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SHIREEN HYRAPIET, PhD 2160 NW Janssen Street, #4
717.333.6761 Corvallis, OR 97330
s h i r e en .h y r a p i et @ o r eg o n s t a t e . e du
Instructor of Geography College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Oregon State University
PhD, Geography
2012 Oklahoma State University (OSU), Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA Dissertation Title: Ghosts of the Past or Relics of the Future? A Geographical Analysis of the Hand-Pulled Rickshaw Profession in Calcutta, India
MS, Fire and Emergency Management Administration
2006 Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA Thesis Title: Emergent Phenomena in India after the Indian Ocean Tsunami
BA, Geography
2003 Millersville University of Pennsylvania (MU), Pennsylvania, USA Minor: Environmental Hazards and Emergency Management
BS, Geography Honors
2000 Loreto College, Calcutta, India
Greiner, Alyson & Shireen Hyrapiet (Expected 2016). The Visual Language of National Geographic. In Changing World Language Map, edited by Stan Bruhn. (In preparation for submission)
Hyrapiet, Shireen, Vadjunec J. & Greiner (Expected 2016), A. Banned but still in operation: The Contested Terrain of the hand-pulled rickshaws in Calcutta. (In preparation for submission to Geojournal)
Hyrapiet, Shireen (Expected 2016). Calcutta’s Image Change: The Construction of Ambiguity and In Betweenness of the Hand-Pulled Rickshaws (In preparation for submission to International Journal of Urban and Regional Research) Hyrapiet, Shireen (2015). Lost in Translation: Place and Meaning-Making Among Kolkata’s Rickshaw Wallahs. Journal of Creative Geography, Issue XVIII: Translation
Hyrapiet, Shireen, & Greiner, A (2012). Calcutta’s Hand-Pulled Rickshaws: Cultural Politics and Place Making in a Globalizing City. Geographical Review, 102, 407-426.
Phillips, Brenda, Dave Neal, Thomas Wikle, Aswin Subanthore & Shireen Hyrapiet (2008) Mass fatality management after the Indian Ocean tsunami. Disaster Prevention and Management, 17, 681-697.
4/10/16 REVIEWER
Journal of Cultural Geography
PhD Candidates: Committee Member Andrew Tanner (2013-present) Melva Trevino-Peña (2014- present) Julie Watson (2015)
Masters Candidates: Committee Member Dacotah V. Splichal (2015 –present)
Master’s (Geography Minor): Advisor Kim Wesseler (2015 – present)
Undergraduate Honors Thesis: Committee Member Jenna L. Wiegand, 2015 Kim Preston, 2015
First Annual Faculty Symposium & AAC&U Centennial Dialogue on Inclusive Excellence (November 20, 2015). Oregon State University.
Dine and Discuss: Teaching in the US (November 18, 2015). Arranged by The Division of International Programs and the Center for Teaching and Learning. Oregon State University.
Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR) Workshop (May 5 – 19, 2015). Arranged by Ecampus, Oregon State University.
Ecampus Faculty Lunch Series, Developing a Deeper Relationship with Canvas (April 30, 2015). Organized by the Center for Teaching and Learning and Ecampus, Oregon State University.
Ecampus Faculty Forum (April, 15, 2015). Organized by Ecampus at CH2M Hill Alumni Center, Oregon State University
Service-learning and Community Engagement Symposium (February 13, 2015). Oregon State University
Actively Engaging Students in an Online Course - Workshop (May 19 – June 6, 2014). Faculty and Course Development Training, ECampus - Oregon State University.
Spatial Thinking and Web-Mapping Mastery Series Workshop (March 21 – May 23, 2014). Arranged by The Sloan Consortium and funded by Oregon State University Ecampus, Distance Education Professional Development Grant
Hybrid Course Development Pilot Program (Spring 2014). Arranged by the Center for Teaching and Learning, Oregon State University
Spring 2014 Teaching Symposium (May 22, 2014). “Defining teaching excellence, the evaluation of teaching, and how to best support international students’ success.” Organized by the Center for Teaching and Learning, Oregon State University
Ecampus Faculty Lunch Series (February 13, 2014). Online webinar organized by the Center for Teaching and Learning, Oregon State University
4/10/16 Using Social Media in the Classroom (November 29, 2012). Organized by Technology across the Curriculum, Oregon State University
Principal Investigator, ($5,000) Baccalaureate Core Assessment by the Office of Academic Programs, Assessment and Accreditation at Oregon State University Project title: A ss es s me n t o f C o n tempor a r y G l o bal I ssu es a n d S cie n c e , T e c h n o l o g y, an d So ciety
Ba cca lau reat e Co r e Co urs e s i n the C o ll ege o f Ea rt h , O cea n i c an d Atmos p he r i c Sc i enc es Geography Graduate Program Conference Travel Grant ($500) from the Department of Geography, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA (2010)
Graduate College Summer Research Fellowship ($2000), Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma (2010)
Principal Investigator, Personal Grant ($13,000) from Armenian Church, Calcutta, India, (2005) Project: E m e r g e n t p h e n o m e n a a fter t h e I n di a n O c ean Tsu n a m i , D e c e m b e r 26 , 2004 .
“Re-reading National Geographic: What’s it really saying?” Geography, Environmental Sciences, and Marine Resources Research Seminar, Fall 2015. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
“Place-making in Kolkata: A Geographic Analysis of the Hand-Pulled Rickshaws.” Geography, Environmental Sciences, and Marine Resources Research Seminar, Fall 2014. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
“Assessment of Contemporary Global Issues and Science, Technology, and Society Baccalaureate Core Courses in the College of Earth, Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences.” Assessment Academy, Baccalaureate Core January, 24, 2013 by the Office of Academic Programs, Assessment and Accreditation at Oregon State University.
Paper Presentation: “Calcutta’s Hand-Pulled Rickshaws: Cultural Politics and Place Making in a Globalizing City.” Geography, Environmental Sciences, and Marine Resources Research Seminar, Winter 2013. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
Paper Presentation: “Ghosts of the Past or Relics of the Future? A Geographical Analysis of the Hand-Pulled Rickshaws of Calcutta.” Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Seattle, April 12 – 16, 2011. Session” Urban Spaces of the Global South: Moving past the developmentalist framework. A focus on cities of India.
Paper Presentation: “An Urban Anachronism or a Cultural Utility? A Geographical Analysis of the Hand-Pulled Rickshaws of Calcutta”. 22nd Annual Research Symposium, Oklahoma State University, February 25, 2011.
(Non-presenting author) Paper Presentation: “The Boiling Ocean: Deathscapes associated with the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami in southeastern India”. Paper presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. March 10, 2006. Chicago, IL, USA. Aswin Subanthore, Thomas A. Wikle, Brenda
D. Phillips, David M. Neal, Shireen Hyrapiet.
4/10/16 (Non-presenting author) Paper Presentation: “Black Water: mass fatality management after the Indian Ocean Tsunami.” International Sociological Association, Durban, South Africa, 2006. Brenda Phillips, Dave Neal, Tom Wikle, Shireen Hyrapiet and Aswin Subanthore
Poster Presentation: “Emergent Phenomena in India after the Indian Ocean Tsunami”. 17th Annual Research Symposium, Oklahoma State University, February 24, 2006. Shireen Hyrapiet, Dr. Brenda Phillips, Dr. Dave Neal, Dr. Tom Wikle, and Aswin Subanthore.
(Non-presenting author) "Mass Fatality Management after the Indian Ocean Tsunami, Nagapattinam, India." Presented at the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management, Wellington, New Zealand, August 12, 2005. Brenda Phillips, David M. Neal, Tom Wikle, Aswin Subanthore, Shireen Hyrapiet
My research projects have been based in the Indian Sub-Continent and include the Indian Ocean Tsunami Disaster of 2004 and the eradication of the hand-pulled rickshaws from Calcutta. As part of my Masters’ thesis I was a member of a team of researchers who were funded by the National Science Foundation to examine the organizational response in the post-tsunami disaster phase. Our study on mass fatality management immediately following a disaster of the magnitude of the tsunami, was the first of its kind in nearly 30 years. We found that the body handling and recovery effort was expedited due to pre-existing social networks, experience with disasters, and establish networks between government and non-government organizations. My thesis focused on the emergent nature of disaster response and the concurrent organizational hierarchy which emerged to respond to a disaster of the magnitude of the tsunami. I found that the ad-hoc structures proved to be extremely efficient at body handling, response and recovery; findings that are valuable for emergency response plans and policy making. My dissertation research is focused in Calcutta, India and seeks to use the theories of cultural and urban geography as well as cultural and political ecology to investigate a ban placed on the hand-pulled rickshaws and the resultant consequences. My analysis suggests that the rickshaw pullers are being targeted because of their ethnicity, yet they make a significant contribution to the social, cultural, and urban life of Calcutta. My analysis of this issue comes at a critical time for the city juxtaposed between development initiatives on the one hand, and the question of equity, human rights, and livelihood of marginalized groups on the other. My research agenda aims to ensure that unrepresented groups within India are included in the policy-making processes. This framework of understanding of the hand-pulled rickshaw issue is pertinent for informal economies and urban change in the developed and developing worlds. My work on the rickshaws was mentioned in the Sunday New York Times, July 3, 2014.
2016 – Guest Speaker (January 28) SEEDS Professional Mentors: Diversity Graduates and Friends of the OSU College of Forestry. Oregon State University.
2015 – Panelist – “Geography as an Intercultural and International Discipline”, Geography Day (May 11, 2015). College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University.
2015 – Panelist – Multicultural/LGBT groups for Medical Students. Western University of Health Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific Northwest. January 29, 2015. Lebanon, Oregon.
2014 - Speaker – “No Country for Women: A Presentation on some aspects of violence against Women in India”. Co-presented with Dr. Mirabelle Fernandes-Paul. 34th Annual Oregon Women in Higher Education
Conference, January 24, 2014. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
4/10/16 2013 - Speaker – “No Country for Women: A Presentation on some aspects of violence against Women in India”. Co-presented with Dr. Mirabelle Fernandes-Paul. Zonta Club of Corvallis, Oregon
2013 - Panelist - Diverse stories of Feminism: Feminism and Personal Empowerment. OSU Women’s Center, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA
2011 - Speaker - International Students and Indian Culture. Presentation for a Freshman Orientation Class. Facilitated by Cultural Connections – A Division of the International Students and Scholars Office, Oklahoma State University
2011 - Seminar featuring the International Student Organization. Organized by Training Services, Human Resources Department, Oklahoma State University.
2011 - Cultural Assimilation and Diversity at OSU. Presentation at the Orientation Session for New International Students at Oklahoma State University. Facilitated by the Office of International Students and Scholars.
2010 - Indian Culture. Presentation at the Stillwater High School, 9th – 12th graders. Facilitated by Cultural Connections – A Division of the International Students and Scholars Office, Oklahoma State University
2010 - Culture and Leadership in India. Presentation at the President’s Leadership Council Session. Facilitated by Cultural Connections – A Division of the International Students and Scholars Office, Oklahoma State University.
2010 - Women’s Issues in India. Transnational Women’s Studies class in the Gender and Women’s Studies department at Oklahoma State University. Facilitated by Cultural Connections – A Division of the International Students and Scholars Office, Oklahoma State University.
2010 - Diversity at Oklahoma State University. Orientation Week for Incoming Freshman organized by Student Government Association – Multicultural Affairs Committee, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, USA
2010 - Cultural Awareness Presentation. Orientation Week for New International Students organized by the International Students and Scholars Office, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, USA
2009 - International Students and Indian Culture. Presentation for a Freshman Orientation Class. Facilitated by Cultural Connections – A Division of the International Students and Scholars Office, Oklahoma State University
2008 - Introduction to Cultural Organizations. Orientation Week for New International Students organized by the International Students and Scholars Office, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, USA
2007 - Presentation about Indian culture. Stillwater Middle School, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA
Broadly, I am interested in teaching courses in world regional geography, human/cultural geography, and urban geography with an emphasis on the Indian-Subcontinent. I have traveled extensively and I use my travel experiences and photographs in a teaching and learning capacity. I am particularly interested in the changing dialects of cities in the Indian-Subcontinent as they become increasingly globalized. I consider myself a broadly trained geographer with the ability and willingness to teach a wide variety of courses related, but 4/10/16 not limited to Indian politics, economy, demography, culture, society, and development. I am also extremely enthusiastic about giving lectures and presentations on my culture and diversity to help spread awareness about issues that are sensitive and yet pertinent in our extremely globalized world. These lectures and presentations are an additional platform for me to share my experiences with community leaders, students, staff, and faculty and provide a non-Western perspective to the developing world.
Instructor of Geography March 2012 - Present College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences Corvallis, Oregon, USA Oregon State University
Un d e r g r a d u a te L o w er D ivisio n Geo 105 - Geography of the Non-Western World (Online and On-Site) Geo 205 – Geography of Disaster Management (On-Site)
Un d e r g r a d u a te U p p er D ivisio n Geo 300 - Sustainability for the Common Good (Online and On-Site) Geo 309 - Environmental Justice (Online) Geo 327 - Geography of Asia (Online and on-site) Geo 328 - Geography of Latin America (On-site)
G r a d u a te L evel Geo 515 - History and Philosophy of Geography (Team-Taught) Geo 605 - Reading and Conference (Independent Study)
Graduate Teaching Associate (GTA)* August 2008 – Dec 2011 (*A GTA serves as the instructor of record for a course.) Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA Department of Geography, Oklahoma State University
Co ur s es T a u g h t Geog 1113 – Cultural Geography Geog 2253 - World Regional Geography Geog 3753 – Geography of Asia
Graduate Teaching Assistant (TA) August 2006 - May 2008 Department of Geography, Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA
Co ur s es Geog 1114 - Physical Geography Lab o Taught and conducted physical geography lab experiments Geog 2253 – World Regional Geography o Graded term papers for all sections of World Regional Geography
Invited Guest Lectures Or e go n St a t e U n iv e r si ty, C o r va ll is , O r eg on , U S A International Development and Globalization, Geo 330 2016 International Development and Globalization, Geo 330 2015 International Development and Globalization, Geo 330 2014 4/10/16 Okla ho ma Sta te U niv ersi ty , St i llwa te r, Okla ho ma , US A World Regional Geography 2253 – 3 lectures 2011 Cultural Geography 1113 – 1 lecture 2010 Cultural Geography 1113 - Substitute lecturer for the month of March 2010 Geography of the Middle East and SW Asia 3783 – 2 lectures 2009 Cultural Geography 1113 – 2 lectures 2009 Geography of Asia 3753 – 1 lecture 2008 Geography of Asia 3753 – 1 lecture 2008 National Collegiate Network (Tokyo), Bridge Program – 2 weeks 2008
The Univ ersi ty o f Ca lc utta , Lo reto Co ll ege , Ca lc utta , I ndia Study abroad opportunities in the United States 2014 Geography – 2 lectures 2007 Urban Geography – 1 lecture 2006
SERVICE AND LEADERSHIP AAG Enhancing Diversity Committee 2015-2018 Lead Coordinator, Geography Day 2016 Dean Search Committee, OSU, Oregon 2015-2016 Promotion and Tenure Committee, OSU, Oregon 2015-2016 Diversity Task Force, OSU, Oregon 2015-2016 Advisor, Students for a Free Tibet, OSU, Oregon 2015-2016 Advisor, Golden Z Club, Zonta Club of Corvallis, OSU, Oregon 2014-present Advisor, CRY Foundation America, OSU, Oregon 2013-present Peer-Review of Teaching Committee, OSU, Oregon 2014-2015 Evaluator, Geography Day – Graduate Research Presentations 2015 Group Lead, Geoclub Field Trip to India 2015 Lead Coordinator, One Billion Rising, Corvallis, Oregon 2015 Search Committee for GIS Instructor, CEOAS, OSU, Oregon Summer 2013 Search Committee for GIS Instructor, CEOAS, OSU, Oregon Spring 2013 College Advisory Committee, CEOAS, OSU, Oregon 2012-2013 Intercultural Effectiveness Initiative Team led by Vice-Provost, Larry Roper, OSU, Oregon 2012-2013 Past Chair and Advocate, International Students’ Organization, OSU Oklahoma 2011-2012 President, International Students’ Organization, OSU, Oklahoma 2010-2011 Vice-President’s Student Advisory Council, OSU, Oklahoma 2010-2011 Presenter, Cultural Connections, OSU, Oklahoma 2010-2011 President, Indian Student Association, OSU, Oklahoma 2007-2008 Treasurer, Gamma Theta Upsilon, OSU, Oklahoma 2007-2008 Alternate Delegate, Forum of Geography Graduate Students. OSU, Oklahoma 2007-2008 President, Indian Student Association, OSU, Oklahoma 2006-2007 Student President, Loreto College, Calcutta, India 1999-2000 AWARDS AND HONORS
Nominee, Junior First Citizen Corvallis 2015 Admission to Graduate Faculty, Oregon State University 2013 4/10/16 Award from Vice-President - Dr. Lee Bird for service to the International Community at Oklahoma 2011 State University, OSU, Oklahoma Induction into Phi Beta Delta, Epsilon Upsilon Chapter, OSU, Oklahoma 2011 Induction into Gamma Theta Upsilon, OSU, Oklahoma 2011 Geography Department Nominee, Campus-wide Teaching Assistant Award, OSU, Oklahoma 2010 Doctoral Candidate Recognition, OSU, Oklahoma 2010 Susan Shaull Medal for Excellence in Teaching Geography, OSU, Oklahoma 2009-2010 President’s Leadership Award, Best President - International Area Clubs, OSU, Oklahoma 2007 First Place, 17th Annual Research Symposium, Poster Presentation, OSU, Oklahoma 2006 Phi Kappa Phi inductee, OSU, Oklahoma 2005 Recognition – Fourth official graduate in the Environmental Hazards and Emergency Management Minor 2003 Helen C. Riso Commuting Student Association Scholarship, MU, Pennsylvania 2002 K.N. Jain Memorial Medal (Academic Excellence, Good conduct and Outstanding Contribution to College Life) 2000 Certificate of Merit for Devotion to Duty as Student President 2000 Merit for Commendable Achievement in Geography Honors 1999 Merit for Commendable Achievement in Geography Honors 1998 Certificate of Merit for Political Science 1998
American Geographical Society Association of American Geographers o Development Geography Specialty Group National Geographic Society Gamma Theta Upsilon Phi Beta Delta, Epsilon Upsilon Chapter
Ability to work in a variety of cultural settings with diverse groups of people Excellent leadership skills and teamwork capabilities Confident, hardworking, and dedicated Organized, meticulous, detail-oriented and time-conscious Excellent with computers: website design and development and office packages Knowledge of Arc View, ArcGIS, ArcMap, CorelDraw, Adobe Photoshop
Multilingual: Can read, write and speak English and Hindi, can read and speak Bengali