January 29, 2017 Readings for this week: Micah 6:1-8; Ps. 37:1-11; 1 Cor. 1:18-31; Matt. 5:1-12 Key verses: “Blessed are…for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven”— Matt. 5:3 & 10 “…Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.”—1 Cor. 1:24b

Sermon Notes for “Blessed are the . . . Who?!!!”

Core Truth: The Reign of God is Available to Anyone Asking Jesus

The Reign of God is available — Matt. 4:12-23

To Anyone, in Any Condition, at Any Moment — Matt. 4:24 - 5:12

Through Asking Jesus — Matt. 6:33; 7:7-11; 8:2, 8

Relying on / Trusting his Power and Wisdom — 1 Cor. 1:23-31

“Venture on Him, venture wholly, let no other trust intrude.” — Joseph Hart, “Come Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy” stanza 5 Home Group Questions

Connecting with Each Other 1. Do you have any stories or experiences to relate based on your responses to last week’s discussion? (If you meditated on Ps. 139, or tried out the “rule of thumb” exercise in yielding some need of mind, heart, body or soul to the Reign of God.) 2. Who do you have a tough time imagining that they’d experience the Reign of God?

Connecting with God’s Word 1. As you reflect on last weekend’s sermon, what one idea or illustration stands out as being particularly helpful, insightful, or difficult to grasp?

2. In the sermon, Fr. Nathan talked about how the beatitudes are explanations and illustrations of the present availability of the Kingdom of Heaven through personal relationship with Jesus. They’re not “how-to’s” for achieving blessedness, not levels of saintliness to progress through, not stages of approach to the Kingdom. How might the experiences of the people in John 9 illustrate this truth?

Connecting with the Week Ahead 1. What’s one kind of situation you’ll look out for and ask Jesus to work in his power and wisdom?

2. Is there an area of hopelessness in your own life where you long for the power and wisdom of Jesus to bring transformation? How will you be asking him for help this week? January 29, 2017 Readings for this week: Micah 6:1-8; Ps. 37:1-11; 1 Cor. 1:18-31; Matt. 5:1-12 Key verses: “Blessed are…for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven”— Matt. 5:3 & 10 “…Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.”—1 Cor. 1:24b

Sermon Notes for “Blessed are the . . . Who?!!!”

Core Truth: The Reign of God is Available to Anyone Asking Jesus

The Reign of God is available — Matt. 4:12-23

To Anyone, in Any Condition, at Any Moment — Matt. 4:24 - 5:12

Through Asking Jesus — Matt. 6:33; 7:7-11; 8:2, 8

Relying on / Trusting his Power and Wisdom — 1 Cor. 1:23-31

“Venture on Him, venture wholly, let no other trust intrude.” — Joseph Hart, “Come Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy” stanza 5 Home Group Questions

Connecting with Each Other 1. Do you have any stories or experiences to relate based on your responses to last week’s discussion? (If you meditated on Ps. 139, or tried out the “rule of thumb” exercise in yielding some need of mind, heart, body or soul to the Reign of God.) 2. Who do you have a tough time imagining that they’d experience the Reign of God?

Connecting with God’s Word 1. As you reflect on last weekend’s sermon, what one idea or illustration stands out as being particularly helpful, insightful, or difficult to grasp?

2. In the sermon, Fr. Nathan talked about how the beatitudes are explanations and illustrations of the present availability of the Kingdom of Heaven through personal relationship with Jesus. They’re not “how-to’s” for achieving blessedness, not levels of saintliness to progress through, not stages of approach to the Kingdom. How might the experiences of the people in John 9 illustrate this truth?

Connecting with the Week Ahead 1. What’s one kind of situation you’ll look out for and ask Jesus to work in his power and wisdom?

2. Is there an area of hopelessness in your own life where you long for the power and wisdom of Jesus to bring transformation? How will you be asking him for help this week?