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Hampshire County Council
Schools Forum Item 7
1st May 2014 Contracts Affecting Schools Report by the Director of Culture, Communities and Business Services
Contact: Shaun Le Picq 01962 846216 [email protected] Nigel Lacey 01962 826912 [email protected]
1. Summary 1.1. The purpose of this report is to consult with members of the Schools Forum on the programme of contracting activity that is planned to be undertaken over the next 18 months, on behalf of schools, by Corporate Procurement and County Supplies, part of the Culture, Communities and Business Services Department (CCBS). These details are intended to enable the Forum to determine any requirement for further consultation about individual contract arrangements. 1.2. Corporate Procurement and County Supplies seeks to provide schools with a wide range of pre-tendered, value-for-money arrangements for goods and services. Relatively few contracts require a firm or long-term commitment from schools. Schools continue to give strong support to these arrangements. 1.3. Corporate Procurement and County Supplies continues to be heavily involved in, and often takes the lead on, collaborative procurement arrangements on behalf of schools through the Central Buying Consortium (CBC). It is also supporting further collaboration between the main local government consortia (known as ‘Pro5’) and is involved in regular discussions with the Crown Commercial Service (formerly known as the Government Procurement Service) and the Department for Education on collaborative procurement arrangements on behalf of schools. 1.4. Dialogue between representatives of schools and Corporate Procurement and County Supplies already takes place on a regular basis, but this report is intended to provide a formal opportunity to identify specific contracts where formal consultation is required or needs to be extended. Consequently, the Forum is asked to consider whether it requires further reports on any individual contract and identify any issues that need to be addressed, particularly in relation to contract specifications, performance and the range of contracts in place.
2. Background 2.1. The functions of the Schools Forum include a requirement for the County Council to consult the Forum on the terms of any relevant contract at least one month prior to the invitation of tenders. This formal requirement applies to contracts with a total value in excess of the thresholds stated in the relevant European Union Procurement Directives (approximately £172,500) and which are funded from delegated budgets through buy-back arrangements or from retained funds within the Schools Budget. A report based on these criteria would involve relatively few contracts and it has previously been agreed that more comprehensive information
Page 1 of 19 0158e290d7e310024cac87335e72498e.doc would be reported. This report follows a similar format as those considered by the Forum in recent years. 2.2. Corporate Procurement and County Supplies provides a purchasing, distribution and procurement support and advice service to all parts of the County Council, schools and eligible external customers. A key function is to aggregate the expenditure of a wide range of budget holders in order to establish purchasing and supply arrangements that offer value-for-money, avoid unnecessary duplication of effort, provide the security of the County Council’s contract terms and conditions and offer compliance with the County Council’s Contract Standing Orders and, where applicable, the Public Contracts Regulations 2006. The County Council places a general requirement on departments to use these arrangements but, for the majority of contracts, the participation of schools is based on their decision to ‘opt in’ or place orders with the contracted suppliers.
3. Forthcoming Contracts 3.1. A list of forthcoming contracts for the period April 2014 to September 2015 is shown in Appendix One. The list only includes those contracts that are relevant for schools and includes: 3.1.1. framework arrangements that enable budget holders to source their requirements direct from a supplier or contractor; 3.1.2. ‘group / area’ service and supply contracts; 3.1.3. contracts that are concluded on behalf of individual schools for services such as catering, cleaning, grounds maintenance and security; 3.1.4. goods bought into, and supplied through, County Supplies’ warehouse operation. 3.2. Contracts which are not let and managed by Corporate Procurement and County Supplies are excluded from this report. The value stated for each contract is to provide a general indication only. Most contracts include a provision for the initial contract period to be extended by at least one year. This may mean that a contract is extended rather than re-tendered, subject to satisfactory performance and continued value for money. Therefore the next tendering exercise for the contract may take place later than stated. 3.3. Contracts are reviewed periodically and opportunities for schools to give feedback on contracts are available through the CCBS Primary Headteachers’ / CCBS Secondary Headteachers’ Standing Review Committees, the County Supplies Administration Officers User Group and normal communication channels. As in previous years, subject to the agreement of the Forum, this report will be circulated to the attendees of the CCBS liaison meetings with both primary and secondary Headteachers for review and comment.
4. Energy Procurement 4.1. In the autumn of 2013, schools were notified of the prices that would apply for gas and electricity for the period September 2013 to 2014. Whilst there were fluctuations within the overall portfolio, on average there was a 9.88% increase in the price of gas (based on the 2012 price) and a 5.74% increase on the price of electricity. Such price rises are indicative of market conditions, although over the
Page 2 of 19 0158e290d7e310024cac87335e72498e.doc long term, price rises for the contracted portfolio are lower than in the general marketplace. 4.2. The majority of schools have now been fitted with Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) meters, often known as ‘smart meters’. These meters allow automatic collection of consumption data into data management tools to review usage and automatic reading for billing purposes. As part of the AMR service, schools have access to a web portal for energy management (‘Energy 360’). Many schools are now using this information, which enables them to monitor energy usage more accurately, to take pro-active steps to reduce overall consumption and therefore reduce their energy costs.
5. Fire Extinguisher Maintenance 5.1. A new contract for the provision of Fire Extinguisher maintenance was awarded to Walker Fire in May 2013 and will continue until 19th May 2017. 5.2. Post award, a comprehensive communication strategy was undertaken to inform all our customers of the change of supplier. Nevertheless we are aware that the previous supplier, Churches Fire, have continued to contact schools trying to arrange visits to carry out checks, sometimes claiming that they have authority to do so under a separate framework agreement which was let by Dorset County Council. 5.3. Whilst the Dorset Framework includes Hampshire within its scope, we would like to emphasise that we were not consulted during the award of this framework and we are therefore not able to support any work carried out by Churches under this framework. 5.4. If any schools are contacted by Churches, we would ask them to speak to the FM Procurement Team for advice before allowing the supplier on-site.
6. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) 6.1. The County Council has an IT Managed Service for schools called the Hosted Schools Service (HSS) and full information about this service is available from the Schools IT department formerly known as EdICT. The supply of goods and services for HSS is underpinned by the ICT Procurement Category Team’s establishment of collaborative framework agreements for hardware, software and services. If schools don’t opt to take the HSS service they can also access these same framework agreements and, by a process of further competition against each framework, they can fulfil their requirement albeit by a piecemeal approach. Existing contracts cover a diverse range of IT related goods and services including a range of software (e.g. Microsoft, Anti-Virus and curriculum software), servers, desktop IT hardware. There are also Audio Visual contracts that schools can utilise for equipment such as interactive whiteboards and multi-media projectors but the HSS service provides all this equipment & service as a one stop shop.
7. Supply Teachers and other temporary staff 7.1. This year, Corporate Procurement and County Supplies, in partnership with Education Personnel Services, commenced the project to re-tender for the supply of temporary teaching, and non-teaching, staff in schools. This exercise is being conducted in accordance with EU procurement regulations and the County Council’s Contract Standing Orders and involves the input of key Education
Page 3 of 19 0158e290d7e310024cac87335e72498e.doc Personnel Services (EPS) staff and headteachers. The new agreement is expected to be in place by 30 September 2014, and will consist of a ‘Panel of Preferred Providers’ that have been evaluated as having provided the best tenders according to agreed and published criteria. In order to increase competition and provide more choice for schools, the new panel of suppliers is expected to have almost twice as many suppliers as the current framework agreement, which is due to expire in September this year. The current framework agreement has been very well supported by schools and has proved to be a successful and effective route to market. It is hoped that the new ‘Panel of Preferred Providers’ (which will also continue to be overseen by EPS colleagues on behalf of schools) will prove to be even more effective in meetings the requirements of schools.
8. Property Related Arrangements 8.1. Corporate Procurement and County Supplies staff have been working with colleagues in Property Services to develop the procurement strategy and conduct the procurement process for several property related arrangements to support the management and development of the schools estate. The arrangements let or currently in the process of being let include: Intermediate Value Construction Framework Southern Construction Framework for major building projects Electrical Testing and Inspections Framework Strategic Partnership for the provision of property related professional services Landscaping and Associated Works Framework External Decorations and Minor Repairs Framework. 8.2. The arrangements are typically utilised by Property Services colleagues for capital works, such as new build or refurbishment projects across the schools and corporate estate, however they are also open for use directly by schools and Academies if required. 8.3. We are currently involved in reviewing the operation of the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and Building Fabric Maintenance Term contracts which went live in August 2012. Service delivery across the County is spilt into three geographical areas. The supplier for each area is: Central Area: EMCOR Facilities Management East Area: Kier Services West Area: SSE Contracting. 8.4. Now the contracts are up and running, Corporate Procurement and Property Services are working with the three contractors to look at how services could be delivered more efficiently in order to ensure we obtain the maximum benefit out of our maintenance budget. If schools, and representatives, have any ideas on how we could improve the current processes or service in order to deliver a more efficient service to schools, please contact Stevie Fountain by email [email protected]. 8.5. Spring 2013, saw the completion of a lengthy procurement for the supply, installation, commissioning and testing of advanced boiler controls across the schools estate, using funding from the Schools Forum. Over the past twelve months installation works have been carried out and the programme has now been fully completed by Property Services and the contractor (Midas). The on-going
Page 4 of 19 0158e290d7e310024cac87335e72498e.doc measurement of the associated reduction in energy consumption over the coming months will inform a further report on the savings achieved. 9. Collaboration and Efficiency 9.1. Corporate Procurement and County Supplies continues to be heavily involved in, and often takes the lead on, collaborative procurement arrangements on behalf of schools through the Central Buying Consortium (CBC). It is also supporting further collaboration between the four main local government consortia comprising CBC, Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation, Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation and North East Procurement Organisation, which is collectively known as Pro5 (Pro5 actually now contains four members, because West Mercia Supplies, the fifth member, moved to the private sector when it was acquired by The Consortium in 2012). 9.2. Corporate Procurement and County Supplies has long been a key player in collaborating with the consortia mentioned above. This has mainly focussed on common-use goods comprising: stationery, office equipment, hardware, furniture and food categories. These arrangements include both direct supply contracts (suppliers deliver and invoice directly to schools and other establishments), and indirect delivery contracts (suppliers make bulk drops into the County Supplies’ warehouse who in turn deliver and invoice these goods to schools and other establishments). During 2013/2014 a total of £37.9 million was directed through these collaborative arrangements producing an overall saving of approximately £2.8 million (7.4%); around £29 million of this spend was attributed to the Education Sector. 9.3. County Supplies’ fleet of photocopiers has reached 3,138 machines, this excludes a further 651 managed ‘PrintSmart’ devices located in the County Council’s corporate offices. 2,257 (72%) of these machines are used in the Education Sector as a whole, of which 1,657 (73%) are based in schools. 9.4. Being a not-for-profit trading unit within Hampshire County Council, during December 2013 and January 2014, County Supplies launched price reductions for that period on some stationery and hardware stock lines which provided a cash benefit to schools of approximately £75,000. This was possible because of an increase in Education Sector business where Stores issues were 6.6% ahead of the original business plan target.
10.Recommendations 10.1. It is recommended that Schools Forum: 10.1.1. Notes the programme of contracting activity and collaborative procurement arrangements to be undertaken by Corporate Procurement and County Supplies. 10.1.2. Determines whether further detailed consultation with the Forum is required on any of the contracts due to be let as shown in Appendix One. 10.1.3. Confirms that it wishes this report to be presented to the existing liaison meetings between the Culture, Communities and Business Services Department and the Primary and Secondary Head Teachers’ Standing Review Committees.
Page 5 of 19 0158e290d7e310024cac87335e72498e.doc 10.1.4. Receives a further update on forthcoming contracts of relevance to schools in twelve months’ time.
Page 6 of 19 0158e290d7e310024cac87335e72498e.doc Appendix One Forthcoming Contracts relevant to schools with a total value over £1 million 1 April 2014 to 30 September 2015 Lead Authority Project / Contract Title Contract / Framework term and Anticipated Anticipated total (for start date HCC value over term Collaborative total value over (Collaborative Contracts only) term HCC lead) AMR Smart Metering Framework Agreement for 7 £1.05 million years, with a start date of 1/8/2015 Business Travel Contract for 2 years, with a start £1.4 million date of 1/7/2014 Catering Services - mini Contract for 7 years, including a £1.13 million competition - Perins 36 month extension period, with a School start date of 28/8/2014
Catering Services - mini Contract for 7 years, including a £1.3 million competition - Wildern 36 month extension period, with a School start date of 1/8/2015 Catering Services - Contract for 7 years, including a £1.5 milllion Wyvern Technology 36 month extension period, with a College start date of 1/7/2015 Kent Cleaning Chemicals Framework Agreement for 4 £2.4 million years, with a start date of 1/4/2015 Computer Hardware Framework Agreement for 2 £4.2 million and Associated years, with a start date of Services 7/5/2014
Page 7 of 19 0158e290d7e310024cac87335e72498e.doc Kent Educational Tables Framework Agreement for 4 £1 million years, including a 12 month extension period, with a start date of 1/6/2014 Hampshire Entrance Matting Framework Agreement for 4 £116,000 £1.12 million years, including a 12 month extension period, with a start date of 1/11/2014 Salary Sacrifice Framework Agreement for 4 £9.6 million Scheme - Childcare years, with a start date of Vouchers 1/4/2015 Hire of Vehicles (Self Framework Agreement for 4 £1.8 million Drive) years, including a 24 month extension period, with a start date of 1/8/2014 Hampshire Fruit, Vegetables, Milk Framework Agreement for 4 £6.4 million £9.2 million and Morning Goods years, including a 12 month extension period, with a start date Hampshire Office Equipment and ofFramework 1/11/2014 Agreement for 4 £8 million £28 million Consumables years, with a start date of Grounds Maintenance - 1/10/2014Contract for 6 years, including a £1.4 million Basingstoke 36 month extension period, with a ESPO Personal Protective startFramework date of Agreement 1/1/2015 for 4 £3.2 million Equipment (P.P.E), years, including a 24 month Corporate Clothing, extension period, with a start date Hampshire Heating Oils and Motor Framework Agreement for 4 £2.5 million £48 million Sportswear and of 1/5/2015 Fuels years, including a 24 month Schoolwear extension period, with a start date Hampshire Security Services Frameworkof 1/11/2014 Agreement for 4 £1.6 million £3.2 million years, with a start date of 1/12/2014 Temporary Teaching and Framework Agreement for 4 £2.04 million Support Staff for Schools years, with a start date of 1/9/2014
Page 8 of 19 Call-off contract0158e290d7e310024cac87335e72498e.doc from a framework £1.8 million Mobile Telephony agreement for up to 4 years with a start date of February 2015 Forthcoming Contracts relevant to schools with a total value over £1 million 1 April 2014 to 30 September 2015 ESPO Adhesive Tapes Framework Agreement for 4 £140,000 years, including a 12 month extension period, with a start date of 1/9/2014 Kent Art Brushes Framework Agreement for 3 £78,000 years, with a start date of 1/1/2015
ESPO Books and Related Framework Agreement for 2 £300,000 Materials years, with a start date of 4/12/2014
Hampshire Cabinet Roller Towels Framework Agreement for 4 £140,000 £200,000 years, with a start date of 9/1/2014
Page 9 of 19 0158e290d7e310024cac87335e72498e.doc Calculators Framework Agreement for 4 £160,000 years, including a 12 month extension period, with a start date of 1/10/2014 YPO Canned Fish Framework Agreement for 4 £280,000 years, with a start date of 1/8/2014
Catering - Calthorpe Park Contract for 7 years, including a £490,000 School 36 month extension period, with a start date of 27/8/2014
Catering Services - Contract for 7 years, including a £532,000 Crestwood College for 36 month extension period, with a Business and Enterprise start date of 28/8/2014
Catering Services - Contract for 7 years, including a £742,000 Everest Community 36 month extension period, with a College start date of 28/8/2014
Catering Services - mini Contract for 7 years, including a £490,000 competition - Calthorpe 36 month extension period, with a Park School start date of 28/8/2014
Catering Services - mini Contract for 7 years, including a £903,000 competition - Costello 36 month extension period, with a Technology College start date of 30/8/2015
Catering Services - mini Contract for 7 years, including a £588,000 competition - Cranbourne 36 month extension period, with a Business and Enterprise start date of 28/8/2014 College
Page 10 of 19 0158e290d7e310024cac87335e72498e.doc Catering Services - mini Contract for 7 years, including a £264,600 competition - Fairfield 36 month extension period, with a School start date of 28/8/2014
Catering Services - mini Contract for 7 years, including a £448,000 competition - Fort Hill 36 month extension period, with a Community School start date of 30/8/2015
Catering Services - mini Contract for 7 years, including a £700,000 competition - Frogmore 36 month extension period, with a Community College start date of 28/8/2014
Catering Services - mini Contract for 7 years, including a £966,000 competition - Park 36 month extension period, with a Community School start date of 26/8/2014
Catering Services - mini Contract for 7 years, including a £420,000 competition - Potley Hill 36 month extension period, with a School start date of 28/8/2014
Catering Services - mini Contract for 7 years, including a £742,000 competition - Roberts 36 month extension period, with a Mays School start date of 30/8/2015
Catering Services - mini Contract for 7 years, including a £910,000 competition - Toynbee 36 month extension period, with a School start date of 28/8/2014
Catering Services - mini Contract for 7 years, including a £511,000 competition - Warblington 36 month extension period, with a School start date of 28/8/2014
Cleaning - Eastleigh Contract for 4 years, including a £692,000 College and Quilley School 12 month extension period, with a of Engineering start date of 1/8/2015
Page 11 of 19 0158e290d7e310024cac87335e72498e.doc Cleaning Services - mini Contract for 5 years, including a £425,000 competition - Henry Cort 24 month extension period, with a Community School start date of 25/7/2014
Cleaning Services - mini Contract for 5 years, including a £500,000 competition - Robert Mays 24 month extension period, with School a start date of 1/5/2014
Cleaning Services - mini Contract for 5 years, including a £500,000 competition - Swanmore 12 month extension period, with a College of Technology start date of 23/7/2014
Cleaning Services - mini Contract for 5 years, including a £352,500 competition - The Toynbee 24 month extension period, with a School start date of 24/6/2014
Creative Cards & Textiles Framework Agreement for 4 £320,000 years, including a 12 month extension period, with a start date of 1/9/2014 Hertfordshire Diaries and Calendars Framework Agreement for 4 £240,000 years, with a start date of 1/7/2014
Hertfordshire Dictation Equipment and Framework Agreement for 4 £25,000 Associated Sundries years, including a 12 month extension period, with a start date of 1/2/2015 Hertfordshire Early Years and Nursery Framework Agreement for 4 £60,000 Products years, including a 12 month extension period, with a start date of 1/4/2015
Page 12 of 19 0158e290d7e310024cac87335e72498e.doc ESPO Fats and Oils Framework Agreement for 4 £880,000 years, including a 24 month extension period, with a start date of 1/4/2015 First Aid Training Framework Agreement for 4 £600,000 years, including a 12 month extension period, with a start date of 1/7/2014 ESPO Frozen Bread and Morning Framework Agreement for 4 £40,000 Goods years, including a 24 month extension period, with a start date of 1/7/2014 Grounds Maintenance - Contract for 6 years, including a £525,600 East Central 36 month extension period, with a start date of 1/1/2015
Grounds Maintenance - Contract for 6 years, including a £693,834 East North 36 month extension period, with a start date of 1/1/2015
Grounds Maintenance - Contract for 6 years, including a £664,000 Central West 36 month extension period, with a start date of 1/1/2015
Inspection and Testing of Framework Agreement for 4 £480,000 Portable Electrical years, including a 12 month Appliances extension period, with a start date of 1/9/2014 Hampshire Local Stationery Framework Agreement for 4 £164,000 years, including a 12 month extension period, with a start date of 1/7/2014
Page 13 of 19 0158e290d7e310024cac87335e72498e.doc YPO Mailroom Equipment Framework Agreement for 3 £300,000 years, including a 12 month extension period, with a start date of 27/8/2015 Milk and Morning Goods Framework Agreement for 5 £250,000 years, with a start date of 1/8/2014
Mini Competition - Contract for 5 years, including a £306,000 Cleaning Services - Bishop 24 month extension period, with a Challoner School start date of 1/6/2015
Mini Competition - Contract for 5 years, including a £549,000 Cleaning Services - 24 month extension period, with a Brookfield Community start date of 18/6/2015 School Mini Competition - Contract for 5 years, including a £611,500 Cleaning Services - Brune 24 month extension period, with a Park Community College start date of 1/8/2015
Mini Competition - Contract for 5 years, including a £387,000 Cleaning Services - Court 24 month extension period, with a Moor School start date of 1/11/2014
Mini Competition - Contract for 5 years, including a £436,000 Cleaning Services - 24 month extension period, with a Cowplain Community start date of 13/2/2015 School Mini Competition - Contract for 5 years, including a £320,000 Cleaning Services - 24 month extension period, with a Crestwood College for start date of 23/7/2015 Business and Enterprise
Page 14 of 19 0158e290d7e310024cac87335e72498e.doc Mini Competition - Contract for 5 years, including a £323,000 Cleaning Services - 24 month extension period, with a Eggars School start date of 14/5/2015
Mini Competition - Contract for 5 years, including a £456,000 Cleaning Services - 24 month extension period, with a Everest Community start date of 28/8/2015 Academy Mini competition - Cleaning Contract for 5 years, including a £97,500 Services - Fairfields 24 month extension period, with a Primary School start date of 31/5/2014
Mini Competition - Contract for 5 years, including a £325,500 Cleaning Services - Fort 24 month extension period, with a Hill Community School start date of 1/4/2015
Mini Competition - Contract for 5 years, including a £295,000 Cleaning Services - 24 month extension period, with a Frogmore Community start date of 1/9/2015 College Mini Competition - Contract for 5 years, including a £318,500 Cleaning Services - 24 month extension period, with a Hamble Community Sports start date of 25/7/2015 College Mini Competition - Contract for 5 years, including a £147,500 Cleaning Services - 24 month extension period, with a Hiltingbury Infant and start date of 25/7/2015 Junior Schools Mini Competition - Contract for 5 years, including a £755,000 Cleaning Services - 24 month extension period, with a Horndean Technology start date of 25/7/2015 Centre
Page 15 of 19 0158e290d7e310024cac87335e72498e.doc Mini Competition - Contract for 5 years, including a £520,500 Cleaning Services - Kings 24 month extension period, with a School start date of 27/8/2015
Mini competition - Cleaning Contract for 5 years, including a £365,000 services - Noadswood 24 month extension period, with a School start date of 1/1/2015
Mini Competition - Contract for 5 years, including a £370,000 Cleaning Services - Park 24 month extension period, with a Community School start date of 3/9/2015
Mini Competition - Contract for 5 years, including a £75,000 Cleaning Services - Potley 24 month extension period, with a Hill Primary School start date of 1/9/2014
Mini Competition - Contract for 5 years, including a £295,000 Cleaning Services - 24 month extension period, with a Samuel Cody School start date of 1/12/2014
Mini competition - Cleaning Contract for 5 years, including a £350,000 services - Testbourne 24 month extension period, with a Community School start date of 30/8/2014
Mini Competition - Contract for 5 years, including a £309,000 Cleaning Services - The 24 month extension period, with a Clere School start date of 1/8/2014
Mini competition - Cleaning Contract for 5 years, including a £285,000 Services - The Cove 24 month extension period, with a School start date of 1/12/2014
Mini competition - Cleaning Contract for 5 years, including a £465,000 services - The Petersfield 24 month extension period, with a School start date of 25/10/2014
Page 16 of 19 0158e290d7e310024cac87335e72498e.doc Mini competition - Cleaning Contract for 5 years, including a £410,000 services - The Vyne 24 month extension period, with a Community School start date of 1/5/2014
Mini Competition - Contract for 5 years, including a £361,000 Cleaning Services - The 24 month extension period, with a Wavell Specialist start date of 1/12/2014 Technology College Mini Competition - Contract for 5 years, including a £421,500 Cleaning Services - 24 month extension period, with a Thornden School start date of 25/7/2015
Mini competition - Cleaning Contract for 5 years, including a £400,000 services - Warblington 24 month extension period, with a School start date of 25/7/2014
Mini Competition - Contract for 5 years, including a £705,000 Cleaning Services - 24 month extension period, with a Yateley School start date of 1/5/2015
Mini-Competition - Contract for 7 years, including a £476,000 Catering Services - Mill 36 month extension period, with a Chase Technology College start date of 28/8/2014
Mini-Competition - Contract for 7 years, including a £511,000 Catering Services - 36 month extension period, with a Warblington School start date of 1/9/2014
Mini-Competition for Contract for 7 years, including a £973,000 Catering Services - 36 month extension period, with a Hamble Sports College start date of 1/9/2014
Page 17 of 19 0158e290d7e310024cac87335e72498e.doc Hertfordshire Modelling Materials Framework Agreement for 4 £180,000 years, including a 36 month extension period, with a start date of 1/2/2015 ESPO Musical Instruments Framework Agreement for 3 £600,000 years, with a start date of 1/1/2015
Kent Office Filing Framework Agreement for 4 £800,000 years, with a start date of 1/9/2014
Hertfordshire Oscillating Fans, Portable Framework Agreement for 4 £80,000 Heaters & Air Cons years, with a start date of 1/4/2015
Kent PVC Stationery Framework Agreement for 4 £240,000 Accessories and Book years, with a start date of Covering 1/6/2014
ESPO Rubber Stamps and Framework Agreement for 4 £28,000 Associated Products years, including a 12 month extension period, with a start date of 1/8/2015 Hertfordshire Supply of Disposable Framework Agreement for 4 £400,000 Gloves years, with a start date of 16/5/2015
Kent Supply of General Sports Framework Agreement for 3 £900,000 Goods years, with a start date of 1/3/2015
Page 18 of 19 0158e290d7e310024cac87335e72498e.doc Hertfordshire Whiteboard markers - Framework Agreement for 4 £600,000 branded years, with a start date of 1/8/2014
ESPO Whiteboard Tablets and Framework Agreement for 4 £400,000 Accessories years, including a 12 month extension period, with a start date of 1/8/2014 ESPO Document Presentation Framework Agreement for 4 £520,000 and Office Machines years, including a 12 month extension period, with a start date of 1/4/2015
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