PDRP Committee Meeting Minutes

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PDRP Committee Meeting Minutes

PDRP Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: Tuesday 5 March 2013 Meeting Location: Rakaia-Hakatere Room, Level 3, TPMH

Present: Mary Gordon, Suzanne Johnson, Karen Betony, Jackie Nepia, Ilene Quigley, Yvonne Flitcroft, Phil Patira, Janette Dallas, Becky Hickmott, Maree Steel, Andrea Mears, Lusia Lolotai, Debbie O’Donoghue, Lynne Johnson, Lorraine Ritchie, Christine Andrews, Kelly Robertson, Glynis Cumming

Apologies: Karyn Kelly, Margaret McDowall, Julia Anderson, Diana Gunn, Vicki McGhie, Heather Gray

Absent: Karen Stenhouse, Linda Lentjes

Item # Progress to date Action required Person responsible & date Last Minutes Mary Gordon (MG) welcomed everyone. Previous minutes were accepted as true and correct. No other issues were raised with previous minutes.

MG advised that Heather Gray did take the issue of Performance Appraisals to the Add item to next Jackie Nepia DON meeting. agenda

MG advised there are two issues which need to be discussed, firstly “do our senior Small working Becky Hickmott & nurses understand the difference” and second, “how do we manage the performance group to be set Suzanne Johnson appraisal document as it is a registration authority requirement”. MG advised that a up small working group be set up by Becky Hickmott and Suzanne Johnson. MG advised she would like to see CNM’s as well as people who have a good understanding of PDRP, to discuss these issues around streamlining the documentation. Lynne Johnson, Karen Betony and Kelly Robertson all advised they would be keen to be on the working group.

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MG advised this will be an ongoing agenda item.

1. Update from Becky Hickmott (BH) read Vicki McGhie’s update on her behalf. WCDHB BH advised that the three new assessors on the coast are doing well and there is also some interest from past assessors who are keen to update and come back on board to PDRP. BH advised, most of the coast assessors are keen to do the October update and if the training could be delivered on the coast? BH advised that Vicki thanked all the PDRP team for their continued support.

MG advised that if all PDRP Assessors could attend the training session, she would be happy for the training to be delivered on the West Coast.

2. Update from Karen Betony (KB) advised that Nurse Maude is going well and that 15% of their staff Nurse Maude have obtained PDRP, of which 2/3’s of these are Enrolled Nurses (EN). KB advised that many EN carried on to do PDRP after completing their EN Transition. KB advised that interest in PDRP is high.

3. Update from Maree Steel (MS) advised South Canterbury are currently sitting at 20% uptake. MS South advised that for their February intake they had 14 submissions which is a record. MS Canterbury said they are continuing with their PDRP drop in sessions and regular Resource Staff meetings and Assessor meetings. Maree introduced Angela Bakker who is the NZNO PDRP representative for South Canterbury. MS mentioned that she has held a staff education sessions with their Clinical Nurse Specialist group. MS thanked BH for getting the ball rolling with the MOUs for Bigwell Trust Hospital and Strengthening Families Aoraki. MS mentioned she has had another enquiry this morning from our Maori Health Provider, NGO Arawheniwa Health Services, so will be in touch regarding this one.

D:\Docs\2018-04-04\028f8a6968d29edc48d9f6aaba9eab8b.doc Item # Progress to date Action required Person responsible & date 4. Update from Yvonne Flitcroft (YF) advised St Georges currently have 14% of their staff on PDRP St George’s with three more submissions awaiting results. YF said they are currently having a Hospital recruitment drive for Resource People and New Assessors. YF said they have booked on five resource people and one new assessor booked. YF said they have three EN’s working on their PDRP. 5. Update from Kelly Robertson (KR) advised that Pegasus now have six assessors on board and Pegasus have booked another three in for the new assessor training in April. KR thanked the team for their ongoing support and encouragement. KR mentioned that in the interim, their assessors are also Resource people. KR thanked Suzanne Johnson (SJ) for facilitating another PDRP Workshop for Pegasus where we have had 68 nurses attend. KR mentioned the challenge for them in general practice is having the peer review. KR advised that along with SJ they will hold another pilot study day and ask their nurses to bring a peer along with them and do some work with them. KR advised she is working with a couple of nurses at present and is keen to transfer onto the Regional PDRP.

KR advised that to date they have had no submissions for PDRP, but she said the nurses who are on the pathway are more confident as to what level they will apply for, and we have a number of nurses coming in at Expert level.

6. Update from Christine Andrews (CA) advised that the cross over to the Regional PDRP has Nelson finished in December. CA advised that the Regional programme is coming along Marlborough nicely although one challenge is to get the nurses to read the Regional PDRP website District Health and to engage with the new documentation and take note of the changes between Board the old and the new. CA advised they have 35 assessors on board and reasonable experienced. CA thanked BH & SJ for their visit to Nelson Marlborough, which was invaluable especially for the Charge Nurses as we have adopted the CDHB appraisal form. CA mentioned that they have now dropped the peer reviews and are celebrating and are now getting some stunning appraisals from charge nurses.

D:\Docs\2018-04-04\028f8a6968d29edc48d9f6aaba9eab8b.doc Item # Progress to date Action required Person responsible & date CA advised they currently have 351 on PDRP from a staff of 750 (45%). CA advised they have had no appeals to the process in the last eighteen months. CA advised they are waiting on a date from Council who are wanting to do a site visit sometime in April/May and they have an advisory group meeting coming up with NZNO. 7. Coordinators Report nurse coordinator As per attached report. report March 2013.doc

New Business SJ advised that the PDRP policy was reviewed prior to audit but there was a couple Update Policy Suzanne Johnson 1. Policy – of issues not addressed. These were how long extra evidence should take to come re: back to the PDRP office and the length of time a portfolio should be assessed in. timeframe BH highlighted the two changes: for extra  Currently a nurse is allowed 8 weeks from the date of being contacted to evidence supply extra evidence, we would like to change this to 6 weeks. supplied  Currently our assessing timeframe is 8 weeks for a portfolio, we would like to change this to 10 weeks. KB advised Nurse Maude timeframe is currently at 6 weeks to supply extra evidence. MG advised that if the extra evidence was outside the control of the applicant, i.e. Charge Nurse Manager evidence, then this would be discretionary. CA advised she would like to keep to the 8 week timeframe as it keeps a good turn around for portfolios. Debbie O’Donoghue said it is all in the wording in which you could use the term, “up to 10 weeks”. All agreed with this change of wording.

D:\Docs\2018-04-04\028f8a6968d29edc48d9f6aaba9eab8b.doc Item # Progress to date Action required Person responsible & date 2. Education BH advised that prior to the last advisory meeting all the partnering organisations and plan to address Phil Patira (PP) met to discuss what process they would use to provide feedback to confusion on Council as well as partnering organisations to address concerns. BH referred to Competencies Competency 1.3: Council gave us feedback that some assessments gave 1.2 & 1.5 comprehensive actions or examples of how the nurse met the competency but others gave generic statements or gave examples that do not meet the scope of practice. BH advised that we all agreed that each organisation would take further training to all staff contributing to the portfolio evidence on how to provide relevant examples of practice for each competency. BH advised that Council stated that there was inconsistency in the quality of assessments and variation across all sites. BH advised that all partnering organisations have agreed that we will introduce another layer of moderations specifically to provide feedback on the following. BH said what we are hoping to do is ensure both through education and moderation that we will improve the outcome of the assessment evidence. BH referred to Standard 1.4 and that Council said they observed confusion of this competency without a cultural safety giving generic examples non specific to Maori and do not demonstrate understanding set out in the Council guidelines.

PP said the review of the quality plan summaries quite neatly the work they have been doing in terms of addressing Council concerns and meeting with the key providers to work out some kind of point where we can start looking at cultural education within the CDHB. PP said the importance of consistency, the importance that the information has to be assessable to the people that need to use it and also the fact that it needs to be contextualised so that nurses on the ground floor have an understanding of where cultural sits in relation to their specific area of practice. PP said we then need to look at the key forums and identify these and how we are going to get the message across. PP advised we have done some work towards this looking at assessors and resource people. PP said what SJ and I are still working on the development of an information package to present. PP said the moderation process also has to be considered.

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BH advised that this also ties in with the confusion between cultural safety and that of Treaty of Waitangi. BH said Council would like us to concentrate the education session so as to establish the key differences between the two competencies. BH advised under Competency 1.6, there is recent improvements and record keeping of other sites that need to be maintained so that the paper and online systems need to address this. BH advised that both South Canterbury and Westcoast DHBs have put in place a very thorough spreadsheet database that includes timeframes and record keeping information must be included in the mid term report for Council. BH advised under Standard 2, Council identified variation in the quality of the assessments and in some case in some self assessments gave no examples, so we referred back to 1.3 and would address this with ongoing moderation and feedback. BH said 3.9, Quality assessment and timeframes since 2010 require attention and we have addressed this by training more assessors, streamlining some of our own office processes and have assessors freed up more. BH said under Standard 5, Council commented on the quality of competency assessments record keeping and assessment timeframes which varied across all sites and again ongoing moderation and evaluation will occur. BH referred to the action plan and timeframes and are hoping to begin to initiate this and implement. BH advised the expanded practice competencies have not yet been integrated into the guidelines.

No issues were raised, all were in agreeance.

KR advised that Ramai Lord who is their project manager for Pegasus Health is very keen to work with Phil Patira on what education we can provide for practice nurses and nurses within their organisation around the Treaty of Waitangi and competency workshops.

D:\Docs\2018-04-04\028f8a6968d29edc48d9f6aaba9eab8b.doc Item # Progress to date Action required Person responsible & date 3. Quality MS on behalf of BH advised that there was a broad statement that there are varying Moderation assurance plan standards across the partnering organisations and Council require a quality Meeting booked to address assurance plan around this. MS advised that the partnering organisations would varying come up with an over arching quality plan that has some key themes to it so we can standards all work towards one common goal. This will then be written down and we can all between work towards this framework, i.e. moderation, assessment timeframes, education and different MOU moderating at the regional level. partners 4. MOU’s BH advised that we had a meeting with Department of Corrections looking at the requirement of the programme and we are now awaiting sign up from the. BH advised the other MOUs Nelson Bays Primary Health, Wakefield Rest Home, Bidwill Trust Hospital, Strengthening Families Aoraki are all in the process. BH advised that most of the MOUs will be working alongside their DHB. BH advised that she was approached by another PHO group, so will forward the Becky Hickmott Forward details to information on CA. Christine Andrews Next meeting is 14 May, 2013. The meeting closed at 1415hrs.

Future Meetings Date Venue Time 14 May, 2013 Hakatere/Rakaia Room, 3rd floor, TPMH 1300-1430 13 August, 2013 Hakatere/Rakaia Room, 3rd floor, TPMH 1300-1430 12 November, 2013 Hakatere/Rakaia Room, 3rd floor, TPMH 1300-1430


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