Format of Curriculum Vitae (Cv) for Proposed Professional Staff

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Format of Curriculum Vitae (Cv) for Proposed Professional Staff


Position: Manager, Integrated River Basin Management Division

Name of Firm: International Office for Water

Name of Staff: Alain BERNARD

Profession: Engineer

Date of Birth: 12th January 1967

Years with Firm/Entity: 11 Nationality: French

Key Qualifications:

o Integrated Water Resources Management : from concepts to application; o Legal and institutional issues for setting up river basin organizations adapted to local contexts; o Transboundary river basin Authorities or Commissions; o European Water Framework Directive; o Strategic and operational planning instruments; o Implementation of financial tools such as “polluter-pays” and “user-pays” principles; o Conception of industrial pollution control programs; o Training and awareness raising of basin executives and users; o Project manager.


M. Sc. Engineering degree from the Ecole des Mines d’Alès (1989) – Environmental Option

Employment Record:

Present position : Manager, Integrated River Basin Management Division Sophia Antipolis – France (from January 1995) International Office for Water

Managing international cooperation programs and projects

1991 – 1994 Engineer in charge of activities in chemical industries, mainly located on the industrial area of Le Havre – Port Jérôme Member of a national steering group on Prevention of Accidental Pollution in Industry Seine Normandy Water Agency Paris – France

1990 – 1991 Engineer in charge of technical assistance and law enforcement for industrial installations Regional Directorate for Industry, Research and Environment (DRIRE) French Ministry of Environment Paris – France

1989 – 1990 Engineer in charge of industrial development Regional Directorate for Industry, Research and Environment (DRIRE) French Ministry of Environment Resident in Pointe à Pitre (Guadeloupe)

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Updated : March 2005 Page 1/5 Relevant experience over the last ten years :

From January to December 2002

Expert for UNDP (United Nations Development Program) and for Caixa Economica Federal (Brazilian Development Bank): Technical Manager of a basin organization: the Consorcio Intermunicipal do Vale do Jiquiriça (Bahia – Brazil).


Country Clients Year Public Secretariat for Brazil 65 Brazilian decision-makers from different States of the Water Resources/ (Espirito Santo 1999 country - Management of transboundary rivers Brazilian Ministry Vitoria) 15 men / day of the Environment Costa Rica French Regional 30 decision-makers from Central America. 1998 (San José) Cooperation 20 men / day Foundation for the Brazil 40 Brazilian, Mexican, Uruguayan and Central American Environment of (Mato Grosso 1998 decision-makers Mato Grosso Cuiaba) 15 men / day (FEMA) Secretariat for Brazil Water Resources/ 40 decision-makers from all Brazilian States 1997 (Rio) Brazilian Ministry 20 men / day of the Environment 20 executives from Ministry of Public Works Indonesia French Ministry for 1995 15 men / day (Sanur) the Environment French Cooperation Integrated water resource management, France Comisión Nacional 1995 13 Mexican executives from National Water Commission (Lyon) del Agua (CNA) – 20 men / day


Country Organization Years Position Description Deputy Mexico, Spain, International Network of Permanent Brazil, France, 2005 Organization of General Assemblies Basin Organizations Technical Poland, Quebec 1996 and facilitator for workshops (INBO) Secretary of and Japan INBO African Network of Basin 2005-09-13 Organization of General Assemblies Senegal, Niger Expert Organizations (ANBO) 2003 and facilitator for workshops Colombia, Costa Latin American Network of Rica, 1998 Organization of General Assemblies Basin Organizations Expert Guatemala, 1996 and facilitator for workshops (LANBO) Argentina

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Updated : March 2005 Page 2/5 ASSIGNMENTS ABROAD

Country Clients Year Position Description Africa, Europe, Co-ordination of TwinBasin Project, aiming Asia, 2007 Project at fostering twinnings between basin European Commission Latin 2004 Manager organizations, in order to promote IWRM America practises (400 man / day) Formulation of cooperation projects – French Cooperation 2005 Project Brazil Technical assistance on IWRM and Water ANA - MMA 2002 Manager Framework Directive (90 m/d) Assistance on legal and institutional Burkina French Cooperation Project formulation of a Basin Authority for Volta (Volta River 2005 CEDEAO Manager transboundary basin Basin) 6 countries (25 m/d) Leading of European Union Water Initiative French Cooperation and Project Africa 2004 on Transboundary Rivers in Africa European Commission Manager 5 pilot basins (65 m/d)

Niger and World Bank Institutional and organisational audit of Project Cameroo Niger Basin Authority 2003 - 2004 NBA. Proposals for reforming. Manager n (NBA) (45 m/d)

World Bank Technical assistance for creating river basin Sri Lanka Mahaweli Authority 2003 Expert organisations in Sri Lanka ; On-the-job (Colombo) (MASL) training (30 m/d)

Mexico French Cooperation Technical and methodological assistance for 2003 Project (Mexico) Comisión Nacional del the development of planning tools for water 2000 Manager Agua (CNA) resource management (30 m/day)

Chile French Cooperation 2002 Design of a project for a Chilean Training (Santiago) Ministerio de Obras Expert Center for water professions (40 m/d) Publicas (MOP) - INH

Technical assistance with the project for Brazil World Bank 2002 Expert modernisation of water resource (Ceara – Fortaleza) management in Ceára State (30 m/d) TACIS (Technical Formulation of a strategy for the control of Russia Assistance to the Expert 2001 industrial pollution in a pilot river basin (Moscow) Community of Independent (20 m/d) States) – European Union Transposition of European Directives Slovenia European Union European 2001 Preparation of Master Plans and economic (Ljubljana) Expert aspects (7 m/d)

Transposition of European Directives European Community Hungary European related to the control of industrial pollution: Twinning arrangements 2000 (Budapest) Expert institutional and methodological proposals (40 m/d)

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Updated : March 2005 Page 3/5 Feasibility study for a Training Center for Brazilian Ministry for the 2002 Project Brazil Water and Sanitation Professions in Brazil Environment (MMA) 2001 Manager (40 m/d)

Expert's assignment on integrated water Central America 2001 Project resource management and organization of (6 Spanish French Cooperation 1997 Manager drinking water supply and sanitation speaking countries) utilities (50 m/d)

Directing a cooperation program with Venezuela 2001 Project HIDROVEN on decentralisation, (Caracas) French Cooperation Hidroven 1999 Manager public/private partnership and organisation of the training of personnel (30 m/d)

Brazilian Ministry for the Expert's assignment for CIVJ: institutional Brazil 2000 Project Environment (SRH) and organization and planning methods (Bahia – Salvador) 1999 Manager Inter-municipal Consortium (90 m/d) of Jiquiriçá River Valley

Institutional reforms for management of Brazil The World Bank 2001 Expert Alto Iguazu river basin –financial, planning (Parana – Curitiba) Secretaria do Planejamento 1999 and training topics (90 m/d).

Bolivia Analysis of water law draft – Expert's (La Paz – French Cooperation 1998 Expert assignment for water resource management Cochabamba) (5 m/d) Evaluation of bilateral cooperation Peru French Cooperation 1998 Expert programs on Rimac river basin management (Lima) (7 m/d)

Market study for NWRI : expert's assignment and training: industrial pollution French Cooperation Nigeria control National Water Resources 1997 Expert (Kaduna) Seminar and study assignment on the Institute (NWRI) setting up of integrated water resource management (45 m/d)

Managing an inter-ministry working session Kazakhstan French Cooperation 1997 Project on the prospects of integrated management (Almaty) 1996 Manager of the Irtysh river basin (m/d)

Seminar on the conditions necessary for adapting the French experience in water Mauritius French Cooperation 1996 Expert management to the context of Mauritius (15 m/d)

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Updated : March 2005 Page 4/5 Country Clients Year Position Description

French Cooperation Preparation of an institutional organization Project Burkina Faso 1996 proposal for Nakanbé / White Volta Ministry of Water Manager (Ouagadougou) integrated management (45 m/d) Resources

French Cooperation Expert's assignment for improvement of South Africa 1995 Expert water resource management practises (Pretoria) Ministry of Water (20 m/d) Resources

Turkey French Cooperation French Turkish seminar on water resource (Ankara) 1995 Project management. Preparation of a cooperation Turkish Ministry for the Manager program for Aegean rivers pilot basin (45 Environment –DSI m/d)

French Cooperation Senegal (Dakar) Assistance with creation of the Agency for Organization for the the Management of Common 1995 Expert Mauritania Development of the Infrastructures on Senegal River (Rosso) Senegal River (OMVS) (45 m/d)

Bulgaria Preparation of a program for legal and European Community (Sofia - Veliko 1995 Expert institutional assistance with water resource PHARE Program Tarnovo) management (8 m/d) French Cooperation Preparation of a cooperation program for Kenya Ministry of Water 1995 Expert the creation of a pilot water agency (Nairobi) Resources (20 m/d) French Cooperation Directing of a French Indian seminar on the India Ministry of Water 1994 Expert possibility of applying a river basin (New Dehli) Resources management system (15 m/d) Peru Directing of a French Peruvian seminar on (Lima ; Huaraz) French Co-operation 1994 Expert river basin management (15 m/d)


French : Mother tongue Speaking Reading Writing English Excellent Excellent Excellent Spanish Excellent Excellent Excellent Portuguese Excellent Excellent Excellent

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