EEL 3923C Electrical & Computer Engineering Design 1

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EEL 3923C Electrical & Computer Engineering Design 1

EEL 3923C Electrical & Computer Engineering Design 1

1. Catalog Description – (3 credits) Student teams design, produce and report on a hardware prototype, meeting defined specifications and using a structured design methodology. Includes project management, hardware prototyping and project reporting

2. Pre-requisites - EEE 3308C, EEL 3112 and EEL 3701C; recommended – EEL 4744C

3. Course Objectives - The student will be able to design a hardware prototype by meeting defined specifications and using a structured design methodology

4. Contribution of course to meeting the professional component (ABET only – undergraduate courses) – 3 credits Engineering Design

5. Relationship of course to program outcomes: Skills student will develop in this course (ABET only undergraduate courses) - EE2, b, c, e, f, g

6. Instructor – Keith Rambo a. Office location: 534 NEB b. Telephone: 392-4243 c. E-mail address: [email protected] d. Class Web site: (Canvas) e. Office hours: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday

7. Instructor – Mike Stapleton a. Office location: 239 NEB b. Telephone: 392-2727 c. E-mail address: [email protected] d. Office hours: TBD

8. Teaching Assistant – to be announced a. Office location: 246 NEB b. Telephone: 392-9952 c. E-mail address: d. Office hours:

9. Meeting Times and Location – 5th period, Monday, Wednesday, Friday; Lab hours: see website

10. Class/laboratory schedule - 3 class periods each week consisting of 50 minutes each and 1 laboratory period consisting of 120 minutes each

11. Material and Supply Fees - $106.59 12. Textbooks and Software Required – No Textbook a. Software: LTSPICEIV, Available for free at b. Additional Software: available in the lab

13. Recommended Reading – Electronic links will be provided as needed

14. Course Outline –

Lec W Date Day Details t k 1 1 5/11 M Syllabus, Introduction to Design, Ethics 2 5/13 W PCB Design Using the Altium Suite. 3 5/15 F PCB Design 4 2 5/18 M PCB Design 5 5/20 W PCB Design 6 5/22 F Elementary Analog Filter Design 3 5/25 M Memorial Day Holiday 7 5/27 W Analog Filter Design 8 5/29 F Analog Filter Design 9 4 6/01 M Analog Filter Design 10 6/03 W Elementary Pre-Amplifier Design 11 6/05 F Pre-Amplifier Design 12 5 6/08 M Pre-Amplifier Design 13 6/10 W Basic Micro-Controller Applications (I/O, LCD, Interface, A/D) 14 6/12 F Micro-Controller Applications 15 6 6/15 M Micro-Controller Applications 16 6/17 W Micro-Controller Applications 17 6/19 F Micro-Controller Applications 18 7 6/22 M Summer A/B Break 19 6/24 W Summer A/B Break 20 6/26 F Summer A/B Break 21 8 6/29 M Interfacing a Serial D/A to a Micro-controller 22 7/01 W Micro-controller Serial D/A 23 7/03 F Independence Day 9 7/06 M Micro-controller Serial D/A 7/08 W Micro-controller Serial D/A 7/10 F Micro-controller Serial D/A 24 10 7/13 M Power Supply Design & Construction 25 7/15 W Power Supply Design 26 7/17 F Power Supply Design 27 11 7/20 M Final Project Day 1 28 7/22 W Final Project Day 2 29 7/24 F Final Project Day 3 30 12 7/27 M Final Project Day 4 31 7/29 W Final Project Day 5 32 7/31 F Final Project Day 6 33 13 8/3 M Final Project 34 8/5 W 35 8/7 F Last Day of Summer C

Module 1: PCB Design Using the Altium Suite Day 1-Introduction to Altium software and PCB design. Tutorials will be posted online and the assignment will be to hand route a simple circuit as well as create the required gerber files and go through the submission process for our in lab milling PCB. Day 2-Continue the Altium PCB design lecture as was done in the past. Day 3-Lab milling machine submission & checking (TAs). Day 4-PCB check-off process.

Module 2: Elementary Analog Filter Design Day 1-Basic Audio Analog Filter design. Design, build test and demonstrate an active bandpass filter with specific performance criteria. Day 2-In lab/class experimentation. Day 3-In Lab/class experimentation. Day 3-Begin assignment check-off process. Day 4-End assignment check-off.

Module 3: Elementary Pre-Amplifier Design Day 1- Elementary Split & Single supply OpAmp design for low gain audio bandwidth applications. Design, build, test and demonstrate an amplifier with specific performance criteria. Day 2-In lab/class experimentation. Continue LT Spice tutorial and review breadboards, power supplies, components, signal generators, and digital scopes Day 2-Begin assignment check-off process. Day 3-End assignment check-off

Module 4: Basic Micro-Controller Applications (I/O, LCD, Interface, A/D) Day 1-Basic Micro-Controller applications assignment part 1 which consists of blinking an LED with an I/O port pin. Day 2-Basic Micro-Controller applications assignment part 2. Design and build an Ohm meter utilizing a micro-controller based A/D converter to measure resistance and display the results on an LCD. ‘C’ functions for the LCD interface will be available for each Micro- controller type. Introduction to A/D converters and ‘C’ code to use these onboard devices will be available for each micro-controller. Day 3-Blink LED assignment check-off process. Day 4-In lab experimentation Day 4-Begin LCD & A/D assignment check-off process. Day 5-End LCD & A/D assignment check-off process.

Module 5: Interfacing a Serial D/A to a Micro-controller Day 1-Provide the assignment which consists of connecting a serial D/A to a micro- controller handed out earlier and generating sine, square, triangle and sawtooth waveforms with variable frequency and amplitude. Day 2-In lab experimentation Day 3-In lab experimentation Day 4-In lab experimentation Day 4-Begin D/A assignment check-off process. Day 5-End D/A assignment check-off process.

Module 6: Power Supply Design & Construction Day 1-Rectifying AC Power, voltage regulation, diode/capacitor/regulator functionality. Design, build, test and demonstrate a power supply with specific performance criteria. Day 2-In Lab/class experimentation. Day 2-Begin assignment check-off process. Day 3-End assignment check-off.

Final Project Day 1 -Final project design, build and testing. The final project will include required design elements for the given product specification. The design (circuit) should be created using the Altium software and the auto-router may be employed to generate the PCB. The PCB should then be realized via our milling equipment or some external professional PCB manufacturer. i.e. Advanced Circuits, Inc. Day 2-In lab experimentation. Day 3-In lab experimentation Day 4-In lab experimentation. Day 5-In lab experimentation Day 6-In lab experimentation Final project evaluation

15. Attendance and Expectations - Format: The course is comprised of six modules and a final project. Over the course of the term you will be required to complete the modules according to the schedule as shown in item 14 above. All module presentations are due at 5PM on the last day listed for that module. Module write-ups are due at 5PM on the next class day after the presentation deadline for that module. The assignments and supporting material will be available on CANVAS under the ‘Files’ tab.

Students must submit individual work individually on each module/final project. You are encouraged to work together on homework assignments and share ideas on lab assignments. However you are not allowed to copy or duplicate any lab material (code, drawings, etc.) from another student. This work will be considered cheating and will be dealt with following University policy. See Section 19 on Honesty Policy.

Class and Laboratory etiquettes: It is understood that attendees at lectures and labs will be focused on the particular lecture or lab and will take every possible measure to minimize distractions for everyone (i.e. no newspapers, no cell phones, no PDAs, no iPODS, no laptops, etc. unless instructed to use them for class, no newspapers, on-time attendance, and no early departures (unless noted and approved in advance)).

It is the student’s responsibility to return all equipment and clean her/his work area before leaving the Lab unless the equipment is specifically checked out. In the latter case the equipment must be checked in before the end of the semester.

Cell phones and other electronic devices are to be silenced. No text messaging during class or exams.

Requirements for class attendance and make-up exams, assignments, and other work in this course are consistent with university policies that can be found in the online catalog at:

16. Grading – The overall score for the course will be based on scores for Six Modules and a Final Project. a. Six Modules 1. The modules are pass/fail. 2. Students are allowed two tardy passes where a tardy is any module and/or the module write-up that is checked-off late. The tardy extension can be up to one week, beyond that time the module will be graded as a fail and count as a zero when calculating grades. 3. Students are encouraged to NOT USE THE TARDY PASSES so that they will be available if they need them later. 4. An overall score, M, between 0 and 100 will be calculated for the 6 modules weighting each of the modules equally. b. Final project The final project will be graded on a 100 scale. c. The overall course score, S, will be calculated as follows where M is the Module Score and P is the Final Project Score

17. Grading Scale –

A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- E 92-100 90-91 87-89 82-86 80-81 77-79 72-76 70-71 67-69 62-66 60-61 0-59

“A C- will not be a qualifying grade for critical tracking courses. In order to graduate, students must have an overall GPA and an upper-division GPA of 2.0 or better (C or better).” Note: a C- average is equivalent to a GPA of 1.67, and therefore, it does not satisfy this graduation requirement. For more information on grades and grading policies, please visit:

18. Make-Up Exam Policy – For the pass/fail evaluation of each module, students are allowed two tardy passes where a tardy is any module checked-off after the initial scheduled time. The tardy extension can be up to one week only and if a student falls too far behind they will be strongly encouraged to drop the class. After the first two free tardy extensions are used, additional tardy extensions result in a partial grade penalty, i.e. A=>A-…C-=>D+, one grade lower automatically per unsanctioned tardy.

If you have a University-approved excuse and arrange for it in advance, or in case of documented emergency, a make-up exam will be allowed and arrangements can be made for making up missed work. University attendance policies can be found at:

Otherwise, make-up exams will be considered only in extraordinary cases, and must be taken before the scheduled exam. The student must submit a written petition to the instructor two weeks prior to the scheduled exam and the instructor must approve the petition.

19. Honesty Policy – UF students are bound by The Honor Pledge which states, “We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honor and integrity by abiding by the Honor Code. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.” The Honor Code ( specifies a number of behaviors that are in violation of this code and the possible sanctions. Furthermore, you are obligated to report any condition that facilitates academic misconduct to appropriate personnel. If you have any questions or concerns, please consult with the instructor or TAs in this class.

20. Accommodation for Students with Disabilities – Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. That office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the course instructor when requesting accommodation.

21. UF Counseling Services – Resources are available on-campus for students having personal problems or lacking clear career and academic goals. The resources include: · UF Counseling & Wellness Center, psychological and psychiatric services, 3190 Radio Rd, 392-1575, online:, · Career Resource Center, Reitz Union, career and job search services, 392-1601. · University Police Department, 392-1111 or 911 for emergencies

22. Software Use – All faculty, staff and student of the University are required and expected to obey the laws and legal agreements governing software use. Failure to do so can lead to monetary damages and/or criminal penalties for the individual violator. Because such violations are also against University policies and rules, disciplinary action will be taken as appropriate. We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to uphold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity.

23. Course Evaluation – Students are expected to provide feedback on the quality of instruction in this course based on 10 criteria. These evaluations are conducted online at: Evaluations are typically open during the last two or three weeks of the semester, but students will be given specific times when they are open. Summary results of these assessments are available to students at:

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