The Lady Chatterley S Lover Trial Papers of Michael Rubinstein
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The Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers of Michael Rubinstein
Name File name and contents K. Adamson [Headmistress, Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. North London Collegiate School Cannons, Edgware]
Henry Adler Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
Diana Albemarle Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Richard Aldington Witnesses not called at the trial – proof, correspondence.
Documents and correspondence on the conduct of the defence – transcript of Richard Aldington’s article in the Dictionary of National Biography.
Clifford Edward Allen Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Walter Ernest Allen Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Kenneth Allott Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – correspondence.
Miriam Allott Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Kingsley Amis Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Noel Gilroy Annan [Lord Proofs of witnesses. Annan] Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 1 – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Bernard Armitage Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – correspondence.
Eric Ashby Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Iris Ashley Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – letter from M. Rubinstein.
Michael Attenborough Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
George Axe Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
Freddie Ayer Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – correspondence.
Name File name and contents D. Sherwin Bailey Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Wilfried Lever Baily Encouraging and supporting letters – statement.
Ian L.S. Balfour Possibility of legal action in Scotland – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Russell Barton Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
Iris Bayley [see also Iris Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence. Murdoch] Joan Bennet Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Phyllis Bentley Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
H.S. Bergson Encouraging and supporting letters – poems and correspondence.
John Betjeman Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – correspondence.
Lord William N. Birkett Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
M.J. Bishop Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final
DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 2 answer was received – correspondence.
Kathleen Bliss Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Enid Blyton Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Violet Bonham-Carter Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Lord Robert Boothby Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
C. Maurice Bowra Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
John Braine Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – draft proof, correspondence.
Neville Braybrooke Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – letter from M. Rubinstein.
Desmond Briggs Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
John Bright-Holmes Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Vera Brittain Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – letter from M. Rubinstein.
Jacob Bronowski Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – draft proof, correspondence.
Christine Brooke-Rose Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Ivor Brown Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – statement, correspondence.
John Brown Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Daphne Browning [Daphne Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. Du Maurier] Daniel George Bunting Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Lee A. Burress Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
Name File name and contents Sir David Scott Cairns [Q.C] Counsel’s papers – further case to advise
DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 3 Arthur Calder-Marshall Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Peter Calvocoressi Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Francis Charles Albert Proofs of witnesses. Cammaerts Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Janet Carleton Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
E.F. Carpenter Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Alexander M. Carr-Saunders Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Ianthe Carswell Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Douglas Carter Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
David Carver Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
George E. Gordon Catlin Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Glen Cavaliero Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
W. Owen Chadwick Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Christopher Chancellor Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Charles Clark [Penguin Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays Books] – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Australian copyright of Lady Chatterley’s Lover – correspondence.
Kenneth Clark Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Richard John Clements Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
F.A. Cockin Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Nevill Coghill Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – correspondence.
DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 4 John Connell Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Thomas Corbishley Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Lord Cranbrook [John David Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. Gathorne-Hardy]
Joseph Crehan Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Arthur Crook Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Anne Crossley Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Geoffrey Crowther Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Myra Curtis Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Name File name and contents David Daiches Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Charles Darvey Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
Robin Darwin Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – note on his education and career, correspondence.
Richard William David Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Sydney Davies Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Cecil Day Lewis Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Vivian De Sola Pinto [see Pinto, Vivian de Sola]
Vigo Auguste Demant Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Robin Denniston Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Neil Dewar Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 5 E.J. Dingwall Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Tom Driberg Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – correspondence.
Richard Du Cann Name appears throughout the catalogue.
Daphne Du Maurier [see Daphne Browning] Lawrence Durrell Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – correspondence.
Name File name and contents Thomas Stearns Eliot [T.S. Proofs of witnesses. Eliot] Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Gershon Ellenbogen Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
Edith Evans Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Ifor Evans Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – correspondence.
George Every Witnesses doubtful – correspondence.
Name File name and contents Geoffrey Faber Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Roger Falk Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
Elizabeth Fidon Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
N. Fisher Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
J.E. Fison Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – correspondence.
Charlotte Fleming Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 6 Desmond John Newman Proofs of witnesses. Flower Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Edwin Morgan Forster [E.M. Proofs of witnesses. Forster] Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Christina Agnes Lilian Foyle Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Sir Robert Fraser Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
John Freeman Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
A.S. Frere Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Eunice Frost [Penguin Counsel’s papers – notes of a conference with Richard Du Cann. Books]
Name File name and contents Gerald Gardiner Name appears throughout the catalogue.
Helen Louise Gardner Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
John Garrett Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
John David Gathorne-Hardy [see Lord Cranbrook]
Michael Geare Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Daniel George Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – draft proof, correspondence.
Stanley Gillam Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 7 F.J. Glendenning Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Alan S.B. Glover [Penguin Counsel’s papers – correspondence. Books] Janet Glover Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Anthony Glyn Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Victor Gollancz Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – correspondence.
Robert Graves Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Graham Greene Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Edward S. Griffiths Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
St. J. B. Groser Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
M. Grüenhut Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Alec Guinness Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Name File name and contents Rose Hacker Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – draft proof, correspondence.
Peter Hall Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – correspondence.
M.H. Hamilton Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – letter from M. Rubinstein.
Happy Book Stall, Bombay Requests for copies of transcripts of the trial – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
D.W. Harding Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
G.R. Hargreaves Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
D. Harley Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – letter from M. Rubinstein.
DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 8 Roy Harrod Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Derek Hart Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – correspondence.
Rupert Hart-Davis Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
L.P. Hartley Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Richard Hauser Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
John Hayward Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – correspondence.
Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – statement, correspondence.
John C. Heenan [Archbishop Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. of Liverpool]
Reuben Heffer Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Clifford James Hemming Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Documents – synopses of contributions.
Bruce Hepburn [Penguin Possibility of legal action in Scotland – letter from M. Rubinstein. Books] Alan P. Herbert Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – correspondence.
S.D. Herington Australian copyright of Lady Chatterley’s Lover – letter to.
Hector Alastair Hetherington Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence. Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
C.R. Hewitt Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 9 Denis Hill Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
B. Hilton Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – letter from M. Rubinstein.
Hilde T. Himmelweit Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – draft proof, correspondence. [London School of Economics] H.R. Hindley [Methodist Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. minister] Beryl Hinton [YWCA] Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
John Hoare [of Hatchard’s] Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Michael Hodgins Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. [Archdeacon of Hackney]
Richard Hoggart Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Christopher Hollis Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
David Holloway Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Lord Thomas J. Horder Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – correspondence.
Rev. Alfred Stephan Proofs of witnesses. Hopkinson Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Documents – synopses of contributions.
Horn Brothers Encouraging and supporting letters – telegram of congratulations.
Reginald Horrox Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
Graham Goulder Hough Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence. DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 10 John Howard Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
Clive Howson Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
Lady Huntingdon [see Margaret Lane]
Dorothy Hussey Encouraging and supporting letters – telegram.
Luke Hussey Encouraging and supporting letters – telegram.
Jeremy Hutchinson Name appears throughout the catalogue.
Aldous Huxley Encouraging and supporting letters – statement.
Julian Huxley Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – correspondence.
H. Montgomery Hyde Reviews of The Lady Chatterley’s Lover Trial (H. Montgomery Hyde, ed.).
Name File name and contents Brian Inglis [The Spectator] Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Gerard Irvine Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – correspondence.
Name File name and contents Eric James [Lord James of Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. Rusholme, Manchester Grammar School]
Margaret Storm Jameson Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Martin William Robert Proofs of witnesses. Jarrett-Kerr Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
M.V.C. Jeffreys [University Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. of Birmingham]
DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 11 Roy Jenkins [M.P] Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
M.L. Johnston [Penguin Australian copyright of Lady Chatterley’s Lover – letter to. Books] Beryl Jones Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Penry Jones [ABC Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. Television]
Sarah Beryl Jones Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
P. Joseph [Exclusive Books, Requests for copies of transcripts of the trial – correspondence with M. Johannesburg] Rubinstein.
Alfred Jowett [Vicar of Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. Doncaster]
Name File name and contents Anne E. Keep Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
Jean Kempton Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
J.F. Kermode Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – correspondence.
Terence Kilmartin [The Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. Observer]
Mark William Kramrisch Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
Name File name and contents Jack Walter Lambert [The Proofs of witnesses. Sunday Times] Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 12 Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein. Allen Lane Williams Lane Proofs of witnesses. [Penguin Books] Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Possibility of legal action in Scotland – letter from M. Rubinstein.
Margaret Lane [Lady Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final Huntingdon] answer was received – letter from M. Rubinstein.
Marghanita Laski Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – curriculum vitae, correspondence.
John Waldemar Lawrence Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Evelyn Laye Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Austin Lee Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
R.S. Lee [Vicar of St. Mary Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. the Virgin, Oxford]
John Lehmann Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Doris Lessing Witnesses doubtful – correspondence.
Bernard Levin [The Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. Spectator]
Aubrey Lewis Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – correspondence.
E.J. Lithgow Requests for copies of transcripts of the trial – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Bishop of Llandaff [William Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. Glyn Hughes Simon]
Earl of Longford [Frank Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays Pakenham] – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Jack Longland Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Mark Longman Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 13 Robert Frith Lusty Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Name File name and contents Derek McCulloch Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Anne MacDonald Hastings Proofs of witnesses. [see also Anne Scott-James]
Compton MacKenzie Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – correspondence.
Patrick McLaughlin Witnesses doubtful – correspondence.
Lady Rosalie Mander Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Hermann Mannheim Witnesses doubtful – correspondence.
John Marsh Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Bruce Marshall Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Kingsley Martin Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – curriculum vitae, correspondence.
Doreen Maston Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
Archbishop David Mathew Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. [Vicar Apostolic of Great Britain]
Gervase Mathew Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Alan Melville Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
W. Moelwyn Merchant Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. [University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire] J.W. Michie Australian copyright of Lady Chatterley’s Lover – correspondence.
Chantal Milbourne Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Canon Theodore Richard Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence. Milford
DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 14 Dr Emanuel Miller Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Karl Miller [The Spectator] Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
William Miller Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Charles Monahan Further material for the defence – notice of further evidence.
Harry T. Moore Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – correspondence.
Sir Philip Morris [Vice- Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. Chancellor, University of Bristol]
Raymond Mortimer Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Robert Cecil Mortimer Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final [Bishop of Exeter] answer was received – correspondence.
Kenneth Muir Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Claud Mullins [magistrate] Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Iris Murdoch [see also Iris Proofs of witnesses. Bayley] Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Mary Middleton Murry Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Name File name and contents Percy Howard Newby Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – curriculum vitae, notes on Lawrence.
John M. Newton Documents and correspondence on the conduct of the defence – correspondence between J.M. Newton and M. Rubinstein with excerpts from criticisms and biographies of D.H. Lawrence. DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 15 Sir Harold Nicolson Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – notes on a meeting with Sir Harold Nicolson.
Norman Nicolson Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Dennis Eric Nineham Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Name File name and contents Peter Opie Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Name File name and contents H.F. Paroissien [Penguin Further material for the defence – correspondence. Books]
Eric Partridge Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
N.W. Passmore [Headmaster Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. of Downside School]
Canon E.H. Patey Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – correspondence.
J.D.W. Pearce Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – correspondence.
Elizabeth Pepperell Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – letter from M. Rubinstein.
Dieter Pevsner [Penguin Possibility of legal action in Scotland – letter from M. Rubinstein. Books] Requests for copies of transcripts of the trial – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Charles Pick Australian copyright of Lady Chatterley’s Lover – correspondence.
Roger Pilkington Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Vivian de Sola Pinto Proofs of witnesses.
DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 16 Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Laurence Pollinger Requests for copies of transcripts of the trial – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Australian copyright of Lady Chatterley’s Lover – correspondence.
Murray J. Pollinger Australian copyright of Lady Chatterley’s Lover – correspondence.
Margaret Evelyn Popham Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Stephen Meredith Potter Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Anthony Dymoke Powell Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Dilys Powell [Elizabeth Dilys Proofs of witnesses. Russell] Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Canon Ronald Preston [St. Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. Anslem Hall, University of Manchester]
J.B. Priestley Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
V.S. Pritchett Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Alan Pryce-Jones Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Name File name and contents Peter Quennell Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Name File name and contents DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 17 L. Radzinowicz Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Angelito Ravagli Australian copyright of Lady Chatterley’s Lover – correspondence – letter from M. Rubinstein to A. Ravagli.
Frieda Lawrence Ravagli Further materials for the defence – probate copy of the will of Frieda Lawrence Ravagali, 16 May 1960.
Australian copyright of Lady Chatterley’s Lover - documents – photocopy of probate copy of Frieda Lawrence Ravagli’s death certificate and will.
Ernest Raymond Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Sir Herbert Read Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
J.C. Read [London School of Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. Economics]
Joan Reeder Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – letter from M. Rubinstein.
John R. Rees [World Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. Federation for Mental Health]
Sir Richard Rees Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Keidrych Rhys Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – correspondence.
Maurice L. Richardson Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – draft proof, correspondence.
Lionel Charles Robbins Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
E. Arnot Robertson Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
John Arthur Thomas Proofs of witnesses. Robinson [Bishop of Woolwich] Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Flora Robson Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
C.H. Rolph [see C.R. Hewitt] DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 18 Michael Rubinstein Name appears throughout the catalogue.
Lord James of Rusholme [see Eric James]
Bertrand Russell [Earl Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. Russell]
Elizabeth Dilys Russell [see Dilys Powell]
Gilbert Russell Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Leonard Russell Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Charles Rycroft Witnesses doubtful – correspondence.
G.W. Rylands [King’s Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. College, Cambridge]
Name File name and contents Norman St. John-Stevas Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
William Sansom Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – letter from M. Rubinstein.
William Sargant Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Henry Savage Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
Hans Schmoller [Penguin Documents and correspondence on the conduct of the defence – Books] correspondence.
Counsel’s papers – correspondence.
Possibility of legal action in Scotland – letter from M. Rubinstein.
DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 19 Requests for copies of transcripts of the trial – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Anne Scott-James [see also Proofs of witnesses. Anne MacDonald Hastings] Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Milton Shulman Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – letter from M. Rubinstein.
Mrs. J. Siddall Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
William Glyn Hughes Simon [see also Bishop of Llandaff]
Paul Sinker Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – letter from Sinker’s secretary.
Janet Adam Smith [Janet Proofs of witnesses. Buchanan Roberts] Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Smithson, [?] Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
C.P. Snow Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Donald Oliver Soper Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Brian Southam Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Nancy Spain Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Mary Spears Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Stephen Spender Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
David Stafford-Clark Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Derek Stanford Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – draft proof and papers. DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 20 T. Gurney Stedman Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
Ena M. Steel [Moral Welfare Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. Council]
J.H. Stephens Australian copyright of Lady Chatterley’s Lover – correspondence.
John Innes Mackintosh Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – Steward Stewart draft proof, correspondence.
Mervyn Stockwood [Bishop Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final of Southwark] answer was received – letter from secretary.
Frank Swinnerton Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Name File name and contents Gwyn Thomas Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Alan Thompson Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Sybil Thorndyke Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Philip Toynbee Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – correspondence.
I.C.J. Treharne Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
G. Martin Turnell Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – curriculum vitae, correspondence.
Vincent Turner Witnesses doubtful – correspondence.
Donald Alexander Tytler Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Name File name and contents
DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 21 Stanley Unwin Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Name File name and contents Fr. Gerald Vann [O.P.] Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Dr Janet Vaughan Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Alec R. Vidler Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – statement.
Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Name File name and contents John Wain Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Kenneth MacFarlane Walker Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Bernard Wall Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Bernardine Anna-Livia Wall Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
F.J. Warburg Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – correspondence.
Rex Warner Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – correspondence.
Evelyn Waugh Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Leslie D. Weatherhead Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Alan B. Webster [Warden, Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. Lincoln Theological College]
Cicely Veronica Wedgwood Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 22 Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
C.M. Weekley Australian copyright of Lady Chatterley’s Lover – correspondence.
Enid Welsford Potential witnesses who were asked to give evidence, but no final answer was received – letter from M. Rubinstein.
Dame Rebecca West Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Huw Wheldon Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – curriculum vitae, correspondence.
John Alan White Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Enid Wilkie Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
Alan Wilkinson [Vicar of St. Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. Augustine’s, Kilburn]
Beryl Williams Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
Edward Francis Williams Proofs of witnesses.
Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Glanville Williams Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Raymond Williams Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
William Emrys Williams Proofs of witnesses. [Penguin Books] Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Counsel’s papers – notes of a conference with Richard Du Cann.
Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Hugh Ross Williamson Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Sir Harry Willink Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 23 Edmund Wilson Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Janet Wilson Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
Godfrey Winn Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
Sir John Wolfenden Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence.
C.M. Woodhouse Counsel’s papers – correspondence.
Leonard Sydney Woolf Witnesses not called at the trial – statement, proofs, correspondence.
Name File name and contents John A. Yates Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
Douglas Young [President, Possibility of legal action in Scotland – letter from M. Rubinstein. Scottish P.E.N.]
Francis Brett Young Potential witnesses who were considered to give evidence at the trial – correspondence.
Kenneth Charles Young Witnesses called at the trial – statements, proofs, correspondence.
Confounded Experts: Michael Rubinstein’s proposed edition of essays – correspondence with M. Rubinstein.
Documents – synopses of contributions.
Roger W. Young [George Witnesses unhelpful or rejected – correspondence. Watson’s Boys College]
Harry W. Yoxall Encouraging and supporting letters – correspondence.
DM1679 Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial papers surname index 24