National Institute Of Oceanography
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NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) DONA PAULA, GOA – 403 004 Tel: 0832-2450230/289/450 Fax: 0832-2450605, 2450614, 2450602 E-mail: [email protected] Web site:
No. NIO/Kochi/Boat Hire/SS/2010 03rd February, 2010
Sealed Tenders/Quotations are invited in the prescribed format (Annexure II) from well established and reputed firms by the Director, National Institute Of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa 403 004 for hiring of Mechanized Boats and Dinghy for Regional Centre of NIO, Kochi.
Description of the work Tender Fee E.M.D (Non - Refundable) (Refundable) Mechanized Boats and Dinghy hire for Regional Centre of NIO, Kochi, for a period Rs. 300/- Rs. 5,000/- of one year.
Last date for receiving Tenders at the National Institute of Oceanography, Dona-Paula, Goa is 03/03/2010 (2.00pm)
Date of opening of bids: 03/03/2010 (3.00 pm)
Tender Document may be collected from Scientist–In–Charge, Regional Center of NIO, Kochi. Alternately, the same may be downloaded free of charge from the NIO website
Sd/- Stores & Purchase Officer NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research) DONA PAULA, GOA – 403 004.
No. NIO/Kochi/Boat Hire/SS/2010 03rd February, 2010
NIO Regional Centre, Kochi needs to hire boats and dinghies for water sampling and to keep watch for current meter mooring at Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar. We might require 4 boats of category 1 throughout the year, 1 boat of category 2 for 100 days in one year, 2 mechanized dinghies (Vallam) of category 3 for 100 days and 1 mechanized dinghy (Vallam) of category 4 for 100 days in one year. The requirement of different boats and dinghies are given below.
1) Watch Keeping Boats - This will mostly remain stationary. They will be anchored near our current meter mooring and protect it from interference by others.
2) Survey/ logistics supply boats - These boats will be moving for collecting samples and will be required for 8 hrs during daytime only. If used for more than 8 hours pro- rata charges will be paid.
3) Dinghy for watch keeping – This will mostly remain stationary. They will be anchored near our current meter mooring and protect it from interference by others.
4) Dinghy for supply/ sampling - This will be used for collecting samples and will be required for 8 hrs during daytime only. If used for more than 8 hours pro- rata charges will be paid.
Tenders are invited by the Director, National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa from reputed boat/ Dinghy owners/ organisations for hiring mechanized boats/ fishing trawlers and boats fit for travel in Sea for Watch Keeping and Sampling Work in the Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar off Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu. The envelopes with the tenders should be superscribed “TENDER NO. No. NIO/Kochi/Boat Hire/SS/2010 FOR HIRING OF BOATS AND DINGHY. DUE DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF OFFER – 03/03/2010”. Tenders complete in all respects addressed to The Director, National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa - 403 004 shall be received in the Purchase Section, NIO, Dona – Paula, Goa up to 2.00 P.M. on 03/03/2010 (Wednesday). The quotations shall be opened on the same day at 3.00 P.M. in the presence of tenderers or their authorised representatives, present, if any.
Following are terms & conditions of the tender:
1. The tenderers quoting should have valid registration and certificate for the operation of the vessels, the tenderer should have authorisation to operate off Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu.
2. Specifications of the vessels, scope and nature of work and other requirements are given in Annexure I and the quotation is to be given in the format given in Annexure II
3. The contract for different types of boats/ Dinghy may be given to different parties.
4. The rates quoted shall be per boat per day basis and shall be quoted both in figures and in words. The rates quoted should be for providing the boat all-inclusive, including Petrol, Oil and Lubes. No mobilization and demobilization charges will be paid separately.
5. Taxes/ Levies/ Duties, if any, to be paid extra should be clearly indicated. Charges not included in the tender shall not be paid.
6. The rate quoted should be valid for a period of One year from the date of awarding the work.
7. The bid should also contain the copy of the registration certificate of the boats/ dinghies.
8. The Boats/ vessels will be inspected, if felt necessary, to assess the suitability and its sea worthiness.
9. The tenders are liable to be summarily rejected, if any of our terms and conditions is not satisfactorily complied with. 10. The terms and conditions, if any, stipulated in the tender document or attached therewith shall not be binding on this Institute unless the same are expressly accepted in writing by NIO.
11. The tenderers should specifically indicate in their offers about acceptance and compliance of all the terms and conditions stipulated in this tender document in totality or otherwise.
12. The contractor may present his bills for payment in duplicate duly pre-receipted on completion of the work through the Scientist-in-charge/ Project Leader, National Institute of Oceanography, Regional Centre, Kochi – 682018 and the payment thereof shall be made by a crossed Cheque/ Demand Draft drawn on State Bank of India within a period of 15 days.
13. The tenderers should furnish specifications of all navigational and safety equipment including fire extinguishers installed on board the vessel.
14. The working schedule shall depend upon the local conditions and nature of work. The contractor therefore should be ready to make the vessel with crew available as per the schedule of work which shall be communicated well in advance.
15. The crewmembers are expected to provide all necessary help and assistance as required for the Survey operations.
16. The vessel should be in sound working condition and sea worthy and maintained properly for its satisfactory operations during the period of survey and if any failure in the Survey operation attributable to any defect of the vessel or its operational equipment for more than three (3) hours at a stretch, the proportionate rebate on the hire charges of the vessel shall be deducted from the bill amount.
17. In the event of any failure of the vessel or its operational equipment resulting in the abandonment of its operation, a suitable vessel of the same size and specifications should be provided by the contractor within a period of 4 hours failing which liquidated damages to the extent of 10% of the total value of the order, pertaining to that boat shall be recovered from the contractor till the replacement of a suitable vessel is provided.
18. The contractor shall be responsible for the safety and security of the vessel and its equipment and also of all our equipment on board the vessel as well as Watch Keeping of the equipment deployed. The watch keeping boats of Category 1 & 3 should remain stationary at each mooring location from the time of deployment till retrieval failing which an amount of Rs.5, 000/- per boat per day will be recovered from party's bill, as penalty in addition to the compensation for the lost items if any. Necessary precautions should be taken in ensuring engagement of a local Navigator, if necessary. The losses/ damages of equipment, if any, should be brought to the notice of NIO immediately. The tenderer shall be liable for the theft, loss of equipment onboard or at sea during the watch keeping period. 19. The contractor shall be responsible for obtaining port and customs clearance or any other formalities as per the rules and regulations at his cost without any liability whatsoever on the part of NIO.
20. The successful tenderer should be in a position to mobilize the vessel and manpower within a period of three days from the date of award of the work.
21. The contractor shall indemnify NIO against all costs, charges, expenses, actions, proceedings, demand and risks caused to or incurred by the contractor or its servants, agents or representatives by reason of or in connection with bonafide discharge of the functions and duties as specified in the contract.
22. The interpretation of specifications, terms and conditions or any other dispute arising out of the contract shall rest with the Director, NIO, whose decision shall be final and binding on both parties.
23. It shall not be binding on the part of Director, National Institute of Oceanography, Goa to accept the lowest tender and shall reserve his right to reject or partly accept any or all the tenders received without assigning any reason thereof. The decision of the Director, NIO, Goa regarding acceptance or rejection of the tender(s) will be final and binding on both the parties.
24. Provision of sufficient anchors should be made in view of strong currents and depths in the place of work.
25. The CSIR terms of supply as amended from time to time is applicable. The details of tender terms can be seen in our website
Sd/- Stores & Purchase Officer ANNEXURE I
Ref: No. NIO/Kochi/Boat Hire/SS/2010
Specification of boats (Category 1 and 2)
Length : about 12-14 meters
Width : about 4 meters
Draft : about 1 – 2 m.
Other facilities :Canopy for shade, sufficient deck Space (about 10 sq.m.) for instrument assembly, Life jackets, life buoys and other Safety and fire safety equipment. Minimum of three crew members in each boat and they should be above 21 years of age.
Engine capacity : more than 100 HP
Year of Built : Should be after 01.01.1995.
Specification of Mechanized Dinghy (Vallam) (Category 3 and 4)
Length : 5 meters minimum
Width : 1 - 2 meters
Draft : Less than 0.6 m.
Minimum speed/ Power : At least 10 km/hr (8 HP)
Other facilities : Canopy for shade, sufficient Space (for instrument assembly), Life jackets, life buoys and other Safety equipment. Minimum capacity for carrying eight persons.
Year of Built : Should be after 01.01.2000 ANNEXURE II
Ref: No. NIO/Kochi/Boat Hire/SS/2010
The parties are asked to quote separately for each item of boat/ dinghy as shown below. Parties are allowed to quote for one or more items.
Cate- Details Rate gory 1 Boat – Rs.______/ Day. (24 hrs) 24 hrs Stationary Rupees______per Day (Watch keeping) 2 Boat – Rs.______/ Day. (8 hrs.) 8 hrs Running Rupees______per Day
3 Dinghy – Rs.______/ Day. (24 hrs.) 24 hrs Stationary Rupees______per Day (Watch keeping) 4 Dinghy - Rs.______/ Day. (8 hrs.) 8 hrs running Rupees______per Day
(Name & Signature of the bidder with Stamp)