Outcome 1: Operate As a Professional in the Field of Assessment & Evaluation
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Outcome 1: Operate as a professional in the field of assessment & evaluation
Understand and apply correctly the key terms, contexts, concepts, models, paradigms, and research understandings necessary to operate successfully in the field of assessment and evaluation. o Understand and use appropriately the following key terms: academic prompt, achievement target, alignment, analytic rubric, anchor, assessment, authentic assessment task, benchmark, milepost standard, climate, criterion-referenced, norm-referenced, content standard, criteria, indicators, exemplar, holistic rubric, ill-structured task, open-ended question, outcome, performance task, performance standard, portfolio, prerequisite, process, product, Wiggins’ facets of understanding, Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy, Fink’s Significance Levels, selection items, constructed items, reliability, rubric, sampling, scoring guide, secure test, measurement, testing, evaluation, standards test, standardized test, teaching target, task, transferability, validity, ZPD. o Create an appropriate context for testing and evaluation o Understand and use these key concepts: testing, measurement, assessment, evaluation, validity, reliability, usability, balance, comprehensive, fair, objective, discriminating, targets, accountability, academic prompts, portfolios, performances of understanding, performance of expertise. o Understand and apply the model of evaluation and the graphic organizer for evaluation. o Understand the paradigms associated with evaluation: content framework, competency framework, and learning-centered outcomes framework. o Understand and apply associated research findings pertinent to the smooth operation of evaluation. o Understand, create, and use rubrics in your evaluation of performances and products. Terms to be Understood
Academic prompt Reliability Achievement target Rubric Affective domain Sampling Alignment Scoring guide – key Analytic rubric Secure test Anchor Selection items Assessment Standardized test Authentic assessment task Standards test Balanced test Subjective test item Benchmark Supply item Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy Table of specifications Checklist Teaching target Climate Test plan/description Cognitive domain Testing Comprehensive test Transferability Constructed items Understanding Content standard Validity Criterion W.H.E.R.E.T.O. Curriculum Planning Criterion-referenced Wiggins’ Facets of Understanding Dispositions ZPD Evaluation Exemplar Fair test Fink’s Levels of Significance Facets of understanding GRASPS Culminating Task Holistic rubric Ill-structured task Indicator Learning task Measurement Milepost standard Norm-referenced Objective test item Open-ended question Outcome Performance of expertise Performance of understanding Performance standard Performance task Portfolio Prerequisite Process Product Psychomotor domain Rating scale Thinking about Evaluation: Pretest
Are the following statement true of false?
1. Evaluation is a totally objective process T F
2. Evaluation is deciding if something is good or poor. T F
3. Basically, evaluating is deciding how well we did what we set out to do. T F
4. We don’t require criteria or standards in order to evaluate. T F
5. Evaluating always involves comparing and deciding. T F
6. The most often used tool in academic evaluation is multiple-choice tests. T F
7. The most often used tool in evaluation is observation. T F
8. Students should know the criteria on which they are being judged. T F
9. Exemplars or samples are not a good way to teach as they reduce creativity. T F
10. Multiple-choice are better suited to testing achievement than are essay items. T F
11. All pretests should be for marks. T F
12. Authentic testing means that we test on real tasks from the workplace under real T F conditions in the workplace.
13. All testing should be summative [at end of course – and for marks] in nature. T F
14. Our evaluation programs should involve multiple means at different times. T F
15. All teaching should be based on diagnostic evaluation. T F
16. Most of our course time & effort should be spent on instruction, not evaluation. T F
17. Students should be involved in tests where they have to construct their answers. T F
18. Sizing-up assessment is an innate process we all do at beginning of a course. T F
19. A %’age or letter grade is an inadequate descriptor of actual achievement. T F
20. Students getting the same score or grade obviously have the same achievement. T F GOOD EVALUATION SHOULD Be simple Be fair Be purposeful Be related to the curriculum Assess skills and strategies Set priorities Use multiple methods Go from general to specific Analyze errors Substantiate findings Record and report Improve continuously
FOUR ATTRIBUTES OF GOOD PROGRAM EVALUATION Utility: produces data to meet the information needs of its users Feasibility: is realistic, prudent, diplomatic, and frugal Propriety: is legal, ethical, providing for the welfare of those being evaluated & the users of the information Accuracy: reveals & technically conveys adequate information about the features that determine the worth or merit of the program being evaluated
EXAMNG YOUR OWN BELIEFS What are the most essential things learners should know and do at the end of the program? Should learners be helped to create their own knowledge, or to master the knowledge that you and others deliver to them? Which is more important; collaborative or individualized learning? Should the instructor control the content and process of learning or should learners have more control? Does learning happen mostly in systematic steps, mastering one skill or understanding one piece of knowledge before moving to the next? Or is learning mostly holistic, unpredictable, complex, and idiosyncratic [unique to each learner]? Does learning happen more in “Ah-ha!” insights, or through gradual evolutionary change? Should learners be able to demonstrate what they have learned in your program upon its conclusion, or will much of the learning be visible only at a later time?
PRACTICES OF EVALUATION Do your methods for evaluating learners really show whether they have mastered the essentials they need in order to develop? Does your evaluation process all students to reveal the knowledge they have personally constructed, or does it mostly compel students to display knowledge that you have constructed and they have memorized? Does the type of activity students must use during final evaluation match the type of activity they have learned during instruction? [Does your evaluation ever use procedures that learners have not been taught to use?] Does the language of the evaluation match the language used during instruction? Do your final evaluation procedures provide opportunities for students to really show what they know? [Do you ever try to trap students, or use certain evaluation methods simply because they will keep an acceptable spread in the marks?] How much do learners participate in the evaluation methods of your program? Do your evaluation methods match your instructional methods? Do your evaluation methods embody your deepest beliefs about teaching and learning? Can you justify each assignment or method of evaluation you use as a valid way of assessing your learners’ progress towards developing the most important elements in your program?
Brookfield’s Characteristics of Helpful Evaluation Clarity: teachers must make criteria and methods for evaluation crystal-clear to learners, and use terms and language that people understand. Immediacy: teachers should make evaluation immediate. Learners look for feedback immediately after performing a skill, and are able to remember and incorporate suggestions into their performance while the memory of the last trial is still fresh in their minds. The sooner evaluation occurs, the more helpful it will be. Regularity: teachers should incorporate evaluation as a regular part of instruction, rather than save it for the end-of-unit periods. When evaluation is more frequent, it becomes less threatening, and learners are less apt to be surprised by the results. More regular evaluation also delivers more information more immediately to learners, which maximizes its effect on improving learning. Accessibility: teachers should be as available as possible to learners during and after the evaluative information is delivered. Learners often want to seek clarification, respond to the feedback, discuss concerns, or sometimes just get a little comfort. Individualized: teachers should personalize the detail, but focus on the learners’ actions. Help learners avoid interpreting the evaluative feedback as judgements about them personally. Future-oriented: teachers should provide clear and specific suggestions to learners about future actions they can take to improve their performance or understandings. Justifiable: teachers should show learners the reason for the criticism, matching learner performance to the criteria required, as well as showing how criticisms spring from a basic concern for the students’ learning and a desire to assist them in reaching their own goals. Educative: teachers need to ultimately remember their responsibility to help learners learn. Comments that are warm and sympathetic may make learners feel better, but are they educative? Selective: teachers need to avoid overwhelming learners with too much evaluative information. Focus only on a few areas that learners can work on. Learners can’t improve everything at once.
These characteristics will ensure that the evaluation process is honest and helpful, while being as sensitive as possible to adult learner needs and the delicate learner-teacher relationship. Progress is enhanced when evaluation attends to learners’ feelings. PLANNING FOR EVALUATION Why should the evaluation take place? What should be evaluated? What do you want learners to know? What does the institution want to know? What do you want to know? What approaches should be used? How can you ensure validity and reliability? How much time and other resources do you have?
WHAT DO YOU WANT TO KNOW? What the learners are thinking and feeling about what happens in the course Whether the learners remembered what you said in the last class How adept learners are at test-taking and essay-writing, using techniques learned in school What questions learners have or which parts of the content are confusing for them? What kinds of associations learners are making between class experiences and their own life experiences How much time and effort learners are putting into course work outside of class Understand how the learner thinks Whether learners can perform a particular skill effectively by themselves If the learners did the assigned class work What activity to do next that will be most helpful What learners think about the learning activities UBD: Backwards Design Approach to Curriculum Development
STAGE 1: Identifying desired results – the “big ideas” or enduring understandings [targets] of the unit: Enduring Understandings Essential Questions Knowledge and skills
STAGE 2: Determine acceptable evidence of student learning [assessment] Performance Tasks Quizzes, Tests, Prompts Unprompted Evidence Self-Assessment
STAGE 3: Plan learning experiences and instruction for the whole unit Sequence of Learning and Instruction Backward Design: Deriving Curriculum & Instruction from Targets & Assessments
1. Identify desired results [standards]. What should students understand, know, and be able to do? 2. Specify apt evidence of results [assessments]. How will we know if students have achieved the desired results? What will we accept as evidence of student understanding & proficiency? 3. Specify enabling knowledge and skills. What “enabling knowledge” [facts, concepts, principles] will students nee din order to achieve the desired results and master the specified skills? What “enabling skills” [procedures, strategies, methods] will students need to experience effectively? 4. Design appropriate sequence of enabling work [activities and experiences]. What “enabling activities” will develop the targeted enabling understanding and skills? What design approach will make the work most engaging and responsive to student interests, needs, and abilities? How will the design provide opportunities for students to dig deeper, reivse their thinking, and polish their performance? 5. Specify the needed teaching and coaching. What will I need to teach and coach to ensure effective performance? What materials need to be assembled or provided to ensure maximal performance? USING THE SIX FACETS TO DESIGN DEPTH FOR UNDERSTANDING
EXPLANATION: Knowledgeable account of individuals, events, and ideas providing connections between facts and intended results; what happened and how and why it happened.
INTERPRETATION: Story based on evidence to hypothesize about deeper meaning; what things mean & how meaning can influence life experiences.
APPLICATION: Using knowledge in a new problem or context to adapt to different demands; application to negotiate different constraints, social contexts, purposes, audiences – using, adapting, and customizing knowledge.
PERSPECTIVE: Discovering the point of view by considering events and ideas & ways interpretations change based on perspective of the individual. Different points of view offer different solutions to same problem.
EMPATHY: Striving to understand another person, event, or idea: the learned ability to insightfully find out what is meaningful from inside the other person’s worldview.
SELF-KNOWLEDGE: Wisdom to know our own areas of ignorance and how our patterns of thought and action inform as well as prejudice understanding; becoming aware of our boundaries and others’ understanding; able to recognize own prejudices and projections – has integrity – able and willing to act on what is understood. Teaching for Understanding
Indicators of Understanding: Students…
Can EXPALIN: provide thorough, supported, and justifiable accounts of phenomena, facts, and data.
Can INERPRET: tell meaningful stories, offer apt translations, provide a revealing historical or personal dimension to ideas and events; make subjects personal or accessible through images, anecdotes, analogies, and models.
Can APPLY: effectively use and adapt in diverse contexts what they know.
Have PERSPECTIVE: see and hear points of view through critical eyes and ears; see the big picture.
Can EMPATHIZE: find value in what others might find odd, alien, or implausible; perceive sensitively on the basis of prior indirect experience.
Have SELF-KNOWLEDGE: perceive the personal style, prejudices, projections, and habits of mind that both shape and impede our own understanding; they are aware of what they do not understand and why understanding is so hard. OBTAINING EVIDENCE OF UNDERSTANDING
What tells us that students have achieved each facet of understanding? What counts as evidence of understanding? How should we carefully distinguish students who seem to have a deep understanding from those who do not? What student acts and responses are most characteristic of understanding, of lack of understanding, and of misunderstanding? A student who really understands: 1. Demonstrates sophisticated explanatory and interpretive power and insight by: a. Providing complex, insightful, and credible theories, stories, analogies, metaphors, or models to explain or illuminate an event, fact, text, or idea; providing a systematic account, using helpful and vivid mental models. b. Making fine, subtle distinctions and aptly qualifying his/her opinions; seeing and arguing for what is central – the big ideas, pivotal moments, decisive evidence, key questions, and so on; and making good predictions. c. Avoiding or overcoming common misunderstandings and superficial or simplistic views, for example, by avoiding overly simplistic, hackneyed, or disconnected and incoherent theorizing. d. Effectively and sensitively interpreting texts, language, and situations; for example, by the ability to read between the lines and offer plausible accounts of the many possible purposes and meanings of any “text” [book, situation, human behaviour, and so on]. e. Showing a personalized, thoughtful, and coherent grasp of a subject, for example, by developing a reflective and systematic integration of what s/he knows affectively and cognitively. This integration would be based in part on significant and appropriate direct experience of specific ideas or feelings. f. Substantiating or justifying his/her views with sound arguments and evidence. 2. Demonstrates that s/he can apply knowledge in context and that s/he has know-how by: a. Employing his/her knowledge effectively in diverse, realistic, and “noisy” contexts. b. Invariably being sensitive and responsive to feedback and effectively self- adjusting as s/he performs. c. Extending or applying what s/he knows in a novel and effective way [inventing in the sense of innovating, as Swiss child psychologist Jean Piaget discusses in To Understand is to Invent. d. Teaching what s/he knows. 3. Demonstrate ability to take perspectives by: a. Critiquing and justifying something as a point of view, that is, seeing it as point of view and using skills and dispositions that embody disciplined scepticism and the testing of theories. b. Knowing the history of an idea; knowing the questions or problems to which the knowledge or theory studied is an answer or solution. c. Knowing the assumptions on which an idea or theory is bases. d. Knowing the limits as well as the power of an idea. e. Seeing through argument or language that is merely persuasive, partisan, or ideological. f. Seeing and explaining the importance of an idea. g. Wisely employing both criticism and belief [an ability summarized by Peter Elbow’s maxim that we are likely to understand better if we methodically “believe when others doubt and doubt when others believe”]. 4. Demonstrate empathy by: a. Projecting himself/herself into, feeling, and appreciating another’s situation, affect, or point of view. b. Operating on the assumption that even an apparently odd or obscure comment, text, person, or set of ideas must contain some important insights that justify working to understand them. c. Recognizing when incomplete or flawed views are plausible, even insightful, though incorrect or outdated. d. Seeing and explaining how an idea or theory can be all-too-easily misunderstood by others. e. Listening – and hearing what others often do not. 5. Reveals self-knowledge by: a. Recognizing his own prejudices and style, and how they colour understanding; seeing and getting beyond egocentrism, ethnocentrism, present-centeredness, nostalgia, either/or thinking, and so on. b. Questioning his own convictions; carefully sorting out strong belief from warranted knowledge and thus providing evidence or intellectual honesty; knowing, like Socratees, when to be self-assured and when to be self-doubting; and being happy to admit ignorance. c. Accurately self-assessing. d. Defending his/her views without defensiveness. Questions for the Facets of Understanding
EXPANATION APPLICATION Why is that so? How and where can I use this knowledge, What explains such events? skill, process? What accounts for such action? How should my thinking and action be How can we demonstrate it? modified to meet the demands of this To what is this connected? particular situation? How does this work? How and when can we use this knowledge, What is implied? process? What is the key idea in ___? How is ___ applied in the larger world? What are the examples of ___? How might ___ help us to ___? What are the characteristics/parts of ___? How could we use ___ to overcome ___? What caused ___? What are the effects of ___? In a new situation apply a rubric [where] with How might we prove/confirm/justify ___? [whom]. What might happen if ___? Show or demonstrate ___. What are common misconceptions about ___? Use in the context of ___. Explain/teach the concept of ___. Design/Invent a [performance task that clearly Give examples of ___. engages learners]. Make connections with ___. Overcome a challenge or constraint, such as Offer a sophisticated theory of ___. ___. Describe how ___. PERSPECTIVE Justify/Support ___. From whose point of view? Prove/verify ___. From which vantage point? Avoid common misconceptions such as ___. What is assumed or tacit that needs to be made explicit and considered? INTERPRETATION What is justified or warranted? What does it mean? Is there adequate evidence? Why does it matter? Is it reasonable? What of it? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the What does it illustrate or illuminate in human data? experience? Is it plausible? How does it relate to me? What are the different points of view about What makes sense? ___? What is the meaning of ___? How might this look from ___’s perspective? What are the implications of ___? How is ___ similar to/different from ___? What does ___ reveal about ___? What are the possible reactions to ___? How is ___ like ___? What are the strengths and weaknesses of ___? So what? What does it matter? What are the limits of ___? Interpret the phenomenon of ___. What is the evidence for ___? Is it reliable? Make sense of ___. Is it sufficient? Tell a revealing story of ___. Analyze ___. Provide an apt analogy for ___. See from the point of view of a ___. Show the importance or meaning of ___. Compare and contrast ___. Translate ___. Critique ___. Relate ___ to your experience [or the Critically examine assumptions such as ___. experience of others. How does ___ fit in a historical context. See the limits of ___ for ___. Questions for the Facets of Understanding
EMPATHY GOALS FOR PERFORMANCE TASKS How does it seem to you? Summarize the procedure for a lab experiment What do they see that I don’t? for a student who was absent. What do I need to experience if I am to Explain the legal justification for a court understand? decision to newspaper readers. What was the artist or performer feeling, Inform the PTA Garden Committee about saying, and trying to make me feel and see? which plants are best suited to your area. What would it be like to walk in ___’s shoes? Teach someone else about the water cycle. How might ___ feel about ___? Teach a classmate how to read a contour map. How might we reach an understanding about Design a poster to teach classmates about ___? human, capital, natural resources. How was ___ trying to make us feel/see? Create a museum display to document a Walk in the shoes of ___. historical event you’ve researched. Experiment directly and see ___. Persuade a friend to read a book by your Reach a common understanding with favourite author. concerning ___. Defend your position with data. Entertain the seemingly odd or alien view that Critique a letter to the editor of the local ___. newspaper. Identify errors or weaknesses in mathematical SELF-KNOWLEDGE reasoning in a fellow student. How does who I am shape my views? Correct errors in a student’s essay on What are the limits of my understanding? persuasiveness. What are my blind spots? My strengths? Improve your first draft of a research report. What am I prone to misunderstand because of Compare British and French textbooks prejudice, habit, or style? accounts of the revolutionary War to your How do I know ___? My weaknesses? textbook account. How can I best show ___? Analyze the assumptions in political How are my views about ___ shaped by ___ advertising. [experiences, habits, prejudices, style]? Design a museum exhibit on the causes and th Recognize your prejudice about ___. effects of early 20 Century immigration. Identify the lens through which you view ___. Write a report on why some kids always get See how your habits influence how you picked on and what it feels like to be those approach ___. kids. Explain how you came to understand ___. Realize that even with all you now know, you don’t really understand. Questioning for Understanding
Explanation Perspective What is the key idea in ______? What are different points of view about _____? What are the examples of ______? How might this look from _____’s perspective? What are the characteristics/parts of ______? How is _____ similar to/different from _____? How did this come about? Why is this so? What are other possible reactions to ______? What caused ___? What are the effects of ____? What are the strengths and weaknesses of ___? How might we prove/confirm/justify ______? What are the limits of ______? How is ______connected to ______? Is the evidence reliable? Sufficient? What might happen if ______? What are common misconceptions about _____? Empathy What would it be like to walk in _____’s shoes? Interpretation How might ______feel about ______? What is the meaning of ______? How might we reach an understanding about __? What are the implications of ______? What was ______trying to make us feel/see? What does ______reveal about ______? How is ______like ______(analogy/metaphor)? Self-Knowledge How does ______relate to me/us? How do I know ______? So what? Why does it matter? What are the limits of my knowledge about ___? What are my blind spots about ______? Application How can I best show ______? How and when can we use this ______How are my views about ______shaped by (knowledge/process)? ____ (experiences, habits, prejudices, or style?) How is ______applied in the larger world? What are my strengths and weaknesses in ___? How might ______help us to ______? How could we use _____ to overcome ______? Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy
Level 1 – Knowledge: Level 5 – Synthesis & Creativity Recalling information: identifying, matching, Restructuring the information to create new stating ideas ideas, products, and concepts Use verbs such as describe, label, identify, name, Use verbs such as devise, compile, design, state, locate, list, define, outline. compose, explain, organize, rearrange, plan, Recall everything you associate with --. combine, show relationships, synthesize. Who is --? What is an example of --? Find a common theme among --. Where did – begin? When did --? Use the techniques of – to do--. What will happen if you combine --? Level 2 – Comprehension: Devise a solution from --. Making sense of information: organizing and Develop a plan for --. selecting ideas – translate, interpret, and Develop a theory to account for --. extrapolate If – is true, then – might be true. Use verbs such as explain, give examples, Modify – to --. summarize, rewrite, paraphrase, convert, Extend ideas on --. distinguish, and predict. Explain --. Summarize --. Predict --. Level 6 – Evaluation Forming judgments, opinions, or decisions based Level 3 – Application on particular standards [criteria] Applying information: using facts, ideas, and Use verbs such as judge, contrast, compare, principles in different contexts evaluate, criticize, justify, draw conclusions. Use verbs such as infer, change, discover, How do you feel about – as opposed to – and operate, predict, relate, show, solve, use, why? manipulate, modify, demonstrate, compute Who/What is right because --? Demonstrate the use of --. The evidence supports --. Interview -- about --. Do you agree with --? Why or why not? How is – an example of --? Prioritize according to --. How is – related to --? What criteria would you use to assess --? Why? Level 4 – Analysis I recommend – because --. Breaking down the information to its component What is the most important/best/safest way to --? parts keeping their relationship to central idea Is – consistent with --? Why? Use verbs such as analyze, break down, Justify --. differentiate, discriminate, illustrate, identify, outline, précis, point out, select, separate, Limitation of Bloom’s Taxonomy subdivide, categorize, classify, distinguish Does a learner progress through all six levels Find similarities/differences between -- & --. when learning a new concept? Classify – according to --. Does learning happen in such sequential stages? Differentiate – from --. Are “higher-order” levels separate from the What assumptions are necessary for – to be true? “lower-order” levels to the extent the taxonomy What distinguishes – from --? indicates? Do all learners experience cognitive learning in the same way? Can levels be described without attention to the context in which they take place? Can it lead to teaching that causes knowledge to fragment? Multiple Taxonomies for Multiple Intelligence [David Lazear]
Visual – Bodily – Logical – Musical – Verbal – Naturalist Interpersonal Intrapersonal Specific Kinaesthetic Mathematical Rhythmic Linguistic Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence
Effective Effective use of Disciplined use of Response to & management of Creation of Expression of Application- language as a formal recognition of Use of effective the internal III. abstract & ideas, thoughts, oriented formal system taxonomies from auditory stimuli group dynamics aspects of one’s Higher Order symbolic feelings using a mathematical (e.g. grammar, biology, in the external (e.g. building being (e.g. Level representations of full range of skills & abilities; syntax, etc.); chemistry, world; consensus, team expanded learning, movements (e.g. knowing what expansion of geology, etc. to mimicking, bonding, etc.); an introspection, reflections, & gestures, facial thinking skills & language Higher – Order understand, copying, & appreciation for metacognition, insights using expressions, patterns to use in comprehension Thinking & interact with & reproducing individual & self-analysis, both external & postures, dance, a variety of (e.g. genre of Reasoning appropriately use sounds, tones, cultural diversity mindfulness, & internal imagery drama, etc.) situations writing & the natural world beats, & music ability to alter speaking) ones awareness)
Utilization of the Utilization of Ability to “step Utilization of a Understanding & skills of visual Performance of Use of formal music, tones, outside of complex Use of language use of representation standard systems for rhythms, beats, oneself” & be repertoire of as creative self- collaborative II. (e.g. drawing, mathematical classifying the sounds, aware of internal physical skills & expression skills (a.k.a. Complex Level painting, calculations & natural world & vibrational states of being coordinated through writing & social skills) sculpting) & inner effective use of a use of precise patterns as a (e.g. feelings, movements to speaking; the necessary for imagery (e.g. variety of methods for formal system to thoughts, Analyzing and physically ability to interpret working with visualization & problem-solving investigating communicate questions about Processing “embody” one’s thoughts & others as an active processes & nature (e.g. the ideas, insight, values & learning & learning to others effective member imagination thinking skills scientific method) concepts, & meaning, self inquiry of a group or team processes feelings esteem)
Curiosity about Response to & Fundamental Use of Rudimentary Concrete pattern the natural world recognition of person-to-person Curiosity about Reproduction of intentional, “self- language arts recognition including auditory stimuli relating skills oneself & world, I. objects, colours, programmed” capacities (e.g. (sequencing, intuitive, informal in the external including development of Basic Level shapes, textures, movements (as simple reading, counting, etc.) & schemes of world; communication & simple self- pictures, patterns, opposed to writing, & the ability to do categorization mimicking, acceptance of awareness; and images random & speaking) to Gathering and simple abstract (e.g. something is copying, & others; the experiments in observed in the “automatic”) to communicate Understanding thinking based on “dog-like”, reproducing building of independence external world accomplish a task one’s thoughts & objects “flower-like”, sounds, tones, friendships from others or achieve a goal needs etc.) beats, & music beyond the family Multiple Intelligence
Review this resource: http://www.thomasarmstrong.com/multiple_intelligences.htm
Multiple Intelligence
Review this resource on rubrics as an assessment tool: http://teacher.scholastic.com/professional/assessment/roomforubrics.htm