Application Form 08/2012 revised

Personal Particulars (Forms for multiple participants such as family can be filled by representative) (*Must be filled for insurance)

Name In Chinese: Name In English:

Date of Birth : Gender :

I/D No: :

Parsport No: E Mail:

Morbile No: Home No:


Emergency Contact / Parents / Guardian

Name: Contact Phone No.: Relationship:

Field Trip Details

Name of Field Trip Tour Date Tour Fee

Payment Method (Select the appropriate)

□ Cheque Deposit:Bank Cheque No.

□ Bank In Transfer:Transfer Date

□ Cash:Payment Date □ Other:

Room Arrangement(Select the appropriate) □Single Roon(With additional single room charge) □ Twins Room □ Triple Room with 3 beds (With additional charge) □ Triple Room with 2 beds Other Name ( In Chinese) Other Name (In English) Gender Age

1 2 (Information is kept in confidential and for internal record.) Declaration I hereby declare that I have entered the tour(s) in full awareness of physical demands of the event and agree to abide by the rules and conditions as laid down by Limited. I also understand that the competition carries risk of injury. The organizer will not be liable for any injury or loss of life and it is my sole responsibility. I also understand all information collected are used for tour application only.

Applicant’s Signatur Date

Signature of parents / Guardian of Name of parents / Guardian ID Card No. Relationship who under 18

Application Method: a)By Cheque Mailing Address: Suite A2, 1/F, Bing Fu Commercial Building, 450-454 Portland Street, Prince Edward, Kln Cheque payable to “Eco Travel Limited" b)By bank in deposit HSBC Account: 640-101846-838 (Eco Travel Limited) Please fax back the bank slip at 2573 2628 for confirmation.)

Tour Fee Refund: 40% of application fee will not be refunded 14 days before the tour. 60% of application fee will not be refunded 7-13 days before the tour. No refund will be allowed 6 days before the tour. Tour fee will be refunded by cheque deposit or bank in deposit within 3 weeks after confirmation.

Notes: 1. Payment should be settled within 4 working days after application . Cheque payment is not accepted 7 working days before the tour. 2. Payment. Bank in deposit should be completed within 1 working day. Otherwise, application is cancelled. 3. All quotas are limited. Application is on “first-come, first-served” based. (End of enrolment with full quota) 4. Please call at 2836 5878 for confirmation after application. 5. When typhoon signal No.3 or rainstorm red warning is hoisted 2 hours before the tour, activities will be suspended. Tour will be rescheduled till further notification. (When typhoon signal No.3 or rainstorm black warning is hoisted, all boat tours will be suspended). Application fee is not refunded except full quota or being cancelled by Limit.

Applicant’s Signatur Date

Signature of parents / Guardian of Name of parents / ID Card No. Relationship who under 18 Guardian