Teachers College, Columbia University
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September 2005
Department of Organization & Leadership Teachers College, Columbia University 525 West 120th St., Box 52 New York, NY 10027 Phone: 212-678-3297 E-mail: [email protected]
Ph.D., Columbia University, Social and Organizational Psychology, 1993 Certificate of African Studies, Columbia University, 1972 M.A., Columbia University, Political Science, 1969 A.B., with distinction, Stanford University, Political Science, 1966
Department of Organization and Leadership, Teachers College, Columbia University Research Associate Professor of Education, 1999 - present Adjunct Associate Professor of Education, 1997 - 99
J.M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations, Teachers College, Columbia University Co-Director, 1999 - present
International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (ICCCR), Teachers College, Columbia University Senior Research Associate, 1995 - 98
American Society for Training and Development, Alexandria, VA Senior Vice President, Research, 1993 - 95
Social Science Research Council, New York, NY Director, Program on Persistent Urban Poverty, 1988 - 93 Director, Program on States and Social Structures, 1983 - 86 Director, Africa Program, 1976 - 88 Staff Associate, Programs on Gender and Society, Longitudinal Methodology, Transnational Relations, 1976 - 83 Martha A. Gephart 2
Research on Organizational Learning (Fall 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005) Research Methods: Design & Data Collection (Fall 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000) Dissertation Planning (Summer 1998) Research Methods: Data Analysis (Spring 1998, 1999) Independent Study (Fall 1997, 1998, 1999, 2005)
Organizational learning and performance Organizational and community contexts that promote effective learning and development Assessment of organizational learning and links to performance in diverse organizational and inter-organizational settings Evaluation of programs and interventions in complex organizational settings
HQ Department of the Army/Army Knowledge Management Directorate [through Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)] Principal Investigator, Assessment of the Impact of the Army Knowledge Management Strategy as an Enabler of Army Transformation, 2003 - 04
The Rockefeller Foundation, New York, NY Advisor, Evaluation activities, Rockefeller Foundation Initiative on Strengthening Organizational Effectiveness in Workforce Development in Boston, Fort Worth, and Nashville, 2002
The Ford Foundation, New York, NY Advisor, Design for Evaluation of the Social Science Research Council’s International Pre-dissertation Fellowship Program, 2000
National Center for Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University Principal Investigator, Evaluation of Organizational Learning and Capacity Building, CASAWORKS for Families, 1999 – 2002 (with V. J. Marsick, Co-PI). Designed and conducted evaluation of organizational learning and capacity- building in ten sites of a national welfare-to-work demonstration project Martha A. Gephart 3
Nippon Organon, Tokyo, Japan Research partnership to build and assess capacity for group and organizational learning, 1998-2000 (in collaboration with P. Kemps, Univ. of Maastricht)
United States Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of New York Research partnership to build and assess capacity for group and organizational learning, 1998 - 2000
Sisters of Providence Health System, Seattle, WA Research partnership to build and assess capacity for group and organizational learning, 1998 - 99
Finger Lakes Visiting Nurse Service, Geneva, NY Research partnership to build and assess capacity for group and organizational learning, 1998 - 99
East Side Union High School District, San Jose, CA Designed RFP and evaluation process for Voluntary Integration Funds; Assisted in developing a process for using evaluation to enhance learning, 1998
The Ford Foundation, New York, NY Designed and chaired evaluation of programs put in place by twelve university research centers that received institutional grants to establish new collaborative research relationships with other centers, colleges, and universities in Africa and the United States, 1997
Aspen Institute Roundtable on Comprehensive Community Initiatives, New York, NY. Consulted on planning and evaluation of Comprehensive Community Initiatives, 1996- 98 Prepared recommendations for Developing and assessing organizational and inter-organizational capacity Evaluating economic development programs Assessing community climate
American Society for Training and Development, Alexandria, VA Consulted and conducted research on the implementation of high performance work systems, 1995 - 96 Co-directed research (with V. J. Marsick) that explored models of learning organizations and instruments that have been developed to diagnose and assess them, 1995 - 96 Martha A. Gephart 4
Princeton Center for Leadership Training Consulted on the implementation and assessment of change in middle schools undergoing reform in New Jersey, 1995 - 96 Developed measure to assess climate for implementation of school reform plans
Institute for Research and Reform in Education, Philadelphia, PA Participated as researcher/consultant in cycles of action research: 1995 - 96 in middle schools in NJ; 1992 - 93 in schools in Rochester, NY Developed measure of climate for implementation for participating middle schools in NJ, 1995 - 96 Developed measures of school learning climate for participating schools in Rochester, NY, 1992 - 93
Public/Private Ventures, Philadelphia, PA Consulted on planning and evaluation of Youth Development Programs, 1992 - 94 Community Ecology and Youth Resilience, 1993 - 94 Urban Youth Corps Expansion, 1993 Developed measures of organizational (youth corps) climate for learning and constructive conflict resolution Job Training for Youth, 1992 - 93
The Learning Connection, New York, NY Consulted on design and evaluation of Job Training Programs, 1988 - 89
Narcotic and Drug Research Institute, New York, NY Consulted on implementation and evaluation of The Venus Project, a demonstration project to assess strategies for integrating vocational services in methadone maintenance drug clinics, 1986 - 87
Turner Subscriptions, New York, NY Conducted organizational assessment, 1986
Boston University African Studies Center Conducted organizational assessment and assisted in development of long-term multidisciplinary research agenda, 1985 - 87
The Futures Group, Glastonbury, CT Consulted on the development of international research programs, 1981 - 83 Martha A. Gephart 5
Persistent Urban Poverty: Integrating Research, Policy, and Practice (with A. O' Connor and R. Peterson), New York: National Center for Children in Poverty, 1993.
The Organizational Characteristics of Supportive Environments for Youth, Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures, 1992.
Articles, Chapters, and Proceedings
Action Research [Special Issue edited with V. J. Marsick], Human Resource Planning, 26, 2, June 2003.
“Introduction to Special Issue on Action Research: Building the Capacity for Learning and Change,” (with V. J. Marsick) Human Resource Planning, 26, 2, June 2003.
“Measuring Learning Linked to Performance,” (with V.J. Marsick), in A. Neely, A. Walters, & R. Austin (eds.) Measurement and Management: Research and Action. Papers from the Third International Conference on Performance Measurement and Management - PMA 2002. Cranfield, UK: Centre for Business Performance, Cranfield University, 2002.
“Learning Our Way Through Welfare Reform,” (with D. Woolis, M. Nakashian and others). Policy and Practice of Public Human Services, 59, 2, June 2001.
“The Organizational Context of Learning and Performance in Four Retail Food Markets,” in R. Torraco, ed., Proceedings of the 1998 Meeting of the Academy of Human Resource Development, Chicago, IL., March, 1998.
“Implementing High Performance Work Systems: Planned Change or An Emergent Learning Process,” in R. Torraco, ed., Proceedings of the 1998 Meeting of the Academy of Human Resource Development, Chicago, IL, March, 1998.
“Introduction” (with J. Brooks-Gunn), in J. Brooks-Gunn, G.J. Duncan & J.L. Aber, eds., Neighborhood Poverty, Volume. II: Policy Implications in Studying Neighborhoods. New York: Russell Sage Foundation Press, 1998.
"Neighborhoods and Communities as Contexts for Development," in J. Brooks-Gunn, G.J. Duncan & J.L. Aber, eds. Neighborhood Poverty, Volume I: Context and Consequences for Children. New York: Russell Sage Foundation Press, 1997. Martha A. Gephart 6
"Development in Context: Implications for Studying Neighborhood Effects," (with J.L. Aber, J. Brooks-Gunn, & J.P. Connell) in J. Brooks-Gunn, G.J. Duncan & J.L. Aber, eds. Neighborhood Poverty, Volume I: Context and Consequences for Children., New York: Russell Sage Foundation Press, 1997.
"Introduction," (with J. Brooks-Gunn), in J. Brooks-Gunn, G.J. Duncan & J.L. Aber, eds. Neighborhood Poverty, Volume I: Context and Consequences for Children, New York: Russell Sage Foundation Press, 1997.
“Finding Common and Uncommon Ground Among Learning Organization Models,” (with V. J. Marsick & M. E. Van Buren) in R. Torraco, ed., Proceedings of the 1997 Meeting of the Academy of Human Resource Development, Atlanta, GA, March, 1997.
"Learning Organizations Come Alive," (with V.J. Marsick, M.E. Van Buren & M. Spiro), Training and Development, 50, 12, December 1996.
"Building Synergy: The Power of High Performance Work Systems," (with M.E. Van Buren), Training and Development, 50, 10, October 1996.
"The Road to High Performance," Training and Development, 49, 6, June 1995.
"High Performance Workplace Systems," in E. F. Holton, III, ed., Proceedings of the 1995 Meeting of the Academy of Human Resource Development, St. Louis, MO, March 1995.
"Neighborhoods and Communities in Concentrated Poverty," Items, 43, 4, December 1989.
"Contemporary Research on the Urban Underclass," Items, 42, 1/2, June 1988 (with Robert W. Pearson).
"African States and Agriculture: Issues for Research," Institute for Development Studies Bulletin, (Sussex) 17, 1, January 1986.
“Strategic Organizational Learning: How Innovative Companies Use Learning to Address Business Challenges,” (with V.J. Marsick), In Boshyk, Y. (Ed.) Action Learning and Its Applications. McMillan Palgrave (forthcoming, 2005).
Strategic Organizational Learning: How Organizations Leverage Learning to Meet Strategic Objectives (with V.J. Marsick), Butterworth-Heinemann (forthcoming, 2005). Martha A. Gephart 7
Articles in Preparation: 1) Strategic Leverage Through Learning Case reports, and validation of measures based on pooled data, from organizations that used the survey-based instrument, Strategic Leverage Through Learning 2) Organizational capacity and learning for collaboration and service delivery in inter- organizational collaboratives Based on research in inter-organizational collaboratives in ten sites that were part of a national welfare-to-work demonstration project (CASAWORKS for Families) designed to assist substance abusing welfare mothers in achieving recovery and self-sufficiency. Collaboratives used a new survey-based instrument, Assessing Organizational Capacity and Learning for Collaboration and Service Delivery, to assess organizational capacity and learning. Research investigated links between organizational capacity and learning and site differences in client outcomes. Articles will report the development and validation of survey-based measures, results of analysis linking these measures to client outcomes, and quantitative and qualitative results which show that and how our model explains which sites were more of less successful in implementing the CASAWORKS model and in achieving key outcomes for clients. 3) Leveraging networks to improve performance at Otis Elevator Articles will report on validation of measures of networking and compare results for two cohorts of Otis University associates. 4) Networks and Communities in the U.S. Army 5) Leveraging Executive Education to Improve Organizational Learning and Strategy Implementation in Ericsson 6) A Theory of Change Model of Action Research Article will present the model with examples of how it has been used to monitor implementation and progress toward goals.
“The Ericsson Executive 5 Final Report: Executive Summary and Recommendations” (with V. J. Marsick), J. M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations, July 2005.
“The Ericsson Executive 5 Final Report: Highlights,” (with V. J. Marsick), J. M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations, June 2005.
“The Ericsson Executive 5 Final Report: Final Narrative Report,” (with V. J. Marsick), J.M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations, June 2005.
“Networking at Otis Elevator Survey Report: Baseline Assessment for 2004 Otis University Associates; Comparison with Baseline Assessment for 2003 Otis University Associates” Martha A. Gephart 8
(with V. J. Marsick), J. M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organization, March 2005.
“Networking at Otis Elevator: Reassessment Report” (with V. J. Marsick), J. M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations, Report prepared for Otis Elevator, October 2004.
“Collaboration in Networks, Communities, and Forums (NCFs): Overview Report, Briefings and Back-up Reports for Four NCFs in the U.S. Army” (with V. J. Marsick), J.M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations, Reports prepared for HQ Department of the Army/Army Knowledge Online, September 2004.
“The Ericsson Executive 5: Pre-Program and Post-Module 1 Questionnaires” (with V. J. Marsick), J.M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organization, Surveys prepared for Ericsson, September 2004.
“Metrics Plan for Fires Knowledge Network: Goals/Objectives and Process for Collecting and Analyzing Data” (with V. J. Marsick), J. M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations, Prepared for HQ Department of the Army/Army Knowledge Online, August 2004.
“Collaboration Assessment: Three surveys to assess collaboration and knowledge sharing in the U.S. Army” (with V. J. Marsick), J. M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations, Surveys delivered to HQ Department of the Army /Army Knowledge Online, June 2004.
“Networking at Otis Elevator: Baseline Assessment Report” (with V. J. Marsick), J. M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations, Report prepared for Otis Elevator, September 2003.
“Networking at Otis Elevator: Survey Assessment” (with V. J. Marsick), J.M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations, Survey prepared for Otis Elevator, July 2003.
“Assessing Organizational Learning and Links to Performance,” (with V.J. Marsick). Background Paper prepared for Linkage, Inc. The Performance 2002 Conference: Optimizing Employee Performance, Productivity, and Profitability. Miami Beach, November 2002.
“Strategic Organizational Learning: How Innovative Companies Use Learning to Address Business Challenges.” (with V. Marsick and others) Report to Participating Companies. J. M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations, May 2002.
“Assessment and Evaluation for System Learning and Change,” Paper prepared for Aspen Institute Roundtable on Comprehensive Community Initiatives’ Second International Martha A. Gephart 9
Seminar on “Finding Out What Works: Evaluating community-based action for promoting positive outcomes for individuals, families, and neighborhoods.” Glen Cove, NY, January 30 – February 1, 2002.
“Sustaining Knowledge Networks and Communities,” (with V. J. Marsick), J. M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations, September 2001.
“Baseline Assessment of Organizational Capacity and Learning: CASAWORKS for Families,” (with V. J. Marsick). Report to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, July 2001.
“Organizational Learning Processes in Inter-Organizational Collaboratives,” (with V. J. Marsick). June 2001.
“Processes and Mechanisms for Organizational Learning: CASAWORKS for Families,” (with V. J. Marsick). Report to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, March 2001.
“Assessing Organizational Capacity and Learning for Collaboration and Service Delivery in CASAWORKS for Families: Report on Preliminary Validation of Measures,” (with V. J. Marsick). Report to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, March 2001.
“Assessing Organizational Capacity and Learning for Collaboration and Service Delivery: A Model and Instrument” (with V. J. Marsick) M. GEPHART ASSOCIATES LLC, 2000.
“Interim Report (and “Summary”), Phase I: Qualitative Research on Organizational Capacity-in-Action and Organizational Learning in CASAWORKS for Families ” (with V. J. Marsick). Report to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, December 1999.
“Preliminary Observations, Phase I: Qualitative Research on Organizational Capacity-in-Action and Organizational Learning in CASAWORKS for Families” (with V. J. Marsick). Report prepared for National Conference on CASAWORKS for Families, Nashville, TN, November 2-4, 1999.
“Strategic Leverage Through Learning: A Model and Instrument” (with V. J. Marsick), 1999.
“African Studies at the Millennium,” (with A. Haugerud and M. Watts), The Ford Foundation, August 1997.
“Building Effective Organizations,” Paper commissioned by the Aspen Institute Roundtable on Comprehensive Community Initiatives, 1997. Martha A. Gephart 10
“Assessing Strategic Leverage for the Learning Organization,” (with E. F. Holton, V. J. Marsick, & J. R. Redding), Survey-Based Assessment Instrument, November 1996.
"The Learning Organization Assessment Framework," (with V.J. Marsick, M.E. Van Buren, M. Spiro & L. Lucadamo) American Society for Training and Development, January 1996.
“The Escalation of Marital Conflict,” Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Columbia University, 1993.
"Determinants of the Escalation and De-escalation of Marital Conflict," Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Society, Chicago, June 1993.
"Assessing the Climate for Learning and Performance in Urban Middle Schools," Teachers College, Columbia University, March 1993.
“The Organizational Characteristics of Supportive Environments for Youth,” Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures, 1992. Commissioned for report to the Department of Labor on Promoting Adolescent Development in the JTPA System.
"Effects of Organizational Dynamics on Engagement and Disaffection in Schooling," Teachers College, Columbia University, 1992.
"Research on the Education of Disadvantaged Students," Background paper for Social Science Research Council Planning Meeting on Schools, New York, August 1989.
"Education and Elites in Ghana and Nigeria," Columbia University Institute for African Studies, 1972.
“The Role of Force in International Law,” Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Columbia University, 1969.
“Fires Knowledge Network Metrics Planning” Presentation at Fires Knowledge Network Planning Meeting, Ft. Sill, OK, June 30, 2004.
“Strategic Leverage Through Learning,” Presentation at Roundtable: Assessing the Strategic Value of Learning - Measuring Results and Links to Performance, J.M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations, November 12, 2003. Martha A. Gephart 11
“Rigor and Relevance: Using Assessment and Action Research to Guide Systems Learning and Change.” Faculty Colloquium sponsored by Teachers College Student Life, April 30, 2004.
“How Innovative Companies are Using Learning to Address their Business Challenges: Highlights from a Study conducted by the J. M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations,” Southern Connecticut chapter of the American Society for Training and Development, Stamford, CT, March 2003.
“Measuring Learning for Innovation and Linking it to Performance in Companies, Collaboratives, and Knowledge Networks (with V. J. Marsick), New Jersey Chapter of the Knowledge & Innovation professional Society, Bridgewater, NJ, March 2003
“Assessing and Using Learning to Address Business Challenges,” Linkage Performance 2002 Conference, Miami, FL, November 2002.
“Assessing the Strategic Value of Knowledge Networks and Communities,” Symposium on Networking Knowledge, Academy of Management, 2002 Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, August 2002.
“How Innovative Companies are Using Learning to Address Business Challenges,” American Society for Training and Development International Conference 2002, New Orleans, LA, June 2002.
“Leveraging Knowledge Across Boundaries,” (with V. J. Marsick), Roundtable on Leveraging Knowledge Across Boundaries, the J.M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations, Uris Hall, April 10, 2002.
“Organizational Learning in Collaboratives and Knowledge Networks,” (with V.J. Marsick), Workshop on Organizational Learning in Collaboratives and Knowledge Networks, J. M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations, Teachers College, Columbia University, June 8, 2001.
“Measuring Learning for Innovation and Links to Performance in Companies, Collaboratives, and Knowledge Networks,” (with V. J. Marsick). Sixth Annual Global Forum on Business Driven Action Learning and Executive Development, Melbourne, Australia, May 22-25, 2001.
“Organizational Learning and Capacity-Building Evaluation: Findings from Baseline Assessment and Study of Organizational Learning in CASAWORKS for Families,” National Advisory Board for CASAWORKS for Families, May 14, 2001.
“Assessing Organizational Learning Dynamics and Links to Performance,” Workplace Learning Institute, Teachers College, Columbia University, November 17, 2000. Martha A. Gephart 12
“Assessing Organizational Capacity and Learning for Collaboration and Service Delivery: Development of Survey-Based Instrument and Plans for Baseline Assessment for CASAWORKS for Families,” National Advisory Board for CASAWORKS for Families, November 3, 2000.
“An Action Research Agenda for Transformative Learning and Change,” Fifth Annual Global Forum on Business Driven Action Learning and Executive Development, St. Louis, MO, May 31-June 2, 2000.
“Assessing Organizational Learning Dynamics and Links to Performance,” (with V. J. Marsick). Fifth Annual Global Forum on Business Driven Action Learning and Executive Development, St. Louis, MO, May 31- June 2, 2000.
“Organizational Learning and Capacity-Building Evaluation for CASAWORKS for Families: Critical Capacities for Service Delivery, Partner Collaboration, and Project Staff,” National Advisory Board for CASAWORKS for Families, March 31, 2000.
“Using Evaluation to Enhance Learning,” Workplace Learning Institute, Teachers College, Columbia University, November 1999.
“Interim Report: Organizational Capacity-Building and Learning in CASAWORKS for Families,” National Advisory Board for CASAWORKS for Families, October 18, 1999.
“Organizational Learning and Capacity-Building Evaluation for CASAWORKS for Families: Objectives and Research Plan,” National Advisory Board for CASAWORKS for Families, May 4, 1999.
“Enhancing Organizational Learning for Collaboration in Comprehensive Community Initiatives,” Aspen Institute Roundtable on Comprehensive Community Initiatives, 1998.
“Building and Assessing Organizational Capacity in Comprehensive Community Initiatives,” Aspen Institute Roundtable on Comprehensive Community Initiatives, 1998.
"The Learning Organization: Developing a Framework for Research," (with M. Van Buren, V. J. Marsick, & M. Spiro), Teachers College, Columbia University, April 1996.
"The High Performance Workplace," American Society for Training and Development International Conference, Dallas, June 1995.
"High Performance Workplace Systems," Annual Meeting of the Academy of Human Resource Development, St. Louis, March 1995. Martha A. Gephart 13
"The High Performance Workplace: What We Know From Research," American Society for Training and Development Executive Forum, Orlando, March 1995.
"The Organizational Contexts of Identity Processes for Youth," Social Science Research Council Conference on Identity in Context, Philadelphia, February 1995.
"Effects of Organizational Climates and Cultures in Schools and Community Organizations that Educate and Serve Adolescents," Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, New Orleans, March 1993.
"Meaning Systems in Organizations that Serve Adolescents," Symposium on Adolescent Development, Public/Private Ventures, Philadelphia, February 1993.
"Advances in Africanist Research: 1960-1987," Rockefeller Foundation Conference on the State of African Studies, New York, May 1987.
"Psychoanalysis and Africa: Object Relations Theory and African Ethnography," Smithsonian Institution Conference on Psychoanalysis and African Studies, April 1987.
"The State of Research on Gender in African Studies," Rockefeller Foundation Conference on Gender and Technology, Mount Kisco, New York, October 1986.
“Forum on Reforming Publicly Funded Youth Systems, Sponsored by W. T. Grant Foundation and The Aspen Institute Roundtable on Comprehensive Community Initiatives, March 2003, Invited Participant
“Workshop on Organizational Learning in Collaboratives and Knowledge Networks,” J. M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations, Teachers College, Columbia University, June 8, 2001. Workshop Co-Organizer.
“Workplace Learning Institute,” Teachers College, Columbia University, November 2000. Member of core faculty.
“Globalizing the Academy of HRD: Challenges in Mapping HRD in Different Countries and Regions of the World” Session Organizer and Chair, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Human Resource Development, March 1999.
“Evaluating Programs” and “Using Evaluation to Enhance Learning” East Side Union High School District, San Jose, CA, 1997-98. Designed and conducted workshops. Martha A. Gephart 14
“Building High Performance Work Systems,” Grupo Catho, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 1996. Designed and conducted seminars for managers.
"Policy Conference on Persistent Urban Poverty," Social Science Research Council Conference, Washington, D. C., November 1993, Conference Organizer.
"Ethnographic Approaches to the Study of Human Development," Conference organized by the MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Successful Adolescent Development among Youth in High-Risk Settings and the Henry A. Murray Research Center, Oakland, California, June 1993. Discussant.
"Context and Development of Youth," Conference on measures of organizational, staff, and youth characteristics to assess urban youth corps, Public/Private Ventures, Philadelphia, PA, April 1993. Invited Participant.
"The Effects of Neighborhood and Community Contexts on Adolescent Development," Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, New Orleans, March 1993. Symposium Organizer and Chair.
"The Urban Underclass: Perspectives from the Social Sciences," Social Science Research Council Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, June 1992. Conference Co-organizer.
"Community and Neighborhood Influences," Russell Sage Foundation, New York, NY, May 1992. Workshop Organizer and Co-chair.
"The Effects of Urban Neighborhoods on Adolescent Development and School Achievement: Gender and Race/Ethnic Differences," Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Washington, D. C., March 1992. Symposium Discussant.
"Effects of Neighborhood Poverty on the Development of Children and Adolescents," Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Seattle, April 1991. Symposium Discussant.
"Couples Interaction Research: Issues in Primary and Secondary Analysis," Workshop sponsored by the Henry A. Murray Research Center, Radcliffe College, March 1991. Invited Participant.
"Africanist Research in Comparative Perspective," Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, November 1990. Panel Series Organizer.
"Poverty and Social Dislocations," Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Washington, D. C, August 1990. Session Chair and Discussant. Martha A. Gephart 15
"Family Research and Family Policy," Social Science Research Council Conference, New York, NY, May 1990. Discussant.
"Conference on the Truly Disadvantaged," Social Science Research Council Conference, Northwestern University, October 1989. Co-Organizer.
“Resistance to Organizational Change,” Narcotic and Drug Research Institute, New York. NY, 1986-87. Designed and conducted seminars.
“Women and Families Around the World: Women and Families in Africa,” CBS Sunrise Semester Series, 1980. Developed and presented session.
“Research Design, Measurement, and Analysis,” Intensive six-week program for faculty in African Universities, University of Nairobi, Summer 1978. Designed, directed, and taught in program.
“Quantitative Methods and Computer Applications,” Intensive eight-week program for faculty in African Universities, University of Ibadan, Summer 1976. Designed, directed, and taught in program.
ICCCR, Teachers College, Columbia University Workshop, Tools for Conflict Resolution, October 1996
NCREST, Teachers College, Columbia University Conference on Building Learning Centered Schools, May 1992
William Alanson White Institute, New York. Group Process, 1985 Irrationality in the Workplace, 1987 - 88.
University of Michigan Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, Methodology Training Program, summer 1974
Treatment Research Institute, Philadelphia, PA Martha A. Gephart 16
Member, Advisory Board for Client Evaluation of CASAWORKS for Families. 1999 - 2000.
Academy of Human Resource Development Director, 1997 - 99 Chair, Committee on Globalization, 1998 - 99 Co-Chair, Committee on Globalization, 1997 - 98 Chair, Selection Committee for the Swanson Award, 1997
The Aspen Institute Roundtable on Comprehensive Community Initiatives, NY, NY Member, Working Group on Measurement, Steering Committee on Evaluation, 1996.
Social Science Research Council, New York, NY Member, Working Group on Communities and Neighborhoods, Family Processes and Individual Development, 1993-1996. Executive Committee, 1994-1996.
National Center for Children in Poverty, New York, NY Member, Advisory Group for Evaluation of the Resolving Conflict Creatively Program, 1994-95
Public/Private Ventures, Philadelphia, PA Member, Advisory Panel, Community Ecology and Youth Resilience, 1993-95
African Studies Association Director, 1988-91 Member, Executive Committee, 1988-91 Member, Committee on Annual Meetings, 1988-91 National Panel Organizer, 1990 Annual Meeting Member, Program Committee for Annual Meeting, 1981, 1982, 1990
Academy of Human Resource Development Evaluation Human Resource Development Quarterly Journal of Management Studies Merrill Prentice Hall National Endowment for the Humanities National Science Foundation Princeton University Press
Academy of Management Martha A. Gephart 17
American Psychological Association Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Walker Prize, Human Resource Planning Society, 2004 (with V. J. Marsick) For guest editing and excellence in “Action Research: Building the Capacity For Learning and Change,” Human Resource Planning, Volume 26, Issue 2.
Grants, Contracts, and Fellowships
Ericsson and Columbia University Business School Contract to assess impact of Columbia University Executive Education Program on the learning and development of executives, organizational learning and the achievement of strategic goals in Ericsson. (Principal Investigator)
Otis Elevator Contract to assess Networking at Otis Elevator (Co-P.I.)
HQ Department of the Army/Army Knowledge Management Directorate [through Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)] Contract for Assessment of the Impact of Army Knowledge Management Strategy: An Enabler for Facilitating the Army Transformation. 2003-04 (Principal Investigator)
National Center for Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA) Contract for Evaluation of Organizational Learning and Capacity Building in National Welfare-to-Work Demonstration Project, 1999-2001 (Principal Investigator)
Social Science Research Council Grant for Research on the Effects of Organizational and Community Contexts on Motivation, Performance, and Constructive Conflict Resolution in Urban Youth Corps, 1996 - 97
Teachers College Scholarship, Columbia University, 1984 - 85 National Science Foundation Grant, 1974 National Defense Foreign Language Fellowship, 1969-1970 Columbia University President's Fellowships, 1968 - 69, 1974-75
Institutional Grants Martha A. Gephart 18
J.M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations. Co-P.I. for grant from the J.M. Huber Corporation to establish a new institute for learning in organizations at Teachers College, Columbia University, 1999-2004, $2,500,000.
"A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Study of Critical Processes in the Lives of Poor Children and Adolescents," Principal Investigator for grant from the William T. Grant Foundation to the Social Science Research Council Working Group on Communities and Neighborhoods, Family Processes, and Individual Development, 1991-96, $350,000.
"Neighborhood and Family Influences on the Development of Poor Urban Children," Principal Investigator for grants from the Russell Sage Foundation and the Smith Richardson Foundation to the Social Science Research Council Working Group on Communities and Neighborhoods, Family Processes, and Individual Development, 1991-94, $400,000.
"Research on Persistent Urban Poverty and the Urban Underclass," Principal Investigator for grants from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Russell Sage Foundation, and the Foundation for Child Development to the Social Science Research Council for Program of Research on Persistent Urban Poverty and the Urban Underclass," 1988-94, $6,500,000.
Principal Investigator for grants from the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation, the National Science Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the International Development Research Centre (Canada), and the Swedish International Development Agency to the Social Science Research Council for programs of research and training in African agriculture, health and medical systems, political economy, verbal and visual arts, and inequality, 1976-88, totaling more than $8,000,000.