Called Into His Presenc E
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WORSHIP Called into His Presence
TEACHING AIM: To understand biblical worship and consider ways to rightfully engage in both corporate worship and worship as a lifestyle. WHY STUDY THIS LESSON? Worship is directed to God alone and worship that is in spirit and truth values the Triune God supremely above all things and proclaims His praises. DESIRED OUTCOME/PRACTICE: Worship is a lifestyle and not simply an event, and the desired outcome is a heart that worships God in spirit and in truth (see John 4:23-24). A simple practice entails regular attendance at a corporate gathering of worship in a local church. True worship is not merely attendance, but a heart that is drawn to submit to God, proclaim His praises, and seek to honor Him. Background Passage: Psalm 95 Focal Passage: Psalm 95:1-7 Worship is directed to God and includes elements of praise and thanksgiving (vv. 1-2). Worship is a response to who God is and what He has done (vv. 3-5). Worship includes a submission to God and His providential care (vv. 6-7).
Memory Verse: Come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD our Maker. For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, the sheep under His care (Ps. 95:6-7). Preparing to Teach The discipline of worship involves experiencing the resurrected Christ and the glory of God privately and among the gathered community. It is the human response to a divine initiative. Worship is our response to who God is and what He has done for us. Spend time this week worshiping God privately and corporately as you prepare to facilitate this study. Once again, invite God through His Holy Spirit to invade your own life as you prepare. Work through the Venture In Travelogue and review all the teaching suggestions and options for this week. Bathe your study in prayer, asking God for His supernatural wisdom as you lead the people in your group. Music is a crucial element of worship. Review the presentation “What is Worship?” ( Primarily geared toward a student audience, it is a meaningful tool for adults as well. Take time during your preparation to watch, listen to, or read this sampling of worship songs. Search for other options as well. Select at least one song to share during the course of the study
1 time. If you are unable to show a video or share an audio, find the lyrics either online or in a hymnal and use them as a responsive reading. 1. In Christ Alone, Keith and Kristen Getty; inchristalone.aspx 2. Revelation Song, Kari Jobe; 3. Worthy is the Lamb, Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir; v=LAplJ0_jDFc 4. Worship the Great I Am, Kari Jobe; If your group prefers hymns, locate and read the lyrics of Worthy of Worship; Holy, Holy, Holy; and O Worship the King and look for ways to incorporate them during your group study. NOTE: Select only the music-related activities that will enhance the study; don’t spend all the group time using music and/or video presentations. Prior to the study, enlist someone who reads with inflection and power to be ready to read Revelation 5:11-14. Make sure all audio and/or video equipment is ready if you plan to utilize technology during the study today. Create a display of items typically used in a corporate worship gathering: Bible; musical instruments; hymnals, song sheets, worship bulletins; lights; microphones; communion cups and/or trays; offering plates; and so forth. Write the memory verse on the board: “Come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD our Maker. For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, the sheep under His care” (Ps. 95:6-7). Teaching Suggestions WORTHY OF WORSHIP As learners are arriving, play Worship the Great I Am, Revelation Song, or another song you have selected softly in the background. Greet learners and direct attention to the display of worship-related items. Instruct them to work in groups of two or three and determine the significance of each item displayed. Introduce today’s spiritual discipline and call for groups to share their thoughts and ideas about the items displayed. (Be careful not to turn this introduction time into a debate on worship styles.) Emphasize how each item contributes to or enhances corporate worship. Share this summary of worship (based on pp. 61-62 of the Travelogue): “Worthship” means to give great worth to someone. Christian worship is a total life investment of believers who deeply love their Lord and delight in celebrating who He is and what He has done. Ask: How would you refine this definition or what would you add to it? Call attention to this question in the Travelogue (p. 62) and challenge learners to keep this in mind throughout today’s study: Why would you become more like Jesus the more you worship Him? Lead in prayer for the study. ______
2 Teaching Option Introduce the study by using one of these hymns as a responsive reading: Worthy of Worship; Holy, Holy, Holy; or O Worship the King. Discuss the lyrics as they relate to the definition of true worship. ______A SUMMONS TO WORSHIP Briefly summarize the previous spiritual practices studied by the class: Bible reading, prayer, sacrifice, and giving. Encourage learners to identify ways that each of these disciplines is incorporated into the discipline or practice of worship. Call attention to the memory verse on the board. Direct learners to silently read all of Psalm 95. Emphasize these points from the Travelogue (pp. 62-63) as you discuss the invitation we have to worship God: Worship flows out of an attitude that believes God is worth all attention, all glory, and all honor. We enter His presence not on our own initiative but in response to a divine invitation. God initiates worship by revealing Himself to us; we respond with praise, honor, and adoration. The power of corporate worship…takes place when God’s people gather to focus on Him. Solicit opinions about this statement (Travelogue, p. 63): Corporate worship is like a campfire— one log can burn, but it will glow brighter, hotter, and longer when gathered with other logs. Call on a volunteer to summarize the three points listed in the Travelogue (pp. 63-64) concerning how we can direct our worship: We worship in what we say. We worship in how we listen. We worship in what we do. Ask some questions to facilitate discussion of these points: How does singing and praying enhance your worship time? How can you listen more closely to the Scripture reading and sermon? How do you demonstrate to others that your life has been changed or improved through the corporate worship experience? ______Teaching Option Use the video presentation “What is Worship?” ( v+nuYoVjp33zk) ______WORSHIP IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH Direct learners to John 4:19-24 while a volunteer reads the verses aloud. Ask: What does John teach us about worship in these verses? Call attention to “Worship in Spirit” (Travelogue, p. 65) as you guide a discussion of what it means to worship God in spirit. Ask: How do you express yourself to God in worship?
3 Move the discussion to include the command to worship “in truth.” Read the last three statements from the first paragraph under “Worship in Truth” (Travelogue, p. 65) that begins “Since the main way God has chosen…” Ask a volunteer to read aloud 1 Peter 2:9-10 and discuss why worshiping in spirit and in truth is vital. ______Teacher Helps For additional commentary on John 4:19-24, go to, enter the Scripture reference, and then click on the Video Player Tool. Dr. Gene Getz provides an in-depth review of John 4. ______A TASTE OF HEAVEN ON EARTH Call on the person you enlisted to read Revelation 5:11-14. Guide a brief discussion of the emotion contained in these verses and how they reflect worshiping God both in spirit and in truth. Ask learners to share the song that comes to mind when they reflect on this scene. Encourage them to use songs and worship videos to help them express praise and love to Jesus Christ during times of private worship. ______Teaching Option Play the video of Worthy is the Lamb by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir ( ______HOW CAN YOU REALLY WORSHIP? Group learners into three teams: Prepare Team, Participate Team, and Be Open and Obedient Team. Give these instructions: Review your assigned section of “How Can You Really Worship?” from the Travelogue (pp. 67-69) and prepare a one-sentence summary to share with the group. You have five minutes. Ask teams to present their summaries by writing them on the board. Ask these questions as needed to facilitate discussion: Do you agree that worship has to be intentional? Why? How do you prepare yourself and your family for worship? How do you practice being totally engaged in worship? Why is obedience crucial to worship? ______Teaching Option Invite the worship leader or pastor of your church to share briefly about the process of planning corporate worship experiences for your congregation. ______WHAT IF YOU DON’T FEEL LIKE WORSHIPING?
4 Read aloud Hebrews 13:5. Ask: How do you practice offering a sacrifice of praise to God? Do you agree that, in the dark times of life, we often discover the truest, purest form of worship? Explain. Why is worship needed and helpful, even when we don’t feel like it? WORSHIP AS A LIFESTYLE Write this statement on the board (Travelogue, p. 70) and briefly discuss what it means: Worship is not an event; it’s a lifestyle. Ask: What can you do personally to make sure worship is your lifestyle? How can you help the church make sure worship is not turned into an event? Encourage learners to write these evaluation statements in their Travelogue as you read them aloud. Using a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being low, 10 being high), direct them to evaluate their worship lifestyle based on each statement. 1. God is worthy of my devotion. 2. My whole life is focused on honoring and loving God. 3. I talk to Him continually, thanking Him for protection, wisdom, and blessings. 4. I live expectantly, listening for God and seeking His presence. 5. I respond to Him when He reveals Himself to me. 6. When I worship, I discover more about who God is and what He has done for me. Pray Spend time in directed, silent prayer. Thank God for the privilege of worship. Ask for His help in learning to worship Him better. Conclusion Lead a brief worship time using music, Scripture, prayer, and a devotion from your own private times of worship during the previous week. Incorporate insights from today’s study into the worship experience. Involve others to lead portions of the worship time. Distribute index cards and ask learners to write a prayer of praise and gratitude to God for the opportunity to worship Him in spirit and truth. Direct them to place the card in their Bible, wallet, or purse as a reminder of the reasons we need the spiritual practice of worship. Close the session by playing In Christ Alone, Keith and Kristen Getty ( ______Teaching Option Invite the group to attend corporate worship together. Challenge them to identify the elements of worship that were discussed during this study. Afterwards discuss the portions of the worship time that were especially meaning to each person. (Do not use this as a time to critique the pastor or other worship leaders!) ______Follow Through
5 Text or email learners and remind them to commit Psalm 95:6-7 to memory. Encourage learners who may have missed some of the group studies. Offer to help them catch up and remain a part of the group. Evaluate your own life in regard to the discipline of worship. Ask the Holy Spirit to increase your desire to honor and praise Him through private and corporate times of worship.