The Anglican Church of St

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The Anglican Church of St

The Anglican Church of St. Nicholas 1512 Kingston Road, Toronto, Ontario, M1N 1R7 416–691–0449 To contact the wardens directly, email: [email protected] Prayers for the Week “Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering persevere in prayer.” Rom 12: 12

The world: For all those suffering in the midst of war, civil unrest or disaster Nick’s News – Please take this home The Global Church: The Church in North India November 6th 2016 The Feast of All Saints The Diocese: Council of General Synod and the Provincial We warmly welcome those who are visiting with us today. Please Executive introduce yourself to the clergy, fill out the “Newcomer/Visitor” Information Ministerial: Fallingbrook Presbyterian Church form (on the back of this bulletin) and place it in the offertory plate. Please Parish Ministries: The ministry of our Church School Teachers & also join us for refreshments following the 10:30 am service. Children The Rev’d. Janet Read-Hockin is available for conversations Parish Families: Mavis Hristow, Lloyd Hughes & Martha Klopp, about life or faith, and to respond to concerns, rumours, pastoral Karen Inselsbacher, Brian Todd, Ben, Marilyn and situations and pastoral emergencies. Please don’t hesitate to Rebecca contact her via email at [email protected] or by calling the church office at 416-691-0449 ext. 223 or in the case of a Special Prayer: We pray for the United States and for their upcoming Presidential election Please note: LARGE PRINT bulletins and Announcements The sick or those in need: Julie, Jean, Bill, Gary, Mary, Doug, sheets for are available at the back of the Church. Harold, Eileen, Brian, Bill, Vivienne, James & Jan, Jodi, Mabel, Bill, Vern, Marie-Luise, the McLean family, The Abdulmajid Family Ann all those living with chronic problems, our housebound parishioners and This Week at St. Nicholas their caregivers TODAY 12:15 p.m. Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 8:45 a.m. Morning Prayer Prayer Chain Prayers – If you desire prayers for yourself, family, or 11:00 a.m. Community Lunch friends, please contact the prayer chain. Members of the prayer Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist chain will uphold your name(s) in daily prayer for 30 days. Please Thursday 8:45 a.m. Morning Prayer contact ElaineV ISITORSFisher ARE at 416-281-9659WELCOME TO ST. NPleaseICHOLAS note that the 10:00 a.m. Service at Retirement Suites (Canon Ifnames you upheld are new within to the our Prayer parish, Chain or are you confidential. are visiting, If you please would Noseworthy) completelike a name this added form to andthe Parishplace Intercessions,it on the Offering please plate, contact or the give 7:30 p.m. Choir Practice itChurch to one Office. of the Sidespeople at the back of the church. Thank Friday REMEMBRANCE DAY Saturday 9:00 a.m. Parish Breakfast you for your presence. Sunday REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY □ Yes, I would like more information about St. Nicholas 8:30 a.m. Said Eucharist □ Yes, I would like to receive a call / visit from the Clergy 10:30 a.m. Sung Eucharist

□ Yes, I would like to financially support the ongoing ministry of the Parish Readings for Sunday November 13 Remembrance Sunday Name______Micah 4: 1-5 Psalm 46 Matthew 5: 1-12 Address______Notes about our Worship Service Postal Code______Phone#______e-mail address ______Gluten free wafers are available for communion. To indicate your and December 6th. If you can help with this initiative, please contact need, please pick up a purple card from a sidesperson. With the Sonia at [email protected] Thank you. purple card in your hand at the altar rail, the communion minister will know that you require a gluten free wafer. Joan Wright is showing 2 works of botanical art in an online virtual All baptized Christians, regardless of denomination or age, are exhibition on the Botanical Artists of Canada website from October 26 – invited to receive Communion in the Anglican Church. If you do not November 13. Well done Joan! (The website address is: wish to receive the bread and wine, please come to the Altar, and cross your arms over your chest to receive a blessing. exhibition.aspx ) The Offertory: During the Offertory, we offer many things to God. We offer the bread and wine of the Eucharist. We also offer ourselves Thank you to Pauline Glasgow who has coordinated the Men’s —our cares and concerns, our joys and our sorrows, our time, our Cooking and Support Group, with the The Alzheimer’s Society, talent, and our treasure. and to Reg & Bonnie McRae, Sue Hill, Katherine Ferrante, and Freda Children are welcome at St. Nicholas’! Children are invited to Matthews. attend our Church School Program downstairs during the 10:30am Educational Opportunity…open to all…Living the Questions service. Activity bags for children are available church or from the th sidespeople Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. November 30 , December 7th and 14th Looking Ahead Living the Questions is an open-minded alternative to studies that attempt to give participants all the answers. Instead, the program November 10 Area Bishop Company’s Dinner at Dragon Legend strives to create an environment where participants can respectfully November 15 Prayer Chain Meeting interact with one another in exploring some of the challenging November 17 Service at Chester Village questions that emerge within the Christian Faith. For more info, November 22 Adult Community Lunch November please email [email protected] Flu Shot Clinic from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. in Robinson Hall November 24 Bus Trip to St. Jacobs Bazaar Thank You! November 25 Women’s Advent Quiet Day November 26 Family Friendly Fellowship A special thank you to Elizabeth Glasgow, Julia Hanson, Karen November 27 Advent Wreath Making at Coffee Hour Inselsbacher, Brian Jones and Suzanne Lehtinen, who have been November 30 Adult Education: Living the Questions our Bazaar Coordinators this year, and have worked so hard to ensure December 10 Family Christmas Dinner Party December 11 Service of Lessons & Carols at 4 p.m. another successful Bazaar. December 18 The Amazing Christmas Feast As much as Suzanne, Brian, Karen, Julia, and Elizabeth, have done to make our Bazaar a success, so too have most of the members of this Today, as we celebrate The Feast of All Saints you are invited to parish family. Knitting, sewing, baking, crafting, preserving, candy- offer the names of those who have died, and are close to your heart, making, as well as setting up, decorating, making phone calls, posting whom you would like to have remembered. Please add the individual flyers, are some of the many things done by many parishioners, that names to the list at the back of the church. The written names will be have contributed to our successful day. presented as part of the offertory today. On Wednesday November 9 th during our midweek service the written names will be read aloud. The Church Calendars for 2017 have arrived. The format of them has changed considerably this year. Where there used to be photos of The Women’s Advent Quiet Day is back! Friday November 25 Church buildings each month, there are now messages with a photo will be the date. A sign up Sheet is on the Manderley Bulletin highlighting the good work the Anglican Church of Canada and the Board. The speaker at this year’s event is Freda Gearing. There Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada are doing throughout the world will be more information in the coming weeks. in responding to need, and proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ in The Adult Community Lunch and Fellowship continues every second action. The format of the actual calendar part is changed as well. If the Tuesday until the end of May. The next lunches are November 8th, 22nd new format is not going to be popular, and fewer people want to buy these calendars, we need to know as soon as possible so we can return them. Please see Janet Baron at coffee hour today to have a look, and let her know what you think.

Our Remembrance Sunday Service will be held next Sunday, November 13th. To help us in our act of remembrance, please bring a photo or keepsake of your family members or friends who have served, or are serving, in the Armed Forces. A display table will be placed in the East Transept, and small index cards will be provided so that you can note the name of the individual and their relationship to you.

FAMILY FRIENDLY FELLOWSHIP & SUPPER – SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH FROM 5-7 P.M. This lively, relaxed and interactive Family Service followed by a “kid friendly” meal in Robinson Hall is open to everyone. If you would like to contribute food for the supper, please speak to Julia Hanson 416 264-2169 or [email protected]. Please mark your calendar with future Saturday dates: January 28th.

Christmas Choir – Calling all secret singers! In the life of a choir, it’s Christmas time. At least it’s time to start practicing music for the Christmas season! We have begun to prepare for our Annual Service of Lessons and Carols on Sunday December 11th at 4:00p.m. and we would love to have some ‘extra help’. If you would like to join the choir for this special service, (or even longer), please speak to our Director of Music, Richard, or one of the choir members. We will begin rehearsing the first week of November on Thursday nights beginning at 7:30 p.m. You won’t have to stay for the whole practice, but at least the first hour when we will be working on the carol service music.

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