Parent agreement for use of iPads Mini’s

Terms and Conditions

By signing this agreement you are agreeing to abide by the following Terms and Conditions;

 We/I agree to pay the school an annual insurance fee of £19 in advance of collection.

 We/I will ensure that the iPad mini provided for my child by the school will be used solely by my child for school activities ONLY.

 We/I will ensure that our child does not access sites/apps/unapproved social network sites from the iPad mini.

 We/I will make every effort to ensure the correct storage and use is conducted whilst in our care.

 We/I accept that accidental damage, loss of, water damage, theft, must be reported to the school immediately.

 We/I acknowledge that the school will from time to time carry out random checks and monitor the use of the iPad mini and if seen fit will remove .

 We/I will ensure that the iPad mini comes to school daily fully charged.

 When requested by the school we/I will return the iPad mini in good working order.

 We/I will not undertake any repairs or alterations to the iPad mini hardware or software configuration.

 We/I will inform the school of any technical problems that my child’s iPad mini experiences.

 We/I understand that all iPad mini technical faults are managed by the school technician ONLY.

 We/I agree to pay the school for any damage or loss of iPad charging adapter or USB cable or iPad Case (whichever may apply). Please note: Charging adapters, USB Cables and iPad Cases are not covered by insurance. School will not accept aftermarket or alternative item as a replacement. Charging adapter cost £15, USB Cable cost £10 and iPad Case cost £20.

Pupil’s Name………………………………………………………………………….… iPad Serial Number…………………………..………Charger Number.……..……..

Signed………………………… Parent/Guardian Date………………

Signed ………………………… Class teacher Date………………