Abu-Ghazaleh, Nabil

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Abu-Ghazaleh, Nabil

ACADEMIC SENATE FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY 2012 Fall Plenary Session November 8-10, 2012 Attendance Roster (Alpha by Last Name) As of 4/8/2018 Name and College Senate Position, Title, Discipline Adams, Julie Executive Director Academic Senate Adler, Eve Academic Senate President Elect Santa Monica College Health Sciences Alarcio, Rebecca Interim Vice President, Student Affairs & College Communications Allan Hancock College Alger, Ardon Academic Senate President Chaffey College Photography Allen-Hoyt, Denise Academic Senate President Crafton Hills College CIS Alonso, Edel Academic Senate President Canyons, College of the Counseling Apenahier, Leonard Academic Senate President Los Angeles Southwest College Psychology Archuleta, Irma Vice President of Student Affairs Evergreen Valley College Aschenbach, Cheryl Academic Senate President Lassen College English/Speech Communications Atondo, Elizabeth Academic Senate Curriculum VP Los Angeles Pierce College Counseling Avalos, Juan Vice President for Student Services Saddleback College Babeshoff, Ruth Dean of Counseling & Student Support Services Santiago Canyon College Bailey-Fougnier, Dennis VP of Student Services Cabrillo College Baker, Jeff Vice President Student Services Grossmont College Balducci, Laureen Dean of Counseling, Admissions and Special Programs Foothill College Barnes, Stephen Paralegal Studies Coastline College Bartlett, Stacey Vice President Butte College Communication Studies Beach, Randy Academic Senate President Southwestern College Bearden, Kenneth Academic Senate President Butte College English Beaulieu, David Academic Senate District VP LACCD District English Bell, Robert Senior VP of Assistant Superintendent, Academic and Student Pasadena City College Affairs Bennett, Diana District Academic Senate President SMCCD Digital Media Benson, Judith Academic Senate Secretary III: Academic Senate Office Pasadena City College Bergen, Sondra Academic Senate Secretary Sequoias, College of the English Bernstein, Teri Academic Senate Senator Santa Monica College Business Best, Amanda Institute of Professional Development, Chair Golden West College Fine Arts ACADEMIC SENATE FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY 2012 Fall Plenary Session November 8-10, 2012 Attendance Roster (Alpha by Last Name) As of 4/8/2018 Name and College Senate Position, Title, Discipline Bimber, Kathleen Academic Senate VP & District Curriculum Committee Chair Los Angeles CCD Child Development Bontenbal, Kevin ASCCC South Representative (Cuesta College) Academic Senate Booth, Derrick American River College Boyd, Marie Curriculum Committee Chair Chaffey College Reference Librarian Braden, Kale Academic Senate President Cosumnes River College Theatre Bradford, Lawrence L. Vice President for Student Services Los Angeles City College Brent, Lourdes Academic Senate Past President Los Angeles Trade Technical College Counseling/Professor Brown, Nenagh Academic Senate Vice President Moorpark College History Browne, Kathryn W. Academic Senate VP Skyline College Early Childhood Education Bruley, Marie Academic Senate President Merced College Mathematics Bruno, Julie ASCCC Area A Representative (Sierra College) Academic Senate Bryant, Randy Academic Senate VP De Anza College Automotive Technology Bulkley, Scott Academic Senate President Barstow College Geology Cabanel-Bleuer, Denise Academic Senate Secretary Orange Coast College World Languages Campo, Peggy Academic Senate Senator Norco College Associate Professor Carlsson, Laura Associate Faculty Academic Senate Representative MiraCosta College Spanish Carr, Gregg Academic Senate President Golden West College Learning Resources/College Success Carranza, James Academic Senate President San Mateo, College of English Chahal, Monica Academic Senate President Woodland College English Chiabotti, Dianna North Representative (Napa Valley College) Academic Senate Chow, Karen Academic Senate President De Anza College English Cittadino, Nicholas Counseling Solano College Clark, Kathleen Academic Senate VP Monterey Peninsula College Cooperative Work Experience Education Clark, Kate Past President, ASCCC Irvine Valley College English, Emerita Clay, David Academic Senate President Cañada College English Clinton, Maria Academic Senate President Antelope Valley College Aeronautics ACADEMIC SENATE FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY 2012 Fall Plenary Session November 8-10, 2012 Attendance Roster (Alpha by Last Name) As of 4/8/2018 Name and College Senate Position, Title, Discipline Cosgrove, Robert Academic Senate President Saddleback College English Crasnow, Sharon District Academic Senate President Norco College Philosophy Crow, Matthew Academic Senate President Cerro Coso College English Crump, Dan ASCCC North Representative (American River College) Academic Senate Cummings, Fran Curriculum Committee Chair Rio Hondo College Curry, Stephanie Academic Senate Representative Reedley College Library Daniels, James Vice President of Student Services Barstow College d'Arcy, Kim Academic Senate Secretary Saddleback College Learning Disabilities Specialist Davis, Tracy Academic Senate President Victor Valley College History Davison, Dolores ASCCC Area B Representative (Foothill College) Academic Senate DeAsis, Mark Dean, Admissions & Records Norco College DeCarbo, Michael Academic Senate VP Santiago Canyon College Communication DiThomas, Debbie Student Services Vice President Norco College Donley, Steve Executive Vice President Cypress College Dorian, Dianne Academic Senate President Mission College Reading Dowd, Bonnie Ann ACBO President Association of Chief Business Officials Drinnon, Jon Academic Senate Senator Merritt College English DuBois, Toni VP of Student Services Fullerton College Dumont, Stephanie ASCCC Area D Representative (Golden West College) Academic Senate Dwyer, Riley Academic Senate President Moorpark College Film Studies Echeverri, Angela Academic Senate President Los Angeles Mission College Biology Eisel, Roberta Accreditation Co-chair Citrus College English Elias, Helen Dean of Student Development and Matriculation San Diego City College Elliott, Herb Academic Senate Executive Hancock College Economics Endrijonas, Erika Executive Vice President of Student Learning Oxnard College Enriquez, Rosi Faculty Association Member Rancho Santiago CCD Counselor ACADEMIC SENATE FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY 2012 Fall Plenary Session November 8-10, 2012 Attendance Roster (Alpha by Last Name) As of 4/8/2018 Name and College Senate Position, Title, Discipline Ewins, Patricia Dean of Student Learning Moorpark College Fautley, Robin Academic Senate President Santa Rosa Junior College Life Sciences Figueroa, Daphne Academic Senate President San Diego Miramar College Chemistry & Education Flor, Shirley ASCCC Committee Member San Diego Mesa College Counselor Flores-Charter, Patricia Academic Senate President Elect Southwestern College Learning Disabilities Specialist Foster, Adrienne Academic Senate President West Los Angeles College Franco, Nick Counselor Norco College Freitas, John Academic Senate President Los Angeles City College Chemistry Friedlander, Jack Executive Vice President Santa Barbara City College Friedlander, Carl President Community College Council of the CFT Frisch, Dennis History FACCC, Santa Monica College Fry, Marilyn English Coastline College Gauthier, Don District Academic Senate President Los Angeles CCD Geography Gerhold, John Local Senate Delegate Bakersfield College Performing Arts Department Chair Gibbs, Travis Academic Senate President Moreno Valley College Psychology Gilbert, Jeremiah Academic Senate President San Bernardino Valley College Gilbert, Greg English Copper Mountain College Gilman, Bruce Vice President Saddleback College English Giusti, Anthony Academic Senate VP American River College Nutrition Gold, Christina Academic Senate President El Camino College History Gonda, Sue Academic Senate President Grossmont College History Gonzales, Adrian Interim Vice President Student Affairs Desert, College of the Gordon, Scott Business and Technology Shasta College Grant, Madeline Academic Senate Secretary/Treasurer Santa Ana College Professor Green, Monica Dean of Student Services Norco College Greenberg, Ingrid Academic Senate President Continuing Education, SDCCD ESL ACADEMIC SENATE FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY 2012 Fall Plenary Session November 8-10, 2012 Attendance Roster (Alpha by Last Name) As of 4/8/2018 Name and College Senate Position, Title, Discipline Grimes-Hillman, Michelle ASCCC At-large Representative (Mt. San Antonio College) Academic Senate Gross, Ann Academic Senate President Napa Valley College Professor Guerrero, Sherrie Associate Superintendent, Instruction and Student Services Chaffey College Gunther, Susanna Academic Senate President Solano College Mathematics Gutierrez, Pedro Academic Senate President Coastline College Habib, Claudia Academic Senate President Fresno City College Applied Technology Haidar, Buran Academic Senate President Elect San Diego Miramar College Biology Haley, Daniel Academic Senate Treasurer Pasadena City College Library Halligan, Christopher Academic Senate Secretary/Senator Humanities Division Compton Educational Center Professor - English Dept. Hamilton, Jennifer Legislative Analyst Modesto Junior College English Hanna, Karolyn Senator Emeritus Santa Barbara City College Nursing Hanvey, Dustin Academic Senate President Pasadena City College English Haproff, Jane Academic Senate President Sierra College Philosophy Harclerode, Janet Academic Senate President Santa Monica College ESL Harmon, Linda Health Sciences (Nursing) Antelope Valley College Harrell, Kim Academic Senate Past President Folsom Lake College Department Chair & Professor of Kinesiology, Health, & Athletics Harris, Fred Assistant Vice Chancellor CCC Chancellor's Office College Finance and Facilities Planning Harvey, Lisa Academic Senate Past President Victor Valley College Biology Hemmerling, Jane Academic Senate VP Sierra College English Hernandez, William Academic Senate VP Los Angeles Harbor College Spanish Hester-Reyes, Michele Academic Senate President Sequoias, College of the Spanish Hicks, Diana LRCFT College President ARC ARC/LRCFT Hicks, Raymond Academic Senate President Santa Ana College President Hoffman, Julie Academic Senate VP Cuesta College Mathematics Holcroft, Carolyn Academic Senate VP Foothill College Biology Holliday, Ann Treasurer Coastline College Biology ACADEMIC SENATE FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY 2012 Fall Plenary Session November 8-10, 2012 Attendance Roster (Alpha by Last Name) As of 4/8/2018 Name and College Senate Position, Title, Discipline Huiner, Leslie Academic Senate Secretary Victor Valley College Library Science Hurlbut, Diana Curriculum Committee Chair Irvine Valley College Biology Igoe, Jessica Academic Senate Secretary Pasadena City College Igou, Daniel Curriculum Committee Chair San Diego Miramar College Iliscupidez, Marissa Counselor Norco College Immerblum, Alex Academic Senate President East Los Angeles College English Issac, Darryl Cardiovascular Science Orange Coast College Jaimez, LaNae Academic Senate Treasurer Solano College Psychology James Hanz, Patricia Dean of Library, Technology and Distance Education Mt. San Jacinto College Jennings, Charles Dean of Student Learning & Assessment San Joaquin Delta College Johnson, Dan Curriculum Co-Chair Coastline College Johnson, Stephen Vice President of Student Services Cerritos College Jones, Elliott Academic Senate Senator Santa Ana College Senator Jordan, Joni Curriculum Committee Chair Sequoias, College of the Juarez, April Academic Senate President Long Beach City College Child Development Kaljumagi, Eric Academic Senate President Mt. San Antonio College Learning Assistance Kamaila, Linda Academic Senate President Oxnard College Anthropology Kashima, Stephanie Dean of Instruction and Student Success West Valley College Kawaguchi, Lesley ASCCC Area C Representative (Santa Monica College) Academic Senate Keating, Katrina Academic Senate Rep-at-large Diablo Valley College Mathematics Keith-Gibson, Gail Adjunct Senator-At-Large Chaffey College Instructional Specialist/Psychology Kelley, Kathy Academic Senate President Chabot College Early Childhood Development Kimbrough, Carol Academic Senate Member-At-Large, Curriculum Chair Hartnell College Psychology Kluka, Kristi Counselor Grossmont College Koetzner, John Academic Senate Past President Mendocino College Head Librarian Larson, Greg Academic Senate President Palomar College Mathematics ACADEMIC SENATE FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY 2012 Fall Plenary Session November 8-10, 2012 Attendance Roster (Alpha by Last Name) As of 4/8/2018 Name and College Senate Position, Title, Discipline Leamy, John Academic Senate President Columbia College Mathematics Lehtonen, Eric Academic Senate President Imperial Valley College Mathematics Lema, Laurie Academic Senate President Diablo Valley College Speech Instructor Lenz, Sally Dean CCC Chancellor's Office Lewellen, Michelle Secretary, Academic Senate Cerritos College Cerritos College Lightman, Jonathan Executive Director FACCC Lombardi, Jan Curriculum Committee Co-Chair San Diego City College English/Humanities Lovig, Margaret Curriculum Co-Chair Coastline College Lujan, Patricia Academic Senate VP NOCCCD-School of Continuing Education Counseling Lujan, Angel Department Chair, Counseling Mt. San Antonio College Lundquist, Sara VP of Student Services Santa Ana College Lynch-Thompson, Candace Academic Senate President NOCCCD-School of Continuing Education ESL Mahon, Richard Curriculum Committee Chair Riverside City College Humanities Mancina, Dean President, AFT 1911 Coast Federation of Educators Mangin, Michael Academic Senate President Cabrillo College History Marcina, Vesna Academic Senate President Orange Coast College Professor of Political Science Martino, Danielle Academic Senate Senator Santiago Canyon College Astronomy Mathur, Roopa Chair, Academic Affairs Irvine Valley College Business Sciences Mauch, Thomas G. Dean, Counseling Mt. San Antonio College May, Ginni Academic Senate President Sacramento City College Mathematics McFall, Thomas Academic Senate President Los Angeles Trade Technical College Automotive Technology McHargue, Mike Senator Emeritus Foothill College Faculty Development/Counseling McKinnon, Sara Academic Senate President Marin, College of English as a Second Language McMillan, Jeff Budget Committee Faculty Co-Chair Santa Ana College Chemistry McMurray, Susan Academic Senate President Los Angeles Harbor College English Miller, Josh Academic Senate President Los Angeles Valley College Communication Studies ACADEMIC SENATE FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY 2012 Fall Plenary Session November 8-10, 2012 Attendance Roster (Alpha by Last Name) As of 4/8/2018 Name and College Senate Position, Title, Discipline ACADEMIC SENATE FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY 2012 Fall Plenary Session November 8-10, 2012 Attendance Roster (Alpha by Last Name) As of 4/8/2018 Miranda, Jesus Academic Senate Senator at Large Cuyamaca College Counseling Moon, Louisa Academic Senate Immediate Past President MiraCosta College Philosophy Moore, Debra Academic Senate Past President Cerritos College Library Moore, John Counselor Norco College Morse, David ASCCC Secretary (Long Beach City College) Academic Senate Munoz, Alicia Academic Senate VP Cuyamaca College English as a Second Language Murray Pop, Allison Course Evaluation Chair Long Beach City College English Myers, Troy Academic Senate Secretary Sacramento City College English Narveson, Eric Academic Senate President Evergreen Valley College History Nelson, Lee Academic Senate President Riverside City College Nursing Nishime, Jeanie Vice President, Student & Community Advancement El Camino College Norris, Michael Academic Senate President Los Medanos College North, Wheeler ASCCC Treasurer (San Diego Miramar College) Academic Senate O'Connell, Jeff Academic Senate President Ohlone College Mathematics O'Connor, Kathy Academic Senate Senator Santa Barbara City College Physical Education Odanaka, Michael Academic Senate President Compton Educational Center Ojakian, Vic Mental Health Advocate Oliver, Julie Academic Senate Secretary Cosumnes River College Biology Oren, Diane Academic Senate President San Joaquin Delta College English Organ, Wayne Academic Senate President Contra Costa College Music Ortiz-Mercado, Sonia Dean CCC Chancellor's Office Student Services and Special Programs Padilla-Alvarado, Sharon Academic Senate Member Cosumnes River College Student Services - Tutoring Coordinator Panell, AC Vice President Pasadena City College Speech Communication Pilati, Michelle ASCCC President (Rio Hondo College) Academic Senate Pohlert, Edward Academic Senate VP MiraCosta College Director, Retention Services Porter, Monica Curriculum & Instruction, Chair Santa Ana College Assoc Prof/Coordinator Speech Language Pathology Assistant Program Ramm Engle, Martie Academic Senate VP ACADEMIC SENATE FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY 2012 Fall Plenary Session November 8-10, 2012 Attendance Roster (Alpha by Last Name) As of 4/8/2018 Golden West College Theater/Dance Reichman, Hank First Vice President AAUP Reilly, Beverly Local Senate Representative Rio Hondo College English Reiss, Cynthia Art History West Valley College Retterath, Linda Academic Senate VP Mission College Mathematics Richardson, C. Denise Academic Senate President Laney College Political Science Rico, Cynthia Counseling San Diego Mesa College Robertson, Dick Vice President of Student Services MiraCosta College Robinson, Brian Academic Senate President Folsom Lake College English Rodriguez, Diana Vice President of Student Services Las Positas College Rodriguez, Teresita Vice President of Enrollment Development Santa Monica College Rosdahl, Tom Academic Senate President Los Angeles Pierce College Automotive Rose, Greg Academic Senate VP Sacramento City College Economics Russell, Barry Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs CCC Chancellor's Office Rutan, Craig Curriculum Committee Chair Santiago Canyon College Physics Sabiston, Doug Senator Emeritus Contra Costa College Saginor, Karen Academic Senate President San Francisco, City College of Librarian Sampat, Michelle Academic Senate Legislative Liaison Mt. San Antonio College Sandoval, Greg VP of Student Services Moreno Valley College Schmeidler, Kathy Academic Senate President Irvine Valley College Biology Scott, Michael Academic Senate President Glendale College Accounting Scott-Nakai, Kerrilyn Associate Executive Director, Center for Applied Research Center for Applied Research Solutions Solutions Setziol, Paul Academic Senate Executive Secretary De Anza College Music Sezzi, Peter Academic Senate President Ventura College Library Science Shaw, Leigh Anne Academic Senate President Skyline College English for Speakers of Other Languages Shearer, Erik Art Napa Valley College

Name and College Senate Position, Title, Discipline ACADEMIC SENATE FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY 2012 Fall Plenary Session November 8-10, 2012 Attendance Roster (Alpha by Last Name) As of 4/8/2018 Simonson, Jennifer Senator, Humanities Willow International Community College Center English Smith, Dan Academic Senate VP Mt. San Antonio College Television Smith, Cleavon Academic Senate President Berkeley City College English Smith, Darwin Local Senate Executive Committee Member Compton Educational Center Philosophy Smith, Phil ASCCC At-large Representative (American River College) Academic Senate Smith, Beth ASCCC Vice President (Grossmont College) Academic Senate Snowden, BJ Academic Senate VP Cosumnes River College Professor Sos, Brian Kinesiology Santa Ana College Soto, Sal Vice President Moreno Valley College Counseling Spano, Jeff Dean CCC Chancellor's Office Student Services and Special Programs Squires, Miya ASCCC Committee Member Butte College Student Success Coordinator Stankovich, Kimberly Academic Senate VP Saddleback College Speech Department Chair Stanskas, John South Representative (San Bernardino City College) Academic Senate Stevens, Charles Student Senate for California Community Colleges Steverson, John Academic Senate President Yuba College Mathematics Stewart, Cheryl Coastline College Stirdivant, Jeanette Counselor/Division Chair Glendale College Suarez, Angelica Southwestern College Tabares, Tressa Academic Senate President American River College Political Science Tanriverdi, Fawn EOPS/CARE/CalWORKs Counselor CalWORKs Association/Irvine Valley College Thacker, Tony Academic Senate Representative Copper Mountain College Mathematics Thames, Brenda Vice President of Student Services Modesto Junior College Thompson, Tony Academic Senate President Taft College Counseling/Professor of Health & PHED Thompson, Trulie Counseling Alameda, College of Thompson, Sarah Academic Senate President Las Positas College Sociology Todd, James Academic Senate President Elect Modesto Junior College Anthropology ACADEMIC SENATE FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY 2012 Fall Plenary Session November 8-10, 2012 Attendance Roster (Alpha by Last Name) As of 4/8/2018 Name and College Senate Position, Title, Discipline Tribble, Kenyetta Academic Senate VP Contra Costa College Counseling Trolinger, Christie Academic Senate Senator Butte College HIST / SLO Coordinator Trolinger, Boyd Curriculum Committee Chair Butte College Computer Science Tuitasi, Michael Vice President of Student Affairs Santa Monica College Uesugi, Koji Dean, Special Funded Programs Norco College Urell, Bob Academic Senate VP Irvine Valley College Business Sciences Valentino, Mary Ann Academic Senate President Elect Fresno City College Psychology Valenzuela, Yvonne Academic Senate VP Golden West College Counseling Villa, Lisa Academic Senate VP/President-Elect Citrus College Counseling Villalobos, Jose Academic Senate Senator Compton Educational Center Mathematics Vincent, Eugenia Dean of Student Services Moreno Valley College Wagner, Joyce Academic Senate Secretary/Treasurer Santiago Canyon College Mathematics Walsh, Dan Academic Senate President Elect Saddleback College Geography Wangler, Michael Academic Senate President Cuyamaca College Geography Warner, Michael Computer Services Technology (CST) Coastline College Wells, Chris Communication Studies El Camino College Whisenhunt, Denise Interim Vice President of Student Services San Diego Mesa College White, Peter Vice President of Student Services San Diego City College Wickline, Paul Academic Senate VP Canyons, College of the Theatre Woolum, Jim Academic Senate President Citrus College Administration of Justice Wright, Matt Academic Senate VP Folsom Lake College Kinesiology, Health, and Athletics Yamagata Noji, Audrey Vice President, Student Services Mt. San Antonio College Yeager, Mark Academic Senate President MiraCosta College Chemistry Zamora-Aguilar, Beatrice Zamora Dean Southwestern College Counseling and Matriculation Zarske, John Academic Senate Past President Santa Ana College Past President Zuercher, Connie District Academic Senate President Sacramento City College Kinesiology, Health, and Athletics

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