Aberdeen University & College Union s1
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Minutes: Committee Meeting Date: Wednesday 27 April 2016 Time: 1pm – 2pm Venue: Edward Wright S86
In Attendance: Andrew Mackillop (Chair), David Anderson, Andrew Macgregor, Dannette Marie, Markus Ovall, Ruth Payne (to 120), Frederik Pedersen, Adam Price, Rachel Shanks (Skype from 125), Allan Sim, Fiona Stewart, David Watts, Michael Wolfindale
Apologies: Alan Fenwick, Bill Harrison, Pete Jeffels, Steven Lawrie, Ben Marsden, Mike McConnell, Keith O’Sullivan,
Minutes: Susan Melvin
1. Minutes of meeting on 06 April 2016 and matters arising: Approved. All actions have been completed.
2. Minutes of meeting on 20 April 2016 and matters arising: Approved. All actions have been completed. a) Mackie will contact the Head of Communications to ask that, as an officially recognised trade union and a part of the University, relevant news items we submit should be included in the weekly e-zine. b) Fiona is drafting the motion re reserved places on committee. c) David W has made arrangements for Chris Mason to come to the branch for 1-to-1 meetings and an Open Meeting re USS on Monday 16 May.
3. Items for routine approval/to note: a) Rep to attend Teaching Excellence Framework training in Manchester, 14 July – Allan will attend if timings fit in. Attendance was approved by committee. b) Approve Rachel/Fiona as Employee Engagement Rep – approved by committee. c) Plans for Recruitment Week – It was agreed that we would have activities on three days: Monday 16 May: USS events (1-to-1 meetings and Open Meeting with Chris Mason of UCU). David W to co-ordinate. Wednesday 18 May: Short film (Allan to identify suitable documentary) and “What Have Trade Unions Ever Done For Me?” presentation and Q&A (Mike to provide material from previous event). Michael W and Andrew Macg to co-ordinate. Friday 20 May: Poster splash and leafleting in conjunction with other campus TUs. Andrew Macg to co-ordinate. d) Changes to casework protocol – following a meeting of caseworkers and dep reps, it was agreed that there is a need to filter casework enquiries for effectively to avoid over- stretching caseworkers. Members will be advised to contact dep reps in the first instance and will be signposted to alternative resources which may allow for low-level resolution of issues before they escalate to personal case status. Susan will contact dep reps and members with information once approved by Derek.
4. Items for discussion: Withdrawal of agreement to T&C variations – Fiona and Mackie reported on the emergency JNCC meeting between AUCU and the University on Friday. AUCU reps included committee reps, Senators and lawyers (all members) who argued that the clauses relating to Intellectual Property were defective in law. The University lawyer, 1 ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY & COLLEGE UNION
supported by the SMT members at the meeting, stated that they believed the clauses were technically competent. The University made it clear that they did not believe the motion from the GM was valid as the changes had been formally agreed to and were binding. They agreed that there would be a Terms & Conditions Working Group set up to monitor how things work out in practice and will only revisit the IPR clauses if major problems arise or become apparent. There will be an AUCU rep on this group. Mackie has spoken to Mary Senior, UCUS Official, and she raised concerns that withdrawing from our own collective agreement could be problematic, particularly in relation to recognition. There was discussion about possible ways forward, including testing the legality of the clauses in the Courts. It was suggested that we might lobby Senate to push the University to ask for independent legal advice (on the IPR clauses). It is understood that the Senate motion relating to IPR has been deferred until June, though there is still a possibility that it could be presented at the May meeting. It was agreed that: Mackie would again consult Mary on potential courses of action Mackie will request that Mary seeks formal legal advice from UCU lawyers The branch would take any outcomes/actions to members at a GM for further discussion and instruction
5. Standing items: a) 9-day fortnight – no report b) JCCRA updates – the SFC moratorium on funding due to the Scottish General Election has resulted in some members being asked to attend Risk of Redundancy meetings (with less than 24 hours’ notice). c) PNCC – the next PNCC will be held on 12 May (Mary to attend). Issues for discussion include T&Cs, personal tutoring, TRAC data, temporary services contracts, facilities agreement d) Policy Reviews – no report e) USS – no report f) ATUC – Andrew Macg and Adam will carry the AUCU banner at the May Day March on Saturday. g) Health & Safety – no report h) Equalities – no report i) Environment – no report j) Facilities time – see 6a k) Casework – see 3e
6. AOB: a) Mackie reported to Committee on his latest update meeting with the Head of HR The University does not intend to leave JNCHES and will remain in collective pay bargaining. However, should the pay award this year exceed 2%, they would consider withdrawing in future. Policy reviews – once agreed, policies are subject to review to ensure they are operating smoothly and as intended. AUCU considers branch contributions to this process to be constructive, but the University takes the opposite view. Mackie reported that the Head of HR was unwilling to agree to the facilities time proposal submitted by the branch. It was again noted that the increase in workload for volunteer branch officers is becoming untenable.
b) Annual General Meeting to be held on 11 May. Notices have been issued and some nomination forms have been received. c) Next committee meeting will be held on Wednesday 04 May 2016, 1pm in Taylor A37
Mackie Contact Head of Communications re news items on e-zine (2a) Speak to Mary about T&Cs, and seek legal advice (4) Invite Mary to attend PNCC on 12 May (5c)
Fiona Draft motion re reserved places for women on Committee for AGM (2b)
Andrew Macg Contact other campus TUs re poster splash on 20 May (3d)
Allan Identify suitable film for recruitment week (3d)
Mike Look out WHTUEDFM material for 18 May (3d)
Susan Info re casework to dep reps and members (3e)