Meeting Opened: 8:04 Pm
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Meeting Opened: 8:04 pm
Attendees: Erin Roberts, Sonia Purvis, Jolenne Phillips, Alia Evans, Janet Hutchinson, Kristy Gilberd, Christy Hayes, Kerrie Goyen, Kellie McFarlane, Natalie Campion, Tracey Wise, Jacqui McGrath, Louise Horton, Sarah Brown, Elise Meredith, Donna Malaxos, Sarah Jacks, Jeunene O'Gorman, Simone Frazer, Robert Rex, Leigh Trindall
Apologies: Catherine White, Amy Papadimitropoulos, Amanda Rex, Kelly Glendinning, Julie Stewart
Minutes from the last meeting were read: Accepted: Leigh Trindall Seconded: Kristy Gilberd
Business Arising from Previous Minutes WWCC – All volunteers must as a minimum have a WWCC Declaration (red form) which has been distributed to the community and copies are kept in the office. WWCC Clearance is different and has only been requested. The clearance is a good thing to have as it provides the school and P&C with a higher level of cover and cost nothing to get. The cover duration of the red form needs to be confirmed as yet.
Appropriate footwear must be worn when working in the canteen.
Dogs are banned from school grounds.
Sign at front of school has been changed.
Playgroup Equipment – Received quote from Play By Design (circulated during meeting), meeting with Moduplay regarding quote on Friday morning. Still need to source another quote.
Still working through the grant for funding the canteen refurbishment.
Principals Report – Chris Whitten Thanks – On behalf of the school, I would like to pass on my appreciation to the committee for 2015 and look forward to working closely with the newly elected team for 2016. I would especially like to thank Leigh for her outstanding leadership during a great time of change in the school and throughout the celebration of the 60th Anniversary. Leigh had a great feel for the community’s expectations and questions which enabled me to be more proactive than reactive. But most importantly she was always a great advocate for our school.
School Plan & Annual School Report – We are currently updating our school plan with our three strategic directions – Enabling Equity & Excellence, Fostering Creativity & Curiosity and Inspiring Innovation. The updated plan will be published on the website by the end of term. The ASR will also be finished and published on the school website by the end of term.
RSPS Expo – Details being finalised, however EXPO will be held on Tuesday 3 May from 6pm – flyer to go out to pre-schools and local shops. Tell Them From Me Surveys – In Term 1 2016, our school is taking part in the Tell Them From Me student survey. The survey will provide us with valuable feedback on what our students think about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways that teachers interact with them. We wish to use the Tell Them From Me survey to improve the school. The survey is completed on-line and is run by an independent research company, The Leaning Bar, which specialises in school-based surveys. The school completed these surveys in 2014. School results will e published on website and throughout the school's Annual School Report. It will drive our planning and validate School Excellence Framework procedures.
Future Dates – Easter Hat Parade – 24 March Parent Interviews – 29 March to 1 April School Cross Country – 5 April Anzac Service – 8 April
Treasurer’s Report – Jeunene O'Gorman For Discussion – Following up from audit report: P&C to ratify if cheque payments should be minuted before being provided to payee or retain current practice that allows cheque payments to be minuted after being provided to payee. Motion to retain current practice. Acc: A. Evans Sec: J. Hutchinson P&C Account: Bank balance as at 11/03/16 - $51,208.74 Cash book balance as at 11/03/16 - $50,628.29 (less unpresented chqs totalling $580.45)
Cheque payments to be minuted: Motion 1/4 04/03 Chq#400633 - $166.40 - Kellie McFarlane Acc: A. Evans (replace chq#400623) Sec: J. Hutchinson Motion 2/4 04/03 Chq#400634 - $258.00 – Kristy Gilberd Acc: K. Goyen Sec: L. Trindall Motion 3/4 04/03 Chq#400635 - $350.00 – Joe Kaplan Acc: A. Evans Sec: J. McGrath Motion 4/4 04/03 Chq#400636- $169.00 – Scholastic Bookclub Acc: J. Phillips Sec: T. Wise Uniform Room Account: Bank balance as at 11/03/16 - $6,575.12 Cash book balance as at 11/03/16 - $5,650.24 (less unpresented chqs totalling $924.88) Canteen Account: Bank Balance as at 14/03/16 - $7,246.82
Entertainment book Commission: 26/02/16 – Commission received $251.00
Canteen Report Cash book balance $6,243.00. Lebanese wraps are now replacing the Dough Boss pizzas and are available daily. Motion passed to have cleaner in now once a term. Acc: S. Purvis Sec: K. Goyen There have been a number of banking discrepancies with incorrect counting of money. A counter will be sourced, priced and purchased to hopefully alleviate these issues.
School Banking Report No report
Uniform Room No Report
Book Club Report • Issue 2 was distributed in week 6 & all orders have now been processed (ETA wk7) • The catalogue & online ordering was also promoted 2 days prior to closure on the RSPS facebook page resulting in extra last minute orders • LOOP orders re continuing to grow – counting for 80% for this catalogues orders • Order value for issue 2 was $972 (Cash $169 and LOOP $803) • Rewards earned from issue 2 totalled $191 • Current rewards balance is $622 inclusive – which needs to be spent! • Rewards expiry dated from June 2016 • Orders will be continued to be delivered to the library with notification posted on the RSPS page once ready to be collected YTD figures for 2016: Order value $2107 ($568 cash and $1479 LOOP), Rewards $418
Fundraising Report Cookbook – around 290 left to sell. Potential Events: • Trivia night tba (early/mid term 2). we would look at outsourcing the trivia night, making it an adults only event and obtaining liquor license for it. • Movie night – possibly the end of September • General Business Look into NSW little Athletics to come to school for free coaching. Jnr girls relay to be supported financially for state swimming along with aria D for Regional Tennis. Amounts are a case by case basis depending on actual costs and travel distance. $50 representing regional at state ad $100 representing state at nationals will be used as a rough guide but need s to be discussed further.
Closed : 9:02pm
Next Meeting: Tuesday, 17th May2016 at 7.00pm in the Library.