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Candace Peters, MA, CADC Director of Training, Prairielands ATTC
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
Certified Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor, C.A.D.A.C. 2000 counseling State of Iowa University of Iowa M.A. 1999 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Counseling University of Iowa B.A. 1997 Psychology major, Sociology minor Kirkwood Community College A.A. 1995 Liberal Arts
Professional Experience Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers, membership 2007-present Prairielands Addiction Technology Transfer Center 2006-present Director of Training The University of Iowa, College of Public Health and College of Liberal Arts-Psychology 2004-present Guest lecture Prairielands Addiction Technology Transfer Center 2004-2006 Training Coordinator Mid-Eastern Council on Chemical Abuse (MECCA) 2002-2004 Transitional Housing Director and Clinical Supervisor Mid-Eastern Council on Chemical Abuse (MECCA) 2000-2002 STAR Program Manager and Clinical Supervisor Mid-Eastern Council on Chemical Abuse (MECCA) 1999-2000 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Counselor Mid-Eastern Council on Chemical Abuse (MECCA) 1997-1999 Practicum and Internship; Substance Abuse and Mental Health Counselor Teaching Assistantship, Substance Abuse Counseling Program 1997-1999 WYCA Girls Camp Director, Lake Darling Youth Center, Brighton, Iowa, Summers 1994-1997 Airborne Express, Account Specialist and Fiscal Records Administrator, 1986-1993 Commerce City, Colorado Western Gas Resources, Inc., Natural Gas Liquids Sales and Marketing Administrator 1983-1987 Denver, Colorado U.S. Homes Corporation, Secretary, Aurora, Colorado 1982-1983 Brown Palace Hotel, Secretary, Denver, Colorado 1982-1982 The University of Iowa, Sports Information Department, Men’s Athletics 1978-1982 Secretary, Iowa City, Iowa The University of Iowa, Hospital and Health Administration, Secretary, Iowa City, Iowa 1977-1978 The University of Iowa, Library, Clerk Typist, Iowa City, Iowa 1976-1977
Other Experience and Professional Memberships
Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC) ATTC Workgroup. Facilitated by Lonnetta 2010-present Albright, GL ATTC, and Michael Flaherty, NE ATTC Recovery Schools and Substance Abuse Recovery Awareness: Minnesota and Wisconsin 2010-present Federal Training Center (FTC) Collaboration – Mountain West Region (ND, SD, CO, MT, NV) 2008-present Federal Training Center (FTC) Collaboration – Midwest Region (IA, WI, MN, IN, OH) 2008-present Prairielands ATTC Wisconsin Advisory Board 2010-present Midwest Consortium on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse (IA, MO, NE, OK, KS), 2008-persent committee-at-large member and program committee member 2009 Iowa Governors Conference Planning Committee, member 2008-present The Consultation of Religious Communities, Prairielands ATTC Faith-based Initiative 2008-present Iowa City, Iowa Iowa Behavioral Health Association (IBHA) 2007-present Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT), member 2007-present Wisconsin Bureau of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services [BMHSAS] Teleconference 2007-present Planning Committee Iowa Department of Public Health, Iowa Gambling Treatment Program Advisory Committee 2006-present North Dakota State Training Committee 2006-present Prairielands ATTC Nebraska Advisory Board 2006-present South Dakota Training Committee 2008-present Minnesota MARRCH Training Committee 2006-present Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2005-present Partners in Recovery, Leadership Institute, Prairielands ATTC liaison and workgroup leader International Coalition for Addiction Studies Education (INCASE), member 2005-persent National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG), member 2005-present Prairielands ATTC Minnesota Advisory Board 2005-present National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), CTN/ATTC liaison with Prairielands ATTC 2004-present Iowa Training Resources Advisory Board, member 2004-present Minnesota Best Practice Committee, member 2004-present Prairielands ATTC Iowa Advisory Board 2004-present Prairielands ATTC North Dakota Advisory Board 2004-present Prairielands ATTC South Dakota Advisory Board 2004-present ATTC Leadership Institute National Initiative; Prairielands ATTC event coordinator 2007-2009 Iowa Department of Public Health, Iowa Gambling Treatment Program Advisory Committee, 2007-2009 Chairperson South Dakota Upper Plains Training Committee 2006-2008 National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA): Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives, 2005-2008 Blending Team member Midwest Consortium on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse (IA, MO, NE, OK, KS) 2004-2008 Lead agent of 32 member multistate consortium, 2005-present South Dakota Upper Plains Summer Institute Advisory Board, member 2005-2007 Iowa Substance Abuse Program Directors Association (ISAPDA), member 2004-2007 Iowa Department of Public Health, Iowa Gambling Treatment Program Advisory (ISAPDA), 2007-2007 Committee, Vice-chairperson Iowa Department of Public Health, Bureau of Administration, Regulations and Licensure 2007-2007 work group member at the request of the Single State Authority Minnesota Association of Resources for Recovery and Chemical Health (MARRCH) 2006-2007 Summit, planning committee member 21st Annual Conference on Problem Gambling Prevention, Research, Recovery and Treatment: 2006-2007 Improving Practice and Managing Consequences for Problem Gambling, Substance Abuse, and Co-occurring Issues, Administrative Agent 2nd Annual Prairielands ATTC Leadership Institute; National Initiative; 2006-2007 Mentor for Nebraska protégé focusing on Video Production: Methamphetamine and the Native American Recovery Community Midwest Consortium on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse (ICPGSA), Chairperson, 2006-2007 Consortium membership from Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma ATTC Leadership Institute; National Initiative; Prairielands ATTC event coordinator 2006-2007 1st Annual Prairielands ATTC Leadership Institute National Initiative; 2006-2007 Mentor for Nebraska protégé focusing on Homeless Coordination Project National Institute on Drug Abuse Blending Team; PAMI Blending Team Contributor 2005-2007 Iowa Department of Public Health, Iowa Gambling Treatment Program Advisory 2005-2007 Committee, member ATTC Leadership Institute; National Initiative; Prairielands ATTC event coordinator 2005-2006 Midwest Consortium on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse Member; Chairperson 2005-2006 SVORI Planning Committee Member 2004-2006 Midwest Consortium on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse, member 2004-2005 Johnson County Local Homeless Coordinating Board; Chairperson 2002-2004 2001-2004 Polk County Round Table, Des Moines, Iowa, Board Member 2001-2004 American Counseling Association 1998-2000 Psi Chi National Honor Society: National Organization of Psychology Students 1996-1997 The University of Iowa Honor Society 1996-1997 Kirkwood Community College Honor Society 1994-1995
Curriculum Development
MEIDAR 2.0. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)/Addiction Technology Transfer 2010-present Center (ATTC) Blending Product Collaboration, Workgroup Contributor Motivational Interviewing: Introduction and Advanced. Candace Peters, Kate Speck, 2010-present Anne Helene Skinstad. Competencies for Substance Abuse Treatment Clinical Supervisors. ATTC workgroup 2009-present member: Steve Gallon, Tom Durham, Steve Gumbley, Pat Stilen, Anne Helene Skinstad, Candace Peters Essential Substance Abuse Skills: A Guide for Professionals. 2nd Edition. Primary content 2009-present author and instructional design. A Provider’s Introduction to Substance Abuse Treatment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and 2008-present Transgender Individuals, Second Edition, Based on the Publication: DHHS Publication No. (SMA) 01-34, instructional design Toolbox Training: A Substance Abuse Education Series for Native American Helping 2006-2009 Professionals 1st ed., primary content author and instructional design Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)/ 2007-2008 Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Blending Product Collaboration, Workgroup Contributor A Provider’s Introduction to Substance Abuse Treatment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and 2007-2007 Transgender Individuals, First Edition, Based on the Publication: DHHS Publication No. (SMA) 01-34, instructional design A Provider’s Introduction to Substance Abuse Treatment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and 2006-2007 Transgender Individuals, First Edition, Based on the Publication: DHHS Publication No. (SMA) 01-34, instructional design Toolbox Training: A Substance Abuse Educational Series for Helping Professionals 1st ed. 2004-2006 primary content author and instructional design
Publications and Posters
C. Peters, A.H. Skinstad, and K. Summers (2010). From Concept to Practice: A strategic 07.28.2010 approach in disseminating Motivational Interviewing in a rural and frontier State. Poster presentation at the Midwest Conference on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse, Kansas City, Missouri. A. H. Skinstad, J. Zwick, T. Bergthold, M. VanderLinden, R. Kerksieck, and K. Summers. Small 07.28.2010 Changes – Big Results: The effects of a reorganization of intake procedures on access To treatment. Poster presentation at the Midwest Conference on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse, Kansas City, Missouri. T. Bergthold, A.H.Skinstad, and K. Summers. A retrospective study of protégés and mentors of 07.29.2010 The Prairielands ATTC Leadership Development Program: The importance of the Mentor-protégé’s relationship. Poster presentation at Midwest Conference on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse, Kansas City, Missouri. C. Peters, A.H. Skinstad, and K. Summers (2010). From Concept to Practice: A strategic 06.14.2010 approach in disseminating Motivational Interviewing in a rural and frontier State. Poster presentation a the College on Problem Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, Arizona. R. Kaur, A. H. Skinstad, C. Peters (2009). Essential Substance Abuse Skills: A guide for 05.06.2009 Professionals,2nd Edition (Toolbox Training: A Substance Abuse Educational Series for Helping Professionals). Poster presentation at the University of Iowa, College of Public Health, Iowa City, Iowa. Heinze.S., Skinstad, A.H., Nathan, P.E., & Peters C. (2008) Recovering with Faith: Pre-Testing 12.10.2008 Addiction Recovery Materials Made with and for the Johnson County Faith Community, Poster presentation at the University of Iowa, College of Public Health, Iowa City, Iowa Hartje, J., & Peters, C. (2009). Racial and Ethnic Minorities, Issues in Alcohol and Other Drug 11.12.2008 Use. In G. L. Fisher and N. A. Roget (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment, & Recovery. (pp. 747-750). California:SAGE Publications Inc. D. Mackey, F. Zavadil, A. H. Skinstad, C. Peters and K.M. Summers (2008) Outcomes of a 06.15. 2008 Native American Cultural Education Program for Non-native Counselors. Poster presentation at the College on Problem Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, Arizona Skinstad, A.H., Miller, D., Nathan, P.E., & Peters, C. (2007). Termination of Substance Abuse 11.08.2007 Treatment: An Ending or a Beginning? In W.T. O'Donohue, & M.A. Cucciare(Eds.). Terminating Psychotherapy: A Clinician's Guide. (pp. 544-557). New York: Routledge. K.Montes, A.H.Skinstad, M.Goransson, C.Peters (2007). Student Gambling at the University of 07.11.2007 Iowa. Poster presentation at the University of Iowa, College of Public Health, Iowa City, Iowa
Conference and Training Presentations
North Dakota Motivational Interviewing Coaching. Teleconference Training co-facilitation 12.17.10 with Brian Serna, Sante Fe, New Mexico North Dakota Motivational Interviewing Coaching. Teleconference Training co-facilitation 11.22.10 with Brian Serna, Sante Fe, New Mexico North Dakota Motivational Interviewing Coaching. Teleconference Training co-facilitation 10.22.10 with Brian Serna, Sante Fe, New Mexico North Dakota Motivational Interviewing Coaching. Teleconference Training co-facilitation 09.24.10 with Brian Serna, Sante Fe, New Mexico Opioid Awareness: Buprenorphine Awareness, Detoxification and Treatment for Young Adults 09.15.10 Co-facilitation with Marvis Doster, R.N. Mitchell, South Dakota North Dakota Prairielands ATTC Advisory Board. Bismarck, North Dakota 09.09.10 Helping Professionals and Burnout: Who’s looking out for me? North Dakota Alcohol Summit 09.08.10 Bismarck, North Dakota College of Public Health Student Orientation: Recovery Oriented Systems of Care and the 08.20.10 National Institute on Drug Abuse/SAMHSA ATTC Blending Initiative. The University of Iowa, Prairielands ATTC, Iowa City, Iowa North Dakota Motivational Interviewing Coaching. Teleconference Training co-facilitation 08.20.10 with Brian Serna, Sante Fe, New Mexico Midwest Conference on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse, conference moderator 07.28-30.2010 North Dakota Motivational Interviewing Coaching. Teleconference Training co-facilitation 07.26.10 with Brian Serna, Sante Fe, New Mexico A Provider’s Introduction to Substance Abuse Treatment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and 05.19.2010 Transgender Individuals: Curriculum History. Portland, Maine Opioid Awareness: Buprenorphine Awareness, Detoxification and Treatment for Young Adults 04.30.2010 Co-facilitation with Marvis Doster, R.N. Grand Forks, North Dakota Motivational Interviewing: Spirit and Principles. South Dakota Association of Addiction 04.15.2010 and Prevention professionals. Chamberlain, South Dakota Substance Abuse Prevention and Early Intervention: Cessation and Treatment: Neurobiological 04.12.2010 and Cognitive Strategies. 172:161. Guest lecture for Anne Helene Skinstad, PhD., The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Prairielands ATTC Leadership Institute Immersion Training for Mentors. Coralville, Iowa 04.01-02.2010 A Provider’s Introduction to Substance Abuse Treatment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and 04.24-26.2010 Transgender Individuals. Co-facilitator. Charleston, South Carolina A Provider’s Introduction to Substance Abuse Treatment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and 02.08.2010 Transgender Individuals: Curriculum History. Denver, Colorado North Dakota Motivational Interviewing for Clinicians: Advanced. Bismarck, North Dakota 11.17-18.2009 North Dakota Motivational Interviewing for Clinicians: Basic. Bismarck, North Dakota 10.27-28.2009 Clinical Supervision: An Art of the Past and of the Future. South Dakota Association of 10.06.2009 Addiction and Prevention Professionals Fall Conference. Co-facilitation with Anne Helene Skinstad. Mitchell, South Dakota North Dakota Motivational Interviewing for Clinicians: Advanced. Grand Forks, North Dakota 09.22-23.2009 Motivational Incentives: A Therapeutic Strategy with Great Rewards. North Dakota Alcohol 09.09.2009 Summit. Bismarck, North Dakota. Sexual Orientation and Gender identity: How They Impact Effective Substance Abuse Treatment. 09.09.2009 Panel member. North Dakota Alcohol summit. Bismarck, North Dakota. Iowa Motivational Interviewing for Clinicians: MIA:STEP (Part Two). Ames, Iowa, Co-trainer 09.01-02.2009 Mark Dodd North Dakota Motivational Interviewing for Clinicians: Basic. Grand Forks, North Dakota 08.25-26.2009 Midwest Conference on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse, conference moderator 08.12-14.2009 Systems Care Plenary: Midwest Conference on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse 08.12.2009 Moderator. Panelists: Mark Braun, JD, Duane Olberding, Jennifer Shatley, Angela Moos, Reece Middleton Helping Professionals and Burn Out: Who’s Looking Out For Me? St. Louis, Missouri, 08.13.2009 Midwest Conference on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse; 2-hour breakout session Responsible Gaming and Networking. Day Two co-facilitator with Bob Keriksiek, IDPH 07.28-29.2009 Riverside Resort and Casino, Riverside, Iowa. Iowa Motivational Interviewing for Clinicians: MIA:STEP (Part One). Ames, Iowa, Co-trainer 07.09-10.2009 Mark Dodd Iowa Motivational Interviewing for Clinicians: Advanced. Ames, Iowa, Co-trainer Mark Dodd 06.11-12.2009 North Dakota Motivational Interviewing for Clinicians: Advanced. Jamestown, North Dakota 05.19-10.2009 Essential Substance Abuse Skills: A Guide for Professionals: Training of Trainers. Orlando, 05.05-07.2009 Florida. North Dakota Motivational Interviewing for Clinicians: Basic. Jamestown, North Dakota 04.28-29.2009 Iowa Governors Conference on Substance Abuse. Des Moines, Iowa, moderator for three 04.07-08.2009 sessions: A Providers Introduction to Substance Abuse Treatment for LGBT Individuals, Pharmacological Treatment for Substance Abuse and Mental Health, and Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (keynote) Primary Prevention and Early Intervention of Mental Disorders. Mental Health in Adults: 03.09.2009 Overview. Guest lecture for Anne Helene Skinstad, PhD., The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. North Dakota Motivational Interviewing for Supervisors: Basic. Jamestown, North Dakota 02.24-25.2009 Co-trainer with Brian Serna. Communicating with the Community; Public Speaking; 172:162. Guest lecture for Anne Helene 12.08.2008 Skinstad, PhD, The University of Iowa, Iowa City. Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives: A Conceptual Introduction 10.23.2008 and Substance Abuse Services Training Conference, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives: Skill Building, 4th Annual Mental Health 10.22.2008 and Substance Abuse Services Training Conference, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives, Utah Fall Conference on Substance Abuse, 10-02.2008 Salt Lake City, Utah. A Provider’s Introduction to Substance Abuse Treatment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and 09.23-24.2008 Transgender Individuals, Duluth, Minnesota, Co-facilitator with Marty Perry and Ed Johnson. Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives, ND Alcohol Summit, Bismarck, North Dakota 09.09.2008 Prairielands ATTC Activity Report and Best Practices Update: ND Advisory Board 09.08.2008 Bismarck, North Dakota A Provider’s Introduction to Substance Abuse Treatment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and 09.04-05.2008 Transgender Individuals, Duluth, Minnesota, Co-facilitator with Marty Perry. Midwest Conference on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse, St. Louis, Missouri, 08.13-15.2008 Conference Moderator Implementation Strategies for Evidence Based Practices, SAAS/NIATX National Conference, 06.24.2008 Co-presentation: Michelle Berry and Candace Peters, Orlando, Florida Training of Trainers: Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives, National Institute 06.04.2008 on Drug Abuse National Conference, co-facilitation: Lonnetta Albright, Amy Shanahan, Candace Peters, Cincinnati, Ohio Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives, Prairieridge Substance Abuse Treatment 05.15.2008 Facility, Mason City, Iowa Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives, WAAODA Conference, Madison, Wisconsin 05.06.2008 Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives, Boise/Meridian, Idaho 04.17.2008 Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives, Denver, Colorado 03.21.2008 Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives, Cheyenne, Wyoming 03.20.2008 Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives, The University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada 03.19.2008 Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentive, Reno, Nevada 03.18.2008 Motivational Interviewing, Iowa Juvenile Probation and Parole, Eldridge, Iowa 03.13-14.2008 Toolbox Training: A Substance Abuse Educational Series for Mental Health Professionals 01.23-24. 2008 Co-moderation with Michael Flaum, M.D. Facilitator: Ken Minkoff, MD Des Moines, Iowa Toolbox Training: A Substance Abuse Educational Series for Mental Health Professionals 11.14-15.2007 Module Nine: Professionals Readiness. Co-facilitation with Michael Flaum, M.D. Des Moines, Iowa Communicating with the Community; 172:185 Guest Lecture for Anne Helene Skinstad, Ph.D. 11.19.2007 The University of Iowa, Iowa City. Communicating with the Community; 172:185 Guest Lecture for Anne Helene Skinstad, Ph.D. 11.12.2007 The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Stress and Burnout: Who’s Taking Care of Me. Prairielands ATTC Leadership Institute 11.08.2007 The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Communicating with the Community; 172:185 Guest Lecture for Anne Helene Skinstad, Ph.D. 09.17.2007 The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Toolbox Training: A Substance Abuse Educational Series for Mental Health Professionals 09.12-13.2007 Module One: The Addiction Complex Simplified; Module Two: Basic Counseling Des Moines, Iowa Helping Professionals and Burnout: Who’s Looking Out for Me? 2nd Annual National 08.07.2007 Conference for Leaders of Addiction Services (NCLAS). Washington. D.C. What’s so Difficult About Implementing Effective Clinical Supervision? A Presentation 07.09.2007 and Facilitated Discussion on Our Love-Hate Relationship with Clinical Supervision, Collaboratively presented with: Nancy Roget, Steve Gallon, Anne Helene Skinstad Paula Horvatich, State Association of Addiction Services (SAAS), Chicago, Illinois Iowa Toolbox Training: Client, Family and Community Education, Module 12, 06.22.2007 Iowa Communications Network, face-to-face presentation in Iowa City, Iowa Clinical Supervision: An Art of the Past or of the Future? Co-presentation with 06.08.2007 Anne Helene Skinstad, PhD, 21st Annual Conference on Problem Gambling Prevention, Research, Recovery and Treatment: Improving Practice and Managing Consequences for Problem Gambling, Substance Abuse, and Co-occurring Issues, Kansas City, Missouri 21st Annual Conference on Problem Gambling Prevention, Research, Recovery and Treatment: 06.8-10.2007 Improving Practice and Managing Consequences for Problem Gambling, Substance Abuse, and Co-occurring Issues, Conference Moderator Iowa Toolbox Training: Counseling Families, Partners and Significant Others, Module 11, 05.18.2007 Iowa Communications Network, face-to-face presentation in Iowa City, Iowa Trauma and PTSD: The Power Lies within Safety and Self-Care. Chrysalis Women’s 05.09.2007 Health Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives: A Pilot. Iowa Governors Conference, 04.10.2007 Des Moines, Iowa Iowa Toolbox Training: Group Counseling, Module 10, Iowa Communications Network, 04.27.2007 face-to-face presentation in Iowa City, Iowa Iowa Toolbox Training: Professional Readiness/Attitudes and Values; Module 9 03.23.2007 Iowa Communications Network, face-to-face presentation in Iowa City, Iowa Prevention Research: Principles of Prevention – Primary and Secondary Methods; 172:161: 02.26.2007 Substance Abuse and Mental Health—Drug Regulations; Guest Lecture for Anne Helene Skinstad, PhD, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Iowa Toolbox Training: Referral, Service coordination and Documentation; Module 8 02.23.2007 Co-facilitation, Iowa Communications Network, face-to-face presentation in Iowa City, Iowa Iowa Toolbox Training: Treatment Knowledge; Module 7, co-facilitation, 01.26.2007 Iowa Communications Network, face-to-face presentation in Des Moines, Iowa Prairielands ATTC Activity Report and Best Practices Update, St Paul, Minnesota 12.07.2006 Communicating with the Community; 172:185: Introduction to Public Speaking: 11.27.2006 Components in choosing a presentation: audience selection and impact. Guest Lecture for Anne Helene Skinstad, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Best Practices in Substance Abuse: What is it and Why. St. Lukes, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 11.16.2006 Communicating with the Community; 172:185: Introduction to Public Speaking: the importance 11.13.2006 of networking, opinion leaders, and cultural considerations. Guest Lecture for Anne Helene Skinstad, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Communicating with the Community; 172:185: Introduction to Public Speaking 11.06.2006 Guest Lecture for Anne Helene Skinstad, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Iowa Toolbox Training: Clinical Evaluation, Treatment Planning, Module 5, Co-facilitation, 10.27.2006 Iowa Communications Network, face-to-face presentation in Iowa City, Iowa Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives, Minnesota Association on Research and 10.24.2006 Recovery and Chemical Health (MARRCH), St. Paul, Minnesota Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives 10.17.2006 National Institute on Drug Abuse Annual Blending Conference, Seattle, Washington Iowa Toolbox Training: Clinical Evaluation: Assessment, Module 4 09.22.2006 Iowa Communications Network, face-to-face presentation in Iowa City, Iowa Iowa Toolbox Training: Clinical Evaluation: Screening, Module 3 08.25.2006 Iowa Communications Network, face-to-face presentation in Iowa City, Iowa Midwest Conference on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse 08.16-18.2006 Conference Moderator PATTC, Toolbox Training, and Native American Curriculum for Non-tribal 07.27.2006 Substance Abuse Clinicians, Aberdeen Area Alcohol Program Directors Association (AAAPDA) Clinical Supervision and Motivational Interviewing: Best Practices 05.24.2006 Nebraska Lancaster County, Lincoln, Nebraska North Dakota Toolbox Training: Counseling Families, Module 11, Client, Family, 05.19.2006 Community Education, Module 12, IVN, North Dakota Communications Network, face-to-face presentation in Bismarck, ND Prairielands ATTC Activity Report and Best Practices Update, Des Moines, Iowa 05.12.2006 Best Practices in Treating Women with Substance Use Issues, Chrysalis Women’s 05.11.2006 Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota Clinical Supervision and Ethics, Nebraska Association on Problem Gambling, 05.09.2006 Omaha, Nebraska Prairielands ATTC Activity Report and Best Practices Update, PATTC Minnesota 04.27.2006 Advisory Board Meeting, St Paul, Minnesota Best Practices in Substance Abuse and Prairielands ATTC Activity Report 04.28.2006 Minnesota Coalition of Addiction Studies Educators, St Paul, Minnesota North Dakota Toolbox Training: Treatment Planning, Module 5, Basic Counseling Skills, 04.21.2006 Module 6, IVN, North Dakota Communications Network, face-to-face presentation in Bismarck, ND Supervision for Supervisors: Administrative, Clinical and Evaluative, SASC , Manchester, Iowa 04.19.2006 Supervision for Counselors and Support Staff: Administrative, Clinical and Evaluative, 04.19.2006 SASC , Manchester, Iowa Health Communication, 036:270; Guest Lecture for Shelly Campo, PhD 04.17.2006 The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Clinical Supervision: Administrative, Clinical and Evaluative Models, Iowa Governors 04.11.2006 Conference, Des Moines, Iowa Substance Abuse and Mental Health, 172:161; Guest Lecture for Anne Helene Skinstad, PhD 03.17.2006 The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Supervision for Supervisors: Administrative, Clinical and Evaluative, SASC , Manchester, Iowa 03.15.2006 Supervision for Counselors and Support Staff: Administrative, Clinical and Evaluative, 03.15.2006 SASC , Manchester, Iowa Helping Professions as a Career: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment 03.13.2006 031:173 Substance Use and Misuse in America; Guest Lecture for Peter Nathan, PhD The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Prairielands ATTC Activity Report and Best Practices Update, Bismarck, North Dakota 02.23.2006 North Dakota Toolbox Training: The Science of Addiction, Module 1, Ethical Responsibilities, 01.30.2006 Module 2, IVN, North Dakota Communications Network, face-to-face presentation in Bismarck, ND Iowa Toolbox Training: Group Counseling; Module 10 01.27.2006 Iowa Communications Network, face-to-face presentation in Iowa City, Iowa Iowa Toolbox Training: Referral, Service Coordination and Documentation; Module 8 10.28.2005 Iowa Communications Network, face-to-face presentation in Iowa City, Iowa NIDA Blending Initiative Motivational Incentives; panel member, INCASE, Washington D.C. 10.26.2005 ATTC Network, PATTC, and Best Practices, 3rd Annual PATTC Substance Abuse 10.20.2005 Educators Conference, Sioux Falls, South Dakota Opioid Awareness, Cass Lake Ojibwe Reservation, Cass Lake, MN 09.28.2005 Treatment Planning: Program Driven or Individualized Care, North Dakota Alcohol 09.15.2005 Summit, Bismarck, North Dakota Clinical Supervision , Midwest Consortium on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse, 08.25.2005 Kansas City, MO Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives (PAMI), National Institute on Drug 06.06.2005 Abuse Annual Conference, Miami, Florida Iowa Toolbox Training: Clinical Evaluation Screening; Module 3, Iowa Communications 05.27.2005 Network, face-to-face presentation in Iowa City, Iowa Best Practices in Communication: Motivational Interviewing, College of Dentistry, 05.16.2005 University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Clinical Supervision: Administrative, Clinical and Evaluative Models, Nebraska Advisory 05.11.2005 Board, Lincoln, Nebraska Clinical Supervision and Ethics , Nebraska Problem Gambling Association, Omaha, Nebraska 05.09.2006 Opioid Awareness, Iowa Governors Conference, Des Moines, Iowa 04.12.2005 Substance Abuse and Mental Health: Women’s Issues, North Dakota Addiction Counseling 04.08.2005 Association (NDACA), Valley City, North Dakota Substance Abuse and Mental Health, 172:161; Guest Lecture for Anne Helene Skinstad, PhD 04.04.2005 The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Iowa Toolbox Training: Professional and Ethical Responsibilities, Iowa Communications 02.25.2005 Network, face-to-face presentation in Iowa City, Iowa Iowa Toolbox Training: Counseling Families, Couples and Significant Others 11.19.2004 Iowa Communications Network, face-to-face presentation in Iowa City, Iowa Best Practices in Communication: Motivational Interviewing, College of Pharmacy, 09.08.2004 University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Iowa Toolbox Training: Referral, Service Coordination and Documentation; Module 8 08.27.2004 Iowa Communications Network, face-to-face presentation in Iowa City, Iowa
Research and Support.
A Provider’s Introduction to Substance Abuse Treatment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and 20008-present Transgender Individuals, Second Edition, Based on the Publication: DHHS Publication No. (SMA) 01-34, Ed Craft, SAMHSA/CSAT, Catherine Nugent, SAMHSA/CSAT, Anne Helene Skinstad, PATTC Essential Substance Abuse Skills: A Guide for Professionals: Training of Trainers. Orlando, 05.05-07.2009 Florida. A Provider’s Introduction to Substance Abuse Treatment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and 2006-2007 Transgender Individuals, First Edition, Based on the Publication: DHHS Publication No. (SMA) 01-34, Ed Craft, SAMHSA/CSAT, Catherine Nugent, SAMHSA/CSAT, Anne Helene Skinstad, PATTC Toolbox Training: A Substance Abuse Educational Series for Helping Professionals. 1st edition. 2005-2009 Anne Helene Skinstad, PATTC Workforce Development, Anne Helene Skinstad, PhD. 2004-present Healthy Lifestyles, Anne Helene Skinstad, Ph.D. 2004-present Hand-in-Hand, Anne Helene Skinstad, Ph.D. 2004-present Physicians Assistant Study, Anne Helene Skinstad, Ph.D. 1997-1999 Women’s Assessment Questionnaire Study, Anne Helene Skinstad, Ph.D 1997-1999 Alcohol Research: Binge Drinking, Peter Nathan, Ph.D., University of Iowa 1996-1997 Early Childhood Development, Lisa Oaks, Ph.D., University of Iowa 1996-1997