Please Treat This Letter As an INVOICE for Your Accounts
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Chairman:- Secretary:- Mr. Richard Tabor, Mrs. Janet Arm, 17 Bax Close, Redleaf Nursery, Cranleigh, Green Lane, Surrey. Tilford, Farnham GU6 7NB GU10 2AP Tel: 01483-277494 Tel: 01252-783133 Email: [email protected] Email:[email protected]
Dear Club Secretary and Treasurer, INVOICE - 2017 SUBSCRIPTION
Your subscription for the Federation is due on the 1st January 2017, and we are pleased to announce that this has yet again been held at £10.00 per club. Any further donations are, as usual, more than welcome! BACS details: Surrey Horticultural Federation SUBSCRIPTION .. .. £10. 00 per club Sort Code: 30-99-80 A/C No: 00695177 Please use your club name as Reference. DONATION .. .. ______(Optional) OR Cheques payable to: Surrey Horticultural Federation PAYMENT .. .. ______If paying by BACS, please email or post the form below to Secretary Janet Arm. DATA PROTECTION: Many thanks for your help in enabling us to compile a club list – a copy of which can be sent on request. NO details will be sent to outside companies or organisations.
Please detach and send the form below to the SHF Secretary, together with a copy of your 2017 programme so that your events can be published in the Newsletters. You can also download a template from our website which is and return it so that we can get your events on the web a.s.a.p.
Name of CLUB or SOCIETY……………………………...…….…….….……… Subscription £ 10. 00 Donation £______
Total Payment (BACS ...... or CHEQUE...... ) £ ______
Secretary /Main Contact. Existing clubs if no change please just tick here ...... Post Code...... Telephone...... Email......
Does your club have a website? If so, web address:-...... ( ) Tick if you do not wish these details to be made available to other clubs in the Surrey Horticultural Federation. If you wish the newsletters to be emailed to above please tick: ...... OR posted ...... OR send Email copy to an alternative email address as:...... (Please have email copy if possible as it saves postage!)
PLEASE COMPLETE:- We would like to take part in the 2017 Quiz. Yes ...... No ...... Maybe ......