Paul W. Mitchell American Legion Post 114
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- ROLL CALL: (OFFICERS): (Cmdr) Julian Rozzell, (1st Vice Cmdr) Willie C. Barr, (2nd Vice Cmdr) George Bodie, (Chaplain) Denise Andrews, (Adjutant) Andrea R. Mishoe, (Finance Officer) James T. Brooks, (Assistant Finance Officer) Absent, (Sergeant-At-Arms) absent, (Service Officer) absent.
- ATTENDANCE: Adolphus Nelum, Leslie B. Williams, Ulysses X. White, Virgil Bandy, Donald Burke, Leslie B. Williams
- MINUTES: The minutes from the January meeting was reviewed, correction noted for Clara Adams Ender and approved.
- TREASURER’S REPORT: The Treasurers’ Report dated 6 March 2010 Beginning balance was $8,106.43 and ending balance was $7,820.98 Land/Building Fund ending balance was $10,478.30 The report was reviewed and approved as presented.
- COMMANDER’S REPORT: Financial Development & Renewal Report Comrade White met with Richard Townsend, Land Surveying Group in Manassas to review the drawings and layout of the land. The fees normally costs in the thousands, however, based on Comrade White’s relationship with Townsend, his office will do more of the work for $300. We need to decide what we are going to do with the post building. It needs to be raised. Comrade White will provide more information.
- Rental Property Status Commander Rozzell appointed 2 persons to the committee and will provide their names once we receive their commitment.
- BBQ Pit Disposition Executive Committee approved Comrade Lennon’s request to purchase the BBQ Pit in the amount of $300 and the commander sent him a letter with instructions.
- FY 2010 Goals Commander Rozzell provided a copy of the goals and reviewed each of them: Robust Fundraising and Sponsorship Program; Women’s Auxiliary Recognition Day; Post Buddy Assist Program (PBAP); Architectural Drawing Package of New Post Building/Home; Robust Membership Drive, New Members & Family Day (Summer cookout, Women’s Auxiliary can spearhead); New Post 114 Website; and one additional goal, Special Use Permit (zoning permit for new post home).
- Draft Resolutions Comrade White suggested the Adjutant must have a copy of all the resolutions. Commander Rozzell will provide electronic copies to her. Administrative Guidelines for the Development & Renewal Program Funds – Explains how funds are being administered. We need a majority vote to approve as is; remove and/or from the last statement. - Administrative Reports Adjutant’s Membership Report: As of 2/3/2010 60 Renewals, 1 New member and 16 PUFLs, total 77. We need 16 more renewals/new members to meet our 100% goal for FY10.
- Post Correspondence & Information Exchange: Resolution from Post 88 Suffolk, VA that it unanimously and enthusiastically endorse and support Gerald Rhoads for the high office of Department Vice-Commander, Eastern Region, Dept of Va., for the term 2010-2011. Email from 16th District Adjutant announcing District Baseball meeting on April 3, 2010 at Post 247; District Spring Conference April 17 at Post 290 starting at 10am; Homes for our Troops encouraging the posts to take up a collection. Post 114 approved a donation in the amount of $35. The 2010 session of The American Legion Boys State of Virginia, Inc. will be held on the campus of Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA June 20-26, 2010
Comrade Denise Andrews reported Comrade Leroy Bates has been ill and is doing good for his age. Post 10 is looking for a Marshall for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 13, 2010 at 0730hrs. Russ Keating is the POC. March 20, 2010 at 1900hrs, Quantico Marine Corps Base is hosting an NAACP function. Admission is $30 and Comrade Andrews is the POC.
Comrade Burke led a brief discussion regarding the status of our membership. Usually there are only 10 people at the meetings. The Adjutant shared there are 155 on our rolls and 77 that are paid for FY10. Comrade White stated the need for a Robust Membership Drive/Fundraising effort to ask each member to make their $1000 contribution, commit to the $1 A Day Program, and bring in 4 new members. Comrade Burke agreed to work on the committee.
Andrea Mishoe Post Adjutant