March 2010 LAKE LURE NEWS & VIEWS Page 5

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March 2010 LAKE LURE NEWS & VIEWS Page 5


Mayor: Bob Keith Commissioners: Linda Turner, Wayne Hyatt, John Moore and Mary Ann Dotson Town Manager: Chris Braund

March 2010

Published by Town of Lake Lure, P.O. Box 255, Lake Lure, NC 28746 Newsletter Editor & Coordinator: Linda Ward

Telephone: (828) 625-9983 Fax: (828) 625-8371 Website: Email: [email protected]

drive, the plow truck came by and stopped to help! The two workers, clearly tired from the long hours MAYOR’S COMMENTS by Bob Keith they had already put in, offered advice and Last month Chris and I commented on the assistance with smiles to go. town’s emergency management with a focus on Over the next 2 days, we drove to snow removal after having encountered, for the first Rutherford, Spartanburg, and Asheville. In none time in maybe ten years, more than a foot of the of these areas were the roads as well-cleared and white stuff. I concluded that “We did well, learned a safe as in Lake Lure. As a New Jersey resident lot and will do better next time around.” With that with years of snow storms under my belt, I want in mind, let me share with you an email I received you to know what an excellent job was done. Lake after the very next snow event which all involved Lure's workers went above and beyond - and they can be proud of. deserve a big Thank You! Kudos to the Public Works department and all others who contributed “I just returned to New Jersey after to taking such good care of us!” spending the past week at Lake Lure, and had to let you know how impressed I was with the way in This was authored by Lindy Mandy, a which the town's public works employees member of the LLLOA, who has a cottage on responded to the snow storm we had. Thomas Drive. She and her husband plan to retire When I heard the predictions for the here in the not too distant future. A friend who weather, I was sincerely worried about the length accompanied her on this visit has already contacted of time that we might be stranded at the house and a real estate agent also looking for a retirement unable to get out, so we stocked up with food, home because Lake Lure, in her words, “is such a water, and firewood and prepared for the friendly and special place.” siege. After the snow stopped and we went for a Just think, that during a snow storm while walk, I was really surprised that not only had we comfortably lay down on the couch watching Buffalo Shoals Rd. been plowed, but our road was TV waiting for a power interruption, that also cleared. AND - if that were not enough, when throughout the night our public works, police, fire we were trying to dig out our car at the top of the and EMS personnel along with numerous volunteers across the gorge are scraping, salting and sanding March 2010 LAKE LURE NEWS & VIEWS Page 2 roads, clearing fallen trees, transporting stranded the state. We now prepare a detailed annual residents and visitors to their homes and vacation report of operations and we voluntarily post our destinations, pulling cars out of ditches, setting up monthly discharge test results on our website shelters in the event of a sustained power outage • In December, hydroelectric generation resulted while still responding to the emergency needs of the in the highest monthly check the town has every public. So our collective hats are off to not only received from Duke Energy: $74,875 Chuck and Mark, who made the extra effort to assist • The dredging spoils and dewatering ponds at Lindy and her guest, but to all those throughout the Morse Park were completely re-engineered for gorge who are making this a safe and enjoyable better performance and longevity. place to live. THANK YOU! • We were awarded a $3 million stimulus fund grant (50/50 match) for underwater sewer joint repair and sealing. Just 20% into the project, TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT we’re already seeing significant reductions in by Chris Braund the amount of lake water entering the system. We’ve also identified 20 locations of leaking or In February, Town Council held a two-day broken private sewer lines within the first 5 feet retreat in which they received an orientation and of lake depth around the shoreline. These are status report from each of the town’s departments. being repaired as you read this. I’ve now been in my position for a year, so it was a • We received preliminary approval for a new good opportunity to look back at our charter school in Lake Lure. accomplishments in a challenging economic environment. In upcoming articles, I’ll share with you our priority issues and objectives for this coming year. • We outsourced the wastewater treatment plant, golf course and a planner position. Although these were done for different reasons, the net TOWN COUNCIL ACTIVITIES expectation is that we will improve our services, by Town Clerk Mary Flack, MMC, CTC lower our costs and make us more flexible in adapting to changes. A lot of work went into REGULAR MEETING: The regular town council the process of selecting partners and crafting meeting was held on Tuesday, February 9, 2010, their contracts. 7:00 p.m., in the meeting room of the Lake Lure • Our FY 2010 budget included no tax increase or Municipal Center. withdrawal from fund balances. • Overtime charged in 2009 was reduced by 56% Under the “consent agenda,” Town Council • 7 staff positions were eliminated through approved: outsourcing and attrition. * minutes of the January 12, 2010 (regular • Six vehicles, three boats and three pieces of meeting), and January 26, 2010 (special meeting); heavy equipment were sold as surplus. Two * agreement for an easement with the Carolina more vehicles are getting ready for sale. Only Climbers Coalition to access across town property one new vehicle was purchased. (Firefly Cove reservoir parcel) as submitted by the • Winter storms gave us an opportunity to town manager; Also, authorize the town manager, improve our emergency management mayor, and the town clerk to sign and execute this performance (and plenty of snowplowing agreement on behalf of the town; and practice). * a request from Mary Ann Ransom as submitted on • The residential vacation rental ordinance was behalf of Shepherd’s Care to hold their annual arts implemented and the rental home permitting and crafts Spring and Autumn festivals during May process is smoothly underway. 29-31, 2010 and October 16-17, 2010. • Our sewer plant operations have been improved and we had our connection moratorium lifted by Town Council also: March 2010 LAKE LURE NEWS & VIEWS Page 3

* approved a request from Diane Barrett regarding SPECIAL MEETING: Special council retreat the dragon boat races and culture festival; town meetings with town staff members was held on council tabled action on the request to waive the Thursday and Friday, February 11-12, 2010, 9:00 fees for kayak and paddle board demonstrations on a.m., in the Bright’s Creek conference center the lake on May 8, 2010 for further review; located at 2222 Palmer Road, Mills Spring, North * approved a request from the Lake Lure Inn and Carolina for the purpose of discussing short- Spa to rent the town’s gazebo to Lake Lure term/long term goals and objectives for the Town of Properties (LLP) in group blocks of Saturdays Lake Lure. There was discussion on strategic issues during the months of May, June, and October for and challenges for the town including financial 2011 (excluding any activities that would keep the health, economic development, council’s role in gazebo from being accessible, such as the dragon critical projects (Lake Lure Classical Academy, boat races and festival); Professional Park, and YMCA/Recreation Center), * recognized the Lake Lure Golf Course Advisory residential vacation rentals, bankrupt subdivision Committee’s service to the town; developments, private sewer lines, personnel * adopted Resolution No.10-02-09 terminating the policies, ownership of old bridge number 7, grant Lake Lure Golf Course Advisory Committee; pursuit, ordinance review, public works projects * adopted Resolution No. 10-02-09A increasing the pertaining to parks and recreation, town support for number of membership and staggering terms of the athletic events, visitor center project, Parks and Recreation Board; knowledge/document management, and the future * appointed Bob Cameron to serve as a of the dam. Town Council members heard representative for the town to serve on the Board of presentations from town staff members regarding Directors of Isothermal Planning and Development projects and activities pertaining to their Commission filling the remainder of Jim Proctor’s departments. term expiring April, 2010 plus an additional three years with a term expiring April, 2013; * extended the date from March 1, 2010 to March 11, 2010 to begin raising the lake level up to full COMMUNITY POLICING NEWS pond; town council will determine at their next by Chief Eric Hester regular council meeting being held on March 9, 2010 whether or not the extended date is sufficient The police department has been assisting on enough time in order to allow contractors to several Break and Entering Cases in Rutherford, complete projects and to help prevent water quality Polk and Henderson County. In one case the suspect issues; inclement weather has limited the turned himself in to police and is currently in jail contractors ability to complete projects within the linked to several Break and Enterings in the time frame set for the lake level to be brought up to surrounding area. In another case, Lake Lure full pond; Officers made a vehicle stop in which 86 lbs. of * tabled the adoption of Resolution No. 10-02-09B copper wire was found. The driver was arrested for authorizing an executed deed of conveyance from transporting more than 25 pounds of copper in a John H. Moore and Wife, Regina Moore, of certain vehicle without a permit. Lt. Francis initiated an property as a gift under particular terms, valuations ongoing investigation into the copper that so far has and conditions; town council will reconsider this led to solving one Break and Entering and Larceny resolution at a future meeting. in Lake Lure and Polk County, three Break and Enterings and Larcenies in Rutherford County, and In other activities: at least 2 more Break and Enterings and Larcenies * heard a report from the town manager; and in Henderson County. This investigation has kept * heard reports from council liaisons on the Lt. Francis very busy. activities of various boards and committees. The police department is stepping up patrol in all the neighborhoods in town with the goal of making our neighborhoods as safe as possible. If March 2010 LAKE LURE NEWS & VIEWS Page 4 you see an officer in your neighborhood, feel free to The fire Departments have been very busy flag them down just to say hi or let them know if with response to the snow and high winds. It has there’s something that needs to be addressed in your been awhile since we have seen this amount of neighborhood. snow and is obvious the changes and growth in our We worked several wrecks, fortunately area. We experienced many more responses to without serious injuries, and helped many people traffic related incidents than we have in years past out of ditches during the several snows that we had as a result to snow, and spent a lot of time this past month. The last one caused roads to transporting individuals to their homes. In general become slick quickly. I think it caught several we did not have any major emergencies during motorists off guard because we were not forecasted these events and are glad for this. We received to get the amount of snow that we did. During these several calls from individuals concerned we could snow events we always ask you to stay home and not get to them in an emergency. While I will not off the roads unless absolutely necessary. promise we can always get everywhere with all our Remember while traveling on snow covered apparatus, we were able to get into some really roads to drive slowly and allow extra stopping tough locations. distance, especially if you are following another It’s hard to imagine right now, but spring is vehicle. This will help avoid an accident in the just around the corner and we have seen an increase event the vehicle in front of you comes to an abrupt in burning permits. We would like to remind stop. everyone that, even though we have had a wet I would like to thank everyone for all the winter, it only takes a couple dry windy days before help throughout the town during our recent snow the fuels (leaves, limbs, brush) on top of the ground events. Special thanks to the maintenance are ready to burn. Please remember this and be department for their hard work scraping the roads, cautious if you plan to burn debris from your yard. making them safer for the emergency personnel as A burning permit is required and these can be needed. obtained at the Lake Lure Fire Station free of TOWN OF LAKE LURE charge. Last, never hesitate to call the fire POLICE REPORT FOR JANUARY 2010 department if you think your control burn is getting out of control. ALARM CALLS RECEIVED...... 16 ACCIDENTS...... 2 ARRESTS...... 4 BANK ALARMS...... 0 CUSTOMER SERVICES BREAKING AND ENTERINGS...... 1 by Linda Ward BUSINESS CHECKS...... 7,892 CITATIONS ISSUED...... 11 Baby Ashlyn Calvert now weighs 4 lbs 8 oz COMMUNITY CONTACTS...... 913 and is approximately 17” long. Wow, even before EXTRA PATROLS...... 111 she is born she is growing like a weed! Her LARCENY REPORTS...... 3 Mawmaw, Renita Atchley, was thrilled to see her REQUESTED RESIDENTIAL CHECKS...... 112 on the ultra sound at the last Dr. appointment. Andi ROAD CHECKS...... 2,140 had a wonderful baby shower and is in the process VANDALISM REPORTS...... 0 of arranging all of the gifts and setting up the pink WARNINGS ISSUED...... 29 and green nursery. Depending on Ashlyn Faith’s CASES CLEARED...... 3 determination, only about seven weeks to go! CASES CLEARED BY ARREST...... 2


The new Lake Lure school – the Lake Lure There will be a Resident Canada Geese Classical Academy – received provisional charter Management Program - Volunteer Training Session approval from the State of North Carolina this past on Saturday, March 20th 10:00am to 1:00pm at the August and is expected to receive its official charter Municipal Center Community Hall. Please contact on March 4th. Dean Givens at 447-7430- for information. Receipt of the charter will authorize the Resident Canada Geese live within or at the school to start formally enrolling students for the fringe of our landscapes and communities which 2010-11 school year. Student applications are sometimes places them in conflict with us. Their scheduled to be posted on the school web site ( fecal residue poses health dangers and can have a on March 5th for negative economic impact. Our challenge as a classes beginning this August. If you do not have community is to devise means for resident Canada Internet access, the staff at the Mountains Branch Geese to live benignly with minimal disruption of Library, located on Bills Creek Road just off the human community, wildlife habitat, and natural Highway 64/74 east of Lake Lure, will be happy to areas. The Town of Lake Lure Parks and help. Applications will also be available at Lake Recreation Board and Lake Advisory Board have Lure Town Hall. adopted a community wide humane program in conjunction with GeesePeace to stabilize the What is a Charter School? resident Canada Geese population and its negative A Charter School is an independent public impact on the local community. Anybody school authorized by the NC General Assembly in interested in participating in this program as a 1996. Charter Schools are managed a little volunteer should please join us on Saturday, March differently than other public schools, but like other 20th at the Lake Lure Town Hall for a training public schools there is ABSOLUTELY NO COST session. TO THE STUDENTS OR THEIR FAMILIES. The great advantage of a Charter School is that, like the original Lake Lure School, it will be NEWS AROUND LAKE LURE able to enroll students from anywhere in the Lake Lure or Hickory Nut Gorge area, whether they live The Hickory Nut Chamber of Commerce is in Rutherford, Polk, Henderson, Buncombe or coordinating the “Gorge Sale On The Trail”. This McDowell County. That will mean the end of long will be similar to the extremely popular US 21 daily bus rides for many children in Lake Lure and Corridor Sale. It is scheduled for April 24 from 8:00 the surrounding area. am to 4:00 pm and will go the length of the gorge, The Lake Lure Classical Academy is 64\74 from Gerton to Bill’s Creek Road. planning to follow the same excellent curriculum We welcome all homeowners, businesses, now in use at Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy churches, fire departments, civic and service groups, in Spindale. and restaurants to participate by setting a table or A number of informative community tables out on your property selling all types meetings are planned to follow formal receipt of the of items, be they new or used. The Chamber of school charter, and will be announced when the Commerce will be renting out approximately 30 dates have been set. spaces (first come, first serve) for $10 each. Some Lake Lure Classical Academy School Board won’t travel to just one yard sale, but when offered meetings are scheduled at 2:00 PM on the first miles of sales, they will come. Tuesday of each month at the Lake Lure Town Hall. To rent a space at the Chamber, contact The public is welcome to attend. Cheryl at 625-2725. For more information on this event contact Amy Wald, 625-1805 / Barbara Meliski, 625-9000. PARKS AND RECREATION by Larry Czajkoski The Hickory Nut Gorge Chamber of Commerce is selling the Polar Plunge We're March 2010 LAKE LURE NEWS & VIEWS Page 6

Freezin' for a Reason hooded sweatshirts which are Sunday, March 7, 2010 at 3:00 pm at Firefly Cove. perfect for this cold weather! We have sizes large Refreshments will be served and dress is informal. and x-large and the cost is $20.00 for one or $35.00 Personally signed copies of the book will be available for two. Come in and see us at the Visitor Center for $15.95. RSVP by March 3 to Kathy Smith, next to the Marina. [email protected] or Saundra Nelson at 625-1065 Lake Lure Newcomers Club invites new The upcoming Saturday May 8, 2010 Lure of residents of Lake Lure (24 months or less), zip code the Dragons Race & Festival will be an exciting charity 28746, to join with them in many activities in and sporting event and fun-filled family festival. around the area. If you are interested in joining and Approximately 2,000 people have attended each of becoming a member, call Nancy at 625-9670 or Karen at the past two year’s events. BUT, to make this event 625-4000. successful it takes two basic elements - teams and volunteers. Won't you consider becoming involved by Free online newspaper for Lake Lure, Chimney either forming an 11-person team to paddle a dragon Rock and Rutherford County. Local history, boat in the races, or, if that doesn't interest you, consider comprehensive calendar, groups, preserving the Gorge, volunteering for one of the many positions needing to be fun things to do in the Gorge and local authors. filled? If you are interested in helping make this year's race/festival successful by forming a team or volunteering, please call Diane Barrett, Interim Event Lake Lure Lakefront Owners Association Coordinator at 828-625-2812. (LLLOA). Members are reminded that dues must be paid by April 1st if you wish to be included in the 2010 Shrimp & Grits Fundraiser for Shepherd’s membership booklet. Mark your calendar for June 26, Care - All are invited on Friday, March 12, 2010 from 5 our annual meeting date. – 7 pm. It will be held at Camp Lurecrest, 207 Charlotte If you are a Lake Lure Lakefront Owner and do Dr in Lake Lure. Tickets are $ 10 ea/adult & $5 ea/child not belong to the LLLOA, we encourage you to join us (children under 5 eat free). Tickets are on sale at the to stay informed about lake issues. Associate thrift store located in Bat Cave, NC. The menu will memberships are welcome. Each year members receive a include shrimp & grits, spaghetti, salad, desserts and tea membership booklet, informative Muse Letters, and a & coffee. The entertainment will be provided by Dan first class mailed subscription of the Lake Lure news and Keller, Jazz & Lake Lure Singers. Proceeds will go Views, the town’s monthly newsletter. Members hold a toward Food Pantry and Outreach Services of Shepherds social and business meeting annually a the Town Care. For information regarding this event call 625-4683 Community Center. Annual dues are currently $25.00. or e-mail: [email protected]. You may pick up an application for membership at the Municipal Center or via the website Heirloom Silent Auction Fundraiser for under Lake Management. You Shepherd’s Care will be held Friday, May 7, 2010 from may also call LLLOA President Betty Ross at 828-625- 5 pm – 7 pm in the Roosevelt Room at Lake Lure Inn. 5161 for an application or any questions. Classical Jazz entertainment provided by Dan Keller. Proceeds will go toward Shepherds Care Outreach Services & Food Pantry. For more information on this If you are interested in becoming a volunteer event call 625-4683 or e-mail firefighter please contact Ron Morgan at [email protected]. [email protected] or (828) 625-9333 for more information. Lake Lure Arts and Crafts Spring Festival sponsored by Shepherd’s Care will be held May 29, 30, The Town is accepting applications to serve on & 31, 2010 from 10 am to 5 pm. It will be located the Parks and Recreation Board. All applications must be downtown Lake Lure across from the beach with submitted by March 1st, 2010 to be considered for the proceeds going towards Shepherd’s Care Outreach available positions. If you are interested in serving on Programs. For more information: 828-625-4683 or visit this or any other committee, please stop by the town hall our website, and fill out an application. Applications may also be obtained from the town’s website Friends of the Mountains Branch Library invite you to a Book Launch Party for The Wind in the Woods, a novel by Rose Senehi. This event will be held March 2010 LAKE LURE NEWS & VIEWS Page 7

The deadline for newsletter articles to be received at Town Hall for the April issue is March18, 2010.

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