Assessments and Remedial Lessons 2
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Assessments and Remedial Lessons Administrators
Table of Contents Assessments and Remedial Lessons...... 2 Overview...... 2 Creating an Assessment...... 2 Creating an Assessment –General Information...... 2 Steps to Create an Assessment’s General Information...... 2 Creating an Assessment’s Keywords...... 4 Steps to Add a Keyword to an Assessment...... 4 Steps to Remove a Keyword from an Assessment...... 5 Adding Questions to the Assessment...... 5 Steps to Create the Assessment Test...... 6 Create a Multiple Choice Question...... 7 Create a True/False or Yes/No Question...... 9 Connecting a Remedial Lesson to a Question...... 10 Steps to Add Remedial Training to a Question...... 11 Making an Assessment Available to Administrators...... 12 Steps to Make an Assessment Available for Viewing and Assignment...... 12 Editing an Assessment...... 12 Steps to Edit an Assessment’s General Information...... 13 Steps to Add/Remove One or More Keywords...... 14 Steps to Edit an Assessment’s Test...... 14 Deleting an Assessment...... 16 Steps to Delete an Assessment...... 16 Reviewing Version History Details...... 16
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Assessments and Remedial Lessons
Overview LMS Assessments allow you to test a Learner’s knowledge base and assign remedial training based on his/her answers. As an Administrator, you can create the assessment and map one or more lessons to each response. The remedial lesson can be any lesson licensed from MCS or a lesson you or your organization created and added to the LMS. To utilize the Assessment functionality you must have the appropriate Administrator permissions. As an Administrator you can see assessments you create while the System Administrator can see all assessments created on the LMS. Within the Administrator Permissions, there is a permission option ‘Create/Edit Assessment Tests’.
Note: You can add assessments to your modules through the normal ‘Add Lesson’ functionality. Select ‘All Courses’ and you will see a new course ‘Assessments’. Select ‘Assessments’, and you can then add one or more of the available assessments.
Creating an Assessment You have the following selections to complete when creating an assessment: General Information (e.g., title, make active for Learners) Keywords Tests Remedial Lessons (lessons connected to the question)
Tip: To save time creating an assessment, if you have a similar assessment, you may want to select Copy and then rename and edit the copied lesson.
Creating an Assessment –General Information The first part of creating an assessment is to create the assessment with general information (e.g. title). Once you have entered the general information, you can add keywords, questions and remedial lessons.
Steps to Create an Assessment’s General Information 1. From the Menu Bar, click Content — Manage Assessments.
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The ‘Assessment Menu’ displays on the left, and ‘Create/Edit Assessments’ opens on the right with the current Assessments listed in alphabetical order.
2. Click the Create New Assessment link from the menu on the left. The page refreshes and the ‘Create Content’ page opens on the right. This is where you need to enter the general information about the assessment.
3. Enter a Title for the assessment. 4. Active: Accept No. When you want the assessment available to other Administrators, change to Yes. Only ‘active’ content is visible to other Administrators.
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5. Assignable: Accept No. When you want the assessment available to assign to a module, click Yes. 6. (Optional). Add notes describing the assessment and its purpose in the ‘Summary’ text box. 7. (Optional). Version History Comments: Enter comments. These comments are used to identify the changes you made to this assessment if needed at a later date. 8. Click the Create button. You are now ready to add keywords to the assessment.
Note: Remember after you complete the assessment, you must change to ‘Active’ if you want the assessment available to other Administrators, And, when you are ready, change ‘Assignable’ to ‘Yes’ so the assessment can be assigned to a module.
Creating an Assessment’s Keywords Keywords are a word or phrase defined by the Administrator to help find a specific course or assessment. Keywords are associated with courses and assessment. When a Learner enters a keyword into the search box, the assessment associated with that keyword lists. You can add or remove keywords as needed.
Steps to Add a Keyword to an Assessment You can add a keyword to an assessment, one keyword at-a-time.
Tip: Words or phrases may be entered as keywords (e.g., Emergency Care).
1. Click the Keywords tab.
2. From ‘New Search Keyword’, enter a keyword in the text box.
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3. Click the Add button. 4. Continue to add additional keywords as needed.
Steps to Remove a Keyword from an Assessment You can remove a keyword from an assessment, one keyword at-a-time. 1. Click the Keywords tab.
2. From ‘Search Keywords’, click a keyword that you want to remove.
3. Click the Remove button. 4. Continue to remove keywords as needed. Adding Questions to the Assessment After you have created the assessment from the General tab, you will add the assessment questions and remedial lessons as needed.
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Steps to Create the Assessment Test 1. Click the Test tab.
2. Click the Add Question link on the lower right. Your first question opens with multiple choice questions.
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3. To add a new question, enter the question number (e.g., 1). By default, it adds the number ‘ 1 ‘ for you because this is a new test. Tip: If you want to change the ordering of your questions, you can insert a row by repeating the number where you want to place it. For example, you have already entered five questions and you want to insert question six but you want it to display second, then key the number two in the ‘Number’ field and proceed with entering the text and pressing Add. The new question will now be the second in the list and all subsequent questions will be renumbered as three through seven.
Create a Multiple Choice Question The steps below show you how to create a multiple-choice question. 1. From ‘Type’, select Multiple Choice. The question ‘type’ determines the number of answer choices. A multiple choice question type allows up to six (6) answers. You can make one or more answers correct.
2. In the ‘Question’ text box, type the question.
3. For each ‘Answer’, type an answer as applicable.
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4. (Optional) From ‘Rationale’, enter text for the rationale. The rationale displays for any incorrect answer selected. 5. From ‘Correct Answer(s)’, click the applicable answer. You can have more than one answer needed for a multiple-choice type question to be marked correct. If more than one answer is needed for the question to be marked correct, check as all that apply.
Note If multiple answers are required and a Learner only chooses one when taking the test, the question will marked wrong.
6. Click the Save link in the upper right.
7. After you save the question, the Remediation area opens at the bottom of the page as shown below. See Connect a Remedial Lesson to a Question.
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Note: If you do not want to add a remedial lesson to this question, click the Close Window link in the upper right.
Create a True/False or Yes/No Question The steps below show you how to create a True/False type question. Yes/No questions can be created the same way with the selection of ‘Yes/No’ from ‘Type’. True/False and Yes/No questions only allow one answer. 1. From ‘Type’ select True/False.
2. In the Question text box, type the question.
3. From the bottom of the form ‘Correct Answer(s)’, click either True or False. 4. Click the Save link in the upper right.
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5. After you save the question, the Remediation area opens at the bottom of the page as shown below. See Connect a Remedial Lesson to a Question.
Note: If you do not want to add a remedial lesson to this question, click the Close Window link in the upper right.
Connecting a Remedial Lesson to a Question You can associate one or more remedial training items to a test question. Search for lessons to add if question is answered incorrectly. You may use any lesson licensed from MCS or a lesson(s) you created.
Note: You must save your question before you can add remedial training.
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Steps to Add Remedial Training to a Question You must search for your existing items to add the remedial training to the question. 1. Enter search text for the open question.
2. Click the Search button to find the applicable remedial training. You will probably need to scroll to the bottom of the page for the results. The search feature finds any applicable remedial training.
3. The remedial training items list below ‘Select Content’. Click each remedial training item you want to include for the question. You may choose more than 1 item for each question. You may need to scroll through the list to see all available training items in the list.
4. Click the Add Training button.
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Your selected items display above your search selections and the selections from your search results are grayed-out. You may do a new search for additional items.
Note: If you want to delete a remedial training from the question, click the ‘Delete’ link to the right of the name of the remedial training.
5. If you are done, click the Close Window button in the upper right of the page.
Note: If you want to delete the question from the test, click the ‘Delete’ button in the upper right below the ‘Save’ button.
Note: Remember after you complete the assessment, you must change to ‘Active’ if you want the assessment available to other Administrators, And, when you are ready, change ‘Assignable’ to ‘Yes’ so the assessment can be assigned to a module. (See below – Making an Assessment Available to Administrators.)
Making an Assessment Available to Administrators When you want the assessment to be available to Administrators, change to Yes. Only ‘active’ content is visible.
Steps to Make an Assessment Available for Viewing and Assignment. 1. From the Menu Bar, click Content — Manage Assessments. 2. From the right, click the title of the assessment you want to make visible. 3. When you want the assessment to be available, change ACTIVE to Yes. Only ‘active’ content is visible.
4. If you want the assessment available to assign to a module, click Yes under Assignable.
5. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.
Editing an Assessment From the Assessment menu on the left, you can edit an assessment including its general information, keywords, and test questions and remedial assignments as needed.
Note: If you want to edit or delete an assessment, it cannot be actively assigned to any Learner. If the assessment is assigned, it will need to be archived before it can be edited or deleted.
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Steps to Edit an Assessment’s General Information 1. From the Menu Bar, click Content — Manage Assessments.
The ‘Assessment Menu’ displays on the left, and the ‘Create/Edit Assessments’ page opens on the right with the current Assessments listed on the right in alphabetical order.
2. From the right, click the Title’s link to open the assessment you want to edit. The selected assessment opens at the ‘General’ tab.
3. Select ‘No’ from ‘Assignable’. Then when you are ready to assign the assessment to administrators, from Assignable, click Yes. 4. Select ‘No’ from ‘Active’. Click ‘Yes’ when your edits are complete. 5. (Optional) Edit Title, Summary and/or Version History Comments as needed.
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6. Click Save.
Steps to Add/Remove One or More Keywords
Note: A keyword can be more than one word long (e.g., mental health).
1. Click the Keywords tab.
2. To add a keyword, type the Keyword in the ‘New Search Keyword’ text box. Click the Add button. 3. To remove a keyword, from ‘Search Keywords’, click a keyword that you want to remove (if you want to remove more than one keyword, hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard and select other keywords you want to remove, then release the CTRL key). Click the Remove button.
Steps to Edit an Assessment’s Test 1. Click the Test tab.
2. Click the Question’s link on the test you want to edit.
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Tip: If you want to change the ordering of your questions, you can insert a row by repeating the number where you want to place it. For example, you have already entered five questions and you want to insert question six but you want to display it second, then key the number two in the ‘Number’ field and proceed with entering the text and pressing Add. The new question will now be the second in the list and all subsequent questions will be renumbered as three through seven. 3. From the ‘Question’ text box, edit the question as needed. 4. If this is a ‘Multiple Choice’ type question. From each ‘Answer’, edit each answer as needed 5. From ‘Rationale’, add/edit the rationale of the question. 6. From ‘Correct Answers’, if the answer(s) has changed, click the applicable answer. Multiple Choice type questions may have more than one answer. 7. Click the Save button in the upper right when you finish your edits. 8. Optional. You have the option to associate or remove remedial training to the test question. 9. Click the Close window link in the upper right to return to the ‘Modify Content’ page for the open assessment.
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Deleting an Assessment If you want to delete an assessment, it cannot be assigned to Learner. If it is assigned to a Learner, you the assessment needs to be archived and/or removed from all assigned Learners’ lessons plans.
Steps to Delete an Assessment 1. From the Menu Bar, click Content — Manage Assessments.
The ‘Assessment Menu’ displays on the left, and the ‘Create/Edit Assessments’ page opens on the right with the current Assessments listed on the right in alphabetical order.
2. Click the Delete button to the right of the assessment’s title you want to delete. Then click OK. If the Delete button is not available, the assessment has been assigned and cannot be deleted until it has been archived and or removed from all Learner’s lessons plans.
Reviewing Version History Details As an Administrator you can view the version history comments that have been entered when you create a assessment or customize a assessment. 1. From the Menu bar, click Content — Manage Assessments. 2. From the left, ‘Assessment Menu’, click Version History. 3. From the list of assessments on the right, click the Version number link to the right of the title of the assessment that you want to view its version history. The ‘Version History Detail’ page opens. If there is a ‘Version’ # of ‘1.00.00,’ there is no version history to review.
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4. Click the Version number’s link.
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