Setting up Availability.

Please provide your assignor as much information as possible in your availability. Remember to select the leagues you want to work under your preferences; this will give you the best visibility for assignments. When your assignor looks at their availability report they will see your information and will be able to place you in the system quickly. Once you have logged into your Game Officials account make sure the yellow banner beneath the logo is set to TMA: Tennessee Midstate Assigning [Group 1028].

If this banner is not visible simply select the change Identity button on the left side of the screen and change your identity to Official for the TMA group. Once you are in the system select My Availability from the menu on the left. This will take you to the availability screen. By clicking on the calendar date it will populate the date in your availability box. Be sure you select either available or not available.

If you want to specify a time range select the checked box next to All Day and this will allow you to enter a time range for a day. You can enter multiple entries for one day or for a range of days. When you have your entry complete make sure you select Save (Add Entry) button to complete the process

If you have more than one GameOfficials account you can specify your availability applies to only the group you are logged into or to all groups you have access to. When you have your entry complete make sure you select Save (Add Entry) button to complete the process If you want to be considered for a specific City, Park or Tournament select the box next to Advanced (Multiple Day Entry) as shown below. When you have your entry complete make sure you select Save (Add Entry) button to complete the process.

In the Notes block you can enter the name of the city, event or tournament such as TUSC or Recreation to specify where you want to be considered available to work. When you have your entry complete make sure you select Save (Add Entry).

In the Notes block you can enter the name of the city or park to specify where you want to be considered available to work. When you have your entry complete make sure you select Save (Add Entry) button to complete the process. In the Notes block you can enter the name of the Tournament to specify where you want to be considered available to work. When you have your entry complete make sure you select Save (Add Entry) button to complete the process

In the Notes block you can enter the name of the event such as Recreation to specify where you want to be considered available to work.

When you are finished be sure to select the SAVE (Add Entry) button to complete the process.