Building TAG Plan 2016-2018 Page 1
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Building TAG Plan 2016-2018 Page 1 Due to the PPS TAG Office and your Regional Administrator on January 4, 2016
Sellwood Middle School Brian Anderson Principal Lisa Souther TAG Coordinator
FOCUS: Acknowledgement of TAG Identified Students Expected Completion Date or Action Documentation Check Point This information is maintained in the TAG binder by TAG Method used to ensure all teachers know TAG students enrolled in their class(es): coordinator Assistant Principal prints TAG list and emails to teachers (updates sent if new September and Highlighted class lists are students register throughout the year). January of each year maintained by each Teachers record appropriate TAG identification designation in their grade book teacher in a folder located on their desks or in their grade book
FOCUS: Identification of Students who Perform in the 97th Percentile or Demonstrate the Potential to Perform Expected Completion Date or Action Documentation Check Point School has a discussion about school data and the identification of under-represented and underserved students and develops a plan to identify students, recognize leadership ability and develop talents. Other Documents for discussion: Staff meeting Use Attributes of Talented and Gifted English Learners checklist (Talented and Sign-in Sheets/Agenda Prior to the end of Gifted English Learner form) Kept by TAG coordinator the first quarter Characteristics of Giftedess (doc) Students from Poverty and/or Diverse Cultures (doc) Possible Problems that may be associated with strengths of gifted children (doc) Myths and Truths about gifted students (doc)
Portland Public Schools: Building TAG Plan Revised on 5/8/2018 Building TAG Plan 2016-2018 Page 2 Due to the PPS TAG Office and your Regional Administrator on January 4, 2016
The principal will ensure teachers are nominating students from underrepresented Nomination sheets populations in the following manner: maintained in TAG Being familiar with the characteristics to notice a student who should be binder. Housed with TAG nominated coordinator. Encouraging staff, including ESL and Special Ed. Staff, to nominate students from November underrepresented populations Agenda item on student Reviewing the list of nominated students support team meetings Asking a teacher to nominate a particular student if s/he comes to the attention once a quarter of the administrator while visiting classrooms
Our school will use the following observation tools and/or data in the TAG identification process: Pre-Screening Checklist Attributes of Talented and Gifted English Learners checklist (Talented and Spreadsheet of items Gifted English Learner form) used to ID students Before the end of the Benchmark assessments on easyCBM maintained in TAG first semester SBAC scores for students grade 6-8 binder Pre-assessments Observations Work Samples Standardized test information The building will use the following procedures throughout the ID process: Send Parent/Student Surveys home for those already identified Surveys will be Parent/Teacher Nominations (IDPFs) made available maintained in TAG November Collecting work samples, test history and teacher advocacy binder Checking Cum files against TAG list sent by TAG Office TAG Coordinator will coordinate the ID process
FOCUS: TAG Services Expected Completion Date or Action Documentation Check Point
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We determine whether a student needs acceleration in the following way: TAG identified Student Work Samples, SBAC testing, Pre-assessments/post assessments Formative/Summative Ongoing Progress monitoring tools such as the easyCBM Assessments, other Teacher uses formative and summative assessments, work samples, cut teacher data off scores and criteria that are either decided by the district or the building Data from Dashboard, Our process for using data to measure the growth of our TAG students is: report card data, R&E Compare SBAC scores from 5th grade benchmark to 8th grade benchmark for supplied disaggregated TAG students achievement, data, Each Quarter School data PLC tracks data related to all sub-groups including TAG* packets maintained in Track TAG student report card data for grades and comments TAG binder
The following options for acceleration are available at our school: Students access these options in the following manner: “Compacted” 7th Grade Math Master Course schedule, “Compacted” 8th Grade Math, earning high school credit Ongoing student schedules. Advanced Band Spanish 1 & 2 elective, earning high school credit
If a student requires a course beyond what is typically available for that grade or subject Students are enrolled in area, that student can access this course or experience in the following ways: August/September Virtual Scholars in Synergy We offer Geometry through Virtual Scholars
Additional services available for TAG students include: TAG Coordinator will September-June Clubs via PEAK after school program (i.e. Chess, geography club etc.) monitor individual SCRIPPS National Spelling Bee student participation in Saturday Academy extra-curricular Portland Public Schools: Building TAG Plan Revised on 5/8/2018 Building TAG Plan 2016-2018 Page 4 Due to the PPS TAG Office and your Regional Administrator on January 4, 2016
Oregon Writing Fair Peer Helpers Student Council Other before/after school activities activities The students access these services in the following manner: TAG bulletin board PEAK offerings and registration process The administrator(s) ensures the use of differentiated strategies, rigorous course work, and instruction provided at the appropriate rate and level in the following ways: Reviewing teacher lesson plans Teacher goal conference Classroom Observations and Walk-Throughs documents, evaluation Ongoing Staff Professional Development documents, lesson plans Teacher Goal-Setting Teacher Evaluation Process
FOCUS: Responsibilities of TAG Coordinator Expected Completion Date or Action Documentation Check Point The administrator ensures the TAG Facilitator is trained and familiar with the requirements of the TAG Facilitator Job Description, which include mandatory attendance at TAG sponsored PD and coordinating the ID process in the school, in the following manner: Meeting Agendas and Ongoing TAG Coordinator will attend District sponsored trainings Checklists TAG Coordinator will meet with the assistant principal once a month TAG Coordinator will facilitate the staff meetings where TAG policy, identification, and strategies are discussed
FOCUS: Professional Development
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Expected Completion Date or Action Documentation Check Point A quarterly PD schedule is provided that demonstrates when each of the following is include in the school’s professional development plan: flexible grouping, Rigor in the classroom, assessments to inform instruction, increased use of mathematical practices and instructional shifts, increased text complexity and text-based questions
flexible grouping Rigor and Relevance in the classroom (Quad D experiences) assessments to inform instruction 10/06, 11/03, 02/02, Increased use of mathematical practices and instructional shifts Meeting Agendas 03/08, 05/03. increased text complexity and text-based questions Attendance
These strategies will be integrated into our school professional development plan or school improvement plan in the following ways: (CCSS Implementation, Equity Work,) CCSS Implementation PLC’s Equity Work PLC’s Implementation of the Rigor and Relevance Frameworks Quad D instructional experiences Administrator(s)//Teachers will use their staff meetings, collaborative planning times, or team planning times to integrate these strategies into their instruction in the following manner: PLC protocols ongoing Examine student work Meeting notes Share/dialogue about experiences with various instructional strategies
FOCUS: Communication Expected Completion Date or Action Documentation Check Point
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Teachers communicate the differentiation strategies they’re implementing in their classrooms in the following ways: Course syllabi are kept in Back to School Night – Teachers share their instructional strategies on how they a binder in the assistant meet students’ needs in rate and level. principal’s office Sept./Oct./Nov. For High-School level courses, syllabi are completed by the teacher and TAG parent meeting distributed to parents (also posted online) sign-in sheet Parent Conferences The administrator uses the school newsletter to communicate with families about TAG in the following ways: Upcoming dates Sample Newsletters Strategies used in the classrooms maintained in TAG ongoing Services available for TAG students Binder References to TAG plan Highlights of student work TAG Bulletin Board will be available for parents to read on the first day of school and will remain posted throughout the year. It will include a copy of the Building TAG Plan, current ID Process forms and other relevant information in languages represented in the Bulletin board ongoing school community when available. The TAG Bulletin Board will be maintained by: Principal’s secretary and TAG Coordinator A Fall TAG parent meeting will be held before 10/31. Details include: Parent rights and responsibilities Parent meeting Review and input into TAG plan Agenda/Power Point and October Enrichment Opportunities outlined sign-in sheets Resources Parent/teacher will sign a form at Parent-Teacher Conferences that indicates parents Signed parent forms filed have had the opportunity to offer input into and review the school’s plan for meeting a with content area November student’s rate and level. If an individual plan is written, a copy of the individual plan will teachers be placed in the student’s salmon folder.
Portland Public Schools: Building TAG Plan Revised on 5/8/2018 Building TAG Plan 2016-2018 Page 7 Due to the PPS TAG Office and your Regional Administrator on January 4, 2016
Our families will have the following opportunity(ies) to evaluate our TAG services: TAG Parent Meeting Back to School Night sign-in sheet and agenda. TAG Fall Parent Meeting September -June Parent Surveys Parent/Teacher Conferences If parents have concerns about their child’s TAG services they will have the following Documentation of parent opportunities (process) to inform the school: concerns will be kept on Parents are encouraged to contact the teachers and the TAG coordinator. a log sheet by the Ongoing If additional concerns need to be addressed after contacting the teachers and teacher, administration, the coordinator, the parent should contact the designated school and TAG coordinator
Submitted ______Received ______Approved ______
Portland Public Schools: Building TAG Plan Revised on 5/8/2018