Datensatz Pronounce (Verb)

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Datensatz Pronounce (Verb)

DATENSATZ “PRONOUNCE” (VERB) flatfish with both eyes over one gill;goodbye to the sweet certitudes of ourmammalian order, where to beborn with one eye or three thumbspoints to not being human.It will come.In the next world, when this one's gone skew-whiff,we shall be algae or lichen, thingswe've hardly even needed to pronounce. Whereas by looking at these exceptions we are able to perceive that the pattern itself is complex and produced by multiple factors.It is not just an automatic reflection of gender.Discourse analysisThe differences studied in the quantitative paradigm are of a particular and limited kind: they are socially, but not linguistically, meaningful.(To pronounce ‘that’ as ‘dat’ or substitute ‘aint’ for ‘isn't’ does not change the meaning of your utterance.)Discourse analysis deals with a more general speech style in which the different choices speakers make can be described in functional as well as formal terms.Interest in sex differences at this level of language was stimulated by Lakoff's Language and Woman's Place . Not like, you're not, it's not the way they s , like, phrase it, put a sentence together.No.As the way they're saying To be quite honest man, I've never really, never really did see a problem.If they're gonna be that type of band, they're not gonna be, thinking as how they pronounce a sentence.Is that How they've portrayed a excellent It's like in in in in in interviews as well, like you don't, som some people do but, if somebody asks you a question, you just try and answer it, you don't really think about, erm, the way you construct everything. Bobs: Taken from the Amiga, where they are Blitter Objects.The C64 doesn't have a Blitter, but C64 bobs enable characters to move over each other.Tech-Tech: A graphic influenced by a vertical sinusoid.It's much like a DYPP, and should really have been called DXPP, but someone came up with the name Tech- Tech first (on the other hand, just try to pronounce DXPP!).Swappers: Someone who exchanges (swaps) software with another person, mostly accompanied by letters.Trades his latest software for your latest.Sometimes called a Mail-Trader.Coder: Programmer.Spreader: Much like a swapper, but his main interest is to spread his group's latest software. His picture is reproduced in a stunning dot pattern which introduces cerebral haemorrhage if looked at from a range of less than ten yards.And talking of cerebral haemorrhage, Jefferson Starship founder Paul Kantner is recovering from one in an LA hospital.Doctors pronounce his condition ‘extremely serious but no longer dangerous’.Other big news involves a recent World In Action TV expos ← on chart hyping.The record industry watchdog body, the BPI, has compiled a report on the matter but has been accused of ‘whitewash’ by its own members, the record companies!‘The BPI is a joke. I'm interviewing, the stupid swine!They've got no idea what so ever!So, anyway, I must have been downstairs doing something and I don't ne sh sh I didn't know what time this interview feller was coming only, that I was downstairs and I heard Tracey say, oh what's his name then Mike?Patrick , and I can't pronounce his surname!So, I thought ah, so she was saying what's he like?What's he like and, he's gotta go past me before he has , ee just messing about so he says I still didn't give it any more thought even though he had foreign surname and I thought, yeah didn't think of it. He had a room in the small white hotel on the other bank of the Ouse and lay watching the boats, and in the evening Lady Wood read him a chapter from the New Testament before she retired herself.We had four violinists from the Philharmonic Orchestra.The second violin, whom we nicknamed ‘Dolly’ because we could not pronounce his Portuguese name, was deeply depressed, and sometimes could not play.The week when we really knew of the treatment of the Jews in Holland he could not eat either.Childless himself, the love of his life had been his beautiful Dutch nieces.He could not think of their fate. But before he finished, the bishop of Lucca — to Anselm's intense surprise — once more warned the pope that God would not forgive him if he forgot Anselm.Various matters of detail were dealt with, and then the pope rose to pronounce his final excommunications.Perhaps he had been moved by the bishop of Lucca's protest, for among these anathemas he included two which seem not to have been discussed, but which were relevant to his protest.The first declared excommunicate all laymen who gave, and all clergy who received, lay investiture of churches or ecclesiastical offices, and any bishop who consecrated a clerk who had been thus invested. TAKE A RAMBLE ALONG A NORTH WEST RAILWAYVIRTUALLY all the narrow gauge quarry lines which once wound up and over many of our hills and fells were closed before infamous Dr Beeching even knew how to pronounce his first branch line — never mind think about closing it!But, ironically enough, pull on your walking boots and dig out an anorak because you can still see far more sleeper-skeletal evidence of their trackbeds today than those standard gauge lines of the lowland travelled by people in recent memory. HIKER A DG would not be able to overcome this.Some advocates of a DG also want him (or her) to give the Institute a higher public profile, and they often draw analogies with the CBI.The public profile of the CBI's director general mainly derives from his willingness to pronounce in public on issues of political interest, his fluency and persuasiveness in doing so and the fact that he can claim to speak for British industry.The Institute could attempt to set up such a figure, but he would face considerable difficulties.Do English and Welsh chartered accountants, as such, have a distinctive line on public issues? Rose Macaulay has never been forgiven.To have such a thing happen — when for a lifetime she had been a perfectly normal agnostic, like everybody else.I discovered that Ivy cannot speak French.She had had a fan called Mrs Mayer to tea.‘Madame Mayer,’ Herman corrected her.‘I can't pronounce it the French way.’Ivy said.‘And she's in England now.’She has been on holiday in Dorset (with a friend who lives there), and in Shropshire and in Kent.‘Everybody goes to Greece,’ she said scornfully — and rather rudely I thought.After lunch, looking for some chocolates, she went muttering round the room. The Londoner found himself staring into the expressionless face of the tall and broad, blond-haired, blue-eyed bouncer.' Meet Jem,' the woman said conversationally,' short for Jemmy.He's from Germany originally; he doesn't speak much English, but he understands well enough.His real name is James, or Jim, but he doesn't pronounce it too well,' she continued, as the man deftly extracted the thick envelope containing one of the notes Katherine had written for Lee on the day of his departure.She had written four introductions to her old cronies in Dublin, in the hope that one, at least, might prove useful.The woman in the shadows read the brief note. You can't play.Stop it.Come here, lad.You can't play.Stop it. Where is lad mum can youNo.Where is lad?Mum, come and help me look. Don't tell him it all.Well it's the only way he knows how to er pronounce it all. Help me look Look. You Yeah. help.No. here is lad .Good. So they might call you Robin Bartholomew Walter, for example.Pretty duff, in my opinion, but doubtless it somewhere pleases.So I swapped Nigel for Oliver, which was always my second name.Nigel Oliver Russell — there, I pronounce it without an encrimsoned cheek.I went up for my first term at York called Nigel and I came back as Oliver.What's so surprising?It's no stranger than joining the army and coming home on your first leave with a moustache.A mere rite of passage.But for some reason old Stuart can't get over it.Gillian's a good name.It suits her. Oh sayed Sayed it should be sayed really but we don't say sayed .What do we say? Said.Said.Erm S ARight.Y It's S A IOh.D which is ridiculous really I mean if you pronounce it said it should be something like S E DMhmshouldn't it.Yeah.Or if you're going to do it the same as we've done these it should be S A Y E D so said is a funny one.One that you'll just have to learn.Right.OkaySo But along the margins the ghosts still lurk.Here, in Tauentzienstrasse, where Isherwood lodged in different days, as the East Berliners queue for fruit and cheap stereos, a Turkish beggar sleeps in a doorway with a notice round his neck saying ‘Hunger.’IN Wittenbergplatz, the Christmas shoppers crowd into the Kaufhaus des Westens.It is that same KaDeWe — you pronounce it ‘cardayvay’ — where 60 years ago a Hungarian band played popular dance music favourites in the chic top floor restaurant.Their speciality was tunes like In Sans Souci — to remind Twenties Berliners of that nice Sunday afternoon tram ride they could take out to Frederick the Great's summer palace at Potsdam — a trip no West Berliner has been able to take for half a century. I meant the salt and the… the… the other one.’‘Why did you call it a kangaroo?’ asked Endill.‘It doesn't look anything like a kangaroo.’‘It does to me,’ said the boy.‘I fell out of a tree when I was four years old.I have a rare case of something with a big name I can't pronounce.It's a bit like being colour- blind, only it's not colours I get mixed up, it's objects.I've tried seventy-one different doctors all over the country but none of them know how to help.That's why I see battleships instead of salt cellars.’‘But you said kangaroo before,’ remarked Endill.‘That's the strange thing,’ the boy explained. Er Monday the fifth of October. But I would suggest er Wednesday the seventh. I don't know whether anybody would disagree with that.Of October?Mm.Wednesday the seventh. Would that be everybody happy with that date?It's the feast of Yom or whatever way you pronounce it, Would you be having that at County Hall ?Yes.Because I think you'll have to check availabilities for accommodation in here before you made a decision because the A firm date?Mm. Somehow ‘Carlsson’ doesn't quite cut the mustard like Porsche's ‘Carrera’, but these are the first of the company's production-line cars to have a name — like BMWs, they have always had numbers — and as the man at Saab said, at least you can pronounce it.Michael Stewart's first comment on the interior was that it felt like being in an aircraft cockpit.An obvious angle, perhaps, on a car whose maker sells itself as ‘The Aircraft Manufacturer’, but Michael Stewart knows his cockpits: ‘I used to fly a lot, mainly Cessnas, and this is very like a small aircraft dashboard’. Hard cheese.Darlington fared no better, but Welling, Gloucester, Bishop Auckland and Aylesbury will replay with brimming hopes and bursting hearts this week.Liverpool, the holders, get the chance to play European opposition, namely Swansea, who flirted briefly with the Cup Winners' Cup this season, losing to Panathinaikos almost before they could pronounce it.As Liverpool have been all Greek to most First Division clubs for a decade, Swansea's chances do not seem that brilliant, but… and that ‘but’ is the delight of the FA Cup. Sure.Like this.See?’He took her hand lightly in his own.His touch was warm and dry.He lifted her fingers to the head of his parrot and stroked them down along its back.Tal wriggled.‘Where's it from?’ she asked.‘This?A long way away.You couldn't even pronounce it.Look at him, he can't even pronounce it.Hey,’ he said, bringing his face close to the bird's, ‘she wants to know where you're from, see, even he can't pronounce it.’‘Shoe polish!’ fluted the bird suddenly.‘Intrigue in the corps de ballet!Intrigue in shoes!’Surprised, they both laughed. No Oh I see, I'll leave Thanks a lot. you later. JohnYeah.No notes?Oh yeah.Right well we now have our second candi candidate, erm Frank .As you noticed we've put er the put how to pronounce it.And he tells me it's quite easy his little boy of three can pronounce it quite easily.Erm so you have you have another thirty minutes, twenty minutes or less from the candidate.Then followed by er questions, so frank to address the meeting.Thank you Mr chairman, good evening ladies and gentlemen. Thulani Davis describes policemen setting dogs on black women and children campaigning for the right to buy a cup of coffee at the local Woolworths, and educated black men being asked to abandon French courses at university.‘Negroes cannot learn French.Your race is not suited to it — you see, your lips are too big to pronounce it.’Marsha Hunt (author of the hugely likeable Joy ) has a tiny black child watching the rape and murder of his mother, herself the product of an unbalanced relationship between a woman and her owner.Hunt's Free is richer and more ambitious than 1959 in some ways, and less successful in others. It's true that the protection has perhaps focused more on the higher quality land but that it is still there under clear policy guidance.Thank you.Is it is it Mr Feist?Is that how you pronounce it? Thank you.Could you announce announce yourYes.Mike Michael Feist ..Sorry?Michael Feist Countryside Commission York and Humberside Regional Office. Blast his idiot Britishness.‘Some sort of business convention fairly respectable if you can have such a thing’ he ruminated.The well-fitting lightweight suits were too expensive for academics yet too fashionable for government officials and the ties were soberly striped.‘ln Saint Lewis 1968.’‘Is that how you pronounce it?’Maxim was surprised, having spent much of his life listening to various versions of what most people called ‘The S'n Looey Blues’.‘Yes and loud and clear on the Saint or they'll give you a ticket for Cincinnati and it would be months before your next of kin were informed.’He ruminated a while longer. Victory came, ultimately, on a technicality, not the double-tax issue.But the law lords did pronounce, obscurely, on that. But it seems to misuse the notion of an error which is merely verbal.There are several sorts of such errors (a study of the life of Warden Spooner is instructive here, though one can be pardoned the suspicion that some of his errors were deliberate).But the case where, choosing my words carefully with full consciousness of what I am doing, I deliberately pronounce on the nature of my present sensory state is not one of them.Here if I am wrong, my error is substantial, for in being wrong about whether ‘pink’ is the word to describe my present experience I am wrong about what pink is and hence about whether my experience is of pink rather than of orange.Here then the error is both verbal and substantial. Living through the post-Darwinian debates, he invariably took up the cudgels on behalf of scientific rationalism.He had even spoken — interminably — at the famous meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, held at Oxford in 1860, when Huxley allegedly scored his victory over Bishop Wilberforce with the retort that he would rather have an ape for an ancestor than a man who used his privileged position to pronounce on matters he knew nothing about.For Draper, the Darwinian debates had focused attention on a crucial issue — whether the government of the world is by incessant divine intervention or by the operation of unchangeable laws.One reason why his historical narrative, and others like it, must not be read uncritically stems from the fact that he projected current issues backward in time. (Sampson 1980:10)Sampson, of course, has no more claim to authority on pedagogic matters than Chomsky does.The difference is that Chomsky acknowledges this fact and accordingly expresses his views with appropriate caution.Sampson, on the other hand, does not seem to feel in the least inhibited by his own lack of competence to pronounce on the matter. Case 2: Behaviourist psychologyA psychologist develops an approach to the shaping of animal behaviour and demonstrates its effectiveness on rats and pigeons and then takes the reckless step of assuming that similar solutions apply to human behaviour.Language teachers, impressed by the apparent authority of science, follow suit and try to teach by means of operant conditioning. It must be proved that the defendant's act or omission caused the death of the victim within a year and a day.(The requirements of causation in the criminal law are discussed elsewhere.)The ‘year and a day’ rule is a legacy of times when medical science was so rudimentary that, if there was a substantial lapse of time between injury and death, it was unsafe to pronounce on whether the defendant's conduct or some other event caused the death.Nowadays the problem is quite the reverse: medical science is generally able to determine whether D's conduct caused the death, and innovations such as life-support machines mean that life can be prolonged for months and years in some instances. So standing up here there aren't eleven twelve people ready to shoot you down are there.They all want you to do well.That's right they're all with me, yeah that's right because you know that you've just been there or you're going to be there yourself.But this this nervous thing is a very primitive instinct and I'm just coming up to a word I never can pronounce so you're going to have to help me with this one.This is where I get nervous because I know I've come into a word I know I can't pronounce.In the br at the back of the brain there is the pi pituitarythank you pituitary gland biology It is no good the judge's writing the criminal a note; the words must be said out loud.The conditions which must be fulfilled are known as felicity conditions . TASK 18What are the felicity conditions for the following utterances to function?1I pronounce that they be Man and Wife.2I name this ship Aurora .3You are under arrest.4I absolve you from all your sins.5I declare the said person duly elected to Parliament.To what extent do such conditions vary from culture to culture? Nothing there.Full stop.It says, two, O, seven, nine.Oh.Two O seven nine.Which is?What does that make?It's the number of a steam engine I've got.I'm not bothered whether it's a number of a steam engine but how do you pronounce that number?Two hundred a No.No. two. If it was that number it would be hundreds.It's bigger than hundreds, so what's that?Er thousands.Right.So how many thousands? They looked like thy camp followers of an army, with their bundles of food, but they were carrying their best shoes in their hands.One or two looked questioningly at Cameron but he was absorbed in thinking up phrases.What could he say?Declare them man and wife?Not declare — pronounce.The one was as pompous as the other.He would ask young Alex for the ring, and see that it was put well on Mary's finger, he would wish them to be happy and fruitful and true to one another and that nothing would ever part them.And that was what he said, at one o'clock in the afternoon, in the smithy yard at Ballinluig. all different meanings of the wor but can you not just look at the dictionary and read the dictionary ?Pardon?Can you not just read the dictionary ? You know just look up in the dictionary Yeah but er it was set up because of for foreigners words to pronounce the words properly, that's why they wanted Even within the handful of days of Holy Week, further pretence modestly began its growth.The Commander did not cease to deny the accusations of Timothy Gedge, while at the same time seeking his wife's forgiveness in a general way.She recognized that he could not bear openly to confess, yet that he wished to in order to pronounce the mending of his ways.A message, unspoken, was there between them: he was to be a new man, there was to be a new relationship.But beneath the surface of resolution she knew he would regain his former self and enjoy again the shame of his surreptitious ways.He perked up during that Holy Week, little by little, hour by hour. Such ‘consort songs’ began to proliferate during the second half of the century and still flourished during the first decade of the next; the viol parts soon became more animated as in the masterly hands of William Byrd whose Psalmes, Sonets, and songs of sadnes and pietie (1588) were ‘originally made for Instruments to expresse the harmonie, and one voyce to pronounce the dittie [text]’, though he now published them ‘framed in all parts for voyces to sing the same’.These were not genuine madrigals though they show madrigalian traits, nor are most of his Songs of sundrie natures of the following year. It was thus acquiring additional rights ‘to receive the place for which it is destined’ but instead of independence, there was the rather less exciting prospect of an Indochinese Federation which would ‘enjoy the liberty and the organization necessary to the development of all its resources’.Not only was France here, and on many subsequent occasions, unable to pronounce the word ‘independence’.On this occasion she did not even pronounce the name ‘Vietnam’.It would, by implication, be one of five constituent parts of the Indochinese Federation — which meant that Vietnam itself would be divided into three parts — and they, together with other parts of what were called the ‘French Community’ would form a French Union. Real Tennis is a high-class game even older than the Long Room's most ancient inmate.Henry VIII played it.If only bluff King Hal had been around yesterday, I think the tribunal might have co-opted him to pronounce the sentence they'd love to carry out on Lamb: ‘Off with his head!’.They were icily formal with Lamb yesterday.Not a glimmer of warmth or admiration indicated that the man before them was actually one of the only two England batsmen to hit six centuries against West Indies. A tallyman or woman visited their dressing-rooms with exquisitely embroidered lingerie which they found impossible to resist.They were a captive audience for the beautiful satin and silk and a few weeks later their mothers would be complaining to Mr Smith that their weekly pound had not been received.It was usual for the Girls to stay at the English Girls' Club when they first arrived.Learning to pronounce the address ‘Quatorze rue du Perre, Place Pigalle’ to a taxi driver was the first hurdle they had to overcome:I had a terrible job.I'd say it over and over again in my schoolgirl French.He'd just give me a look, the way the French do and eventually when I was thoroughly humiliated, he would repeat it properly. Being shackled to one epoch meant it had to change and adapt but try to reconcile this with harsh realities.This meant that some Christians followed Jesus as a Guru, others as a moral guerrilla leader and still others worshipped him as a perfect person.There were so many versions of Jesus, but only one can be true if you allow history to pronounce the verdict.‘For my part I believe the African Jesus would have won if it had not been for the Dark Host.I believe it provided a turning point.Faced with the threat it posed we somehow managed to break free of the old categories. Societies appear subject, every now and then, to periods of moral panic.A condition, episode, person or group of persons emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests; its nature is presented in a stylised and stereotypical fashion by the media; the moral barricades are manned by editors, bishops politicians and other right-thinking people; socially accredited experts pronounce their diagnoses and solutions; ways of coping are evolved or (more often) resorted to; the condition then disappears, submerges or deteriorates and becomes more visible.Sometimes the object of the panic is quite novel and at other times it is something which has been in existence long enough, but suddenly appears in the limelight. Clearchus wrote a dialogue on sleep, in which he introduced his master Aristotle as the main speaker.Aristotle was made to report what was obviously an imaginary conversation with a Jewish sage whom he supposedly met somewhere in Asia Minor.The Jew had left Judaea, where the capital has a name difficult to pronounce (they call it Ierusalem) and had come down to the sea.He had visited many nations and was a Greek not only in language, but in soul.Having talked to so many sages, he was able to instruct Aristotle.What his wisdom was about we are not told directly; but Hans Lewy (Harv.Theol. Against?FourA bit predictable, isn't it?Okay, I think I should point out to the Committee, I think it's self evident, that the gains will be dependent upon the budget, probably with regard to the position, and the vexing question of carry forwards.But er, that's another matter.Okay, I will now pronounce this single regeneration agency an integrated regional government, or missed one sorry. Paper H.Ah, yes, paper H.Right, it's his turn then.Sorry, okay.Who's doing H?Again.It's isn't it? The apparatus that emerged from the period of constitutional ferment that now ensued featured an elected national assembly (Majles) as before; a Revolutionary Council composed of senior clerics and some lay figures involved in the Shah's overthrow; a president of the republic; and a Council of Guardians, whose task was to pronounce upon the Islamic qualities of any candidate for office and on any proposed course of action.Finally, there was a device to institutionalize Khomeini — informally known as the ‘Imam’, the community's leader in prayer — in a role of supreme jurisconsult/general arbiter, Velayat-e-Feqih. 1156; Guest [1964] 1 W.L.R. 1273, and Gore Justices [1966] 1 W.L.R. 1522, which followed that reasoning must be treated as overruled.The others did not find it necessary, in reaching their decision that Reg. v. Guest, Ex parte Anthony and Reg. v. Gore Justices, Ex parte N. (An Infant) had been wrongly decided, to pronounce upon the correctness or otherwise of the decisions in Rex v. Sheridan and Rex v. Grant .But Lord Reid, with whom Lord Guest agreed, was certainly critical of those decisions and pointed out, as their Lordships have also done, that they relied on authorities which did not support their conclusion.He added, at p. 490: Indeed no such point was taken against the applicant in Berry (No. 2) .Fundamentally, despite the applicant's unenviable position, the Court of Appeal lacked the temerity to disturb an order of the House of Lords:‘It would be extra-ordinary and, in our opinion, unthinkable if the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) were to be in a position thereafter to pronounce upon other grounds of appeal and thereby destroy the order of the House of Lords by again quashing the conviction.’Obviously, the Court of Appeal must follow any House of Lords ruling binding upon it.It would be unthinkable for the Court of Appeal to undermine any ruling on a point of law determined by the House of Lords. ‘Now you know, sir, and I know, that the Board of Works comprises four clerks working in a back corridor of Dublin Castle, trying desperately to reduce a mountain of ten thousand schemes to order.And we know that when they're finished, though God knows when that will be, the schemes that survive must all be sent on to Whitehall where Trevelyan, and Trevelyan alone, will pronounce upon them.And another thing we know is that when word finally arrives back to Clonahoe or Ballyeen that they can build their road as a relief work, there'll be no one there fit to supervise it.’‘Not the poor law guardians?’John asked.‘Surely they are the ideal people?’‘Of course they are, but that bas nothing to do with it. Hib-E speakers appear to have access to two systems here, one in which meat merges with mate and one in which meat merges with meet ; that is, they know both mergers.For most speakers the meat class belongs to both systems in that it is an alternating class; thus, on different occasions the same speaker may pronounce words of the type seat, peace, leave with [e:] or with [i].Hib-E scholars have apparently always been quite happy to accept that the meat/mate merger is a true merger (see citations in J. Milroy and Harris, 1980: 200), and Bliss (1979: 208–10) cites evidence to show that these two classes had merged in Hib-E by around 1700. butterpicturedifferentconstantsimilarThe final syllables in these words all have a similar sound when the words are said normally.A similar problem is the consonant that sometimes seems to disappear in pronunciation: often (is pronounced offen) Christmas (is pronounced Chrissmas).In both cases, the simplest teaching strategy is to pronounce words normally, but then to add a pronunciation that, though incorrect, stresses the spelling: of-ten, con-stant.5 Single for double, double for singleThe second most common error after the unstressed syllable: shining becomes shinning dropped becomes droped furry becomes fury later becomes latter.

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