Stark County Commissioners
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Commissioner Harmon opens the meeting at 9:00 AM.
Recite – Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioner Vignos Gas Aggregation
Commissioner Bosley Drainage Updates
Commissioner Harmon: Discuss Sheriff’s Boiler System
Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the agenda as amended. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried.
NOTICE: Minutes of meetings of the Board of Commissioners are filed as a permanent record in the official journal of the Board of Commissioners. The official record includes originals or copies of all resolutions that are adopted by the Board. This includes resolutions approving the signing of Contractual documents, financial transaction forms and other actions adopted by the Board. Contracts, agreements, leases, purchase orders, personnel actions and other such material referred to in the resolutions are filed by subject in the Administrative Offices and originated departments. The official journals that include, the minutes and related resolutions are available for public inspection in the Administrative Offices of the Commissioners.
Commissioner Vignos Gas Aggregation Direct Energy was directed to purchase Gas for Stark County Stark County Columbian Gas Customers – October 2008 to October 2009 - $10.64 Stark County Dominion East Ohio Gas – November 2008 to October 2009 - $10.49
Commissioner Bosley Drainage Updates St. Joseph’s Hospice – everyone is in agreement and the project is ready to start Broadway Avenue at Railroad Tracks – There is a pipe issue and the Railroad has not been real cooperative, but they are willing to come out a look at the project.
Commissioner Harmon: Discuss Sheriff’s Boiler System Recap on the Sheriff’s Boiler System – the Sheriff has asked the Board to come up with the funding to replace the boilers that provide heat and hot water to the Safety Building. They are the original boilers from 1964; they are by any measure very, very inefficient. He has had a few groups out to the Safety Center to look at the boiler system and he promised the Sheriff that he would do his best to get at least on of the boilers replaced this year. Mr. Rushe has been getting quotes for a new boilers – this is one quote from Kauffman Plumbing and unfortunately the estimated installed cost for three boilers is approximately $550,000.00. If only one boiler is replaced the installation cost is $200,000.00, if we do all three at one time we save approximately $50,000.00. An Engineering firm may be required to enhance some design. When he was optimistic in helping the Sheriff and General Fund at around $100,000.00. He felt that after looking over the Permanent Improvement availability with our Administrator we could squeeze our $100,000.00 from the Permanent Improvement Fund. The bad news once again, is the Permanent Improvement can’t afford $200,000.00, or $220,000.00 including the Engineering. Once again our resources do not permit us to spend a little money to save a lot of money, and that is sad. Mr. Rushe is waiting on other proposals and since he used the number of $100,000.00 possibly being available this year that would deplete the Permanent Improvement Fund, it is possible that Mr. Rushe is looking at preventive maintenance of retubing the boilers, which would be a bandage approach. He will call the Sheriff and apologize for being over zealous with his promise.
Commissioner Vignos – states that the money has to come from somewhere else because this is critical.
Commissioner Bosley – there comes a time when you have to take some sort of a loan to get this done. You just can’t deal with junk; we are dealing with a mess out there. This is step number one is getting the boilers fixed, step number two is going to look for some sort of alternative energy source to help offset some of the cost. If you save 20% in five years you would pay for the new boilers. In the past Boards of Commissioners did not want to go into debt, but we are facing some real issues here because some things have been let go to some extent, the Parking Deck is a premium example.
Commissioner Vignos – if you are borrowing money, particular if we choose to do construction behind this building you could roll it into that.
Commissioner Bosley – the other point to is we have couple of properties here that are worth money and we do the have the ability to pay that amount back, we have to really look at selling those properties.
Commissioner Harmon – he believe that they are in agreement, he was hoping, and he knows that things take time, when we look at less then productive properties they own that we could beginning the process of liquidating those properties and what ever money raised goes into the Permanent Improvement Fund the Permanent Improvement Fund was originally created with the sale of Nist. If we could dispose of property in a timely fashion and be able to put it into this type of improvements and his second choice would be to finance this capital improvement, and hopefully sell the properties and pay off the loan. The only fear he has about borrowing, is if we borrow and the tax-payers don’t renew the sales tax in 2010 it becomes our worst nightmare.
Financial: Appropriation Regional Planning – HOME Funding to Proper Account $855,308.00
Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the Appropriation for Regional Planning HOME Funding as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried
Regional Planning – CDBG Funding to Proper Account - $1,419,192.00
Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the Appropriation for Regional Planning CDBG Funding as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried
Nist Money back into General Fund - $70,527.00
Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the Appropriation for Nist Money back to General Fund as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried
Transfers: EMA – HazMat Fund - Supplies to Service - $7,000.00 County Obligations – Group Insurance – Other to Service - $3,000.00 Data Processing – General Fund – Benefits to Salary - $88,000.00 Data Processing – Other to Supplies - $7,308.78 Regional Planning – Community Development Service to Other - $240,000.00
Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the transfers as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried.
Purchasing Items: EMA – to buy out lease on the 2008 Chevy Trailblazer with 21,841 Miles – Vendor – Louisville Chevrolet Cost - $15,500.00
Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve request from EMA to purchase lease for the 2008 Trailblazer as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried. Requisitions: Job and Family Services – Various Services PASS Program – vendor - various - $65,000.00 Job and Family Services - Foster Parent Boarding – vendor – various - $700,000.00
Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the Requisitions as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried.
Discuss for Approval:
Travel Requests: Various travel requests for various county departments as presented. Total Travel: $279.56
Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the Travel Request for various departments as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried.
J&FS Day Care Contracts: Little Tots Children Care – 9/28/08 thru 6/30/09 – Rate Increase
Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the J&FS Day Care Contracts as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried
J&FS Contracts: Workforce Investment Agency (WIA) – upon approval – thru 6/30/09 - $167,000.00 Encumber - $50,000.00
Commissioner Harmon moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the J&FS Contracts as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried. Bosley – Abstained
Canton City School - $140,085.00 – encumber $140,085.00
Commissioner Harmon moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the J&FS Contracts as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried. Bosley – Abstained
Maintenance Bond Release: Chestnut Ridge Allotment – Lake Township Saratoga Hills #1 – Plain Township Saratoga Hills #2 – Plain Township
Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the Maintenance Bond Release as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried.
Release Performance Bond: Canterbury Creek #2 Allotment – Plain Township and release the following Streets Huntcliffe Road N.E Glouchester Drive N.E.
Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve to release the Performance Bond sign Satisfaction of Mortgage and Waive Maintenance Bond for Canterbury Creek #2 and release streets to Plain Township as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried.
Saratoga Hills #3 Allotment – Plain Township and release the following Streets: Cloverhurst Street N.E.
Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve to release the Performance Bond sign Satisfaction of Mortgage and accept the Maintenance Bond for Saratoga Hills #3 to Plain Township and release streets to Plain as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried.
Performance Bond: Construction of Sidewalks and Handicap Curb Ramps for the following: Saratoga Hills #1 Allotment – Plain Township – secured by lots 20, & 21 Saratoga Hills #2 Allotment – Plain Township – secured by lots 61, 62,& 93 Saratoga Hills #3 Allotment – Plain Township – secured by lots 94, 95, & 105 Chestnut Ridge Allotment – Lake Township – secured by lot 28
Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the Performance Bond for Sidewalks and Handicap Curb Ramps as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried.
Lien Satisfaction: Rehabilitation Loan: Rose Marie Lesh – Canton Ohio Donald & Wanda McNew – Louisville, Ohio
Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the Lien Satisfactions as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried.
12th Street Improvement Project: Viewing and Hearing were held on August 12, 2008
Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve the 12th Street Road Improvement Project from Brunnerdale to Bowen Avenue as submitted. Roll Call: Yes. Motion Carried. MIKE HANKE
Discuss/Consider for approval: Executive Session – With Mr. David Bridenstine of Prosecutors office and Joe Underwood Sub Division Engineer to discuss - Outstanding Bond Claims
Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to approve to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss with the Prosecutor David Bridenstine and Engineers Joe Underwood regarding Immanent or Court Action at 9:27 AM Roll Call: Vignos – Yes Harmon – Yes Bosley – Yes Motion Carried.
Commissioner Bosley moved, seconded by Commissioner Vignos to adjourn from Executive Session and Return to Regular Session at 10:21 AM Roll Call: Vignos – Yes Harmon – Yes Bosley – Yes
Commissioner Harmon adjourns the meeting at 10:22 AM
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia M. Ashby Orig.: Jean Young Cc: Commissioners