto the sayd Willam all my lands & tenements wt thyr pertens Whatsoev’ thybee to thyave & to hold to hym hys heyres &...for ev’
A01A p05v MF 1285
In the name of god amen the xiiii day of the moneth of maye in the third yeare of th Reigne of Or Sovraigne lord king Edward the sixt & in the yeare of or lord god 1549 I John Valyar of the pishe of Hamsey sicke in my body but of good & pfect remembraunce do make this my last will & test in man’ & forme folowyng first I bequeth my soule unto almyghty god my maker & to his son Jesus Crist my Redem’ & Saviour & to or blessed lady st Mary & to all the co’pany of hevyn & my body to be buryed in the churche earth of Hamsey It I gyve to my daughter Annes after my decease all the beddyng wtin my howse yt is to saye all man’ of wollen Cloths Canvas & lynnen too kettels a bygger & a lesse one chest i quarter of wheate & halfe a q’ter of malt & ii yards of white Cassey brade cloth It I gyve & bequeth to Peter my son x polle of bullockes greate & small after my decease Also I gyve to Peter x shepe i panne i spete & a chest Also I will yt Peter my son to have free libertie after my decease wynter or som’r wch ether so evr it be to spend owt the strawe & hay upon his cattell for the same yeare upon my ground It it is my will that my execut’ do bestowe xxs upon the highwayes for me wtin ii years after my decease It I constitute & make Thos my son the execut’ of the rest of all my goods Witneeses John Randall the younger John Tayler Roger ?Ager wth other names Sum Inv’ xiii£ 9s 8d
A01 p189 MF 1285
In the name of god amen the xiii day of marche 1549 I Peter Sawnder of wogham in the pishe of hamsey do make this my will & test in man’ & forme folowyng First I bequeth my soule unto god almighty & my body to chrystian buryall I gyve & bequeth unto Thos my son (after my decease) vi£ xiiis iiiid It I gyve to the poore mens boxe viiid It I gyve unto Willm redge my godson one haiffer of ii years old It the rest & remainder of all my goods my detts & funrall expenses deductyd I gyve & bequeath unto Jane my wiff for the maintenance & susteyng of her & the bryngyng up of my children The wch Jane I constitute & ordeyn my onely executrix of this my last will & test furthermore if it do happen the said Jane my wiff & executrix (by reason she is sekly) to dye my children being yet young & underage then I will & my mynd is that John Yeman my wiffs son to have vi£ xiiis iiiid out of (hows) hold goods And my ii sons I bequeth to the ... & gov’nance of John Erle of Lewes & Roger Storer desyryng them to see their godsons my children brought up in the feare of god & knowledge of his name as my trust is in them & I will that evry of them have for his paynes takyng vis viiid Witnesses John cattell the curat there Roger Storer & John Eredge
A02 p27v MF1285
In the name of god amen In the yere of or Lorde god after the coputacon of Inglonde 1550 & in the vth yere of the Reigne of or Sovreigne Lorde kinge Edward the sext the xiith day of february I Roger Storer of the paryshe of Hamsey in the Countie of Sussex beinge sick in bodye but of good & pfyte remebrance make this my testamete & last Will in man’ & forme as folowth Fyrst I bequeth my soule to almyghtye god my Lord my maker & my redem’ & my body to be buryed in the church yarde of the paryshe of hamsey aforsayd Itm I bequeath to the reparacons & amendinge the hye wayes at northends bridge vis viiid whiche I wolde have done & bestowed before mydsom’ next comyng Itm I gyve to the poore mens boxe of the same paryshe xiid Itm I will & bequeth to Willm Pares the the sonne of Robert Pares of Iffeld lxs whiche I do owe unto hym Itm I bequeth to John Pares his brother a ii yeringe bullock the best yt he can chose of my iiii bullocks Itm I will to Johan Pares ther syster xls to her maryage & xls also whiche I do owe unto here Itm I bequeth to Thomas Bud of the paryshe of Horsmunden in Kent a cowe the best of all my kene except iiii Itm I bequeth to Harry Sadlers wyffe of Lewes the syster of Thomas Bud aforsayd vis viiid Itm to Harry Sadlers sonne Roger my godson a haffer bullock off one yere olde the best yt I have except one Itm I bequeth to my syster Johan West off Chayleghe vis viiid Itm to Roger West my godson a haffer bullock of 2 yere olde The resydue of all my goods unbequeathed I gyve unto Agnes my wyffe & to Johane my dowghter whome I make myn executrices wyllinge & chargyng theme to se my debts payd & all my Legacies pformed And I will yt my wyffe shall have the custodie of my dowghter & the disposition of all my goods until yt she come unto the Age of xviii yeres And yf that my wyffe dye & departe this worlde befor yt my dowghter come to that Age the I wyll yt Nicholas Mab her godfather shall have the custodie of here & the use & pfet of all my Lands & of my goods except stuffe of housholde untill she come unto yt Age And then I will he be countable unto her for the pfett of my Lands & of my catell & to leve yt unto here own disposicion to put the order of yt unto whome she will & yf that she dye & depart this world before here mother then I wyll that my wyffe have all my cattell & goods & dispose all suche things as shalbe then lefte unto here at here own Will & pleasure And I ordeyne & make Nicholas Mab & John Erydge of the paryshe of Hamsey to be my ov’seers & Nicholas Mab to have for his labors to be the most diligent & Loving unto my chyld his goddowghter vis viiid & John Eredge to have for his Labor xxd And I will yt All suche charge costs & expenses whiche they or any of theyme shalbe at touchinge the pformance of this my last will to be alowed theym by myn executor Witnesses: Nicholas Mab John Tayler John Eredge John Page And I do owe nothing to any man & Robert Stone of the parysshe of alhallowes in Lewes owes to me iiii£ Sum Inventary xl£ viis
A03 p06 MF1285
In the Name of god Amen in the yere of or Lord god 1551 on the xxiiii day of the moneth of Septembre I Allexander Farmer of the pyshe of Hamsey in the countie of Sussex beinge sicke of Bodye but in good and pfytt remembrance make this my Testament & Last Wyll in man’ & forme as Followyth Fyrst I bequeth my soulle to the mercye of allmyghtie god and my Bodye to be buried in the Cherch yarde of Hamsey aforesaid Also I will that Elizabeth my Wyffe shall have yerely whyll she lyveth of myne executors & of the assignes ii quarters of whett & iii qters of malte vi Lodds of wodd brought home unto here liiis iiid to bye for here selffe ii kyne It I wyll that she have yerly xls of myn executors of lawffull monye of England to be payd qterly by even porcons It I bequeth to Thomas my sone my gretest Cawdern & a brasse potte of ii gallons iiii platters iiii dyshes ii sawcers and a Saltceller of pewter It a Chaffingdyshe & ii Candylstrycks of Laten It a flocke bed a cov’lett a bolster & a blancket & x payre of shetts It ii table Clothes one fyne & an other Course & a towell It I bequeth to Willm my sone my lesse Cawdern & a brasse potte of iiii gallons iiii platters iiii dyshes ii sawcers & a saltceller of pewter a chaffynge dyshe & ii Candylsticks of Laten It my lesse fetherbed a cov’lett a bolster a blanckett & x payre of shetts ii tableclothes one fyne & an other course & a towell It I gyve to John my yong sone a grett pan & a brasse potte of iiii gallons iiii platters iiii dyshes ii sawcers & a saltceller of pewter a chaffynge dyshe & ii Candylsticks of Laten It a mattras a cov’lett a bolster a blanckett x payre of shetts ii tableclothes one fyne & an other course & a towell It liiis iiiid to bye two kyne wth all And also I will & bequeth to this my yong sone & to his heires & assignes for ev’ myn acre of earable Londe Lienge in Wellingham in the pyshe of Ryngmer whiche I purchased of John Anstie & I will that myn executors shall pay hys fyne to the Lorde at his admyttance to his Lande And also I will that at suche tyme as he shall entre into the possession of my ten’t in Wellingham aforesayd that then myn executors shall fynd sed at thyr own costs & charge & shall sowe lawfully suche parte of the grond as shalbe mete & shall pve for ev’y sed as whete barlye peson benes & tares for that yere only And I bequeth to Johanne Booxe my dowghter a grett brasse pan whiche she hayth alredye & xxs of Lawfull monye of England The residue of all my howshold stuffe I gyffe unto Elizabeth my wyffe Also I bequeth to Alice Margett & Margery Richard Booxes chyldren And to Johanne Farmer the dowghter of John Farmer myn eldest sone to eche of theme a tegge and I wyll to the poore mens boxe of Hamsey xiid The Residue off all my goods unbequethed I gyve unto Thomas & Willm my sones whome I make myn executors wyllinge theme to dispose & bestowe For my soule to the refresshenge of the poore people as they shall thynke to be mete by theire discrecon Wytnes Nicholas Mab John Page John Tayler of Hamsey & Richard Booxe of Barcombe & Nicholas Levinge Thomas Stafford John Lydinge of Ringmer & Thomas Mantill of Lewes Sma Inventarii xlvii£ iiis viid Proved 7 April 1552
A03 p24 MF1285
In the name of god amen the xxiiiith day of Januarye in th eyere of our lorde god mvcli (1551) I John Randall the elder of the pyshe of hamsey in the dio of Chichester being of pfyct mynd & of good Remembraunce make ordeyn & declare this my psent Testament & Last wyll in mnr & Forme Followinge Fyrst I bequeth my soulle to allmyghtie god my creator & Rdemr and my bodye to be buryed inthe churchyard of hamsey aforsayd Itm I bequeth to Isabell my daughter my bed that I lye uppon wthall yt belongeth therto that is to say a payre of shets a payre of blancketts i Coverlett i Tester i bolster & a brasse potte of a gallon i pewter dyshe i platter & one Cowe brown ?shyllyd It I wyll to be bestowed at my buryeng day to the poore one barell of ale & iii dozen of breds Itm I gyve to Thomas my sonne one acre of whett lyinge on the weste syde of my layne of aschecombe Itm I gyve & bequeth to Wyllm my Sonne xxvis viiid to be payd at the dyscretion of my ovseere Itm I wyll that Robert my Sonne shall paye or cause to be payd to John my Sonne a viii£ of usuall monye of England which I owe hym at the dyscretion of my ovseers and the same Robert to enioye to hym and his heires all my ten’ts & lands lyeing at Barcombe accordinge to the custome of the sayd manr Itm I gyve & bequeth to my daughter Isabell a vi£ xiiis iiiid to be payd by my executors at the dyscretion of my ovseers The Residue of all my goods not bequethed I gyve to Antonye my Sonne whom I make my Sole executor And John Crane & Christofer ?dypan to be my ovseers evry of them to have for their paynes iiis iiiid Witnesses Danyell Ma...tt John Cl..yche Wyllm Randall & Helen his wyffe It I gyffe to my Sonne John a xls to be payd by myn exec at the discretion of my ovseers Inventarii xxliii£ xiiis iiiid Proved 8 November 1552
A03 p51 MF 1285
In ?anno dmi the yere of our Lord god 1553 the xiiith of the month of February I John Baker of the pysshe of Hamsey sick in bodye & hole in mynde make my last Wyll & Testament here following Im primis I bequeeth unto allmyghty god my maker & my redemer my soulle and my bodye to be buryed wthin the church earthe of Hamsey Itm I bequeethe unto Stephan my Sonne my howse & my land paying of that unto my wyffe Cecylye a xls And unto John my Sonne a xls And unto Elizabeth my dowghter a xls of usuall monye Itm I bequeeth unto Johane my dowghter a xs And unto Alyce my other dowghter a xs Itm I bequeeth unto Johan Dappe my other dowghter a xs Itm I bequeeth unto John A Breade an ewe & a Lambe my godsonne and unto Johan Dappe my goddowghter a tegge Itm I bequeeth unto the poore people of Hamsey iiiid Itm I wyll that Cecylye my wyff shall have hallffe my chamber wher I doo lye wth fyr & Flett and to use here as a Naturall chyld owght to use his mother And yf that any of my children doo depart out of this world Then his parte to remayne amongst the other children And my dettes to be payd the one hallffe by my wyff Ccylye And the other hallffe by Stephen my sonne that ys to say Fyrst unto Nicholas Pryor xiis And unto the chappell of Wogham vis viiid And unto John A... for caryage of a Load of whet accordyng unto his confeyence And Cecylye my wyff to be wholle executrix of my wholle last wyll & Testamt In wytnesse herof Nicholas Prior Thomas Baker Wyllm Slyghter Edward Rowlande Francys Haye curat wth others . harrye coke Sma In’ria x£..xviis..iiid
A5 f149 MF1287
In the name of god amen the yere of our lorde god 1554 the vith day of aprylle and in the viiith yere of the Reigne of or Sovraigne Lorde Edwarde the sixt by the grace of god of England Fraunce & Ireland defender of the Fayth & of the church of England & Ireland the Sup’me hed I Wyllm a beache of Hamsey in the County of Sussex husbandman make thys my Last wyll and Testamet in man’ & Forme Followinge Fyrst & above all other thyngs I bequeath my soulle to allmyghtie god my maker & redeemer by whosse precyous death & passyon I was redemyd to eternall salvacon in chryst jesus amen And my bodye to be buryed in the churchyarde of Hamsey Also I gyve unto Nycholas my Sonne one haffer of rede coller also a cubbord also a lyttle brasse pott also a bell candylstycke also a payr of shets also a platter & a pewter dyshe Furthermore I gyve unto Wyllm my Sonne a brown brownyd haffer also a great new chest also my byggest brasse pott also ii payr of shetts a platter a pewter dyshe & a candylstycke the best save one Furthermore I gyve unto Clemence my daughter a Cowe blacke schylled also a kettell one platter one payr of shetts & a candylstyck Also I wyll that yf any of them dye the parte of the deade to be devided amonge the Rest equally The Rest of my goods not bequeathed I gyve unto Jone my Wyffe (my Legacyes payd) Whom I make my executrix of this my Wyll And Nycholas Mabbe & John Eryge my ov’seers Wytnesses Nycholas Mabe Francys Hay Curat Henry Coke John Eryge Proved xvii May 1554
A03 p113 MF 1285
EDWARD HASYLGROVE 1554 In the name of god amen and that the xith day of June in the yere of our Lord god 1554 I Edward Hasylgrove of Hamsey husbandman beyng hoole and pfect of mynde but sycke of bodye make this my last Wyll & Testamet after thys Forme & man’ Followyng Fyrst I beqweth my Soule to allmyghtye god our blessed Ladye sancte Marye & to all the holy companye of heaven And my bodye to be buryed in the Church yard of Hamsey moreov’ I gyve & beqweth to Joan my Wyffe a Cowe & shall have my copyehold durynge her haturall lyffe moro’ I Wyll her to have one halffe acre of Whett yet growyng and a longe halffe acre of barley yet growyng a payre of shetts & my byge brasse pan & the yron potte a pyge a plater a pewter dyshe a sawcer a pewter potte & a candylstycke Morov’ I gyve & beqweth to Alyce my dowghter a steare bullocke & ii wether shepe a lytyll pyge a payr of shets & a lytyll kettell Also I beqweth to Elyzabeth my dowghter my blacke hoved haffer ii ewes ii quarters of Barlye a quarter of Whett ii payr of shets a pan a new kettell my grett chest a platter a pewter dyshe the grey colte my fether bedd and best covlett a bolster & a pyge Also I gyve to Johan my dowghter my dwellynge howse wth the barn my howse place & all the other of my goods not beqwethed whome I make my full & hole executryx Beyng provyded alway that yf any of my forsayd chyldren do departe thys mortall lyffe I Wyll that her or theyr ptes so depted shalbe devyded by equall prcons to theym that be lyvynge in this World Comyttynge Joh’n & Elizabeth my dowghters to the tuytyon & gov’nance of John Erydge of Woham and my youngest chyld to the bryngyng upp of her mother so that evry of my chylderne beyng lyvyng shall have & receyve theyr ptyculer prcons of my gyfte & Legacye at the age of xviii yers and my Wyffe Johan to her dwellyng to have my howse as longe as she ys Wedowe Wytnesse to the same John Erydge and George Sherman wth others Sma Inv ix£ xis viiid Proved 29 Oct 1554
A03 p127v MF 1285
In the name of god amen and the xith of June in the yere of our Lorde god 1554 that I John Page of Hamsey beyng sycke of bodye but hole & pfyght of mynd make thys my last Wyll & Testamt after this Forme & man’ Fyrst & moost especyall I comend my soule to god or Ladye & to all the companye of heaven & my bodye to be buryed in the church yard of Hamsey Also I gyve & beqweth to John my Sonne my brown Cowe callyd gentyll Also I gyve & beqweth my black shyldyd coe & my black oxe calfe to the sayd John my rede hovyd calffe to Wyllm my Sonne I gyve & beqweth my black shyldyd Cowe & my black oxe calffe Also I gyve to Richard my Sonne my Cowe callyd Nyghtyngall & my blacke hovyd Cowe calffe Also I gyve to Jone my dowghter my Cowe callyd Lylye & my bygyd haffer of iii yers olde ii payr of shets the one of hempe & the other of Canvasse wth a platter and a pewter dyshe Also I gyve to Nycholas my Sonne my black haffer callyd Drivste & one twoyerynge bullocke rede hovyd Also I gyve to Roger my Sonne my black begyd cowe & my yeryng bullock iiis of monye an ewe & a lambe Moreo’ I Wyll that thys my goods beyng gyven to my children shalbe delyv’yd to the use of my forsayd chyldren at the age of xv yers moreo’ yf yt happen any of my chyldren to departe thys mortall lyffe before the age of xv yers I wyll that the goods of them so departed shalbe devydyd by equall porcons to them that be lyvyng and the Rest of my goods not beqwethed I gyve to Johane my Wyff Whom I make my executryx Wytnes to the same Jamys Hasylgrove John A lye Nycholas Pryor John Erydge & others Sma Inv xvii£ vis id Proved xv January 1554/5
A03 p 143 MF 1285
EDWARD COKE 1557 sycke in body but hole & of good remembrance ...... to Elspethe breche x? to Jone breche a heffer of ii years of age ... to elspethe my wyf all my lands duryng her lyf and after her deceasse to remayne to Nycolas Coke my brothers sonne ... to Stephen Coke my brother ii bushell of wheat ... to John a Woode xiid ... to Thomas Hodar xiid ... to John hadselle ii bushell of wheat ... to Robert Danyell ii hogges of one years age wt ii shetts ... to Mary ?Hamved xiid ... to Thomas ? ii bushells of wheat ... to Nycolas Coke my posnet of brasse ... to Richard Py ... my cloke & to his chyldren ii bulloks of ii yeares of age ... to Stephen Coke & to John breche ii fleche of bacon between them ... the residue ... to my wyffe elspethe ... sole executrix John Alys & Thomas a Breche my overseers ... iiis iiiid a peece
WSRO A4 f22v
In the name of god Amen the xxvi day of November the yeere of or lord god 1557 I Agnes Walcot lat of the pishe of Hamsey in the dioc of Chich sycke in body & of good & pfett memorye Do make thys tetsament & last will in maner & forme following that ys to say I bequeath my sowle to Almighty god my redeemer & to or blessed lady the ?Xgyne saint marye & to the holy company of heaven and my body to be buried in the church yard of all sancts in Lewes Item I will & bequeath (to) ?Nencfrell John Coke & to myne ant hys wyffe & ther chydren xx£ of lawfull monye of England to be payd to them by ... Lewcas of … or els by sister ... yf she ... the law now being ... the Residew of all my goods I gyve & bequithe to the sayd John Coke my ? Nencfrell & to my Aunt his wyff whom I do make my exec & they to bryng me honestly to my grave ...
A4 f7 MF 1286
In the Name of god amen the second day of mai & the yere of or lord god 1558 I Thomas Payn of the pisshe of hamsey being syk in bodye & hole of mynde & of good remembrance do make this my last Will & testament in manr & form followynge yt is to say Fyrst I geve & bequethe my Sole to Almyghty god & to or lady seint marye & to all the holy cpany of heavin & my body to be buryed in the churchyard of hamsey It I bequethe to the mother churche of Chich vid It I bequethe to the church of hamsey viiid It I bequethe to John Payne my brother xld to be payd to hym immediately after my deceasse It I bequethe to Allys Hodder the Wyf of Thomas Hodder iiis iiiid the rest of all my goods not gevin nor bequethe I geve to James Payne & Harry Payne my brothers Whom I ordeyn & make my Sole executors ... desire John ?eveg & James Hasylgrove to be my ovseers ... and to have for their paynes xxd a peece ... witnesses John taylor & John..car
A04 p163 MF1286
In the name & the yeer of or lord God 1557 & the x day of Januarii I William payn of pysh of hamsey being syk in body & hole in solle & of good & pfect remembrance do make ... & ordeyn thys my last will & testamt in manr & forme following fyrst I bequeth my sowle to almighty god to the most blyssed virgin Mary & to all the holy cpany of heavin & my body to be buryed in the churche yard of hamsey It I gyve to the mother churche of chich vid & to or churche viiid It I gyve to Alys my Wyff ii of my best oxen Itm I gyve to Harrie my sone ii oxen It I gyve to my wyfe above namyd all my howshold stuffe wth my best ?seven haffers & viii shep & more I gyve unto her my meare wth ii colts Item I gyve to Harry my sone one ... callyd the ?popre cow wth ii bulloke of the age of ii yeres It I gyve to James my sone ii pyed cow one haffer of the age of ii yeers wth iii ship Itm I gyve unto John my sone ii ... of whett next to the churche All the Rest of my goods not given nor bequethed I gyve unto Alys my wyffe & Harry my sone whom I do institute & ordeyn my sole executors of thys my last will & testament & moreover I do make John the ovseer of thys my last will & he to have for hys paynes xxd Witnesses John Allyn ... John ... er Proved 1558
A04 p17 MF 1286
... somewhat week of body but hole of mynde & pfect remembtrance ... to Robert Nelson ii qtrs of wheatt the next yere after thys ...... to John Nelson the younger half qter of wheat ... between Michaelmas & Christmas. ... to Richard Nelson half qter of wheat ...... to John fra ... xls ... at the discrecion of William Nelson ... to Robert Normond my godson an ewe ...... all the rest ... unto William Nelson my sonn my sole executor ...... Richard Normond and Henry Nelson to be overseers ...
WSRO A4 f150 MF 1286
... John my eldest son my grett bell pott & my grettest basin ... a qter of wheat & a qter of barly ...... to Thomas my son my lest brode brasse pott & my .ex. narrow brytmet basin ... to George my son my grett brasse pott wth the round belly & a brod brytmet basin ... & a qter of wheat & a qter of barly & a gret candelstyke … ... to John my youngest son a brasse pott & a cow ...... to Johane my youngest dowghter a brasse pott a brode brymet basin & a cow ... to evry of my godchildren iiiid ... to John Awood my dowghters son a bassin wth a b ... in the boddy ... to Johan Awood my sayd dowghters dowghter a qter of barly ... the residue ... to Denys my wyffe ... sole executor ... Thomas P ... of Wyllyngdon gent & Roger Storer of Hamsey iiis iiiid ... my house & garden at Westout nr Lewes to George my son...and his heyres
WSRO A4 f154v MF 1286
In the name of god Amen the xxiith day of Januarye yn the yere of our Lord god m vc lviiith (1558) I William Nelson of the pyshe of Hamesye beyng syck of bodye but of hole mynd & memoy thanks be given unto Allmyghtye god do ordayne & make this as my Last Wyll & testament in manner & forme followynge that ys for to say Fyrst I bequethe my Soule unto god Almyghty my maker & Redeemer & my bodye to be buryed wthin the churche of hamsey Aforesayd & my goods I geve & bequethe as followyth Fyrst I will unto the mother churche of Chichester iid Itm I will same at my buryall for the Relevyng of the pore as myne executors shall think convenyent Item I wyll unto John Nelson the elder my brother one cowe oof culler redd and coppe hornd and all suche rent dew unto me syns michelmas Last past Itm I will unto the chyldren of John Nelson my brother Aforesayd evrye of them one heffer bullocke of the age of one year Item I wyll unto John Nelson the younger my brother x ewes Item I will unto John Nelson the sonne of John Nelson the younger my brother one haffer bullocke of thage of ii yeres & unto iii of his dowghters one cow & a calfe Itm I will unto Rychard Nelson my brother one cow of culler blacke & x wethers and unto his dowghter one heffer bullocke of culler whyt tayld of the age of ii yeres Itm I will unto John Nelson the sonne of Robert Nelson my brother one heffer bullocke of culler red of theage of ii yeres Itm I will unto Rychard Nelson the sonne of Robert Nelson my brother resayd one steer bullocke of the age of one yere Itm I will Thomas Nelson the sonne of Robert aforesayd xls to be payd at thage of xxt years & yff he happen for to dye before the sayd terme Then for to Remayne unto Robert his father Itm I will unto Margaret Nelson the dowghter of Robert aforesayd one lyttell brasse potte & a lyttell kyttell of brasse Itm I will unto Jone Nelson the dowghter of Harry Nelson my brother one cowe of culler blacke & crumple hornd Itm I will unto John Pyckromy (?) of Dychelyng one quarters Rent to be payd the next yere Itm I wyll unto Simon Frances godson of Symon Potter my father in Lawe ii ewes Itm I do owe unto Robert Benet xlvis viiid to be payd at mydsommer next commyng Item I do owe unto James Haselgrove iii quarters barlye & vs iiiid in moneys Itm I do owe unto John Alys xiiis iiiid furthermore all my goods & movables not geven nor bequethed I geve & bequeth unto Robert Nelson & Harry Nelson my brothers whome I make my executors ... Witnesses John Mascall James Haselgrove Sum of inventory xlviii£ vs iiiid
WSRO A4 f446 MF 1286
This is the last wyll and Testament of John Tayler of the pyshe of Hamsey being decessed Witnesses herof is Nycholas Mawbe Thomas Farmar Rychard Gallopp & Edward Markwyck Wrytten the xiiii daye of februarii Anno dmi 1559 In the name of god Amen I John Tayler beynge sycke of bodye but whole & pfecte of memorye thanks be to god do ordeyne & mak my last will & testament in forme & manner hereafter followinge Fyrst I Comytt my soule to almyghty god the creator & maker of all things & the preserver & saviour of mankynd unto his glorye And secondlye my body to be buryed in the churche yarde of Hamsey Itm I gyve to Maryon my wyffe iii kene one a valowe another a browne hoved & the thyrd a black hoved Also I gyve to Isabell my wyfes daughter a Redd twoyeringe bullocke And moreover I gyve to my wyffe all the wheate beinge nowe in the barne besyde yt wch sold & I gyve to my wyffe all suche barley as is in the barne besyde yt is solde whereof I will my wyffe shall take ii quaters of it & deliver yt to Wylliam my sonne for to sowe ii acres & a halfe of land for his use & comodytye And I gyve to my wyffe also the otys & beans Also I gyve to my wyffe iiii lods of wood to be delyvered in the first yere after my decease at the dore & iiii lodes of wood in the second yere after my deceasse lykewyse delyvered And I gyve to my wyffe a Cawdron of brasse & a potte of yron iii kettylls of brasse & vii peeces of pewter & ii latten candlestycks a posnet of brasse & ii ?salt trows ii standards & a water barrell a small ke...Keler ii tobbes & a bruying tobbe ii Spytts & andyrons...potthanger a payre of pothookes & ii trevetts Itm I gyve unto my wyffe ii growdsylls & also to be layde for her in her house & ..ole tymber also as belongeth to the grondsylls And I gyve to my wyffe gate sytters & a gate harr for a gate Itm I gve to my wyffe also flock bedd & ii pare of Shets as good as those I gyve to my sonne Wylliam & I gyve to my wyfee ii boulsters ii pyllowes & ii covletts lykewyse ... i tester & a framewhythe iiii fleches of bacon & iiii ?hams Itm I gyve to my wyffe a pyllowbere a table cloth v silver spoones all my whole hempe & flaxe Itm I gyve to John my sonne vi£ of lawfull money of England to be payd him at the age of xxi yeres Itm I gyve to Ann my daughter vi£ of lawfull money of England to be payd her wthin ii yeres of my decease yt is to say iii£ to be payd her in the fyrst yer after my decease & the other iii£ to be payde her in the second yer Provyded always (in case of death to go to son William) Itm I gyve to my wyffe the geese & hennes a wheat syve & a meale syve a pair of fyr tonges a pycheforke & a pare of pynsers a mattock & bukketts & all such things as she brought yt be standerds of the house according to the wyll of Thomas Markes Itm I wyll yt Wyllm my sonne shall fallow as moche earable ground & sowe so moche wheat & barley ots pese & beanes a yere after my decease as hath bene sowed in one yere sins my wyffe & I were marryed together Moreover all the Rest of my goods not bequethed I gyve to Wylliam my sonne ... sole executor ... Nycholas Mawbe & Thomas Farmar to be overseers ... xxd apeece Sum of inventory xx£ iiis iiiid
WSRO A4 f409 MF 1286
In the Name of God Amen ... the xvith day of September in the yere of our Lord God M v lxi (1561) I Thomas Farmer of Hamsey in the Countye of Sussex yeoman beinge sycke of bodye & hole of mynde & in pfecte memorye thanks be to god Doe order & make this my last wyll and Testament in manner & forme Followinge First I bequeath my Soulle to Allmyghtye god my maker & redeemer And my bodye to be buryed in the churchyard of Hamsey aforesayd Item I gyve and bequeath to Thomas Farmer my brothers sonne my gret Caldron a payr of shetes a blanckett a platter a pewter dysshe a haffer of ii yers old ii wethers and xxs in monye Itm I gyve and bequeath to Edward Farmer my gret pott a payr of shetes a blanckett a platter a pewter dysshe a haffer of ii yers old & xxs in monye Itm I gyve and bequeath to Elizabeth Farmer Syster to Thomas & Edward a haffer of ii yers old & xxs in monye Itm I gyve and bequeath to John Farmer my brother all my Tymber in Thomas Peerces land Itm I gyve and bequeath to Anne & Johane my servants iiis iiiid a pece Item I gyve and bequeath to Nicholas Mychell my servant xxd Itm I gyve and bequeath to John Adams of Kyngston a gored stere of iii yers old Itm I gyve and bequeath to John Marks wyffe iiis iiiid Item I gyve and bequeath to to Agnes my wyff whom I ordeyne and make my Sole executor of this my last wyll and Testament The Residue of All my goods cattall Corne howshold moveables and other ... they be not bequeathed to se thys my dettes payd and legacyes fulfilled pformed of this my last wyll & Testament ordered to the true meanyng hereof Itm Also ... Nicholas Malle & Peter Bonyck to be my trustye overseers ... Wytnesses hereof Nicholas Malle Peter Bonyck Richard ?Burye wth others Inv Lxxxxviii£ xiis 5 January 1561
A5 f64v MF1287
In the name of god amen ... I Maryan Tayler wedow of hamsey am sycke of body & hole of soule & pfyt Remembrance ... Fyrst I bequeth my soule ... Itm I bequeth to Rychard my son ii plates a pewter dyshe a Candelstyck a saltseller a payer of sheets a spytt a Andyron a posnett Itm I bequeth to Robert my son a erthen pot a payer of shets Itm I bequeth to Elizabeth my dowghter iii£ vis viiid to be pd at thage of xviii yeres one payer of shets of the best iiii platers of the best a pewter dyshe a Lyttell kyttell a New cawdron a candylstycke a saullte seller a pese of new whyt cloth of iii yeards and iii yeards of Rossett Itm I bequeth to Agnes Wite? my dowghter my best frock Itm I bequeth to Joan Gallopp my dowghter my Russet petycote The Resydew of my goods ... I geve and bequeth to John my son ... sole executor Witnesses Nicholas Mabbe James Haselgrow Thomas Farmer & Richard Butcher (overseer) Sum of inventory vi£ iis iiiid
WSRO A5 f60 MF 1287
JOHN ALYE 1561 In the name of god Amen ... I John Alye ... beinge sycke in bodye ... to the ppoore people at the day of my buryall three busshells of whet ... to the poore people of Sanct Nicholas spyttell in the pyshe of Sanct Marys in Westout iiis iiiid Itm I gyve and bequeth to Wyllam Page iii£ vis viiid ... within iii yers after my decease Itm I bequeth to Johan Page my servant vi£ viiis iiiid & a hayffer of iii yers of age (the money to be paid within 3 years the heifer to be delivered immediatly) Itm I bequeath to John Page vis viiid (within a quarter of a year after decease) Itm I bequeth to Richard Page xiiis iiiid (within half a year) Itm I gyve and bequeth to John Adams my wyffs brother fyve quarters of whete & fyve quarters of barlye (within 4 years) Itm I gyve to John Robyns an ewe & a lambe (within one month) Itm I bequeth to Willm Orwell an ewe & a lambe (within one month) Itm I bequeth to Agnes Bryellye ? my servant xiid Itm I gyve to John Hother my godson an ewe tegge ( within a month) ... Itm I wyll that my wyffe shall kepe my poore kynswoman Katheryn Alys durynge her lyffe in her house & to have mete & drinke & necessarye Rayment whylle she lyveth Itm I gyve & bequeth to John Maske ii bushells of whete (immediately after decease) Itm I gyve to the chappell of wogham towards the reparacons of the same iiis iiiid yf the pyshe do repayre or ells my sayd gyft to be voyde Itm I bequeth to the sayd John Page ii bushells of whet (within one month) Also yt ys my very wyll that my exec after my decease shall make a lease of a certayne brook callyd the horse brook the which the sayd John Alye dyd take to ferme inthe name of all the ??? of Hamsey of Edward Lewkenor Esquire decessed ... The Rest of my goods & Cattells ... I gyve & bequeth to Johane my wyffe ... sole executrix ... Nicholas Mabbe & Peter Bonycke overseers Witnesses: Richard Whyte curat John Chesman Nicholas Mabbe Nicholas Pryor Peter Bonycke Thomas valyer Jamys Haselgrove
WSRO A5 f88v MF 1287
In the name of god amen the xxix day of January in the yere of our lord god 1566 ... I Richard Bocher of Hamsey ... do ordayne and Make this my last will and testament in forme folowinge Fyrst I bequeth my soule ... Itm I bequeth to Peter Bocher my sonne vi£ xiiis iiiid and a doble docket to be payde unto hym at the age of (x)xi yeres Itm I bequeth to Alice Bocher my daughter vi£ xiiis iiiid and an olde ... to be payde unto her at the age of xxi yeres or at the day of her maryage And if eyther of my children fortune to dye before they be of lawfull age Then I will th one to be the others heir And if bothe my children dye within the tyme above rehersed Then I will my wyff shall have theyre partes Itm I bequeth to John ... irchen my Servant an ewe shepe of ?? yeres olde Itm I gyve to Agnes Fe.it my servants viid Itm I bequeth to Umfrey ?Achebe my Russet coat Itm I bequeth to Willyam Roger my Roset jerkyn Itm I bequeth to Willyam Bocher my brother my best coate All the Reasidew of my goods and cattalls ... I gyve and beqeth to Anne my wiffe ... executrix ... I will that and if my wiffe doe marrye she shall put in sufficient securitye unto Nicholas Mabbe and Peter Bonycke for the pformance of my legacies before her maryage ... (they to be supervisors) ...
This is also the last will of me the said Richard Bocher ... for the disposicon of my landes lyinge in the yle of Wight Itm I geve to Peter my sonne all my landes on th eylande in the pyshe of Bradynge or ells wheare called by name of Mydmores lands and Bochers lande lyenge in South Sandowne to hym and his heyres for ever (in case of decease before 21 to daughter Alice) I will that my wiffe shall have the pffyt of my lands tyll the heyres come to the age of xxi yeres (in case of decease of children wife to have income for life, then to brother William Bocher Sum of Inventory lix£ vs iiiid
WSRO A5 f337 MF 1287
In the name of god amen The xxviith of the month of November in the yere of the Raigne of or Sovraigne Lady Elizabeth Queene of England Fraunce and Ireland defender of the fayth &c the third and in the yere of or lord god 1566 I John Randoll of the pishe of Hamsey in the County of Sussex doe make and declare my will and Testament in man’ and forme followinge First I doe bequeth my soule to Almightie god my maker and redemer and my body to the earth and all other wills heare before made I doe renounce and forsake Item I doe gyve & bequeth to the poore mens box vs Item I doe gyve and bequeth to the repayringe of the chappell of wougham viiis when soever they doe repayre Item I doe gyve & bequeth to Thomas Verall an ewe and a lambe Item I doe gyve to Richard Hunt an ewe and a lambe Item I doe gyve and bequeth to John Michell an ewe and a lambe and to eyther of my servants an ewe Item I doe gyve & bequeth to Robert Randoll my eldest sonne the lease of ?My’thweek wch was obtayned of the Lord Akers for fower score yeres wch I obtained of John Stempe thelder of Southov’ Item I doe gyve and bequeth to John Randoll my medlemost sonne the lease and term of the man’ of Wotton wch I tooke to farme of the prior and convent of Christ Churche in Canterbury And if it happen the sayd John to dye before the sayd Terme expire Then I will that my eldest sonne Robert Randoll have the sayd lease and terme of the man’ of Wotten howe be it thus I neede not for to doe for because the lease runneth so Item I will that John Randoll my medlemost sonne shall havethe occupying of the holmewood for the space of xvii yeres yeldinge & paying therfore yerely xxs to Edward Randall his Brother uppon condicon that the sayd John Randoll shall pmit and suffer his sayd brother Edward Randall quietly to have & voyd the livery wood at such tyme when it shalbe appointed ther and condicionally also that the sayd John Randall shall not molest & trouble his sayd brother I doe will & bequeth to Edward Randall my youngest sonne the lease & terme of of all the farme lands meades & pastures under Wotten wch Sr Thomas Cromwell hath demised graunted & to ferme letten unto John Randall set lying & beinge in the parish of Barcombe Chiltington & Chaylighe in the County of Sussex that is to saye a barne wth half an acre inclosed called Balneth barne a pcell of medowe called Springle medowe cont by estimacon iiii acres a pcell called the Inholmes cont xvi acres a pcell called delberd cont xiiii acres a littell medowe lyinge ov’ the Sowthside the same delberde called the marke cont iii acres and a half (acre) pasture called the ley crofte cont viii acres a pcell of pasture called the newe brooke cont v acres a pasture called the graing feild cont xiiii acres a mead called the court mead cont iiii acres two fields called the harie lands cont xxxvi acres a medowe called the raylie mead cont iii acres & all that pcell of land called boycrofte cont xv acres lying upon the west pt of the highe waye leading from Chailighe towards Lewes all wch cont acre vewed by estimacon Item I doe gyve & bequeth to Edward Randoll my youngest sonne all the herbage & pannage of all the woods & underwoods called Balneth wood & Raylie wood cont by estimacon a hundred acres & of the woods and underwoods called harlelandwoods cont by estimacon xx acres & othe woods and underwoods called homewood cont by estimacon a hundred threescore acres & of all the woods and underwoods called caveredge cont by estimacon xxv acres wch the sayd Sr Thomas Cromwell hath demised granted & to farme letten unto the sayd John Randoll Item I doe gyve and bequeth to Edward Randoll my youngest sonne the Lv’ie loade of wood wch the sayd Sr Thomas Cromwell hath demised granted & to farme letten for the fuell the sayd Randoll his executors or assignes to be taken yerely in the sayd woods that is to saye one yere in balneth wood & an other yere in Holin wood or other wayes by the assignment of the officer of the sayd Lord Cromwell for the tyme beinge or els wthout assignement in case the sayd officer doe not uppon reasonable request to hi made by the sayd John Randoll his executors or assignes assigne the sayd fuell the same fuell to be expended in any other place or place at the will & pleasure of the sayd John Randoll his executors or assignes all wch the pmisses were granted by the sayd Sr Thomas Cromwell for terme of three score yeres to have & to hold unto the sayd John Randoll his executors or assignes Also I doe will & bequeth to the sayd Edward Randoll my youngest sonne the lease wch I obtayned of Sr Robt late prior & convent of the monastery of Lewes bearing date the xxviiith of October Item I doe will that when my debts be pd & my legacies aforenamed be pformed then I will that all my goods shalbe devided in three pts that is to saye Item that the third pt of the same goods shal wholely remaine unto my wif The Residue to be devided in a xi pts by even porcons among my leaven children at the discrecon of John Morley Ambrose Dop & Nicholas Mathewe Item I doe will my wif to be executrix to her owne pte & to my daughter Saras pt my daughter Suzans pte & my daughter Rachells pt & she to have educacon of the sayd iii children & the proffit of ther stocke tyll they shall accomplyshe the age of xxi yeres or untill the dayes of ther mariages And I will that Robt Randoll my eldest sonne shalbee executor to his owne pt & to my daughter Agnes pt & he to have the educacon of my sayd daughter Agnes & the pffite of her stocke till she shall accomplishe thage of xxi yeres or till the daye of her mariage Item I doe will that my sonne in law Richard Maddocke shalbe executor to my daughter Allice his wifes pt & my daughter Marys pt & he to have the educacon of my sayd daughter Mary & the proffit of her stocke till she shall accomplishe the age of xxi yeres or till the daye of her mariage Item I doe will that my sonne in lawe John Jeffray shalbe executor to my daughter Elizabeth his wifes pt & he to have her stocke Item I doe will that my midlemost sonne John Randall & my youngest sonne Edward Randoll shalbe executors to the more pte & to my daughter Joanes pt & to all my legacs & debts Item I will more yf eyther of my sayd children do dye before devision be made or before the age of xxi yeres that then the porcon of the deceased be equally devided amongst all the rest of my children then lyvynge as by ther dis...at shall seme best that is to saye of John Morley Ambrose Dop & John Mathewe whome I will to be my sole executors John Randall my mydelmost & Edward Randoll my youngest sone Item I will to be my overseers my Brother John Morley Ambrose Dopp & Tho Mathewe of Lewes Item I doe will & bequeth eyther of them for ther paines vis viiid Witnes hereof ...
A6 f361v MF1288
In the name of God Amen in th eyere of our lord god 1566 the xxviii day of Auguste I Amy Taylor of Hamsey ... mayden beynge sycke of bodye but of good and pfect memorie ... Itm I bequeth to my brother John Taylor v£ ... I bequeth to John Marten of Hamsey for his trowble and charges with me in my sickness all myne apparell as wollen and linnen forthwith all other ymplements of apparrell and also vis viiid ... Also I bequeth unto fowre poore people of the said pyshe of Hamsey for bearinge me to the churche fowre pence apeece Also I will that hatchers wiffe be reasonabely contented for watchinge and other paynes taken aboute me Itm I will that all the Reasidew of my goods ... be gyven to poore people ... at the discrecon of my welbeloved and faithfull frende Peter Bonycke ... sole executor Witnesses: Wyllyam Birsty curat of the said pishe ... Peter Bonycke ... Sisley Martin wiffe of John Martyn and Johane Hatcher the wiffe of Thomas Hatcher
WSRO A5 f362 MF 1287
29 April 1570 John Reygat Johan his daughter Isabell his wife (executor)
A6 f85 MF1288
In the name of god amen the forth day of the moneth of february in the yere of our lord god 1572 and in the yere of the reigne of our Sovraigne lady Elizabeth by the grace of god of England Fraunce and Ireland Queen Defender of the Feyth xiiii I Edward Randall of the perishe of Hamsey sonne unto John Randall of Hamsey aforesaid in the Countie of Sussex & Dic of Chichester deceased being of good mind and perfett remembraunce thancks be to god do ordeyne and make this my last will and testament in manr and forme following First and principallie I geve and bequeth my soule unto the mercye of allmightie god my maker and redeemer and my Body to the yearth to be Buried Itm I will to six poore people of the parishes of Hamsey and Westmyston vis Itm I will and my very mind is that my mother Johan Randall of Hamsey aforesaid wedow of the said John Randall deceased shall have any lease and terme of yeres of the manor of Balneth and Holmwood to her and her assignes during the terme therof which lease beareth dat the sixtenth day of March in the thirtenth yere of King Henry the eight (1522) &c the which said lease was demise leased and to farme letten unto the said John Randall my father deceased his ever and assign by Sr Thomas Cromwell knight lord Cromwell lord keper of the Kinge Maties privie seale wherein was Lease their pcells of lands medowes pastures woodland underwoods and fewell here under written set lieing and being in the pishes of Barcombe Chiltington and Chayleigh that is to say a barne wth half an acre of ground enclosed called Balney barne a pcell of medowe called the Springle medowe cont by estimacon fower acres a pcell of land called the Inlands cont by estimacon sixteen acres a pcell called the Dulberdes cont xiiii acres a littel meadowe lyinge one the South syde of the said dulberdes called marke cont iii acres & a halfe a pasture called the leye crofte cont viii acres a pasture called the newbrooke cont five acres a pasture called the grange field cont fower acres a mead called the court mead cont fower acres two fields called the harelands cont xxxvi acres a medow called rayle mead cont three acres and all that pcell of land called boycroftes cont fyften acres being uppon the west parte of the high way leading from Chailegh towards Lewes all which contents are vewed by estimacon and Also the said Sr Thomas Cromwell by his said indentur hath demised granted and to farme letten unto the said John Randall all the herbage and pannage of all the woods and under woods called Balney wood and rayle wood cont by estimacon an hundred acres and of the woods and under woods called harland woods cont by estimacon Twentie acres and of the woods and under woods called the holmwood cont by estimacon one hundred and threscore acres and all his woods and underwoods called caveredge cont by estimacon fiften acres and also fyftie loads of woods for the fewell of the said John Randall his exec and assigns’ to be taken yerely in the said woods that is to say one yere in Balney wood and an other yere in holmwood as by the said indentur more plainly it doth apere Allso I will and bequeath unto the said Johane Randall my mother xxs of lawfull Currant monny of England to be paid unto her yerely out of Holmwood by John Randall my brother or his assignes during the yeres yet to come geven unto him by John Randall my father decesed in his last will and testament and after the said yeres ended and expired she the said Johane to have the said Holmwood to her & her assignes in as ample and large manner as I have or of right owght to have yt by vertu of the last will and testament of the said John Randall my father deceased the wch said pcells of lands meads pastures woods and under woods fewell and sume of monny is geven unto me the said Edward by the last will and Testament of the said John Randall my father deceased being dat the xxvii day of the moneth of November in the yere of our lord god 1560 as by the said will more playlye appereth Item I will and my very mind is that my Freehold lands in Hamsey called moken wish and my Freehold lands in Barcombe called Richbrooke shalbe sold by my executrix her exec or assign Immediately after my decease to him that will geve most for yt and she to have the forsaking therof geving as an other will geve and the monny therof to be equally ?shystee as and devided between my six sisters that is to say Alyce Browne Johane Susan & Marre Randall Agnes Randall Susan Randall and Rachell Randall to be paid unto the said Alice and Johan Immediately after my Decease and unto Mary Agnes Susan and Rachell at ther severall ages of xxi yeres or ther severall daies of Mariage wch shall first happen Item I geve and bequeath unto my brother John Randall his Children to be Equally devided amongst them tenn shillings Item I geve and bequeath unto John Hother my god sonne a lambe Immediately after my decease Itm I will geve and bequeath to Thomas West a ?wether Itm I will and Bequeth to William Webbe my mothers servant a wether to be delivered to them and evry of them immediately after my decease the Resydewe of all my goods and cattells moveable and immoveable my debts first paid my legacies pformed and this my last will fulfilled I geve and bequeth unto the said Johan Randall my mother whome I ordeyne and make my sole Executrix ... Itm I will that Willm Susan my Brother in lawe and Thomas Mathew to be supvysers and overseers ... and eyther of them to have for their travayle and paines vis viiid and their reasonable costs and charges in their said travayle in the execucion therof ... witnesses Thomas Sherman the elder John Batnor the elder Thomas Mathew John Harman and John ?Stringham Proved 3 March 1572
A6 f279 MF1288
JOHN PAYNE 1573 In the name of god amen The xxviiith daye of February in the yere if or Lord one Thowsand fyve hundred threscore and thirtene (1573) in the xviith yere of the raigne of or Sovraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god Queene of England Fraunce and Ireland defender of the fayth &c I John Payne of the pishe of Hamsey in the dioc of Chichester beinge sicke of body but of minde and memory pfect thanks be unto Almightie god doe make this my last will and Testamt in mann’ & forme followinge First I bequeth my sowle to almightie god the father the sonne and the wholy ghost my body to the earth to be buried in the Churchyard of Hamsey Also I gyve and bequeth to my daughter Elizabeth Paine a flockbed a bolster a blancket iii payre of sheets iii kerchers my great kettell save one a linen whele and xxviiis vid in money to be pd by mine Executrix Also I gyve and bequeth to my sonne John Paine fower payre of sheets iiii kerchers an Iron pott a chest wth lock and key & Lviiis vid in money to be pd by mine Executrix The residue of all my goods and Cattell both moveable and unmoveable not gyven nor bequethed my debts payd and my will fulfilled I gyve unto Dennis my wiffe whome I make my whole Executrix of this my last Will and Testamt and I desyer Henry King and Walter Gibes to be mine overseers Thes being witnesses Roger Renne Robt Marke Willm Gibes wth others
A6 f377v MF1288
In the name of god Amen the iiiith daye of Marche in the yere of our Lorde god 1573 and in the xvithe yere of the raigne of our sovraigne Ladye Elizabethe by the grace of god Quene of Englande Fraunce & Irelande defender of the faythe &c I Henrye Kynge of the pyshe of Hamsey in the dioces of Chichester beinge sicke of bodye but of mynde & memorye pfytt thanks be unto almighty doe ordayne & make this my laste will & testamente in man’ & forme followinge Firste I bequeathe my soule unto almightie god the father the sonne & the holye goste my only creator redemer & savio’ my bodye to the earthe to be buryed wthin the Churchyarde of Hamsey Ite I geve to the poore mens box of Hamsey xiid Ite to the poore of the Almes houses in the pyshe of Ale Saynts in Lewes xiid Ite to the ?over seyttell xiid To Edward Clarke of Hamsey iiiid To Margery Bradforde of Hamsey iiiid To Regat of Woggm vid To Breads Widdowe of Hamsey Ite to Edward Kynges widdowe of Lewes vid To Esterfyldes widdowe of Lewes vid Item I geve & bequeathe to my sonne Robert tenne pounds in reddye monye to be put forthe at the ende of two yeres after my deceasse to the moste pfytt of my sayd sonne Roberte untill he come to the age of xxitie yeres And also I geve to my sayde sonne Roberte one silver spone a fetherbed a boulster a bedsted a cov’lett & a payer of shets to be delyv’ed immedyately after the discesse of Margarett my wyffe Ite I geve & bequeathe to Nicholas my sonne tenne pounds in mony to be delyv’ed at the age of xxitie yeres Ite I geve to my sayd sonne Nicholas one silver spone a new ioyned bedsted a fetherbed a boulster & a payer of shets to be delyv’ed immediatlye after the discesse of Margarett my wyffe Item I geve to Richard my sonne fyve pounds in money a silver spone my beste cheste save one & a payer of shets to be delyv’ed to him at the age of xxtie yeres by myne executors Item I geve & bequeathe to Elizabethe my daughter fyve pounds one payer of shets & a cheste Ite I geve & bequeathe to Alice my daughter fyve pounds a payer of shets and a cheste Ite I geve and bequeathe to Jone my daughter fyve pounds a payer of shets and a cheste to be delyv’ed to eyther of my daughters at the daye of maridge or the age of eyghtene yeres Also I will and my verye will ys that yf ether of my sonnes dye or depte this worlde before they shall accomplishe thage of xxtie yeres that the survivers or survivo’ of my sayde sonnes then lyvinge to ?shishe the pcon of him that is desceassed equallye And further I will also and my verye wyll ys that my daughters shall have & doe the lyke mann’ in theyr gyfte & pcon Also I geve and bequeathe to John my sonne my greate Cubarde and my greate spyte to be delyv’ed to him after my wyffes desceasse The residewe of all my goods and cattells moveable and movable my depts payde & my legacyes fulfylled I geve and bequeathe to Margarett my wyffe & John my sonne whome I Joyntlye make make myne executors of this my last will and testamente Provided alewayes & my verye will ys that yf Margarett nowe my wyffe doe make anye contracte to marye wth anye man That then I will & geve full powre to myne ov’seers to take sufficiente bonds & order as theye shall thinke one to for & in the pformance of this my laste will & testamente to use of all my sonnes & daughters & all other things herin conteyned And I desyer John Cave gent Nicholas Mabbe and Richard Kynge my brother to be myne ov’seers and they to have for ther paynes vs apece in travelynge herin wth ther costes Witnesses John Eridge John Parysse Thomas Austen Sr Willm Pett pson wth others Proved 29 December 1576
A7 f39 MF 1289
In the name of god Amen I James Hassellgrove of Hamsey sicke of bodye but whole of minde & of good memorie prayse be to almightie god doe ordayne & make this my psente Testament and laste will in man’ and forme followinge Firste I comytte my soule into the hands of almightie god my onlye savyour & redem’ & my bodye to be buryed in the Churche yarde of Hamsey I geve & bequeathe to the poore of the pyshe of Hamsey iiis Also I geve & bequeathe to my sonne Willm Hassellgrove tenne pounds of currant monye of Englande to be payde unto him the next Michellmas after my deceasse Also I geve & bequeathe to my sonne Nicholas Tene pounds of currant monye of Englande to be payde unto him one Christman next cominge after my deceasse Also I bequeathe to my daughter Alice tenne pounds of currant monye of Englande to be payde unto her at our ladye daye in Lent next after my deceasse Also I geve & bequeathe to Alice M’shall my mayde iiiis to be payde unto her at her age of Fyften yeres Also I geve & bequeathe to Thomas Mershalls three children Peter Henrye and Jone six shillings viiid a pece to be payde unto them at there age of sixtene yeres Also I geve & bequeathe to Alexander Wryghts fower children vis viiid a pece to be payde unto them at there age of sixtene yeres apece The Ressidew of all my goods & cattells movables & unmovables I geve & bequeathe to Alice my wyff whome I ordayne & make my hole executrix of thos my laste Will & testament so that she paye all my debts & pforme my legacyes & bequethes wch I have herin geven & bequeathed Also my will & hole mynde ys that my wyffe shall have the use & pfytt of all the lands & tenemts that I have by lease of Amy ?onan durynge her naturall lyffe
A7 f38v mMF 1289
In the name of god amen the first daye of February in the yere of our Lord god 1581 I Nicholas Haselgrove of the pyshe of Hamsey in the County of Sussex sick of body but pfect of Remembrance lauded be god doe ordaine make and declare this my last will and Testament in mann’ and forme followinge First I bequeth my sowle and body to Almightie god my maker and to Jesus Christe my saviour and redem’ and to the holy ghoste my sanctifyer and my body to be buried in Xtian buriall wheare that shall please almightie god to call me to his mercye Item I will gyve and bequeth unto Alice Haselgrove my Mother xx£ Also I gyve unto Alice Haselgrove my sayd mother xxvii of my best sheepe and my wheate and barly wch I bought of John Tull of Stanmer wth my Brother Wright Item I gyve unto my Brother in lawe Thomas Marshall my bond otherwise an obligacon for eight pounds of John Jeffrey Also I gyve unto the sayd Thomas Marshall one acre of wheat in ?Pore Layne wch I have of the sayd John Jeffrey Item I gyve and bequeth unto Richard Addams my Brother in lawe xxvi ewes wth there lambes Item Igyve to Nicholas Bread my godson one ewe tegg sheepe Item I gyve to evry of the rest of my godchildren one ewe tegg shepe a pece of them Item I gyve and bequeth to the poore people of Hamsey xxs to be distributed by the Churchwardens Item I gyve to the mending of the Church waye against John Denhams xs All the rest of my goods unwilled and unbequethed my debts pd I gyve and bequeth to Alexander Wright my Brother in lawe whome I ordaine & make my whole executor of this my last will and Testamt Witnes to this my will Nicholas Mabb Stephen Botting Richard Styddoll Richard Gratweek the writer Proved 14 February 1581 Stephen Botting and Richard Gratwick A7 f237 MF1289
In the name of God amen the xvith daye of September in the yeare of our Lord 1594 I John Feawe of the pishe of Hamsey in the Countey of Sussex husbandman beinge sicke in body but of pfecte memorie doe make this my last will and Testament in forme followinge First I Comend my soule into the handes of my only god & Saviour beinge fully asured of mine eternall salvation by the only sacrifice & pfecte obedience of my Lord & Saviour Jesus Christe wthout anye addition of mine ...e or other mens works and my body to bee Comitted to the earthe from whence yt was taken in Certen hope of resurrection to eternall lyfe I geeve to my sonne John Fewe Fyftye poundes to bee paide unto him at the age of Twenty & twoe yeares Also I geeve to my daughter Temperance Fewe Twentye poundes to bee paide at the daye of mariadge or at the age of xxi yeares wch sumes of monie I will have Comitted to the handes of my good Xtian Friendes Samuell Norden Xpher Goldsmithe and John Pelland wthin three monthes of my departure & what profytte may lawfullie bee raysed from the same my will ys to be yearlie paide over to my wife for the bringinge upp of my Children unles eyther of my forenamed Friendes shall in Xtian Care by themselves for some other take other order for the better education of my forenamed Children Also I geeve to the poore members of Christe xxvis wthin foure weekes after my departure to be bestowed accordinge to the discretion of my three forenamed Friendes All other my goodes Cattell monie & debtes I bequeathe to my wife Joane whom I ordeaine by this my last Testament sole Executrix my former Legacies debtes & funeries beinge accordinglie dischardged Further I doe ordeine my forenamed Friendes Samuell Norden Christopher Goldsmithe and John Pellande Overseers to this my last Testament geevinge them authoritie to see all thinges pformed accordinge to my meaninge therin expressed But yf my sonne John shall departe this lyfe before the age of xxiitie yeares my will ys that out of hys stocke bee geeven to my brothers John Fewe thelder and John Fewe the younger Willm Fewe and Thomas Fewe foure poundes a peece and to the eldest daughter of Richard Bull my brother in lawe five poundes The Residue remayninge to my daughter as his nexte heire Witnesses: Samuell Norden and Thomas Cowestocke Proved 26 October 1594 Joan Fewe, widow
A9 f303v MF1291
In the name of God amen The viith daye of August in the yere of or Lord god 1594 Richard Wickham of the pyshe of Hamsey in the County of Sussex husbandman sicke of body but (of) pfect minde & remembraunce made his last will & Testament nuncupative in man’ and forme followinge Inprimis he gave to Wm Wickham his Brother a cowe Item he gave unto Saunder Wright his brother one seame of wheate and one Seame of Barly in consid that he shalbe a staye & ayde unto his wiffe & his child All the rest of his goods ungyven he gave & bequethed to Constance his wiffe & to Edward Wickham his sonne thes being witness Roger Ren A Beache Thomas Jacobe and Alexander Wright
A6 f361v MF1288
In the name of god Amen I Richard Lashmer of the parishe of Hamsey being weake in body but of perfect memorye praysed bee Allmighty god doe make this my last Will & Testament as followeth First I Comend my soule into the hands of myne onely Lord and Saviour Jesus Christe by Whose Death and passion I onely hope to receave remission of my sinnes and inheritance amonge those that are sanctified by fayth my body I Comitt to the earth from whence it was taken in hope of Resurrection to eternall life by the appearaunce of my Lord Christe in the last daye Item I give to my brother John Lassmer Twenty shillings Item I give to my Brother James Tenn pounds To bee payd three monethes after my departure Item I give to my Brother Henry Lasmer five pounds To bee payd him at the age of Twenty one yeares Containing untill that tyme in the hands of my Brother John Also I give to Joane Chatfeild Twenty pownds To bee payd her at Michelmas after my death Also I give to Thomas Reed my heyfer in the now keaping of John Hother To bee delivered him presently after my death And to the poore of Hamsey I give Twenty shillings Also I make my sole Executor to this my last Will and Testament my beloved Mr Samuell Norden this eleventh daye of Maye one Thowsand five hundred nynety seven (1597) By mee Richard Latchmer In the presence of these Samuell Norden John Cooke By mee George Randoll and William Gynner Proved 7 June 1597 Samuel Norden
A10 f63 MF 1291
In the name of god Amen The third daye of March in the fortith yeare (1597) of the Raygne of our Soverayne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god of England Fraunce and Ireland Queen Defender of the fayth I Thomas Vallyer of Hamsey being sicke in body but of perfect remembraunce thancks bee unto god doe make and ordayne this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following And first I bequeath my soule unto Almighty God my Saviour and Redeemer by whose merritts onely I hope assuredly to have free pardon and forgiveness of all my sinnes And Comitt my body to the earth from whence yt came Also I give unto the poore of the parrishe of Hamsey the some of Twenty shillings Item I give unto so many of Edward Vallyers sonnes as shalbee living at the age of one and Tenty yeares to eyther of them five pounds Item I give unto so many of Edward Valliers daughters as shalbee living at the age of sixteen yeares to eyther of them five pounds And yf yt doe happen that any of them doe dye before the sayd terme of one and Twenty or sixteen yeares That then the survivors of them shall equally devide the portion of him or her that is ded Item my will is That Mr Thomas Comber shall have their sayd Twenty pounds in ?occupiyey untill they shall Come to their several ages or wthin two moneths after paying to eyther of the sayd Children Tenn shillings yearely towards their mayntenance for the use of their stocke And that the sayd Thomas Comber shall enter into bond to the Comissary for the payment of their sayd stocke when they shall Come to their severall ages Item I give unto Edward Vallier my sonne the some of Twenty shillings Item my will is that my howse and all my freehold land in Woham shalbee solde and the money devided equally amongst my three aughters Elizabeth Penyfolde Thomsyn Woorger and Susan Weller The Residue of my goods and Cattells unbequeathed my debts being payd my legacies performed and my funerall discharged I doe give and bequeath equally to bee devided by the discretion of my welbeloved frends Thomas Comber and George Randoll amongst my sayd three daughters whome I doe make my Executors of this my last Will and Testament And my Will is that my land and howse shalbee solde by my sayd two freinds Thomas Comber and George Randoll And the money to bee devided amongst my sayd three daughters as aforesayd And also my Will is that yf any Controversie shall happen between my sayd daughters about the deviding of my goods or lands that they shalbee ordered and directed by my sayd two freinds Thomas Comber and George Randoll whome I doe make Overseers of this my sayd last Will and Testament And yf any of my sayd daughters doe refuse to be ordered by my sayd Overseers Then my Will is that they shall forfeit and lose the third part of their portion to their other sisters Witnesses: John Aylwyn John Burtenshawe John Holden Proved 18 March 1597 Elizabeth Penfolde, Thomazine Woorger, Susanne Weller
A10 f252 MF 252
In the name of god amen The Fifteenth day of October in the yeare of our Lord 1599 I Stephen Baker of Hamsey in the Countye of Sussex yeoman beinge att this present tyme of good and perfect remembrance Thanks bee unto god therfore doe make and ordayne this my Last will and Testament in manner and forme Followinge And all other wills or Testaments here to fore by mee made or ordayned I doe utterlye renounce and by these presentes I doe frustrate and make them of none effecte And First and principallye I Comend my soule into the hands of god my Creator hopeinge assuredlye throught the onelye meritts of Jesus Christ my Redemer to have pardon of all my synnes And to bee made partaker of lyfe Everlastinge And I Comytt my bodye to the earth wherof yt was made to bee buryed in the Churchyard of the parish of Hamsey accordinge to the discretion of those unto whom yt shall belonge And for all my worldly goods I doe will and bequeath them in manner and forme Followinge videlicet Whereas John Pelland & Edward Pelland of Hamsey and Thomas Pelland theire father of Kingstone in the Countye of Sussex yeoman doe stand Joyntlye and severallye bound unto mee the said Stephen Baker my Executors Administrators or assignes in the some of Fortye Poundes for the true and inst payment of the some of Twentye Pounds of good and lawfull money of England in and upon the first day of January wch shall bee in the year of our Lord One Thowsand and sixe Hundred as by one obligation now in the Custodye of me the sayd Stephen Baker doth and maye appeare And alsoe that wheras the sayd John Pelland Edward Pelland and Thomas Pelland theire father doe in like manner stand Joyntlye and severallye bound unto mee the said Stephen Baker in the some of other Fortye pounds for the true payment of Twentye Pounds more unto me the said Stephen Baker my Executors Administrators or assignes in and upon the first day of January wch shall bee in the year of our Lord One Thowsand and sixe Hundred and One as by one obligation now in the Custodye of me the sayd Stephen Baker yt dothe and maye appeare I doe will and bequeath those Twoe Obligations above mencioned with all benyfitts and advantages
A11 f20v MF1292
In the name of god amen I Bettresse Hover widdowe of Woham in the parrishe of Hamsey and in the Countye of Sussex beinge sicke in bodye but of perfecte memorye (thancks bee unto god) doe make this my last will and Testament in forme followinge Firste I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almightye god my heavenlye Father in hope of salvation by the onlye meritts of Jesus Christe my lord and saviour And my bodye to the earthe from whence yt was taken in hope of resurrection unto Eternal lyfe by th epower of Jesus Christe Item I bequeathe all my goods moveables debts and money to bee (after my death) equallye devided to my three brothers Stephen Humfrey Henrye Humphrey and Thomas Humphrey out of whole parts I will my funerall equallye to bee performed and tenn shillinges to bee given to the poore of the parrishe of Hamsey In witnesse whereof I have sett my marke This Twentithe of November in the foure and Fortithe of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Elizabethe of England Fraunce and Ireland Queene &c 1601 I make my overseers to this my will and Testament John Hatch and William Carpenter Witnesses Samuell Norden Anne Norden Maryan Vallier William Carpenter Proved 28 November 1601 Stephen Humphrey, brother
A11 f102v MF 1292
JOHN PARRIS 1601 In the name of God amen the fourthe day of October in the Yeare of our Lord god one thousand five hundred Nyntye one I John Parris of the Parrishe of Hamsey in the Countye of Sussex and wthin the diocesse of Chichester beinge in healthe and in pfecte mamorye doe ordayne and make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme followinge First and principallye I bequeathe my soule unto god my onlye maker and redeemer and my bodye to bee buryed wthin the Churchyarde of my Parrsihe of Hamsey aforesayde Item my will and true meaninge ys that Parnell my wyfe shall have all the moveable goods that was agreed uppon before Mr Gardner which agreement was before the daye of our marryage soe that shee doe in like Case fulfill her promyse that was agreed uppon at that tyme That ys to saye that shee the said Parnell my wyfe doe truly and faythfullye put in sufficyent bonds to my daughter Elizabeth Parris to paye unto her duringe the lyfe of the sayd Parnell out of my lands Thirtye shillings by the yeare (that ys to say) at the foure usuall feastes by even porcons That ys at the feaste of the Nativitye of our Lord Called Christmas Seaven shillings sixpence and at the feaste of the Annunciacon of our blessed Ladye the Virgine seaven shillings six pence at the Feaste of Saint John Baptiste seven shillinges six pence and at the feaste of Saint Michaell the Archangell seven shillings six pence Yf the sayd Parnell my Wyfe doe refuse to paye unto my daughter Elizabeth the Thirtye shillings in manner and forme aforesayd Then I give and bequeathe all those Implements that was agreed uppon before Mr Gardner unto my daughter Elizabeth Parrys and all the residue of my goods and Cattells wthin the dores and without moveable and unmoveable whatsoever Item I ordayne and make Elizabeth Parris my daughter my whole Executresse of this my last Will and Testament Item I ordayne William Channtler to bee my overseers and hee to have his Chardges borne in all causes that hee shalbee at in any travell about this my last will by the hands of my Executres Witnesses: William Chauntler and John Farley Clarke Wrighter hereof Proved 27 February 1601 Elizabeth Parris, daughter
A11 f115v MF 1292
In the name of God Amen The second day of August in the yeere of our Lord God one Thowsand five hundred nynty seven I James Reynold of Woham in the parrishe of Hamsey in the County of Sussex Miller beinge sick in Bodye but of pfect remembrance ... doe make and ordeyne my last will and Testament in manner and forme following ... Item my will is that Agnes my wife shall have my wyndemill and the Acre & Roode of land whereon shee standeth duringe her life And that shee shal sufficiently repayre her when & as often as neede shall require And after her decease I will & bequeath the said wyndemill & & Acre & roode of Land unto William Reynold my sonne and to his heires for ever Item I give unto John Reynold my youngest sonne the some of three pounds six shillings eyght pence to bee payd wthin one yeere after the decease of Agnes my wife Item I give unto Mary Reynold my daughter Forty Shillings to bee payd wthin one whole yeere after the decease of my wife Item I give unto Elizabeth Reynold & Margaret Reynold two other of my daughters to eyther of them Forty shillings to bee payd unto eyther of them wthin one yeere after after the decease of my wife Item I give unto my daughter Joane the wife of Richard Winter Twenty shillings To bee payd wthin one yeere after the decease of my wife Item I give unto my daughter Agnes the wife of Richard Baker Twenty shillings To bee payd wthin one yeere after the decease of my wife Item my will is That yf any of my said Children shall dye before theire severall porcions shalbee due That then yt shalbee equally devided amongst soe many of my Children as shall then bee alive Item my will ys That yf William my sonne doe dye wthout heires of his Body lawfully begotten before Agnes my wife That then I doe give authoritie unto the Constable and Churchwardens of the parrishe of Hamsey That then shalbee at the tyme of the decease of Agnes my wife to sell my said wyndmill and Acre and Rodde of land accordinge to the value thereof and equally to devide yt amongst soe many of my Children as shalbee then livinge Item my will is that Agnes my wife shall have the use of all such goods and household stuffe as I now have duringe her life And after her decease I will all my said goods and household stuffe unto my sonne William Reignold whome I make my whole Executor of this my last will & Testament And I desire my Cozen John Reynold of Wartlinge Miller to bee my Overseer of this my last will and Testament to see that yt bee pformed & fulfilled according to the true intent and meaninge hereof In witnesse ... I the said Jame Reynold have hereunto set my hand and marke ... In the presence of ... Furthermore my will is That yf William Reynold my sonne shall refuse to execute and prove this my said Last will and Testament wthin one whole yeere after the decease of Agnes my wife That then I doe give full power and lawfull authoritie ... unto the said Constable and Churchwardens ... and to my said Overseers to sell … (etc) Witnesses George Randoll John Dobson Richard Winter Proved 13 J ... 1601 William Reynold, son
A10 f287 MF1291
In the name of god Amen the seventh day of June in the yeare of our Lord 1603 and in the Raigne ... (etc) ... I Thomas Cowlstocke late of the parrishe of Hamsey in the Countye of Sussex Yeoman beinge of perfect mynde & memorye thancke Almightye god therefore doe ordaine and make ... (etc) ... First I Comytt my soule ... (etc) ... And my bodye ... Churchyard of Hamsey ... Item I give to the poore people of Hamsey three shillings foure pence ... Item I give and bequeathe to Temperance Cowlstock my daughter Forty pounds to bee paid unto her at the age of eighteene yeres or day of her Marryage which shall first happen and yf it shall fortune the said Temperance to dye before her said legacye shalbee due and payable Then I will Twentye pounds of the said Fortye pounds unto Thomas Cowlstocke my sonne at his age of one & Twentye yeares And thother twentye pounds residue of the Fortye pounds unto William & Sampson Cowlstocke my sonnes equally to bee devided between them at their severall ages of one & Twenty yeares Item I give and bequeath to Ellinor Marye and Judithe my daughters each of them tenn pounds A peece to bee paid to them at their severall ages of sixteene yeares or dayes of their severall marryages whether shall first happen And if any of them dye before theire severall legacyes shalbee due or payable unto them Then I will the legacye & portion of her or them soe dyinge unto the survivor or survivors to bee paid at theire ages or maryages aforesayd Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Cowlstocke my sonne the some of tenn pounds to bee paid him wthin three yeres after the death of John Frynde thelder Item I give and bequeath unto John Cowlstocke my eldest sonne twelve pence All the rest of my goods and Chattells my debts and legacyes paid I whollye give & bequeath unto Joane my welbeloved wife whome I ordeyne and make my sole Executor of this my last will and testament and I desire my lovinge Frends Robert Hide of Seaford Clerke and John ?Cordford of Eastgrinsted my sonne in law to be overseers of the same ... (a clause in the event of his wife’s remarriage ... overseers to administer or see to the administration of children’s legacies ... household items willed to Temperance, and grandson ? Cordford)
A11 f204v MF 1292
In the name of God Amen I John Bokes of Hamsey in the County of Sussex Yeoman beinge in good and pfect health and remembrance Thancks bee therefore unto god Doe ordeyne and make my last will and Testament the three and Twentith day of December in the yeere of the Raigne of or Soveraigne Lord Kinge James by the grace of god of England France and Ireland defender of the fayth &c the Third and of Scotland the nine and Thirtith in manner & forme followinge First I give and bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almighty god hopinge assuredly to bee saved by the death of Jesus Christe his sonne I give to the poore people of Barkham where my desire is to bee buried the some of five shillings Item I give to Edward and William my sonnes five pounds A peece To bee payd wthin one yeere next after my decease Item I give to Joane Moore and Mary Aptott my daughters three pounds six shillings & eyght pence A peece To bee payd wthin one yeere next after my decease Item I give to Thomas Moore and William Marten my servants to each of them A payre of Sheets Item I give to John Apse my servant one sute of my worst apparrell The Residue of all my goods & Chattells I give & bequeath to Agnes my Wife whome I make Executrix of this my last will and Testament And I desire my Faythfull & trusty frends Francis Ersy of Radmell and Richard Addams of Iford to bee overseers of the same And I give unto them for their paynes three shillings foure pence A peece Witnesses Edward Tickeridge sen Richard Addams his marke & John Apse his marke Proved 24 February 1605/6 Agnes Bokes, widow
A12 f128 MF 1292
In the name of God amen ... 20 March 1603 ... Thomas Pelland of Hamsey ... sicke ... poor of Hamsey Tenn shillings ... Son Edward Pelland A great Chest & A Chayre wch was my fathers ... sister Newton widdowe of Lawrence Newton ... Tenne Shillings ... John Bartley my servant one Ewe sheepe ... daughter Joane wife of John Tichburne Clerck Twenty shillings ... And whereas I have heretofore given to the sayd John Tichburne the some of one Hundred Pounds for the advauncement of my sayd daughter in marriage unto him And have also promised That yf the sayd John Tichburne doe assure according as he hath promysed to my sayd daughter A Joynture of lands of the Clerely value of Thirty Pounds by the yeare besides all ?ropeises Or else A Yerely Rent or Annuity of thirty Pounds to bee yssuing or going out of good Freehold lands That then I would give unto the sayd John Titchburne One Hundred Pounds more ... uppon the Condicon aforesayd ... All the residue ... to Thomasine my beloved wife ... executrix ... sons John and Edward to be overseers ... And as touching ... lands Tenements etc ... sonne Thomas Pelland One messuage...& foure Acres...now in the occupacon of one ... Hose Batcher ... lying in Westham ... ..sonne Edward Pelland ... lands etc in occupacon of one ... Castreate called Codnor als Cotnore in Westham ... all rest of property to wife Thomasine Witnesses: Robert Carew John Wood John Awcock
Mem. that the legacy of the mannor of the Combe neere thend of this will (?to his wife) was willed by the Testator revoked And by him willed to bee stroken out And that the rest of the sayd will whould stand ... And hee willed further That such somes of money of the Children of Edward Pelland deceased as remayned in the hands of the Testator...should bee payd by his executrix ... Witnesses William Newton Harbert Springett ... Thomas Carew
A12 f70 MF 1292
In the name of God Amen The Eyghteenth day of January in the yeere of or Lord god accordinge to the Computacon of England one Thowsand six hundred and six (1606) And in the third yeere of the reigne of or soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god of England Fraunce and Irelad Kinge Defender of the fayth and of hys raigne of Scotland the eyght & Thirtith I John Stafford of the parrishe of Hamsey in the County of Sussex beinge sick in Body but of pfect remembrance thancks bee unto god doe make and ordeyne this my last will and Testament in manner & forme as hereafter followeth That ys to saye First I bequeath my Sowle unto Allmighty god my Creator and Redeemer And my Body unto the Earth whereof yt was made And my Lands and goods unto my wife and Children in such manner as hereafter shalbee expressed And first my will is that Joane my wife shall have all that my Tenement and freehold land in Ringmer and Wellingham for and duringe the terme of her naturalll life And after her decease my Will is that my said Tenement and freehold land shall remayne unto Richard Stafford my youngest sonne and to his heires for ever Item I will and bequeath unto Thomas Stafford my second sonne Forty Pounds of lawfull money of England To bee payd unto him by my Executor at his age of one & Twenty Yeeres Item I will and bequeath unto Elinor Stafford my eldest daughter Twenty pounds of like lawfull englishe money To bee payd her at the age of eyghteene yeeres Item I will and bequeath unto Mary Stafford my second daughter the like some of Twenty Pounds To bee payd unto her by my Executor when shee shall Come to the age of eyghteene yeeres Item I doe will and bequeath unto Joane Stafford my third daughter the like some of Twenty Pounds To bee payd unto her by my Executor when shee shall Come to the age of eyghteene yeeres Item I doe give unto Anne Stafford my youngest daughter the like some of Twenty Pounds To bee payd unto her when shee shall Come to the age of Eyghteene yeeres And my will is that ys Thomas my sonne shall decease before hee doe Come to the age of Twenty one yeeres or any of my daughters to dye before they shall accomplishe theire severall ages of eyghteene yeeres That then the porcon of him or them so deceased shall remayne to bee devided betweene all my Children that shalbee then survivinge Item I doe give unto John Stafford my eldest sonne one Joyned bedsteddle wth a fetherbed and A flockbed wth two bolsters one Pillowe two blancketss A Coverlett and Curtaynes as yt now standeth as I did usually lye in yt my selfe Item I doe give unto him three payre of Sheets one Table standinge in the Hall one Cubbord standinge in the Hall one great brasse pott foure pewter platters two pewter dishes one Joyned Chest standinge by my beddside Item I doe give unto Thomas my second sonne one Joyned bedsteddle wth A flockebed and A fetherbed two boulsters two blancketts one Coverlett foure payre of Shets one pillow one Chest standinge in the Chamber over the kitchen three pewter platters & three pewter dishes one brasse pott one brasse posnet one brasse Kettle Item I doe give unto Richard Stafford my youngest sonne all such goods as I have standinge in my howse at Wellingham and also three pewter platters three pewter dishes one latten Candlestick one Joyned bedsteddle one fetherbed one flockbed two boulsters two blancketts one pillowe and one Coverlett three payre of Sheets Item I doe give unto Elinor Stafford my eldest daughter one Trendle bedd wth A flockbed A boulster two blancketts one Coverlett one Pillowe foure payre of Sheets foure pewter Platters two pewter dishes one pewter Candlesticke Item I doe give unto Mary Stafford my daughter one Trendle Bedsteddle one flockbed one boulster one Pillow two blancketts one Coverlett foure payre of Sheets foure pewter dishes and foure pewter Platters and one pewter Candlestick Item I doe give and bequeath unto Joane Stafford and Anne Stafford my other two daughters unto eyther of them A Trendle bedsteddle Corded A flockbed A boulster A pillowe two blancketts A Coverlett foure payre of Sheets foure pewter dishes foure pewter Platters and one pewter Candlestick Moreover I give unto eyther of my said foure daughters A brasse Kettle Item I doe will and bequeath unto Joane my wife for and in Consideracon that shee shall stand Charged to bringe up my younger Children That shee shall have the use and profitt of all my lands untill John Stafford my eldest sonne shall Accomplishe the age of Twenty one yeeres paying unto my said sonne John for his mayntenance the some of five pounds yeerely untill he doe Come unto the said age of one & Twenty yeeres Item I doe give unto the poore of the parrishe of Hamsey Ten shillings to bee distributed at my buriall by the discrecon of some of my Overseers Item I doe give unto John Stafford my eldest sonne all such lands as I doe hould in the parrishe of Hamsey by lease for terme of yeeres yet to Come the profitts of wch lands my will is that Joane my wife shall enioye untill my said sonne John shall accomplishe the said age of one and Twenty yeeres and then to remayne unto my said sonne John and his heires duringe the terme of yeeres unexpired The residue of my goods and Cattell debts owinge mee and Chattells my debts beinge payd and this my present last will and Testament pformed I doe give and bequeath unto Joane my wife whome I doe make and ordeyne the Executor of this my present last will and Testament Provided allwayes That yf yt shall please god that the said Joane my wife shall dispose to Marry before the Legacyes in this my present will bee payd That then shee shall put in sufficient Bonds to the likinge of my Overseers hereafer named for the pformance of this my said will accordinge to the intent and true meaninge thereof but yf shee shall refuse to put in such Bonds unto my Overseers That then my said sonne John shall bee my Executor and shall execute this my said will and Testament accordingly as is before mencioned And moreover shall give unto the said Joane my wife for her porcon and towards the bringing up of my said younger Children the some of Twenty Pounds And I doe nominate and appoynte my trusty and Welbeloved frends Stephen Cooper and Richard Cooper of Keymer my brothers in lawe and Robert Coulstocke of Hamsey and William Berry of Barkham to bee my Overseers whoe I doe desire see this my present last will & Testament pformed in every poynte accordinge to the true intent and meaning hereof ... Witnesses: George Randoll Thomas Hardinge Robert Coulstock William Berry Proved 1 March 1605/6 Joan Stafford, widow
A12 f130 MF 1292
In the Name of God amen I William Ginner being weake of bodye but of good and perfect memorye doe make and Constitute my last will and Testament in manner followinge Inprimis I comend my Soule etc ... my bodye to bee buried in the Churchyarde ... of Hamsey ... Item I bequeath to John Hesman my brother fifteene pounds Item I bequeath to Anne Scrace daughter of Richard Scrace my brother five pounds Item to Joane Picknoll my sister Picknolls daughter five pounds Item my will ys that all such sheepe as I am now possessed of shalbee equally devided between my three brothers Thomas Ginner Richard Scrace and John Hesman my former legacyes and debts beinge dischardged firste Item I bequeathe the bigger of my twoe kyne to my brother Thomas Ginner and the other lesser to my brother John Hesman Item I bequeath to my twoe godsonns Thomas Collyns and William Ballard foure shillings that ys to say to either of them twoe shillings and to William Newe my godsonne twoe shillings Item I bequeath to my brother Richard Scrace aforesaid my twoe sheates and one halfe of the Corne in my barne and one halfe of my haye the other half of my Corne and haye I give to my brother John Hesman aforesaid Item further I give to him all such howshold stuffe as I have onlye one brasse pott excepted wch I bequeath to my brother Thomas Ginner Item my will ys that such wooll as I have bee equally devided betweene my three brethren aforesaid Thomas ginner Richard Scrace and John Hesman Item all the rest of my goods and Chattells I bequeathe to my brother Thomas Ginner whome I make my sole Executor of this my last will and Testament Item I make Edward Wood Minister of Hamsey and Thomas Collens the Overseers ... Tenth of October 1607 ... witnesses Edward Wood Thomas Collens his marke Proved 31 October 1607 Thomas Ginner, brother
A12 239 MF1292
In the name of god Amen I John Denham of Hamsey beinge sicke and weake of bodye but yet of good and perfect memorie ... doe here make and ordaine my last Will and Testament in manner and forme followinge Inprimis I Committ and Commende my soule ... and my body ... in the Churchyard of the parishe of Hamsey ... I give and devise to Edward Woode and Robert Cowlstocke of Hamsey and to John Drapier of Wogham and to their heires my howse wherein I now dwell lyinge in Hamsey together wth that acre of grounde more or lesse whereon my howse standeth and lyinge about the same the said howse and lande to be sold by the said Edward Roberte and John to the best advantage for the behalfe and benefitt of my wife and Children and my sonne Johns Childe for that monye for wch my howse and lande shall be solde my will is that yt shalbe thus disposed One Thirde parte thereof I will shalbe given to my wife Annis Provided that she give over her Thirds and all clayme and Challenge she can make to myhowse and lande An other thirde parte I will to my sonne Jeames to be lefte in the hands of the foresaid Edward Roberte and John to be imployed by them for the bringing upp and benefitt of my said sonne I will the other thirde parte of the foresaid some to be equally devided betweene my daughter Martha and Elizabeth the daughter of my sonne John deceased the said moytie of the said Thirde parte to be paide to Elizabeth my sonnes daughter eyther at the age of eighteene yeares or at the day of her mariage wchever of them shall happen first in the mean time the said sume to rest in the hands of my Overseers and to be ymployed by them towards the bringing upp of the said Elizabeth If the said Elizabeth shall chaunce to dye before the time above named I will that her portion shalbe devided equallie betweene my sonne and my daughter further my will is that yf my wife Annis refuse to give over that right wch she maye challenge by her Thirds in myhowse and lands That then the other two partes and the reversion of her Thirds wch I give and devise to my Overseers Edward Roberte and John and their heires shall bee solde by them and one halfe of That money to Rest in the hands of the said Overseers and to bee ymployed by them for the bringing upp and for the benefitt of my sonne James the other halfe tobee equallie devided betweene my daughter Martha abovesaid and my sonnes daughter Elizabeth to bee paide to the said Elizabeth at the time abovenamed and in the meane time to be ymployed to her use in manner as is abovewritten Item I give to my daughter Martha my Cubbard standinge in a lower Roome one Bedstedle in the Chamber over the halle a Bolster a blanckett and a paire of sheets The Rest of my moveable goods I give to my wife Annis whom I make the sole Executor of this my last will and Testament And I desire and appoynte the foresaid Edward Wood Roberts Cowlstocke and John Drapier to be Overseers ... fifteenth daye of March 1609 ... witnesses Thomas Woddy Thomazino Gibbes her marke Proved 28 April 1610 Agnes Denham, widow
A13 f22v MF1293
In the name of God Amen The Nineteenth daye of Julie in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand six hundred and Nyne and in the yeres of the Raigne of our soveraigne Lorde Kinge James of England Fraunce and Ireland the Seaventh and of Scotland the two and Forteth I Willm Lullham of Hamsey in the Countie of Sussex Tanner beinge of good and pfect remembrannce thanks bee to almighty god and feelinge myself not to bee in pfect bodilie health callinge to mynde the suddene Change of this transitorie life beinge most assured of death and yet uncertaine of the instant time therof That earthlie causes maybe setled and heavenlie thoughts may bee more vigilantlie embraced have thought good to declare my last will and Testament wch I Ordaine and make as followeth First I bequeath my soule unto Allmightie God by whose death and passion I hope to enioye in thelife to come the everlastinge Joye and happines prepared for the elect in the kingdome of heaven And my body I committ to the earth to be buried by the discretion of myne Executors Item I geve to the pore of the Parishes of Hamsey and Barcombe the some of Tenn pounds of lawfull money To bee paide unto them by Twenty shillings a yere untill the same bee fullie paide Item I give to everie of my godchildren five shillings apeece Item I geve to Katherine my loving wife one yearlie Rent of Eleven pounds To be yssuinge and goinge out of all my Lands and Tenements in Fletchinge To have holde and enioye the same during her naturall life To be paide at the Feasts of St Michaell Tharchangell the birth of our Lord God The Annunciacon of our blessed Lady St Mary the Virgin and the Nativitie of St John the Baptiste by even and equal porcons The firste payment thereof to begin At that feaste of the feasts aforesaid that shall first and next happen after my decease wch said Yearlie Rents of Eleven pounds I give my said wife in satisfacton and recompence of and for her Dower and thirds of in and to the said lands and Tenements And I will that it shalbee lawfull for my said wife and her assigns as often as yt shall happen the said Annuitie or Yearlie Rent to be behinde unpaide by the sapce of seaven dayes next after any of the said feastes Into the same lands and Tenements to enter and there to discreine for the said Rent and the discrette and discrettes there so had and taken lawfully to deteine and keepe untill the said Yearlie Rent and all the arreages thereof yft any happen to be Bee unto her the said Katherine or her assignes fullie satisfied and paide Item I geve to the said Katherine my wife one other Yearlie Rents Chardge of Nyne pounds of lawfull money To be yssuinge and goinge out of all my lands and Tenements in Hamsey To have holde preise and enioye the same duringe her naturall life To be paide in such manner and forme as is before appoynted for the payment of the said yearlie Rent of Eleven pounds unto my said wife in full satisfacion and recompence of and for her dower and thirds of and in all my Lands and Tenements in Hamsey aforesaid And I will that yt shalbe lawfull for her to enter into the same Lands and Tenements in hamsey aforesaid to discreine for the said Rent of Nyne pounds as often as yt shalbee behinde unpaide And I give unto my said wife the moytie and one halfe of all my howshold stuffe uppon that Condicion that she shall uppon reasonable requeste after my decease make a sufficient release of all her dower and Thirds of and in all such lands and Tenements as I the said William Lulham late solde to Thomas Stidol And the other halfe I will shalbe sold by myne Executors and the money therof to be disposed by myne Executors for the payment of my debts and use and benefitt of my Children by such porcions as shall seeme best to the discretion of myne Executors Item I give to William Lulham my eldest sonne All that my Tenemente at Cooksbridge And all other my Lands Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever in the pishe of Hamsey aforesaid the said William Lulham my sonne his heires and assignes for ever And also I give him all my Tanvates and all other my tooles instruments and utensills belonging to my trade Item I geve and bequeath to Thomas Lulham my youngest sonne and his heires for ever One Annuitie or Yearlie Rent of Twentie marks of lawfull moneye To be Yssuinge out of all my Lands and Tenements in Fletchinge by what name or names soever the same bee called or knowen To bee aide to him at the Feasts of St Michaell Tharchangell the Birth of our Lord God The Annunciacon of the blessed Virgin St Mary and the Nativitie of St John the Baptiste by even and equall porcions The first payment thereof to begin At that feaste of the feasts aforesaid that shall first and next happen after the said Thomas shall accomplishe his full age of One and Twenty Yeares and not before And that yt shalbe lawfull for my said sonne Thomas and his heires to distreine for the said yearlie Rent as often as the same shalbe behinde unpaide Provided allwaies and my will and meaninge is That yf anye the Coppieholde landes or Tenements late Roberte Smithes my wifes brother shall by surrender descent or otherwise descende or come into possession to the said Thomas my sonne That then the said Annuitie or Yearlie Rent of Twentie marks shall cease end and determine Item I give and bequeath to Robert my second sonne all and singular my said lands Tenements and Hereditaments in Flecthinge aforesaid by what name or names soever the same bee called or knowen To have and to hold to him the said Roberte his heires and assignes for ever I give to Katherine my daughter the some of One Hundred and Fiftie pounds To be paide unto her at the age of One and Twentie Yeares or daye of her mariage wch shall first happen And yf shee happen to dye before she shall accomplishe the said age of One and Twentie Yeares or happen to bee maried Then I will the said One Hundred and Fiftie pounds shalbe and remaine to the Residue of my Children survivinge To be distributed and devided amongst them by such porcions as yt shall seeme good to myne Executors in their good discretion Item I doe ordaine and make my lovinge freinds William Newton of Barccombe gent William Foster of Lewes and Richard Snatt of Uckfeild and my brother Richard Lulham the only Executors of this my last will and Testament And I give to my said Executors full power and authoritie to lett sett and dispose All my Lands and Tenements in Hamsey untill my said Sonne William shall accomplishe his full age of One and Twentie Yeares And likewise to lett sett and dispose All my Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in Fletchinge untill my sonne Roberte shall accomplishe his full age of One and Twentie Yeares And the Rents proffits yssues and revenues of all my said Lands and Tenements duringe the severall tymes aforesaid to receipe and take To the ende intent and purpose that my said Executors shall paye and allowe to my wife such reasonable porcions and sumes of money by the Yeare towards the education and bringinge upp of my said Children as shalbe thought fitt by their discrecion And the Residue of the yssues Rents and profitts thereof to Yealde and paye unto my Children as they shall accomplish their severall ages of One and Twentie Yeares by such porcions as to myne Executors shall seeme good And wheras I have sold to Mr Crowe Esquire two hundred Cords of wood and he hath fullie paide for the same I will that myne Executors shall fell or cause to be felled the said Woods in and uppon my lands in Fletchinge and the same satisfie and deliver to the said Mr Crowe accordinge to my bargaine aforesaid And moreover I will myne Executors shall cutt downe uppon the same my Lands in Fletchinge One hundred Cord of Woode more yf yt be there to be felled To be ymployed by them towards the payment of my debts and pformance of this my last will And Lastlie for a further Testimony of my love and affection to my said Executors I give to myne Executors five angells a peece to make them Rings withall Item I geve to my brother Thomas Lulham sixe pounds thirteene shillings and foure pence To bee paide him wthin two Yeares after my decease Item I geve to William Markewicke one Angell of gold to make him a Ringe Item I give to everie of the Children of my brothers Edward and Richard Lulham Fortie shillings a peece of lawfull monye To bee paide them at their severall ages of One and Twentie Yeares or dayes of mariage wch shall first happen Item I geve to the Children of my brother John Lulham fortie shillings a peece To bee paide them at their severall ages of One and Twentie Yeares or dayes of mariage wch shall first happen And I do ordaine and make Thomas Alchin my father in lawe overseer of this my last will and I give him for his paines to see the same trulie done Fiftie shillings of monye In Witnes whereof I have to this my last will sett my hande and seale the daye and yeares above said These beinge Witnesses Samuell Norden John Auscen John Fenner his marke John Mathewe Richard Crane Edward Tuele Richard Newman Thomas Hardinge—Willm Lulham his marke Proved 17 April 1610 William Newton, William Foster & Richard Lulham
A13 f12v MF 1293
In the name of god amen I Dru Jenner of Hamsey in the County of Sussex husbandman beinge weake in body but ... to be buryed in the Churchyard of Hamsey ... Inprimis I give to my brother Francis Jenner Fifty pounds ... To be payd to him wthin foure yeares next after my decease That is to saye Thirteene pounds wthin every one of the first three yeares and eleven pounds wthin the fourth and last yeare Item I give to my sister Ockenden her daughters that is to saye Ellenor Crawford Mary and Margaret Ockendon Twenty pounds to be equally devided betweene them that is to saye to eyther of them Twenty nobles To be payde at theire daye of marriage or at the Age of eighteene Yeares whethersoever of those two tymes shall happen first Item I give unto Drue Jenner my god sonne and sonne of Henry Jenner my brother five pounds To be payde to him at the Age of One and Twenty yeares Item I give to the poore of the parishes of Hamsey and Linvill Twenty shillings that is to saye to eyther of them Ten shillings To be distributed accordinge to the discretion of my Overseers Item the Rest of my goods unbequeathed my debts Legacyes and funerall dischardged I give to my brother George Jenner whom I make and ordayen the sole Executor...Item I request and appoynte John Ockenden of Ringmer my brother and Edward Wood my Paster to be Overseers ... In wittnes ... Nyne and Twentith daye of August 1609 ... Edward Wood Samuel Norden Edward Austen Proved 2 November 1611 George Jenner, brother
A13 f17 MF 1293
In the name of God amen the sixt day of Aprill in the yere of our Lord God according to the Computacon of the Church of England 1612 I John Younge of Hamsey beinge sicke in bodye but in good and perfect remembrance thancks bee unto god doe make and ordeyne this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme as hereafter followeth And firste I doe bequeath my soule unto Almighty god my Creator Saviour and Redeemer hoping by the merytts and sufferings of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have free pardon and remission of all my synnes And I Comytt my bodye unto the earth to bee buryed in the Churchyarde of the parrishe of Hamsey at the discretion of my Executor and I doe make and appoynte my wellbeloved brother William Younge of Hamsey aforesaid myne Executor of all my Worldly goods and Catells whome I doe desire to pforme and pay all these gyfts and legacyes by mee given and in this my present will mencioned and expressed Firste I doe give unto the poore people of the parrish of Hamsey Fortye shillings to bee distributed by Mtres Norden the next Sabbath day that shall ymmediatelye happen after my buryall Item I doe give unto my brothers eldest daughter Joane Younge A Cowe that ys nowe in the keeping of Richard Verrall and Fortye shillings in money to bee paid wthin one yere after my decease Item I doe give unto John Pyper and Nicholas Wren my godchildren unto either of them Tenn shillings to bee delivered unto Mtres Norden wthin one yere of my decease unto theire uses Item I doe give and bequeath unto John Younge Elizabeth Younge and William Younge the Children of my brother unto either of them twenty shillings to be paid unto either of them wthin one yere after my decease Item I doe give unto the said William my little chest and my biggest Chest unto the above named Joane Younge Item I doe give unto John Wren of Cleyton five shillings The rest of my Worldlye goods unbequeathed my debts being paid my legacyes perfomed and my funerall expences dischardged I doe give and bequeath unto the said William Younge my brother whome I doe make and appoynte myne Executor of this my present will and I doe desyre my welbeloved frends George Randoll and Richard Newman of Hamsey to bee overseers of this my present will & Testament Witnesses George Randoll & Richard Newman Proved 5 May 1612 Willliam Younge, brother
A20 f194v MF1295
In the name of God amen ... 22 January 1605 I John Burtenshawe of the parrishe of Hamsey ... yeoman ... being sicke ... to bee buryed in the Churchyarde of Hamsey ... to the poore of Hamsey Twenty shillings ... I give unto William Burtenshawe my sonne all my freehold land lying in the parrish of Cuckfield wch I lately bought of Thomas Comber of Allington as appeareth by A deed Called by the name of ?Seameads to him and his heires for ever uppon Condicon That hee ... shall not molest or trouble my Executor ... hereafter named for any rents or arreages of rents due uppon an accompt hereafter to bee claymed for and as Concerninge A peece of Coppyholde land wch hee hath alreadye by Surrender nor shall take any proffyt thereof till his age of one and twenty yeres and then shall make my said Executors sufficient dischardge for any rent or arreages ... Alsoe wheras I did give to John Burtenshawe my eldest sonne the sume of twenty pounds he hath receaved three pounds in place of the said Twentye pounds and alsoe a Cowe at Forty shillings The residue to bee paid wthin one yere after my decease Item I give unto Thomas Burtenshawe my sonne Tenn pounds to bee paid wthin one yere after my decease Item I give unto Margery Backshell my daughter Thirtye pounds to bee paid wthin three monthes after my decease Item I give unto William Pepps six Children six shillings eight pence A peece to bee paid them wthin one yere after my decease Item I give unto James Hutchins foure CHildren six shillings eight pence A peece to bee paid in like manner Item I give unto Richard Burtenshawe my brothers sonne Twentye shillings to bee paid wthin one yere after my decease Item I give unto Mary Carter my servant Twentye shillings to bee paid unto her at her age of Eighteene yeres All the rest of my goods and Chattells moveable and unmoveable my debts and legacyes paid and this my will performed I give and bequeath unto Parnell my wife and to Edward Burtenshawe my sonne ... sole and ioynt Executors ... I doe appoynt Roger Holden of Henefield and William Pepp of Eastbourne to be my overseers ... Twentye shillings A peece for their paynes Witnesses: Roger Holden William Pepp Thomas Holden Proved 27 July 1613 Parnell Burtenshaw, widow, Edward Burtenshaw, son
A14 f117 MF1293
In the name of God amen (nuncupative) Bettris Hobby of Hamsey ... spinster ... being weake and sick ... 4/5 June 1613 First shee did will all her apparrell to bee given and distributed to and amongst the poore people of that parrish ... also foure shilings ... Item she willed and bequethed unto Alice Cowlstocke her master Robert Cowlstockes daughter the some of five pounds wch was owing unto her by the right Worshipfull Mistres Fraunces Shurley wife of Mister John Shurley Sargiant at lawe The residue of all ... shee gave willed and bequeathed unto the said Robert Cowlstocke whome shee said shee had alwayes found Carefull of her and shee appoynted the same Robert Cowlstocke to be Executor Witnesses: Edward Wood John Draper John Hother Proved 15 September 1613 Robert Cowlstocke
A14 f130 MF1293
In the name of God amen ... 31 May 1614 I Susan Hardinge of Hamsey ... widowe being weake and sicke Item I doe give to the poore ... Twenty shillings Item I doe give and bequeath unto Susan Longley my eldest daughter Thirteene pounds six shillings Eight pence Item I doe give and bequeath unto Mary Longlye my seconde daughter Thirteene pounds six shillings Eight pence Item I doe likewise give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Longlye my other daughter Thirteene pounds six shillings Eight pence Item I doe give and bequeath unto Nicholas Longly my eldest sonne Twenty shillings Item I doe give and bequeath unto Thomas Longlye my first husbands sonne five shillings Item I doe give likewise unto my sayd daughter Susan one Featherbed that I doe nowe lye uppon wth A flockbed in the same Chamber wth the bedsteddle and Coverlett blancketts bolsters and pillowes and all other things to the sayd bedd now used and belonginge Item I doe give likewise unto my sayd daughter Mary one bedsteddle one featherbed one flockbed three blancketts bolsters one Coverlett three blancketts one pillowe now used and belonginge wch bedds the sayd Mary now usually lieth uppon Item I doe give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my sayd daughter one featherbed one flockebed twoe bolsters one Coverlett being the best I have three blancketts one table in the hall and the carpett formes and frame belonging unto him and also one Cupboard standing in the sayd hall wth A newe Chayre in the Chamber that now I lye in Item my mynde and will ys that all my lynnen All my brasse and pewter and all my iron howsholde stuffe and vessell and also all my woodden vessle and Chests shalbee equally devided betweene my sayd three daughters by the discretion of my Overseers But my mynde and will ys to except and give unto Thomas Longly my youngest sonne one furnace one iron plate in the kitchen one great brewing tubb one vault to water malt one great iron spitt one great Chest in the Chamber over the hall one great Chayre in the hall one ioyned table wth A frame in the Chamber over the sayd hall one table in the milkehowse wth A powdering trough there wth all the benches and shelves now standing and beinge in the said howse All the rest of my goods and Chattles not before given nor bequeathed my debts being payd and Legacyes performed I give and bequeath to the sayd Thomas Longlye my youngest sonne whom I doe make and ordayne my whole Executor of this my last will and Testament And I doe desire and intreate my trustye and well beloved friends and brother John Saxpes of Horcombe Roger Comber and Robert Cowlstocke to bee Overseers of this my sayd will and Testament whom I desire to see this my will performed ... In the presence of us Roger Comber Robert Coulstocke and Samuel Draper Proved 29 July 1614 Thomas Longly, son
A14 f255 MF1293
In the name of God Amen (nuncupative) Robert Marcks of ... Hamsey ... husbandman ... weake and sicke ... 1 September 1614 ... Left all to brother William Marcks, sole executor ... witnesses Richard and Elizabeth Scrace Proved 15 September 1614 William Marcks, brother
A14 f162v MF1293
ANNE NORDEN 1616 In the name of God Amen ... 22 November 1616 I Anne Norden of Hamsey Widowe of Samuell Norden of Hamsey late deceased being sicke and weake … to bee buryed in the Churchyard of the parrishe Churche of Hamsey neere the Chancell Head of the sayd Church and as neere the place where the body of my beloved husband Samuell Norden was layd as may bee Convenyently ... Inprimis I give to the poore ... twelve Pence to every one of them Item I give to Mres Vinall of Arlington Tenn shillings Item to Mres Bingham of Chiddinglye the like summe of Ten shillings Item I give to my daughter Norden my best gowne save one And Also my best Kirtle save one To my sonne Thomas Norden of London I give a dosen of napkins one table Clothe together wth one Towell And to my sonne Beniamyne Norden I give two payre of sheets one payre of pillow beeres one dosen of napkins And A towell Further my will is that wheras my sonne Samuell Norden hath enterred into a Bonde of foure scoare Punds for the payment of forty Pounds unto my sonne Edward Woode towards the discharge of such legacyes wch I shall give and bequeathe by my last will and Testament my will sayes that yf my sonne Samuell shall pay unto my sonne Wood the sayd somme of Forty Pounds according to the tenure and effect of the sayd Bonde that then the sayd Some bee thus disposed Tenn Pounds of the sayd money I give to my daughter Woods foure Children Samuell John Edward and Anne to bee equally devided betweene them To bee payd to then Further to theire use wthin three yeares after my decease That is to saye to either of them fyfty shillings to bee employed to theire uses till the three boyes shall atteyne the age of twenty one yeares And till Anne Wood shall atteyne to the age of eighteene yeares And then when they accomplishe those severall ages my will is that the sayd summes wth the benefit that shall aryse thereof be payd to every one of them Item I give to my sonne Nathaniell Norden of the sayd some tenn Pounds more And to Thomas Norden the like sume of Tenn Pounds And to Beniamin Norden Tenn Pounds the sayd summes to be payd to Nathaniell and Thomas wthin three yeares after my decease And to Beniamin wthin five yeares after my decease The rest of my goods unbequeathed I give unto my daughter Wood whome I make the Sole Executor of this my last will and Testament ... (clauses of redistribution in cases of premature deaths of legatees) Witnesses: Edward Woode Edward Reade John Draper Proved 17 March 1616/17 Anne Wood, daughter
A15 f219v MF1293
In the name of God Amen I Richard Scrace of Hamsey in the County of Sussex husbandman being weake in body yet of good and perfect memory thanks bee given to Almighty God for the same doe make and ordayen this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following First of all I Committ my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my most mercifull Creator and Redeemer and my body tobee buryed in the Churchyard of Hamsey for the porcon of worldly goods wch yt hath pleased God to bestowe uppon mee in this world I doe thus bequeath and dispose the same Inprimis I give unto my sonne Thomas Longley the some of Sixteene pounds uppon Condition that hee doth sett my daughter into possession of A Coppiehold of his Called Paynes that shee may quietly enioye the same for her life tyme after his decease And my Will ys that this money bee payd unto him at the tyme of her Admission into that lande Item I give unto my sonne William the some of Forty five pounds To bee payd unto him at the age of One and Twenty Yeares And in the meane tyme my Will ys that there bee payd yearely unto him for his maintenance thirty shillings by the yeare till hee shall accomplishe the age of One and Twenty Yeares The Rest of my Goods unbequeathed I give to my beloved wife Elizabeth Scrace whom I make the Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament Provided that shee doe enter into A Bond of One hundred pounds to my Overseers wthin two moneths after my decease for the payment of my debts Legacies and dischardge of my Will in every poynte The Overseers of this my last will I nominate Edward Wood the Minister of our parrishe and Edward Reade my neighbour and my Cosen Thomas Hawkins etc etc the Twenty eighth daye of Aprill Anno Dmi 1616 etc witnesses Henry Hawkins his marke John Wood his marke Robert Coalstocke Proved 2 June 1617 Elizabeth Scrace, widow
A15 f147 MF1293
In the name of God Amen I John Stafford of Hamsey in the County of Sussex Yeoman being verye sicke but of perfect remembrance thanks bee given to God my Creator and Redeemer doe ordayne and make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following First I bequeath my Soule to God my Creator and Redeemer and my body to bee buryed in Christian buryall at the discretion of mu Executrix Item I give to John Stafford my eldest sonne All that parcell of lande Called the Winter lande and the Werd lande Item I give to Edward Stafford my younger sonne All that parcell of lande Called the Sliters lande and the Hame land Item I give unto Elizabeth Stafford my daughter the some of Thirty pounds of good and lawfull money of England To bee payd unto her at the age of sixteene yeares Item my Will ys that yf my eldest sonne shall not suffer his younger brother to inioye the foresayd peece of lande Called Sliters and the Hame lande wholye and intirely according to the true intent and meaninge of this my Will Then I saye my WIll ys that my younger sonne shall inioye after my decease over and above that wch ys alreadye given him by this my Will A feilde Called the Maple warde belonging to Winter lande and before given and bequeathed to my eldest sonne Item I give to my eldest sonne these ymplements of howshold stuffe vizt A furnace wth the feather bed one bedsteddle standinge in the Chamber over the kitchen together wth the featherbed one bolster one payre of pillowes one payre of blancketts and A Coveringe and five Curtaynes wth the Rods as the sayd bedsteddle ys now furnished and also the greatest brasse pott that I have The Rest of my goods unbequeathed I give to my beloved wife Jane whom I make the sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament shee dischardging my debts Legacyes and funerall accordinge to the true intent and meaninge of this my last WIll and Testament Item I nominate for the Overseers of this my Will Robert Rogers of Godstoane in Surrey my wives father and Edward Wood of Hamsey the Minister of our parrishe In Wittnes whereof I have sett my hande and Seale to this present writinge this fifteenth daye of August Anno Dmi 1616—John Stafford— Wittnesses at the making of this Will Edward Wood John Comber John Munger his marke John M...his marke Memorandum that the sayd Testator John Stafford at the tyme and place and in the presence of the abovewritten Wittnesses did will that duringe the minority of his youngest sonne Edward Stafford his sayd Executrix Jane Stafford should take and receave all and singuler the Rents and profitts growinge and rene.ainge out of all the lands given and bequeathed unto the sayd Edward his youngest sonne for and toward the maintenaunce and bringinge upp of his the sayd Testators Children wch Clause by error of the Writers of his sayd Will was omitted and not written in the sayd Will accordinge to the sayd Testators mynde Proved 7 September 1617 Jane Stafford, widow
A15 f164 1293
In the name of God Amen I John Verroll of Hamsey on the County of Sussex Husbandman being sicke ... I give and bequeathe to Francis my sonne the some fo twelve pence of lawfull money of England And to Catherin my daughter the some of twenty shillings ... And to Mary one other of my daughters the somme of twelve pence ... All the residue ... I give and bequeath to Mary my wyfe and Richard my sonne whome I make Executors ... In witness ... the seaventy day of January in the fyfteenth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King James ... Tuppin Scrase George Read his marke Nicholas Lee Proved 28 February 1617 Richard Verroll son, Mary widow A16 f119 MF1294
In the name of God Amen May 1619 John Hother of Hamsey being sicke ... did make his last will and Testament nuncupative ... Item hee did give his goods Cattalls and debts and his howse and Land to Ursula his wife during her naturall life And after her decease to Ursula his daughter And he did make Ursula his wife his sole Executrix Witnesses: Alice wife of Thomas Wickersham Edward Reade and others Proved 22 June 1619 Ursula Hother widow
A17 f18 MF1294
Memorandum That the one and Thirtith day of January or thereabout Anno Dmi 1620 Joane Renne widdowe ... being sicke Itm shee did give to Thomas Hives her sonne of the parrish of Radmell her houshold and all that shee had And she willed that thereof the said Thomas should pay to Richard Renne her sonne Fifty shillings in money And shee did make the said Thomas Hives her sole Executor ... Witnesses Henry Hawkins Mascall Gyles Proved 14 February 1620 Thomas Hives
A17 f141 MF1294
In the name of God Amen I Elisabeth Scrase of the parrish of Hamsey in the County of Sussex Widdow being sicke and weake of Body yet of good and pfect memory thancks bee given to Almighty God for the same doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following First of all I Comitt my soule into the hands of Almighty God my most mercifull Creator and Redeemer And my Body to bee buried in the Churchyard of Hamsey as neere to the place where the Body of my husband Richard Scrase lately deceased doth lye as Conveniently may bee For that small portion of goods wch God hath given mee in this world I doe thus bequeath and dispose the same Inprimis I give to my daughters young daughter Tomeson Longley the some of Eleven pounds to bee put into the hands of Edward Wood of Hamsey and Edward Reade of the same parrish to bee imployed by them for the use and benefitt of the said Tomeson till shee Come to the age of Twenty and one yeares or at the tyme of her marriage wch shall Chance to happen first Then my Will is that the said money bee paid to her together wth the increase and benefitt tha may arise from the same Item I give unto my sonne William Scrase eight pounds to bee Committed into the hands of my good frends before named Edward Wood and Edward Reade to bee ymployed by them for his benefitt till hee Come to the age of one and Twenty yeares and then to bee paid to my sonne Richard (sic) together wth the benefitt of the same Item I give unto my sonne Thomas Longley whome I make the Sole Executor of this my Will the some of Twenty shillings for the discharge of my funerall expenses and other Duties for the proving of this my Will or any other the like necessary Charges Concerning mee Item I request and appoint the forenamed Edward Wood and Edward Reade to bee the Overseers of this my last Will to whome also I give full power and Authority to Call for and to receave the foresaid somes of Eleven and Eight pounds out of the hands of those that are indebted unto mee and owe mee the said moneys to be ymployed to the severall uses aforesaid etc etc the Tenth day of February in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand six hundred and seventeene etc etc witnessed by William Young the elder his marke Richard Hider his marke Proved 11 August 1621 Thomas Longley
A18 f17 MF1294
Memorandum That John Amoore of Hamsey ... yeoman being sicke ... did uppon 12 May 1622 make and declare his last Will and Testament nuncupatively ... Hee gave and bequeathed to Thomas Hawkins his sonne in lawe Ten shillings Item to the poor of Hamsey Ten shillings Likewise to the poore of Westmiston Ten shillings Item to Thomas Amoore his youngest sonne the Coppihold at Westmiston paying his wife Fifteene pounds A yeare during her life And hee did further give the one Moity of his houshold stuffe to his wife and to his sonne Thomas The other Moity to his sonne John ... all the rest to his sonne John and his sonne Thomas to bee equally devided ... whome hee made Executors ... Witnesses Edward Alford Edward Wood Thomas Hawkins marke ... John Amoore Thomas Amoore Thomas Floid Proved 28 June 1622 John & Thomas Amoore, sons
A18 f58v MF1294
In the name of God Amen The five and Twentith day of November Anno Dmi 1622 And in the yeares of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord king James of England France and Ireland the Twentith and of Scotland the six and fiffity I John Draper of Hamsey in the County of Sussex yeoman being of pfect mynde and memory thancks bee given to Almighty God therefore doe make and declare this my last Will and Testament in wrighting in manner and forme following First I Comitt my soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator who I am assured for his deere sonnes sake Jesus Christ my Redeemer will assist and strengthen mee atthe houre of death wth his holy Spirit the Comforter Item I will my Body to bee buried in such decent manner as to Alice my loving wife and the Executour of this my last Will shall seeme best Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Joseph Draper the some of Twenty pounds of lawvull English money to bee paid unto him at the age of six and Twenty yeares In the meane season the lawfull profitt that may be raised thereby to bee paid yearely unto him by my Executour towards his yearely maintenance Item I give unto my daughter Anne Draper the some of fourescore pounds of lawfull English money to bee paid unto her at her day of marriage or age of eighteene yeares wch shall first happen together wth A silver Bowle having her name uppon it and foure silver spoones given to her by her Witnesses And if either my sonne Joseph or daughter Anne or both of them shall happen to dye before theire said severall portions to them devised shalbe become due and payable to them or either of them Then I will the portion of him her or them dying to thee Residue of my CHhldren wch shall survive equally to bee devided amongst them Item I will and bequeath unto my said sonne Joseph Draper one Annuity or Yearely Rent of Five pounds of lawfull english money to bee yssuing & going out of all my lands Tenements and hereditaments wth the appurtenances scituate lying and being in the parrishes of Chailey and Westmeston or either of them in the said County of Sussex To have hold reseave and take the said Annuity or yearely Rent of Five pounds to the said Joseph Draper his Executors and Assignes ymmediately from and after my decease for & during the Terme of Ten yeares fully to be COmpleat To bee yearely paid at two Feasts or Termes in the yeare That is to say The feast of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin St Mary and St Michaell the Archangell by equall portions The First Feast or day of payment thereof to bee at the first of the said Feats wch shall first happen next after my decease And yf it shall happen the said Annuity or yearely Rent of Five pounds to bee behinde and unpaid in parte or in all by the space of Ten dayes after any of the said feasts That then and at all Tymes after it shall and may bee lawfull to & for the said Joseph his Executors and Assignes into all or any of the premisses to enter and distreyne and the distresse and distresses there taken to deteyne ympound and keepe untill hee or they of the said Annuity or yearely Rent and the Arreages thereof yf any bee bee fullt satisfyed and paid Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Nathaniell Draper and his heires all my lands and Tenements and hereditaments wth the appurtenances whatsoever scituate lying and being in the said parrishes of Chailey and Westmeston or either of them Item I will and bequeath unto my sonne Thomas Draper and his heires all my lands Tenements and hereditaments wth the appurtenances whatsoever scituate lying and being in the parrish of Barcombe in the said County of Sussex All the woods and underwoods now standing and growing uppon the said lands in Barcombe onely excepted wch I give to my sonne John Item I give more to my sonne John Three score pounds wch his Brother Samuell is to pay him according to the Covenant and agreement between him and mee Item I give to my beloved wife Alice Draper the Bed wth the furniture belonging thereunto whereuppon I now lye and the Bedsteddle whereon the said Bed now is half A dozen paire of sheets of the finer sort and two paire of pillowcoats the lesser Table in the Parlour wth the Carpett thereunto belonging half A dozen of ioyned stooles and two low ioyned stooles one wicker Chaire one silver Bowle and such other houshold stuffe whatsoever my Overseers in theire discretions shall thincke fitt to my wife to keepe house wthall Item I give to the poore of the parrishe of Hamsey Twenty shillings to bee distributed amongst them wthin one month after my decease at the discretion of my Executor and Overseers Item all the Residue of my goods and Chattells whatsoever my debts and legacies being paid I wholely give and bequeath unto my eldest sonne Samuell Draper whome I make the sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament uppon this Condicion That he give sufficient Bond and Security to my Overseers hereafter nominated such as they shall thincke fitt for the payment of the severall Legacies aforesaid and the performance of this my Will before hee enter uppon the Executorshipp Or yf hee refuse to give the foresaid security to my Overseers then I make my wife Alice my Sole Executor shee giving sufficient Bond and security to my foresaid Overseers to theire liking and Content for the pformance of this my Will Item I desire my loving freinds Edward Wood of Hamsey in the said County Clercke Roger Coby of Southover in the said County gent Thomas Snatt of Lewes draper and John Constable of Hamsey aforesaid to bee the Overseers of this my last Will and Testament etc etc Signed & witnessed by Edward Wood, John Constable Proved 29 January 1622/3 Alice Draper, widow, Samuel Draper, son
A18 f88 MF1294
In the name of God Amen I John Monger of Hamsey in the County of Sussex husbandman sicke in body but of pfect aand good remembrance thancks bee therefore unto God doe Constitute and make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following Imprimis I give and bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God & my body to bee buried in the Churchyard of Hamsey Item I give unto Joan Apse widdow my sisters daughter her dwelling in my house during her life wherein I now dwell & have in my owne use and occupacion after my decease using it well & in good sort not doing or suffring any wilfull waste during her life in or uppon any the premisses whatsoever Item I give & bequeath to Edward Sowton my eldest daughters sonne Forty shillings to bee payd out of the money the house is sold for Item I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Monger my wife my house & lands called Campacre or by what name soever it be Called lying and being in the Weerds in the parrish of Hamsey aforsayd during her life And after her decease to bee sold by my Overseers & the money to bee equally devided betwixt my two daughters Mary Sowton and Agnes Wood wthin two yeares next after the decease of my sayd wife Item I will & my mynde is That my wife shall give & dispose of three peeces of pewter & one brasse kettle & her wearing apparrell according to her will & pleasure And my mynde & will is that my wife shall have the use & occupacion of all my housholdstuffe whatsoever during her life And after her decease to bee equally devided by my Overseers betwixt my sayd daughters Item my mynde & will is That yf is please God to send my wife sicknes that shee stand in great need of Relief That my housholdstuffe shalbee equally devided into three parts by my two Overseers & my wife to sell her part towards her relief & mayntenance to whome shee will Item I doe Constitute & make my sayd wife the whole Executrix of this my last will and Testament And I doe ordeyne and appoynt John Comber of the Beachwood in the parrish of St Johns under the Castle of Lewes & Thomas Reade the younger of Hamsey my Overseers of this my last will And Testament Item I will and my mynde is that my Overseers shall keepe my eldest daughters porcon of the money wch the house is sold for paying her the use thereof during her life and after her decease towards the mayntenance of her Children untill they Come to one and twenty yeares of age & then every one to receave theire equall porcion of the sayd money of the Overseers as they shall accomplishe theire sayd age of one & Twenty yeares except the eldest In witness etc etc the eight & Twentith day of June in the yeare of our lord God One thousand six hundred and nyneteene Witnesses William Awcock and John Comber Proved14 March 1624 Elizabeth Monger, widow
A18 F204v MF1294
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Reade the elder of Hamsey ... being sicke ... For my house wherein I now dwell wth the land thereto belongeth I give the sayd house & land unto my eldest sonne George Reade uppon this Condicon That my sonne George Reade doe pay and discharge A debt of Twenty pounds due to John Wood of Hamsey uppon Bond wherein hee stands bound to the sayd Wood wth mee And also that hee pay & discharge one other debt of myne of Six pounds due to William Dodson of Lewes & that hee discharge both these debts wthin A yeare after my decease Or yf hee the sayd George shall fayle & make default to discharge both those debts aforesayd or either of them wthin the tyme specifyed I give the house and land aforesayd to my next sonne Thomas Reade uppon Condicon that hee discharge both debts ... Item I give to my sonne Thomas Frauncis and Richard one Cowe wch I bought of Robert Chatfield of Newicke I give more to my sonne Thomas one yron pott Item I give to my sonne Frauncis A paire of sheets of the better sort Item I give also to my sonne Richard my best Coverlett & one brasse pan wth two rings Item I give to my sonne William five shillings in money Item I give unto Joane Reade the daughter of my sonne Frauncis the best wastcoate and the best russett Petticoate wch my wife had wth some of my wives wearing lynnen Item to my daughter Joane Wood I give all the rest of my wives wearing apparrell uppon Condicon that shee pay three shillings seven pence due and unpayd to John Perse of Lewes for some of the sayd apparrell The rest of my goods ... I give to my sonne George whome I make the sole Executor ... 25 November 1625 Witnesses: Edw Wood John Constable Proved 31 December 1625 George Reade,son
A18 f58v MF1294
In the Name of God Amen This three and Twentith day of May Anno dmi 1622 I William Young of Hamsey who am well in body but of pfect memory thanckes be given unto God doe ordaine and make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following First I bequeath my soule to Almighty God my Creator and Redeemer and to Jesus Christe my onely mediator and Saviour in whose mercy and merritts I assuredly hope to have free pardon and forgivenes of my sinnes onely and my body to bee buryed in the Churchyard of the parrish of Hamsey I bequeath unto Joane my wife one featherbed one fether bolster one feather pillow one flock pillow one flockbed my best Coverlett two blancketts foure payre of sheets A dozen of napkins and tablecloth one pillowcoate two Chests one box my great kettell my Brass pott and iron posnett one womans saddle A little brasse posnett A little dripping pan A little spitt A skimer one barrell one firkin an acender half A dozen truggs A standerd and A long keeler A bruing fate and A tunn one butter tubb one wicker Chayre I also bequeath unto Elizabeth my daughter the best bedsteddle in the inner lofte one feather bed one flockbed A feather bolster A flockbolster A feather pillow foure paire of sheets the Cupbord in the Chamber A dozen of napkins and A pillow coate and A boord Cloth the lesser ioyned Chest one barrell one avendell A little keeler A standerd the little brasse kettle the Cradle two ioyned stooles the truckle bedsted two elme planckes I also bequeath unto my daughter Joane in money the some of five shillings I also bequeath unto my sonne William after the decease of my wife the Carved bedsteddle the Cupbord in the hall the Table and forme wth the bench and shelves ioyned and fastened to the house throughout the fornace and the quarne the Cheesepresse Provided alwayes and it is my very mynde and will that my foresayd sonne William possesse not any of the before bequeathed houshold stuffe untill after my wives decease Lastly I make my whole and sole Executor of this my last will and Testament my eldest sonne John of all my Corne and Cattell housholdstuffe and all my other goods wch are not herein bequeathed paying my sayd debts and discharging my funerall Also I appoynt and ordayne Overseers unto this my will Thomas Hawkins and John Constable my loving frends the day and yeare first above written It is also my will and mynde that if Elizabeth my daughter doe happen to dye before marryage that my sonne John enioy the sayd portion to her before bequeathed In witnes whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale—The marke of William Young— Witnes The marke of Thomas Hawkins John Constable Proved 24 July 1627 John Young, son
A20 f56 MF 1295
In the Name of God Amen I John Lover of Hamsey being weake ... I doe give unto my beloved wife Joan Lover all the Corne in the barne now growne on the ground or that shall hereafter growe on the same wth my Cattell howsehold stuffe and all the goods I have and make her the sole Executrix ... 30 March 1627 Witnesses Edward Wood Thomas Robinson Henry Hawkins his marke Proved 10 January 1628 Joan Lover widow
A20 f128 MF1295
Memorandum That John Awcocke of Hamsey ... being sicke ... 26 November 1629 ... and uttered these words following or the like in effect ... I make my sonne John my whole Executor And I will give my sonne William an hundred pounds there is almost an hundred pounds owing to mee I would have my sonne William have that because hee knowes how to deale in it better then my sonne John And my sonne John shall make it up an hundred pounds to him And my wife shall have the use of that hundred pounds during her life These words or the like in effect hee uttered and spoke in the presence of Thomas Hawkins and John Beach Proved 9 January 1629/30 John Awcock, son
A20 f128 MF1295 JOHN CONSTABLE 1629
In the name of God Amen The eighteenth day of January in the yeare of our Lord God 1629 I John Constable of Hamsey in the County of Sussex yeoman being sicke in body but of good and pfect memory thanckes bee to Almighty God therefore doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following First I Comend my soule to Almighty God and my body to the earth to be decently and Christianly Buryed For any worldly goods I dispose of them as followeth First I give and bequeath to the poore people of Hamsey xiiis iiiid to be distributed amongst them Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne William Constable and to his heires for ever my lands Called Weststreets in Hamsey aforesayd Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Robert Constable and his heires for ever all my lands Called the Millayne lying in the Millayne in Hamsey aforesayd And also the Crofte adioyning my dwelling house called the Well Crofte And further the Crop or Cutt of the three Roods of ground in A Brooke called the Uplandwishe And also all my sheepe leases in the Comon flocke of Wogham belonging to my lands in Hamsey To have and to hold the sayd lands and premisses to my sayd sonnes respectively their heires and assignes for ever Item I give unto my daughters Agnes and Susan Constable Ten pounds Apeece to bee payd unto them at theire severall ages of one and Twenty yeares Item my will and mynde is that the Rents and pfitts of my sayd lands and premisses given to my sayd sonnes shall be ymployed and goe towards their bringing up Item my will and mynde is That yf my sonne William shall dye before his age of one and Twenty yeares That then I doe give and bequeath the lands Called Weststreets before to him given to my sayd sonne Robert Constable and his heires for ever And yf the sayd Robert Constable shall dye before his age of one and Twenty Then I give the sayd lands Called Millayne and other the premisses to him given to my sonne William Constable and his heires for ever And yf either of my daughters shall happen to dye before her age of one and Twenty yeares Then I give the porcon of her so dying to the survivor of them The Residue of all my goods and Chattells and Creditts and debts my legacies delivered and funerall expences being payd and discharged I give and bequeath to Agnes my wife whome I make Sole Executrix of this my will and Testament And I doe intreate my brother in lawe John Squire and my frend and neighbour William Awcocke to be overseeres of this my will In witnes whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written—John Constable—Read aigned sealed and acknowledged by the said John Constable to be his last will and Testament in the presence of John Squier Senior William Awcocke and John Squier Junior Proved ?20 February 1629 Agnes Constable, widow
A20 f194v MF1295
In the Name of God Amen 9 July 1629 I John Wood of Hamsey husbandman being sicke ... Item I give and bequeath to Mary my daughter wife of John Peirse in regard shee hath already A porcion in marriage five shillings...Item I will and my mynde is That Agnes Wood my wife ... shall have the use and disposing of all my goods and Chattells during her naturall life foe her mayntenance and for the educacion of my Children And after her decease my will and mynde is that all the saydgoods shall bee devided amongst my Children hereafter named in manner following...one halfe to be equally devided between Agnes Dorothy and Jane my three daughters and the other halfe between John and Edward my two sonnes Provided always ... That yf the sayd Agnes my wife shall marry Again That then my goods and Chattells shall bee devided in manner aforesayd and my wyfe shall have an equall parte wth one of the three daughters before named ... Agnes to be sole Executrix ... John Constable and John Awcock my neighbours to bee overseers Witnesses John Constable John Awcocke his marke William Awcock Proved 8 August 1629 Agnes Wood widow
A20 f171v MF1295 JOHN PIPER 1630
Memorandum That John Piper while he lived of Hamsey in the Countie of Sussex Glover deceased some fewe dayes before his death beinge sicke of body but of very good & pfect mynde and memorye did make & declare his last Will and Testament Nuncupative in man’ and forme in effect Followinge That is to say he did will & give all his goods Chattells & Creditts to be equally devided amongst his three sonnes William Robert & John Piper...He did appointe William Piper his eldest sonne to be sole Executor ... in the presence of divers Credible witnesses Proved 27 November1630 William Piper, son
A21 f55 MF1295
Memorandum That Roger Parishe ... blacksmith ... 21 November 1631 ... give and bequeath unto his sonne William Parishe five pounds to bee payd wthin one moneth next after his decease Item hee did will unto his grandchilde Henry Young Twenty shillings to bee payd at his age of Twenty yeares The residue ... unto Edward Parishe his sonne whome he did make sole Executor ... And he did desire his Landlord John Vynall of neere Lewes to be overseer Witnesses William Kempe & Roger F... Proved 24 February 1631/2 Edward Parishe, son
A21 f174v MF1295
In the name of God Amen The nyne & Twentith day of December ... 1634 ... I John Beach of Hamsey ... yeoman being weake ... to the poore people of Hamsey Forty shillings ... at the day of my buryall Item I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my wife the somme of six pounds A yeare ... quarterly to bee payd unto her by myne Executor ... by even and Equall porcons ... Item I give more unto the sayd Elizabeth my wife all that bedd and bedstedle wth the furniture thereunto belonging wherein I now dwell for ever Item I give more unto her the use of all my houshold stuffe whatsoever for & during the Terme of her naturall life Item I give more unto Elizabeth my wife three brasse Kettles to remayne and bee unto her for ever Item my will and meaning is that yf my Executor hereafter named shall not well and truely pay unto the sayd Elizabeth my wife the sayd somme of six pounds A yeare quarterly as aforesayd Then this my will shalbee voyd to all Intent and purposes Item I give more unto Elizabeth my wife for and during the Terme of her life the lowe parlor wherein I now lye wth half the milkehouse thereunto adioyning wth ingresse egresses & Regresse to it And my will and meaning is that my Executor hereafter named And hee to whome I shall give my Freehold lands shall psently after my decease erect and build in the lowe Roome given to my wife A Chimney for her use Item I give and bequeath unto my kinsman John Beach sonne of Nicholas Beach of Hamsey all my Freehold lands and Tenements wth the apputenances thereunto belonging and his heires when hee shall accomplishe the age of one and Twenty yeares and untill that Tyme the Rents and proffitts thereof to remain and be unto my kinseman Nicholas Beach of Hamsey ... and yf John Beach shall ... dye ... I give and bequeath the sayd Freehold ... to William Beach sonne of Nicholas Beach ... when hee shall accomplishe the age of one and Twenty yeares paying unto my sayd wife the sayd somme of six pounds ... Item I give and bequeath more unto Elizabeth my wife the somme of six busshells of wheate and six bushells of Barley to bee delivered unto her betweene this and the five and twentith day of March next ensuing Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Beache sonne of Nicholas Beach ... the somme of Five pounds...when hee shall accomplishe the age of one and Twenty yeares ... I give and bequeath unto Jane Beach my servant the some of five pounds ... Item I give unto Elizabeth Jarman wife of Valentine Jarman of Hartfield the some of twenty shillings ... Item I give and bequeath more unto Elizabeth my wife for ever the one halfe of all such hempe and Tassome as shalbee at the Tyme of my death Item I give more unto her all the butter and Cheese and bacon and other sustenance as shalbee mans meate and remayning in my house at the tyme of my death Item I give and bequeath unto my old friend Nicholas Godfrey my two Coats wch I doe ordinarily weare to bee delivered unto him psently after my decease Also ... I doe give more unto Elizabeth my wife the somme of Eight bushells of wheate and EIght bushells of barly every yeare for and during the Term of her naturall life to bee payd unto her yearely between the first day of November and the first day of January Lastly all my stocke of goods and Chattells shalbee valued and prized ... by my two friends Thomas Read and Symon Tillinghurst and that then my kinseman Nicholas Beach...before the proving ... shall enter into bond unto myne Overseers ... in the some of threescore pounds wth two such sureties ... to deliver the same goods ... unto William Beach...aforesayd...when hee shall accomplishe the age of one and Twenty yeares ... (or in case of his death to be divided amongst the children of Nicholas Beach, John excepted) ... (if Nicholas Beach refuse, then overseers to enter into a bond unto — Mansfield of Hamsey to the same effect) ... William Beach appointed as Executor ... Thomas Read and Symon Tillinghurst as Overseers ... Ten shillings A peece for theire paynes Witnesses: Nicholas Godfrey his marke Geo Seager Proved 17 January 1634 By Nicholas Beach, father of William Beach, he being a minor
A23 f196v MF1296
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Longly ... yeoman ... being sicke ... Inprimis I give my daughter Thomazine whome I make my sole Executor these following Three pillowes one new Coverlett one brasse pott one bellbrasse posnett one brasse Chaffingdishe two green Chaires one great pewter dishe two pewter Candlesticks And my daughter Unity Longly I give the best flockbed and the best of the two feather bolsters & one payer of shets one long Table cloth half a dozen of napkins and one blanckett And to my daughter Anne I give one feather bed & bedstedle two blancketts A Coverlett a flocke bolster two payre of sheets A short tablecloth & the pewter and the Chests to bee devided equally between my sonne Ralfe my daughter Unity and my daughter Anne Item I give unto my sonne Ralfe houshold styffe in the kitchen one Coope A dresser three brasse kettles A little brasse posnett two Iron potts A payre of potthangers in the hall one plate one table two formes A Cupbord A side Cupbord one chayre and A payre of potthangers in the buttery A Cage A Stalledge in the milkhouse A powdering trow A long stalledge in the Chamber over the hall A bedstedle and Curtens A feather bed and bolster Two pillowes two blanketts A Coverlett and two payre of sheets half A dozen of Cushens the Cupbord A table A forme three Joyned stooles the warming pann A wicker Chayre A flock bed two Gridgirons Item I givemy daughter Thomazine my wearing Clothes Tubbs amd other things unexpressed to bee sold for the discharge of my funerall and other duties for the proving of the will or the like necessary Charge Concerning mee Item I doe request Edward Manfield & Robert Ridder my very good friends to be Overseers of this my will and to imploy lett and putt the lands of my sonne Ralfe and to take upp the rents and pay the morgages yf it will amount in the Rents of the lands till the said Ralfe come to the age of one and twenty yeares In witness ... 4 January 1634 ... Witnesses the marke of Henry Hawkins and John Wincklaw Proved 27 March 1634 Thomazine Longly, daughter
A22 f01v MF1296 URSULA HOTHER 1637
In the name of God Amen I Ursula Hother ... widdow ... being weake ... to bee buried in the Churchyard of Hamsey neer my deceased husband John Hother Inprimis I give to my sister Mary Rigate the Some of Ten pounds during her naturall life and after my meaning is that the same Some shall come to my daughter Coller Item my will is that shee my sayd sister shall have the use of A little Chamber on the West side of the house to keepe & lodge in during her naturall lyfe Item I give to my brother William Hother of Barcombe the Some of three shillings foure pence The rest of my goods I give to my daughter Ursula whome I make the sole Executor ... 4 September 1635 Witnesses: Edward Wood The marke of Henry Hawkins Proved 10 May 1637 Ursula Coller als Hother, daughter
A25 f17 MF1297
The last will of William Markes Inprimis I give to my sonne John one Colt and two young heifer bullocks and one yeare after my decease v£ Item to my sonne William three yeares after my decease then I say x£ Item my daughter Mary is Item my daughter Anne is Item my daughter Sara x£ To be paid at theyr age of Twenty yeares Item I make my wife my Executor and shee shall discharge this my legacyes and my sonne Edward is to have the land after his mothers decease Item I give my sonne Edward is Witnesses: Edward Manfield his marke John Winckcon Proved 20 October 1638 Mary Markes widow
A25 f188 MF1297
In the name of God amen On the Twenty & sixt day of January in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand six hundred Thirty & eight (1638) Elizabeth Young of the parrishe of Hamsey being sick & weake of body yet of good & pfecte memory did make & ordayne her last Will & Testament nuncupative in manner & forme following Having Committed her soule into the hands of Almighty God & her Body to bee buried in the Churchyard of Hamsey shee gave these Legacyes following Shee gave unto her Aunt Manfield A linsey wolsey petticoate And to her Cozen Jane Manfield one holland Apron & to her Cozen Elizabeth Manfield her best greene Apron To Jane Moore wife of William Moore of Hamsey her best boddies & one old petticooate And to her daughter Elizabeth one old wastcoate To the wife of Daniell Ballard one old wastcoate Item to Widdowe Bower one old petticoate To Mary Rygate one payre of hose Item to her brother John Young shee gave Twenty shillings in money The rest of her goods shee gave to her sister Alice Whome shee made the sole Executrix of this her Will Witnesses at the making hereof The marke of Jane Manfield The marke of Jane Moore Proved 23 February 1638 Alice Young, sister
A20 F194V MF1295
In the Name of God Amen ... 9 May 1639 I Henry Hawkins ... yeoman being sicke ... Item I give and bequeath all that my house Barne and Freehold lands wthall and singuler theire appurtenances lying in the parish of St John and Hamsey and the Revrcon and Revercons the remainder and remainders thereof unto Thomas Hawkins my sonne and his heyres for ever Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Martha Hawkins fyve pounds ...i n liewe recompence and full satisfaction of Five pounds wch I owe unto her Item I give and bequeath unto Henry Hawkins my sonne fyve pounds ... in liewe recompence and full satisfaction of five pounds wch I owe unto him Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Hawkins the some of tenn pounds...to bee paid unto her at the death of my now wife Provided always ... that if my wife shall happen to marry againe that then it shall and may be lawfull for my Overseers ... to take into theire hands the said somme of tenn pounds and to dispose of the same to the best advantage for my said daughter untill shee shall accomplishe her age of one and Twenty Yeares or day of marriage wch shall first happen Item I give and bequeath unto Anne Hawkins my daughter tenn pounds to be paid ... in like manner ... Item I give and bequeath unto Mary Hawkins my daughter tenn pounds to be paid ... in like manner ... Item I give and bequeath unto John Hawkins William Hawkins and Robert Hawkins my sonnes unto every ...
A26 f40v MF1297
In the name of God Amen I Richard Willard ... yeoman sicke ... I make my wife Ellenor Executor to this my WIll and wth her I ioyne William Scrace of Hamsey husbandman and William Bennet of Ringmoore to bee Executors in trust Item I give to my sonne Richard my land at Horsted casnes When hee Come to the age of one and Twenty and my Will is that if my sonne die before hee Come to the age of one and Twenty that William Willard the sonne of John Willard of Waldron ... shall bee my sonnes heire Item I give to my sonne my bed that I now lye upon wth the bedding and all that thereunto belonging and Six payer of sheets and A Chest that standeth by my bed side And A Cauldron Item my Will and minde is that my goods and house and lands lying and being in the parrishe of Hamsey shalbee sold to the full value of it by William Scrace and William Bennet my Executors in trust to this my Will and after the sale of these my goods and lands to pay my debts and legacies ... what money shall remaine my wife shall have the one halfe and my sonne Richard the other when hee comes to the age of one and Twenty Item I give my two Executors in trust ... fifteene shillings A peece for their paines Item my Will is that Mr Cossam should preach at my funerall and that hee should have ten shillings ... Thomas Killingbacke and William Storrie to bee my Overseers ... 16 May 1639 Witnesses Adam Cosham Roger Fyllerye Proved 14 June 1639 Ellenor Willard, widow
A26 f39 MF1297
In the name of God Amen 13 October 1665 I Samuel Hawkins ... yeoman being sicke ... Impris I give and bequeath unto Jane Hawlins and Mary Hawkins my two daughters the sume of Tenn pounds apeece to be paid to them by Mr John Smith of Hamsey and William Scrase out of the money wch they shall receive upon the sale of the Copyhold land wch I surrendered to their use for the payment of my debts and Legacies when they shall attaine their sevrall ages of one and Twenty yeares or daies of marriage wch shall first happen Item I give and bequeath to Samuell Hawkins my onely sonne the sume of Tenn pounds ... if it please God that the Childe whereof Mary my wife is now wth childe off be A sonne But if it please God it be a daughter then I give and bequeath to the said Samuell my sonne but one shillinge because if it be a daughter hee is heir to my Coppyhold lands and ... if the childe in the wombe be daughter shee shall have the Tenn pounds before bequethed to my sonne Samuell ... All the Rest and Residue ... I give and bequeath to Mary my loveing wife for and towards the bringing upp of my Children whome I make the sole Executrix ... Mr John Smith and Willm Scrace ... shall pay unto Mary (any balance remaining from the sale after payment of the legacies etc) Witnesses John Smith Edward Manfield Proved 11 November 1665 Mary Hawkins, widow
A30 f210v MF1299
In the Name of God Amen I George Alchin ... Sheepherd being sicke ... Item I give to my eldest daughter Hannah the sume of Twelve pounds ... Igive to my youngest daughter Elizabeth the sume Eighteene pounds ... Item all my household Stuffe I give to my three Children to be equally divided betwixt them Item I give to my sonne George my house and barne and Croft belonging to it wch I lately bought of Thomas Banch and all my goods unbequeathed And I make my sonne my sole Executor ... Samuell Midmore and Charles Smith my overseers ... 18 January 1664 ... Witnesses Sam Midmor Charles Smith Proved 19 January 1665 George Alchin, son
A30 f235v MF1299
In the name of God Amen 2 April 1666 I Richard Markwicke of Hamsey ... yeoman ... being sicke ... I give and bequeath to my brother William Markwicke the sume of Twenty pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my sister Mary Hawkins the Relict and widd of Sammuell Hawkins the sume of Twenty pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my sister Dorothy being the wife of Thomas Moore the sume of Twenty pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my sister Anne the Relicte of Nicholas Copperd and nowe wife of Jasper Saunders the sume of Twenty pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my nephew Thomas Copperd onely sonne of Thomas Copperd of Chayley ... the sume of Twenty pounds Item I give and bequeath to Richard Copperd the only sonne of Nicholas Copperd deced the sume of Twenty pounds shillings Item I give and bequeath uto my neeces Jane Anne and Mary Copperd the three daughters of Nicholas and sisters of Richard the sume of Three pounds (to each of them Twenty shillings) Item I give and bequeath to my brother Francis Markwicke the sume of Five shillings ... All the Rest of my estate whatsoever ... I give and bequeath to my nephew Richard Moore being the eldest sonne of my brother in Law Thomas Moore and Dorothy his wife ... whome I make sole Executor ... Thomas Moore and Richard Moore of Barcombe (father & uncle of my Executor) (to be executors during his minority) ... Witnesses John Plaw Tho Medley
A30 f247 MF1299
In the name of God Amen 10 November 1666 I Jane Markwicke ... widd being sicke ... Impris I give and bequeath to my eldest sonne William Markwicke of Laughton the sume of Three Pounds and one paire of sheetes Item I give and bequeath to my youngest sonne Francis Markwicke the sume of Five shillings Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Anne nowe wife of Jasper Saunders the sume of Three pounds and two paire of sheetes Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary the Relict of Sammuel Hawkins the sume of Three pounds two paire of sheetes one Chest one bell brasse posnet and one bed Coverlett Item I give and bequeath to my grandchild Thomas Copperd onely sonne of Thomas Copperd of the Sinder in Chayley the sume of Three pounds Item I give and bequeath to my grandchild Jane Copperd daughter of Nicholas Copperd deced the sume of Twenty shillings one Chest and one paire ofsheetes Item I give and bequeath unto Anne Copperd daughter of the said Nicholas Copperd the sume of Tenn pounds and one paire of sheetes Item I give and bequeath to my grandchild Richard Copperd son of the said Nicholas Copperd the sume of Twenty shillings Item I give and bequeath to my grandchild Dorothy Copperd daughter of the said Nicholas Copperd the sume of Six pounds vizt Twenty shill I give her by this my said Will and Testamt and the other five pounds wch is remayning in my hands and wch was awarded her by the Crt after the decease of Richard Markwicke my late husband Item I give and bequeath all my wearing Apparell both Linnen and Woollen (except one blacke Scarfe wch I give unto the aforesaid Mary Copperd my grandchild) To my three daughters Anne Mary and Dorothy to be equally divided betweene them wthin one moneth after my decease ... All the Rest ... I give and bequeath to my sonne in Law Thomas Moore ... sole Executor Witnesses the marke of Edw Barnden the marke of Elizabeth Musgrave Tho Medley
A30 f303 MF1299
In the name of God Amen the Nine and twentieth day of October in ethe Twentyeth yeare of the raigne of or soveraigne Lord Charles the second ... I Edward Verrall of Hamsey in the County of Sussex yoman being sick and weake in body but of sound and perfect memory ... doe make and ordainee this my last will and Testament ... First I commend my soule (etc) ... Itm I give and bequeath to the poore people of the parish of Hamsey aforesaid the sume of Ten shillings to bee paid unto them wthin one weeke next after my decease Itm I give and bequeath to Mary my eldest daughter the sume of one Hundred pounds ... to bee paid unto her by my said Executor wthin six moneths next after my decease Itm I give and bequeath Ann my youngest daughter the like sume of One Hundred pounds ... Itm I give and bequeath unto my eldest sonne Edward the sume of Twenty pounds...All the Rest of my goods Chattells and personal estate whatsoever my debts legacies & funerall expences being first paid ... I give and bequeath unto my sonne Richard whome I make sole Executor ... And as touching the disposing of part of that reall estate wherewith it hath pleased Almighty God to bless mee ... First I give and devise unto my said eldest sonne Edward All that my Messuage or Tenement garden backside and close to the said Messuage adioyning wuth thappurtenances scituate lying & being in Wogham wthin the said parrish of Hamsey now in the occupation of Richard Sargeant And alsoe all those sevrall peeces or parcells of Woodland meadow and pasture commonly called or knowne by the names of Combeham Wood and the Rypiards fields conteyning by estimacon Ten acres...And all that peice or parcell of Land commonly called or knowne by the name of Thornewell conteyning by estimacon foure acres ... All wch premises are lying and being wthin the said parrish of Hamsey To have and to hold ... for and during the Terme of his naturall life ... and after his decease to the use ... of the heires of his body ... And for default of such heires ... unto my said sonne Richard and the heires male of his body ... And for default ... unto my youngest son Thomas ... Itm I give and devise unto my said youngest sonne Thomas ... All that my Messuage or Tenement Maulthouse barne & one peece or parcell of land thereunto belonging ... conteyning by estimacon three acres ... late Nordens And alsoe All that peice or parcell of land commonly caleed Stonefeild ... foure acres ... All wch premises are ... in Hamsey aforesaid And alsoe All that peice or parcell of Land commonly called Hamecrofts ... two acres ... in the parrish of St John under the Castle of Lewes ... Witnesses: Richard Isted John Hook Probate 19 December 1668 Richard Verral, son
A31 f12
In the name of God Amen the third day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord God one Thowsand six hundred Seaventy six I John King of Hamsey in the County of Susses Yeoman being sicke and weake in body ... doe make and ordayne this my last will and Testament ... First and principally I give my soule ... I give devise bequeath unto my daughter Ann King Two hundred pounds to be paid unto her wthin six monthes after my decease Item I give and devise and bequeath unto Edward King my youngest sonne one peece or parcell of Land lying in ?Plometon in the use of Robert ?Simon Item I give and devise and bequeath unto Joseph King my other younger sonne Three hundred pounds ... Item I give and devise and bequeath unto my other sonne Nicholas King Six score pounds ... Item I give and devise and bequeath unto John King my eldest sonne Three hundred pounds ... Item I give and devise and bequeath unto Ann King my wife Fourscore pounds ... And also tenn pounds worth of household stuffe of such as shee shall be pleased to make Choyse of ... I make and ordayne my well beloved sonne Thomas King my full and whole Executor ... (Interlined. Item I give and devise and bequeath unto Mercy Newman Forty shillings) ... Overseers William and Robert Coby gents Witnesses: Thomas Verrall Edward Shearwood Probate 15 Aprill 1676 Thomas King
A34 f173r
In the name of God Amen I John King of Hamsey the sonne of John King late deceased being but weake of body … do order and ordayne this my last will and Testamt ... First I bequeath my soule ... Imprimis I bequeath unto my mother in Lawe Anne King the full sume of Twenty pounds ... Item I give unto my brother Thomas King the full sume of Twenty pounds ... Item I give unto my brother Edward King the full sume of Twenty pounds ... Item I give unto my sister Anne King the full sume of Twenty pounds ... And all the rest of my estate ... I will and bequeath unto my brother Nicholas King of the Pish of Wivelsfeild ... And I desire my good freinds John Blundell of the Castle in Lewes and John ?Raw of Hamsey to be my Overseers ... Eleaventh day of Aprill 1676 Witnesses John Shore Elizabeth Colwell Probate 28 April 1676 Nicholas King brother
A34 f178r
Memorandum That on or about the Seaventh day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord one Thowsand six hundred Seaventy and Seaven Jane Hills late of Hamsey in the County of Sussex Widd deceased being of sound and pfect mind and memory declared her last will and Testamt Nuncupative in manner and forme followinge or words to the like effect Impris I give and bequeth unto my sonne John Hills of Rodmell one feather bed and two pair of sheetes Item all the Rest of my goods Chattells and Creditts whatsoever I give and bequeath unto my sonne Thomas Hills of Glynde These words or words to the like effect were uttered and declared by the said Testatrix in the presence of Anne Norton wid and Elizabeth Fryer
A34 f272v
In the name of God Amen March xxix 1677 I William Scrase of Hamsey being weake in body ... doe make this my last will and Testament ... As for my worldly goods moveable or Immoveable moneys or whatsoever I fully and wholely bequeath unto my deare wife Susanna for her life whome I make my sole Executrix ... I bequeath Imprimis To the foure Children of Nicholas Vine of Barcombe the full sume of Twenty pounds t be devided in equall porcions now lying in the Hands of Nicholas Chatfield of Isfield maulster to be paid to them after my wives decease ... Item to Susanna and Elizabeth Longley the daughters of Ralph Longley of Portslad the full sume of Tenn pounds ... after my wives decease ... lying in the hands of the said Ralph Longley ... Item I bequeath to John Collins of Bourne the full sume of five pounds lying now in the hands of Robert Keale of Barcombe ... after my wives decease Item I bequeath unto Anne the wife of Richard Wigsell ... the full sume of Five pounds lying now in the hands of Richard Verrall ... after my wives decease Item I give unto my kinswoman Elizabeth Ellis the full sume of Fufty shillings ... in the hands of Edward ?Dedemy of Hamsey after my wives decease Item I bequeath unto Thomasine the wife of John Jenner of Fletchyng ... five pounds ... in the hands of Richard Moore of Barcombe Item I bequeath unto John Beach of Ditchallinge ... forty shillings ther being in his hands five pounds wch I lett him ... Item I bequeath unto William Kempe of Southmalling Esquire ... forty shillings ... in the hands of John Beach Item I give and bequeath unto Eamer the wife of Thomas Browing of Hurst the sume of Five pounds ... in the hands of Richard Verrall ... Item I give unto Ralph Longley now Apprentize unto John Picknall of Plumpton Taylor ... Five pounds...in the hands of Richard Verrall Item I bequeath unto Jane Longley now wife of — Bridger of Portslade Fifty shillings in the hands of Richard Moore of Barcombe Item I bequeath unto Thomasine Lipscombe widdow of the Pish of Sheare in Surry Twenty pounds Item I bequeath unto Anne Longley the daughter of Ralph Longley Forty shillings Item I bequeath unto David Keale Tenn shillings ... to the poore of Hamsey Tenn shillings ... unto Mr John Shore Rector of Hamsey whome I intreate to preach my funerall sermon the sum of Twenty shillings Overseers William Kempe of Southmalling Esq and John Shore Witnesses: Marten Kasters Revell Taylor Probate 13 May 1677 Susanna Scrase, widow
A34 f278r
This is the last will and Testamt of mee Susan Scrase of Hamsey in the County of Sussex widdow made and declared the third day of June 1678 ... Impris I give and bequeath to the poor of the Pish of Hamsey aforesaid the sume of Ten shillings Itm I give unto my God daughter Sara wife of Wisdome of Ditchlinge ... husbandman the sume of Twenty shillings ... Itm I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth wife of Thomas Awcocke of Westmeston To Catherine wife of —Cooke of ?Abowne To Thomazine Lipscombe widd To — Maudlar wife of Wilson of Chayly To Thomazine wife of John Jenner of Lindfeild And to Anne wife of Richard Wigsell of St Johns the sume of Ten shillings a peece All wch Legacies...shall be paid wthin three moneths next after my decease Itm I give and bequeath to Nicholas Bennett of Chaily the sume of Twenty shillings and to Sara Bennet his daughter the sume of Five pounds ... To Elizabeth wife of Nicholas Pyice of Barcombe the like sume of Five pounds ... six monethes next after my decease _ Itm I give bequeath to David Keale of Hamsey aforesaid and to Anne his wife the sume of Ten shilllings a peece ... within three moneths Itm I give an bequeath unto Ralph Longly of Portslad...the sume of Tenn pounds which he now oweth to me upon bond And my minde is that my Executor and Executrix hereafter named upon payment of the interest for the said Tenn pounds untill my decease shall give and deliver up the said bond to the said Ralph Longly ... Itm I give and beq ueath unto my Kinswoman Elizabeth Ellis the Feather bedd Flockebedd Curtaine vallence and all other things thereunto belonging as they are now standinge and remayninge in the house of the said David Keale And alsoe two paire of sheetes one Table Cloath and Fowre pewter dishes All the rest and residue of my goods Chattells and psonall estate whatsoever ... I give and bequeath unto my nephew John Collins of Eastbourne and to the said Elizabeth Ellis whome I make Executor and Executrix ... to be equally divided between them And I do hereby nominate and Appointe my very loveing freinds William Kempe of South Malling Esq & Charles Smith of Hamsey gent to be Overseers Witnesses: Thomas Medly Charles Hunt The marke of Tho Wiggeram Proved 2 January 1678/9 John Collins & Elizabeth Ellis
In the name of God Amen I Elizabeth Fryar widowe & relict of William Fryar of the Parish of Hamsey late dec being weake of body but of sound & perfect memory ... do make this my last Will & Testamenr ... The Sheare of worldly goods wch ?Accrued to me by the death of my Husband late deceased (who died intestate) I dispose of Amongst his owne Children As Followeth Imprimis I give & bequeath to Mary Fryar All my Wearing Apparrell both Lynnen & Woollen And my hatt wth a Little Truncke marked wth J M And one paire of fyne cheets Allso I give unto her the full sume of forty shillings to be paid within fowre months after my decease (unto Mr Store Rector of Hamsey) whoe the said Mary Fryar hath desired to receive her other share when it shall be devided Item I give & bequeath to John Fryar the full sume of twentie shillings to be paid unto him within fowre months after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto Edward Fryar the full sum of Twentie shillings ... Item I give & bequeath to my Brother Henery Adler of the parish of Allsaints in Lewes the full sum of five shillings ... All the rest of my goods & Chattells moveable and unmoveable I give & bequeath to my eldest son in Law William Fryar whom I make my whole & sole Executor ... And I intreate Mr Store of the parish of Hamsey & Thomas Earle of Barcombe to be my overseers ... 3 February 1680 Witnesses: The marke of thomas Chatfeild John Keale his marke Proved 3 March 1680 William Fryar
A35 f325v
In the name of God Amen I John Hooke of Hamsey in the County of Sussex Wheelewright being sicke and weake ... Impris I give and devise All those my Freehold Lands which I lately purchased of my brother in Law Richard Verrall called ... Combehamwood Ripiards Feilds and Thornewell conteyning ... Foureteene acres ... in Hamsey aforesaid unto my brothers in Law Richard Verrall Thomas Verrall Thomas Kinge and to my owne brother Peter Hooke their heires and assignes for ever To the intent and purpose that they ... shall sell ... at the best rate and price they can ... oward the payment of all my debts ... (any surplus) to my onely daughter Anne Hooke when she shall attaine the age of One and Twenty yeares or be married ... in the meantime to pay the interest thereof to my deare and loving wife Mary Hooke towards the maintenance and Educacon of my two younger Children Item I give and devise All that my Tenement barne and Lands to the same belonging...Nine Acres...in Hamsey Late the lands of William De la Chambre Gent to John Hooke my younger Sonne provided he pay ... unto my said daughter Anne Hooke ... Fifty Pounds when she shall attaine (etc) ... profitts (etc) to wife Mary until Son John come of age ... personal estate to loving wife Sole Executrix paying Ten pounds to my Eldest son Richard Hooke (in trust with brothers in Law etc as above) to be employd towards the reparacons of a house and barne in Maresfeild which after my decease with descend unto my sonn Richard Hooke ... If wife should remarry to pay Twenty pounds to trustees (they to be overseers) to be eqaully paid to two younger children when they come of age ... 12 July 1683 Witnesses: Tho, Medley the marke of Nicholas Kinge the marke of George Cooke Jane Verrall the marke of Ann Kinge the marke of Mary Kinge Proved 15 September 1683 by Mary Hooke, widow
A36 f128v
ANNE KEARE 1684 In the Name of God Amen I Anne Keare (?Keale) of Hamsey in the County of Sussex WIddowe being sicke and weake of Body ... Item I give unto my Brother John Keare Five Pounds to be paid within Three Moneths after my Decease Item I give unto my Sister at Bourne Twenty Shillings to bee devided betwixt her and her Children ... Item I give unto my Kinswoman Elizabeth Keare Tenne Shillings in Money and One paire of Flaxen Sheets and One paire of Pillowcoats and One peece of Pewter and One Suite of Linnen my best Hatt and One Under coate Item I give unto my Cozen Thomas Keare Tenne Shillings Item I give unto my Brother Robert Keare’s Daughter Mary Tenne Shillings in Money One peece of Pewter marked with M Item I give unto Sarah Markewicke Two Petty coats and a Wastcoate Item I give unto my Brother Robert Keare’s Daughter Martha Tenne Shillings in Money Item I give unto my Two Sisters Sarah Page and Elizabeth Page my wearing Apparell and my Household Goods equally to be devided betwixt them (what is given abovesaid excepted) Item I give unto my Brother Robert Keare Five Pounds in Money (he and brother John Keare to be Executors) 6th October 1683 Witnesses: Thomas Wiggram his marke Thomas Keare his Marke Arthur Chatfield Proved 23 July 1684 Robert & John Keare
A36 f187v
In the name of God Amen the Eight and Twentieth day of July ... 1681 I William Thatcher of Hamsey ... yeoman being in good health ... Impris I give and bequeath unto my Kinsman John Freind of Brighthelmestone Two feather bedds with bedstedles Curtaines Vallence blanketts Coverletts and all other things thereunto belonging and also one great Chest all which are now standing and being in the Hall Chamber of my now dwelling house Item I give and bequeath to my Kinsman Samuel Freind of Preston the younger One bedsteddle with two Feather bedds and the Curtaines Vallance blancketts and Coverlettthereunto belonging now standing in the Kitcthen Chamber of my now dwelling house and also one great Chest now standing in the Hall Chamber Item I give and bequeath unto my Kinswoman Hanna now wife of Richard Amoore of Barcombe two long towells one dozen of Napkins and foure Silver Spoones which were formerly her Grandmother Freinds and also two Milke Leads with the frames belonging unto them All which severall goods and utensells of houshold ...shall be delivered unto the severall persons before named within one month next after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto the said Richard Amoore the Sume of Fourescore pounds which he now oweth me upon bond which bond or bonds my Will is shall be delivered up to him to be Cancelled within one month next after my decease ... Also I give and bequeath unto the said Richard Amoore The Sume of Ten pounds more over and above ...I tem I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Amoore Daughter of the said Richard Amoore and Hanna his wife the Sume of Ten pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my Kinsman William Ellis the sume of Twenty pounds ... and to my Kinsman Thomas Ellis the like sum ... Item I give and bequeath unto my Kinsman John Heath of Fletching the Sume of Ten pounds ... I give and bequeath unto my Kinsman Nicholas Shepperd the Sume of Ten pounds ... Item I give and bequeath unto John Hudson son of John Hudson late of Peddighoe deceased the like Sume ... tem I give and bequeath unto Jane Freind Daughter of William Freind of Brighthelmeston the like sum ... Item I give and bequeath unto the poore of the parish of Hamsey the sume of Twenty shillings Item I give and bequeath unto the widdow Norton of Hamand to Mary wife of NicholasFalentine of Hamsey the sume of Ten Shillings a peece All the rest and residue ... I give and bequeath unto Anne my loving wife whome I make & appoynt sole Executrix ... And whereas I have surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor of Isfeild...All that my Copyhold Messauge barne and Seaven acres of Land ... called Goodyers ... And also one other parcell of Copyhold Land conteyning three acres called the Marsh in Isfeild to the use of my Last Will ... I give and devise ... unto John Heath my Kinsman Witnesses: Tho Medley Edm Jackson Cha Harrison Proved 2 February 1683/4 Anne Thatcher, widow A36 f147v
In the Name of God Amen The Third Day of August 1690 ... I Thomas Eade of the parish of Hamsey Husbandman being sick of Body ... Item I give & bequeath to my Eldest Brother Peter Eade of Keymer One Shilling ... Item I give & bequeath to my Brother John Eade One Shilling ... Item I give & bequeath to my Cousin Peter Eade Ten pounds ... Item I give to my cousin Mary Eade Daughter of Peter Eade the sum of Ten pounds ... at One & Twenty or day of Marriage ... Item I give unto my Brother in Law Richard Morris Five shillings ... Item I give to my Sister Susana Morris Twenty pounds during her naturall Life and after her decease to be divided between my Brother John Updens Children Item I give to my Cousin John Upden Ten Pounds at One & Twenty Item I give to my Cousin Henry Upden Ten Pounds at One & Twenty Item I give to my Cousin Thomas Upden Ten Pounds Item I give to my Cousin Mary Upden Ten pounds at One & Twenty or day of Marriage Item I give to Grace Saunders Ten Shillings All the Rest ... I give to my loving Brother John Upden of Hamsey Husbandman ... Executor ... Overseer to be Nicholas Harvey Witnesses: Nicholas Harvey Robert ?Norman Richard Wood Proved 20 August 1690 John Upden
A40 f61r
In the Name of God Amen I Anne Jenner of the Parish of Hamsey Widow being sick and weak ... First I will thatmy Executor here after named pay to my Grand Children there respective legacies given them by the last will and Testament of my loving Husband Henry Jenner deceased except such of them as I have payd in my lifetime And also the legacies given them by the last will and Testament of my loving Sister Elizabeth Symonds widow except such of them as I have payd in my life time Item to my Grandaughter Elizabeth Burden I give one pair of Sheets one pair of pillow bears one Silver Spoon one pewter dish six napkins and one chest Item I give to my Grandaughter Sarah Burden One pair of Sheets one pair of pillowbears six napkins one pewter dish one Silver Spoon and one Chest Item I give to my Grandaughter Judeth Burden the Summe of Thirty pounds part of the money I have now on mortgage upon lands in Firle of Agnes Ward alias Wade widow also one pair of Sheets one pair of pillowbears six napkins one pewter dish one Silver Spoon and one Chest also my Gold ring All which legacies I will to be paid to my Grandaughters ... respective ages of one and Twenty or day of Marriage ... (in case of death respective part be equally divided among survivors But if Judeth die her money to be divided among Grandsons and Grandaughters surviving) Item I give unto my loving SIster Damaris Roberts of Glyndbourn Widow five shillings as a remembrance of me To my GreatGrandaughters Charity Elizabeth and Anne Cheale each one pair of sheets to be delivered to their Father and Mother for them Item I give unto my Grandaughter Anne wife of Thomas Cheale of Allington a Two and Twenty Shilling piece of Gold one Silver Spoon with all my houshold goods not already disposed of … provided what I have beside suffice to pay my debts (etc) Item if there shall be yet so much overplus I will to my Grandsons Richard Henry and John Burden Twenty shillings a piece ... And if there shall yet be any remainder I will that to be equally divided among all my seven grandchildren or the survivors ... Lastly I make my loveing Friend Mr Richard Barnard of Lewes Sole Executor...to whom I give a Two and Twenty shilling piece of Gold ... 21 December 1693 Witnesses: John Marten Anne Curle Joseph Beach Proved 12 January 1694 Richard Barnard
XA 26/50 (original) CHARLES SMITH 1694
In the Name of God Amen the Seaven and twentieth day of May ... 1694 I Charles Smith of Hamsey in the County of Sussex Gent ...And now for the settling of my Temporal Estate ... I give and devise All and Singuler my Freehold Lands Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever belonging unto my Loveing freinds Richard Bridger the younger of Comb in the parish of Hamsey aforesaid and Richard Barnard of Lewes in the said County and my Loveing brother John Smith of Lewes Gent and their heires forever Upon Trust...shall sell & Convey...and the Moneys ariseing upon Sale shalbe imployed towards the payment of my inst debts And whereas I have surrendered into the hands of the Lady of the Mannor of Hamsey All and singuler my Customary Messuages ... scituate and being in Hamsey ... To the use of my last will...unto my Loveing Wife Dorothy for and during the Terme of her naturall life and after her decease to my youngest Sonn Joseph Smith and his heires forever Upon Condicion (that he pay unto) his brothers and Sisters John Charles Benjamin Mary Dorothy and Elizabeth Smith the Summe of Two hundred pounds ... when he shall accomplish the full Age of One and Twenty yeares ... And alsoe wheras I have Surrendered into the hands of the Lady of the Mannor of Willmington All my Customary Lands (etc) scituate and lying in Laughton ... To the use of my last will ... I give and devise (them) unto Richard Bridger, Richard Barnard and John Smith ... Upon Trust ... to sell and Convey (and payment towards debts) Ite I give and devise unto my Sonn Charles Smith the Sume of Two hundred pounds ... Item I give & bequeath unto my Son John Smith the Sume of One hundred pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my Son Benjamin the Some of One hundred pounds ... Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary the Sume of One hundred and fifty pounds ... Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Dorothy the Sume of One hundred pounds ... Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth the Sume of One hundred pounds ... All the rest and residue ... unto my loveing wife Dorothy (Executrix) Witnesses: —Burtenshaw John ?Hine Jane Wood Mary Middelton
XA 26/50 (original)
In the Name of God Amen I Dorothy Smith of Hamsey widowe the Relict and Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Charles Smith...being sicke and weake ... Fifteenth day of June 1694 ... I give and devise unto my six children Charles Mary John Dorothy Elizabeth and Benjamin All my pte and share of my late husbands psonall Estate ... to be equally devided between them ... at their severall and respective ages of one and twenty yeares or dayes of marriage ... And that my Executor shall ... after my Decease make Sale of soe much of the said psonall Estate as hee shall think fitt and convenient (for) ... the bringing upp of my six children ... and pay the same from time to time...unto my Mother Mrs Jane Wood ... whome I appoint shall have the Tuition and bringing upp of my said Children during their Minority ... All the rest and residue ... unto my six children ... Unckle Mr George Tye to be Executor ... Loveing freinds Richard Bridger of Comb esq and Richard Barnard of Lewes Gent as Overseers ... evry one of them one Guinea peice of Gold as a token of my love Witnesses: Anne Curle —Burtenshaw Elizabeth Cooper Proved 6 October 1694—George Tye
XA26/50 (original)
NISELL RIVERS 1694 In the Name of God Amen the four and twentieth Day of December (1694) I Nisell Rivers of Wogham within the parish of Hamsey Esq being weake in Body ... Item I give and bequeath unto my Nephew and Godson Thomas Rivers gent oneof the fellowes of all Soules Colledge within the University of Oxford the third Son of my Nephew Sr John Rivers Baronet deceased the sume of fifty pounds ... (and) all my books ... Also I give and bequeath unto my Servt Francis ?Corder twenty pounds (and) all my wearing apparrell Linnen excepted ... Item I give and bequeath unto my Servt Richard Plaw son of John Plaw deced the sume of twenty pounds ... Item I give and bequeath unto my Kinsman John Bridger of Wellstreet within the parish of West(erham?) in Kent gent A5nd t loving Neece Mary his wife and to Richard Bridger gent and Ann Bridger and Mary Bridger the Son and Daughters ... the sume of one hundred pounds...to be divided between them ... Item I give and bequeath unto my deer and loving Neece Dorothy Rivers of Chaford in the parish of Penshurst in Kent sister of my said Nephew Sr John Rivers ... All that my Freehold Messuage (etc) now in my own Occupacon Scituate lying and being in Wogham in Hamsey...Also I give and bequeath unto the said Dorothy Rivers all other my Freehold Messuages (etc) ... in Wogham Hamsey or elsewhere ... All the rest and residue ... I give and bequeath unto my said Neece Dorothy Rivers (Executrix) Witnesses: Charles Goodwyn Mary Shoulder Richard Norris James Sicklemore Proved 1 February 1694 Dorothy Rivers
In the name of God amen I Nicholas Harvey of Hamsey yeoman being ill of body ... I give and bequeath unto Susanna my loving sister late wife of John Lucy now widow the summe of one shilling ... Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Blundell sonne of my late sister Anne late wife of Thomas Blundell deceased the summe of Twenty pounds...Item I give and bequeath unto my Cousin William Hedger the summe of ten pounds ... Item I give and bequeath unto Richard Hedger brother to William the summe of five pounds ... Item I give and bequeath unto my Cousin Michael Hedger Brother also to William and Richard the summe of five pounds All the rest and residue ... I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Ann (Executrix) ... 7 May 1697 Witnesses Richard Nappe the marke of Mary Bryant John Head Proved 20 May 1697 Anne Harvey
In the name of God amen I William Avery of Hamsey yeoman being Weake in Body ...Item I give and devise All my Messuage or Tenement Barne (etc) in Hamsey called Sweeteredge the Butts and the Broad Yards being freehold and all other my Lands ... unto my Eldest Son Thomas Avery ... (at) Four and twenty yeares he paying unto my youngest son John Avery the sume of one hundred pounds (if John should die before 24) Thomas shall pay unto the rest of my CHildren then liveing the sume of Fifty pounds ... And shall pay unto my Loveing wife Elizabeth Ten pounds p.ann for her life and my wife shall enjoy the Lands and pmises till my son Thomas shall attaine the full age of Four and twenty yeares ... But if my wife shall Marry againe (before Thomas is 24) from that day he shall have and enjoy the said Lands etc ... Item I give and bequeath to my sons William Avery Stephen Avery and Nathaniel Avery and to my daughter Elizabeth Avery the sume of Two hundred and Fifty pounds apeice and to my youngest son John Avery the sume of one hundred and fifty pounds (at respective ages of 24) ... (should wife marry before children are 21 she to give security to ) my Cosin John Marchant of Hurstpierpoint Yeoman and William Langford of Lewes Malster for the payments (they to be overseers) for a paire of Gloves of a Crowns value as a token of my Love All the rest to Loveing Wife Elizabeth (Executrix) only the best of my Linnen to be devided amongst all my children 29 March 1702 Witnesses: Thomas Hammond William Virgoe John Bennet Jn Tabor Anne Curle Proved 3 May 1702 Elizabeth Avery
In the Name of God Amen I Richard Day of Hamsey ... Wheelwright being of perfect minde ... I devise that Messuage or Tenemt & little Garden with the Apputs in Hamsey now in the Occupacion of John Homewood or his assignes unto my loving Wife Dorothy Day for & during the terme of her naturall Life And I devise all that my other Messuage Outhouses Garden and Piece or Parcell of Land in Hamsey ... and alsoe the reversion of the House wherein he sd John Holmwood now liveth unto Thomas Day of Mayfield Yeoman And unto Walter Vynall of Chayly Yeoman ... And All my Stock & psonall Estate ... unto the said Thomas Day and Walter Vynall ... In trust (to sell) for the best price which can be gotten (to pay debts and legacies) that my said wife should have the Interest & Profitt ... during the time she shall continue a Widow and likewise after she Shall Marry again if my trustees shall think fitt ... when my youngest Child living shall be of the age of Seventeen Years tha the said money shall be Equal ly divideongst my wife and children ... And lastly I devise unto my son Stephen Day seaven pounds over and above his share ... to bind him out as an Apprentice to some Trade ... All the residue devised to wife (Executrix) 16 May 1706 Witnesses: mark of Wm Norman mark of Susan Norman Edward ?Honte Proved 21 January 1707 Dorothy Day, widow
In the name of God Amen I Mary Rotheram of the parish of Hamsey Widow weake in Body...the last day of October 1708 ... .that little porcion of goods (etc)...my Will is that my Daughters Jane Hawkins Mary Champion & Elizabeth Tuttey whom I make joyntly Extrices of this my Short Will should equally divide amongst them ... ..And because my Son Samuel Hawkins is Heir at Law to my Lands wherein I had my Widows Bench and leaving him none of my Goods if hee desire to buy the Goods fairly and Legally apprized by two persons indifferently Chosen on his side & the Side of my Extrices...that he have the refusall and if any Controversy should arise between my Son and the Extrices about the price o f the Goods after they are Apprized that then Thomas Verrall Sen of the parish of Hamsey shall determine between them as umpire in the last resort... Witnesses: John Shore Robert Hill William Tuttey Proved 17 February 1708/9 Jane Hawkins, Mary Champion, Elizabeth Tuttey
In the Name of God Amen September the Eighth One thousand Seven Hundred & Five I Henry Mockford of the parish of Hamsey Shepherd being weak in Body ... My will is that Stephen Heaver of the parish of All Saints in Lewes and John Myles of Poynings Husbandman & the Survivor of them shall have & receive the Rents Issues & profitts of the Freehold Estate & the Interest and proceeds of my Money & all my Household Goods Stock Cattell and personal Estate whatsoever in trust that they shall pay ... unto my Wife Mary Mockford for the maintenance and Education of my CHildren which I have by her whom I intreat her to bring up in the fear of God ... to suffer the sd Mary Mockford to have the Use of my Household Goods untill my said CHildren shall respectively be of the Age of One & Twenty Years or Married and that then ... they shall make sale thereof and the Money arising by Such Sale and all other ... shall be paid & divided respectively amongst my Children ... And I do hereby appoint my Wife Mary Mockford to be Executrix ... Witnesses: Jo Shore Phil Shore Amy Shore Proved 25 October 1710 Mary Mockford, widow
A48 f54v
In the Name of God Amen I Francis Newman of the parish of Hamsey ... Husbandman being indisposed in Body ... I Give to my Eldest Daughter Mary Newman now Living with Mr Vinall at Kingston nigh Lewes Two pair of Towen Sheets & Eight Shill: in Money And after the Decease of my Wife I bequeath to my Youngest Daughter Sarah my House & Garden with All the Goods belonging to it provided that my Wife does not live to spend it And if the Household Goods & Garden some to my Youngest Daughter and She survive her Mother Then my will is that my Daughter Sarah pay to my Daughter Mary her Sister the sum of four pounds at two Equall payments ... Finally I make my loving Wife Elizabeth my full & Sole Executrix ... twenty second August 1710 Witnesses: John Shore Tho Rickwood John Evershed Proved 6 Sept 1710 Elizabeth Newman widow
In the Name of God Amen I Edward Pollington the Elder of Hamsey ... yeoman being sick & weake ... Imprimis whereas Edward Pollongton the Younger of Wivelsfield ... did at court holden for the Manor of Wilmington ... 29 April 1685 did surrender certain Copyholds ... to several uses & under several conditions ... one that he should pay to me Edward Pollington ... seventy pounds ... within three months after the Death of the survivor of him (Edward Pollington) or Mary Bran widow then his intended wife ... Now I doe bequeth the said Seventy pounds in manner following Vizt Forty pounds to my Eldest son William Pollington and Thirty pounds to my youngest son Stephen Pollington when the same shall become due and payable ... Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Pollington one Gold Ring which was her Mothers & my first Wifes wedding Ring And Alsoe the Bedd she usually lyes on with the Bedstedle Blanketts Coverlett & all thereto belonging as it now is & standeth in the room called the drawing room Chamber in the House I now dwell in And Alsoe two pair of my best Sheets and Six Flaxen Napkins All which my Will & mind is Shall be delivered unto her ... within one month after my Decease Item I give and bequeath unto my loving Wife Anne Pollington one new Linnen SPinning wheel And Alsoe all such Linnen Goods & Household stuffe as she brought with her of her owne at our intermarriage ... Item Whereas I have formerly Surrendered All and Singuler my Copyhold Lands (etc) held of the Manor of Barcomb to the use of my will ... Now I Give & devise All & singuler my said Copyhold Lands (etc) ... to my second son Edward Pollington ... Charged with payment of One hundred & ten pounds ... Vizt To my daughter Elizabeth now Wife of John Martin of Keymer Husbandman Fifty pounds To my Daughter Sarah Pollington Fifty pounds And to my Son John Pollington Ten pounds (all) within Five years ... And in the meantime (interest to be paid) ... Item I doe give & bequeath to Anne Pollington my Wife one Annuity of Five pounds out of the Copyhold Lands All the rest and residue ... I doe Give& bequeath unto second son Edward Pollington (also executor) 14 September 1712 Witnesses: Edw Medley John Earle sen John Earle jun Probate: 24 January 1712 Edward Pollington, son
A48 f263v
In the Name of God Amen I John Wells of Hamsey ... Husbandman ... having surrendered my Copyhold Messuage (etc) to the use of my will doe now devise the same unto my Kinsman Thomas Goring after the decease of myself and my now Wife ... and as for my Goods and Chattels (etc) my loveing Wife Mary Wells shall have the use for and during her naturall life ... Thomas Goring and executors & administrators to be executor … to pay unto my sister Anne Austen of Arlington one shilling to whome I devise the same my Will being that she should have nothing or take any other benefit ... 3 November 1710 Witnesses: Will Nelson Mary Phelps John Burton Probate: 30 January 1713 John Goring
A48 f350v
In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Wigsell of Hamsey ... Yeoman being vege (sic) ... Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my Grandson Thomas Wigsell Twenty bushells of Seed Wheate which grew this year on Barly Banks Farme As also All that Bedd with the Curtains Blanketts Coverlett and all things thereto belonging as it now stands in the Kitchen Chamber of my now dwelling house neer Cooksbridge ... And one Shilling and noe more I haveing lately given him one hundred pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Anne Wigsell the widow and Relict of my only son John Wigsell the Bedd which she usually lies on with the Curtains Blanketts Coverlett and all other things thereto belonging as alsoe two paire of my best sheets And Threescore pounds ... to be issueing and ariseing and payable out of my Goods and Stock to be sold...(in allotments specified) ... All the rest and residue ... unto my Grandson John Wigsell (also Executor Thomas Wigsell assisting) 20 September 1713 Witnesses: Edw Medley John Plaw Probate: 6 February 1713 John Wigsell
A48 f353v
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Avery of Hamsey ... yeoman being sick and weak ... First I give and devise unto my dear and Loving Brother Nathaniell Avery His heires and Assignes ... All that my messuage (etc) in Hurstppoynt ... called Sweeteredge the Butts and the Broadyards ...S ixty acres more or less Upon this condicion (several charges) five pounds p Ann to my Brother William Avery by quarterly payments to begin at Christmas 1722 ... and further five pounds p Ann after the decease of my dear and Loving mother Elizabeth Burgess ... further sums of twenty pounds apeice unto my Loving Brothers Stephen Avery and John Avery when Brother John becomes 21 ... further sum of Twenty pounds unto my neice Elizabeth Wigsell daughter of my Sister Elizabeth Wigsell when she becomes 21 ... All residue to Brother Nathaniell Avery (Executor) 26 October 1719 Witnesses: Henry Bridger The marke of Thomas Burgess John Michell Probate: 14 November 1719 Nathaniel Avery
XA26/55 Original will
In the name of God Amen Sept 12 1720 I Samuel Hawkins of Hamsey ... Yeoman being weake in body to buried at the discretion of my two sisters Jane Hawkins and Mary Champion (sole Executrixes) Whereas my Copyhold Estate was some years since surrendered to the use of my Will ... I will may be equally divided and Joyntly enjoyed by my two Sisters Jane Hawkins of Hamsey and Mary Champion of St Thomas in the Cliffe during their naturall lives and after both their deaths ... Elizabeth Spillman daughter to Mary Champion shall have and enjoy the feilds called Row Croft and Stephen Gate by estimation 4 acres ... And the rest of my Copyhold Lands and House be portioned into three parts one part to my Neice Elizabeth Spillman ... another part to Mary Tuttey daughter to Elizabeth Tuttey my halfe Sister the third part to Richard Verrall jun son to Richard Verrall Malster ... Item all my houshold goods and wearing Apparrell all Stock without doors and within ... I bequeath between my two Sisters Witnesses: John Shore Eliz Tuttey Ann Dine Probate: 2 May 1721 Jane Hawkins
A51 f13v
In the name of God Amen I John Shore Clerk and Rector of Hamsey ... being in good health ... Imp Ite to my servant Maid Ann Rice the sum of Forty pounds Item to Mary Attree the Sume of Ten pounds ... within six months or sooner ... as to the poor of both the Parishes I have given directions to my Executor Philip Shore my only son Rect of Woodmancote ... my Confidence in him has induce me to leave all at large to his conduct ... July 21 1721 Witnesses: John Goring Eliza Goring The marke of Richard Humphrey Probate: 12 May 1722 Philip Shore (Recorded loss of 3 servants [1679, 1688 & 1711] and two wives, Bridgett 1681 & Amy 1721)
A51 F109r
In the name of God Amen I John Alchorne of Hamsey...yeoman being in good health ... First I give and bequeath unto my sons John and Thomas Alchorne the sumes of fifty pounds apiece ... and unto my loving wife Hannah one annuity of six pounds for her maintenance as long as she shall continue a Widdow ... (and after ceasing to dwell with sons or marriage) one Feather bed whereon she now lyeth together with the curtains Vallence boulsters blanketts ... Also I give and bequeath unto my four sons George John Thomas & William all the rest and residue of my Estate ... (Thomas & William under age)...4 June 1721 Witnesses: Walter Brett Henry Lawrence John Plumer Probate: 14 February 1723 John Alchorne, son
A51 f251r
THOMAS HARVEY 1721 In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Harvey of Hamsey ... husbandman being in sound and perfect health...Whereas I have this day surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the manor of Hamsey ... one Rood of Land late pcell of the Lords Wast with a Cottage thereupon standing ... scituate ... in Hamsey ... Now I hereby give & devise the said Cottage ... unto my dear & or (sic) my daughters Elizabeth Harvey and Mary Harvey To have and to hold ... forever as Tenants in Common & not as joynt Tenants Item All & Singular my Goods Chattels Household stuffe & psonall Estate whatsoever ... I give & bequeath after payment of my debts ... unto my so dear and Loving daughters to be equally had shared & divided (joynt Executors) 16th June 1721 Witnesses: John Mitchell The marke of Edw Nicholls Tho Attree 26 May 1724 Mary Harvey
A51 f346v
In the Name of God Amen I Joane Anstie als Hawcombe of Hamsey ... widow being weake & infirme ... Whereas I have heretofore surrendered into the Lord of the manor of Streat ... my customary Land lyeing in Streat commonly called ?Commers als Coms & also one other customary Tenmt called Lemans with one messuage Barn & other Edifices ... about nine acres ... to the use of this my will give & devise ... unto Elizabeth Wigsell William Avery Stephen Avery Nathan Avery & John Avery Sons & daughter of my brother William Avery deced & to their heirs ... Item I give and bequeath unto the sd Elizabeth Wigsell & my wearing apparell & my Still Item I give unto Thomas Avery & Elizabeth Son & daugter of my sd Cousen Stephen Avery three broad peices of gold Item I give Eliza Wigsell daughter of my Cousen Eliz Wigsell a small gold ring a Silver Tumbler & Bodkin Item I give to my Cousen William Bennett Five pounds...Item I give to the children of my brother John Pellham each of them one Shilling ... Item I make .. .my said Nepphew Nathaniell Avery Extor and if he should dye before me...said Nephew John Avery (Ten pounds to Extor) ... (anything remaining to be shared among those mentioned before) 12th January 1724 Witnesses: John Wigsell John Kimber John Plumer 6 March 1724 Nathaniel Avery
A51 f 368r
In the name of God Amen I David Wood of Hamsey on the County of Sussex Blacksmith being sick and weak in body but of sound mind and memory ... do make and declaer this my last Will and Testament in writing in manner and forme as following (vizt) I commend my Soul to God who gave it ... my body I commit to the Earth ... and as for such estate ... I give and dispose thereof as followeth Imprimis I will that all my depts shall be paid ... Item I give and devise unto Thomas Attree of Barcomb in the Count of Sussex gent and John Wood of Southover near Lewes In the County aforesaid Blacksmith All my Freehold Messuage backside garden orchard land & premises situate lying and being in Barcomb in the said County of Sussex And also All that my Copyhold Smiths Shop and other Shop with the appurtenances in Barcomb aforesaid And also one other peice of Copyhold land and Shop lying in Hamsey aforesaid which I have Surrendered to the use of my last Will and Testament To hold to the said Thomas Attree and John Wood and their Heirs for ever And also all my goods chattells and personal estate whatsoever Except such goods as my Executrix shall think fit to reserve for her necessary occasion to keep house with Upon this Speciall trust and confidence nevertheless and my devise to the said Thomas Attree and John Wood is upon this Condicion that they ... shall sell my Freehold and Copyhold lands and premises to the best Purchase that can be got for the same together with my Personall estate and the moneys arising on such Sale I give & dispose thereof as followeth (vizt) I give to my daughter Susan Wood the Sum of one hundred pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain Also I give to my daughter Sarah Wood the like Sum of one hundred pounds to be paid unto my said two daughters in manner following that is to say Fifty pounds apeice when my youngest daughter Mary Wood shall attain the age of one and twenty years and the other Fifty pounds apeice within three months next after the decease of Susan my Wife And my will is that my said Trustees shall pay the Interest of the said Legacys of two hundred pounds together with the interest of all other moneys wch shall arise on Sale of my Reall and Personall Estate to my said Wife for and during her naturall life (if she so long continue my Widow) for the bringing up and maintenance of my three daughters but if my said Wife Mary (Susan) shall Marry again then my WIll is that my said Trustees shall pay the said Interest money to and for the maintenance of and Educacon of my said children untill they shall attain to the age of one and twenty years And my further will is that if any of my said daughters shall happen to dye before her Legacy shall become payable then the Legacy or her so dying shall be paid to the Survivors of them And my will is that my said Trustees shall keep the money out at Interest on good Security and shall pay the Interest to the uses aforesaid and what overplus money which shall remain in their hands after my debts and Legacys are paid and discharged my will is shall be paid to and amongst my said children then living as they shall think most proper and that shall stand most in need thereof And I make constitute and appoint the said Susan my Wife Sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament and the said Thomas Attree and John Wood Trustees of my said Will In Witness ... eighteenth day of Aprill ... one thousand seven hundred twenty eight Witnesses: Ben Beeke John Beeke John Holford Proved 1 June 1728 Susan Wood
ESRO A52 494
In the Name of God Amen I Robert Norman of Hamsey in the County of Sussex Yeoman being aged and infirm but of sound & perfect mind and memory ... do make & ordain this my last Will & Testament ... First and principally I commit my Soul into the hands of Almighty God ... & my body I commit to the earth ... as for such Estate ... I give & dispose thereof as followeth Imprimis I give and bequeath to my Grandson John Taylor the Sume of Fifteen pounds of lawfull money ... to be paid unto him ... Ten pounds part thereof within one month next after my decease & Five pounds other part thereof when he shall attain to the age of One & Twenty years by my said Extors Item I give & bequeath unto my Grandchild Anne King the Sume of Fifteen pounds of Like lawfull money ... to be paid unto her by my said Extors when she shall attain to the age of One & Twenty years or day of marriage which shall first happen Item I give to my Daughter Mary King the sum of Five pounds of like lawfull money to be paid unto her within one month next after my decease ... Item I give to my Grandaughter Mary King the Sume of Five pounds ... to be paid to her at her age of One & Twenty years or the day of Marriage which shall fisrt happen ... Item I give and bequeath to my Grandson Thomas King the sume of Five pounds of lawfull money ... when he shall attain the age of Sixteen Years And my will is that my said Executors shall keep the said money out at Interest & the Interest thereof arising to pay and expend for & towards the Clothing of my Grandchildren untill the same shall become payable as aforesaid And my Further will is that ifmy said Grandaughter Anne King shall happen to dye before her legacy shall become payable then my said Executors shall pay one half part thereof to my Grandson John Taylor & the other half to my Grandson Thomas King & if any of my two other Grandchildren shall dye before his or her Legacy shall become payable the Legacy of him or her so dying shall be paid to the Survivors of them and my will is that All my household goods shall be sold by my said Extors & the money arising by such sale together with the rest of my personall estate after my debts Legacys Funerall Expences & all other Charges which they shall Expend in the Executing of this my will are fully satisfied & paid my will is that my said Executors shall pay out and expend on my Daughter Mary King and my said Grandaughter Anne King to buy them Cloaths as they shall have occasion And lastly I make constitute and appoint my loving Friends John Stonehouse of Newick ... Yeom and Stephen Kennard of Southover ... Yeoman Executors ... Twenty seventh day of May...One Thousand seven hundred and Twenty Eight Witnesses: James Sicklemore John Holford Proved 26 July 1729 John Stonehouse & Stephen Kennard
ESRO A53 f45r
In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Earle of Hamsey in the County of Sussex being in good health and of Sound and perfect mind and Memory ... do make and Ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme Following First and principally I Commend my Soul unto Almighty God ... and my Body I Committ to the Earth ... Item I give and bequeath unto my Aunt Lashmer of Fletching the sume of Five shillings to be paid her within three Months after my Decease Also I give and bequeath unto each of her children the sume of One shilling apiece to be paid unto them in like manner within three months after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Avery and Anne Avery Daughters of Nathaniel Avery and Grace his Wife the sume of Twenty pounds apeice to be paid unto them when they shall attaine unto their severall and respective Ages of One and Twenty Years Item I give and bequeath unto William Avery and his heirs for ever (Son of the aforesaid Nathaniel Avery and Grace his Wife) All my Copyhold Land Scituate and Lying in Barcombe with All the apputenances thereunto belonging called or known by the Name of Cable Street or any other Name or Names containing in the whole by Estimation Fifty acres of Land be the Same more or less and holden of the Manor of Barcombe which said Copyhold Land ... I have and did Surrender into the hands of the Lord ... to the use of my WIll by the acceptance of Thomas Medley Esq Deceased Steward of the said Manor ... Also I give and bequeath unto the aforesaid William Avery and his heirs for ever one Small piece or parcell of Frehold Land adjoyning to my Copyhold Land aforesaid containing by Estimation half an Acre ...l ate Midmors All the rest of my personall Estate ... I give unto William Avery aforesaid whom I make Executor of this my last Will and Testament Nevertheless if the said William Avery shall happen to dye before he shall or do attain unto the Age of One and Twenty Years then my Will and meaning is his Mother Grace Avery the Wife of Nathaniel Avery aforesaid shall have and enjoy the said Lands and premises ... during the term of her naturall Life and afterwards the Heirs of her Body forever And to no other use nor purpose but Dispose of itto her Children and Desire my loving Friends John Mill of Westmeston ... Yeoman and his Son Christopher Mill of Westmeston ... Yeoman to be Trustees of this my last Will and Testament and to Direct and Assist my said Executor and to each of them I give the sume of Ten Shillings … Twenty seventh day of March 1729 Witnesses: Joseph Stedman Richard Simmons John Wheeler Proved 15 July 1737 By letters of Administration to Grace Avery during the minority of William Avery, aged fourteen Years or thereabouts ... Goods do not amount to Twenty pounds
ESRO A55 F184v
... Discharged by my Executor Also I give and bequeath unto the poor of the people called Quakers the Sum of Five pounds of Lawfull Money of Great Brittain to be distributed unto and amongst such of them as shall be within the District of the Four Monthly Meetings following (that is to say) Lewes Brighthelmstone Hurstpierpoint and Herstmonceux in the said County of Sussex to be paid by my Executor hereinafter named within Six months next after my Decease in or at one of the said Monthly Meetings unto any three Members or persons of Such Meeting whose Receipt shall be a full Discharge unto my said Executor for the Same Also I Give and Bequeath unto my much Esteemed and Loveing Friend the said James Wilkins of Lewes aforesaid the Sume of Ten pounds of Lawfull Money of Great Brittain to be paid unto him within One Month next after my Decease...Also I give and Bequeath unto my Loveing Friend Elizabeth Page of Lewes aforesaid Spinster the Sume of Ten pounds ... to be paid unto her within One month ... Also I Give and Bequeath unto my Kinsman Thomas Field of Postlade (sic) ... the Sum of Two Hundred pounds ... for him to have only the Interest and Proffit thereof during his Life and from and after the Death of the said Thomas Field I Give and Bequeath the said Principall Sume of Two Hundred pounds unto the children of the said Thomas Field to be Equally shared to and amongst such of them as shall be then Living ... Also I Give and Bequeath unto my Kinswoman Hannah Ginner now Wife of Stephen Ginner of Lindfield in the County aforesaid Husbandman the sume of Fifty pounds ... to the End and Intent that They may have the Profitt and Interest thereof only Dureing their naturall Lives and the Life of the Survivor of them and from and after the Death of the Longest Liver of them I Give and Bequeath the said Fifty pounds Principall Money unto and equally amongst the Children of the said Hannah Ginner ... Also I Give and Bequeath unto my Kinsman Joseph Riggles of Hamsey aforesaid Farmer the like full Sume of Fifty pounds ... that he may have and take to his own use the Interest and Profitt dureing his Naturall Life and (after his Death) I Give and Bequeath the said Sume ... unto the Children of the said Joseph Riggles ... that were begotten on the body of his late Wife and my Kinswoman Anne Riggles ... Also I Give and Bequeath unto my Kinswoman Mary Simmons Wife of James Simmons of Buxted ... Husbandman the full Sume of Fifty pounds (terms as before) Also I Give and Bequeath unto the Children of my late Kinsman Edward Wheatly (That is to say) unto Edward John Ambrose Anne Mary Elizabeth Jane Sarah and Timothy unto Each and Every One of them the Sume of Ten pounds ... Also I Give and Bequeath unto my Sister in Law Joan Holland Wife of Edward Holland the Sume of Ten pounds ... Also I Give and Bequeath unto Anne Hartham Wife of John Hartham and Daughter of the said Joan Holland the like Sume of Ten pounds ... Also I Give and Bequeath unto Hannah Styants Wife of John Styants and One other of the Daughters of Joan Hollands the like Sume of Ten pounds (if any of them were to die, their legacy to be divided amongst survivors) ... Also I Do hereby Nominate Ordain Constitute and Appoint my aforesaid Kinsman Thomas Field of Portslade ... Sole Executor ... Give and Bequeath unto my said Kinsman Thomas Field All the rest and residue of my Moneys Goods Chattells and Personall Estate ... Seventeenth Day of March One Thowsand Seven Hundred and Forty One—Samuel Field Witnesses: Thomas Gorringe Anne Gorringe her mark James Brooke Proved 16 July 1742 Thomas Field
A56 F273v
In the Name of God Amen I Edward Shoesmith in the parish of Hamsey ... Husbandman being Weak of Body but of Sound and Perfect Mind and Memory ... All and Singular my Goods and Chattells of what kind or nature soever I Give and Bequeath the Same to my well beloved Wife Ann Shoesmith for and Dureing the Term of her naturall Life Except my Wearing Apparrell both Wollen and Linen which I Give to my Brother William Shoesmith only And what Remaineth of my said Goods and Chattells after the Decease of my said Wife Anne Shoesmith I Give and Bequeath the Same Equally to be Divided among my own Relation and Wifes Relation one Moiety or half part to Each Side And I do hereby Appoint my Loveing wife Anne Shoesmith Sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament ... Twenty Fourth Day of April ... One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty Two ... Witnesses: Thomas Tippen Jn Lucas Proved 31 July 1742 Anne Shoesmith, widow
A56 f275v
JOHN POLLINGTON 1752 In the Name of God Amen I John Pollington of the Parish of Hamsey ... Farmer being in good health of Body and of Sound and Perfect Mind ... I give unto my well beloved wife Susan Pollington all the Interest of my moneys and Goods and Chattells and the Principle also if She shall have any call or Occasion for the same towards her Maintenance And further my Will is tha my Executor and Executrix hereafter mentioned shall bear each of them an equal part towards their Mothers maintenance which she shall have Occasion for more than the Interest of my moneys doth amount to during the Terme of her natural Life if she so long continue my widow But if in Case my wife Susan Pollington aforsd shall or do marry another husband then my Will is that she shall have none of my aforsd Chattells real or personal but her weraing Apparel only And Lastly All and Singular my Goods and Chattels of what Nature or kind soever after my wifes decease I give unto my Son Stephen Pollington and my daughter Ann Pollington equally to be divided between them Share and Share alike whom I do hereby appoint Spel and equal Executor and Executrix ... Loveing Friends John Lucas of Barcombe and Thomas Tippen of Hamsey to be Trustees ... 26 May 1744 Witnesses: Thos Smith James Shergold Proved 2 May 1752 Stephen Pollington
A58 f564v
This is the last Will and Testament of me Mary Duly of Offham in the parish of Hamsey ... widow ... touching the disposition of such worldly Estate ... First I Give and bequeath to my sister Sarah Smith all my wearing Apparell of what nature kind or sort soever and also half a dozen silver tea Spoons and a pair of Sugar Tongs to them belonging to be delivered to her by my Executor hereinafter named Immediately after my decease All the rest residue and remainder of my Goods Chattles Rights Credits and Estate ... I Give and Devise and bequeath to George Mills of the said parish of Hamsey to Hold to him his Executirs and Administrators And I do Appoint the said George Mills Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament ... 27 September 1755 Witnesses: J Wheeler Thomas Smith Proved 4 December 1755 George Mills
A59 p272
This is the last Will and Testament of me James Markwick of Cooksbridge in the parish of Hamsey ... Blacksmith being of sound and disposing mind and Memory ... First I give and devise unto my son James Markwick All that my Freehold Messuage or Tenement with the Garden and one Acre of Land more or less thereto adjoining and belonging with all and singular the appurtenances thereto also belonging scituate lying and being in Hamsey aforesaid and now or late in the Tenuer of Occupation of John Crouch or his Assigns To Hold the same ... for ever Also I give and devise unto my said Son James Markwick All that my Copyhold Messuage or Tenement and Garden with all and Singular the Appurtenances ... scituate lying and being at Cooksbridge aforesaid and now or late in my own Occupation And also all that my Copyhold Messuage or Tenement and Garden with all and SIngular the Appurtenances ... scituate lying and being in the parish of Barcombe ... and nowor late in the tenure or Occupation of Richard Hobden or his Assigns both which said Copyhold messuages and premises I have surrendered to the use of my Will ... Also I give unto Catherine my Wife One Annuity or Yearly rent Charge of Fifty two shillings to be Issuing and payable half yearly rent of my aforesaid Messuages...to be paid to her by my said Son ... Lady day and Michaelmas day by even and equal half yearly payments Also I give and bequeath unto my said Wife the use of the Bed in the Kitchen Chamber at my House at Cooksbridge aforesaid and also two pair of Flaxen sheets and the use of such other goods and Houshold Furniture as shall be adjudged absolutely necessary by two Indifferent persons to be chosen the one to be nominated and appointed by my said Wife and the other by my said Son...(all to cease and be void should she marry again) ... Also I give unto my said Wife during her life or so long as she shall continue Sole and unmarried the liberty of dwelling either in the Chamber of my said Dweling house at Cooksbridge aforesaid over my workshop there or in the Chamber over my Workshop at Barcombe Cross ... All the rest ... unto my said Son James Markwick Sole Executor ... 24 January 1756 Witnesses: James Brook Stephen Heaver Junr James Halsted Proved 21 February 1756 James Markwick
A59 p301
In the Name of God Amen I John Alchorne of Wogham in the parish of Hamsey ... Yeoman being infirm in Body but of Sound and disposing Mind and Memory...First I give and bequeath unto my daughter Betty The Wife of Thomas Howell of Hamsey aforesaid the Sum of One hundred pounds ... Also I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Alchorne the Sum of One hundred pounds ... within Three years next after she shall come to the Age of One and Twenty Years or day of Marriage which shall First happen Also I give and bequeath unto my Son Thomas Alchorne the sum of Two hundred pounds ... within Three years next after he shall come to the Age of One and Twenty Years (Executrix to pay Interest at the rate of Four pounds by the hundred by the year by even and equal Quarterly payments) Also I Give and bequeath the use and benefit of the rest ... unto my Loveing wife Mary for and during the terme of her Naturall Life or Widowhood ... after decease or Second Intermarriage which ever shall first happen I Give and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto my Son John Alchorne ... And my further Will ... that my wife shall and do Deliver up to my said son John Alchorne the Farm which I now Occupy ... whensoever she shal Judge my said Son John Alchorne capable of manageing the same ... (condition ... that John Alchorne give a bond to his mother of Three hundred pounds for the payment of sixteen pounds a year during the rest of her life or until she remarry, in which case he to pay his mother Fifty pounds) In case of disputes between Wife and children or among children ...my Worthy Landlord John Wenham to Arbitrate ... Appoint my Loving Wife Mary Executrix ... 8 February 1752 Memorandum the Legacy of the Two Hundred pounds before herein given to my son Thomas Alchorne My will is shall be but One and Fifty hundred pounds the remaining Fifty pounds to be left as part of my Effects to my said Wife for her Life as Residuary Legatee and after her decease to my Son John Alchorne ... Witnesses: Richard Holingdale James Halsted Codicil ... Eighth day of February 1752 ... Whereas as a Court Baron holden this day for the Manor of Hamsey I was Admitted to a piece of Land containing by Estimacon One Rood ... whereupon I have erected a Messuage or Tenement intended to be made into Two dwelling houses ... I do give and devise To my Loving Wife Mary ... And after her decease To my son John Alchorne ... And Whereas the said Messuage and premises are not yet Quite finished My will is that my said Wife shall Apply so much of my personal Estate in the completing and finishing thereof as shall be necessary Witnesses: J Bridger Edmund Stiles Thos Farnes Proved 16 August 1759
A60 p104
In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Brooker of Hamsey ... Yeoman being of sound mind and Memory...my body to be decently interred at the parish church of Street..as near as conveniently may be to the bodies of my late dear Father and Mother ... First I give and bequeath unto my loveing Wife Mary one Annuity or Yearly sum of ten Pounds ... And I give to my said wife the use of one convenient bed with the Steddle curtains Healing Happurtenances and likewise the Furniture of a Room for her Life Item I give and bequeath unto my Grandson John Brooker Son of my late Son Thomas Brooker deceased the Sume of Ten pounds To my Grandchildren William Brooker and Ann Brooker Son and Daughter of my late son Thomas Brooker the sum of Five pounds to each of them To my Grandchildren Thomas Brooker and Elizabeth Brooker Son and Daughter of my Son William Brooker the sume of Five pounds to each of them and to my Grandaughter Barbary Brooker Daughter of my Son John Brooker the sum of Five pounds (all at age of One and Twenty) And the rest and residue ... I give and bequeath unto my said Two Sons John Brooker and William Brooker equally to be divided between them ... Joint Executors ... 20 August 1759 Witnesses: John Cheesman John Adams Proved 13 March 1760 John and William Brooker
A60 p311
This is the last Will and Testament of me Edward King of the parish of Hamsey in the County of Sussex carpenter and Millwright ... Whereas I have deposited in the hands of John Bridger Esquire of Combe the sum of sixty and three pounds which I was which I was intitled unto unto at the Death of my Brother Nicholas King part of which sum hath already been paid unto me for the support of myself and Family and th eother part whereof is now remaining in the Hands of the said Mr Bridger Now I do hereby give and bequeath all such Sum and Sums of Money as shall at this time of my Death be due owing and belonging unto me for or on account of the said sum of sixty and three pounds ... unto my loving daughter Mary the wife of Edward Page of Lewes ... cordwainer … And I do hereby nominate constitute and Appoint my said Daughter Mary sole Executrix of this my Will ... 22 August 1761 ... mark of Edward King ... Witnesses: Jn Sinnock Elizabeth Valentine Proved 28 September 1761 Mary wife of Edward Page
A60 p295
The last Will and Testament of me Anthony Davis late of Streat but now of Hamsey ... Miller touching the disposition of the Temporal Estate ... I give and devise All that my Freehold Messuage or Tenement commonly called or known by the Name and Sign of the Green Cross ... with the Buildings Lands and Appurtenances thereunto belonging situate lying and being in Plompton ... and now in the Occupation of John Randles ... unto my Daughter Ann the Wife of the said John Randles and the Heirs of her Body ... for Default of such Issue to my Son William Daves and my Daughter Ruth the Wife of Joseph Rickles their Heirs ... as Tenants in Common and not as Joint Tenants charged ... with the payment of One Annuity ... of Five pounds ... unto my welbeloved Wife Sarah yearly and every year from the Time of my Decease and during the Term of her Natural Life ... And also with the payment of One annuity ... of Four pounds ... unto my said Son William Daves and his heirs from the Time of the Decease of my said Wife Sarah until the said Messuage ... by the Death of my said Daughter Ann without such Issue...shall by virtue of this my Will descend and come to my said Son William and my said Daughter Ruth ... Also I give and devise All that my Freehold Messuage or Tenement Smiths Shop Buildings Garden Ground and Appurtenances ... situate and being in Saint John Baptist Southover near Lewes ... now in the Occupation of John Newnham ... unto my said son William Daves and the Heirs of his Body ... in Default of such Issue unto my two Daughters the said Ann and Ruth ... and I do hereby charge the said last mentioned Messuage ... with the payment of One annuity ... of Forty Shillings ... unto my said wife Sarah ... Also I give and devise All that Freehold Messuage or Tenement ... called Buzbees...situate lying and being in the Parish of Streat ... occupation of James Bartholomew ... unto my said Daughter Ruth ... and for Default (of heirs) unto my said Son William and my said Daughter Ann ... and I do hereby charge the last mentioned Messuage ... with the payment of One annuity ... of Forty shillings ... unto my said Wife Sarah ... Also I give and devise All that my Blacksmiths Shop with the Appurtenances situate and being near Green Cross aforesaid on the Occupation of the said John Randles unto my said Daughter Ann ... and in Default (of heirs) unto my said Son William and my said Daughter Ruth ... (clauses in case of default of annuities) Also I give unto my said Wife the use only of such and so much of my household Goods and Utensils of Houshold as she shall think sufficient for the Furniture of one Room for and during her Naturall life And all the Rest and Residue of my household Goods and Utensils of Houshold of all sorts and one Cart Mare one plough two Harrowes and one pair of Winnowers ... I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Ruth ... Also all the Rest and Residue of my Moneys ... I give and bequeath unto my said Wife my said Son William my said Daughter Ann and my said Daughter Ruth equally to be divided between them ... but that my Sons share shall be paid into the hands of my said Wife in Trust for him ... appoint my said Daughter Ann sole Executrix ... 6 May 1762 Witnesses: William Attree Richard Hollingdale Richard Marten Proved 14 June 1762 Ann the Wife of John Randles
A60 p478
I John Backet of Hamsey ... Husbandman being of sound mind and memory ... make this my last Will as Followeth ... First I direct my just debts and Funeral expense be all satisfied and discharged by my Executor soon after my decease Also I Give to Jane the wife of Francis Corner of Hamsey Husbandman Twenty pounds to be paid her Within one Month next after my decease Also I give to the said Francis Corner the sum of one hundred and Seventy pounds upon the following trust ... that he as soon as received put the Same to Interest on good Security and the interest of Fifty pounds part thereof apply to the education and schooling of his Son Francis Corner untill he attain his age of Twenty one years or Marriage and the Interest of one Other Fifty pounds another part thereof apply for the education and schooling of his Son William Corner untill he attain his full age of Twenty one years or day of Marriage And the interest of one other Fifty pounds an other partand other part thereof for the education and schooling of his Son John Cornerr untill he attain his full age of Twenty one years or day of Marriage And also the Interest of Twenty pounds the Residuary part of the said one hundred and seventy pounds apply to and for the education and schooling of James Corner another Son of her the said Jane untill he attain his full age of Twenty one years or day of Marriage and as either of the said four Sons Francis William John and James shall respectively attain their full ages or be married ... (the father shall pay each of them the principal amount due to them and if any die their share to be divided among the survivors) ... Also I give to the said four Sons ... all my wearing apparell both Woolen and Linen with Box or chest of all Sorts Also I give all that my Freehold Messuage Garden Crop or Close of Land with appurtenances lyeing in Westmeston ... now or late in the several tenures of Mr Wilson & Mr Heriot or their assignes unto and equally between Susanna White and Mary White daughters of Thomas White late of Westmeston Husbandman deceased ... Also all the rest and residue of my estate...I give to my Nephew William Howell the younger of Hamsey Husbandman (and he to be Executor) ... 5 May 1764 ... Witnesses: W Grover Ann Washer Edward Thornton William Howell renounced his Executorship
A61 p427
JOHN GOODMAN 1767 In the Name of God Amen I John Goodman ... Yeoman ... devise and bequeath unto my three nephews Samuel Ellis Thomas Ellis and Henry Ellis and to my Neice Ann Ellis spinster three of the Sons and Daughters of my sister Ann the wife of John Ellis of Hamsey ... Yeoman All my estate ... to be equally divided between them ... (nephew Thomas to be Executor) ... 29 June 1761 ... Witnesses: John Hooke John Osbaldeston (clerk to Mr Burkenshaw of Lewes) Proved 22 June 1767 Thomas Ellis
A61 p516
This is the last Will and Testament of Me Thomas Tippen of Hamsey ... Yeoman ... First whereas I have duly surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the Manor of Hamsey ... All and singular my Copyhold Messuage or Cottage ... to the use of my Will ... I Do hereby Give and devise All that one Messuage or Cottage ... late William Alchorns ... by the yearly rent of Eight pence And also all that piece or parcel of land containing three roods ... yearly rent Six shillings and four pence And all other my Customary or Copyhold Tenements ... To the use of my loving wife Ann Tippen ... for the Term of her natural Life and from and after her decease to the Use of my Friend John Wood of Street ... Gentleman ... Upon Trust (to be sold after deaths of Thomas and Ann and money to be added to and treated as his personal Estate) ... Also Whereas I did in prospect of the Marriage with my said wife Ann then Ann Tutty Gave a bond to Thomas Streeter in the sum of Six hundred pounds (2 Oct 1752) ... that if the Marriage should take Effect and I should dye in her lifetime Then my Heirs etc should pay my Wife the sum of three hundred pounds within Twelve months ... Now my will is that in Case my Wife shall happen to survive me That then the sum of Three hundred pounds shall be paid to or retained by my Wife in full of the said Bond ... Also I give and bequeath unto my late wifes Nephew James Newnham the sum of thirty pounds ... And to his Brothers her Nephews being all the children of John Newnham late of Westmeston ... carpenter ... Thomas Newnham Drew Newnham James Newnham & Henry Newnham the sum of Ten pounds apiece ... Also I give and bequeath unto my late Wifes Nephews and Nieces the children of Thomas Newnham late of Newick ... Victualler deceased ... James Newnham Mary Heasman Widow Elizabeth the now wife of Thomas Tomsett and Prisella the now wife of (blank) Alchorne the sum of Ten pounds appiece Also I Give and bequeath unto my wifes Nephew and Niece the Son and Daughter of Henry Newnham late of Newick Labourer deceased ... Henry Newnham and Elizabeth wife of blank) Pulman) Ten pounds apiece Also unto my present wifes Nephew William Tutty Ten pounds and to Mary Street the daughter of Thomas Street my now wifes niece Ten pounds Also I give and bequeath unto the children of my late sister Jane Holden ... Richard Holden Mary Holden and Elizabeth wife of John Parsons Five pounds apiece ... Also I give and bequeath all my Goods etc to my said wife Ann during her natural life so long as she remain a widow ... (After decease or remarriage) one third part to Nephews and Niece John Hillman Alexander Hillman and Elizabeth wife of John Heasman ... other two shares to my nephew Thomas Tippen and niece Elizabeth daughter of John Foord ... (wife Ann and friend John Wood to be Executors) 4 Oct 1766 Witnesses: Wm Michell Thos James Edw Manning 3 June 1769 Ann Tippen widow & John Wood
A62 p40
In the Name of God Amen I Elizabeth Valentine ... Spinster Do make this my last Will and Testament ... First I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Howell of Hamsey Husbandman All my Households Goods Furniture Linen and Household stuff whatsoever ... Also I give and bequeath unto the said Elizabeth wife of Thomas Howell Mary wife of Richard Hollingdale of Ostham (sic) in Hamsey Victualler and Ann the wife of Richard Godley of Chillington in the parish of Westmeston Tanner All my ready moneys etc ... equally to be divided between them (all three women executrixes) 7 March 1769 Witnesses: Jos Farncombe John Care 4 April 1769 Mary Hollingdale
A62 p21
In the Name of God I Richard Hollingdale of Offham ... Victualler ... I give and devise all and singular that my Freehold Messuage or Tenement Brewhouse Stable Garden and Orchard situate lying and being in Offham ... unto my son Richard Hollingdale of Offham ... Victualler ... Also I give and bequeath unto my son Richard Hollingdale my Houshold Goods Utensils of Household of what sortsoever Quick & Dead Stock wearing Apparel personal Estate And Effects whatsoever (he to be executor) ... 18th May 1768 ... Witnesses: William Phillips Richard Martin William Attree 2 June 1770 Richard Hollingdale
A62 p219
In the name of God Amen I William Tutty ... being of a sound and disposing mind...make this my last Will ... First I give unto John Tutty my son one copyhold Messuage ... known by the name of Bounders Hall in the parish of Hamsey now in the occupation of John Turner or his assigns ... Item I give unto the said john Tutty the sum of Fifty pounds ... being now in the hands of Sam Durant esq of Lewes Also I give to Philadelphia wife of the said John Tutty the sum of Twenty pounds and to Mary and Elizabeth daughters of the said John and Philadelphia Tutty Forty pounds each ... which money is now upon a mortgage on the Parish house of Hamsey Item I give unto Mary my eldestdaughter wife of Richard Verrall Malster my freehold mead known (as) Highbridge in the Hamlet of Chiltington now in the occupation of Thomas Tippins or his assigns during her natural life and at her death to William son of John and Philadelphia Tutty Item I give to Elizabeth my second daughter wife of Thomas Street of Ditchling Barber the sum of Forty pounds a note in hand for which is in her own possession (in case of prior death to be divided between children then living) Also I give to John and Thomas sons of Thomas and Elizabeth Street the sum of Forty pounds each Also to Mary (their) daughter Ten pounds ... all which sums are in the hands of Sam Durant Item I give to Ann my youngest daughter wife of Thomas Tippens Farmer Forty Shillings (for life) which sum is to be deducted from the rent of a Cottage situated upon the South Common in the parish of Chailey and now in the occupation of Henry Chatfield or his assigns together with ten shillings per an. more to keep the said Cottage in repair the Overplus to be paid to the Trustees hereafter named for the use of my Executor Item I give to William son of John and Philadelphia Tutty all that Messuage etc in Hamsey and now in the occupation of John ?Brutes or his assigns Also the several sums of money at use as follows—the sum of thirty pounds being now upon a mortgage on th ehouse of John Socher (in Hamsey) also one hundred pounds upon the house of Richard Verrall (in Hamsey) Also the sum of thirty pounds in the hands of Henry Scrase of Lewes Linendraper Also Ten pounds Ten shillings in the hands of Richard Godly Farmer at Novington (in Chiltington) also one hundred pounds in the hands of Sam Durant Esq (But in case of death of William Tutty to his sisters Mary and Elizabeth paying out of the same Twenty pounds to Mary daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Street) William Tutty sole executor Richard Verral Thomas Street and thomas Tippins as Trustees until William come of age of Twenty one ... 4 July 1767 ... Witnesses: John Godard Thos Cruse James Godard ... Legacy omitted ... give to Betty wife of John Street & to John my grandson Son of said John and Betty Street the sum of Five pounds each (date and witnesses as above) March 23 1772 (Codicil) ... respecting Mary Tutty and Elizabeth Tutty two of my Grand Children ... instead of forty pounds apiece to be paid out of the Parish house they are both to receive it out of Mr Durants hands likewise their mother Philadelphia Tutty ... making in whole one hundred pounds ... Thos Cox Tho Ellis Likewise ... I bequeath to my daughter Ann Tippen the dwelling house at South Common now in the occupation of Henry Chatfield Clean and Free from any Legacies ... Thos Cox Thos Ellis 15 December 1773 William Tutty
A62 p798
This is the last Will of me Elizabeth Hansell Widow ... First I give and beuqeath to my daughter Elizabeth Alcorn Wife of John Alcorn Labourer the Sum of one hundred pounds Also I give and bequeath to my Grand Daughters Anne Elizabeth Mary Jane & Fanny Children of the same Elizabeth Alcorn the sum of Ten pounds each Also to my Grand Daughter Mable Brown Daughter of George Brown & Mary his late wife and sister of the above mentiones Elizabeth Alcorn the like sum of Ten pounds And all the rest and residue of my personal Estate & Effects ... to my said daughter Elizabeth Alcorn (Executrix) ... 8 November 1772 .. Witnesses: J Wenham Jn Berry 29 October 1774 Elizabeth Alcorn
A63 p181
In the Name of God Amen I William Howell ... Yeoman being of sound and diposing mind ... 3 November 1773 ... I give and bequeath unto my son William Howell now living at Shelleys Folly ... the sum of Eighty pounds ... Also I give and bequeath unto my three Grandchildren Elizabeth wife of Thomas Howell of Hamsey Labourer Mary Wife of Richard Baldy of Hamsey Labourer and Jane Howell of Hamsey Spinster ... Ten pounds apiece (daughters of my late son Thomas Howell) ... Also I give and devise All that my Messuage etc wherein I now dwell and also all that Messuage etc now in the occupation of Mary Alcorne and situate in Hamsey unto my Grandson William Howell son of my late son Thomas ... Also I give and devise All that my Messuage etc situate in Hamsey and in the occupation of the Widow Howell and William ?Leiver unto my Grandson Thomas Howell Son of my son Thomas ... All the rest and residue ... I bequeath unto my Grandson William Howell (executor) ... Witnesses: J Bridger J Robinson Jos Smith 29 April 1775 William Howell
A63 p286
In the Name of God Amen I James Dawes ... Batchelor ... I give and direct into the hands of John Holman of Hamsey Yeoman with whom I now reside All my real and personal estate ... in trust that (he) doth pay ... the legacies and other things ... unto my Brother Allin Dawes a certain Bond for the security of One hundred and fifty pounds and Int at ? PrCents from Thomas Dench together with a Note of Hand from said Thomas Dench for fifty Pounds more (brother not to press Dench for a year after decease) to my said brother Allen Dawes all my Wareing Apparell both Linnen and Woollen I give and direct to my Brother George Dawes the sum of Twenty pounds ... to my Godson John Mathews son of Thomas Mathews of Twineham Ten pounds Both which legacies together with the Bond and Note I would have paid and delivered within three months (in case of pre-decease of brothers to be divided amongst their children at discretion of trustee) All the rest ... to John Holman (executor) ... 20 July 1776 ... Witnesses: James Markwick John Verrall John Glazebrook 2 November 1776 John Holman
A63 p608
Elizabeth Minyon widow To Betty Howell widow £10 To Elizabeth wife of Thomas Howell for life Customary messuage or cottage (Hamsey manor)—highway from Wogham to Cooksbridge on west Drove Way from highway to Hamsey Church on north then to Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Howell Elizabeth wife of Thomas Howell to have Rest and residue and be Executrix 24 December 1770 Witnesses: Thos Freeman George Sandles Henry Tuppen 27 September 1777 Elizabeth Howell
A63 p764
James Newnham husbandman 22 February 1787 To wife use of Household Goods etc for life then to daughter Elizabeth To Grandchildren Benjamin & John Newnham 5 shillings each Daughter Elizabeth’s husband Richard Christmas to be executor Witnesses: Thos Cox Edw Bland John Deane 18 June 1787
A65 p376
Ann Tuppen Widow 25 January 1785 To Mary eldest daughter of John & Philadelphia Tutty £20 To Elizabeth youngest daughter of above £20 To Elizabeth widow of John Street late of Ditchling barber and her four sons and daughter (John Thomas Richard William Elizabeth) £50 between them To Mary Blunden of Goring daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Street of Ditchling £20 To brother John Tutty of Hamsey £10 To William son of John and Philadelphia Tutty £10 To sister Elizabeth wife of Thomas Street of Ditchling barber £10 Residue to Thomas son of Elizabeth and Thomas Street (executor) on condition he see to payment of above legacies etc Witnesses: John Glazebrook John Caplen Thomas Howell 27 March 1786 Codicil Brother John Tutty having died His legacy of £10 to go to Elizabeth daughter of late nephew John Street, and in event of her pre-decease to Richard youingest son of John Street Witness: Henry Tompson 7 April 1789 Thomas Street
A65 p749
Richard Hollindale of Cooksbridge shopkeeper To wife Mary Copyholds in Hamsey & Chailey held of Hamsey & Warningore charged with £20 payment to brother Edward Rest & residue to wife, executrix 12 December 1789 Witnesses: Jn Fisher James Wood John Boxall 11 February 1792 Mary Hollindale
A66 p330
Samuel Alcorn Yeoman To mother Betty for life Copyhold ‘wherein I now dwell’ at or near a certain Toll gate on the Chailey road Freehold etc in the Street Kingston Lewes occ Henry Richardson Then copyhold to brother in law Richard Paul living with Thos Partington of Hamsey Place as a Gardener Freehold to Brother William Alcorn of Hamsey husbandman Also to mother use of all household goods etc for life then divided equally between borther and borther in law In case of Richard Paul pre-deceasing leaving issue, copyhold to go in trust toThomas Tucker of Hamsey victualler for him to sell and divide proceeds between issue of Richard Paul at their ages of twenty one If Richard Paul die without issue, copyhold to go intrust to William Alcorn the proceeds to be divided between his children 14 September 1799 Witnesses: Wm Balcombe Langridge Chris Kell Peter Willard (witnesses) 16 May 1804 Thomas Tucker
A69 p311
Henry West wheelwright To Miles Berry of Hamsey yeoman and John Henderson of Hamsey shopkeeper in trust Copyhold etc ‘wherein I now dwell’ near Cooksbridge held of Barcombe and Hamsey to sell and proceeds go into personal estate To wife Hannah £50 and choice of household goods To son Henry £20 To daughter Elizabeth wife of George Smart of Lewes bricklayer £50 All residue to trustees to pay interest to wife as long as she remain a widow In the case of her remarrying to pay her £50 Complex sequence of trusts for son and family, surviving children or daughter and family etc 16 March 1804 Witnesses: Thos Cox Thos Cox jun J Hoper 7 August 1804 Miles Berry & John Henderson
A69 p43
This is the last Will and Testament of me George Earle of Hamsey ... Yeoman First I give and devise unto Mary Lindfield the Daughter of William Lindfield of Hamsey Gardiner All that Copyhold Messuage or Tenement Garden and Hereditaments wherein I now dwell situate lying and being in Hamsey...holden of the Manor of Hamsey ... To Hold the same ... for ever ... nevertheless permitting and suffering her Father William Lindfield and her Mother Mary his Wife to reside therein ... during their Lives and the Life of the Survivor ... and my Brother John Earle during his Life ... to use and occupy the Red Room in the said Messuage which I now sleep in ... But if Mary Lindfield shall depart this Life in the Lifetime of her Sister Ann Lindfield without leaving any Issue ... Then I do devise the said copyhold to her sister Ann Lindfield (subject to the same terms) Also I give and devise unto my Friend Thomas Tucker of Offham Victualler All that my Copyhold Messuage ... and Four Acres of land ...i n Barcomb and holden of the Manor of Allington ... and all other my real Estate ... upon Trust (monies from sale to go into personal Estate) ... Also I give unto William Lindfield the Legacy or Sum of Twenty pounds...Also I give unto my Cousin Elizabeth Lindfield of Hamsey Widow Twenty Pounds ... Also I give unto Henry son of Elizabeth Lindfield ten pounds ... Also I give unto George one other of the sons of Elizabeth twenty Pounds ... Also I give unto my Kinsman George Poolman of Chailey Labourer ten Pounds ... Also I give unto my Kinsmand Richard Poolman of Chailey Labourer ten Pounds...Also I give unto my Kinswoman Ann the Wife of — Bailey of Boreham Labourer Five Pounds ... All ... within three Months after my Decease ... All residue to Thomas Tucker and Friend William Caplin of Offham Carpenter ... Upon Trust either to pay Interest (etc etc) unto my Brother John Earle...And after his decease Upon Trust...amongst the children of William Lindfield—John Lindfield Mary Lindfield Susannah Lindfield Ann Lindfield and Fanny Lindfield whoever living at the time of brother’s decease (or their Issue) until Tenty One...towards their Maintenance and Education ... for the Purpose of placing ... to learn any Business or Profession...Preferment Establishment or Advancement in Marriage ... Thomas Tucker and William Caplin to be joint Executors ... 26 February 1805... Witnesses: Rd Williams Thos King..? Harding Gell Proved 2 November 1805 Thomas Tucker, William Caplin Goods and Chattells under £200
A69 613
Mary Hollingdale widow Reference Samuel Ellis will of 12 October 1805 gave her power to share £275 between relatives as she chose this to be included in her estate To sons William of ?Pepring woodreve and Isaac of Brighthelmstone painter upon trust Freehold in Brighton occ Mr Lower to sell and combine with personal estate to divide into three: One part to William One part to daughter Susannah widow of James Marshall of Brighton butcher One part to Isaac 12 November 1811 John ?Cowatch Wm Penfold ? Kempton (witnesses) 3 January 1817 William & Isaac Hollingdale
A72 p669
This is the last Will and Testament of me John Guy of Hamsey ... Gent ... I give and bequeath unto my Wife Hannah Guy all and every my Household Goods Plate Linnen and Furniture to Hold the same ... for ever ALso I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary the Wife of Benjamin Ginn of Lewes Yeoman the sum of Five hundred pounds ... Also I give and bequeath unto my Sons Nathaniel Guy and Henry Guy and my Son in Law John Cheesman One thousand pounds In Trust for following purposes ... at Interest to pay Daughter Mary Ginn (for her personal disposal or use) and after her decease to her children and their Issue ... and in default of such issue to be shared between Sons and Daughter Elizabeth Wife of John Cheesman (as also the residue) Sons and Son in Law to be Executors I give devise and appoint unto my two Sons and Daughter Elizabeth Wife of John Cheesman All and every my Messuages Farms etc as well Copyhold as Freehold ... nevertheless I hereby charge All that my Messuage etc ... commonly called Great Hewen Street Farm and now in the tenure or Occupation of John Cheesman John Jenner and Henry Uridge with the payment of an Annuity of Sixty pounds to wife Hannah Guy during her lifetime by two equal half yearly payments ... in lieu ... of all Dower Thirds Widows Bench Free Bench and other Customary Estates ... 23 November 1818 Witnesses: Stewart Warren Lee (Hamsey Bookbinder) Susann Wisdom Chas Brook (under clerk to Mr Geo Gwynne of Lewes) Proved 2 March 1819 Nathaniel Guy, Henry Guy and John Cheesman Goods Chattels & Credits under £4000
A73 387
Thomas Tucker the elder of Offam Innkeeper To wife Mary for life as long as widow Freehold inn called Blacksmiths Arms with Brewhouse Stables Buildings & garden After decease or marriage to use of son Henry with charge of £100 to each of children: Thomas Tucker Ann Tucker Mary Ann Tucker Elizabeth Tucker Kate Tucker All residue to wife, son Thomas & friend Thomas Ellis in trust as executors to be divided between all children or offspring 15 August 1815 Witnesses: Thos Hill & clerk Wm Boore Jn Dubbin carpenter 5 November 1823 Mary & Thomas Tucker and Thomas Ellis
A74 p904
JAMES ALDRICH 1825 James Aldrich Gardener To wife Sarah all personal estate, executrix and guardian of under-age children 6 October 1824 Witnesses: Thomas Hodson Benj Ellis 17 November 1825 Sarah Aldrich
A75 p719
Frances Alderton widow 1 May 1824 To Mrs Fletcher of Newhaven all clothes and Linen, half dozen tea spoons To Mrs Mary Tucker of Offham two silver punch ladles 1 cream jug 1 bed & bedding To Mr Tho Tucker of Chilington 1 ‘sacaterey’ To Mr Henry Tucker of Offham 1 gold watch To Mrs Mary Tucker’s family property from late Mrs ?Rigles’ will To Kate Tucker all old silver coin Witnesses: Henry Tucker George Langridge Wm Caplen 17 January 1826 No executor appointed so Mary Tucker, sister, appointed
A75 p750
Edward Bland of Cooksbridge (Barcombe) blacksmith To Samuel Baker of Barcombe blacksmith 1 3 /2 perches with blacksmith’s shop at Cooksbridge 13 perches on part of which stood wheelwright’s shop at Cooksbridge (s pt of garden) formerly John Tasker abutting Jn Howell (s&w) watercours (n) road from Cooksbridge to Newick Park (e) All household goods etc To Thomas (son of Thomas Adams late of Barcombe carpenter) watch & all wearing apparel To George Hackman of Allington yeoman & Thomas Cox of Cooksbridge cordwainer £10 apiece for executing will All rest & residue of property to be sold by executors, added to personal estate & divided betweeb John Grover of Br’ton gent, Simon Grover of St Thomas Cliff farrier, Sarah widow of Robert ?Holder of Cliff bargemaster, ?Mary Grover of Cliff spinster, Thomas Adams, Elizabeth wife of Thomas Cooter of Cliff yeoman, Hannah Holder late of Tonbridge widow, Elizabeth wife of Samuel Baker 19 July 1831 Witnesses: John Hoper junr J Edw Fullagar Jn Inskip 14 February 1832 Thomas Cox & George Hackman
A77 p622
Samuel Holman farmer To son George Holman of Ringmer miller, son-in-law John Russell of Chiddingly miller & friend Richard Lower of Chiddingly schoolmaster All estate & effects in trust for payments to wife Elizabeth for her lifetime then equally between six children John Holman Mary wife of John Sellens of Attica US Elizabeth wife of John Russell George Holman James Holman Dinah Holman & 2 children of late son Charles Holman (Ellen Banks-natural daughter-Charles Holman) to receive father’s share and be wards of trustees Provisions made in cases of pre-decease 12 May 1832 Witnesses: Joseph Olive Lewes Olive 8 October1833 3 named executors
A78 p257
Richard Paul gardener To youngest son Richard for life & his heirs Copyhold cottage & gdn held of Hamsey Clock which now stands in kitchen of cottage To son-in-law Richard Weller (executor) £3 Residue betwen surviving children (except Richard) 23 October 1833 Witnesses: T Partington D E Partington 23 May 1834 Richard Weller
A78 p447
Thomas Best brickmaker To son George Best clothes & wearing apparel To son Andrew Best large chest To daughter Priscilla Best all household goods & furniture Rest & residue among all children Thomas Best John Best Gabriel Best James Best Priscilla Best Andrew best George Best Mary Ann wife of Thomas Diploch of Chailey brickmaker Gabriel Best & friend John Alcorn of Chailey brickmaker as executors 17 February 1829 William Stevens James Brucker (witnesses) 12 January 1833 Codicil Andrew having died chest to go to George also household furniture (excepting own bed) George to replace John Alcorn as joint executor Own bed to Priscilla Thomas also deced Debt of £9 from John Witnesses: Henry Pannell William Morling George Best 18 August 1835 Gabriel & George Best
A78 p822
Ann Swindel of Offham widow To nephew William Hollingdale of Offham shoemaker £100 & wife Susan Hollingdale £5 (for attention during long sickness) To neice Elizabeth wife of Henry Green of Cliffe baker ‘my bed with furniture belonging’ To Mary Ann their eldest daughter ‘my best looking glass called the Vauxhall Glass’ To great nephew Thomas Hurst journeyman to Mr Hannington of Brighton draper £5 To Godson John Burtenshaw £5 To gt nephew Thos Hollingdale son of Thomas pf Heavingham nr Bungay servingman ‘my silver watch’ To his mother Ann best silk gown To Ann wife of nephew John Hollingdale of Bungay postmaster best tea caddy To nephew William Hollingdale all the rest & residue Wm Hollingdale & Henry Green to be trustees for remainder to divide equally between nephews & nieces William Holllingdale John Hollingdale Thomas Hollingdale the Elder Elizabeth Green (being children of late sister Elizabeth) George Leach Mary Leach Elizabeth Leach (3 children of late sister Fanny) Caroline (blank) Mary Ann Brain Elizabeth Westgate Jane Scott (4 children of late sister Jane) Timothy Wren Fanny Wren Charlotte Wren (3 children of late sister Mary) Clauses in cases of pre-decease 1834 Witnesses: George Langridge John Caplen 8 January 1835 William Hollingdale
A78 p643
John Henderson of Cooksbridge shopkeeper To children Henry & Eliza Copyhold as tenants in common Executors 23 April 1838 Witnesses: Tho Cox Samuel Baker 2 November 1838 Henry Henderson
This is the last Will and Testament of me William Hollingdale of Offham in the Parish of Hamsey ... Toll Gate Keeper ... I give and bequeath the Clock which was formerly my Mothers unto my son George Hollingdale the Pot which was formerly my Aunt Swindells unto my Daughter Charlotte Hollingdale the Table which was formerly my said Aunt Swindells unto my Daughter Grace Hollingdale and the Pot which was my said Mothers unto my Daughter Elizabeth Hollingdale and I give and devise and bequeath all the real and the residue of the Personal Estate Property and Effects of which I may die seized or Possessed unto my Son the said George Hollingdale Henry Green of the Cliffe near Lewes ... Baker and Thomas Tucker of Lewes Gentleman Upon Trust to permit ans suffer my Wife Susannah Hollingdale to use and enjoy (etc) during her Life (as a widow and then convert to Money and divide equally among surviving Children) Trustees to be Executors 4 February 1841 Witnnesses: Geo Norman clerk to Messrs Blaker solicitors Henry Pannett Offham Proved 11 June 1844 George Hollingdale and Henry Green (Goods etc under £450)
Elizabeth Weston wife of William yeoman To husband William, as executor Copyhold surrendered by her & husband All personal estate 23 April 1842 Witnesses: John Hoper jun of Lewes Joseph Martin of Cooksbridge miller 19 August 1844 William Weston
A81 p589
This is the last Will and Testament of me Henry Guy of Hamsey Yeoman ... I give to my dear wife Dorothy Guy All my Household Goods Furniture Books Plate Glass China and Linen and also all the Money that shall be about my Dwelling house at the time of my decease together with all my Stock of Wine Liquors and Provisions of every kind ... I give unto my son Henry Guy One hundred Pounds ... and forgive him such sums as might be owing ... I give unto my son John Guy and Daughter Mary Ann Dorothy Guy Six hundred pounds apiece ... unto my Executors Ten pounds apiece ... I give and devise all those my four Messuages in Francis Street Brighton (14- 17) to Son John Guy and Friend John Marchant Hackman of Allington Yeoman Upon Trust paying rents etc to Son Henry for Life then 14 & 15 to his Wife Ann while she remain a Widow but if she marry again to Maintenance etc of offspring ... 16 & 17 to Wife Dorothy during her Life ... (eventually all) to offspring of Guy ... in default of offspring the proceeds to be divided between John and Mary Ann ... All residue in trust to Wife and John Guy and John Hackman ... 17 October 1843 Witnesses: Albert Verral W W Hobden Proved 10 February 1846 Dorothy Guy, John Guy, John Marchant Hackman
This is the last Will and Testament of me Nathaniel Guy of Hamsey Yeoman ... I give unto my Friend John Cheesman of Cooksbridge Brewer one of my Executors Five pounds for the Trouble ... All my Farming Stock Monies etc Rest and Residue ... unto my Son Henry Guy and John Cheesman ... upon trusts (for) each and every of my three Daughters Eliza Marshall Guy Mary Ann Barrington Guy and Ellen Guy One Annuity of Ten pounds ... and each of my two Sons Henry Guy and William Guy One Annuity of Twenty Pounds ... 27 March 1845 Witnesses: John Lewis, solicitor Albert Verral, solicitor Proved 1 December 1846 Henry Guy and John Cheesman Goods and Chattels under £4000
A82 285
Elizabeth Ede of Offham widow To James Pool son of Mary £25 To William Pool son of Mary £25 To Elizabeth wife of Thomas Copper of Rottingdean £50 To Maria wife of John Harland of Southover baker £50 To Henry Herriott husband of late Ann £8.6.8 To Maria Herriott als Ede eldest daughter of Ann & Henry £8.6.8 To George Herriott son of Henry & Ann £8.6.8 To Isaac Herriott son of Henry & Ann £8.6.8 To Thursay Herriott daughter of Henry & Ann £8.6.8 To Fanny Herriott daughter of Henry & Ann £8.6.8 All above money in hands of Messrs Whitfield & Co bankers To William son of John Harland the watch of his grandfather Wm Ede of Hamsey To Maria Herriott alias Ede all household furniture All other moneys in hands of bankers at time of decease to be equally divided between Maria Harland and Maria Herriott for their attention April 1847 Witnesses: Thos Goldsmith John Harland jun 9 November 1848 No named executor so Maria Harland
A82 p903
William Caplen of Offham carpenter To wife Lucy all household furniture etc & £300 £400 on mortgage on estate at Fletching called Balls belonging to Edward Gilbert To son Henry £250 Remainder divided into four equal parts Son Henry Caplen Daughter Jane wife of John Hammond Children of late son William Daughter Lucy wife of Henry Pannett on trust (apart from present or any future husband) and then her children Wife Lucy, son Henry & friend Thomas Novis of Portman Square chemist & druggist as executors 8 June 1847 Witnesses: Frs Harding Gell, Jn Hobden his clerk 7 January 1850 Henry Caplin & Thomas Novis
A83 p371
This is the last Will and Testament of me John Cheesman of Cooksbridge ... Brewer ... I give and devise All the Real Estate ... Freehold and Copyhold ... to my Brother Trayton Cheesman and my friend John Maxfield of Lewes Draper ... upon trust (to sell etc) ... provided that if they shall think it more advisable to defer sale of Brewhouse...authority to do so not exceeding Ten years ... I give unto my dear Wife Mary Ann Cheesman All my Household Goods etc ... and Forty pounds ... also while a widow an Annuity of Forty pounds ... Ten pounds to each of trustees ... all residue towards maintenance of any children or their children ... also any personal estate ... 2 November 1850 Witnesses: Robt Hoffman Faulconer of Lewes Ed French servant to Mr Cheesman Codicil 12 April 1851 Whereas lately paid £140 and agreed to pay further £150 on 1 Sept 1853 as Apprentice fee for eldest son John as a Surgeon...his share and those of his issue to be less by those sums Witnesses: Robt Hoffman Faulconer of Lewes John Cox of Cooksbridge servant to Mr Cheesman Proved 24 January 1852 Trayton Cheesman, John Maxfield Goods under £3000
A84 40
This is the last Will and Testament of me John Waters of Cooksbridge in the Parish of Hamsey ... Farmer ... I give and devise All that my Freehold Slaughter House and Stable ... in Bull Lane in the Parish of Saint Michael in Lewes Unto my Wife Elizabeth Waters my Son James Pennington Waters and my Son in Law James Aylwin ... Upon Trust ... to sell and dispose after my decease ... money to be part of personal Estate ... I give unto my dear Wife Elizabeth Waers a Legacy of fifteen pounds ... and all my farming Stock Monies ... Securities ... Household Goods and all the Rest and Residue to Wife Elizabeth Son James and Son in Law James ... Upon Trust for the purpose of continuing and carrying on the Farming Business ... during (Wife’s) natural life so long as she shall think it desirable ... (paying) from time to time towards her maintenance and a reasonable Allowance for Clothes and Pocket money she assisting in the Management of the Housekeeping on the Farm and also for and towards the maintenance and Clothing of my two Daughters Dorcas Jane Waters and Elizabeth Waters so loong as they shall reside with and assist wife and remain Single ... After wife’s decease to convert all to money and divide equally amongst Sons and Daughters—James Pennington Waters Stanton Thomas Waters Dorcas Jane Waters Harriett Sarah the wife of John Aylwin Elizabeth Waters—that shall be living and their Issue Provisos if wife think fit to cease Farming in her lifetime Trustees to be Executors ... 2 October 1852 Witnesses: John Lewes of Lewes Solicitor & clerk Edw Bailey Proved 30 June 1853 Three named Executors
A84/587 JOSIAH MARTIN 1854
Josiah Martin miller To wife Mary, as executor, all property 5 May 1850 Witnesses: Stephen Bray of C’bridge wheelwright GeorgeNorman of C’bridge brewer 21 November 1854 Mary Martin
A84 p1066
Benjamin Waters of Cooksbridge gentleman To wife Sarah for life so long as she remain a widow £200 annuity To son John real estate so charged To daughter Frances Elizabeth Waters for life or widowhood of wife £60 annuity, and after decease or remarriage £2,000 +£50 immediately To sons Charles & Henry £100 each (£2,000 & £100 & £100 vested after his decease and paid after death/remarriage of wife Clauses in case of pre-decease To grandson Benjamin £19.19 To each of surviving grandchildren £10 John Waters executor 7 June 1853 Witnesses: Inigo Gell Charles A Woolley 6 June 1854 John Waters
A84 p882
This the last Will and Testament of me James Lashmar of Hamsey ... Farmer ... I give devise and bequeath All that myFreehold Cottage and one acre or thereabouts with the appurtenances situate at Hamsey and now in the occupation of my son James Lashmar his undertenants And also all other my real and personal Estate unto and to the use of James Aylwin of Hamsey Farmer George Cheeseman of the same place Farmer and Thomas Cox of Barcombe ... Shopkeeper ... Upon the trustshereinafter declared ... to carry on my Farming Business and for that purpose to continue Tenants or Tenant of the farm which I shall use at my decease or to hire and use any other Farm and employ my live and dead Agricultural stock and such part of my personal Estate as they or he shall think fit ... for the benefit of my wife Elizabeth for such period as the circumstances of my estate shall in the opinion of my said Trustees ... render it convenient or desirable so to do (And during that period) cause to be paid unto my son James an annuity of twenty pounds quarterly ... but to cease immediately on the farming business being discontinued And as to the said Freehold cottage (my Trustees) sell and dispose thereof either by public Auction or by private contract ... and after payment of One hundred and thirty pounds due from me to William Grayling of the Cliffe ... Hairdresser and secured on mortgage of the same premises together with all interest ... to stand possessed of the residue ... to manage my personal Estate in such manner as shall appear to them to be most advantageous ... during the lifetime of my said Wife or during so long a time as she shall continue my widow ... immediately after her decease or second marriage ... relinquish the said Farm and sell and dispose of the produce and of all the agricultural live and dead stock and the farming and other implements of husbandry and convert the same into money ... to pay each and every of my three Grand Children namely William Verrall Thomas Verrall and Naomi Verrall the three children of my late Daughter Susan Verrall deceased late the Wife of Henry Verrall of Hamsey Carpenter the sum of one hundred pounds sterling ... and the residue to the use of my said Son James Lashmar absolutely ... (Alternatives should Trustees see fit to discontinue farming before death or marriage of his wife ... moneys to be invested ... annuity of twenty pounds to son and to use of wife as long as she remained a widow ... ceasing at her marriage or death and distribution of legacies as before ...) Trustees appointed Executors ... 11 November 1841 Witnesses: Wm Polhill Kell solicitor & his clerk H Jones Proved 27 September 1855 James Aylwin